Apinke Field Report

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Geological map is a planning tool for the economic development of any nation. The map

contains distributions of various bedrock in the Area. Geological map of Nigeria

geographical landmass has been produced since 1964 which is usually updated annually.

However, this large map somehow omits some local geology of interest, possibly due to large

area coverage. Therefore local geology must be studied to correct and bridge this gap. The

area of study is Iwoye and Environment Osun State, Nigeria. The main reasons why

geological field work is carried out include exploitation of natural resources, as a

requirement of the government and for academic purposes. Good geological mapping should

be executed in three phases: planning, data collection and reporting. The resulting

geological map should be compiled and interpreted with the input of all parties involved

including expertise advice from those who have adverse experience in geology as well as

other related discipline.


1.0 Introduction

1.1 General Statement

Geological field mapping is the process of selecting an area of interest and

identifying all the geological aspects of that area with the purpose of preparing a detailed

geological report and a map to summarize the report. A geological map will thus show the

various rock types of the region, the structures, geological formations, geothermal

manifestations age relationships, distributions of mineral ore deposits and fossils etc, and all

these features may be super imposed over a topographic map or a base map. The amount of

detail shown in a map depends largely on the scale and a smaller scale will naturally disclose

finer detail.

A geological map is nothing more than the representation of 3-d structures on an

arbitrary 2-d view before one can visualize the 3-d geometry of deformed rocks. A well done

geologic map can provide a powerful down-plunge view of the 3-d structure geometry in a

true cross section view that is to plunge.

1.2 Aim and Objectives

The aim of this work is to determine the geological history of an area and the details

and structures of the geological area of the area. The objectives are:

i. To Predict and obtain the geologic history of the area.

ii. Determination of the mineralogy of the rock area.

iii. To know the characteristics of the rock types, distribution and trending

relationship to one another.

iv. To understand the geology of an area using rock types as interference.

v. To know how to use field tools used during field exercise.

vi. To integrate the knowledge obtained in class as students, applying this knowledge

in contact with geological features on the field.

1.3 Location of the study Area

The study area covers Iwoye community and its environs. Oriade region of Osun

State, Nigeria. It is approximately 30km away from the capital of Osun state (Osogbo). The

area lies approximately between latitudes 7 o41l33.1” N (7.6925200o) and Longitude

4o49l08.0”E (4.8188800o). Places in the regional area of Iwoye include Ijebu-Jesa, Ere, and


1.4 Geology of the Study Area

The mineral’s components of the rocks show evidence of metamorphism, the

imprint of deformational tectonic events that accompanied pan African orogeny was mapped

out in the area resulting in the development of structural elements such as mineral lineation,

foliation, jointing and veins. The area posses four distinct rock units which are

porphyroblastic (augen) geneiss, hornblendebiotite gneiss, banded gneiss and quartz schist.

Porphyroblastic (augen) gneiss and quartz schist has not been reported in the area before.

They were inadvertently omitted in the various published geological map of Nigeria.

2.1 Regional Geology of Nigeria

The Geology of Nigeria formed beginning in the Archean and Proterozoic eons of the

Precambrian. The country forms the Nigerian Province and more than half of its surface is

igneous and metamorphic crystalline basement rock from the Precambrian. Between 2.9

billion and 500 million years ago, Nigeria was affected by three major orogeny mountain-

building events and related igneous intrusions. Following the Pan-African orogeny, in the

Cambrian at the time that multi-cellular life proliferated, Nigeria began to experience

regional intrusions.

Nigeria is situated in the region east of the West African craton and the North West of

the Congo Craton which has been affected by the Pan African Orogeny about 600ma

(Ajibade and Woakes, 1976 and Rahaman 1976). The Nigeria basement lies to the south of

the Taureg shield. Evidences from the eastern and northern margin of the west Africa craton

suggest that the pan Africa belt was developed by plate tectonics which involved the collision

of the passive continental margin of the west Africa craton and the Active continental margin.

The collision of the plate margins was believed to have led to the reactivation of the internal

region of the belt. The Nigerian basement complex lies in the reactivated part of the belt.

The basement geology of the southwestern Nigeria has been divided into different

major rock groups based on the result of detailed geological and petrological investigations

by various authors. Rahaman (1988) divided the rock in this area into six major units as

1. Migmatite - gneiss - quartzite complex.

2. Slightly migmatized to non-migmatized meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous rocks,

often referred to as newer metasediments (Oyawoye, 1964) or the schist belts

(Ajibade, 1980).

3. Charnockitic, gabbroic and dioritic rocks.

4. Members of the Older Granite suite.

5. Metamorphosed to non-metamorphosed calc-alkaline volcanic and hypabyssal rocks.

6. Non-metamorphosed dolerite dykes, basic dykes and syenite dykes etc.

Figure 1: Geological map of Nigeria: basement complex, younger granites and

sedimentary basins. (adapted from Geology of Nigeria, Obaje et al.)

2.2 Regional Geology of Osun State

Osun State is underlain by Precambrian rocks of the basement complex of Nigeria.

Several varieties of these rocks possess appreciable degrees of economic mineralization. In

Osun state, deep weathering profiles, erosion surfaces and alluvial deposits have accumulated

important mineral deposits such as laterites, talc and Gold in stream sediments.

In Osun State the mineral resources potentials found are Gold, Talc, Feldspars,

Cassiterite, Columbite, Granite, Mica, Iron ore, Kaolin, Tourmaline, Aquamarine etc. Though

not all these materials are of economic quantity, but their discoveries have led to further

discoveries of more minerals. Mineral reserve presupposes that some type of physical

measurement or evaluation has been made of the grade and number of mineral concentrations

in place and that profitable extraction now or soon is technologically feasible (Ajayi, 1985)

3.0 Materials and Methods of study

3.1 Field Materials

These are the materials used in carrying out the geological mapping of the study area:

i. A topographic map of Bolorunduro community, Plot20b with a scale of


ii. Sledge Hammer: This is used to break hard samples into smaller pieces for

better observation.

iii. Compass Clinometers: Used in measuring the strike and dip values.

iv. Field note book and pencil: Used in recording all activities and observations

that is carried out and observed on site.

v. Sample bags: Used in carrying the samples collected on the field to be kept for

further analysis.

vi. Permanent markers and adhesive tape: used to write location numbers on the

samples taken.
vii. Camera: Used to take visual records of needed samples on site, for further


viii. Cutlass: Used to clear bushes in order to gain access to initially inaccessible


ix. Tracing paper: used to trace out features from the topographical map and used

as a temporary map during mapping exercise to record observations like strike

and trend of foliation.

x. Mapping board: A board used to attach the topographical map for easier access

and edits

xi. Global Positioning System (GPS): Used to take record of the coordinates and

for location records while travelling through the study area.

xii. Face Cap and Eye Google: These are used to keep Geologists away from

sunlight and dust respectively.

2.2 Methods

2.2.1 Field Mapping

Intensive geological mapping subsequently followed by thin section petrographic

studies of fresh whole rock samples was carried out. Five rock samples were collected within
the geographical landmass oupied by University permanent site (Figure 3). Accessibility was

quite easy especially in the developed part mainly at the center of the area surveyed. The

boundary sides posed a little challenges because of the thick vegetation cover but were

accessed by cutting to enhance thorough search for outcrop. At each location, rock outcrops

were carefully examined and properly located on the base map for digitization using Global

Positioning System (GPS), the elevation, strike and dip were carefully measured and recorded

with compass Clinometers. This helps to deduce the direction of the tectonic forces that

produce some structural elements observed. Observations made include foliations, joints,

mineral lineation, intrusions (e.g. vein), folds were also encountered, attempts were made o

determine the petrogenesis and geochronology to explain the sequence of events as it affects

rocks in the area. At the end of the exercise, samples were taken with the aid of sledge

hammer for petrographic preparation and analysis.

2.2.2 Hand Specimen

The field specimens were obtained using manual method; these include foliation, micro

folds, xenoliths, mineralogy, modal estimation of minerals.

2.3 Sample Preparation

In sample preparation, selected rock samples from the ones collected from the field

were prepared into thin sections in the Departmental laboratory. The following procedures

were followed:

1) Cutting of Samples—the selected rock samples were all cut into thin sizes of about

7mm width.

2) Lapping of trimmed samples—this involved the use of carborundum of three different

grades 500, 600 and 700 micron, on glass plates and the cut chips are slid over three
separate plates using the appropriate grades of carborundum on each plate until a

smooth surface devoid of any cutting marks is achieved.

3) Mounting—this involved the placing of the smoothened surface on glass slides after

lapping with araldite which has been thoroughly mixed hence acting as the mounting

medium, and after this , some time is given during which it would have dried and get

fixed on the slides.

4) Filing—this was done on the cut and grind machine to further thinning the mounted

chips on the slides until a thickness of about 3mm is left on the slides.

5) Coverage—coverslips were used to cover the 3mm thick minerals sectons on the slide

using Canada basalm.

2.3.1 Petrographic Study

The petrographic study of the prepared thin sections of the rocks was carried out using

the polarising microscope in the Departmental petrology laboratory. Proper supervision was

given by the supervisor of this work to precisely identify the minerals present.

4.0 Data Presentation and Interpretation

4.1 Introduction

After detailed petrographic work has been carried out on all field. The major type of

samples observed is Gneiss and Quartzite. Several types of gneiss were observed in different

regions of the study area and these all show distinct and interesting associations with each

other. Rock types observed are Metamorphic Rock, Igneous Rock, and detailed illustration is


4.2 Major Rock Types, Distribution and Mode of Field Occurrence

4.2.1 Field Observation of Gneiss

The gneissic rocks dominate the study area. They occur in various forms in the area

mostly as massive outcrops and sometimes as small or medium sized low lying outcrops

which have been affected by several stages of weathering. These rocks are usually folded as

a result of different metamorphic episodes. The minerals contained in the sampled rocks are

quartz, biotite, microcline and plagioclase feldspar and so on. The quartz and biotite are the

dominant minerals while the plagioclase feldspars are less abundant. The veins are younger

than the host gneiss and show several cross-cutting relationships. The gneiss is sourced from

high temperature and pressure metamorphism of preexisting rocks in the region. After

detailed petrographic studies it was observed that the gneisses in the area have a general

composition of quartz, biotite, microcline, plagioclase, +/- muscovite, +/- chlorite with some

of the minerals, especially the biotite showing preferred alignment/orientation. A summary of

the distribution and locations of gneiss in the study area with their associated structures can

be observed in the summary table.

Plate 1: field observation of gneiss

4.2.2 Field Observation of Quartzite

Quartzite is a metamorphic rock, so it can have a wide range of appearances depending

on the conditions it was formed under. Generally, quartzite has a fine-grained, granular

texture with a hard, glassy surface. It may be a light grey colour, or it may be darker,

depending on impurities present in the rock. It often has a banded or layered appearance,

caused by the metamorphic process. It is a rock formed under extreme heat and pressure from

pre-existing rocks. The pre-existing rocks were usually sandstones that were rich in quartz.

The intense heat and pressure cause the quartz grains to fuse together and recrystallize,

creating a hard, durable rock. Quartzite can also contain small amounts of other minerals,

such as mica, feldspar, or iron oxides.

Plate 2: Field observation of Quartzite

4.3 Rock type distributions and Mode of Field Occurrence

4.3.1 Field Observation of Pegmatite

Pegmatites are types of igneous rock that is formed when magma cools slowly

underground. This slow cooling allows large crystals to form, giving pegmatite its

characteristic appearance. In the field, pegmatite can be identified by its large crystals, which

are often several centimeters in size. The crystals are often translucent or semi-translucent,

and they can have a variety of colors such as white, pink, red, green, and brown. Some

Pegmatites also contain gemstones, such as tourmaline, beryl and topaz.

Plate 3: A pegmatite dyke in the study area

4.3.2 Field Observation of Quartz

Quartz is a very hard mineral with a characteristic glassy appearance. It can have a

variety of colors including white, gray, yellow, brown, or pink. It often has a hexagonal or

rhombohedra crystal form, although it can also occur as massive or fibrous aggregates.

Quartz is also found in association with other minerals, such as feldspar, mica, or amphibole.

Quartz is also known for its characteristic ‘waxy’ luster.

4.3.3 Field Observation of Migmatite

Migmatite is made up of two different types of rock, called leucosome and

melanosome. The leucosome is light-coloured and contains minerals like quartz and feldspar,

while the melanosome is dark-coloured and contains minerals like biotite, amphibole, and

pyroxene. The bands of leucosome and melanosome can be very thin or quite thick and they

can also be folded or contorted.

Plate 4: A Migmatite

4.3.4 Field Observation of Granite

Granite is a common igneous rock that can be easily observed in the field. When

you’re looking at granite, you should first look for the characteristic large crystals that make

up the rock. These crystals can be up to several centimeters in size. The most common

minerals in granite are quartz, potassium feldspar, and plagioclase feldspar. Granite can also

contain smaller amounts of mica, amphibole, and other minerals. In terms of texture, granite

is typically phaneritic, meaning it has a coarse-grained texture. It’s also commonly foliated,

meaning the minerals are arranged.

Plate 5: An image of Granite

4.4 Structural Geology

Structural elements are physical features of rocks that are caused by tectonic forces.

These forces can be compressional, extensional or shearing. Compressional forces cause

rocks to be shortened, extensional forces cause rocks to be stretched, shearing forces cause

rocks to be moved horizontally or vertically. The most common structural elements that result

from these forces are folds, faults, and fractures.

i. Fold: A fold is a structural element that is formed when rock is bent or warped by

compressional forces. Folds can be symmetrical or asymmetrical, and they can

have different shapes, including anticlines, synclines, domes and basins.

ii. Faults: These are fractures in rock that have been displaced along a plane of

weakness. There are two main types of faults: Strike-slip and dip-slip

iii. Fractures: Fractures are cracks or breaks in rock. They can be either open or

filled and they can either be planar or non-planar fractures have curved or

irregular surfaces. Fractures can also be classified by their orientation, with

vertical and horizontals.

4.5 Summary of the field data

Location Latitude Longitude Strike Dip Trend Rock Elevation

1 07044153.911 04022117.311 183 43 W Migmatite 302m
2 07045101.911 0402212511 N-W Pigmatite 300m
3 07044158.11 04022125.111 176 26 NNW Migmatite 303m
4 07044157.111 04022125.411 Pigmatite 300m
0 1 11 0 1 11
5 07 44 17.2 04 22 56.7 80W 30 N–E Migmatite 296m
0 1 11 0 1 11
6 07 44 20.3 04 22 56.9 Granite 196m
7 0704414.5211 04022115.911 Migmatite 314m
8 07044127.211 04022114.311 Migmatite 284m
9 0704412911 04022109.111 Migmatite 280m
10 07044123.5211 04022119.5611 180W 38 Migmatite 287m
11 07044114.111 04022113.611 Migmatite 295m
12 0704417.9811 04022119.0211 Migmatite 253m
13 07043158.9811 04022123.5211 Migmatite 269m
0 1 11 0 1 11
14 07 43 50.4 04 22 23.1 Pigmatite 285m
0 1 11 0 1 11
15 07 43 37 04 22 07.1 Granite 281m
16 07043117.311 04021159.411 Pigmatite 280m
17 07043157.711 04021153.911 Pigmatite 285m
18 07041121.511 04021152.911 Pigmatite 283m
19 07044138.111 04021152.911 78 14 N–E Migmatite 296m
20 07044152.511 04021138.311 Pigmatite 307m
0 1 11 0 1 11
21 07 44 51 04 21 17.3 Migmatite 33m
0 1 11 0 1 11
22 07 44 57.9 04 21 40.4 Migmatite 311m
23 07044158.111 04021139.811 Quartzite 353

5.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, the study area Iwoye and its environs, Osun State southwestern Nigeria

is part of the basement complex of Nigeria, due to the rock types and minerals observed with

a lot of economic potential to be exploited. The area consists of rock types that include

granite, quartz, vein materials and so on.

The mineralogy or these rocks shows the presence of Biotite, mica, Muscovite,

Mircrocline and so on.

From this study, it is apparent that the drainage system influences weathering and

erosion. Weathering processes of rocks underlying the study area play important roles in

shaping the surface landforms. The flow of water in the study area Iwoye and its environs is

controlled by its relief and topographic structures.


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