Asmau Umar Farooq Project New

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The Study area falls within the Nigerian Basement Complex and also gives a picture of an

extension of the pan African organic cycle of deformation. The area occupies part of Sheet

149 Bauchi NE within latitudes N.10°17’40” to 10°18’20” and longitudes E.09°45 '00” to

E.09°47 '00". The area comprises of Bauchite, Granite and Migmatites as the major rock type

with lots of interesting structures, the migmatization has been dated at 580±100ma (Ferre

C.E, 2006). At the end of this study more advances and conclusions as to their occurrences,

field relations, structural interpretations as well as Petrographical information of the various

Rocks encountered will be provided. This study focuses on mapping, structural analysis and

petrographic studies of the rocks in the study area (Wuntin Dada Sabon Kaura) and also

focuses on adding to what is obtainable in the present Geology of Nigeria as regards to the

Geology of Bauchi State and the North-Eastern Basement at Large.

1.1 Aims

1. To produce the geologic map of the area. This comprise of the major rock type, structural

geology and topography cross section following evidence from petrography, field relation and

mode of occurance, colour and observable mineralogy of the rock sample.

1.2 Objectives

1. By desk studies to enable us understand geology of the area

2. By field mapping to enable us delineate [demacate] the rock unit

3. By structural analysis to enable us understand the structures and deformational histories

using a rust

4. By petrographic analysis to understand the mineral composition of the rock unit.

5. By QAP plot to understand the precise rock type.

1.3 Justification for the Study

Haven known that the study area (Miri) is one of the least investigated of the North-Eastern

Basement Complex, it gave a need for the area to be investigated so as to know more about

the rocks in the study area in terms of structures, minerals present and also know the level of

deformation as to add to existing information on the North-Eastern Basement.

1.4 Statement of the Problem

Literature reveals that most parts of the study area had been mapped on a regional scale and

said to be underlain by Bauchite, Granite and Migmatitic rocks. Hence, given the scale

1:25,000, this study intends to carry out a more detailed work, so as to come up with an

updated geological map of the area.

1.5 Location and Accessibility

The Study area is located within Bauchi Local Government Area of Bauchi State, it is

characterized by an undulating topography with hills and valleys. The area is accessible

through through the Sabon Kaura link road off Bauchi-Jos Road, it also has untarred roads

and minor foot paths connecting farmlands and other settlements within the area.

Fig 1. Topographic Map of the Study Area (Adopted from the Office of the Surveyor General

of the Federation).

1.6 Relief and Drainage

The area has appreciable relief, as the outcrop’s where not uniformly shaped ranges are;

618m, 620m, 623m and 629 meters above sea level. The inselberg may rich up to 900m,

based on deduction from topographic map.

The drainage pattern was therefore, dendritic type of stream which form branches (tree like)

and directed by the ridges of the outcrops.

1.7 Geology of Bauchi

The area studied lies around Bauchi (Fig 2.) in the northeast of Nigeria and within the

basement complex of Nigeria. The rocks here consist of metasedimentary rocks, migmatites,

granites, quartz monzonite, and diorite (Fig3). These are disposed in an aureole with the

diorite and monzonite forming a core which is surrounded successively by zones of a biotite-

hornblende granite, a finer grained biotite granite, and migmatites.

Fig. 3: Geological Map of Bauchi state (modified from Geological Survey of Nigeria 2006).

1.8 Climate and Vegetation

The climates of the area consist of a rainy season (extending from May/June to

October/November) and a dry season which was characterized by the Harmattan from

November/December to April/May. The vegetation type is Savannah composed of scattered

trees, Shrubs and mainly flat lying grasses.

1.9 Settlement and Land Use

The major land use in the area is farming and cattle rearing (Grazing) in some place not used

for farming activities. The product of rock weathering in the area provided fertile soil and the

drainage systems provided soil moisture. These two factors made the area agriculturally

lively and very viable. Along the river bands, Fadama farming like tomatoes were planted and

rice while in other places cereals are planted which are mostly maize and guinea-corn.

1.10 Scope of the Study

The study area (Wuntin Dada Sabon Kaura Bauchi LGA) is located in NE of Bauchi, which

lies between longitude N 10°17'50.7" latitude E 9°45'15.9". The elevation of the of the area is

676metres above sea level. work start with field work exercises which involved

reconnaissance survey, collection of samples, recording co-ordinate, laboratory analysis and

petrographic analysis which are to be carried out on samples within the study area.

1.11 Definition of terms

1. Petrography: is a branch of petrology that focuses on detailed description of rocks. Or

petrography is the description and systematic classification of rocks, mainly by the

microscopic examination of thin sections.

2. Myrmekite: is a vermicular, or wormy, intergrowth of quartz in plagioclase. The

intergrowths are microscopic in scale, typically with maximum dimensions less than 1


3. Charnockites: a light coloured, medium to coarse-grained igneous rock containing quartz

and microcline felspar (see Alkaline felspar) as major components with, in order of

decreasing abundance, oligoclase felspar.

4. Crystalloblastic: a metamorphic texture characterized by the mutual interference of

polygonal grains which meet at approximately 120°triple junctions. The texture is produced

during solid-state crystal growth as a result of increasing the pressure on or temperature in the

rock system.

5. Diorite: is found in mountain-building belts (orogens)on the margins of has

the same composition as the fine-grained volcanic rock, andesite, which is also common in


6. Migmatite or "mixed rock" in Greek, is a banded, heterogeneous rock composed of

intermingled metermorphic and igneous components. veins, contorted layers and irrigular

pods of silica-rich granite occur within the structure of foliated iron.

7. QAP Diagram: is a double quasi-ternary diagram which is used to classify igneous rocks

based on mineralogic composition. The acronym QAPF stands for "Quartz, Alkaline felspar,

plagioclase, feldspathoid (Food")These are mineral groups used for classification in QAPF

diagram. Q,A,P and F percentages are normalized (recalculate so that their sum is 100%).



2.1 Geology of Nigeria

The basement complex is one of the three major litho-petrological components that make up

the geology of Nigeria (figure 1). The Nigerian basement complex forms a part of the Pan-

African mobile belt and lies between the West African and Congo cratons and south of the

Tuareg Shield (Black, 1980). It is intruded by the Mesozoic calc-alkaline ring complexes

(Younger Granites) of the jos plateau and is unconformably overlain by Cretaceous and

younger sediments. The Nigerian basement was affected by the 600 Ma Pan-African orogeny

and it occupies the reactivated region which resulted from plate collision between the passive

continental margin of the West African craton and the active pharusian continental margin

(Burke and Dewey, 1972; Dada, 2006). The basement rocks are believed to be the results of

at least four major orogenic cycles of deformation, metamorphism and remobilization

corresponding to the Liberian (2,700 Ma), the Eburnean (2,000 Ma), the Kibaran (1,100 Ma),

and the pan-african cycles (600 Ma). The first three cycles were characterized by intense

deformation and isoclinal folding accompanied by regional metamorphism, which was

further followed by extensive migmatization. The Pan-African deformation was accompanied

by a regional metamorphism, migmatization and extensive granitization and gneissification

which produced syntectonic granites and homogeneous gneisses (Abaa, 1983). Late tectonic

emplacement of granites and granodiorites and associated contact metamorphism

accompanied the end stages of this last deformation. The end of the orogeny was marked by

faulting and fracturing (Gandu et al., 1986; Olayinka, 1992) within the basement complex of

nigeria four major petro-lithological units are:

1. The Migmatite – Gneiss Complex (MGC)

2. The Schist Belt (Metasedimentary and Metavolcanic rocks)

3. The Older Granites (Pan African granitoids)

4. Undeformed Acid and Basic Dykes

Fig 3:Geological sketch map pf Nigeria showing the major geological components;

Basement, Younger granites, and Sedimentary Basis (Adopted after Obaje 2009
Fig 4: Map showing the Basement Geology of Nigeria (Adopted after Obaje 2009

Fig 5: Map of Nigeria showing the location of Rocks

5.1 Review of Recent Works of the Study Area

The Bauchi area is underlain by migmatite-gneiss which is the oldest rock in the Nigerian

basement complex (Rahaman, 1988). The relationship of the present rocks can be defined in

that the effect of metamorphism of the gneiss that resulted into schist and was later intruded

by older granites (Bauchite). The heat from this intrusion led to a metamorphism that formed

the later gneiss showing a polycyclic cycle of metamorphism (Bruguier et al., 1994).

However according to Oyawoye (1965) who said much work has not been done in the area as

quoted “I share the reluctance of modern petrologists to propose new variety names for

rocks”. The result of works on the migmatite gneiss in the Bauchi area shows their nature to

be that of Agmatite (Mehnert, 1968).

Agmatites are of sporadic and rather limited occurrence and the isotope count in them shows

618Ma (Dada et al., 1993). The early gneiss and other ultramafic rock are cut into irregular

blocks by the granitic component. In areas

around Bauchi where they are well developed, they show dikyonitic structure (Oyawoye,

1964 and Mehnert, 1968).

In a discussion on the Bauchite-Biotite hornblende granite transition by Oyawoye (1961) he

suggested that the charnockitic rocks (Bauchite) are formed under local pyroxene-hornfels

facies conditions in regions of amphibolites facies metamorphism (Oyawoye, 1965). These

conditions may be induced either by a reduction in pressure with the concomitant rise in

temperature and/or by the introduction of hydrothermal fluids. It is also conceivable as

suggested by some field evidence that such areas represent minor intrusions of rocks of

charnockitic affinity which because of low PH20 have managed to retain their

premetamorphic high temperature low PH20 (Winkler, 1967) mineral assemblages.

Bowden (1969) suggested that Bauchite was melted by a linear zone of high heat flow from

the mantle during the disruption of Gondwanaland. Bauchite happens to be part of the

Eastern Nigeria’s terrane which according to Ferre et al, 1993, has U and W (isotopes)

deposits (Woakes et al., 1987). It is emplaced in metamorphic rocks which are a part of those

in Northern Nigeria which consist mainly of granite-high-grade gneisses and migmatites

which are cut by large Pan-African monzogranite plutons (Djouadi et al., 1997).

This eastern domain stretches from the Cameroon line to the area between Kaduna and Jos

(Ferre and Caby, 2006). This Jos-Bauchi transect situated to the east of the main terrane

boundary includes mostly gneisses and anatexites of metasedimentary origin (Ferre et al.,

1998, 2002). The depositional age of the sediments is poorly constrained and no basement-

cover relationships have been identified. The use of U-Pb Zircon isotopes to determine the

ages of the syn-kinematic and late kinematic plutons suggests that most of the outcrop found

in the study area irrespective of the composition are 638 + 3ma and 585 + 7 Ma (Dada and

Rerpant, 1989; Dada et al., 1989; Ferre et al., 1993). The close relationships between the

regional anatexis and emplacement of syn-kinematic plutons from the monzodiorite-

charnockite association strongly suggest that this area underwent a monocyclic metamorphic

history (Ferre et al., 1989). This is in agreement with model ages of 1.8Ga obtained on Tilde

Fulani migmatitic metasedimentary rocks by Dada (1998). It further establishes that the

source of the sedimentary rocks is younger than Late Palaeoproterozoic, and strengthens the

case for a single monocyclic Pan-African evolution.

Bauchite is a part of the Neoproterozoic belt (Pan African) of Northern Nigeria where there is

a distribution of metamorphic facies (Mac-Leod et al., 1971; Deleris et al., 1996). High grade

metasedimentary rocks reached granulite facies condition and survived as large lenses and

pendants interlayered within anatexites and migmatitic granites as seen in the Toro area of

Northern Nigeria. Mineral assemblages in both rock types could be used to determine

magmatic and metamorphic thermobarometric conditions and it was shown to be of the

Burrovian type metamorphism (medium temperature) by Ferre and Caby (2006).

The Bauchi area has foliations running through it, these was deduced from field data, SLAB

images and previous maps (Wright, 1971). It has in place biotite-muscovite granite which

form elongated plutons parallel to the regional structures suggesting a syn-tectonic

emplacement, and biotite-hornblende granites which have more rounded shapes molded by

country rock structures in conformity envelopes, suggesting a late tectonic emplacement

(Ferre et al., 1998).

The Neoproterozoic Trans-Saharan Belt in which the study area falls within was suggested to

be formed between 700Ma and 580Ma by accretion of terranes between the converging West

African Craton, the Congo Craton and East Saharan Block, which was probably a craton until

700Ma (Black and Liegeois, 1993) when it was widely and largely reactivated, except in few


Extensive sampling of metasedimentary gneisses of the Bauchi area (Jos-Bauchi transect) has

revealed several occurrences of granulite facies rocks within high temperature amphibolites

facies rocks and anatexites (Ferre and Caby, 2006).

Fig. 6: Geological map of the Jos–Bauchi area. Foliations compiled from field data, SLAR

images and previous maps (Wright,1971). The biotite–muscovite granites form elongate

plutons parallel to the regional structures suggesting a syn-tectonic emplacement. The

biotite–hornblende granites have more rounded shapes molded by country rock structures in

conformity envelopes, suggesting a late-tectonic emplacement (Adopted after Wright, 1971)

2.2 Summary

In summary it is deduced from the literature that

1. The Archean basements of this area as sighted by previous work underwent high grade

metamorphism and anatexis during the Pan-African Orogeny and hence show a Pan-African


2. The Jos-Bauchi transect is a representation of the Neoproterozoic (Pan African) Belt of

Northern Nigeria as it exposes high-grade metamorphic rocks of contrasted character

depending on their distance from Neoproterozoic monzonitic plutons (Ferre and Caby, 2006).

3. The distribution of granulite facies rocks in the Neoproterozoic Belt appears to be wide but

may reflect a constant granulite facies condition.

4. The Bauchi area provides evidence that high grade metamorphic conditions and anatexis

are met by the combination of widespread regional amphibolites facies conditions and local

contact metamorphism due to pluton emplacement. Hence most basement if not all of the

study area shows the 550±100 Ma ages (Ferre and Caby, 2006).



3.1 Introduction

During the course of the field work, fresh samples were taken and also photographs of

Important Structure and Outcrops were taken with their Strikes and dips of the various

Structure in the field with Resistivity (VES) were carried Out.

3.2 Materials

The apparatus used in the course of the field work and lab work include

1. Global positioning system (G.P.S)

2. Compass clinometers

3. Hand lens

4. Masking tape

5. Measuring tape and Rulers

6. Topographic map

7. Geologic Hammer

8. Permanent Markers

9. Optical microscope

11. Counting Net

12. Over Lay tracing sheets

13. Pencils and Eraser

14. Plane sheets

15. Office pins

16. Masking Tapes

17. Rotring pens and Ruler

18. Calculators

19. Microscope

These are some of Utilized in various process in the field and laboratory as well in desk study

to analysis the rocks of the area.

3.3 Methods

Methods employed in the course of the work can be broadly divided into two, which are Field

methods and the Laboratory Methods.

3.4Field Methods

These are the various methods employed in the field to acquire data, take samples and also

interpret in the field. These include the following:

a. Direction and Bearing: The bearing of various outcrops was measured using the compass

and the location, elevation, coordinates in terms of longitude and latitudes using the GPS

(Global Positioning system) usually in the Mini datum configuration mode. Compass

alongside the Clinometers is used in taking the dips and strike of the beds, the clinometers

give the dip angles and the compass gives the Strike angles.

b. Distance: Distances between one location and another is taken using the GPS (Global

positioning system) in terms of latitude and longitudes and usually recorded for further


c. Rock Sampling: Rock samples are taken using the Geologic harmer, after the fresh sample

might have been taken It is labelled and later described in terms of lithology as well as in

their mineralogy, textures and relationship between them are also analyzed from the samples

gotten from the field.

Ground traversing was the method that was adopted and the following steps were applied:

- The investigators first observed and collected data.

- Then formulate a hypothesis to explain the collected data using structures seen on field and

physical properties of samples taken.

- The test of the hypothesis in the laboratory using the Microscope.

- The end result of the test or adoption of another before conclusion and inferring of the

sample unit.

d. Measurement: The measurements were taken using rulers, ropes and steel measuring tapes.

e. Line of Zero Dip: These is to get the accurate dip and strike of the various structures in the

field, these is done by setting the compass to a 270-90 position such that the clinometers are

on zero to get the strike line, the line perpendicular to this strike line is the dip, and the

amount is measured.

3.5 Laboratory Method

Knowing that the results collected from the field are tentative and are inferred there is need

for them to be confirmed using the appropriate methods in the laboratory, these studies

involved the following

a. Petrographic Study: Petrographic analysis involves the description of a rock sample in thin

section using the optical microscope in the lab. This is more detailed than the macroscopic

study, which involves looking at the rock sample with naked eye or through a hand lens to

observe the color, texture, mineralogy and composition. This is known as hand specimen

study, the structures can also be seen such as foliation, banding, cross bedding etc., under the

microscope the sample is viewed both under Plane and cross polarized lights. Properties

analyzed under PPL are color, pleochroism, relief, cleavages shape, alterations while those

analyzed under XPL are birefringence, interference colors, extinction angles exsolution.

3.6 Laboratory Procedure for Thin Sectioning

Firstly, the sample to be used for the thin section is selected. In selection finer samples are

chosen so as to give more information of the rock rather than coarse samples, also

representative samples are taken such that is shows all or almost all of the minerals’

assemblages for each rock type. After selecting the samples then it is taken to the lab where

the following processes are conducted to produce the thin section:

1 Using rock cutting machine, cut side of interest from the rock sample.

2 Using carborundum powder, thin the rock chip.

3 Mark the glass slide using a diamond pen

4 Place the thinned rock and glass slide on heat source for 2-5 minutes.

5 Using glass rod, mix araldite to equilibrium.

6 Gum rock chip and glass slide using the araldite.

7 Ensure removal of bubbles by carefully heating the slide after pressing out air bubbles

using forceps

8 Dry for about 3-5 minutes; allow cooling for about 5-10 minutes.

9 Damp slide and the rock chip on the grinding machine and grind gently.

10 Thin carborundum powder, after grinding while observing on petrographic microscope

11 Take thinned glass slide to hot plate to be scrapped to the size of the cover clip.

12 Gum the glass slide to the cover clip using Canada balsam

13 Eliminate air bubbles by gently rubbing the surface using mounting pin

14 Keep to dry for two days

15 Wash slide using detergent and methylated spirit and allow to dry

16 Label slide, ready for further studies.

Precautions to be taken in thin section production include:

1. Take care not to break the glass slides when thinning and grinding.

2. Ensure to remove all air bubbles in the slide.

3. Take care in applying the gum not to affect the important features of the section.

4. Take care of overheating as it causes cracking of glass.

3.6 Slide Viewing Technique Under the Optical Microscope

The thin section of a sample is to be viewed in two modes the first with the Analyzer out to

produce or give the plane polarized light in this mode you can view the following properties:

a. Color

b. Pleochroism

c. Form

d. Cleavages

e. Relief

f. Alteration

After the above method you now view same slide these time with the analyzer in producing

the Cross-polarized Light, you can see the following properties of the

minerals in this mode:

a. Interference colors

b. Extinction angle

c. Twinning

d. Birefringence.

After which the mineral counts in various slide positions are made and the required slide

pictures are taken using the USB PC thin section camera.



4.1 Introduction:

This chapter Present two types of result that were obtained during my research work

at study area (Wuntin Dada and Sabon kaura Bauchi LGA), which include the Petrographic


Table: 14 Showing the Coordinate of the location of each Sample with their Respective


Sample S/N Latitude Longitude Altitude M

1 N100 17'50.7’’ E0090 45'15.9” 676

2 N100 18'18.5” E0090 45'19.5” 651

3 N100 18'19.5” E0090 45'19.1” 623

4 N100 17’59.1'” E0090 46'56.9” 630

4.1.1 Megascopic Description of the rock samples

Based on megascopic description, the three different types of rocks labelled sample 1, 2, and

3 found within the study area are classified based on their texture, colour, and the visibility of

individual mineral grain present in each of the rock samples.

4.1.2 Microscopic Description of the rock samples

To effectively and conclusively described or classify volcanic and plutonic rocks on the basis

of its mineralogical composition, the percentages of at least three minerals has to be

determined; quartz, plagioclase feldspar and alkali feldspar. These rocks samples are studied

for these minerals under the petrographic microscope, base on their optical properties and the

percentages of each mineral determined by recalculation/normalization of the total values.

Quartz was identified by its translucency, vitreous luster, non pleochroic, relief, and its lack

of obvious form, colourless, no cleavage and twinning.

Feldspars (both plagioclase-feldspar and k-feldspar) was identified by its cleavage, relief,

form, extinction, interference and twinning (the twinning noticed include; Albite, Carlsbad,

cross-hatched twinning).

4.4.3 Photomicrographic Properties of Minerals Observed Under Plane Polarized Light

(PPL) and Cross Polarized Light (XPL)

Mineral Colour Cleavage Pleochorism Relife Form
Quartz Gray Absent Absent low anhedral
Biotite Present Present Medium subhedral

Plagioclase Transparent Two Absent Low Subhedral

Muscovite One Absent Medium Subhedral
Orthorclase Colourless Two Absent Low Subhedral
Interfrence Extinction Twinning
White to light yellow Low Absent
Brown light to yellowish Parallel or close to parallel Absent
Grey Incline Present (Albite)

Greenish light to green Straight extinction angle Absent
Grey Parallel Present (Carlsbad) Megascopic Description of Sample 1


Plate: 7 Sample 1

Table:15 General Megascopic Description of Sample 1

SAMPLE Color Visible Mineral Texture
S/N Present

1 Pinkish green to Quartz, Biotite, Coarse-grained. (Phaneritic

slightly dark Feldspar, Muscovite. texture)

Inferred name Granite

4.1.1 Photomicrographic Properties of Sample 1 Observed Under Plane and Cross

Polarized llight

Plate: 8 Under PPL Plate:9 Under XPL

Table: 4 Showing the Total Minerals Viewed in Sample 1

Minerals Present Frequency of View Total View
1st View 2nd view rd
3 View th
4 View
Quartz 2 1 9 4 16
Muscovite 13 5 4 7 29
Plagioclase 10 4 5 12 31
Alkali-feldspar 9 6 12 11 38
Biotite 7 10 8 13 38

Total percentage of individual minerals present in sample 1

Quartz: 16/152×100=10.52%

Biotite: 29/152×100=19.07%

Muscovite: 31/152×100=25%

Alkali-Felspar: 38/152×100=25%

Plagioclase: 38/152×100=25%

Sum total percentage of all minerals viewed = 100%

Table: 17 Sowing the Un-Normalized Values of the Q-A-P Minerals of Sample 1

MINERALS Quartz Alkali feldspar Plagioclase


Quartz: 10.5, Alkali-feldspar: 25, Plagioclase: 25

10.5+25+25 =60.52


Q = 10.5/60.52×100= 17.38, A= 25/60.52×100=41.30 P= 25/60.52×100=41.30

Q+A+P=17.38+41.30+41.30= 99.98%

4.1.2 Megascopic Description of Sample 2

Plate: 10 Sample 2

Table: 18 General Megascopic Description of Sample 2



2 Pinkish grey to Quartz, Biotite, Coarse grained.

slightly dark Muscovite, and Feldspars

Inferred name Granite

4.2.1 Photomicrograph of sample 2 under Cross and plane polarized light


Plate: 11 Under PPL Plate: 12 Under XPL

Table: 19 Showing the Total Minerals Viewed in Sample 2

Minerals Present Frequency of View Total View
1st View 2nd view rd
3 View th
4 View
Quartz 7 15 3 6 31
Muscovite 10 12 12 7 41
Plagioclase 13 7 5 10 35
Alkali-feldspar 13 7 5 10 35
Biotite 1 0 5 10 6

Total percentage of individual minerals present in sample 2

Quartz: 31/152 × 100 = 20.39%

Biotite: 41/152×100= 26.92%

Muscovite: 35/152×100 = 23.03%

Plagioclase: 6/152 ×100 = 3.94%

Alkali-Feldspar: 35/152×100 = 23.03%

Table:20 Showing Un-Normalized Values of the Q-A-P Minerals of Sample 2

MINERALS Quartz Alkali-Feldspar Plagioclase

COMPOSITION 20.39 23.03 3.94

Quartz: 20.39, Alkali1-Feldspar: 23.03, Plagioclase: 3.94

20.39+ 23.03 + 3.93 = 47.36


Q: 20.39/47.36 × 100 =43.05%, A = 23.03/47.36 × 100 = 48.62%, P = 3.94/47.36 ×

100 = 8.34%.

Q + A + P = 43.03 + 48.62 + 8.34 = 99.98%. Megascopic Description of Sample 3

Plate: 13 Sample 3

Table: 21 General Megascopic Description of Sample 3

SAMPL Colour Visible minerals Texture
E S/N present

3 Whitish to Quartz, Biotite, Visible grained.

Yellowish Feldspar, and
Inferred name Pegmatite Photomicrograph of sample 3 under cross and plane polarized light


Plate: 14 Under PPL Plate:15 Under XPL

Table: 22 Showing the Total Minerals View in Sample 3 in Percentage.

Mineral present Frequency of View Total

1st View 2nd view 3rd View 4th View View

Quartz 6 8 4 3 21
Biotite 2 7 9 6 24
Muscovite 7 5 4 4 24
Plagioclase 7 4 3 4 20
Alkali-Feldspar 0 0 2 0 18

Total percentage of individual minerals present in sample 3:

Quartz: 21/85 × 100 = 24.70%

Biotite: 24/85 × 100 = 28.23%

Muscovite: 20/85× 100 = 23.52%

Plagioclase: 2/85 × 100 =2.35%

Alkali-Feldspar: 18/85 × 100 = 21.17%

Sum total percentage of all minerals viewed = 99.98%.

Table: 21 Showing the Un-Normalized Values of the Q-A-P Minerals of Sample 3

MINERALS Quartz Alkali-Feldspar Plagioclase

COMPOSITION 24.70% 21.17% 2.35%

Quartz = 24.70, Alkali-Feldspar = 21.17, Plagioclase = 2.35

24.70+ 21.17 + 2.35 = 50.57


Q = 24.70/50.57× 100 = 48.84%, A = 21.17/50.57× 100 = 46.50%, P = 2.35/50.57× 100

= 4.64%

Q + A + P = 48.84 + 46.50 + 4.64= 99.98% Megascopic Description of Sample 4

Plate: 16 Sample 4

Table: 21 General Megascopic Description of Sample 3

SAMPL Colour Visible minerals Texture

E S/N present

3 Pinkish white to Quartz, Biotite, Coarse grained.

slightly dark Feldspar, and
Inferred name Granite Photomicrograph of sample 4 under cross and plane polarized light


Plate: 17 Under PPL Plate:18 Under XPL

Table: 22 Showing the Total Minerals View in Sample 4 in Percentage.

Mineral present Frequency of View Total View
st nd rd th
1 View 2 view 3 View 4 View
Quartz 9 7 13 8 37
Biotite 3 8 2 5 18
Muscovite 7 3 7 5 22
Plagioclase 0 0 1 2 3
Alkali-Feldspar 0 0 1 2 3
Sum Total 86

Total percentage of individual minerals present in sample 4:

Quartz: 43.03/86 × 100 = 43.03%

Biotite: 20.93/86 × 100 = 20.93%

Muscovite: 22/86 × 100 = 25.58%

Plagioclase: 6/86 × 100 =6.97%

Alkali-Feldspar: 3/86 × 100 = 3.48%

Sum total percentage of all minerals viewed = 100%.

Table: 21 Showing the Un-Normalized Values of the Q-A-P Minerals of Sample 4

MINERALS Quartz Alkali-Feldspar Plagioclase
COMPOSITION 43.03% 3.48% 6.97%
Quartz = 43.03, Alkali-Feldspar = 3.48, Plagioclase = 6.97

43.03+ 3.48+ 6.97= 51.47


Q = 43.03/51.47× 100 = 81.60%, A = 3.48/51.47× 100 = 6.76%, P = 6.97/51.47× 100 =


Q + A + P = 81.60 + 6.76 + 13.54= 101.9%

The Following are the Minerals Percentage of Sample 1,2,3and 4 in Pie Chart

Sample 1and 2 Pie Chart

10.52 20.39

Biotite MUscovite Biotite Muscovite

Alkali-Felapar Plagioclase Alkali-Felspar Plagioclase

S1 Charts S2 Charts

These are 3 and 4 Pie Charts

24.7 43.02

Biotite Muscovite Biotite Muscovite

Alkali-Felspar Plagioclase Alkali-Felspar Plagioclase

S3 Pie Chart S4 Pie Chart

4.5 QAP Plot

Fig. 15 Q.A.P Diagram of Plutonic Rock.

Table: 22 Showing the Confirm Rock Name After Plotting Q.A.P Diagram.
1 Quartz Monzonite Yellow
2 Alkali-feldspar Granite Pink
3 Alkali-feldspar Granite Light Blue
4 Quartz-rich Granitoid Green





The study area (Sabon kaura, Wuntin Dada, Tambari Village) is located in the North Eastern

basement complex and consists of the following major lithologic units. Migmatite, granites

and Quartz-rich Granitoids with minor intrusions.

They are formed by the granitization of pre-existing rock. The presence of minerals like

quartz flakes of micas (biotite and muscovite) and quartz veins.

Structurally, this study has been able to relate the deformational imprints of the varieties. The

predominant rock type in the area were migmatite, under thin section, minerals were

identified via their respective optical properties under both planes polarized light and cross

polarized light, the major minerals associated with the rocks were; quartz, feldspars,

Monzonite Alkali Feldspars. Based on field observations, the petrographic analysis found on

the rocks include; Alkali Feldspars, Quartz, Quartz -rich Granitoids.


This work produces some vital petrographic informations on the rocks collected around

Wuntin Dada, Sabon Kaura and Tambari Village area of Bauchi State. The predominant rock

type in the area were Alkali-Feldspar, Feldspars Granite under thin section, minerals were

identified via their respective optical properties under both planes polarized light and cross

polarized light, the major minerals associated with the rocks were; Alkali-Feldspar, quartz,

Plagioclase and micas (both muscovite and biotite). Based on field observations, the

petrographic analysis found on the rocks include; Quartz, Monzonite, Alkali Feldspars, and

Quartz-rich Granitoids.

Having presented the petrographic information on the basement rocks studied within the

Study area, the following recommendations are hereby proposed for the study area; A detailed

geological mapping should be carried out in the study area to evaluate the reserves of these

Study area, this will help in determining the quantity and quality of the rocks in the study

area. Also, further research should be carried out in the study area to ascertain the impact of

the various deformational episodes in the area.


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