Gasouma, 2023

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Software De ned Network for Energy E ciency in

IoT and RPL Networks

Amir Gasouma (  [email protected] )
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia - Main Campus: Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
Kamaludin M. Yusof
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia - Main Campus: Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
King Khalid University
Omer Elsier Tayfour
King Khalid University

Research Article

Keywords: Internet of Things, RPL, Software-De ned Networks, DIO Broadcast Control, Energy E ciency.

Posted Date: April 11th, 2023


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Software Defined Network for Energy Efficiency
in IoT and RPL Networks
Amir Gasouma1,2 , Kamaludin M. Yusof 1 , Azath Mubarakali2 , Omer Elsier Tayfour2
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
College of Computer Science, King Khalid University, Abha 61413, Saudi Arabia
Corresponding author: Amir Alrashid Abdalla Gasouma ([email protected]).

Abstract Today's most significant developing technology is the Internet of Things (IoT), and investigating it is a hot issue
in information technology. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in RFC6550 defined the IPv6 Routing Protocol for
Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL), one of the IoT's core routing protocols, and it is the only standard protocol that
assists the routing process in Low Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) of IoT applications. LLNs are connecting smart
devices to the Internet to monitor, control, or exchange data. These smart devices are tiny with limited battery capacity and
power supply, and it is suffering from excessive energy consumption. This network issue may be addressed with innovative
flexible network topology using Software-Defined networks. Our work proposes an (LBC-NDFA) algorithm for software-
defined RPL networks to reduce the number of RPL control messages and increase energy efficiency using a Limit based
Broadcast Control (LBC) approach that modified the Destination Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph (DODAG) Information
Object (DIO) control message format and used the Non-Deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA) algorithm to determine
whether a DIO message needs to be broadcasted. Using network simulator NS3, we assess the results. The results of our
experiments show the viability of our proposal with decreased control overhead, and control messages, and reduced energy
consumption by 40% and 60% with compared works.

Keywords Internet of Things, RPL, Software-Defined Networks, DIO Broadcast Control, Energy Efficiency.

1 Introduction important solution for solving issues that existed in IoT.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a growing paradigm that has Thus, IoT is integrated with Software Defined Network
wide applications in the real-world [1],[2]. In specific, IoT (SDN) to solve the energy efficiency of the network [3], [7].
interconnects millions of smart devices like tiny sensors, SDN uses logically centralized software, hosted in network
smart gadgets, etc. through the internet. Low Power and nodes called SDN controllers, to control the behavior of a
Lossy Networks (LLNs), which consist of numerous network by reducing the network configuration and
resource-constrained devices, serve as significant facilitators management complexity. In simple, SDN differs from the
for the implementation of IoT, This broad connectivity of traditional network in the way that it separates the control
IoT realizes many smart environments like smart cities, smart plane and data plane.
industries, e-healthcare, and so on [3]. As IoT is growing day The model of SDN-IoT is presented in figure 1. In SDN,
by day, there are still some challenges occur like energy the data plane consists of OpenFlow switches which are the
efficiency, security, scalability, reliability, and Quality of forwarding devices, and the control plane consists of
Service (QoS) [4]. The primary reason behind these controllers which maintain the global view of the network
challenges is that IoT builds large-scale heterogeneous [8]. The SDN network can be constructed with single or
environments with diverse types of nodes, their drawbacks multiple controllers in the control plane [9]. When it comes
are the limited energy and computational resources, limited to IoT, the multi-controller SDN model is effective since the
bandwidth, and low-quality radio communication. due to network is large in scale [10]. In SDN-IoT, the data is
their legacy of IoT Networks. generated by IoT sensors, aggregated by IoT gateway, and
The Software-Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm forwarded through SDN switches. Here, routing between IoT
appeared as a promising approach to implement alternative sensors and gateways plays a significant role in data
routing control strategies, enriching the set of IoT collection. For that, the RPL routing protocol specifies
applications that can be delivered, by enabling global objective-based parent selection that is specifically designed
protocol strategies and programmability of the network for IoT communication [11], [12]. In this RPL, Destination
environment. However, SDN can be associated with Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph (DODAG) is constructed
significant network control overhead. [5], [6]. SDN is an
by exchanging control messages. Here the data from IoT SDN-IoT network through reduce the number of RPL control
devices is gathered by the root node in which the parent messages and achieve energy efficiency using a Limit based
selection is performed by defining an objective function Broadcast Control (LBC) approach which uses a modified
(OF). This OF can be defined based on different metrics [13]. DIO format and Non-Deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA)
As per the defined OF, the decision-making the optimal algorithm to determine whether a DIO message needs to be
parent node is selected to forward the data to the root node. broadcasted or not.
The use of a learning algorithm can be an efficient solution
since it can learn the environment. 1.1 Major Contributions:
To achieve the objectives of this work, we have presented the
following major contributions to RPL-based SDN-IoT
• An SDN-IoT network is designed and assisted by RPL-
based routing operations.
• The RPL DIO message broadcast operation is controlled to
minimize excess energy dissipation.
• The DIO message control is carried out in two ways:
(i) The packet format is modified with the addition of a
broadcast limit.
(ii) a Non-Deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA)
algorithm proposed to predict whether the broadcast
limit needs to be extended.
By applying these major contributions, the proposed work
minimizes energy consumption in the network exponentially
without affecting data transmission.

1.2 Paper Organization

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2
Fig. 1 SDN-IoT Integrated Model. reviews significant literature works carried out on software
The expected transmission count (ETX) is one of the defined RPL networks and summarizes the research gap.
significant parameters that is taken into account to select a also, the research problems formulated in this work are
parent [14]. The fuzzy logic is also used in parent selection highlighted in this section. Section 3 explains the proposed
which can take into account more than one parameter for system model in detail. Section 4 lists the simulation
parent selection [15]. IoT devices are limited with batteries parameters and evaluates the performance of the proposed
and hence energy-based metrics also play a vital role in system, and results are summarized in section 5. In section 6,
parent selection. The data transmission toward the root is we have concluded the contributions and highlighted the
succeeded only when the parent selection is efficient. The future research directions.
following factors are important in SDN-IoT networks while
using RPL protocol, 2 Related Works
• The IoT devices are resource-constrained which is This section reviews the significant existing works presented
employed limited batteries and processors hence to make on RPL DIO Broadcast Control.
those devices live for a longer time, the energy utilization In many research works, the trickle timer adjustment process
should be better. is carried out to control the DIO message broadcast. A trickle
• The data transmission is required to be optimal towards timer is defining the time for broadcasting a DIO control
the end device without excessive re-transmission counts. message in the network.
The key problems stated for energy consumption are the An enhanced trickle timer was designed with an improved
main motivation behind this work and that is in IoT RPL is objective function [14]. The objective function was
used in which DODAG is constructed with three different formulated with the composite metric that uses energy,
control messages (DIS, DIO, and DAO). In RPL the content, and ETX parameters. Based on this OF, the optimal
broadcast of DIO control messages is performed on a time parent was selected, and data is transmitted. The trickle timer
basis, in case of poor channels and congestion issues the was enhanced by setting up the k value based on the
node fails to receive the DIO control message, and hence it is consistency counter, transmission time, trickle interval, and
required to be re-transmitted. The increase in re-transmission redundancy factor. This work is only applicable to
of DIO control messages increases energy consumption in homogeneous static IoT networks. However, most real-time
each IoT device. Based on this motivation, this research work applications involve heterogeneous devices.
aims at maximizing the energy efficiency of the RPL-based
A dual context-based routing and load balancing (DCRL- using only one controller consumes a longer time. Due to
RPL) protocol was presented for IoT networks [16]. The this, the transmission delay occurs and even the packets may
overall IoT network was constructed as a grid, and the grid be dropped. The routing in the controller is performed by the
heads form DODAG towards the sink node. The context Dijkstra algorithm which is a blind search algorithm that is
considered here was the sensitivity of the data. Based on the not able to find the shortest path in all the instances. In the
sensitivity level, OF was formulated and the route was case of sensitive data, then it cannot be reached its
selected. In addition, an adaptive trickle timer was introduced destination at a prompt time. The dynamic threshold is
to control the DIO broadcast. The adaptive timer uses determined based on the communication range which is not
multiple parameters each time. This leads to high the only constraint to defining the broadcast threshold. Since
computational time because it requires continuous not all the broadcasts are within the time they will fail. Also,
monitoring. Further, this work increases the load at grid the use of the trickle algorithm for broadcast increases the
heads due to heavy computations carried by grid heads. delay that post-ponds packet transmission.
A fuzzy logic-based adaptive trickle timer was proposed in
the RPL-IoT network [17]. The fuzzy logic was given with 3 System Model
ETX and energy level criteria to tune the trickle timer by In this section, we present the overall process of the proposed
deploying optimum fuzzy rules. However, the execution of RPL-based SDN-IoT network.
fuzzy logic for a large-scale network where nodes are
densely deployed is difficult.
A flexible trickle timer (FL-Trickle) algorithm was
adapted for RPL enhancement in IoT networks [18]. The FL-
Tickle minimizes the transmission delay by adjusting the
fixed listen-only period in the trickle timer. The listen-only
period was adjusted by increasing the transmission rate to
half of the total slots. The considered constraints are time and
energy consumption which degrades the reliability of
DODAG since the DIO message needs to be broadcasted to
all nodes in the network. Due to the considered two
constraints, this broadcast may be affected.
Table 1 Summary of related works.
Methods Presented Research gap
• Not able to balance the
Adaptive Trickle Timer [14] performance between control
packet overhead and DODAG
Fuzzy RPL-IoT [17] • Increases energy consumption.
FL-Trickle [18] • Timer-based approaches use a
greater number of DIO packets
In table.1, the related works are summarized, and the major Fig. 2 Proposed LBC SDN-IoT Architecture.
research issues are listed. From the analysis, still, there is a The proposed network combines IoT with the SDN
main research gap that exists in achieving energy efficiency environment for energy-minimized processing. This
in RPL-based SDN-IoT. architecture is composed of n number of IoT sensors
𝑁1 , 𝑁2 , . . , 𝑁𝑛 , m number of IoT gateways [𝐺1 , 𝐺2 , . . , 𝐺𝑚 ], l
2.1 Problem Definition
number of OpenFlow switches [𝑆1 , 𝑆2 , . . , 𝑆𝑙 ] and multiple k
A cross-layer control of data flows (CORAL) was an SDN- numbers of controllers [𝐶1 , 𝐶2 , . . , 𝐶𝑘 ]. The IoT sensors are
inspired RPL routing protocol that works upon the ETX responsible for capturing the data and forwarding it to the
parameter [19]. DIO broadcast was handled by doubling the root node. In this work, RPL is used, which constructs
message time at regular intervals. This work fails in attaining DODAG in which an objective function is defined to select
better performance in DIO control. the DIO messages are the parent as a forwarder. The sensed data is forwarded
transmitted based on the time interval, but after time it is toward the root, i.e., the IoT gateway, in this proposed work.
doubled and hence it takes longer time in DODAG In general, RPL uses four significant control messages for
construction. constructing DODAG [21]. The control messages are
A versatile out-of-band (VERO-SD) controls the network described as follows,
topology and uses the Dijkstra algorithm for shortest path DODAG Information Object (DIO): The root nodes
selection [20]. The congestion management was enabled by a presented in the network initiate this message to construct the
threshold-based approach. In this work, only a single DODAG. In this work, IoT gateways generate and broadcast
controller is used which decides on path selection. In RPL- this message to all IoT sensors presented.
IoT most of the devices require selecting a path and hence
DODAG Information Solicitation (DIS): On receiving the defined as 𝜁: 𝜚 × Σ → 2𝜚
DIO message, the non-root nodes (i.e.) sensor nodes send a 𝝔𝟎 Denotes the Initial State
𝝔𝑭 Denotes the Final State
DIS message for neighbor discovery.
In this work, the states and the input can be reformulated as
Destination Advertisement Object (DAO): This multicast
message is transmitted in an upward direction to reach the
root node. This message is also used by IoT nodes for
advertising the address to other nodes in DODAG. 𝜚 = {LBC_Over, Initiate_BT, Continue_BT , Stop_BT }
DAO Acknowledgement (DAO-ACK): This unicast Σ = {Nd, Nc}
message is used by the receiver nodes of the DAO message. 𝜚0 = {LBC_Over }
By exchanging these four control messages, the DODAG is 𝜚𝐹 = {Stop_BT}
constructed in the RPL-based network. DIO message is
broadcasted within a regular intervals to maintain the
The set of states considered here are LBC is completed
DODAG as stable. Due to frequent broadcasting, the control
(LBC_Over), broadcast initialization phase (Initiate_BT),
packet overhead is increased in the network. Generally, RPL
broadcast continuing phase (Continue_BT), and broadcast
uses a trickle timer to control the DIO broadcast. However,
stop phase (Stop_BT). The transition is performed based on
minimizing the trickle timer results in unstable DODAG
input symbols of node degree (Nd) and new neighboring node
which affects the entire network. Thus, it is necessary to
count (Nc). Node degree is the number of nodes connected
control the DIO broadcast without affecting the network
with the current broadcasting node and the new neighboring
node count defines the nodes joint to the current node from
To overcome the issues in the trickle timer, we presented a
other DODAGs. The reason for choosing these inputs is that
Limit-based Broadcast Control (LBC) that uses the NDFA
if the number of connected nodes is low then the broadcast
algorithm. The broadcast control is performed in two steps.
need not be continued or else the broadcast needs to be
In the first step, the broadcast is controlled based on limit
continued. The transitions that occurred in the proposed
value. In the next step, the NDFA algorithm is applied to
system are depicted in figure.4.
determine the broadcast status. The broadcast limit is
appended in each DIO message by modifying the packet
format. In the DIO packet, a new field LBC is included as
shown in figure 3.

RPL Instance ID Version Number Rank

G O MOP Prf DTSN Flags Reserved
LBC Additional Field
(Limit Broadcast Control)

Fig. 3 Modified DIO Message format for LBC.

Initially, the LBC is set as 1 and it is incremented by 1 for
each broadcast. In this work, we set the maximum limit as 2
(i.e.) each DIO message is broadcasted by the nodes till LBC
reaches 2. Once this limit is reached, then the broadcast is
stopped. This is the first step of the proposed broadcast
control. In general, the DIO message needs to be broadcasted
Fig. 4 Transitions carried in NDFA step.
to all IoT nodes in the network. To identify whether the
All nodes execute the NDFA-based step, and the starting
broadcast limit is sufficient or not to reach all nodes can be
state is always LBC_Over. If Nd is high and Nc is low, then
determined by monitoring the network status. For this
the state is transitioned to Continue_BT. If Nd and Nc are
purpose, the second step applies NDFA to determine whether
low, then the state is transitioned to Stop_BT. The main
the DIO message needs to be broadcasted or not. The
advantage of NDFA is that it doesn’t require any
proposed NDFA algorithm is defined as 5-tuple
intermediate input to produce the result [22].
{𝜚, Σ, 𝜁, 𝜚0 , 𝜚𝐷 } and the elements are explained in the table.2
NDFA learns the initial input and provides an optimal output
Table 2 Elements of NDFA. on DIO broadcast. Based on learning of NDFA, the DIO
Element Explanation broadcast is controlled in the proposed work. The
𝝔 Represents a Finite Set of States involvement of LBC-NFDA minimizes the DIO broadcast
𝚺 Defines a Set of Input Symbols
𝜻 Represents the Transition Function and it can be
overhead. The reduction in broadcast overhead results in a C++ and the modules are built in the python programming
reasonable reduction in energy consumption. language. The simulation parameters used in the network
model are listed in table.3. By using these parameters, the
Pseudocode for LBC-NDFA algorithm network is constructed and simulated.
STATES: {LBC_Over, Initiate_BT, Continue_BT, Table 3 Simulation Parameters.
Stop_BT} Parameter Value
Begin: Simulation Area 1000*1000 m
State1: LBC_Over Number of IoT Nodes 100
if (Nc is High) then Number of Gateways 3
Move to State2 Number of OpenFlow 15
else if (Nd is High) then Switches
Move to State3 Number of Controllers 3
else Initial Energy of IoT Nodes 15 Joules (Maximum)
Flow Table Size 1000 KB
Move to State4
Packet Size 512 KB (Maximum)
Number of Packets Generated 100
Data Rate 1.1 Mbps
State2: Initiate_BT Simulation Time 100 Minutes
if (Nc is High) then Modules Used IoT_Module
No movement(itself) Flow_Monitor_Module
else if (Nd is High) then WiFi_Module
Move to State3 OpenFlow_Module
else In the simulation, TCP and UDP traffic types are generated
Move to State4 by the IoT nodes. As the network is heterogeneous, each
end node moves with different mobility and generates data in
end different sizes.
State3: Continue_BT
if (Nc is High) then 4.2 Comparative Analysis
Move to State2 After simulation, the results are observed for comparative
else if (Nd is High) then analysis. For that, we observe significant performance
No movement(itself) measures such as the number of control messages exchanged,
else control message overhead, and average energy consumption.
Move to State4 Since the work focuses on the RPL aspect and SDN aspect,
end comparisons are made with RPL-based works including
end VERO-SD [20] and CORAL [19].
State4: Stop_BT Table 4 Comparison of previous works.
if (Nc is High) then Existing Network
OF Demerits
Move to State2 Work Model
• Increases data loss and
else CORAL
energy consumption.
No movement(itself) based ETX
[19] • Not able to handle large-
end scale network
RPL- Dijkstra • High E2E delay
4 Simulation Results and Analysis based RPL • Non-optimal route
SDN-IoT routing increases data loss
In this section, we evaluate the performance of the proposed
model through extensive simulations. Also, the performance
In table 4, the previous works are compared with the
is compared with the existing works.
proposed model. From the analysis, all existing works have
some demerits which degrade the performance. These
4.1 Simulation Environment
demerits reflect as the results in performance metrics.
The proposed model is experimentally analyzed for
evaluating the performance. For that, the proposed network is
4.2.1 Comparison Of Control Messages
modeled in Network Simulator version 3.26 which runs on
The prime objective of the proposed Multi SDN-IoT is to
the Ubuntu operating system. Ns-3 is suitable for simulating
minimize energy consumption by minimizing unwanted
various types of networks and network protocols. Thus, Ns-3
control packet overhead.
is used for simulations. All algorithms have been written in
RPL-based operations require a greater number of control
packets in DODAG formation and stabilization. Thus, LBC-SD-RPL VERO-SD CORAL
control message analysis plays a vital role in the proposed 1
work. The control message analysis is carried out based on 0.9
two vital metrics the number of control packets exchanged 0.8

Control Overhead
and control message overhead. 0.7
100 0.4
90 0.3
No. of Control Messages

80 0.2
70 0.1
60 0
50 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
40 Simulation Times (min)
Fig. 6 Comparison of control overhead.
0 On the other hand, exchanging excess control packets
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 consumes more energy in each IoT node.
In the proposed LBC SDN-IoT, the DIO broadcast is
Number of IoT Nodes
controlled by setting up a limit value in the modified packet
format. Further, each time NDFA determines the decision on
Fig. 5 Number of Control Messages. broadcasting based on current network states like the number
In figure 5, the number of control messages in DODAG of new neighboring nodes and node degree. Thus, DIO is
construction is compared in terms of the number of IoT broadcasted when there is a greater number of nodes needed
nodes. An increase in the number of IoT nodes requires a to receive the control message. In VERO-SD, the broadcast
large number of control messages to be exchanged. The control is carried based on a threshold value, but the
reason is that when the network is large then the broadcasting threshold value is determined non-optimally. Due to this
message will be high. Even with 100 nodes, our proposed factor, the overhead is 0.8 even when n = 10. Similarly,
model uses only 61 control messages while the VERO-SD CORAL fixes a time interval and doubles the DIO broadcast
method required 89 messages, and the CORAL method in a regular interval which increases the overhead
requires 101 messages. In the VERO-SD approach, the exponentially to 0.92 for n = 10. From the analysis, the
broadcast limit is defined based on a threshold value. proposed LBC approach minimizes the overhead which will
However, the threshold value is insufficient to define the further minimize energy consumption.
broadcast limit. Similarly, CORAL doubles the broadcast
limit at regular time intervals. Due to these reasons, a large 4.2.3 Analysis Of Data Transmission
number of control packets are exchanged in the existing Data transmission efficiency is analyzed in terms of packet
works. At the same time, the proposed work uses LBC-based delivery ratio and packet loss rate. The packet delivery ratio
broadcast control with NDFA-based adaptive decision which is defined as the ratio between the total number of packets
controls the broadcast. transmitted from the source and the total number of packets
received by the destination. Similarly, the packet loss rate
4.2.2 Comparison of Control Overhead measures the total number of packets lost during data
In figure 6, the control message overhead is compared transmission. In figure 7 packet delivery ratio is compared
concerning simulation time. The control overhead is defined with VERO-SD and CORAL. Here, PDR achieved by the
as the ratio between the total number of transmitted packets proposed work is between 90% to 100% (i.e.) a reasonable
and the total number of transmitted control packets. In the number of packets reached the destination without any loss.
proposed LBC SDN-IoT, the control overhead is minimized
by 0.52 when n = 100. For the same n value, existing VERO-
SD achieve 0.96 and CORAL achieves overhead as 1 (i.e.) a
greater number of control packets are exchanged throughout
the network. However, exchanging a large number of control
packets is not suitable for the IoT network since it reduces
the reliability of the entire network.
existing approaches fail to assure minimized energy
dissipation due to high control packet overhead.
Table 5 Summary of Comparison analysis with 100 nodes.
Packet Delivery Ratio ( % )

Control Control Energy

80 Messages Overhead Consumption
CORAL [19] 101 1 40J
VERO-SD [20] 89 0.96 30J
40 Proposed 61 0.52 18J

20 Table 5 summarized the comparison analysis of the previous

0 works compared with the proposed model with 100 nodes
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 and the energy consumption is measured at the end of the
simulation (i.e.) 100 minutes.
Simulation Time (min)
5 Results & Discussion
The results show that the proposed LBC SDN-IoT
Fig. 7 Comparison of packet delivery ratio outperforms all energy efficiency aspects in terms of diverse
performance metrics. Each of the proposed contributions
4.2.4 Comparison of Energy Consumption helps in improving the Energy efficiency performance of the
Energy consumption is defined as the amount of energy software defined IoT networks. The major research
consumed by the network on average. Energy consumption highlights are in SD-RPL, the DIO control message
includes energy consumed for data transmission, reception, broadcast is limited by modifying the DIO packet format
and environmental sensing. with the field of Limit Broadcast Control, and the decision to
In figure 8, the energy consumption is compared concerning broadcast is taken by non-deterministic finite automata. Once
the number of IoT nodes. The average energy consumption the DIO is to be broadcasted, then the broadcast packet will
of the network is increased with an increase in simulation reach the child nodes.
time. At the simulation time of 10 minutes, the energy
consumption of our model is 6J and it is increased to 18J at 6 Conclusion
the end of the simulation (i.e.) 100 minutes.
In this paper, a unique LBC SDN-IoT network model is
LBC-SD-RPL VERO-SD CORAL created and simulated to increase IoT network energy
efficiency. LBC reduces DIO broadcast messages in the
40 proposal. This method changes the DIO format and employs
Energy Consumption (J)

NDFA-based broadcast decisions. The proposed model

30 improves energy efficiency. The NS-3 simulator evaluates
based on control message count, control overhead, and
20 energy usage. The proposed model performs better overall.
Since attackers create traffic overhead and energy
consumption, the proposed LBC SDN-IoT paradigm will be
enhanced with security measures to identify them. Thus, this
proposal's future study should focus on security-based energy
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Simulation Time (min)

Fig. 8 Comparison of energy consumption. Funding Statement: This research is done with the
financial support by the Deanship of Scientific Research at
That is 18J energy is dissipated throughout the network. At
the same time, 30J energy is dissipated in VERO-SD and 40J King Khalid University under research grant number
energy is dissipated in CORAL, which is nearly twice the (R.G.P.2/388/44).
time higher than the proposed work. In IoT devices, energy
dissipation is mainly caused by sensing and transmitting the Competing Interests: The authors declare that they have
data. Besides, RPL-based networks dissipate energy for no competing of interest.
DODAG construction and control packet exchanges. Thus,
Ethics Statement: No unethical work has been performed
optimizing control packet overhead and frequent
retransmission minimizes energy dissipation. However, the in this research work.
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