Binod Kumar Soft
Binod Kumar Soft
Binod Kumar Soft
I express my profound gratitude to our H.O.D and all the faculty members of
the Mechanical Department for taking pains to guide me in the preparation of
this project report. It is a previlege to express my heartist thanks to all
members of CAD/CAM TECHNOLOGIES , Ambala Cantt. for their valueable
suggestions and constructive criticism was like a bacon light and becomes a
source of inspiration during my preparation of this project report.
CAD/CAM is a term which means Computer Aided Design & Computer Aided
Manufacturing. It is the technology concerned with the use of digital computers
to perform certain functions in design and production. Electronics brains in
the form of microprocessors are parts of cars we drive, the planes in which we
fly, the televisions we watch and the automated tools we use to produce such
products. The Computer Aided Design or CAD systems are used to design such
Here I’m going to mention a few of the applications for which AutoCAD
is being used today:-
AutoCAD Screen
Various components of the initial AutoCAD screen are drawing area, command
window, menu bar, several toolbars, model and layouts, and the status bar
(Fig. 1). A title bar that has AutoCAD symbol and the current drawing name is
displayed on top of the screen.
Drawing Area
The drawing area covers the major portion of the screen. Here we can draw the
objects and use the commands. To draw the objects, we need to define the
coordinate points, which can be selected by using our pointing device
Command Window
➢ Coordinates
The coordinates information is displayed on the left corner of the Status Bar.
We can select this coordinate button to toggle between on and off states. If the
COORDS system variable controls the type of display of coordinates.
➢ Snap Mode
The snap mode allows you to move the cursor in fixed increments. If snap
mode is on, the Snap Mode button is chosen in the Status Bar; otherwise it is
not displayed.
➢ Grid Display
The grid lines are used as a reference lines to draw objects in AutoCAD. If the
Grid Display button is chosen, the grid lines are displayed on the screen.
➢ Ortho Mode
If the Ortho Mode button is chosen in the Status Bar, we can draw lines at
right angles only.
➢ Polar Tracking
If we turn the polar tracking on, the movement of cursor is restricted along a
path based on set as the polar angle settings. Choosing the Polar Tracking
button in the Status Bar turns it on. Remember that turning the polar tracking
on, automatically turns off the ortho mode.
➢ Object Snap
When the Object Snap button is chosen in the Status Bar, we can use the
running object snaps to snap a point.
➢ Dynamic Input
The Dynamic input button is used to turn the Dynamic Input on or off.
Turning it on facilitates the heads-up design approach because all commands,
prompts and the dimensional inputs will now be displayed in the drawing area
and we do not need to look at the command prompt all the time. This saves the
design time and also increases the efficiency of the user.
➢ Show/Hide Lineweight
Choosing this button in the Status Bar allows you to turn on or off the display
of lineweights in the drawing.
➢ Model
The Model button is chosen by default because you are working in the model
space to create drawings.
➢ Annotation Scale
The annotation scale controls the size and display of the annotative objects in
the model space. The Annotation Scale button has a drop-down list that
displays all the annotation scales available for the current drawing.
➢ Annotation Visibility
This button is used to control the visibility of the annotative objects that do not
support the current annotation scale in drawing area.
➢ Quick Properties
If you select a sketched entity when this button is chosen in the Status Bar,
the properties of selected entity will be displayed in a panel.
Line command is used to draw a continuing series of line segments, but each
line segment is a separate object. We can invoke the LINE command from the
Draw toolbar, as shown in fig. 4
Specify first point: Move the cursor (mouse) and left click to specify the first
Specify next point or [Undo]: Move the cursor and left click to specify the second
The PLINE command is used to draw a polyline. A polyline is a line that has
different features. The term POLYLINE can be broken into two parts: POLY and
LINE. POLY means “many”. This signifies that a poly line can have many lines.
Some features of polylines are listed next.
Polylines can be thick lines with a desired width. They are very flexible and can
be used to draw any shape, such as a filled circle or a doughnut.
Advanced editing commands can be used to edit them (for example, the PEDIT
The command prompt for invoking the PLINE command is as follows:
Specify start point: Specify the starting point or enter its coordinates.
A regular polygon is a closed geometric figure with equal sides. The number of
side varies from 3 to 1024. For example, a triangle is a three sided polygon and
a pentagon is a five sided polygon. In AutoCAD, the POLYGON command is
used to draw regular 2D polygons. A polygon is said to be inscribed when it is
drawn inside an imaginary circle and its vertices touch the circle. Likewise, a
polygon is circumscribed when it is drawn outside imaginary circle and sides
of polygon are tangent to circle. We can easily choose one option from these two
available options during the invoking process. The prompt sequence of
invoking POLYGON command is given next.
Specify center of polygon: Specify the center point or enter its coordinates.
Specify radius of circle: Specify the radius of circle, which will inscribe or
circumscribe the polygon.
The default setting is for creating a three point arc. The command prompt for
invoking ARC command is as follows:
Command: ARC < Enter
Specify start point of arc or [Center]: Specify first point of arc or enter its
Specify second point of arc or [Center/End]: Specify the through point for arc or
enter its coordinates.
Specify the end point of arc: Specify the end point or enter its coordinates.
The CIRCLE command is used to draw circles. AutoCAD provides six different
options to draw a circle. To view and choose from the available options, click on
Draw option in the Menu Bar, a flyout will appear as shown in fig. 6
Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: Specify center
point or enter its coordinates.
If a circle is observed from an angle, the shape is called an ellipse, which can
be created in AutoCAD using the ELLIPSE command. An ellipse can be created
by two different options and these options are grouped together in the Draw
option of the Menu Bar as shown in fig.7
Specify other endpoint of axis: Specify other end point or enter its coordinates.
Specify distance to the other axis or [rotation]: Specify the half length of second
After drawing some objects, you may need to erase some of them from the
screen. To erase, we can use ERASE command in AutoCAD. This command is
used exactly the same way as an eraser is used in manual drafting to delete
unwanted information. We can invoke ERASE command from the Modify
The COPY command is used to copy an existing object. This command makes
copies of the selected objects and places them at specified locations, but the
orignals are left intact. In this command we need to select the objects and
specify the base point. Next we need to specify the second point, this point is
where we want the copied objects to be placed. The prompt sequence that is
followed when you invoke COPY command is given next.
The MIRROR command creates a mirror copy of the selected objects. The
objects can be mirrored at any angle. This command is helpful in drawing
symmetrical figures. This command is available in Modify toolbar but it can be
invoked by using command window as well. When we invoke this command,
AutoCAD prompts us to select the objects and then the mirror line.
Delete source objects? [Yes/No] <N>: Enter Y for deletion, N for retaining the
To draw parallel lines, concentric circles, arcs, curves, and so on, we can use
the OFFSET command. This command creates another object that is similar to
the selected one. Remember that we are allowed to select only one entity at a
time to be offset. While offsetting an object, we can specify the offset distance
and the side to offset, or we can specify a distance through which you want to
offset the selected object. The prompt sequence which follows when we invoke
OFFSET command using command window is given next.
Through Option
Erase Option
The Erase option is used to specify whether the source object has to be deleted
or not.
Layer Option
Use the Layer option to specify whether the offset entity will be placed in the
current layer or the layer of source object.
Specify the object to offset or [Exit/Undo] <Exit>: Specify the object to offset.
A rectangular array is formed by making copies of the selected object along the
X and Y directions of an imaginary rectangle (along rows and columns). It can
be created by selecting the Rectangular Array button in the array dialog box
(fig. 9) that appears on invoking ARRAY comand.
This edit box is used to specify the number of rows in rectangular array.
This edit box is used to specify the number of columns in the rectangular
The options under this area are used to define the distance between the rows
and the columns and the angle of array.
Row Offset. This edit box is used to specify the distance between the rows.
We can either enter the distance value in this edit box or choose the Pick Row
Offset button to define the row offset distance by specifying two points on
Column Offset. This edit box is used to specify the distance between the
columns. We can either enter the distance value in this edit box or choose the
Pick Column Offset button to define the column offset distance by specifying
two points on screen.
Angle of Arrray. This edit box is used to define the angle of array. This is
the value by which the rows and columns will be rotated.
The center point of the array is defined as the point around which the selected
items will be arranged. It is defined as the center point of the imaginary circle
on whose circumference the items will be placed. The coordinates of the center
of array can be specified in the X and Y edit boxes. We can either enter the
values in these edit boxes or select the center point of array from the screen
using Pick Center Point button.
The options under this area are used to set the parameters related to the
method that will be employed to create the polar array.
Method. This drop-down list provides us three methods for creating the
polar array.These three methods are discussed next.
Total number of items & Angle to fill. This method is used to create a
polar array specifying number of items in array an the total included angle
between the first and the last item. The number of items and the angle to be
filled can be specified in the Total number of items and Angle to fill edit
boxes respectively. We can also specify the angle to fill on screen by choosing
Angle to fill button provided.
Total number of items & Angle between items. This method is used
when we want to create a polar array by specifying the total number of items in
the array and the included angle between two adjacent items. The angle
between items is also called as incremental angle. The number items and the
angle between the items can be specified in the Total number of items and
Angle between items edit boxes,respectively. We can also specify theangle
between items on the screen by choosing Angle between items button.
Angle to fill & Angle between items. This method is used when we want
to specifyangle between the items and total angle to fill. In this case the
number of items is not specified, but is automatically calculated using the total
angle and angle between the items. The angle to fill and the angle between the
items can be entered in their respective boxes.
Sometimes the objects are not located where they should actually be. In
these situations, we can use the MOVE command. This command allows you
to move one or more objects from their current location to a new location. This
of location of the objects does not change their size or orientation. On invoking
this command we are prompted to select objects to be moved and the base
point. This base point is the reference point with which the object will be
picked and moved.
With the use of this command, we can increase or decrease the size of any
object or a sketch. Sometimes we requires an object in numbers, only with the
difference of sizes. So in this situation, we can use the SCALE command. This
command allows you to scale one or more objects from the selected base point.
On invoking this command we are prompted to select objects to be scaled and
the base point. This base point is the reference point with which the object will
be scaled.
With the use of this command, we can increase or decrease the size of some
selected part of any object in a specific direction. In this command, the sketch
is stretched as much we required. Sometimes we requires an object in
numbers, only with the difference of sizes some part of the sketched object. So
in this situation, we can use the STRETCH command. This command allows
you to stretch the objects from the selected base point. On invoking this
command we are prompted to select the portion to be scaled with the help of
green window and the base point. This base point is the reference point with
which the object will be stretched.
With the use of this command, we can remove the line or any sketched entity.
In this command, the sketch is trimmed as much we required. It removes the
extra drawn line or sketch as per our specific requirement. This command
allows you to trim the objects from the selected side. On invoking this
command, we have to right click in the drawing area and we are prompted to
left click on the portion to be trimmed.
With the use of this command, we can increase the line the line upto the
specific point or location. In this command, the sketch is extended as much we
required. It removes the extra drawn line or sketch as per our specific
requirement. On invoking this command, we have to right click in the drawing
area and we are prompted to left click on the portion to be extend.
With the use of this command, we can break the line at a point where we
required. In this command, the sketch is broken from that point where we
required. We can create the number of break points as much we required. On
invoking this command, we have to select the line and after that click on that
point from where we want to break the selected line, after using this command
the line or any selected entity will be converted into numbers.
With the use of this command, we can break the line with a specific distance or
upto a specific point as much we required. On invoking this command, we
have to select the point on the line and after that click on that point upto
where we want to break the line. After using this command on the line or any
selected entity, there will be space between the slelected points in the line or
With the use of this command, we can join the line drawn or placed in the
same plane. On invoking this command, we have to select the first line and
after that second line placed at the same plane and then right click. After using
this command , there will be no space between the lines or entities.
This command is used for removing the sharp corners. On invoking this
command, we have to press A then ENTER, after that fill the distance and then
ENTER, then fill the value of ANGLE and ENTER, after that select the line on
which we want to create the chamfer.
This command is used for removing the sharp corners. On invoking this
command, we have to press R then ENTER, after that fill the value and then
ENTER, after that select the lines on which we want to create the radius.
This command is used for converting the relation of LINE into POLYLINE.
Before using this command the sketch should be closed from all sides. On
invoking this command, we have to select all lines and then right click.
This command is used for converting the relation of POLYLINE into LINE. On
invoking this command, we have to select the POLYLINE and then right click.
Modules in Solidworks
Sketch module
Part module
Surface module
Assembly module
Mechanism module
Sheet metal
Mold cavity
Tools in
Pattern tool
Reference geometry
Offset surface
Thickness surface
Filler surface
Mate tool
Exploded view
Gear mechanism
Pulley mechanism
U-bend & unbend
Sketch Module
It is used only for 2D drawings but has one extra feature to create 3D sketch
which works on all the 3 Planes.
Part module
In this module all components are designed with no limit thickness & make
any product having simple design before to manufacture the product on CNC
or through by Mold Cavity.
Sheet Metal
In this we apply only sheet metal operations like Piercing, Blanking, means we
use maximum use of Dies to generate shape.
Surface Module
The components which are designed in different modules like part, surface,
sheetmetal & other to assemble it here in this module so can check exact
specifications & tolerances.
This is used for generating drafting & BOM but we learn only drafting view not
To giving height & cutting out of material the extrude & extrude cut is used
through extrude we will give 3rd dimension along z-direction.
window changes.
part, assembly, or
dumbbell is represented.
Toolbar buttons are shortcuts for frequently used commands. You can set
SolidWorks remembers which toolbars to display and where to display them for
document type.
the toolbar you want to access. By default, it has toolbars embedded in it based
on the
document type.
When you click a button in the control area, the CommandManager updates to
show that
toolbar. For example, if you click Sketch in the control area, the sketch tools
appear in the
control area
Mouse Buttons
Left – Selects menu items, entities in the graphics area, and objects in the
Shortcut Menus
Shortcut menus give you access to a wide variety of tools and commands while
you work
in SolidWorks. When you move the pointer over geometry in the model, over
items in the
You can access the "more commands menu" by selecting the double-down
arrows in
the menu. When you select the double-down arrows or pause the pointer over
the doubledown
If you have questions while you are using the SolidWorks software, you can
find answers in several ways:
During training we would use SolidCAM 2011 version of SolidCAM from Israel.
This software’s used by MNCs for generating of codes for various CNC
machines But we learn only VMC with tool knowledge & generate programe for
Facing, Volume Roughing & tools used on it are End mill cutter with 4 flutes.
G-code (also RS-274), which has many variants, is the common name for the
most widely used numerical control (NC) programming language. It is used
mainly in computer-aided manufacturing for controlling automated machine
tools. G-code is sometimes called G programming language, not to be confused
with LabVIEW's G programming language.
G-codes are also called preparatory codes, and are any word in a CNC program
that begins with the letter G. Generally it is a code telling the machine tool
what type of action to perform, such as:
Rapid move (transport the tool through space to the place where it is needed
for cutting; do this as quickly as possible)
Series of controlled feed moves that would result in a hole being bored, a
workpiece cut (routed) to a specific dimension, or a profile (contour) shape
added to the edge of a workpiece
Students and hobbyists have pointed out over the years that the term "G-code"
is imprecise. It comes from the literal sense of the term, referring to one letter
address and to the specific codes that can be formed with it (for example, G00,
G01, G28). But every letter of the English alphabet is used somewhere in the
language. Nevertheless, "G-code" is established as the common name of the
Numerical machine code (i.e., not assembly code) may be regarded as the
lowest-level representation of a compiled or assembled computer program or as
a primitive and hardware-dependent programming language. While it is
possible to write programs directly in numerical machine code, it is tedious and
error prone to manage individual bits and calculate numerical addresses and
constants manually. It is thus rarely done today, except for situations that
require extreme optimization or debugging.
CNC G codes