Dhingra, 2022
Dhingra, 2022
Dhingra, 2022
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2 authors, including:
Akshaya Dhingra
Maharshi Dayanand University
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Abstract— The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that Security is one of the major issues of concern in IoT networks
has evolved to make day-to-day life faster and easier. But with as it is a combination of various heterogeneous systems like
the increase in the number of users, the IoT network is prone to Global Positioning System (GPS), RFID, Actuators, Local
various security and privacy issues. And most of these Area Networks (LANs), Infrared (IR) scanners, Wireless
issues/attacks occur during the routing of the data in the IoT
Sensor Networks (WSNs) and Zigbee network [8]. And with
network. Therefore, for secure routing among resource-
constrained nodes of IoT, the RPL protocol has been this increase in the no. of IoT devices, some being movable
standardized by IETF. But the RPL protocol is also vulnerable devices, the complexity of the network will further increase,
to attacks based on resources, topology formation and traffic which may lead to several routing attacks in the IoT network
flow between nodes. The attacks like DoS, Blackhole, [9]. In a survey conducted by Cisco, researchers found that
eavesdropping, flood attacks and so on cannot be efficiently IoT devices will increase up to 75 billion by 2025 [10]. So,
defended using RPL protocol for routing data in IoT networks. as the no. of IoT devices increases, the main challenge arises
So, defense mechanisms are used to protect networks from in securing these networks from different threats and attacks.
routing attacks. And are classified into Secure Routing For secure routing in an IoT network, there are CIA
Protocols (SRPs) and Intrusion Detection systems (IDs). This
(confidentiality, integrity, and availability) principles for
paper gives an overview of the RPL attacks and the defense
mechanisms used to detect or mitigate the RPL routing attacks information security. At the same time, five principles must
in IoT networks. be fulfilled for information assurance, i.e., Integrity, Data
Authentication, Confidentiality, Availability and Non-
Keywords—IoT, RPL,6LoWPAN, LLN, SRPs, IDs Repudiation. IoT is a heterogeneous network of
communication channels and nodes, and the network's
I. INTRODUCTION topology changes quickly due to mobile nodes. Therefore,
With the advancement in Information and further research in IoT routing and addressing is required to
Communication Technology (ICT), a new technology named have secure communication between the IoT nodes [11]. This
the Internet of Things (IoT) evolved a few years ago [1]. The paper aims to provide an overview of Routing Protocol for
idea of IoT was first taken from an Internet-connected soft Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) [12] routing attacks
drink vending machine that can count the number (no.) of and defense mechanisms used in IoT to detect and mitigate
dispensed cans with the help of a photosensor placed inside these attacks.
it [2]. The term "IoT" was first evolved in the 21st century by
Kevin Ashton with the introduction of Radio Frequency II. RELATED WORK
Identification (RFID) labels in supply chain management [3], This literature survey presents research related to Secure
[4]. And presently, with the new evolving technologies, there Routing Protocols (SRPs) and attacks against RPL based IoT
is a need for digitization means everything being "Smart" networks. In [13], authors have developed an Intrusion
(i.e., every device must be connected to the Internet) [5]. To Detection System (IDs) to detect routing attacks such as
have this digital world, we need an IoT network in which all sinkhole and selective forwarding. Two algorithms, i.e., Key
small and large things, i.e., smartphones, sensor nodes, Match Algorithm (KMA) and Cluster-Based Algorithm
refrigerators, fans, heaters, air conditioners, cars, and even a (CBA), are designed to prevent these attacks. The simulation
cloud, can be connected via the Internet [6]. results show that KMA detects 50-80% of errors while CBA
The layered architecture of IoT as per the environment with detects 76-80% of intrusions. In [14], the authors have
different physical things, sensors, mobile devices, and discussed various IoT technologies like 6LoWPAN, RPL,
actuators is shown in Figure 1, consisting of Perception, COAP etc. and how attackers or IDs exploit these. They have
Middleware, and Application layers, respectively [7]. also demonstrated that attacks against 6LoWPAN networks
showed the different routing attacks and RPL self-healing
mechanisms against routing attacks. The authors have also
provided a lightweight heartbeat protocol to mitigate
selective forwarding attacks in this paper.
In [15], the authors have discussed various attacks against
RPL protocol and analyzed how these attacks are prevented
in RPL using different techniques. Further, they have
discussed some solutions to the routing attacks and the
research challenges. In [16], the authors have examined the
Fig. 1. Architecture of IoT Network impact of hello flood, increased version, and decreased rank
Authorized licensed use limited to: Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram Univ of Sci & Tech SONEPAT. Downloaded on September 16,2022 at 18:04:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
attack on RPL based IoT networks. Authors have simulated
these attacks in 120 different scenarios with different nodes
and scenario types and finally calculated how the attacks
impact the performance of the network. In [17], authors have
studied the function of RPL and 6LoWPAN protocols and
common simulated attacks, i.e., a sinkhole with selective
forwarding, wormhole, and flood attacks. The authors have
done the behavioural analysis of these attacks and observed
the effect of network metrics like resource topology and data
traffic. After the simulation, the authors compared it with the
study of previous researchers. In [18], the authors reviewed
nine attacks, i.e., Rank, Blackhole, selective forwarding, Fig. 3. RPL Formation
wormhole, version no., DAO inconsistency, DIO In a DODAG, one central node that acts as a gateway
suppression, sybil, and sinkhole attacks in RPL based IoT between the Internet and things is a root node or BR. To
networks. The authors have proposed a primary mitigation deliver a packet in the DODAG network, each node sets its
strategy to monitor network performance. In [19], authors guardian/parent node that involves nodes with the path
have found challenges arising in the smart city network of towards the root node. As the parent node, the node with the
IoT. Authors have proposed a new protocol that detects and best path is chosen. In the RPL protocol, there are three types
secures the network against Rank and version no. attacks of control messages for data routing i.e., DIO (DODAG
simultaneously occurring in RPL based IoT networks. Information Object) sets and updates network topology,
From the literature review mentioned above, we have studied DAO (DODAG Advertisement Object) advertises
different architectural protocols, attacks against RPL information when there is any update in route and DIS
protocol and the various defense schemes used to mitigate (DODAG Information Solicitation) gives information about
these attacks in IoT networks. a new node that tracks the topology information before it
The paper organization is as follows: Section I describes IoT decides to join the network.
and its architecture. Section II presents the review of previous The DIO is also used in RPL to broadcast messages and
research papers related to SRPs and RPL attacks in IoT. change topology. DIO is commonly used to distribute routing
Section III describes protocols used in IoT. Section IV states to other nodes using its rank and Objective Function
describes RPL routing attacks in IoT. Section V gives (OF). Every node computes its Rank according to the
information about Defense mechanisms used to mitigate or selected parent or OF [10,11]. Also, in the RPL protocol, the
detect RPL routing attacks. Finally, section VI concludes the packets can be forwarded to different nodes based on three
paper. traffic patterns that are Multipoint to Point (MP2P) or upward
route, Point to Multipoint (P2MP) or downward route and
III. PROTOCOLS USED IN IOT Point to Point (P2P) or bidirectional route respectively.
In an IoT network, we have to mainly deal with constrained Further, RPL supports two types of self-healing mechanisms
nodes, which are combined to form Low Power and Lossy to detect the vulnerabilities i.e., the Global Repair mechanism
Network (LLN). The LLN mainly consists of sensor (which occur when there are inconsistencies in the DODAG
nodes/actuators that are resource-constrained but have formation) and the Local Repair mechanism (for repairing
routing capabilities. So, when these nodes are connected in a the sub-DODAG nodes by resetting the Trickle Timer (TT)
LAN network, one of the nodes acts as a Border Router (BR) or used when the preferred parent is not available to the node)
[20]. The layered architecture of protocols in 6LoWPAN IoT [21].
is as depicted in figure 2 below.
With the increase in the no. of IoT devices, the no. of attacks
on IoT networks is also increasing. So, there is a need for
secure and energy-efficient routing in IoT based applications.
IoT routing protocol, i.e., RPL mainly influenced by several
attacks. Hence, there is a need to find various vulnerable
attacks in IoT networks and find ways to mitigate these
attacks.RPL attacks in IoT are classified into External attacks
(an external node is responsible for performing attacks in the
network) and Insider Attacks (that occur if the malicious
Fig. 2. Protocol Stack for IoT
node is a part of the network itself). Cryptographic
mechanisms are used to prevent external attacks, but these
RPL is a routing protocol designed for LLN-IoT networks to
mechanisms are incapable of preventing insider attacks.
provide a self-healing mechanism in the node failure case.
Further, as per the taxonomy of RPL, routing attacks are
This protocol operates at the network layer, efficiently routes
categorized based on Resources, Topology formation and
and distributes the information to other nodes. RPL is a Traffic between nodes, as shown in figure 4 [23].
distance-vector-routing protocol that provides support to
6LoWPAN networks. It follows "Destination Oriented A. Attacks Against Resources
Directed Acyclic Graphs (DODAG)" based topology that When a node in the RPL based IoT network consumes more
may contain one or more Destination Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) power, memory, and processing capabilities, it is affected by
[14]. The formation of RPL is as shown in figure 3. resource attacks. If one or multiple nodes are affected by this
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type of attack, then the average lifetime of RPL DODAG will parent node must be less than that of the child node. A
decrease significantly. The attacks against resources can malicious node changes the ETX value of nodes to get a
happen in two ways, i.e., Direct Attacks and Indirect Attacks. better position in the network and launch other attacks on it
B. Attacks on Topology
The attacks against RPL may disturb the formation
(topology) of DODAG, so these are further divided into sub-
optimization and Isolation attacks.
1) Sub-Optimization Attacks: These attacks occur when
the nodes that are part of the network do not follow optimal
a) Sinkhole Attack: It is a sucking attack in which the
Fig. 4. Taxonomy of RPL Routing Attacks in IoT malicious nodes attract traffic towards it by advertising better
route path metrics. So, the neighboring nodes send the data
1) Direct Attacks: In this, the malicious node is traffic as adversaries to the malicious or sink node, which
responsible for the exhaustion of resources of the RPL lastly drops all the traffic. A sinkhole Attack becomes more
DODAG network. The direct attacker can decrease network harmful when combined with other attacks like blackhole or
efficiency by performing a flooding attack or overloading the wormhole attacks.
routing table. b) Wormhole Attacks occur when the attacker nodes
a) Hello-Flood Attack occurs in RPL-IoT network when make a link between them to transmit all the traffic primary
in node joins the network it broadcast a hello message that is or fully through the link instead of the path defined by
considered DIO messages. In this type of attack, the DODAG. Even the RPL self-healing property cannot detect
malicious mode tries to attract traffic towards it by showing or mitigate this type of assault in the network through packet
good network metrics and leaving the network afterwards. encapsulation, packet relay, or out-of-band links to create a
This type of attack intimately increases energy consumption private link. This type of attack increases the network's
and creates congestion in the network. energy consumption and E2E delay.
b) Routing Table Overload Attack occurs when the c) Neighbor Attacks occur when a malicious node
router of the RPL network is maintaining and storing routing advertises fake DIO messages to its neighbouring nodes, due
tables. This can be accomplished by creating fraudulent to which its metrics like Rank, version no. etc., get affected.
routes with DAO messages, which saturate the target node's These attacks are not very harmful but increase the E2E delay
routing table and cause memory overflow [23]. of the network.
d) Replay Attacks: RPL routing tables are updated when
2) Indirect attacks: The attacker node influences another correct control messages are transmitted/received between
node to send traffic over the network to overload resources. nodes. A malicious node repeatedly shares old routing data in
a) Increased Rank Attacks occur when the Rank of the network to disturb RPL-DODAG formation. This attack
nodes that are part of RPL increases automatically in the replaying sends wrong control messages (DAO, DIO and
downward direction and disturbs DODAG formation. As in DIS) in the network, increasing power consumption,
RPL, each child node has a rank greater than its preferred overheads, and E2E delays [23].
parent. If a child node wishes to modify its Rank, it must first
notify its parent. In this attack, the attacker node broadcasts a 2) Isolation Attacks: It occurs when a node or group of
higher rank in the DODAG and attracts child nodes to disturb nodes in RPL DODAG isolates from its parent/root node.
loop formations in the sub-DAGs of RPL. a) Blackhole Attack: It is an attack in which the
b) DAG Inconsistency Attacks occur in the network malicious node drops all the information packets rather than
when a malicious node manipulates the Down' O' bit and 'R' forwarding them to the destination. This will create a
Rank error bit flags of the packets (DAG metric container) condition of Denial of Service (DoS) attack. A black hole
before forwarding it to the destination. Due to this node's attack becomes more dangerous when the malicious node/
energy, E2E delay and packet overheads increase in the attacker modifies the packet before forwarding. Due to the
network. modification of packets problem of false route advertisement
c) Version No. Attacks: The 6BR in RPL is used to arises, E2E delay increases and the packet delivery rate
increase version no. using its global repair mechanism. The decreases. RPL self-healing mechanism can remove this
BR increases version no. by changing the DIO message's attack, but this attack becomes more dangerous when
version no. field and forwarding it to preferred child nodes. combined with other attacks like sinkhole attacks.
The attacker modifies version no. field of the DIO message, b) Selective Forwarding Attack: Another form of
which updates version no. and changes the DODAG Blackhole attack is also known as the "Greyhole Attack". The
formation. Due to this type of attack, E2E delays, rank attacker/malicious node selectively forwards the packets
inconsistencies, overheads, and energy required by the n/w while dropping everything else. E.g., the attacker node
will increase. forwards RPL control messages and ICMPv6 packets and
d) Expected Transmission Count (ETX) Manipulation drops all other packets. This attack disrupts routing paths as
Attacks: The ETX OF is used for optimal routing between the it cannot be detected or removed with the help of the RPL
nodes in RPL. In the RPL network, the ETX value of the self-healing mechanism [25].
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c) DAO Inconsistency Attack: This attack occurs in RPL taxonomy of defense mechanisms used to detect and mitigate
storing mode. The control packets that are forwarded to attacks against RPL.
destination Down' O' (to check packet direction), 'R' flag (to
A. Secure Routing Protocols (SRPs)
check Rank error) and 'F' flag (forwarding error flag to check
packets that are not forwarded to destination). DAO SRPs are used to defend against different routing attacks
Inconsistency attack occurs when the attacker changes the 'F' occurring in IoT networks. SRPs are further classified into
flag bit of control packets which changes the topology of the cryptographic (use traditional key algorithms to protect the
DODAG. Due to this attack, E2E delays, topology variation network against cyber-attacks), Trust (measures the trust
and isolation between nodes increase. value between nodes) and threshold (that works on RPL TT
reset property) based solutions.
C. Attacks on Traffic
These attacks influence traffic between the RPL nodes and are
classified into eavesdropping and impersonation attacks.
1) Eavesdropping Attacks: This attack occurs due to
sniffing and traffic analysis attacks.
a) Sniffing Attacks: The attack occurs when the attacker
listens to the packets that are sent over the network. The
attack can occur on the device or directly on packets when the
nodes are connected over the wired or wireless medium. The
attacker copies i.e. sniff the control packet's information like
version no., Rank, identity (ID) no. of DODAG etc., and
drops the packets via the medium used. These attacks cannot Fig. 5. Defense Mechanism used to mitigate/detect RPL Routing Attacks
be detected as they are passive in nature.
b) Traffic Analysis: In this type of attack, the attacker 1) Cryptographic Solutions:
tracks the traffic between the DODAG nodes. The attacker a) Markle-Tree Authentication: It is a scheme that can
then collects all the information about the parent/child nodes detect wormhole attacks. It identifies the parent node from
and the topology formation of the nodes and then performs the end sensor node with the help of hash calculation of the
attacks in the network [23]. node's public key. The error is detected if the node cannot
validate its transmission [11].
2) Impersonation Attacks: In this attack, the attacker b) Version No. and Rank Authentication (VeRA): This
copies the ID of a node and claims to be a legitimate node. protocol is used to defend version no. and decrease rank
These attacks are not harmful to RPL but can access a major attacks. It uses hash chains to authenticate the malicious
part of the network. nodes. It generates hashing function using a random no. and
a) Decreased Rank Attacks: These attacks occur when prevents attacks by publishing a false decreased Rank. VeRA
an attacker node advertises a lower rank in the form of DIO uses the Message Authentication Code (MAuC) of the root
messages in the network. And the other nodes think it to be a node that contains a maximum rank hash value and next
legitimate node and share traffic in the network via a version no. as a key for authenticating the Rank of nodes.
malicious node. This type of attack may cause sinkhole or VeRA is susceptible to Rank Chain Forgery and Rank Replay
eavesdropping attacks inside the network by changing the attacks, which can be mitigated using the Challenge-
Rank values of the nodes. These attacks increase the power Response Scheme.
consumption of the RPL based network. c) Trust Anchor Interconnection Loop (TRAIL): It is a
b) Clone Identity and Sybil Attacks: The Clone ID attack Security Scheme used for detecting and preventing
occurs when the attacker node copies node information from topological attacks. Without any encryption mechanism, it
the network and pretends to be a legit network node. The root may identify rank spoofing attacks. It finds out the rank
node of RPL DODAG is spoofed most of the time and attracts irregularity of each parent node to detect and remove
traffic towards it. While in the Sybil attack, the attacker malicious nodes from the network. This protocol also
copies several entities to control the network topology. Sybil minimizes network resource consumption [12, 25].
attacks are further classified into SA1, SA2 and SA 3 based d) Secure RPL (SRPL): It is a security mechanism to
on the nature of nodes used. The Sybil attacks decrease the detect rank attacks in the network due to manipulating control
packet delivery ratio (PDR) and increase overhead and the message information. With the help of the Rank Threshold
network's energy consumption[12]. value, it can detect any change in the Rank value of the node.
SRPL involves three phases to Defend the Attack, i.e.,
V. DEFENSE MECHANISMS USED TO MITIGATE OR Initialization, verification, and Rank updatation phases. In
DETECT RPL ROUTING ATTACKS the initialization phase, all the network nodes calculate their
rank threshold level and hash codes. In the verification
To protect RPL based IoT networks from insider and outsider phase, nodes verify their hashed ranks and threshold
attacks, different authors have proposed solutions to mitigate levels. In the last Phase, the Rank of a node is confirmed in
and detect attacks. So, the defense mechanisms are divided case of any change in Rank value. SRPL is used to detect
into 2 categories, i.e., Routing Protocols (which have been blackhole, Rank, sinkhole, and selective forward attacks. A
integrated into the RPL protocol) and IDs (that detect the major drawback is that it is expensive and uses more network
abnormalities in RPL function). Figure 5 [12] depicts the resources [12].
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2) Trust-Based Solutions 3) Threshold Based Solutions:
a) Trusted Computer Architecture (TCA): It uses a) Adaptive Threshold (AT): It detects RPL-DODAG
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) to establish Trust for inconsistency attacks. This scheme works on the trickle time
exchanging secure keys among the sensor nodes. This type threshold value. A fixed value of 20 is preset in the RPL TT
of architecture defends against DoS, tampering and even as the threshold. And to limit the attack effect when the timer
routing attacks. TPM is the main sub-part of this architecture reaches this limit, all the packets are dropped and the TT goes
that encrypts the correct keys. So, to protect the network on. The TT will reset after every 1 hour to counter the attacks
from attacks, we have to protect the TPM module, increasing using this scheme. This scheme cannot be used to detect
network performance using TCA. multiple-pattern attacks and doesn't consider mobile nodes
b) Minimum Rank Hysteresis Objective Function for calculation.
(MHROF) RPL: It is an extension of the RPL protocol used b) Dynamic Threshold (DT): This scheme is an
to detect and isolate black hole attacks. It calculates the RPL improvement of the adaptive threshold and mitigates
trust values of neighbouring nodes and determines the DODAG inconsistency attacks. To protect the network from
preferred parent node by monitoring them. attacks, all the dynamic characteristics of nodes are
c) Sec-Trust RPL: It's a time based, trusted modification considered in the scheme. It only uses network characteristics
of the RPL protocol. Using this protocol, we can detect and to optimize the network performance. DT also uses RPL
isolate Rank and Sybil attacks. This protocol uses Trust convergence time instead of resetting its TT, which
Calculation Module (TCM) to compute the trust value of intimately decreases DIO transmissions. DT can also detect
neighbouring nodes. It also uses the Trust Monitoring and mitigate Forced Blackhole attacks. This scheme requires
Module (TMM) to update the Trust values of nodes over time less transmission energy and has lower delays and PDR than
and in a reactive way. And lastly, the trust rating process sorts AT.
the trust values in decreasing order. Sec-Trust also uses Trust B. Intrusion Detection system (IDs)
Backup and Recuperation process to save network resources
from the attacker node. Sec-Trust RPL protocol is much These are used to detect various routing attacks occurring in
better than MHROF RPL as it detects attacks, reduces packet IoT networks. Different types of IDs are: Signature-based,
loss, increases efficiency, and reduces the frequency of rank Anomaly-based, Specification-based and Hybrid IDs,
attacks in the network. The disadvantage of using this scheme respectively.
is it requires more energy as it operates in promiscuous mode. 1) Signature-Based IDs: It detects DIS flooding and
d) Lightweight Trust Aware RPL is a protocol used to version no. attacks. This scheme detects multiple attacks with
detect Blackhole and Selective forwarding attacks. The the help of monitoring modules placed inside the nodes. This
principle of working of this protocol lies on the nature of scheme also requires three types of additional modules. The
nodes. If the nature of a node is malicious, then it drops more first module is the IDs router node containing a firewall and
packets than that of a non-malicious node. In this way, the detecting malicious packets. And the second module is the
protocol measures the Trust of a node. It measures the quality IDs sensor/detector node that monitors traffic and calculates
of the node based on the MRHOF RPL function. This the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), sending rate
protocol shows better performance than MRHOF RPL and and drop speed of packets. And in last the detection module
detects attacks more frequently but consumes more energy in on 6BR decides whether the node is safe or malicious.
the promiscuous mode of operation.
e) Metric Based RPL Trustworthiness Scheme (MRTS): 2) Anomaly-Based IDs:
It is a strategy that works on trustworthiness between the
a) SVELTE: It is real-time IDs that contain an anomaly
nodes [12]. Based on trust metrics and OFs, this system
detection engine to detect RPL spoofing, sinkhole and
proposes new Extended RPL Node Trustworthiness (ERNT)
selective forwarding attacks. To detect attacks, four modules,
and Trust Objective Function (TOF) scheme. The ERNT is
i.e., Mapper, Analyzer, Detector and Firewall, are placed
combined with the DIO messages that are interchanged with
inside the 6BR. These modules inside the 6BR filter the
the neighbouring sensor nodes. And responsible for legitimate nodes. SVELTE can detect attacks that occur in the
producing cost-effective trust-based routes. TOF is used to
network due to DODAG inconsistency, misbehaviour of
compute Rank and gives ways to use ERNT for selecting
nodes and routing table overloading. But it requires proper
parent nodes. MRTS scheme uses TPM for performing
placement of modules inside the 6BR to reduce the False
security calculations and protecting RPL control
Positive Rate (FPR). The anomaly IDs need less energy,
messages. But this, TPM increases the overall cost of the
memory and computation power from the network.
MRTS network.
b) Real time IDs for Wormhole Detection: This scheme
f) 2-Way Acknowledgement (ACK) Trust: This scheme
detect wormhole attacks based on RSSI. In this technique IDs
uses Two-Way ACK for developing Trust between the
centralized block is placed inside 6BR and distributed blocks
neighbouring nodes. In this scheme, the network operates in are placed inside resource constrained IoT nodes.
a non-promiscuous mode and direct Trust is built between the
nodes. This scheme creates a route to the sink node and c) Extended- SVELTE: Extension of SVELTE proposed
introduces a new node for accomplishing two-hop ACK in to detect ETX metric based attack in RPL. In this scheme, an
the network. This protocol cannot detect and isolates grey extra intrusion detection module is incorporated inside 6BR.
hole attacks as it is pre-assumed that the malicious node only This method can detect rank and ETX attacks by using the
drops data packets but not the ACK packets. location and transmission limits. This scheme achieves a high
Authorized licensed use limited to: Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram Univ of Sci & Tech SONEPAT. Downloaded on September 16,2022 at 18:04:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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