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PE4 Print
Guiding Questions:
1. What wildlife species and ecosystems were showcased in the documentary?
a) Wildlife Species
1. Boobies
2. Cormorants
3. Anchovies
4. Dolphins
5. Mackerel
6. Shearwater
7. Zebra
8. Flamingos
9. Wildebeest
10. African Hunting Dog
11. Flowers shaped like buckets, produced by an orchid.
12. Orchid bees
13. Golden-Collared Manakin
14. The red-capped manakin
15. Blue manakin
16. Caribou
17. Wolves
18. Polar bear
b) Natures
1. Peruvian coast of South America
2. Antarctica and the Arctic
3. Ancient Lake in Africa
4. Serengeti plains in East Africa
5. North America and Eurasia.
6. Greenland
4. How did the documentary inspire or impact your perception of nature and
wildlife conservation?
Individual Analysis or Reaction paper:
1. Your favorite wildlife moments or scenes from the documentary.
The scene of the flamingos was in a place together and they were having eggs and
they hatched but when their habitat dried up they traveled to find water and they were
guiding their children but there was one chick that was separated from them. But the
other chicks that were not separated found fresh water.
Prepared by:
Jenny Mary Joy Librinca
PE 4
Group #4 “OWN PLANET”
Guiding Questions:
1. What wildlife species and ecosystems were showcased in the documentary?
a) Wildlife Species
19. Boobies
20. Cormorants
21. Anchovies
22. Dolphins
23. Mackerel
24. Shearwater
25. Zebra
26. Flamingos
27. Wildebeest
28. African Hunting Dog
29. Flowers shaped like buckets, produced by an orchid.
30. Orchid bees
31. Golden-Collared Manakin
32. The red-capped manakin
33. Blue manakin
34. Caribou
35. Wolves
36. Polar bear
c) Natures
7. Peruvian coast of South America
8. Antarctica and the Arctic
9. Ancient Lake in Africa
10. Serengeti plains in East Africa
11. North America and Eurasia.
12. Greenland
3. Did the documentary highlight any conservation issues or threats to wildlife and
their habitats?
David Attenborough highlighted the issues about the loss of habitats for some
species especially the Arctic and Antarctica. Where the ice lands melt faster than two
decades ago. This is because of global warming. Polar bear's survival rates decreases
every year because their hunting and breeding seasons are limited.
4. How did the documentary inspire or impact your perception of nature and
wildlife conservation?
The documentary inspire and cause impact on my perception of nature and wildlife
conservation. It inspires me to conserve and preserve mother nature. My insights about
wildlife conservation, is the resources given by the nature are gradually decreasing. It is
limited and not enough for all of us now that we are in the fast moving world. I am
worried about the future generation’s life. We always says that we should start to
preserve and conserve our resources. However, we don't exactly do as we say. And
because of our decision, we are now struggling to survive in this planet.
Prepared by:
Heart C. Papango
PE 4
Group #4 “OWN PLANET”
Guiding Questions:
1. What wildlife species and ecosystems were showcased in the documentary?
b) Wildlife Species
37. Boobies
38. Cormorants
39. Anchovies
40. Dolphins
41. Mackerel
42. Shearwater
43. Zebra
44. Flamingos
45. Wildebeest
46. African Hunting Dog
47. Flowers shaped like buckets, produced by an orchid.
48. Orchid bees
49. Golden-Collared Manakin
50. The red-capped manakin
51. Blue manakin
52. Caribou
53. Wolves
54. Polar bear
d) Natures
13. Peruvian coast of South America
14. Antarctica and the Arctic
15. Ancient Lake in Africa
16. Serengeti plains in East Africa
17. North America and Eurasia.
18. Greenland
3. Did the documentary highlight any conservation issues or threats to wildlife and
their habitats?
Yes, "Our Planet" does highlight various conservation issues and threats to wildlife
and their habitats. Throughout the series, there are segments that address environmental
challenges such as habitat loss, climate change, pollution, overfishing, and the illegal
wildlife trade. These issues are presented in a way that educates viewers about the
impacts of human activities on the natural world and the urgent need for conservation
4. How did the documentary inspire or impact your perception of nature and
wildlife conservation?
The documentaries often highlight conservation issues facing our planet, such as
habitat loss, climate change, pollution, and poaching. By raising awareness about these
challenges and their effects on wildlife and ecosystems, documentaries can motivate
viewers to take action to protect and preserve the environment.
Ultimately, documentaries like "Our Planet" play an important role in educating and
inspiring people to become advocates for the preservation of nature and wildlife,
promoting greater responsibility towards the planet and the residents here.
Prepared by:
John Dominic Lubaton