Cet 206 - Module 1
Cet 206 - Module 1
Cet 206 - Module 1
CET 206
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
a. Surface
b. Underground
c. Elevated
2. Road transport
3. Air transport
4. Rope ways
5. Pipe lines
Depending on weather
1. All weather roads
1. Expressways
Highways with superior facilities and design standards
For high traffic volume and permit fast moving vehicles
High Speed (120 km/Hr)
Land Width 90 m
Expressways are to be provided with divided carriage ways, controlled access, grade
separation at cross roads and fencing.
No loading, unloading and No parking allowed
Eg: Mumbai – Pune expressway
Main highways running through the length and breadth of India, connecting major ports,
foreign highways, capitals of states and large industrial and tourist centers.
Bombay – Agra: NH – 3
Madurai – Rameshwaram: NH – 9
Arterial roads of a state, connecting up with the national highways of adjacent states,
district and important cities within the state and serving as the main arteries for traffic to
and from district roads
Speed 80 km/Hr
NH and SH have the same design speed and geometric design specifications
Important roads within a district serving areas of production and markets and connecting those
with each other
MDR has lower speed and geometric design specifications than NH/SH
Speed 60 – 80 km/hr
Roads serving rural areas of production and providing them with outlet to market centers,
headquarters or other main roads
ODR has lower speed and geometric design specifications than MDR
Speed 50 – 60 km/hr
Indian Roads
The position or the layout of the center line of the highway on the ground is called the
alignment. It includes Horizontal alignment and vertical alignment
Horizontal alignment: It includes straight path, the horizontal deviations and curves
Vertical alignment: It includes changes in gradient and vertical curves
The basic requirements of an ideal alignment between two terminal stations are that it should be:
1. Short
It is desirable to have a shortest alignment between two terminal stations.
A straight alignment would be the shortest, though there may be several practical
considerations which would cause deviation from the shortest path
2. Easy
The alignment should be easy to construct and maintain with minimum problem.
It should be easy for the operation of vehicles with easy gradients and curves
3. Safe
The alignment should be safe enough for construction and maintenance.
It should be safe for the traffic operation with safe geometric features
4. Economical
The alignment should be economical.
The total cost including initial cost, maintenance cost and vehicle operation cost should be low.
1. Obligatory points
The intermediate points between the stations which governs the alignment are
divided into two
a) Points through which the alignment is to pass
Obligatory points through which the alignment has to pass may cause the
alignment to deviate from the shortest path. The various examples of this
category may be mountain pass, bridge site, and intermediate town .etc.
The obligatory points which should be avoided while aligning a road include
religious places, costly structures, unsuitable land, lake, pond, valley etc.
2. Traffic
The alignment should suit traffic requirement and trend of traffic flow
3. Geometric design
The gradient, radius of curve and sight distance affect the alignment
Alignment with minimum gradient, large radius and high sight distance is
4. Economics
The cost for construction, maintenance and operation should be minimum
Alignment with minimum cot should be selected
5. Other considerations
Political factors, topography, hydrological factors also influence the alignment
Four stages
First three: consider all possible alternate alignment
Fourth Stage: detailed survey for the selected alignment
1. Map study
2. Reconnaissance
3. Preliminary survey
4. Final location and detailed survey
1. Map study
Topographic map shows the main features like river, mountain, hill, valley, etc
By studying the features, it is possible to have an idea about several possible
2. Reconnaissance
Site visit and study about the different alternate routes suggested form map study
Simple instruments like level, clinometer, etc are used
Details collected during reconnaissance survey are:
Obstruction along the route
3. Preliminary survey
Collect all necessary information about the alignments proposed after reconnaissance
Compare the different alignments based on the data collected
Finalize best alignment
The preliminary survey can be conducted either by:
2. Modern rapid approach: which is done by taking aerial photograph, analyses photograph and
select control points, Spot levels and contour lines, and studying geological features from the
1. Explain the various factors controlling the alignment of roads.
2. Draw the typical cross section of urban road in embankment and mark the various
3. List down the engineering surveys needed for highway location
4. Discuss the classification of highways in India
5. What are the requirements of an ideal permanent way?
6. What are the engineering surveys conducted to fix the alignment of a highway?
7. Sketch neatly the cross section with names of components/structures giving appropriate
dimensions of a National Highway with 4 lane traffic
8. Explain how obligatory points control the alignment
9. Classify the roads of India. Also Differentiate between NH and SH
10. Draw the cross-section of the following roads indicating the width of pavement, roadway
and land : MDR in embankment, ODR in cutting, NH in embankment in rural area, NH
in cutting, city road and divided highway in urban area
The geometric design of highway deals with the dimensions and layout of visible features of the
highway such as alignment, sight distance and intersections
Geometric design of highway deals with the following elements:
Cross section elements
Sight distance considerations
Horizontal alignment details
Vertical alignment details
Intersection elements
3. Traffic factors: Design of road elements depends on the vehicle characteristics like
width, length of vehicle and human characteristics like mental and psychological
characteristics of driver
4. Design hourly volume and capacity: Road elements are designed to incorporate the
increasing volume of vehicles
5. Environmental and other factors: Aesthetics, Landscaping, Air Pollution, Noise
pollution, etc.
i. Friction
Pavement unevenness
Provided to:
Drain off rain water from pavement surface
To prevent entry of water through pavement
To make the surface dry soon after the rain
Camber represented in 1 in n or in percentage
Camber are generally provided in 3 types
i. Parabolic
Width of a road is decided by the width of vehicles and side clearance between vehicles
The maximum width of vehicle as per IRC = 2.44 m, minimum clearance of 0.68 m in
single lane and 1.02 m in case of double lane.
Table 2.3: Width of carriage way
Class of road Width of carriage way
Single lane 3.75 m
Two lane, without raised kerbs 7.0 m
Width of road on horizontal curve is increases to avoid off tracking and it is called Extra
Provided to:
prevent head on collision between vehicles
To channelize the traffic
To prevent unnecessary crossing and turning
To separate slow traffic from fast moving vehicles
Traffic separators are provided as pavement markings, physical dividers or area separators
IRC Recommendation
Traffic Seperator
iv. Submerged
Road margin
Road margin includes shoulder, parking lane, cycle track, footpath and guard rail
i. Shoulder
Parking lane
Cycle Track
v. Guard rail
Provided at the edge of shoulder to prevent vehicles running off the embankment
Provided on curves for better night visibility
Guard Rail
vi. Width of road way or formation
Roadway width
Road classification On plain and On mountainous
rolling terrain and steep terrain
NH and SH Single
12 6.25
NH and SH Double
12 8.8
MDR Single lane 9 4.75
MDR Double lane 9 -
ODR Single lane 7.5 4.75
ODR Double lane 9 -
VR Single lane 7.5 4
It is the area of land acquired for the road along its alignment
It depends on the importance of the road and possible future development
Its width is known as land width
Factors governing the land width are:
Width of formation
Height of embankment
Slope of embankment
Sight distance
Reserve land for future development
Boundary line: boundary of road land
Building line: In order to reserve sufficient space for future development of road, it is desirable
to control the building activities on either side of the road boundary. Building line is the line up
to which building activity is restricted
Control line: Control the future development of building limit and to control the nature of
building up to further set back distance
Formation width
Road type For plain and For mountainous
rolling terrain and steep terrain
For open area
NH/SH 45 24
MDR 25 18
ODR 15 15
VR 12 9
For Built up area
NH/SH 30 20
MDR 20 15
ODR 15 12
VR 10 9
Stopping sight distance is the minimum sight distance available on a highway at any spot to stop
a vehicle travelling at design speed, safely without any collision
IRC defines SSD as the distance measured along the road surface at which an object of height
0.15 m can be seen by a driver whose eye is at a height of 1.2 m above road
It is the time taken from the instant the object is visible to the driver to the instant the
brakes are effectively applied
SSD increases with increase in reaction time
Reaction time is explained based on PIEV theory
Total reaction time is split into
Perception: Time required for perceiving an object or situation. Time taken for
perceiving the obstruction along the road
Intellection: time required for understanding the situation. Time taken to understand
whether the obstruction is an object, people or any vehicle
Emotion: Time elapsed during emotional situation such as fear, anger, etc.
Volition: Time taken for final action. Time taken for applying brake
Stopping distance increase for ascending gradient and decrease for descending gradient
n- gradient in %
Design speed,
20 – 30 40 50 60 65 80 100
f 0.40 0.38 0.37 0.36 0.36 0.35 0.35
Example 1: Calculate the safe stopping sight distance for a design speed of 50 Kmph for:
V = 50 kmph
t = 2.5 second
SSD = 61.35 m
1) SSD for a two way traffic on a two lane road = SSD = 61.35 m
2) SSD for a two way traffic on a single lane road = 2 SSD = 122.7 m
Example 2: Calculate the minimum sight distance required to avoid a head - on collision of two cars
approaching from opposite directions at 90 and 60 Kmph. Assume a reaction time of 2.5 seconds,
coefficient of friction of 0.7 and a brake efficiency of 50 per cent, in either case.
Stopping Distance =
As the brake efficiency is 50%, the coefficient of friction developed will be equal to 50 % of
t = 2.5 second
Stopping Distance for first car = 0.278 × 90 × 2.5 + 254 ×0.35 = 153.6 m
Stopping Distance for second car = 0.278 × 60 × 2.5 + 254 ×0.35 = 82.2 m
V = 80 kmph
t= 2.5 second
f= 0.35 for 80 kmph
n= - 2% (descending)
Stopping Sight distance
SSD = 132 m
1. Speed of (i) overtaking vehicle (ii) overtaken vehicle (iii) opposite vehicle
5. Gradient of road
Consider a vehicle A at design speed V, overtaking a slow vehicle B at speed Vb on a two way lane road with two
way traffic. Third vehicle C comes from the opposite direction at design speed V
Overtaking maneuver
When fast moving vehicle A see slow moving vehicle B, it is forced to reduce its speed to the speed vb of the slow
moving vehicle B and moves behind it allowing a space s, till there is an opportunity for safe overtaking. The
distance travelled by vehicle A during this reaction time “t‟ is d1. That is from A1 to A2
The reaction time “t” may be taken as two seconds as an average value.
From the position A2, the vehicle A starts accelerating and shift to the adjoining lane, overtakes the vehicle B and
shift back to its original lane ahead of B in position A3 in time „T‟ seconds. The distance travelled A2 to A3 is
taken as d2. At the same time vehicle B moves from B1 to B2 at a speed vb and the distance B1 to B2 is „b‟.
d2 = b + 2s
𝑏 = 𝑣𝑏 × 𝑡
At the same time the vehicle C from opposite side moves from C1 to C2 at a speed v. The distance C1 to
C2 is d3
OSD = d1 + d2 + d3
In m/s unit,
In km/hr unit,
OSD in m
a – acceleration in m/sec2
A - acceleration in km/hr/sec
s- spacing of vehicles in m
For one way traffic or divided highway, no vehicle is expected from opposite side, so
Sign post for over taking zone should be installed at OSD distance as shown in figure
Example 1: The speeds of overtaking and overtaken vehicles are 80 kph and 60 kph respectively on a
two-way traffic road. If the acceleration of the overtaking vehicle is 0.80 m/s2, calculate the safe
overtaking sight distance. Sketch of the overtaking zone with location of sign posts.
a= 0.80 m/sec2
Provide t = 2 sec
4 ×17.67
𝑇= = 9.4 sec
Overtaking zone
It is the visibility distance available for a driver entering an uncontrolled intersection to enable him to take
control of his vehicle and to avoid collision with other vehicles
When OSD cannot be provided, ISD is provided to give limited overtaking opportunities for fast moving
vehicles. ISD is twice the SSD
Distance visible to driver during night under the illumination of head light. It is almost equal to the SSD
1. What is super elevation and what is the purpose of providing the same?
2. Design camber templates for a parabolic camber for a two lane bituminous pavement in a
heavy rainfall area.
4. Explain Camber. What are the objects of camber? Discuss the types of camber. Specify the
recommended ranges of camber for different types of pavement
5. Enumerate the factors governing the width of carriage way. State the IRC specification for
width of carriage way for various classes of roads
7. What is meant by 'overtaking zones'? With a neat sketch show how overtaking zones are
provided in highways.
8. List the Factors affecting OSD. Explain Lag distance and Braking distance
9. In a hilly road the speed limit is 50KMPH. A curve with radius of curvature of 75m is to be
provided with super elevation for safe negotiation of the curve. Find the super elevation.
10. Explain total reaction time of driver and the factors on which it depends? Explain PIEV
11. Define super elevation. What are the objectives of providing super elevations on horizontal
12. The speed of overtaking and overtaken vehicles are 80 Kph and 60 Kph respectively. If the
acceleration of the overtaking vehicle is 2.5 Kph per second, calculate the safe passing sight
distance for: (i) One way traffic. (ii) two way traffic.
13. The speeds of overtaking and overtaken vehicles are 80 kph and 60 kph respectively on a
two-way traffic road. If the acceleration of the overtaking vehicle is 0.80 m./s2, calculate the safe
overtaking sight distance. Sketch of the overtaking zone with location of sign posts.
14. Find the stopping sight distance for a design speed of 100 kph. Take co-efficient of friction
as 0.35.
15. Name the factors on which the stopping sight distance depends.
16. The design speed of a highway having mixed traffic is 90 Kmph. Calculate the super
elevation for a certain portion of highway situated on a horizontal curve of radius 245 m. What is
the maximum permissible speed?
17. Calculate the safe stopping sight distance for a design speed of 60 Kmph for a two way
traffic in single lane road. Assume the coefficient of friction as 0.40
18. Calculate the minimum sight distance required to avoid a head - on collision of two cars
approaching from opposite directions at 90 and 60 Kmph. Assume a reaction time of 2.5
seconds, coefficient of friction of 0.7 and a brake efficiency of 50 per cent, in either case.
19. The speed of overtaking and overtaken vehicles are 70 and 40 Kmph, respectively on a two
way traffic road. If the acceleration of the overtaking vehicle is 0.99 m/sec'. Calculate the safe
overtaking sight distance.
21. Calculate the stopping sight distance on a highway at a descending gradient of 2% for a
design speed of80 kmph. Assume other data as per IRC recommendations.
22. The radius of a horizontal circular curve is 100m. The design speed is 50 krnph and the
design coefficient of lateral friction is 0.15. Calculate the super elevation required if full lateral
friction is assumed to develop. Also calculate the coefficient of friction needed if no super
elevation is provided
23. A vehicle is traveling at 80kmph. Calculate the stopping distance on a dry level concrete
pavement for which the co-efficient of friction between the pavement and the tyre is 0.35. Also,
compute the stopping distance if the vehicle is traveling down a 3% grade. Assume any other
data if required.
24. Speed of overtaking and overtaken vehicles are 70 and 40 km/hr respectively on a two way
traffic road. If the acceleration of overtaking vehicle is 0.99 m/s2. (1) Calculate OSD. (2)
Mention minimum length of OSD Zone. (3) Draw figure of overtaking zone showing sign posts
25. Explain SSD. Calculate SSD required avoiding head on collision of two cars approaching
from opposite direction at 90 and 60 km/hr. assume a coefficient of friction as 0.7 and a brake
efficiency of 50% in either case. Also Explain intermediate sight distance and Head light sight
1. Design speed
2. Horizontal curve
3. Transition curve
4. Super elevation`
5. Widening at curve
Centrifugal ratio
𝑃 𝑣2
𝑊 𝑔𝑅
P – centrifugal force, in kg
W – weight of vehicle, in kg
127(𝑒 + 𝑓)
e- super elevation
f- friction
Super elevation is the raising of outer edge of road in curve with respect to inner edge
𝑒+ 𝑓=
f- friction = 0.15
R – radius of curve in m
Super elevation for a horizontal curve is designed as per the following procedure
1. Initially determine super elevation e for 75% design speed and friction as zero
2. If obtained e ≤ 0.07, provide the obtained value. If obtained e > 0.07, provide e = 0.07
If f > 0.15, then proceed to step 4 to restrict the speed vehicle along the curve
Example 1: In a hilly road the speed limit is 50 kmph. A curve with radius of curvature of 75m
is to be provided with super elevation for safe negotiation of the curve. Find the super elevation.
Step 1: Determine the super elevation for 75% design speed and friction as 0
0.75𝑉 2 𝑉2
ⅇ= =
127𝑅 225𝑅
50 2
= = 0.148 > 0.07
Step 2: If obtained e ≤ 0.07, provide the obtained value. If obtained e > 0.07,
provide e = 0.07
0.07 + 𝑓 =
𝑉2 50 2
𝑓= − 0.07 = − 0.07 = 0.19 > 0.15
127𝑅 127×75
If f ≤ 0.15, it is safe
If f > 0.15, then proceed to step 4 to restrict the speed vehicle along the curve
So provide f = 0.15
0.07 + 0.15 =
127 𝑅
0.22 =
127 × 75
So 𝑉𝑎 = 𝟒𝟓. 𝟕𝟕 𝐤𝐦𝐩𝐡
Example 2: The design speed of a highway having mixed traffic is 90 Kmph. Calculate the
super elevation for a certain portion of highway situated on a horizontal curve of radius 245 m.
We – extra widening in m
n- No. of lane in road
l- length of wheel base of vehicle. Take it as 6 m if not given
R – radius of curve in m
V – design speed in km/hr
Example 1: A two lane road on rolling terrain has a 'horizontal curve of radius 200m. If the
design speed is 100 kmph, design the Super elevation and extra widening required on the
So provide e = 0.07
𝑛 𝑙2 𝑉 2×62 100
Extra widening = 𝑊𝑒 = + = + = 0.924 m
2𝑅 9⋅5 𝑅 2×200 9⋅5 200
Example 2: Calculate the extra widening required for a pavement of within 7m on a horizontal curve of
radius 250m if the longest wheel base of vehicle expected on the road is 7m. Design speed is 70kmph.
Soln: We = 0.56 m
Transition curve is a curve connecting straight line and circular curve in highways
Its radius is infinite at one end and gradually decreases to the radius of circular curve at
other end
Ls – length of transition curve in m
V – design speed in m/s
C – rate of change of centrifugal acceleration in m/sec3 (0.5 to 0.8)
75 + 𝑉
R – radius of curve
R – radius of curve
22.22 3
𝐿𝑠 = 0.516 ×500 = 42.52 m
2 × 62 80
𝑊𝑒 = 2×500 + = 0.45 m
9.5 500
𝑒𝑁 0.057×150
𝐿𝑠 = (𝑊 + 𝑊𝑒) = (7 + 0.45) = 31.85 m
2 2
2) Limiting gradient: Gradient over ruling gradient. At some places, topography compels
to adopt a higher gradient than ruling gradient. In hill roads 1 in 20 is adopted
3) Exceptional gradient: Steep gradient at some unavoidable situations. Some times 1 in
15 is provided at some locations
4) Minimum gradient: Minimum gradient provided to drain off the rain water. 1in 500 is
provided as minimum gradient
3.2.2 Grade compensation
Gradient in the horizontal curve is sometimes reduced to avoid the extra effort involved
when negotiating a curve.
30 + 𝑅
𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 =
The gradient can be reduced to a maximum of 𝑅