Gasouma, 2023
Gasouma, 2023
Gasouma, 2023
Research Article
Keywords: Internet of Things, RPL, Software-De ned Networks, DIO Broadcast Control, Energy E ciency.
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Software Defined Network for Energy Efficiency
in IoT and RPL Networks
Amir Gasouma1,2 , Kamaludin M. Yusof 1 , Azath Mubarakali2 , Omer Elsier Tayfour2
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
College of Computer Science, King Khalid University, Abha 61413, Saudi Arabia
Corresponding author: Amir Alrashid Abdalla Gasouma ([email protected]).
Abstract Today's most significant developing technology is the Internet of Things (IoT), and investigating it is a hot issue
in information technology. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in RFC6550 defined the IPv6 Routing Protocol for
Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL), one of the IoT's core routing protocols, and it is the only standard protocol that
assists the routing process in Low Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) of IoT applications. LLNs are connecting smart
devices to the Internet to monitor, control, or exchange data. These smart devices are tiny with limited battery capacity and
power supply, and it is suffering from excessive energy consumption. This network issue may be addressed with innovative
flexible network topology using Software-Defined networks. Our work proposes an (LBC-NDFA) algorithm for software-
defined RPL networks to reduce the number of RPL control messages and increase energy efficiency using a Limit based
Broadcast Control (LBC) approach that modified the Destination Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph (DODAG) Information
Object (DIO) control message format and used the Non-Deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA) algorithm to determine
whether a DIO message needs to be broadcasted. Using network simulator NS3, we assess the results. The results of our
experiments show the viability of our proposal with decreased control overhead, and control messages, and reduced energy
consumption by 40% and 60% with compared works.
Keywords Internet of Things, RPL, Software-Defined Networks, DIO Broadcast Control, Energy Efficiency.
Control Overhead
and control message overhead. 0.7
100 0.4
90 0.3
No. of Control Messages
80 0.2
70 0.1
60 0
50 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
40 Simulation Times (min)
Fig. 6 Comparison of control overhead.
0 On the other hand, exchanging excess control packets
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 consumes more energy in each IoT node.
In the proposed LBC SDN-IoT, the DIO broadcast is
Number of IoT Nodes
controlled by setting up a limit value in the modified packet
format. Further, each time NDFA determines the decision on
Fig. 5 Number of Control Messages. broadcasting based on current network states like the number
In figure 5, the number of control messages in DODAG of new neighboring nodes and node degree. Thus, DIO is
construction is compared in terms of the number of IoT broadcasted when there is a greater number of nodes needed
nodes. An increase in the number of IoT nodes requires a to receive the control message. In VERO-SD, the broadcast
large number of control messages to be exchanged. The control is carried based on a threshold value, but the
reason is that when the network is large then the broadcasting threshold value is determined non-optimally. Due to this
message will be high. Even with 100 nodes, our proposed factor, the overhead is 0.8 even when n = 10. Similarly,
model uses only 61 control messages while the VERO-SD CORAL fixes a time interval and doubles the DIO broadcast
method required 89 messages, and the CORAL method in a regular interval which increases the overhead
requires 101 messages. In the VERO-SD approach, the exponentially to 0.92 for n = 10. From the analysis, the
broadcast limit is defined based on a threshold value. proposed LBC approach minimizes the overhead which will
However, the threshold value is insufficient to define the further minimize energy consumption.
broadcast limit. Similarly, CORAL doubles the broadcast
limit at regular time intervals. Due to these reasons, a large 4.2.3 Analysis Of Data Transmission
number of control packets are exchanged in the existing Data transmission efficiency is analyzed in terms of packet
works. At the same time, the proposed work uses LBC-based delivery ratio and packet loss rate. The packet delivery ratio
broadcast control with NDFA-based adaptive decision which is defined as the ratio between the total number of packets
controls the broadcast. transmitted from the source and the total number of packets
received by the destination. Similarly, the packet loss rate
4.2.2 Comparison of Control Overhead measures the total number of packets lost during data
In figure 6, the control message overhead is compared transmission. In figure 7 packet delivery ratio is compared
concerning simulation time. The control overhead is defined with VERO-SD and CORAL. Here, PDR achieved by the
as the ratio between the total number of transmitted packets proposed work is between 90% to 100% (i.e.) a reasonable
and the total number of transmitted control packets. In the number of packets reached the destination without any loss.
proposed LBC SDN-IoT, the control overhead is minimized
by 0.52 when n = 100. For the same n value, existing VERO-
SD achieve 0.96 and CORAL achieves overhead as 1 (i.e.) a
greater number of control packets are exchanged throughout
the network. However, exchanging a large number of control
packets is not suitable for the IoT network since it reduces
the reliability of the entire network.
existing approaches fail to assure minimized energy
dissipation due to high control packet overhead.
Table 5 Summary of Comparison analysis with 100 nodes.
Packet Delivery Ratio ( % )
Fig. 8 Comparison of energy consumption. Funding Statement: This research is done with the
financial support by the Deanship of Scientific Research at
That is 18J energy is dissipated throughout the network. At
the same time, 30J energy is dissipated in VERO-SD and 40J King Khalid University under research grant number
energy is dissipated in CORAL, which is nearly twice the (R.G.P.2/388/44).
time higher than the proposed work. In IoT devices, energy
dissipation is mainly caused by sensing and transmitting the Competing Interests: The authors declare that they have
data. Besides, RPL-based networks dissipate energy for no competing of interest.
DODAG construction and control packet exchanges. Thus,
Ethics Statement: No unethical work has been performed
optimizing control packet overhead and frequent
retransmission minimizes energy dissipation. However, the in this research work.
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