Gulati 2021
Gulati 2021
Gulati 2021
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In recent times, it has been witnessed that wireless systems based on IoT-based have developed rapidly
Received 6 April 2021 in various sectors. The IoT (Internet of Things) is the network in which physical devices, equipment, sen-
Received in revised form 16 April 2021 sors and other objects can communicate among themselves without human involvement. The WSN
Accepted 5 May 2021
(Wireless Sensor Network) is a central component of the IoT, which has proliferated into several different
Available online xxxx
applications in real-time. The IoT and WSNs now have various critical and non-critical applications
impacting nearly every area of our everyday life. WSN nodes are usually small and battery-driven
machines. Thus, the energy effective data aggregation techniques that increase the lifespan of the net-
Internet of Things (IoT)
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
work are highly significant. Various approaches and algorithms for energy-efficient data aggregation in
Energy-efficiency IoT-WSN systems were presented. This paper reviews the literature with specific attention to aspects
Network lifetime of wireless networking for the preservation of energy and aggregation of data.
Data aggregation Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 1st International Con-
ference on Computations in Materials and Applied Engineering – 2021.
1. Introduction nication of control and sensor data [1]. Such real time modules
such as sensors, are interconnected with one another to transmit
Our everyday life has changed significantly in all respects with sensed data to the centralized repositories, in which the data is
the beginning of wireless networking technology. The Internet of cumulatively stored and accessible for users with the right to
Things (IoT) is especially one of the fastest evolving technologies access. In comparison to conventional wired or wireless network-
of the future. Multiple devices can be associated in the physical ing systems, the features of IoT utilizing wireless technologies
world, which basically changes our everyday life, by adding IoT. are somewhat different as the number of communication devices
The need for communications everywhere and every-time, partic- is quite high [2]. However, IoT-based traffic is not usually much
ularly in fields with increased activity, is, therefore, increasing critical because of every IoT device senses and transmits some data
rapidly. to a respective IoT Server, thus data produced by a large number of
The IoT has been viewed as integration and communication objects might have some effects collectively on efficiency of the
between intelligent objects (things). IoT’s supremacy contributes network. Therefore, for a long time without any human interfer-
to new technologies and applications. Such sensors and actuators ence, the IoT networks will run in a safe and sustainable manner.
(for example, home appliances, security cameras and sensors for Heterogeneous WSN that link a wide range of intelligent sen-
environmental monitoring) are usually fitted with various types sors has become the cornerstone for the IOT-based systems all
of transceivers, microcontroller devices, and protocols for commu- around us, introducing significant enhancements in the near future
[3]. The rapid development of these devices has resulted in energy
consumption problems [4], which have become highly attractive.
⇑ Corresponding author.
On one side, the drastic rise in the rate of communication and
E-mail address: (K. Gulati).
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 1st International Conference on Computations in Materials and Applied Engineering – 2021.
Please cite this article as: K. Gulati, Raja Sarath Kumar Boddu, D. Kapila et al., A review paper on wireless sensor network techniques in Internet of Things
(IoT), Materials Today: Proceedings,
K. Gulati, Raja Sarath Kumar Boddu, D. Kapila et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
the sharing of information has contributed to unsustainable rises Battery energy sources generally are used for operating devices
in energy usage and carbon emission [5]. The sensor nodes, on in these IoT networks, which is why energy efficiency is of course
the other side, are required to operate efficiently for longer periods of highest concern for system management. With a view to a speci-
(even years) for different application specifications in most appli- fic WSN domain, battery-operated sensor nodes’ energy efficiency,
cations (e.g. for environmental control, protection, agriculture, bor- as well as life extension, have been problems for research from
der surveillance and protection etc.) [6]. The application’s long time [9,10], whereby Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols
durability depends primarily on energy consumed by sensors, emphasizes on optimizing sensor node operation and protocols for
whereby the dead nodes can affect device compatibility and routing layer are built for aggregating data and transmitting it from
dependence and accuracy of data. However, a sensor node is typi- multiple-to-one. Thus, a review is presented in this paper with
cally composed of four major units: specific attention to aspects of wireless networking for the preser-
vation of energy and aggregation of data.
the processing unit,
the sensing/identification unit,
the communication unit and 2. Role of IoT in WSN
the power supply unit [7,8],
Significant classification opinions and surveys of WSN and IoT-
It is shown in Fig. 1. based energy-saving technologies have been supported by several
The afore mentioned components have secondary components, research papers and studies. Throughout this section, some of
like filters, amplifiers, transducers, comparators, etc. The sensing these important literary works are reviewed, which present their
device collects / senses data from workplace. The processing unit main areas and different categories identified by them:
conducts different tasks for data manipulation like data collection, The paper [11] presented the design as well as the accomplish-
whereas the communication unit transmits data at the BS (base ment of solar energy powered precision agricultural (PA) network
stations), and the power unit, usually a battery-limited one, pro- with the WSN by utilizing IoT architecture to fulfil the requirement
vides energy to all other devices. of identifying extremely effective ways for a smart agriculture
The specific sensor node energy usage depends upon the oper- management system. This presented system provided farmers
ating situation, which may consist of three states- active, sleeping, with useful information in a user-friendly and easy to access way
or idle . The node uses the maximum energy in active mode. with real-time data communications through IoT about saltwater
Thanks to the information transmission and receipt, the maximum intrusions, the moisture of soil, level of water, wet conditions, tem-
energy is dissipated and the least is absorbed by sensing device. perature and the general state of the land.
Though the energy required by processing unit is very less than The authors in [12] provided a study of IOT data gathering and
that of the subsystem for radio, but larger than subsystem for sens- the concepts of making a decision.
ing. It depends on the distance of communication, the monitoring The operational and maintenance survey of PV systems and
case, the criteria of operation and the activities in all units. During WSNs based on IoT for the monitoring of PV panels was presented
idle mode, the node waits for data packets that and sent from in [13].
another node. It may result in much higher energy consumption The research [14] suggested an approach used to enhnance
(by CPU, radio etc.) that can amount to up to 50%-100% energy dis- energy usage in WSN-IoT environmental operations via the Chaotic
sipated for data receipt. A lot less amount of energy is drained Whale Optimization Process. The results of energy efficiency rela-
away while sleeping, where the node fails to perform any process- tive to other traditional approaches were obtained. The results
ing activity and the unit of communication is turned off. Though, demonstrated that in the WSN-IoT integrated system, the proposed
other energy dissipation sources, such as packet losses, packet col- approach achieves better energy efficiency.
lisions, physical channel errors, frame overhearing, overhead pro- The survey was performed in [15] on the delays, energies, jit-
tocols and overhead computation, exist. The IoT group has ters, throughput, packet-delivery ratios (PDR) from the viewpoint
therefore been inspired to develop energy-efficient and renewable of WSN and performance of routing protocols was measured using
IoT solutions. latencies, bandwidth, jitter and delay. An algorithm was designed
to improve AODV routing in IoT. Two tables were merged into
one table, i.e. table of routing and internet access table for protocol
optimization. This paper aimed mainly to analyze simulation stud-
ies of the IoT AODV routing protocol, and to utilize the NS2 simu-
lator to improve AODV performance and IoT AODV performance.
The latest version is available.
Also, WSN-assisted IoT has many limitations, making it impos-
sible for traditional routing protocols to be used directly. Energy is
major constraint for IoT devices assisted by WSN. To communicate
among sensor nodes, more power is consumed than sensing and
computing. Consequently, effective energy management
approaches are essential to extend the network’s life. In paper
[16], the author proposed an energy-conscious multi-user &
Multi-Hop Hierarchical Routing Protocol (EAMMH-RP) which cov-
ers Communication with Multi-Hop wherein energy is distributed
equally across cluster formation sensor nodes, a novel sequence of
algorithms for cluster adaptation and rotating and a novel energy
consumption reduction mechanism for long-range
The sensors can be used to track the atmosphere and return the
information for longer. A protocol was proposed in [17] which
Fig.1. A typical IoT-based sensor node architecture. encompass a robust routing protocol for IoT sensing network. At
K. Gulati, Raja Sarath Kumar Boddu, D. Kapila et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
first, in the centre of the network field, a rendezvous area was built. limited amount of computing power, energy and memory con-
The strategies of clustering and multipath were utilized as it min- straints. Compared to other Internet networks, sensor nodes for
imizes energy usage and improves reliability. In the Castalia simu- greater secrecy have not yet embraced cryptography with key
lator, the introduced protocol was simulated in order to achieve lengths such as RSA-1024. In addition , it is important that better
efficiency under different conditions, such as packet transmission, security mechanisms [32] take existing resource constraints into
average energy usage, end to end delays and network longevity. account in order to avoid various attacks resulting from the
The routing algorithms and models were reviewed in [18] with Internet.
respect to succession parameters, like reducing delay, energy usage
and optimizing the data delivery ratio. The IoT and WSN algo- 3.4. 3.4. Quality of service
rithms based on IoT were divided into two classes for classifying:
energy consciousness, delay, throughput, data transmission and Regarding the intelligence offered to the sensor nodes, all
packet loss aware. heterogeneous devices of the internet of things have to contribute
The article [19] optimized the conventional routing protocol to the quality of service. This heterogeneous devices allow a distri-
and introduced an innovative protocol with characteristics like a bution of workload between the nodes with the resources accessi-
new data transmission system and an enhanced method of selec- ble. The current QoS approaches available on the Internet still
tion of CHs. Thus the gap of the WSNs in real world and the actual requires enhamnecemnt due to dynamic network configurations
heterogeneous setting was related. With the help of performance and link features [33].
measurements, the outcome of simulation revealed the contrast
between existing Hy-IoT and projected protocol.
3.5. 3.5. Configuration
3. Challenges of WSN in IoT Along with QoS management and security, sensor nodes need to
manage various tasks, such as networking for the new node joining
Different heterogeneous artefacts presented and communicat- the network [34] and making sure self-healing by identifying and
ing in different settings accomplish IoT ’s complexity and make deleting of flawed nodes and addressing management for construc-
deployment of security mechanisms even more complicated. Exist- tions of scalable network etc. However, it is not a standard function
ing WSN security research offers primarily solutions to subjective of self-configuring the latest node on the Internet. Therefore, the
issues, without taking into consideration the impact of the IoT user must instal the appropriate software and take sufficient mea-
principles and features as examined in this document. sures to prevent device failures if this network setup is to run
3.1. 3.1. Real time management
3.6. 3.6. Availability
For resource-controlled sensor networks, it is a difficult prob-
lem. In that case, an efficient service gateway design is needed in WSNs can be availed by presence of compromised nodes [35]. In
the IoT system to minimise the amount of data to be transmitted order to incorporate encryption algorithm for WSN security, extra
by constantly reviewing user data, and smart data-driven middle- cost ould be charged. However, esearchers have developed signifi-
ware design to communicate real-time information only when cant methods in which some modified the code and reused it, some
reading more than threshold. used supplementary communications to meet the goals. Besides
this, methodologies have been designed to access the data. Thus,
3.2. 3.2. Security and privacy need of availability is imperative t preserve the operational ser-
vices of WSN’s. It also assist in the maintenance of the entire net-
In real world applications, safety, trust and privacy are also work till its termination.
important issues. The way to achieve different levels of safety is Table 1: Numerous Data Aggregation Techniques
both difficult and soft. These safety methods are suitable for M2
M deployments where the device and the server have an existing 3.7. 3.7. Data integrity
trust relationship. [30]
Besides its usual sensor functionality sensor nodes with this ‘‘IP WSN can be compromised when malicious node enters the net-
to the field” paradigm have additional responsibilities. The sensor work and injects the wrong data or vacillating wireless channel
nodes will therefore confront new tasks or challenges with this corrupts the original data [36]. For example, if a maovelent node
additional responsibility. Three potential tasks will be discussed: transfers the false data to the packets received by the BS, it will
security, service quality (QoS) and network configuration. The fol- affect the integrity of data. yet , the data loss or alteration in data
lowing are addressed. might be caused due to faulty network. Thus, it is required that
data integrity must be maintained throughout the transmission
3.3. 3.3. Security of data packets.
WSNs can have security, verification, fairness and usability to 3.8. 3.8. Confidentiality
data without Internet connectivity, depending on the complexity
of the programme. The attacker requires physical activity near Security in IoT comprises of various challenges , amongst which
the WSN to add malicious nodes to the current network or to block confidentalityis the major aspect. The data is kept confidential by
or catch them. This establishment of WSNs to internet, however, opting encryption functions such as common and shared secret
enables attackers from around the world to carry out their mali- key encryption algorithms, e.g., the Blowfish, AES block cipher,
cious activities [31]. The WSNs should therefore definitively and Triple DES [37]. But encryption process is not sufficient to pro-
address the issues arising from this Internet connexion such as tect privacy of the data and information alone as a security mech-
malware and others. The key and special effective gateway is pro- anism. A traffic analysis for the cypher data can be carried out by
vided to ensure efficient security by current WSNs. However, it is the attacker so that sensitive data can be effectively published. Fur-
impossible to replicate the same security framework due to the thermore, the malicious node can effectively compromise the
K. Gulati, Raja Sarath Kumar Boddu, D. Kapila et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 1
Numerous Data Aggregation Techniques.
range of other sensor nodes by using a shared group keypad and pose of data collection program is to effectively incarcerate and
then wake up and decode sensitive information. distribute data packets so that energy usage, traffic congestion
and network life, data consistency, etc. can be minimized.
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4. Data aggregation
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