PreDCR is software application used to create the architectural plan as per AutoDCR software requirements.
It works under AutoCAD environment with additional menu & toolbar.
Using PreDCR commands user can create all the required layers in one click. Once all the layers are
created in the drawing user can use AutoCAD commands to draw layout plan. As per AutoDCR requirement all
building items like proposed plot, proposed work should be drawn on corresponding layer. Short commands are
provided to activate any layer in PreDCR. At any time user can verify if the drawn entities are properly closed or
not, if proper name text has been written inside all closed poly or not etc. PreDCR will highlight all the failed
entities if any.
PreDCR can be used to modify/make and verify the existing or new architectural plan as per AutoDCR
software requirements. Users are free to use AutoCAD commands and or PreDCR commands to achieve the
main purpose which is:
Drawing the architectural plan in DWG format as per AutoDCR software requirements.
For Automating the process of Development Control Regulations user/draughtsman/architect have to follow some
specifications. The following are the list of specifications that the user should follow.
n Plot layout, detailed floor plan and building section for all the floors should be there in one AutoCAD
drawing file. And there must be in 1:1 mt. Scale.
n AutoCAD drawing file should not be drawn on various UCS. All the details must be drawn on World UCS
n All building items like proposed plot, proposed work, proposed parking etc must be drawn using closed
(i.e. Every entity must be closed LWPOLYLINE except Center Line of Main Road, Internal Road, Railway
Line , Drain line, Water Line and Electric Line).
n Building Sub-Items must be exactly inside of outer closed polygon as per their place in architectural
This means none of the edge or vertex of inside entity should be drawn outside its container entity.
For example Parking or Open Space poly must be exactly inside the main plot poly.
Tools are provided in PreDCR to verify this check.
n Every Building Sub-Items should be given a specific/unique name (Text or MText entity) on the
same layer & inside the entity poly. If name not found then AutoDCR will generate the name
automatically. Naming Conventions should be followed properly.
e.g. Each Room should be given the concerned name Living, Kitchen, Bedroom..Etc.
Floor Items: Room Names should be given properly without using abbreviations so the software can
identify perfect entity.This can be done by Assign name facility provided by the software.
n User shall use only following kind of entities for Building Items :-
n If in a plan two proposed work are mirrored in that case user should provide two separate building plan for
each proposed work.
mk:@MSITStore:c:\program%20files%20(x86)\sepl\predcr%20bbmp\Help\PreDCR.chm... 05-03-2024