Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB

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Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.

indd 1 10/03/2016 10:58

Produced by:

Editor: Síne Quinn

Design: Philip Ryan Graphic Design
Illustration: Helen Prole, Andrew Geeson

© 2016 Educate.ie, Castleisland, County Kerry, Ireland.

ISBN: 978-1-910936-67-2

Printed in Ireland by Walsh Colour Print, Castleisland, County Kerry. Freephone 1800 613 111.

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Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 2 10/03/2016 10:58

4 Introduction 11 PAST Phonological Awareness Skills
7 Components of Just Phonics Test
9 Sounds Scheme for Just Phonics 22 Word Bank
35 Tricky Words

First Class
37 1st Class Screening Test 114 Individual Progress Record
42 1st Class Yearly Plan 115 Dictation Sentences
52 1st Class Lesson Plans 119 1st Class Answers
110 Class Progress Record 125 1st Class Photocopiables

Second Class
128 2nd Class Screening Test 194 Individual Progress Record
130 2nd Class Yearly Plan 195 Dictation Sentences
140 2nd Class Lesson Plans 199 2nd Class Answers
190 Class Progress Record 205 2nd Class Photocopiables

Third Class Upwards

207 3rd Class Upwards Screening Test 274 Individual Progress Record
209 3rd Class Upwards Yearly Plan 275 Dictation Sentences
219 3rd Class Upwards Lesson Plans 278 3rd Class Upwards Answers
270 Class Progress Record 285 3rd Class Upwards Photocopiables

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What is Phonics?
Phonics is one of the main building blocks of reading and spelling. It is the connection
between letter symbols (graphemes) and sounds (phonemes), e.g. b makes the sound
/b/. At the very heart of phonics lie the letters of the alphabet. In order to learn
phonics a child must recognise these letters. The recognition of each letter can then
be connected to its corresponding sound. An individual letter equals an individual
sound, but combinations of letters can also represent sounds. Written language
is like a code, and knowing the sounds of letters and letter combinations enables
children to decode words and eventually become fluent readers.

10 Steps to Teaching Phonics

1. Phonological awareness
2. Learning some of the letters of the alphabet and their sounds,
e.g. s, a, t, i, p, n
3. Blending these letters and their sounds to make words, e.g. sip, sat, tip, etc.
4. Learning more letters and combinations of letters (and their sounds)
5. Blending these letters and combinations of letters (and their sounds) to make
6. Learning a sight vocabulary of high frequency words
7. Syllabication
8. Dictation exercises
9. Using phonics to spell
10. Reading text fluently and with comprehension

1. Phonological awareness

Phonological awareness is the foundation on which phonics instruction is built.

Children need to engage with phonological awareness activities in order for phonics
teaching to be effective. For example, phonics instruction that begins by asking a
child what sound the words top, tank and tiger have in common will not make sense
to a child who does not understand what you mean by ‘sound’. Children must be
able to identify the sound /t/ in the words top, tank and tiger before it makes sense
to them that the letter t symbolises the sound in these words.
Phonological awareness activities help children to distinguish individual sounds
within words. This awareness is a prerequisite skill before children can learn to
associate sounds with letters, and manipulate sounds to blend words (during
reading) or segment letters within words (during spelling). Often children who

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have difficulties with phonics instruction do so because they have not developed
the prerequisite phonological awareness skills that many children gain through the
Early Years programme, Just Phonics 3-5 Years (Aligned with Aistear), experience
of auditory discrimination, e.g. rhymes, songs, and books being read to them.

2. Learning some of the letters of the alphabet and their sounds,

e.g. s, a, t, i, p, n

The children learn to recognise these six letters. They may also learn how to write
each letter. They learn the sound of each letter, and how words that begin with each
letter sound, e.g. snake, sock, sad, sink.

3. Blending these letters and their sounds to make words,

e.g. sip, sat, tip, etc.

The child can try adding a letter sound to a combination letter sound, e.g. ‘Add /s/ to /
at/; what have you got?’ Try taking away a letter, e.g. ‘You have /sip/; take away /s/ and
what have you got?’ Before blending, practise breaking up constant-vowel-constant
(CVC) words into their component phonemes (sounds), e.g. tip /t/ /i/ /p/. Try the
reverse: e.g. /p/ + /i/ + /n/ What’s the word?’ Use lots of different combinations. Use
word families from the groups of letters, e.g. /at/ /ip/ /an/ /ap/ /in/. ‘What sound
could we put in front of /at/ ?’ Ask questions such as: ‘How many sounds can you
hear in /s/ /i/ /t/ ?’ Use the printed letters (see page 18–21 ) to make words.

4. Learning more letters and combinations of letters (and their


Follow the sequence of the Just Phonics books. Teach more groups of letters
and combinations of letters. The children may also learn to write each letter and
combination of letters. They are learning the sound of each letter and the sounds of
combinations of letters.

5. Blending these letters and combinations of letters (and their

sounds) to make words

Follow the sequence of the Just Phonics books. Teach e.g. the digraph /ea/ and
blend it with various letters to make words e.g. /t/ + / ea / makes the word ‘tea’.

6. Learning a sight vocabulary of high frequency words

Some words in the English language do not follow a regular phonic pattern. They need to
be learned as sight words, e.g. the, there, where, some. The children will need these words
in order to expand their reading capability. In the My Spelling Booklets from 1st to
3rd Class Upwards, a high frequency word is included with the regular phonic spellings.

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In the My Spelling Booklets from 1st to 3rd Class Upwards, there are four regular
phonic spellings and one tricky word each day.

7. Syllabication

This is the springboard to decoding words with more than one syllable.When
children can read words of one syllable and combinations of letters, they can now
blend this ability to read, e.g. ‘sun’ and ‘set’ and make ‘sunset’. They can break
down e.g. container into three syllables /con/ /tain/ /er/.

8. Dictation exercises

Dictation initially begins during simple sentence-building exercises. Children learn

more and more sounds and are given opportunities to make words using sounds
and sentences that use these words. Just as blending gives them a strategy for
figuring out unfamiliar words, dictation gives them a strategy for spelling words and
subsequently sentences. Research shows that children learn letter-sound relationships
and spellings as they write. The formal, sequential dictation practice in Just Phonics
from 1st to 3rd Class Upwards provides children with structured opportunities
to develop their writing and spelling skills. It will also help to informally assess
those children who are unable to segment words and need additional phonological
awareness practice with segmentation.

9. Using phonics to spell

The My Spelling Booklets from 1st to 3rd Class Upwards provide a structured
phonic spelling programme that aligns with the pupil books. Using phonics to
spell begins at the very early stages of phonological activities. In breaking down
the sounds of words into component parts, children are learning how to spell, e.g.
breaking the word ‘panda’ into /pan/ and /da/. When they move on to word-building
with CVC words, they are adding to their spelling skills. Learning additional letters
and combinations of sounds increases their ability to break down words and spell
them. Syllabication is the best friend of spelling. When a child can segment words
of more than one syllable they have unlocked the key to spelling.

10. Reading text fluently and with comprehension

This is the ultimate goal; that phonics will enable the child to read without hesitation
while assimilating the meaning of the text.

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Components of
Just Phonics
Early Years

Just Phonics (3–5 Years)

Aligned with Aistear
and 2 CDs

Junior Infants

Just Phonics (Junior Infants)

26 Letter Sounds
My Sounds Booklet (Junior
Infants) 26 Letter Sounds

Just Phonics (Senior Infants)

42 Sounds
My Sounds Booklet (Senior
Infants) 42 Sounds

Senior Infants
Just Phonics (Senior Infants)
My Sounds Booklet (Senior
Just Phonics Teacher’s Resource
Book (Early Years and Infant
Digital Resources: printed letters,
letters with tails and cursive letters,
combinations of letters.
E-book version of the activity

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1st Class

Just Phonics (1st Class)

My Spelling Booklet (1st Class)

2nd Class

Just Phonics (2nd Class)

My Spelling Booklet (2nd Class)

3rd Class Upwards

Just Phonics (3rd Class Upwards)
My Spelling Booklet (3rd Class

Just Phonics Teacher’s Resource Book

(1st Class, 2nd Class, 3rd Class Upwards)
Digital Resources: printed letters, letters
with tails and cursive letters, combinations of
E-book version of the activity books: Just
Phonics 1st Class, Just Phonics 2nd Class,
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards
Audio of all Dictations: Just Phonics 1st
Class, Just Phonics 2nd Class, Just Phonics
3rd Class Upwards.

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Sounds Scheme for
Just Phonics
Early Years
• Auditory Discrimination and Phonological Discrimination Activities
(with 2 CDs)

Junior Infants 26 Letter Sounds Booklet

• s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o l u f b j z w v y x qu

Junior Infants 42 Sounds Booklet

• s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o l u f b j z w v y x qu
• ai oa ue ee or n goo ch sh th ou oi er ar

Senior Infants
• Revision of Junior Infant Programme
• Initial consonant blends, final consonant blends
• Common word families: all old ash ump ink ank wh aw ay y (at the end
of a word)
• Compound words

First Class
• Revision of Senior Infant Programme
• Magic e
• Common word families: ame ake ale ate, ide ine ice
• Two-syllable words
• Alternate vowel sounds: ea (pea) and ea (head); ew (blew) and ew (stew);
y (teddy) and y (dry); ow (slow) and ow (owl); i
• Sounds: igh ight alk au oy ey er ir ur air are ear tch
• Soft c
• Soft g
• ph and gh

Second Class
• Revision of First Class Programme
• Double consonants
• Silent letters
• Suffixes
• Multi-syllable words
• Word endings: eigh le tle el

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• Common word families: dge ouse out
• Three-letter initial consonant blends

Third Class and Upwards

• Revision of Second Class Programme
• Suffixes
• Prefixes
• Word endings: tion sion ssion cian ought aught ture ear eer ere nc and nk
• Homophones and Homographs

Administering the PAST

Materials Needed:
Blank copy of the test.
Results sheet.

Test administered individually.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 10 10/03/2016 10:58

PAST Phonological
Awareness Skills Test
Child’s name: _________________________ Child’s age: _______ (yrs) _____ (mths)

Teacher: _ _________________________ Class: __________ Date: ______________

1. Concept of Spoken Word

Tell the child you are going to play a game with words and coloured counters. Use
the sentence ‘Joey likes cake.’ as an example. As you say each word of the sentence,
push a coloured counter forward – one counter per word. Then ask the child to do
it. Once her or she understands the skill, read each sentence to the child and ask
him or her to repeat the sentence while pushing one counter for each word. Put a
tick in the box to the right of the sentence if the child does it correctly.

1. Tom ran home. (3)

2. I have two pets. (4)
3. Did you eat lunch? (4)
4. What are you doing? (4)
5. Terry loves to play soccer. (5)
6. Yesterday it rained. (3)

Total __________

2. Rhyme recognition
Tell the child that two words that sound the same at the end, such as hat and sat,
are rhyming words. Ask if sit and bit rhyme. (Yes.) Then ask if chair and boy rhyme.
(No.) If the child appears to grasp the skill, do the same for each of the following
pairs of words. Put a tick in the box to the right of the pair if the child answers

1. bed – fed (yes)

2. top – hop (yes)
3. run – soap (no)
4. hand – sand (yes)
5. funny – bunny (yes)
6. girl – giant (no)

Total __________
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3. Rhyme production
Tell the child that you are going to say a word and he or she is to tell you a word
that rhymes with it. The answer can be a real word or a nonsense word. Ask the
child to tell you a word that rhymes with sit. Possible answers include bit, fit, mit,
pit, dit and jit. Put a tick in the box to the right if the child answers correctly. Write
down the child’s answers on the lines provided.

1. pain 4. see

2. cake 5. dark

3. hop 6. sandy

Total __________

4. Syllable blending
Tell the child you are going to say a word in a funny way. The child’s task is to put
the parts together and say the whole word. Give these examples, pausing between
syllables: out–side (outside), ro–bot (robot). Have the child say the sample words
normally. Then do the following words and put a tick in the box to the right if he
or she says them correctly.

1. pen—cil
2. rain—bow
3. pop—corn
4. white—board
5. out—side
6. pa—per

Total __________

5. Syllable segmentation
Tell the child that you are going to say a word and then break it into parts, or
syllables. First say rainbow normally. Clap out the two parts in rainbow while saying
each part. Then push up a counter while saying each syllable. It is not necessary to
clap the syllables again unless the skill needs to be re-taught. Put a tick in the box
to the right if the child does it correctly.

1. sometime (2)
2. basket (2)
3. bedroom (2)
4. fantastic (3)
5. maybe (2)
6. helicopter (4)

Total __________
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6. Syllable deletion
Tell the child you are going to play with words where one part of the word is left
out. For example, sunshine without shine is sun. Ask the child to say airline without
air. He or she should say line. Using the words below, tell the child the syllable to
leave off. Say (sun)flower without flower. Put a tick in the box to the right if the
child deletes it correctly.

1. (sun)flower flower
2. (in)side side
3. for(get) for
4. bas(ket) bas
5. af(ter) af
6. (skate)board board

Total __________

7. Phoneme isolation of initial sounds

Tell the child you are going to say a word and he or she is to tell you the first sound
of that word. Ask the child what the first sound is in the word top. The child should
say /t/. Do the same with the words below and put a tick in the box to the right if
the child says the first sound correctly.

1. big /b/
2. land /l/
3. farm /f/
4. apple /a/
5. desk /d/
6. ship /sh/

Total __________

8. Phoneme isolation of final sounds

Tell the child you are going to say a word and he or she is to tell you the last sound
of that word. Ask the child what the last sound is in the word pot. The child should
say /t/. Do the same with the words below and put a tick in the box to the right if
the child says the last sound correctly.

1. pick /k/
2. ran /n/
3. fill /l/
4. bug /g/
5. same /m/
6. tooth /th/

Total __________
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9. Phoneme blending
Tell the child you are going to separate all the sounds in a word and he or she is to
say the whole word. Do these samples by segmenting each sound and having the
child say the whole word, for example, /s/ /i/ /t/ is sit /s/ /t/ /o/ /p/ is stop. Read
each word in segmented fashion. Put a tick in the box to the right if the child says
the whole word correctly.
1. /a/ /t/ at
2. /b/ /e/ /d/ bed
3. /m/ /u/ /s/ /t/ must
4. /sh/ /o/ /p/ shop
5. /p/ /l/ /a/ /n/ /t/ plant

Total __________

10. Phoneme segmentation

Tell the child you are going to play a game with all the sounds in the words below.
As an example show the child the three sounds time. Push up a counter for each
sound you say – /t/ /i/ /me/. Ask the child to try it with the word hat. Read each of
the following words and ask him or her to push a counter for each sound. Put a tick
in the box to the right if he or she does it correctly.
1. in (2)
2. at (2)
3. name (3)
4. ship (3)
5. sock (3)
6. chin (3)

Total __________

11. Phoneme deletion of initial sounds

Tell the child that you are going to play a game where the beginning sound of a
word is left off. For example, bed without /b/ is ed. Ask the child to say can without
/c/. The answer is an. Read each word below and tell the child the beginning sound
to leave off. Put a tick in the box to the right if the child does it correctly.

1. (s)un un
2. (p)ig ig
3. (m)op op
4. (n)eck eck
5. (b)at at
6. (t)ape ape

Total __________

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12. Phoneme deletion of final sounds
Tell the child that in this word game, the final sound of a word is left off. For
example, goat without /t/ is go. Ask the child to say meat without /t/. The answer
is me. Read each word and tell the child the ending sound to leave off. Put a tick in
the box to the right if the child does it correctly.

1. ro/s/e row
2. trai/n/ tray
3. grou/p/ grew
4. sea/t/ sea
5. ba/k/e bay
6. tedd/y/ ted

Total __________

13. Phoneme deletion of first sound in consonant blend

Tell the child to make new words by taking the first sound off a consonant blend,
example: The word crow without /c/ is row. Ask the child to say still without /s/.
The answer is till. Do the following words with the child and put a tick in the box
to the right if he or she does it correctly.
1. Say clap without /c/ lap
2. Say stop without /s/ top
3. Say trust without /t/ rust
4. Say black without /b/ lack
5. Say drip without /d/ rip
6. Say smile without /s/ mile

Total __________

14. Phoneme substitution

Tell the child you will be playing a very different game with sounds of words. You
are going to ask him or her to take off the first sound of a word and replace it with
another sound, for example, replace the first sound in pail with /m/. The new word
is mail. Ask the child to replace the first sound in top with /h/. The answer is hop.
Ask the child to do the same with the rest of these words. If he or she answers
correctly put a tick in the box to the right.
1. Replace the first sound in man with /c/ can
2. Replace the first sound in pig with /d/ dig
3. Replace the first sound in sack with /t/ tack
4. Replace the first sound in well with /f/ fell
5. Replace the first sound in bed with r/ red
6. Replace the first sound in shop with /ch/ chop

Total __________
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Phonological Awareness Skills Test (PAST)
Detailed Score Sheet
Pupil’s name: Age: (years) (months)
Class: Teacher:
Assessment dates (mm/yy): ______ ______ ______ ______ Mastery = 5/6 OR 6/6 correct (3) or (7) = known word
1. EY Concept of spoken word Date*
1. Tom ran home. (3)
2. I have two pets. (4)
3. Did you eat lunch? (4)
4. What are you doing? (4)
5. Terry loves to play soccer. (5)
6. Yesterday it rained. (3)
Total correct:
2. EY Rhyme recognition Date*
1. bed – fed (yes)
2. top – hop (yes)
3. run – soap (no)
4. hand – sand (yes)
5. funny – bunny (yes)
6. girl – giant (no)
Total correct:
3. JI Rhyme production Date*
1. pain
2. cake
3. hop
4. see
5. dark
6. sandy
Total correct:
4. JI Syllable blending Date*
1. pen—cil
2. rain—bow
3. pop—corn
4. white—board
5. out—side
6. pa—per
Total correct:
© 2005 Brenda Wright (adapted from 2002 McNeeley and Winterstein)
(© 2000, Zygonc, Sounds in Action; adapted from ©2001 Literacy First Process and Professional Development Institute, Inc.)

* 5 sections are provided to allow for the test being administered up to 5 times
Key EY = Early Years JI = Junior Infants SI = Senior Infants 1st = First Class
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Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 16 10/03/2016 10:58

Phonological Awareness Skills Test (PAST)
Detailed Score Sheet
Pupils’ name: Age: (years) (months)
Class: Teacher:
Assessment dates (mm/yy): ______ ______ ______ ______ Mastery = 5/6 OR 6/6 correct (3) or (7) = known word
5. JI Syllable segmentation Date*
1. sometime (2)
2. basket (2)
3. bedroom (2)
4. fantastic (3)
5. maybe (2)
6. helicopter (4)
Total correct:
6. JI Syllable deletion Date*
1. (sun)flower
2. (in)side
3. for(get)
4. bas(ket)
5. af(ter)
6. (skate)board
Total correct:
7. JI Phoneme isolation of initial sounds Date*
1. big /b/
2. land /l/
3. farm /f/
4. apple /a/
5. desk /d/
6. ship /sh/
Total correct:
8. JI Phoneme isolation of final sounds Date*
1. pick /k/
2. ran /n/
3. fill /l/
4. bug /g/
5. same /m/
6. tooth /th/
Total correct:
© 2005 Brenda Wright (adapted from 2002 McNeeley and Winterstein)
(© 2000, Zygonc, Sounds in Action; adapted from ©2001 Literacy First Process and Professional Development Institute, Inc.)

* 5 sections are provided to allow for the test being administered up to 5 times
Key EY = Early Years JI = Junior Infants SI = Senior Infants 1st = First Class
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Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 17 10/03/2016 10:58

Phonological Awareness Skills Test (PAST)
Score Sheet
Pupil’s name: Age: (years) (months)
Class: Teacher:
Assessment dates (mm/yy): ______ ______ ______ ______ Mastery = 5/6 OR 6/6 correct (3) or (7) = known word

9. SI Phoneme blending Date*

1. /a/ /t/ at
2. /b/ /e/ /d/ bed
3. /h/ /a/ /t/ hat
4. /m/ /u/ /s/ /t/ must
5. /sh/ /o/ /p/ shop
6. /p/ /l/ /a/ /n/ /t/ plant
Total correct:

10. SI Phoneme segmentation Date*

1. in (2)
2. at (2)
3. name (3)
4. ship (3)
5. sock (3)
6. chin (3)
Total correct:

11. SI Phoneme deletion of initial sounds Date*

1. (s)un un
2. (p)ig ig
3. (m)op op
4. (n)eck eck
5. (b)at at
6. (t)ape ape
Total correct:

© 2005 Brenda Wright (adapted from 2002 McNeeley and Winterstein)

(© 2000, Zygonc, Sounds in Action; adapted from ©2001 Literacy First Process and Professional Development Institute, Inc.)

* 5 sections are provided to allow for the test being administered up to 5 times
Key EY = Early Years JI = Junior Infants SI = Senior Infants 1st = First Class
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Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 18 10/03/2016 10:58

Phonological Awareness Skills Test (PAST)
Score Sheet
Pupil’s name: Age: (years) (months)
Class: Teacher:
Assessment dates (mm/yy): ______ ______ ______ ______ Mastery = 5/6 OR 6/6 correct (3) or (7) = known word

12. SI Phoneme deletion of final sounds Date*

1. ro/ /s/ /e/ row
2. trai /n/ tray
3. grou /p/ grew
4. sea /t/ sea
5. ba /k/ /e/ bay
6. in /ch/ in
Total correct:

13. 1st Phoneme deletion of first sound in blend Date*

1. Say clap without /c/ lap
2. Say stop without /s/ top
3. Say trust without /t/ rust
4. Say black without /b/ lack
5. Say drip without /d/ rip
6. Say smile without /s/ mile
Total correct:

14. 1st Phoneme substitution – initial sounds Date*

1. Change the first sound in man with /f/ fan
2. Change the first sound in pig with /d/ dig
3. Change the first sound in sack with /t/ tack
4. Change the first sound in well with /f/ fell
5. Change the first sound in bed with /r/ red
6. Change the first sound in shop with /ch/ chop
Total correct:

© 2005 Brenda Wright (adapted from 2002 McNeeley and Winterstein)

(© 2000, Zygonc, Sounds in Action; adapted from ©2001 Literacy First Process and Professional Development Institute, Inc.)

* 5 sections are provided to allow for the test being administered up to 5 times
Key EY = Early Years JI = Junior Infants SI = Senior Infants 1st = First Class
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Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 19 10/03/2016 10:58

Phonological Awareness Skills Test (PAST)
Detailed Score Sheet
Pupil’s name: Age: (years) (months)
Class: Teacher:
Assessment dates (mm/yy): ______ ______ ______ ______ Mastery = 5/6 OR 6/6 correct (3) or (7) = known word

1. Concept of spoken word 2. Rhyme recognition

1. Tom ran home. (3) 1. bed – fed (yes)
2. I have two pets. (4) 2. top – hop (yes)
3. Did you eat lunch? (4) 3. run – soap (no)
4. What are you doing? (4) 4. hand – sand (yes)
5. Terry loves to play soccer. (5) 5. funny – bunny (yes)
6. Yesterday it rained. (3) 6. girl – giant (no)
Total correct: /6 Total correct: /6

3. Rhyme production 4. Syllable blending

1. pain 1. pen—cil
2. cake 2. rain—bow
3. hop 3. pop—corn
4. see 4. white—board
5. dark 5. out—side
6. sandy 6. pa—per
Total correct: /6 Total correct: /6

5. Syllable segmentation 6. Syllable deletion

1. sometime (2) 1. (sun)flower
2. basket (2) 2. (in)side
3. bedroom (2) 3. for(get)
4. fantastic (3) 4. bas(ket)
5. maybe (2) 5. af(ter)
6. helicopter (4) 6. (skate)board
Total correct: /6 Total correct: /6

7. Phoneme isolation of initial sound 8. Phoneme isolation of final sound

1. big /b/ 1. pick /k/
2. land /l/ 2. ran /n/
3. farm /f/ 3. fill /l/
4. apple /a/ 4. bug /g/
5. desk /d/ 5. same /m/
6. ship /sh/ 6. tooth /th/
Total correct: /6 Total correct: /6
Photocopiable page


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 20 10/03/2016 10:58

Phonological Awareness Skills Test (PAST)
Detailed Score Sheet
Pupil’s name: Age: (years) (months)
Class: Teacher:
Assessment dates (mm/yy): ______ ______ ______ ______ Mastery = 5/6 OR 6/6 correct (3) or (7) = known word

9. Phoneme blending 10. Phoneme segmentation

1. /a/ /t/ at 1. in (2)
2. /b/ /e/ /d/ bed 2. at (2)
3. /h/ /a/ /t/ hat 3. name (3)
4. /m/ /u/ /s/ /t/ must 4. ship (3)
5. /sh/ /o/ /p/ shop 5. sock (3)
6. /p/ /l/ /a/ /n/ /t/ plant 6. chin (3)
Total correct: /6 Total correct: /6

11. Phoneme deletion of initial sound 12. Phoneme deletion of final sound
1. (s)un un 1. ro/ /s/ /e/ row
2. (p)ig ig 2. trai /n/ tray
3. (m)op op 3. grou /p/ grew
4. (n)eck eck 4. sea /t/ sea
5. (b)at at 5. ba /k/ /e/ bay
6. (t)ape ape 6. in /ch/ in
Total correct: /6 Total correct: /6

13. Phoneme deletion of first sound in consonant blend 15. Phoneme deletion of final sound
1. Say clap without /c/ lap 1. Concept of spoken word /6
2. Say stop without /s/ top 2. Rhyme recognition /6
3. Say trust without /t/ rust 3. Rhyme production /6
4. Say black without /b/ lack 4. Syllable blending /6
5. Say drip without /d/ rip 5. Syllable segmentation /6
6. Say smile without /s/ mile 6. Syllable deletion /6
7. Phoneme
Total correct: /6 isolation of initial /6
8. Phoneme
14. Phoneme substitution isolation of final /6
1. Change the first sound in man with /f/ fan 9. Phoneme blending /6
2. Change the first sound in pig with /d/ dig 10. Phoneme segmentation /6
3. Change the first sound in sack with /t/ tack
11. Phoneme deletion of initial /6
4. Change the first sound in well with /f/ fell
12. Phoneme deletion of final
sound /6
5. Change the first sound in bed with /r/ red
13. Phoneme deletion of first
6. Change the first sound in shop with /ch/ chop /6
sound in consonant blend
Total correct: /6 14. Phoneme substitution /6
Photocopiable page


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 21 10/03/2016 10:58

Word Bank
Word Bank increases as each letter sound is taught.
Some words are underlined. These words tend to give an inaccurate pronunciation.
However, the pronunciations are so close that the children are able to ‘tweak’ them
and read them, especially if the words are in their vocabulary. Initially it is sensible
to make sure the children know how to blend the words that are not underlined
before using the underlined ones.
The underlined words fall into different types, such as:
as, resist, is etc.
The /s/ sound is more like a light /z/ sound
pasta, lemon, attack, packet etc.
In many words a vowel is not always pronounced accurately and makes an /uh/
type of sound. This is known as a schwa. Sometimes it can even sound a bit like
a different vowel, as in packet /pacit/. This causes few problems with reading but
makes spelling much harder.
ink, tank, sunk etc.
The <nk> is pronounced /ngk/ – there are few problems for reading and the
spelling difficulties can be overcome by teaching the children to write <nk>
when they hear /ngk/, and learn the odd one that does not follow this advice,
such as ‘uncle’.
sense, sneeze, mouse, cassette, opposite etc.
The <e> on the end gives no sound but the word can be heard after blending the
letter sounds that come before the <e>.
apple, kennel, devil, royal, cheerful etc.
These all have an /l/ sound at the end. The children cope well for reading but
have to remember which alternative to use for spelling.
catch, pitch, hutch etc.
The <t> is not pronounced.
doctor, collar etc.
The <or> and <ar> have an /er/ sound. Again spelling is more of a problem than
salt, alter, walrus etc.
The <al> gives an /or/ sound but the <l> is also pronounced.
bold, told, sold etc.
The <o> is not a /o/ or an /oa/. It is in-between these two sounds and only
becomes more difficult when spelling.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 22 10/03/2016 10:58

blue, grew, rude, etc.
Have an /oo/ sound rather than a /ue/ sound.

Word Bank provides suitable words for blending practice.

The words in this column are more
Words in this column are suitable appropriate for older children or
for younger children. children with a more advanced

a as

t sat, at

i sit, it, its, is assist

p pip, pit, pat, tap, tip, sip, spit, spat sap, pasta, pass

nap, nip, nit, an, ant, pan, pin, tan, span, assistant
n tin, spin, in, insist, pant, pants,
snap, snip
cat, can, cap, act, stick, skip, skin, napkin, tact, stack, spick,
tick, pick, pack, kiss, kick, sack, span, attic, kit, attack, spank
sick, panic, picnic, snack, ink, stink,
tank, pink, sank, sink
set, pet, net, pen, ten, test, pest, antiseptic, inspect, tense, arrest,
nest, sent, neck, peck, step, tennis, antenna, cassette, speck
tent, insect, ticket, kitten, sense,
hen, hat, hip, hit, hint, hiss, hectic
happen, honk
rat, rip, ran, rest, rack, rent, press, spirit, strip, actress, transparent,
prick, print, risk, scrap, strap, stress, attract, resist, respect, trespass,
track, trap, trick, trip, strict, crisps, racket, rink
crept, crack, present, rinse, cricket
man, men, map, mat, hem, ham, rim, ram, mass, mimic, tram, prim,
him, mess, miss, mist, mint, imp, tempt, attempt, mink
stamp, crisps, trim, pram, smack,
tramp, camp, stem, mattress


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dad, den, did, dip, sad, end, rid, dim, mid, timid, disc, deck, tend,
red, mad, had, hid, din, kid, pad, addict, intend, drastic, rapid, attend,
desk, add, skid, drip, hand, sand, admit, errand, madam, adapt
mend, send, spend, stand, damp,
dent, dentist, dress, disk, drink,
panda, drank, address, pretend
gas, pig, peg, gap, egg, get, dig, rag, tag, sag, nag, rig, stag, crag, gram,
g drag, snag, grip, gran, grin, grand, grim, anagram, pregnant, magnet
grandad, spaghetti
top, pop, pot, pod, on, cot, cod, cog, mop, hog, dock, desktop, topic,
cost, hot, hop, rot, rod, odd, dog, moss, mock, crop, spotted, protect,
dot, god, got, rock, pond, sock, reckon, maggot, recommend,
spot, stop, trod, trot, drop, ticktock, opposite, kiosk, connect, adopt,
cannot, cross, comic, dragon, incorrect, opinion, cannon
nonsense, second, parrot, pocket,
rocket, carrot, cotton, correct,
haddock, across
up, us, sun, nut, cup, cut, hum, rut, drug, sum, rump, stump,
gum, tug, hug, mug, mud, rug, run, undid, discuss, instruct, rucksack,
pup, dug, hut, mum, dust, dump, product, sunset, spun, putt, pun,
duck, tuck, hump, pump, mumps, nun, sudden, hippopotamus, skunk,
hunt, must, suck, gust, rust, tusk, sunk,
drum, truck, stuck, scrub, snug, minimum, tantrum
trust, crust, upset, suntan, hiccup,
pumpkin, undress, unpack, eggcup,
grunt, drunk, upon, trunk, trumpet,
lap, lit, let, leg, log, pal, lip, led, elk, nil, till, sill, dell, dill, gill,
lot, lid, lad, lips, lick, luck, lass, pulp, kilt, hull, loss, gulp, plot,
lump, lend, less, lock, ill, pill, kill, plus, clamp, clump, drill, plank,
hill, tell, mill, sell, doll, dull, gull, stilts, electronic, laptop, insult,
silk, sulk, tilt, lost, help, held, list, limit, clarinet, control, troll,
melt, milk, limp, still, clap, clip, scroll, stroll, helpless, marigold,
click, clock, plan, plug, plum, glum, eldest, link, helmet, atlas, settle,
glad, slug, slid, slim, slip, slit, slot, single, allotment, kilogram, planet,
skill, skull, slam, slap, smell, split, millennium, omelette, pollen,
spell, spelt, spill, slept, plump, grill, skeleton, neglect, pelican, select,
lipstick, adult, lollipop, plastic, talent, talon, triplet, catapult, cattle,
plimsolls, solid, splendid, until, angle, ample, goggles, miracle,
unless, unplug, unlock, old, sold, pimple, ripple, riddle, rectangle,
hold, cold, told, responsible, rumble,


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gold, roll, petrol, tunnel, lemon, sample, smuggle, spectacles, tangle,
electric, gallop, animal, elastic, temple, tentacle, tingle, topple,
kennel, lesson, milkman, melon, trickle, twinkle, wiggle, hospital,
salad, tinsel, carol, collect, candle, camel, seldom, result
L cuddle, ankle, giggle, rattle, handle,
apple, kettle, little, simple, sprinkle,
middle, muddle, little, sprinkle,
paddle, pebble, prickles, puddle,
saddle, struggle, tackle, tickle, uncle
if, fat, fin, fun, fog, elf, fan, fit, fed, sift, self, cuff, tiff, flop, flip, flan,
off, fell, fill, fuss, huff, sniff, soft, frill, drift, font, flock, frank, frantic,
lift, loft, fist, felt, film, fact, fond, infect, muffin, adrift, affect, offend,
gift, left, puff, cliff, stiff, fluff, flag, reflect, fossil, fungus, unfold,
flat, flick, frog, flap, gruff, frock, flannel, confident, fiddle, freckles,
frost, from, traffic, fantastic, golf, scuffle, funnel
fold, forest, daffodil, infant, difficult,
bad, bat, bib, bag, rub, bit, bin, nib, ban, rib, cob, hob, bog, tub,
pub, cub, bed, bud, bug, big, bet, sob, bob, biff, stub, drab, blot,
bun, beg, rob, bill, back, bell, boss, blob, stab, snub, slab, blunt, public,
belt, bump, bend, best, bulb, crab, cabin, blank, album, subtract,
grab, grub, club, black, blend, brick, embarrass, minibus, minicab,
block, blond, rabbit, robin, dustbin, toboggan, battle, bundle, crumble,
habit, bold, bottom, blossom, gobble, impossible, incredible,
bucket, blanket, bunk, blink, assemble, abandon, brilliant, abrupt,
problem, ribbon, button, umbrella, absent, acrobat, acrobatic, albatross,
bottle, bubble, buckle, grumble, abominable, mumble, nimble,
horrible, nibble, scribble, tumble, obstacle, scramble, sensible, stumble
terrible, tremble
aim, rain, sail, pain, tail, rail, paid, gain, aid, ail, faint, grain, sprain,
nail, main, fail, laid, hail, mail, strain, trail, raid, saint, pail, against,
ai paint, train, snail, brain, Spain, remain, raise, praise, complain,
plain, drain, stain, pigtail, raindrops, contain, obtain, aimless
afraid, again, captain
jog, jam, jet, job, jug, jump, just, jab, jut, jazz, object, project, subject,
jacket, junk, jungle, jumble, juggle jingle, jangle, adjust, adjustment
boat, goat, load, soap, road, loaf, moat, roam, cloak, croak, poach,
toast, moan, oak, roast, soak, foam, oats, unload, petticoat, afloat
oa toad, coat, groan, float, raincoat,
boast, coast, coal, goal, foal


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pie, tie, die, lie, lied, untie, lies, cries, magpie, terrified
fries, tries, flies, dries
bee, see, seed, need, feet, deep, eel, seem, steel, greed, seek, screen,
heel, beef, jeep, peep, keep, meet, reel, reed, peek, greet, canteen, jeer,
feed, keen, leek, feel, seen, been, feeble, agreement, disagree
beep, sleep, green, free, creep, street,
speed, deer, beer, steer, agree, asleep,
geese, settee, beetle, needle
or, for, sort, torn, horn, born, pork, form, port, lord, cord, snort,
cork, fork, corn, fort, sport, storm, stork, sweetcorn, inform, landlord,
foghorn, popcorn, horse, sore, snore, platform, record, transport,
score, more, forget, forgot, mirror, store, tore, forgive, ignore, error,
doctor, tractor forbid, anorak, ashore, important,
enormous, monitor, organ,
ornament, portrait, accordion, actor,
adore, afford, projector, report,
restore, sailor, scorpion, shore,
sportsman, stubborn, support, tailor,
terror, corridor, adorable, portable,
ignorant, terrorist, visitor
zip, buzz, fizz, zigzag, zebra, sneeze, zap, zest, maize
breeze, freeze, dazzle, drizzle, puzzle
win, web, wet, wag, went, wind, wail, wilt, swift, west, weep, wept,
well, will, swim, swam, twig, twin, wig, wick, swell, tweet, windscreen,
week, weed, worn, wait, twist, wombat, wigwam, waistcoat, wicked,
sweep, sweet, swept, waist, weekend, wagon, wicket, wisdom, witness,
windmill, unwell, cobweb, between, waitress
wore, wink, wobble
ring, sing, bang, song, wing, hang, lung, clang, sling, fling, flung,
long, king, sung, rang, sang, hung, sprang, landing, meeting, oblong,
sting, spring, bring, swing, stung, promising, rung, railings, ding-dong,
strong, cling, string, singing, gang, smuggling, steering, speeding,
ng morning, buzzing, freezing, seeing, stinking, swelling, swung, training,
sleeping, sitting, wedding, willing, wellington, kingdom
weeping, feeling, painting, ping-
pong, soaking, spelling, along,
belong, snoring


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van, vet, vest, give, have, active, visit, vent, vain, anvil, vivid, invent,
sleeve, travel, vanilla, caravan, seven victim, vomit, velvet, expensive,
prevent, sensitive, involve, level,
v massive, offensive, solve, olive,
aggressive, devil, attractive, available,
develop, venom, villa, vitamin,
adjective, volunteer, visible, invisible
good, wood, wool, soot, foot, hood, brook, crook, wooden, woollen,
oo book, took, look, rook, cook, hook, woodland
woof, stood, footsteps, scrapbook
zoo, moo, cool, fool, hoof, mood, boo, boom, hoot, noon, bloom,
pool, food, moon, loop, root, soon, gloom, beetroot, igloo, proof, stoop,
oo boot, hoop, roof, room, tool, zoom, droop, roost, scoop, swoop, too,
toot, spoon, broom, stool, bedroom, cloakroom, noodles, moose, baboon,
broomstick, toadstool, goose, loose raccoon, tattoo
y yes, yap, yet, yell, yelp yak, yuck, yank
six, fox, fix, box, wax, mix, next, exit, exam, fax, flex, explain,
sixteen, boxing, toolbox, expect, express, extend, extinct, expand,
paintbox index, ox, tax, text, textbook,
x mailbox, axe, relax, relaxing,
experiment, explore, oxen,
unexpected, vixen, axle, example,
hexagon, maximum, exact, taxi
chin, chap, chips, rich, chop, chum, duchess, hunch, inch, chaffinch,
chat, much, punch, bench, bunch, chess, poach, porch, screech,
lunch, chill, such, chick, munch, speech, trench, drench, finch,
pinch, chimp, chest, check, champ, chump, cockroach, twitch,
chug, chain, cheek, cheer, crunch, hopscotch, ketchup, patch, pitch,
torch, coach, chimpanzee, ostrich, attach, sketch, cheerful, chipmunk,
chopsticks, sandwich, children, titch, approach, grandchildren
chicken, chickenpox, cheese, catch,
hatch, match, fetch, stretch, itch,
ditch, witch, stitch, switch, hutch,
choose, chuckle, scratch, kitchen,
ish, shop, dish, wish, ship, hush, ash, shin, shift, shrug, shrink,
sh rush, shed, shut, rash, mash, cash, shrank, shrunk, flesh, polish, posh,
dash, shell, shot, shut, publish, selfish, shellfish,


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shelf, shock, shook, brush, smash, sheriff, shred, shrill, slush, vanish,
crash, flash, flush, shoot, shook, blush, crush, refresh, astonish,
sheep, sheet, short, shall, shrimps, astonishing
sh splash, finish, eggshell, paintbrush,
punish,rubbish, shampoo,
bookshop, mushroom, shopping,
shocking, goldfish
th this, that, then, with, them, than within
thin, moth, tenth, thing, thick, thud, maths, pith, faith, length, north,
thump, tooth, teeth, cloth, three, thrill, thrush, froth, broth, throb,
thorn, throat, toothbrush, thank, strength, theft,
thanks, sixth thrilling, width, anthem, arithmetic,
pathetic, thatch, thimble, method
quiz, quick, quack, queen, quit, quin, quill, liquid, quail, squid,
quilt, squirrel, squeeze squint, quench, quest, tranquil,
request, aquarium, ventriloquist,
quicksand, equipment
out, loud, found, shout, mouth, hound, pouch, south, outfit, noun,
round, pound, sound, count, our, stout, outstanding, slouch, snout,
sour, couch, proud, flour, cloud, trout, wound, background, amount,
ou spout, scout, crouch, ground, roundabout, fountain, mountain,
sprouts, shouting, without, outing, woodlouse, aground, mousetrap,
house, mouse, blouse, greenhouse, obvious, tremendous, account,
about, around, aloud accountant
oil, boil, soil, join, coin, joint, point, foil, coil, moist, toil, tinfoil, oilcan,
oi spoil, spoilt, boiling, spoilsport, topsoil, ointment, disappoint,
toilet, tortoise, avoid, noisiest poison, appointment, asteroid
due, fuel, rescue, continue, clue, cue, value, statue, avenue
ue glue, blue, true, bluebell, tissue,
untrue, cruel
her, sister, kerb, herd, mister, silver, fern, boiler, bother, bitter, enter,
litter, pepper, letter, better, winter, perm, herb, perch, stern, tender,
never, butter, fatter, supper, hotter, blender, shatter, blunder, slither,
summer, river, under, herself, blister, amber, adverb, advert, sprinter
splinter, painter, swimmer, thunder, entertain, expert, antler, archer,
winner, bumper, ever, ladder, dinner, flutter, folder, forever, gander,
hammer, hamster, jumper, gangster, border, dagger, duster,
gather, glitter, gutter, hanger,


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monster, offer, robber, rubber, hoover, internet, jerk, lantern,
runner, scooter, shiver, sticker, lavender, liver, lobster, locker,
temper, toaster, toddler, matter, member, mermaid, miller,
thunderstorm, understand, misunderstanding, modern, mutter,
buttercup, helicopter, interest, order, otter, perfect, perform,
chatter, cooker, corner, cracker, perhaps, pester, pier, porter, potter,
clever, painter, pattern, numbers, printer, proper, quiver, interrupt,
slippers, finger, father, afternoon, rooster, rudder, scanner, scatter,
different, remember, trousers, September, shelter, shopkeeper,
conkers, singer, were, terrific shudder, slender, smuggler, snooker,
sooner, spanner, stagger, stammer,
stopper, stutter, suffer, tavern, term,
timber, trainer, transfer, trigger,
er twister, underground, understood,
understanding, upper, verb, waiter,
woodpecker, camcorder, chapter,
consider, copper, counter, evergreen,
asterisk, manners, camera, person,
nerve, verse, nervous, recorder,
customer, alert, referee, angler,
reserve, reverse, soldier, serpent,
servant, serve, miserable, stretcher,
supporter, surrender, tanker,
terminal, thermometer, propeller,
desert, tweezers, shepherd, anger,
butterfingers, hunger, herdsman,
disaster, rounders
arm, car, far, art, jar, hard, farm, bar, ark, tar, tart, cart, yard, chart,
barn, card, park, dart, mark, dark, harsh, darkroom, Antarctic, arch,
bark, part, harm, march, sharp, arc, Arctic, barber, garlic, harp,
charm, star, start, smart, spark, larder, scar, starling, pardon,
scarf, shark, starfish, sharper, farmer, carthorse, sharpener, similar, ajar,
artist, darling, farmyard, partner, tartan, vicar, apart, apartment,
ar cartoon, argue, harvest, armbands, arson, grammar, startle, target,
carpet, starve, barbecue, alarm, carpenter, remarkable, bargain,
are, garden, kangaroo, cardigan, familiar, blizzard, scrollbar
caterpillar, marbles, sparkle, carve,
lizard, collar, market, mustard,
custard, calendar, vinegar, wizard,


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mummy, daddy, funny, poppy, gusty, army, tabby, daily, hobby,
bunny, silly, jolly, dolly, puppy, ferry, frothy, activity, county, elderly,
nanny, fussy, rocky, jelly, holly, hobby, entry, fuzzy, glossy, hardy,
runny, sunny, tummy, lorry, dummy, jellyfish, lily, mainly, pantry, partly,
dusty, frosty, lucky, rusty, penny, possibly, pottery, property, roomy,
teddy, berry, nappy, cherry, foggy, rugby, sherry, shortly, silky, simply,
muddy, floppy, body, buddy, buggy, speedy, sporty, study, teeny, terribly,
granny, spotty, story, dizzy, ugly, tubby, wiggly, willingly, woolly,
y /ee/ family, filthy, very, greedy, happy, candyfloss, wonky, crockery, cutlery,
sound grubby, grumpy, handy, hurry, academy, agony, daisy, anniversary,
windy, wobbly, lumpy, marry, potty, antibody, archery, artery, astronomy,
merry, milky, misty, party, pity, majesty, majority, memory,
plenty, sadly, sandy, yummy, sleepy, ordinary, enemy, factory, history,
slippery, soapy, soggy, sorry, sticky, victory, industry, lottery, terrifically,
telly, tricky, unhappy, unlucky, territory, robbery, silvery, similarly,
storybook, carry, copy, creepy, curry, secretary, salary, satisfactory
empty, skinny, spooky, stormy,
stuffy, hanky, every, noisy, clumsy
ate, ape, game, lane, gate, save, gave, ale, blade, blaze, blazer, daze,
made, name, cake, hate, safe, rake, estimate, exterminate, fade, fake,
tale, wave, came, bake, date, lake, fame, frame, gaze, grade, grave,
pale, late, make, wake, same, gale, imitate, indicate, inflate, invade,
sale, take, tame, tape, cave, case, irritate, lame, maze, landscape,
grapes, flame, plate, snake, plane, make-up, rate, male, mane, mate,
crane, brave, spade, stale, blame, nickname, pane, slate, slave, state,
a-e skates, scrape, graze, brakes, chase, telltale, trade, caveman, wade,
shame, shape, shave, shade, pancake, scale, paper, relate, later, roller-
lampshade, sunshade, handshake, skate, amaze, hesitate, sandpaper,
mistake, cornflakes, escape, awake, appropriate, shaken, approximate,
marmalade, chocolate, lemonade, ashamed, scales, wafer, separate,
pavement salesman, decorate, demonstrate,
inhaler, operate, translate,
Steve, Pete, theme park, here, even, athlete, eve, extreme, interfere,
these, evening compete, concrete, meter, prefect,
prefer, severe, complete, fever, event,
trapeze, completely, uneven
ride, hide, nine, ripe, life, five, line, live, hike, slime, bedside, hillside,
i-e pipe, mile, pile, time, side, wipe, like, likely, lakeside, dislike, dive, divide,
bike, bite, hive, kite, wide, file, glide, pride, bridegroom,


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size, mine, wine, tide, wife, quite, reptile, thrive, tile, spike, spine,
shine, prize, smile, drive, slide, tribe, strike, unlike, underline,
bride, inside, upside, bedtime, invite, unlikely, vine, website, spire, umpire,
outside, stripes, beehive, sunshine, vampire, admire, advertise, alike,
fire, bonfire, wire, lively, fine, tired, item, arise, anticlockwise, appetite,
i-e alive, arrive, spider, wise, tiger, describe, glider, hibernate, organise,
bridesmaid, crocodile pantomime, rise, polite, provide,
refine, revise, satellite, silent, silently,
title, times, sunrise, terrorise,
unwise, valentine, wives, clockwise,
bone, home, rope, hope, joke, mole, vote, cone, lone, globe, dome,
hole, pole, woke, note, doze, poke, code, alcove, explode, lobe, robe,
stone, stole, drove, smoke, slope, milestone, role, sole, stove, tone,
stroke, broke, spoke, choke, throne, trombone, wove, zone, scone,
lonely, owe, homemade, flagpole, antelope, primrose, antidote, enclose,
molehill, tadpole, hose, rose, nose, leftovers, mousehole, October,
close, those, alone, broken, envelope, November, opening, overlook,
frozen, open, over, overcoat oversleep, overtake, propose, spoken,
stolen, stethoscope, suppose,
telescope, voter, woken, woven
mule, cube, tune, tube, cute, duke, nude, pure, cure, excuse,
costume, use, rude, salute, ruler, perfume, attitude, volume, useless,
super, supermarket, computer rule, fuse, June, prunes, refuse,
absolute, absolutely, accuse, amuse,
amusement, assume, flute, fluke,
fortune, fumes, include, pollute,
supervise, unused, used, vulture,
yuletide, confuse, capture
day, hay, lay, pay, may, say, way, ray, bay, sway, crayfish, weekday,
play, tray, clay, stay, pray, spray, stray, slay, display, haystack, hooray,
staying, playtime, daytime, yesterday, midday, playpen, subway, layer,
Sunday, driveway, railway, runway, sunrays, hurray, mayonnaise, Friday,
holiday, playground, player, crayons, sideways
Tuesday, away
boy, toy, joy, enjoy, Roy, enjoying, boyish, employ, employer, oyster,
o-y annoy, annoying joystick, joyful, royal, ahoy,
employment, destroy
by, my, try, fly, dry, fry, shy, sty, sly, spy, nylon, satisfy, magnify,
y /ie/
sky, cry, myself, pigsty, butterfly multiply, simplify, pylon, terrify,
terrifying, typing, typist, apply,


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 31 10/03/2016 10:58

rely, reply, python, supply,
y /ie/
skyrocket, skyscraper, type, tyre,
dragonfly, style, lullaby
y /i/ pyramid, mystery
eat, tea, sea, pea, ear, meat, read, peacock, beam, east, steamship,
each, beat, heap, leaf, beak, heat, anteater, creak, bleak, deal, eager,
mean, seat, leak, team, real, hear, feat, flea, lean, least, meantime,
heal, near, meal, leap, lead, weak, nearby, peak, seafood, seagull,
neat, dear, fear, seal, year, beach, seam, sneak, speaker, spear, steal,
teach, peach, each, clean, clear, tear, gear, yeast, earring, yearly,
treat, cream, steam, speak, steal, weary, dreary, crease, appeal, appear,
dream, stream, scream, squeak, disappear, really, grease, tease,
cheap, peanuts, teapot, seatbelt, season, steamroller, increase, reason,
daydream, seagull, seaweed, release, leaflet, eagle, treatment,
seashell, earwig, meaning, nearly, weaken, weakness, seahorse,
reach, seaside, teabag, teacup, seashore, repeat, reveal, weasel,
seasick, teacher, teaspoon, weave, overhear
underneath, peas, measles, treacle,
easy, easily, leave, please, beads,
beans, jeans
high, night, light, right, sight, sigh, thigh, midnight, lamplight,
bright, fight, tight, fright, flight, fortnight, slightly, sunlight,
might, lightning, traffic lights tightrope, flashlight, highlight,
nightdress, tights, upright, slight,
tighten, overnight, lighthouse,
low, own, mow, slow, snow, blow, row, rowing, flow, crow, shallow,
show, grow, throw, window, yellow, shown, marrow, hollow, snowy,
borrow, pillow, shadow, owner, sow, marshmallow, snowstorm,
ow/ elbow, follow, narrow, arrow, bow, sorrow, sparrow, thrown, tow, widow,
oa/ rainbow, snowflake, snowman, widower, willow, windowpane,
grownup, lower, bowl, bowling, windowsill, glow, fellow, Halloween,
below, slowest overflow, bungalow, lowest,
tomorrow, tenpin bowling
owl, how, now, down, town, cow, sow, scowl, upside down, gown,
howl, brown, drown, crown, clown, prowl, fowl, flowerpot, however,
crowd, frown, growl, shower, flower, cowshed, allow, overcrowded,
powder, tower, downhill, sunflower, coward, talcum powder, trowel, vowel
bow, row, showery, towel


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 32 10/03/2016 10:58

bird, girl, dirt, stir, firm, first, shirt, sir, fir, chirp, birth, twirl, swirl,
third, skirt, thirteen, stirring, thirsty, shirk, thirty, firmly, songbird,
birthday, dirty, birdseed, tee shirt blackbird, squirt, thirst, cowgirl,
miniskirt, bluebird
turn, burn, fur, hurt, curl, purr, turf, furry, further, churn, Saturn,
burnt, burst, church, burger, murder, Saturday, turnip, disturb,
hamburger, beefburger, yogurt, murmur, nursery, suburb, surf,
sunburnt, turning, surprise, nurse, surname, survive, unhurt, turtle,
purse, curve, purple, burglar, return, turban, furthest, surround,
curtain Thursday, hurtful, absurd
ew, new, dew, stew, blew, grew, chew, pew, newt, skewer, Jew, jewel,
ew chewing, drew, flew, view, threw, screwdriver, shrewd, slew, unscrew,
screw crew, newspaper, corkscrew
fault, Paul, haunt, faulty, haunted, haul, vault, taunt, launch, laundry,
au August, cauliflower, cause, because, automatic, audible, autumn, author,
pause astronaut, launderette, restaurant
saw, paw, jaw, thaw, lawn, draw, sawmill, withdraw, jawbone,
straw, prawn, crawl, yawn, claw, hawthorn, law, flaw, raw, pawn,
jigsaw, seesaw, drawing, dawdle, dawn, shawl, hawk, spawn, trawl,
strawberry trawler, creepycrawly, drawer, drawn,
hawk, lawnmower, outlaw, sawdust,
awful, awfully, awkward
all, hall, fall, ball, wall, call, tall, stalk, mall, ballpoint, chalky, alter,
talk, walk, chalk, small, salt, fallen, altar, basketball, wallpaper,
altogether, alright, always walnut, walrus, alternate, alternative,
falcon, false, halt, penalty, scald
dolphin, phone, nephew, sphere, alphabetical, photocopy, trophy,
phonics, alphabet, elephant, orphan, autograph, prophet, phantom,
ph photo, telephone, photograph, phrase, paragraph, amphibian,
photographer physical, triumph, microphone,
telegraph pole, hyphen
mice, rice, nice, face, ice, race, lace, participate, vicinity, sincere,
place, dice, ice cream, excite, sacrifice, cent, cell, cancer, brace,
centipede, city, space, spaceship, officer, cigar, fascinate, scent,
ace, twice, trace, saucer, princess, scene, simplicity, anticipate,
Soft c iceberg, excite, except, fence, sauce, criticise, cylinder, cellar, cygnet,
saucepan, celery, pencil, circus, sorcerer, pharmacist, concern,
cycle, bicycle, excellent, circle, define, process, vaccinate, surface,
exciting, decide, spacing, advice, substance, society, semicircle,
ambulance, dance, bounce, scenery, peace, residence, replace,


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 33 10/03/2016 10:58

voice, pence, success, succeed, rejoice, reduce, recite, receive,
simple, since, sentence, scissors, recent, recently, racist, practice,
science, racing, prince, pounce, plaice, pronounce, policeman,
palace, accident, bracelet, balance, pierce, accept, accent, access,
mince pie, force, exercise, exciting, abundance, office, ancestor, advance,
decide, cigarette, choice, chance, audience, ascend, appliance, notice,
Soft c certain noticeable, menace, medicine, lance,
justice, introduce, instance, innocent,
ingenious, icing, greengrocer,
graceful, fleece, fascinating,
entrance, divorce, decimal, concern,
incidence, century, cereal, ceremony,
certificate, cement, cemetery
cage, page, stage, register, margin, rage, wage, stagecoach, gem, germ,
magic, huge, ginger, energy, engineer, engaged, digit, manage,
energetic, large, orange, village, origin, passenger, tangerine, surgery,
suggest, stranger, strange, fridge, religion, region, range, plunge,
luggage, lounge, lettuce, ledge, pigeon, passage, oxygen, original,
hedge, hedgehog, intelligent, marriage, legend, judge, image,
soft g
imagine, giraffe, gentle, gentleman, hinge, gesture, general, generous,
garage, fridge, bandage, badger, genius, geography, gadget, fringe,
badge, fidget, engine, edge, dodge, bodge, exchange, edgy, exaggerate,
digital, danger, damage, cottage, advantage, budge, dungeon, bulge,
change, changing room, charge, disadvantage, dinghy, college,
bridge, angel carriage, gigantic, electricity


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 34 10/03/2016 10:58

Tricky Words
Please turn to the Weekly word list on pages 92-95 of the pupil book. The words are
laid out with four regular phonic spellings and one tricky word each day. There are
four tricky words to be learnt each week.

I are go
1. 11. 21.

the all no
2. 12. 22.

he you so
3. 13. 23.

she your my
4. 14. 24.

me come one
5. 15. 25.

we some by
6. 16. 26.

be said like
7. 17. 27.

was here have

8. 18. 28.

to there live
9. 19. 29.

do they give
10. 20. 30

Photocopiable page


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 35 10/03/2016 10:58

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

First Class


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 36 10/03/2016 10:58

1st Class Screening Test

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Answers on page 109

Vowel and consonant sounds

Write the correct word for each picture.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Twin letters and consonant digraphs
Write the correct letters for each picture. ff ss ll zz

sni____ gra____ cli____ se____

ba____ mi____ fi____ bu____

Score: Photocopiable page
16 Comment: 37

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 37 10/03/2016 10:58

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Twin letters and consonant digraphs

Write the correct letters for each picture. sh ch th wh ng ck

____ip si____ ____in

mo____ fi____ thi____

ben____ ri____ wi____

____eel cl____ ____ere

Photocopiable page
38 12 Comment:

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 38 10/03/2016 10:58

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
Vowel digraphs
Write the correct letters for each picture. ai ee oa ie ou oi ue oo

tr____n z____ sn____l sw____t

t____ c____n m____th f____l

m____n b____k arg____ cr____d

resc____ l____d c____k ____l

sh____p b____t
Score: Photocopiable page
18 Comment: 39

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 39 10/03/2016 10:58

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Word families, digraphs and word endings

Write the correct letters for each picture. or er ar aw ay y

h____ f____k c____

p____k p____ fl____

cl____ cr____ butt____

f____m h____d auth____

Photocopiable page Score:
40 12 Comment:

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 40 10/03/2016 10:58

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
Word families, digraphs and word endings
Write the correct letters for each picture. old all ash ump

sm______ cr______

h______ g______

r______ j______

b______ t______
Score: Photocopiable page
8 Comment: 41

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 41 10/03/2016 10:58

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

September Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

1 Revision: short vowel sounds 4–7 Week 1 To identify the short vowel sounds. To listen

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 42

a, e, i, o and u for and identify the middle sounds in CVC

Revision: final consonant words. To identify and write words ending in
blends consonant blends using phonetic blending.
To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high
frequency words.
2 Revision: ai, oa, ie and y 8–11 Week 2 To read and write words containing the ai,
Revision: ee, or, ng and both oa, ie and y sounds. To read and write words
oo sounds containing the ee, or, ng and both oo sounds.
Revision: ch, sh, th and wh To read and write words containing the ch, sh,
Revision: ou, oi, ue, er and ar th and wh sounds. To read and write words
containing the ou, oi, ue, er and ar sounds.
To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high
frequency words.
3 Revision: initial consonant 12–16 Week 3 To identify and write words beginning with the
blends st, tr, dr, sk, tw and sl consonant blends st, tr, dr, sk, tw and sl. To
Revision: initial consonant identify and write words beginning with the
blends pl, fl, br, sp, sm and consonant blends pl, fl, br, sp, sm and sn. To
sn identify and write words beginning with the
Revision: initial consonant consonant blends cl, fr, cr and th. To identify
blends cl, fr, cr and th and write words beginning with the consonant
Revision: initial consonant blends bl, gl, pr and sh. To read sentences
blends bl, gl, pr and sh using phonetic blending. To learn 16 phonetic
Revision: phonetic blending spellings and four high frequency words.
4 Magic e 17–21 Week 4 To read and write words by changing the vowel
Word family: _ake sound with magic e. To write words containing
Word families: _ake and _ate the _ake sound. To read and write words
Word families: _ame and _ale containing the _ake and _ate sounds. To read
1st Class Yearly Plan

Magic e with a (a_e) and write words containing the _ame and _ale
sounds. To read and write words containing the
magic e with a. To learn 16 phonetic spellings
and four high frequency words.

10/03/2016 10:58
October Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 43

1 Magic e with i (_ide) 22–26 Week 5 To read and write words containing the magic e with i. To
Magic e with i (_ine) read and write words containing the _ine sound. To read
Revision: magic e with i words containing magic e with i. To read and write two-
Syllables syllable words. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four
high frequency words.
2 Magic e with o (_ore) 27–30 Week 6 To read and write words containing the magic e with o.
Magic e with o (o_e) To read sentences containing words with magic e with
Magic e with o (_oke) o. To read and write words containing the magic e with
Revision: magic e with initial consonant blends. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four
consonant blends high frequency words.
3 Magic e with u (u_e) 31–34 Week 7 To read and write words containing the magic e with u.
Revision: magic e ew. To write words containing the magic e. To learn 16
phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
4 ew sound 35–36 Week 8 To read and write words containing both ew sounds. To
Long u sounds: ue, ew and u_e read and write words containing the long u sound. To
learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.

October Plan Notes

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 10:58
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

November Plan
Week Content Pupil page: My Spelling Booklet Objectives

1 Revision: ue, ew and u_e 37–38 Week 9 To read and write words containing the long oo sound. To

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 44

Revision: short oo sounds read and write words containing the short oo sound. To

(book, pull) learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
2 Revision: _ay sound 39–40 Week 10 To read and write words containing the _ay sound. To read
Revision: long a sounds ai, ay and write words containing the long a sound. To learn 16
and a_e phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
3 Long e sounds: ee and ea 41–42 Week 11 To read and write words containing the long e sound. To
Long e sounds magic e, ee, e_e, learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
ea and y
4 Revision: magic e 43–44 Week 12 To write words containing the magic e. To revise phonics
Revision: winter work covered to date. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four
high frequency words.

November Plan Notes

10/03/2016 10:58
December Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 45

1 Assessment 45–46 Week 13 To assess children’s learning. To learn 16 phonetic spellings
and four high frequency words.
2 Word endings: _igh and _ight, 47–50 Week 14 To read and write words containing the _igh and _ight
_y sound sounds. To read and write words containing y (sky) and y
Word endings: ie, magic e with (baby) sounds. To read words containing the long i sound.
i, igh and ight To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency
3 Revision: ie, magic e with i, y 51–53 Week 15 To read and write words containing the long i sound. To
and igh read words containing the magic e. To learn 16 phonetic
Phonics board game spellings and four high frequency words.

December Plan Notes

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 10:59
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

January Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

1 ow sound 54-55 Week 16 To read and write words containing the magic e with i. To

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 46

read and write words containing the _ine sound.

To read words containing magic e with i. To read and write
two-syllable words.
To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency
2 ou and ow sounds 56-57 Week 17 To read and write words containing the magic e with o. To
Magic e with o, oa and ow read sentences containing words with magic e with o.
sounds To read and write words containing the magic e with
consonant blends.
To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency
3 Syllables 58-59 Week 18 To read and write words containing the magic e with u.
To write words containing the magic e.
To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency
4 aw sound 60-61 Week 19 To read and write words containing both ew sounds.
au and al sounds To read and write words containing the long u sound.
To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency

January Plan Notes

10/03/2016 10:59
February Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 47

1 er, ir and ur sounds 62-63 Week 20 To read and write words containing the er, ir and ur
sounds. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high
frequency words.
2 er, ir and ur sounds 64-65 Week 21 To read and write words and draw pictures containing the
Revision: er, ir and ur sounds er, ir and ur sounds. To read and write words containing
the er, ir and ur sounds. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and
four high frequency words.
3 air, are and ear sounds 66-67 Week 22 To read and write words containing the air, are and ear
sounds. To read and write words containing the air, are
and ear sounds and to read and write homophones. To
learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.

February Plan Notes

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 10:59
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

March Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

1 ey sound 68-69 Week 23 To read and write words containing the ey sound.

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 48

Revision: magic e To read and write words containing the magic e.

2 Revision: magic e 70-72 Tricky spellings To read and draw pictures of words containing the magic
Soft c and hard c e. To read words containing the soft c and hard c sounds.
Soft c and word family ice To read and write words containing the soft c and ice
words. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high
frequency words.
3 Soft g 73-74 Week 24 To read and write words containing the soft g sounds. To
Revision: soft c and soft g read and write sentences containing the soft c and soft
g sounds. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high
frequency words.

March Plan Notes

10/03/2016 10:59
April Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 49

1 Compound words 75-76 Tricky spellings To read and write compound words. To revise tricky
2 oy sound 77-78 Tricky spellings To read and write words containing the oy sound. To read
oi and oy sounds and write words containing the oi and oy sounds. To revise
tricky spellings.
3 ch and tch sounds 79-80 Week 25 To read, write and draw pictures for words containing the
Revision: tch sound ch and tch sounds. To read and write words containing the
tch sound. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high
frequency words.

April Plan Notes

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 10:59
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

May Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

1 ph sound 81-82 Week 26 To read and write nonsense words containing the ph

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 50

ph and gh sounds sound. To read words containing the ph and gh sounds. To

learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
2 Revision: magic e 83-85 Week 27 To read and write words containing the magic e. To write
Revision: final consonant blends words containing the magic e. To identify and write words
ending in consonant blends using phonetic blending. To
learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
3 Revision 86-87 Week 28 To listen to and write sentences using phonetic blending.
To read words using phonetic blending. To learn 16
phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.

May Plan Notes

10/03/2016 10:59
June Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 51

1 Revision 88-89 Week 29 To read stories using phonetic blending. To learn 16
phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
2 Assessment 90-91 Week 30 To assess children’s learning. To learn 16 phonetic spellings
and four high frequency words.

June Plan Notes

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 10:59
1st Class Lesson Plans
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Note: The month and week are merely guidelines. The rate at which sounds are learnt will
depend on numerous factors such as the ability of the class, your method of teaching, even
the timing of the Christmas play!

September – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 4

Materials needed:
Photocopiable of short vowel sounds (see p. 4 of
pupil book).
Objective(s): To identify the short vowel sounds.
1. Hold up each short vowel sound. What sound
does each letter make?
2. Call out the vowel sounds. Children point to
the corresponding vowel sound in their book.
3. Teach the children this little sentence to help
them remember the sound of short vowels: An
elephant in orange underwear.
4. Brainstorm words that have the short vowel sounds. List words on the
5. Call out words with short vowel sounds, e.g. cat, hen, pig, dog and jug.
(Refer to Weekly word list for Week 1 on p. 92 of Just Phonics 1st Class
for more words). Children identify which vowel sound is in each word.
6. Just Phonics 1st Class. Children colour the vowels and say the sound
each time they colour.
Dictation for this page: A cat is on a mat.

September – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 5

Materials needed:
Photocopiable of short vowel sounds (see p. 4 of
pupil book).
Objective(s): To listen for and identify the middle
sounds in CVC words.
1. Hold up each short vowel sound. What sound
does each letter make?
2. Call out the vowel sounds. Children point to the
corresponding vowel sound in their Just Phonics
1st Class.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 52 10/03/2016 10:59

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
3. Revise the little sentence to help the children remember the sound of
short vowels: An elephant in orange underwear.
4. Brainstorm words that have the short vowel sounds. List words on the
5. Call out words with short vowel sounds, e.g. cat, hen, pig, dog and jug.
(Refer to Weekly word list for week 1 on p. 92 of Just Phonics 1st Class
for more words.) Children identify which vowel sound is in each word.
6. Just Phonics 1st Class. The children name each picture and write the
missing vowel for each one.
Dictation for this page: The fox is in his den.

September – Week 1: Pupil’s book pages 6–7

Materials needed:
To identify and write words
ending in consonant blends
using phonetic blending.
1. Call out a list of words
with the ‘nk’ final
consonant blend: ‘bank’,
‘tank’, ‘junk’, ‘pink’ and
‘sink’. What sound can
the children hear in all of the words?
2. Write the words on the board. Children identify the ‘nk’ final consonant
blend. Children circle the final consonant blend on the board.
3. Children find the words with the ‘nk’ final consonant blend in their Just
Phonics 1st Class. (The words are at the top of the rainbow.) Children
read the code and colour the ‘nk’ final consonant blend words red.
4. Repeat steps with the other final consonant blends.
5. Just Phonics 1st Class. The children must read each word and use the
code to colour the picture. The children write three words for each


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 53 10/03/2016 10:59

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

September – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 8

Materials needed:
Write the sounds from p.126 on A4 sheets.
To read and write words containing the ai, oa, ie and
y sounds.
1. Brainstorm words that have the ai sound. List
words on the board.
2. Repeat with oa, ie and y sounds.
3. Call out words with ai, oa, ie and y sounds, e.g.
rain, boat, tie and baby. (Refer to Weekly word
list for Week 2 on p. 92 of Just Phonics 1st Class
for more words). Children identify which sound is in each word.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. Children circle the words that have the ai sound.
They write the words under the corresponding picture. Repeat for oa, ie
and y sounds.
5. Play the game Sound Stones.
Dictation for this page: The goat has a tail.
Game: Sound Stones
Select appropriate sound cards and arrange them on the floor. Ask a child to
walk the path, saying the correct sound as he or she steps on each stone.
If the child says the incorrect sound they sit down and a new child has a turn.

September – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 9

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the ee, or, ng and
both oo sounds.
1. Brainstorm words that have the ee sound. List
words on the board.
2. Repeat with or, ng and both oo sounds.
3. Call out words with ee, or, ng and both oo
sounds, e.g. bee, fork, king, cook, moon. (Use
words from Just Phonics 1st Class p. 9) Children
identify which sound is in each word.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 54 10/03/2016 10:59

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. Children circle the words that have the ee sound.
They write the words under the corresponding picture. Repeat for or, ng
and both oo sounds.
Dictation for this page: The bee has a wing.

September – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 10

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the ch, sh, th
and wh sounds.
1. Brainstorm words that have the ch sound. List
words on the board.
2. Repeat with sh, th and wh sounds.
3. Call out words with ch, sh, th and wh sounds,
e.g. chip, ship, that, when. Children identify
which sound is in each word.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. Children identify the pictures. Choose the correct
sound for each picture.
Dictation for this page: I got fish and chips.

September – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 11

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the ou, oi, ue, er
and ar sounds.
1. Brainstorm words that have the ou sound. List
words on the board.
2. Repeat with oi, ue, er and ar sounds.
3. Call out words with ou, oi, ue, er and ar
sounds, e.g. floor, coin, argue, river. Children
identify which sound is in each word.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. Children identify the pictures. Choose the correct
sound for each picture.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 55 10/03/2016 10:59

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

5. Play the game Fishing.

Dictation for this page: The oil is in the car.
Game: Fishing
This game is similar to the traditional hangman. Think of an oi, ue, er and ar
word. Represent the word on the board with a dash for every letter. If they guess
a letter correctly, write the letter on the corresponding dash. If the children guess
an incorrect letter, draw a part of a fish (body, tail, fin, eye and mouth). If you
complete the fish before the children guess all the letters you win and start a new
game. If the word is completed before the fish is drawn the children win the game.

September – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 12

Materials needed:
Sheets of paper for the groups of children to make
their list on.
To identify and write words beginning with the
consonant blends: st, tr, dr, sk, tw and sl.
1. Play a game of ‘I spy’ using the initial
consonant blends: st, tr, dr, sk, tw and sl, e.g.
stick, train, drawer, skin, twin and slug. The
teacher could initially be the spy, to model
the game.
2. In groups get the children to brainstorm as many words as possible for
each ICB.
3. Compile a list of words for each sound on the board using the
team’s lists.
4. Talk about the picture in the book. To ensure everyone has the
vocabulary for the exercise listen to the following instructions:
The train has just arrived at the station. Colour the engine green.
There are steps to the side of the train station. Colour the steps yellow.
A carpenter is fixing the fence. Colour her drill blue.
There are five apples on the tree. Colour the apples red, the trunk
brown and the leaves green.
There is an old man sitting next to the drummer wearing a hat. He has
lost his slippers. Colour the slippers blue.
There is a man busking at the train station. He is singing a song and
playing the drum. Colour his jumper red.
On the ground beside the carpenter there is a twig. Colour the twig brown.
The two girls with long hair sitting on the bench were born on the same


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
day. They are twins. They like to wear the same clothes.
Beside the steps, next to the ladder is a skip. Colour the skip yellow.
5. Just Phonics 1st Class. Write the missing letters. Tick the word when you
find its picture.
Dictation for this page: Stop the train.
Game: I spy
Choose a child to be the spy to start the game. The spy chooses something in
the room and says: ‘I spy with my little eye something beginning with ...’, e.g.
sp. Other children take turns guessing the object (e.g. spoon). The child who
correctly guesses the object becomes the spy for the next game.

September – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 13

Materials needed:
Sheets of paper for the groups of children to make
their list on.
To identify and write words beginning with the
consonant blends: pl, fl, br, sp, sm and sn.
1. Play a game of ‘I spy’ using the initial
consonant blends: pl, fl, br, sp, sm and sn, e.g.
plant, floor, broom, sponge, small and snail.
2. In groups get the children to brainstorm as
many words as possible for each ICB.
3. Compile a list of words for each sound on the board using the team’s lists.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. Write the missing sounds. Write three words for
each sound.
5. In pairs play ‘I spy’ using the initial consonant blends: pl, fl, br, sp, sm
and sn.
Dictation for this page: Bring me a spoon.
Game: I spy
Choose a child to be the spy to start the game. The spy chooses something in
the room and says: ‘I spy with my little eye something beginning with ...’, e.g.
sp. Other children take turns guessing the object (e.g. spoon). The child who
correctly guesses the object becomes the spy for the next game.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

September – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 14

Materials needed:
Sheets of paper for the groups of children to make
their list on.
To identify and write words beginning with the
consonant blends: cl, fr, cr and th.
1. Play a game of ‘I spy’ using the initial
consonant blends: cl, fr, cr and th, e.g. clock,
frame, crumb and three.
2. In groups get the children to brainstorm as
many words as possible for each ICB.
3. Compile a list of words for each sound on the board using the team’s
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. Ring the correct word for each picture.
5. In pairs, play ‘I spy’ using the initial consonant blends: cl, fr, cr and th.
Dictation for this page: The pie has a thin crust.
Game(s): I spy
Choose a child to be the spy to start the game. The spy chooses something in
the room and says: ‘I spy with my little eye something beginning with ...’, e.g.
sp. Other children take turns guessing the object (e.g. spoon). The child who
correctly guesses the object becomes the spy for the next game.

September – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 15

Materials needed:
Sheets of paper for the groups of children to make
their list on.
To identify and write words beginning with the
consonant blends: bl, gl, pr and sh.
1. Play a game of ‘I spy’ using the initial
consonant blends: bl, gl, pr and sh, e.g. blue,
glue, price and sheet.
2. In groups get the children to brainstorm as
many words as possible for each ICB.
3. Compile a list of words for each sound on the board using the team’s lists.


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4. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part A use the colour code to colour the
picture. In part B fill in the missing sounds.
5. Play the game ‘I spy’ in pairs, using the initial consonant blends: bl, gl,
pr and sh.
Dictation for this page: I am glad the pram is red.
Game: I spy
Choose a child to be the spy to start the game. The spy chooses something in
the room and says: ‘I spy with my little eye something beginning with ...’, e.g.
sp. Other children take turns guessing the object (e.g. spoon). The child who
correctly guesses the object becomes the spy for the next game.

September – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 16

Materials needed:
To read sentences using phonetic blending.
1. Play a game of Simon Says, including the
vocabulary for body parts: feet, hair, waist, teeth,
mouth, neck, lips, cheeks, finger and nails.
2. Call out an item of clothing. Children stand
up if they are wearing that item. Include the
following vocabulary: black socks, ribbon, belt,
scarf, leggings, ring and jumper.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Children read the
instructions, draw and colour.
Dictation for this page: Ben has a black hat.


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September – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 17

Materials needed:
Magic wand; photocopiable for game Magic e (see
To read and write words by changing the vowel
sound with magic e.
1. Revise the short vowel sounds. What is the
name of each vowel? Write the vowels on the
2. Introduce the magic e. Teach the children the
rhyme: Magic e plays a game, it makes the
vowel says its name!
3. Write a list of words on the board, e.g. at, bit, can, cub, cut, cap, mad,
tap, not, kit, hid, hop, pan, man, pin, tin, fin and tub.
4. Add the magic e and use the magic wand to change them. Magic e,
magic e, what will my new word be? What are the new words?
5. Just Phonics 1st Class. Children add the magic e and read the new
6. Play the game Magic e.
Dictation for this page: The man had a cap and a cape.
Game: Magic e
Put word cards into a hat. Ask a child to take a card from the hat. The child
reads the word, e.g. cap. Next the child must say the word as if it had a magic
e at the end, e.g. cape.

September – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 18

Materials needed:
To write words containing the _ake sound.
1. Say a few nursery rhymes. Revise rhyming
words. Call a word. Ask the children to name
a word that rhymes with it, e.g. ball, wall; cat,
hat; hit, sit; dog, log; pig, fig; bake, cake.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
2. Write the word bake on the board. Point out the magic e. Teach the
children the rhyme: Magic e plays a game, it makes the vowel says its
3. Write the word bake. Change the starting sound in the word (turning it
from bake to cake). Children read the new word each time, e.g. bake,
cake, fake, lake etc. Ask them if it is a real word and to explain what it
means/put it in a sentence.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. Children write the _ake words and read the new
Dictation for this page: Jake put a flake on the cake.

September – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 19

Materials needed:

To read and write words containing the _ake and _ate
1. Say a few nursery rhymes. Revise rhyming
words. Call a word. Ask the children to name
a word that rhymes with it, e.g. ball, wall; cat,
hat; hit, sit; dog, log; pig, fig; bake, cake.
2. Read the poem Yummy Cake! Children say the
rhyming words.
3. Write the word date on the board. Point out the magic e. Teach the
children the rhyme: Magic e plays a game, it makes the vowel says its
4. Write the word date. Change the starting sound in the word (turning it
from date to fate). Children read the new word each time. Ask them if it
is a real word and to explain what it means/put it in a sentence.
5. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part A the children write the missing _ake
words. In part B the children write the real _ate words and read the new
6. Read and remember: ate and eight.
Dictation for this page: The drake was in the lake.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

September – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 20

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the _ame and
_ale sounds.
1. Revise rhyming words. Ask the children to
name a word that rhymes with cake, date, came
and whale.
2. Write the word came on the board. Point out
the magic e. Teach the children the rhyme:
Magic e plays a game, it makes the vowel says
its name!
3. Change the starting sound in the word came (turning it from came to
dame). Children read the new word each time. Ask them if it is a real
word and to explain what it means/put it in a sentence.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part A the children write the real _ame words.
In part B the children write the real _ale words. Read the new words.
Dictation for this page: The bale is at the gate.

September – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 21

Materials needed:
Magic wand; photocopiable word cards for game
Magic e. (see p.125).
To read and write words containing the magic e with a.
1. Revise the magic e. Teach the children the
rhyme: Magic e plays a game, it makes the
vowel says its name!
2. Write the word at. Read the word with the short
vowel sound. Use the magic e wand. Read the
new word. Repeat with: can, man, pan, fad, fat,
tap and cap. Magic e, magic e, what will my new word be? What are the
new words?
3. Play the game Magic e.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. Children read the words. Write the correct word
under each picture.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
Dictation for this page: Kate lit the flame at the game.
Game: Magic e
Put word cards into a hat. Ask a child to take a card from the hat. The child
reads the word e.g. cap. Next the child must say the word as if it had a magic
e at the end, e.g. cape.

October – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 22

Materials needed:
Magic wand, photocopiable word cards for game
Magic e. (see p.125).
To read and write words containing the magic e with i.
1. Revise the rhyme: Magic e plays a game, it
makes the vowel say its name!
2. Just Phonics 1st Class. Part A read the words.
Colour the magic e with i words.
3. Play the game Magic e.
4. Revise rhyming words. Ask the children to
name a word that rhymes with cake, date, came, whale and hide.
5. Write the word hide on the board. Point out the magic e. Teach the
children the rhyme: Magic e plays a game, it makes the vowel says its
6. Change the starting sound in the word hide (turning it from hide to
glide). Children read the new word each time. Ask them if it is a real
word and to explain what it means/put it in a sentence.
7. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part B the children write the real –ide words.
Read the new words.
Dictation for this page: I glide down the slide.
Game: Magic e
Put word cards into a hat. Ask a child to take a card from the hat. The child
reads the word, e.g. cap. Next the child must say the word as if it had a magic
e at the end, e.g. cape.


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October – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 23

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the _ine sound.
1. Call out two words. Some that rhyme, some
that don’t. If they rhyme the children stand.
If they don’t the children sit. (Use the Weekly
word list week 4/5) cap, cape (children sit); lake,
make (children stand).
2. Revise rhyming words. Ask the children to
name orally a word that rhymes with cake, date,
came, whale, hide and fine.
3. Write the word dine. Change the starting sound in the word (turning it
from dine to fine). Children read the new word each time. Ask them if
it is a real word and to explain what it means/put it in a sentence.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. Read the words. Look at the pictures. The children
write the correct word under each picture.
Dictation for this page: Mike likes to dine out.

October – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 24

Materials needed:
Dice with sound stickers.
To read words containing magic e with i.
1. Revise rhyming words. Ask the children to
name a word that rhymes with mile, bike, bride,
time, hive and nine.
2. Brainstorm words with the magic e with i in
teams. Compile a list of words for each sound
on the board using the team’s lists.
3. Play the game Sound Dice.
4. Talk about the picture in the book to ensure everyone has the
vocabulary for the exercise.
5. Just Phonics 1st Class. Colour the picture for each word. Which two
words have no picture? Write them. Read all the magic e with i words.


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Game: Sound Dice
You need a medium-sized die and six stickers with sounds that you wish to
revise, e.g. _ile, _ike, _ide, _ime, _ive and _ine. Place stickers on die. Children
sit in a large circle. Pass the die to the first child. Children must choose a sound
from the die and say a word with that sound. Pass the die to the next child who
says a different word with the same sound. Continue around the circle until a
child can’t think of a new word. When this happens, ask the child to pick a
new sound from the die and continue the game with a new sound.

October – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 25

Materials needed:
To read and write two-syllable words.
1. Tell the children about syllables: syllables are
ways to split words into speech sounds. We
naturally say words using syllables, but we
don’t usually think about it until we need to
separate the syllables for reading or spelling
purposes. So why do we need syllables? When
we learn to read and as we encounter more
difficult words, we may need to decode a word. You’ll often be told as
a reader to ‘sound it out’ or ‘break it down’. When we do this breaking
the word into syllables can help us to read the word. Breaking a word
into syllables can also help when we learn to spell new words.
2. Using the names of the children in the class, clap out the number of
syllables in each name.
3. Play the game Talk like Robo Robot.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. Clap out the syllables. Blend the two syllables
together. Say each word. Write the word.
Dictation for this page: The monster ate insects.
Game: Talk like Robo Robot
Robo Robot breaks words into syllables. The teacher/parent says a word, e.g.
person. The child repeats the word like Robo Robot, e.g. per-son. This game
can also be played in reverse. The teacher/parent talks like Robo Robot, e.g.
un-der. The child must say the word under.


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October – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 26

Materials needed:
Three coins/counters/unifix cubes per child.
To read and write two-syllable words.
1. Tell the children about syllables: Syllables are
ways to split words into speech sounds. We
naturally say words using syllables, but we
don’t usually think about it until we need to
separate the syllables for reading or spelling
purposes. So why do we need syllables? When
we learn to read and as we encounter more
difficult words, we may need to decode a word. You’ll often be told as
a reader to ‘sound it out’ or ‘break it down’. When we do this breaking
the word into syllables can help us to read the word. Breaking a word
into syllables can also help when we learn to spell new words.
2. Using the names of the children in the class, clap out the number of
syllables in each name.
3. Using the weekly word lists Week 22 or Week 27 (Just Phonics 1st Class
pages 94–95), clap out the number of syllables in each word.
4. Play the game Count the Syllables.
5. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part A match the syllables and write each
word. In part B match the syllables and write each word.
Dictation for this page: The lady is on a pony.
Game: Count the Syllables
Using coins/counters/unifix cubes when completing the segmentation activities.
The children place three counters at the top of their desk. Teacher/parent reads
a word from the list aloud. The child says each of the syllables in the word
separately, while moving a counter in front of them. The child blends the
syllables together and says the whole word, e.g. rabbit /rab-bit.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
October – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 27
Materials needed:
Magic wand, dice, stickers.
To read and write words containing the magic e
with o.
1. Revise the rhyme: Magic e plays a game, it
makes the vowel say its name!
2. Play the game Sound Dice.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part A read the words.
Colour the magic e with o words.
4. Revise rhyming words. Ask the children to
name a word that rhymes with cake, date, came, whale, hide and bore.
5. Write the word bore on the board. Point out the magic e. Teach the
children the rhyme: Magic e plays a game, it makes the vowel says
its name!
6. Change the starting sound in the word bore (turning it from bore to
core). Children read the new word each time. Ask them if it is a real
word and to explain what it means/put it in a sentence.
7. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part B the children write the real –ore words.
Read the new words.
Dictation for this page: My hand was sore.
Game: Sound Dice
You need a medium-sized die and six stickers with sounds that you wish to
revise, e.g. _ile, _ike, _ide, _ime, _ive and _ine. Place stickers on die. Children
sit in a large circle. Pass the die to the first child. Children must choose a sound
from the die and say a word with that sound. Pass the die to the next child who
says a different word with the same sound. Continue around the circle until a
child can’t think of a new word. When this happens, ask the child to pick a
new sound from the die and continue the game with a new sound.


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October – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 28

Materials needed:
Magic wand.
To read sentences containing words with magic e
with o.
1. Revise the short vowel sounds. What is the
name of each vowel? Write the vowels on the
board. Say the rhyme: Magic e plays a game, it
makes the vowel says its name!
2. Write a list of words on the board, e.g. not,
hop, rod, tot, rob, pop, con, lob, mop and cod.
Read the words. Add the magic e and use the magic wand to change
them. Magic e, magic e, what will my new word be? What are the new
words? Read them.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Look at the picture. Talk about the picture to
make sure the children have the vocabulary needed for the exercise, e.g.
bone, mole, hole, smells, rose, nose, bike, slope, broke, ate, cone, hose,
garden, smoke, sky, role, scone and stone.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. The children then read each sentence. Write 3 or 7.
Dictation for this page: Dad likes to tell jokes.

October – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 29

Materials needed:
Magic wand.
To read and write words containing the magic e with o.
1. Revise the short vowel sounds. What is the
name of each vowel? Write the vowels on the
board. Say the rhyme: Magic e plays a game, it
makes the vowel says its name!
2. Write a list of words on the board, e.g. not,
hop, rod, tot, rob, pop, con, lob, mop and cod.
Read the words. Add the magic e and use the
magic wand to change them. Magic e, magic e, what will my new word
be? What are the new words? Read them.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
3. Revise rhyming words. Ask the children to name a word that rhymes
with joke.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part A read the word on the list. Children find
the _oke words and (3) each word as they find them.
5. In part B children write the correct word under each picture.
Dictation for this page: Dad woke me with a poke.

October – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 30

Materials needed:
Magic wand.
To read and write words containing the magic e with
consonant blends.
1. Play a game of ‘I spy’ using the initial
consonant blends: st, tr, dr, sk, tw and sl, pl, fl,
br, sp, sm and sn, e.g. stick, train, drawer, skin,
twin, slug, plant, floor, broom, sponge, small
and snail.
2. Revise the short vowel sounds. What is the
name of each vowel? Write the vowels on the board. Say the rhyme:
Magic e plays a game, it makes the vowel says its name!
3. Write a list of words on the board, e.g. not, hop, rod, tot, rob, pop,
con, lob, mop and cod. Read the words. Add the magic e and use the
magic wand to change them. Magic e, magic e, what will my new word
be? What are the new words? Read them.
4. Before opening the book, orally ask the children to define the words on
the page.
bride a woman on her wedding day flame a hot glow from a fire or candle
a device for slowing/stopping a
brake flake a thin piece of something
moving vehicle
to control the speed and direction of
drive stone a hard solid non-metallic material
a vehicle
a small cake made from eggs, butter,
drake a male duck scone
flour and fruit
visible carbon in the air that comes number of points achieved in a
smoke score
from something burning game
corners of the mouth turn up to a grunting sound in a person’s
smile snore
show you are pleased breathing as they sleep
a shoe with wheels or a blade on
skate slime thin slippery liquid
the bottom used to move
(Also a fish from the ray family.) To a piece of playground equipment
shine slide
give out a bright light that children slide down


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

a piece of building equipment used

a berry grown on a vine, used to
grape crane to move heavy objects using a
make wine
mechanical arm
a wooden case used to transport
grade a particular rank or value crate
to declare that someone or
blame globe the Earth
something is responsible for a fault
to make an unpowered flight in a
blade the flat cutting edge of a knife glide
smooth continuous motion
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. Children read the words and ring the correct word
for each picture.
Dictation for this page: I smile when I smell chips.
Game: I Spy
Choose a child to be the spy to start the game. The spy chooses something in
the room and says: ‘I spy with my little eye something beginning with ...’, e.g.
sp. Other children take turns guessing the object (e.g. spoon). The child who
correctly guesses the object becomes the spy for the next game.

October – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 31

Materials needed:
Magic wand.
To read and write words containing the magic e
with u.
1. Revise the short vowel sounds. What is the
name of each vowel? Write the vowels on the
board. Say the rhyme: Magic e plays a game, it
makes the vowel says its name!
2. Write a list of words on the board, e.g. cub,
tub, us, cut. Read the words. Add the magic
e and use the magic wand to change them.
Magic e, magic e, what will my new word be? What are the new words?
Read them.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part A the children read the words and write
the correct word under each picture.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part B read the sentences and draw a matching
picture for each one.
Dictation for this page: Gran has a cute dog.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
October – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 32
Materials needed:
Magic wand, sound cards (see p.126).
To read and write words containing the magic e.
1. Revise the short vowel sounds. What is the
name of each vowel? Write the vowels on the
board. Say the rhyme: Magic e plays a game, it
makes the vowel says its name!
2. Write a list of words on the board (use some of
the list below). Read the words. Add the magic
e and use the magic wand to change them.
Magic e, magic e, what will my new word be? What are the new words?
Read them
a-e e-e i-e o-e u-e
at van pet bit trip con cub
can star fin hid hop tub
cap mad din rid dot us
fad fat kit rip mop cut
plan scrap twin pin slop
gap tap slid win tot
gag man spit slim rob
mat rat spin pip not
pan shin grim
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Children will look at the words in the book and
highlight the letter the magic e changes. They then read the words and
write each magic e word in the correct place.
4. To revise the long vowel sounds to date play the game Sound Mix.

Dictation for this page: His wife has a fake nose.

Game: Sound Mix

Give each child a sound card and ask them to find a space in the room. Tell
children that when you say: ‘Go’, they must find all the children with cards that
make the same sound as their own. When all sound groups have formed, invite
each group to hold up their cards and say their sound aloud. Tell children to
swap cards with someone from another group and find their own space again
and start a new game.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

October – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 33

Materials needed:
Magic wand.
To write words containing the magic e.
1. Revise the short vowel sounds. What is the
name of each vowel? Write the vowels on the
board. Say the rhyme: Magic e plays a game, it
makes the vowel says its name!
2. Write a list of words on the board (use some of
the list below). Read the words. Add the magic
e and use the magic wand to change them.
Magic e, magic e, what will my new word be? What are the new words?
Read them.
a-e e-e i-e o-e u-e
at van pet bit trip con cub
can star fin hid hop tub
cap mad din rid dot us
fad fat kit rip mop cut
plan scrap twin pin slop
gap tap slid win tot
gag man spit slim rob
mat rat spin pip not
pan shin grim
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Children will look at the pictures and name what
they see. Write the correct word for each picture.
Dictation for this page: I ate a cone by the lake.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 72 10/03/2016 11:01

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
October – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 34
Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the magic e.
1. Choose 16 words from the list. Write one word
in each box on the page.
2. Call out a word from the list.
3. If the child has written the word in the box
they cross it out.
4. When a child has all 16 words crossed out, they
5. The winning child reads back the 16 words aloud.
6. Ask other children to read words in their book that they would have
needed to make Bingo!
Dictation for this page: There is smoke in the fire.

October – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 35

Materials needed:
Magic wand, sound cards (see p.126).
To read and write words containing both ew sounds.
1. Revise the short vowel sounds. What is the
name of each vowel? Write the vowels on the
board. Say the rhyme: Magic e plays a game, it
makes the vowel says its name!
2. Write a list of words on the board (use some of
the list below). Read the words. Add the magic
e and use the magic wand to change them.
Magic e, magic e, what will my new word be? What are the new words?
Read them.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Children will look at the words in the book and
highlight the letter the magic e changes. They then read the words and
write each magic e word in the correct place.
4. To revise the long vowel sounds to date play the game Sound Mix.

Dictation for this page: I chew gum.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Game: Sound Mix

Give each child a sound card and ask them to find a space in the room. Tell
children that when you say: ‘Go’, they must find all the children with cards that
make the same sound as their own. When all sound groups have formed, invite
each group to hold up their cards and say their sound aloud. Tell children to
swap cards with someone from another group and find their own space again
and start a new game.

October – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 36

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the long u sound.
1. Brainstorm words that rhyme with you (long u
sound) and write them on the board in three
columns. (juice is irregular)
ue ew u-e (u magic e)
blue clue few cube
argue true pew dune
cue true dew mule
glue rescue new fuse
flue statue stew tune
sue avenue news spruce
hue barbecue tube
tissue value
2. Write a list of words on the board (use some of the list above). Read the
words. Add the magic e and use the magic wand to change them. Magic e,
magic e, what will my new word be? What are the new words? Read them.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Children will look at the pictures and name what
they see. Write the correct word for each picture.
4. Pleay the game Odd One Out.
Dictation for this page: The duke got a new tube.
Game: Odd One Out
Read each set of words aloud. Ask the child to tell you which word doesn’t
have a long u sound.
cue boy due tree tube newt rescue fire barbeque cube stew dog mule donkey stew


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
November – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 37
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the short oo
1. Play the game Odd One Out.
2. In part A in Just Phonics 1st Class read the 18
words. Ring the correct word for each picture.
3. In part B read the word and then choose the
correct word for each sentence.
Dictation for this page: June will chew a prune.

Game: Odd One Out

Read each set of words aloud. Ask the child to tell you which word doesn’t
have a long u sound.
sue cat new monkey hue tune tube tissue paper fun clue dew page true mule

November – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 38

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the long oo
u oo
Method: duck book
1. Orally list words that muck cook
rhyme with book. Write puck hook
suck look
two lists. Note that both yuck nook
have a short oo sound. rook
2. In part A in Just Phonics took
1st Class read the 18
words. Ring the correct word for each picture.
3. In part B read the words and then write the correct word for each
sentence. Read the sentences.
Dictation for this page: I put the book on the shelf.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

November – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 39

Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the _ay sound.
1. Revise rhyming words. Ask the children to
name a word that rhymes with cake, date, came,
whale and hide.
2. Orally list words that rhyme with day in the
class. Say the alphabet. Using the alphabet
write them in alphabetical order on the board.
Children read the new word each time. Ask
them if it is a real word and to explain what it
means/put it in a sentence.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Look at the pictures. Colour the pictures that end
in _ay. Write each _ay word in the correct box. (Dog, elephant, monkey
and balloon should not be coloured.)
Dictation for this page: Ray had to pay for his x-ray.

November – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 40

Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the _ay sound.
1. Children listen to the ai sound. Ask them can
they think of any ways to write it. On the board
draw a table with all the ai sounds like below.
2. Call out words (see lists below for examples)
and ask the children which column they think
the word belongs to, e.g. rain. Ask a child to
write the word under that heading by sounding
it out.
ai ay a-e (a magic e)
rain grain fail claim day x-ray may sway game take cake ale
brain sprain mail main hay pay ray spray brake lake bake plane
train rail sail stain bray play way stray fame state rate gate
aim trail tail vain clay pray fray away name mane hate grate
stain plain snail paint tray lay stay delay snake cape crate chase
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. The children read the clues and write the answers
to the crossword.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
November – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 41
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the long e sound.
1. Write the words meat and meet on the board.
Ask the children to read them. They both
sound the same. Explain that ee and ea can
make the same sound.
2. In part A in Just Phonics 1st Class the children
will read the letter. When they read it a second
time ask them to colour over all the ee words
red and the ea words yellow. Count how many of each they have found.
3. In part B the children will write the words they found in the letter in
the correct groups. The children will read aloud the lists they write.
4. Look at the initial words again. Explain that we eat meat. And that
when two letter es get together they meet and shake hands. This is
something that is to be remembered.

November – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 42

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the long e sound.
1. Children listen to the ee sound. Ask them can
they think of any ways to write it. On the board
draw a table with all the ee sounds like on the
next page.
2. Call out words (see lists on the next page for
examples) and ask the children which column
they think the word belongs to, e.g. leek. Ask a
child to write the word under that heading by sounding it out.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

ee ea y e-e (e magic e)
beech been each cream angry glory here
speech queen peach dream army hungry these
need deep reach bean baby lady theme
reed weep teach jeans berry marry gene
seed sheep lead cheap body memory concrete
weed deer read ear carry party compete
cheek peer leaf hear cherry sorry delete
leek meet leave cheat copy twenty
week sweet beak east curry thirty
feel street leak feast duty very
heel bee peak sea empty
steel coffee weak every
seem agree squeak family

3. Write the words meat and meet on the board. Ask the children to read
them. They both sound the same. Explain that we eat meat. And that
when two letter es get together they meet and shake hands.
4. In Just Phonics 1st Class the children read the words and use the code to
colour the picture.
Dictation for this page: Eve eats sweet treats.

November – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 43

Materials needed:
Wand, two sets of sound cards (see p.126), two hoops.
To read and write words containing the _ay sound.
1. Revise the short vowel sounds. What is the
name of each vowel? Write the vowels on the
2. Revise the magic e rhyme: Magic e plays a
game, it makes the vowel says its name!
3. Write a list of words on the board, e.g. at, bit,
can, cub, cut, cap, mad, tap, not, kit, hid, hop,
pan, man, pin, tin, fin and tub. Add the magic
e and use the magic wand to change them. Magic e, magic e, what will
my new word be? What are the new words?
4. In Just Phonics 1st Class look at the crossword pictures. Ask the children
what they think they are before completing the crossword.
5. Play the game Sound Grab.
Dictation for this page: The duke lit the fuse.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
Game: Sound Grab
You need two sets of sound cards and two hoops. Place a set of sound cards in
each hoop. Arrange children into two teams. Call out a sound. The first player
from each team runs to their hoop to find a corresponding sound card. The
first player to hold up the correct card wins a point for their team. Continue
until all children have had a turn. The team with the most points wins.

November – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 44

Materials needed:
Die, six stickers.
To revise phonics work covered to date.
1. Revise the sounds by writing a number of words
on board and asking the children to read them.
Each time they do, highlight the sounds.
fuel news mule
jail clay cake
tree eve meal hungry
book pull
igloo chew

2. Play the game Sound Dice.

3. In Just Phonics 1st Class the children read the words first. When reading
the second time tell they try to locate and colour the picture for each
word. Three of the words have no picture. Write those words on the
lines at the bottom of the page.
Game: Sound Dice
You need a medium-sized die, and six stickers with sounds that you wish to
revise, e.g. _ile, _ike, _ide, _ime, _ive and _ine. Place stickers on die. Children
sit in a large circle. Pass the die to the first child. Children must choose a sound
from the die and say a word with that sound. Pass the die to the next child who
says a different word with the same sound. Continue around the circle until a
child can’t think of a new word. When this happens, ask the child to pick a
new sound from the die and continue the game with a new sound.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

December – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 45

Materials needed: None.
To assess children’s learning.
1. On the board the teacher will do an example.
Teacher draws a tree. Write _ _ ee. Ask the
children to look at the picture. Read the sound
shown. Write the missing letters.
2. In Just Phonics 1st Class children write the
correct letters for each picture.
twins drill flag snail
whale train Plug grass
thin sweet skate plate
broom smile spoon stick
chair shape stairs tree

December – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 46

Materials needed:
Six steps for teaching dictation on page 115.
To assess children’s learning.
1. On the board the teacher will do an example.
Teacher draws a hat. Write three words under
it, e.g. hair, hat and hand. Ask the children to
look at the picture. Read the words. Tick the
correct answer.
2. In part A in Just Phonics 1st Class the children
look at the picture. Read the words. Tick the
correct answer.
3. Revise the six steps to dictation. The children will not self-correct this
exercise as it is an assessment.
4. In part B the teacher will read the sentences (on page 95 in Just Phonics
1st Class). The pupils write the sentences in the book.
Dictation for this page:
1. Sam broke his nose. 3. The snake is tame.
2. The bride had a white dress. 4. The mule is cute.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
December – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 47
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the _igh and
_ight sounds.
1. On the board the teacher introduces the _igh and
_ight sounds. The teacher writes a list of words
with the igh and ight sounds on the board.
_igh _-ight
high right night flight
sigh bright tight fright
thigh fight fright
might sight
2. In part A in Just Phonics 1st Class the children will read the letter. When
they read it a second time ask them to colour all the igh words yellow.
Count how many they have found.
3. In part B read the words and then write the correct word for each
sentence. Read the sentences.
Dictation for this page: The light was bright.

December – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 48

Materials needed:
Die, six stickers.
To read and write words containing the _igh and
_ight sounds.
1. On the board the teacher revises the _igh and
_ight sounds. The teacher writes a list of words
with the _igh and _ight sound on the board.
_igh _ight
high right night flight
sigh bright tight
thigh fight fright
might sight


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

2. In part A in Just Phonics 1st Class the children will colour the igh words
red and the ight words yellow.
3. In part B read the questions and write the answer to each question, e.g.
high, night, tight, right, bright and light.
4. Play the game Sound Dice.
Dictation for this page: I might turn right.
Game: Sound Dice
You need a medium-sized die, and six stickers with sounds that you wish to
revise, e.g. _ile, _ike, _ide, _ime, _igh and _ight. Place stickers on die. Children
sit in a large circle. Pass the die to the first child. Children must choose a sound
from the die and say a word with that sound. Pass the die to the next child who
says a different word with the same sound. Continue around the circle until a
child can’t think of a new word. When this happens, ask the child to pick a
new sound from the die and continue the game with a new sound.

December – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 49

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing y (sky) and y
(baby) sounds.
1. Write these sentences on the board and ask the
children to try and read them. The baby lost his
teddy. Why is the sky blue? Underline the letter
y in baby and teddy, why and sky. Ask the
children: What sounds does y make?
2. Call out a list of words and ask the children to
write it under the correct sound.
baby cry
angry cherry empty party by fly shy apply
army copy every sorry my ply sty reply
baby curry family cry sly why
body duty lady fry spy July

3. In part A in Just Phonics 1st Class the children write the missing letters.
4. In part B read the words and write the y sound in the correct box.
Dictation for this page: The sky is dusty.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 82 10/03/2016 11:02

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
December – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 50
Materials needed:
To read words containing the long i sound.
1. Children listen to the long i sound. Ask them
can they think of any ways to write it. On the
board draw a table with all the long i sounds
like below.
2. Call out words (see lists below for examples)
and ask the children which column they think
the word belongs to, e.g. die. Ask a child to
write the word under that heading by sounding it out.
ie i-e cry _igh _ight
die bribe life pile by ply why high right tight
lie tribe wife crime my sly July sigh bright fright
pie hide bike time cry spy apply thigh fight sight
tie wide like fine fry shy reply might flight
bride mile fire fly sty night
3. In Just Phonics 1st Class children read the words and use the code to
colour the picture.
Dictation for this page: The stars are bright at night.

December – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 51

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the long i sound.
1. Children listen to the long i sound. Ask them
can they think of any ways to write it. On the
board draw a table with all the long i sounds
like on the next page.
2. Call out words (see lists on the next page for
examples) and ask the children which column
they think the word belongs to, e.g. die. Ask a
child to write the word under that heading by sounding it out.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

ie i-e cry igh

die bribe life pile by ply why high
lie tribe wife crime my sly July sigh
pie hide bike time cry spy apply thigh
tie wide like fine fry shy reply
bride mile fire fly sty
3. In part A in Just Phonics 1st Class children read the words and write the
correct word under each picture.
4. In part B encourage the children to talk about ways they will read and
Dictation for this page: The plane will fly high in the sky.

December – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 52–53

Materials needed:
One token per player, one
die per group (2-4 players), a
container of treasure/coins/
counters per group (2-4 players).
To read words containing the
magic e.
1. Demonstrate how to play
the game with a group of
2-4 players.
2. Using Just Phonics 1st Class the children play the Phonics board game in
groups following the rules from page 96.
Game: Phonics board game
1. Each player has 5 coins.
2. Each player should put their token at the start.
3. The first player rolls the die and moves their token that number of
4. If they land on a long vowel word (e.g. cave), they read it and collect a
coin from the treasure chest and store it on their ship.
5. If they land on a sort vowel word (e.g. chest), they read it and put a
coin back in the treasure chest.
6. If they land on a skull and crossbones, they miss a turn.
7. The next player rolls the die to move on and so on.
8. When all players make it back to the island, they count their coins. The
player with the most coins wins.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 84 10/03/2016 11:02

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
January – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 54
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing ow (slow) and ow
(owl) sounds.
1. Play the game Do they Rhyme?
2. Brainstorm do they know any words with ow
them. Make a list. Point out that ow makes two
sounds, slow and owl (see examples below).
slow owl
crow bowl arrow down flower frown
show flow window town cow shower
snow grow towel clown
3. In Just Phonics 1st Class read the words. Write the correct word beside
each picture.
Dictation for this page: The brown owl is on the window.
Game: Do they Rhyme? (Rhyming ow)
Read each set of words aloud. Ask the child to tell you if the words rhyme.
low slow 3 town train 7 boil bowl 7 how now 3
blow blew 7 fowl growl 3 down drain 7 crow grow 3
grow glue 7 slow slug 7

January – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 55

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing ow (slow) and ow
(owl) sounds.
1. Play the game Do they Rhyme?
2. Remind the children that ow makes two sounds,
slow and owl. Using some examples (see the next
page) ask the children to identify which sound
the ow makes in each word and read the word.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

slow owl
house cloud round ground down towel cow frown
couch loud hound mouth town flower clown shower
3. In Just Phonics 1st Class look at the picture. Read the sentences using
what you know about the ow sound. Write 3 or 7. Colour the picture
using the instructions.
4. In Just Phonics 1st Class there are some words that have the same
spelling but are pronounced differently and have different meanings.
Read and remember these.
Dictation for this page: I went down to the show.
Game: Do they Rhyme? (Rhyming ow)
Read each set of words aloud. Ask the child to tell you if the words rhyme.
low slow 3 town train 7 boil bowl 7 how now 3
blow blew 7 fowl growl 3 down drain 7 crow grow 3
grow glue 7 slow slug 7

January – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 56

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing ou (mouse) and
ow (owl) sounds.
1. Brainstorm with the children a list of words
that rhyme with mouse and owl. Add to the list
other words that have the ou/ow sound in them.
2. Circle the ou and ow in the list you have made.
Ask the children what sound they hear? Point
out that sometimes ou and ow make the same
mouse owl
house loud ground shout fowl towel clown crown
couch round mouth down flower frown
cloud hound count town cow shower

3. In part A in Just Phonics 1st Classs read the words. Write the correct
word in each picture.
4. In Just Phonics 1st Class flour and flower are written with an image.
Read and remember these.
Dictation for this page: The mouse and the owl had a fight.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
January – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 57
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the long o sound.
1. Brainstorm with the children a list of words that
rhyme with a long o sound. As they call the
words out ask do they know which column they
go into?
2. Circle the oa and ow in the list you have made.
Ask the children what sound they hear? Point
out that sometimes oa and ow make the same
sound. Point out that o magic e also makes the same sound.
o-e (o magic e) oa ow
robe joke whole hope boat coach groan moat crow flow bow tow
globe smoke home nose bloat goal soap loan show grow low slow
code stroke bone drove float poach coast foal snow arrow mow throw
rode hole stone stove coat foam oats coal bowl window sow pillow
3. In part A in Just Phonics 1st Class read the words. Write the correct word
under each picture.
4. In part B some words are written with an image. Read and remember
Dictation for this page: I row the boat past the rope.

January – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 58

Materials needed:
To read and write two-syllable words.
1. Tell the children about syllables: syllables are
ways to split words into speech sounds. We
naturally say words using syllables, but we don’t
usually think about it until we need to separate
the syllables for reading or spelling purposes.
So why do we need syllables? When we learn to
read and as we encounter more difficult words,
we may need to decode a word. You’ll often be told as a reader to


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 87 10/03/2016 11:02

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

‘sound it out’ or ‘break it down’. When we do this breaking the word

into syllables can help us to read the word. Breaking a word into
syllables can also help when we learn to spell new words.
2. Using the names of the children in the class, clap out the number of
syllables in each name.
3. Play the game Talk like Robo Robot.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. The children clap out the syllables to name the
animals. Identify and write the second syllable for each animal. Write
the word.
5. In part B some words are written with an image. Read and remember
Dictation for this page: The panda eats bamboo.
Game: Talk like Robo Robot
Robo Robot breaks words into syllables. The teacher/parent says a word, e.g.
person. The child repeats the word like Robo Robot, e.g. per-son. This game
can also be played in reverse. The teacher/parent talks like Robo Robot, e.g.
un-der. The child must say the word under.

January – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 59

Materials needed:
Three coins/counters/unifix cubes per child.
To read and write two-syllable words.
1. Tell the children about syllables: syllables are
ways to split words into speech sounds. We
naturally say words using syllables, but we
don’t usually think about it until we need to
separate the syllables for reading or spelling
purposes. So why do we need syllables? When
we learn to read and as we encounter more
difficult words, we may need to decode a word. You’ll often be told as
a reader to ‘sound it out’ or ‘break it down’. When we do this breaking
the word into syllables can help us to read the word. Breaking a word
into syllables can also help when we learn to spell new words.
2. Using the names of the children in the class, clap out the number of
syllables in each name.
3. Play the game Count the Syllables.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. Using the words from part A, clap out the number
of syllables in each word.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
5. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part B, read the questions and write the
Game: Count the Syllables
Using coins/counters/unifix cubes when completing the segmentation activities.
The children place three counters at the top of their desk. Teacher/parent reads
a word from the list aloud. The child says each of the syllables in the word
separately, while moving a counter in front of them. The child blends the
syllables together and says the whole world, e.g. rabbit /rab-bit.

January – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 60

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the aw sound.
1. Revise rhyming words. Ask the children to
name a word that rhymes with law.
2. Write the word law on the board. Point out
the aw.
3. Change the starting sound in the word law
(turning it from law to jaw). Children read the
new word each time. Ask them if it is a real
word and to explain what it means/put it in a sentence.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part A read the words in the jigsaw. Colour the
aw words.
5. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part B write the correct word for each sentence.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

January – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 61

Materials needed: None.
Objective(s): To read and write words containing the
au and al sounds.
1. Revise rhyming words. Ask the children to
name a word that rhymes with walk.
2. Write the word walk on the board. Point out
the alk.
3. Change the starting sound in the word walk
(turning it from law to chalk). Children read
the new word each time. Ask them if it is a real
word and to explain what it means/put it in a sentence.
4. Write some words on the board from the book with au. Point out that
sometimes au makes the same sound as al.
5. Just Phonics 1st Class. Colour the au or al in all the words yellow. Read
the words. Write the correct word under each picture.
Dictation for this page: I walk to the small ball.

February – Week 1: Pupil’s book pages 62–63

Materials needed: None.
To read and write words
containing the er, ir and ur
1. Revise some sounds that
have different spellings.
long a rain, tape, day
long e tree, cherry, bean, theme
long i pie, spy, high, kite
long o boat, crow, rose 2. Just Phonics 1st Class. Read the
long u rude, grew, prune introduction about the triplets er/ir/
ur. Write energy, dirty and hurt on the
au/al autumn, talk
board. Highlight the er/ir/ur. These three
ou/ow out, now
sounds look different but sound the same.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Colour the er, ir and ur words. Write the words
under the correct superhero.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 90 10/03/2016 11:02

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
February – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 64
Materials needed:
To read and write words and draw pictures containing
the er, ir and ur sounds.
1. Revise some sounds that have different
long a rain, tape, day long u rude, grew, prune
long e tree, cherry, bean, theme au/al autumn, talk
long i pie, spy, high, kite ou/ow out, now
long o boat, crow, rose er/ir/ur energy, dirt, hurt
2. Just Phonics 1st Class. Remember the triplets er/ir/ur. Write er/ir/ur.
These three sounds look different but sound the same. In part A read
the words. Write the correct word under each picture.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part B read the instructions and draw a picture
for each sentence. The first one is done for you.
Dictation for this page: I burn coal in the fire.

February – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 65

Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the er, ir and ur
1. Choose 16 words from the list. Write one word
in each box on the page.
2. Call out a word from the list.
3. If the child has written the word in the box
they cross it out.
4. When a child has all 16 words crossed out, they
call: ‘Bingo!’
5. The winning child reads back the 16 words aloud.
6. Ask other children to read words in their book that they would have
needed to make Bingo!
Dictation for this page: The shirt is dirty.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 91 10/03/2016 11:02

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

February – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 66

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the air, are and
ear sounds.
1. Revise some sounds that have different
long a rain, tape, day long u rude, grew, prune
long e tree, cherry, bean, theme au/al autumn, talk
long i pie, spy, high, kite ou/ow out, now
long o boat, crow, rose er/ir/ur energy, dirt, hurt

2. Write the words air, care, wear. All these words rhyme. Highlight the air,
are and ear. These three sounds look different but sound the same.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Highlight the air, are and ear in the words. Read
the words. Write the correct word under each picture.
Dictation for this page: I eat a pear in the fresh air.

February – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 67

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the air, are and ear
sounds and to read and write homophones.
1. Revise some sounds that have different
2. Write the words air, care and wear. All these
words rhyme. Highlight the air, are and ear.
These three sounds look different but sound
the same.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Highlight the air, are and ear in the words. Read
the words. Write the correct word under each picture.
Dictation for this page: She sat in the chair and I cut her hair.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 92 10/03/2016 11:02

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
March – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 68
Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the _ey sound.
1. The long e sound at the end of words is
sometimes spelled _ey. Write _ey story on the
board (maybe dictate it and remind them _ey
makes the long e sound at the end of the
words). The children highlight the _ey in the
words and read the story.
One day I met a dopey monkey who was
pushing a trolley with a turkey, chutney, honey,
parsley and a steak and kidney pie through the alley. The monkey
explained that he had forgotten his money and had stolen the trolley.
He was being chased by a mousey haired hockey player called Joey. The
monkey planned to take a long journey on his pet donkey and eat his
food in the valley.
2. List the _ey words from the story.
journey valley money donkey pulley hockey monkey chutney
chimney mousey honey dopey trolley key turkey Joey
alley parsley jockey kidney
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part A read the words and ring the correct word
for each picture.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part B find the _ey ‘picture words’. Tick each
picture when you find it.
Dictation for this page: The jockey wore a jersey.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 93 10/03/2016 11:02

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

March – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 69

Materials needed:
Magic wand.
To read and write words containing the magic e.
1. Revise the short vowel sounds. What is the
name of each vowel? Write the vowels on the
board. Revise the magic e rhyme: Magic e plays
a game, it makes the vowel says its name!
2. Write a list of words on the board, e.g. at, bit,
can, cub, cut, cap, mad, tap, not, kit, hid, hop,
pan, man, pin, tin, fin and tub. Add the magic
e and use the magic wand to change them. Magic e, magic e, what will
my new word be? What are the new words?
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Look at the text. Underline the words with magic
e. Read the sentences.
4. Look at the pictures. Read the sentences. Tick true (3) or false (7) for
each sentence.
Dictation for this page: Kate smells the rose with her nose.

March – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 70

Materials needed: Magic wand.
To read and draw pictures of words containing the
magic e.
1. Revise the short vowel sounds. What is the
name of each vowel? Write the vowels on the
board. Revise the magic e rhyme: Magic e plays
a game, it makes the vowel says its name!
2. Write a list of words on the board, e.g. pin, fin,
hat, mat, bit, kit, cap, tap, rod, cod, cub, tub,
can, man, rid, hid, not, rob, din, tim, pet and
fad. Add the magic e and use the magic wand to change them. Magic e,
magic e, what will my new word be? What are the new words?
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Read the word. Draw a picture for each word.
Dictation for this page: Kate got a bone in her hake.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 94 10/03/2016 11:03

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
March – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 71
Materials needed: None.
To read words containing the soft c and hard c
1. Draw a c on the board. Ask the children what
sound it makes (hard c). List some words with
the letter c (examples below).
hard c (card) soft c (city)
corn cast comb braces price circle
car cold camel face city space
cat cuddle cop lettuce ice juice
cook candle cable police cent price
cake current cuff pencil mice ace
camp castle can rice cereal celery

2. Write a list of words with soft c (examples above). Ask the children do
they know what sound the c makes before an i, e or y? Soft c makes an
s sound when it comes before i, e and y.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Colour the soft c words (city) green and the hard
c (card) words yellow.
4. Play the game Odd One Out.
Dictation for this page: Mice eat rice and sauce.
Game: Odd One Out (soft c/hard c)
Read each set of words aloud. Ask the child to tell you which word has a soft c.
cat car city carpet cave centre crayon cry cereal
cent candle cake mice duck stuck duck dice muck


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

March – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 72

Materials needed:
Die, six stickers.
To read and write words containing the soft c and _ice
1. Write nice on the board. Change the starting
sound in the word nice (turning it from nice to
rice). Children read the new word each time.
Ask them if it is a real word and to explain
what it means/put it in a sentence.
2. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part A the children try
all the letters with _ice. Write the real _ice words.
3. Ask the children do they know what sound the c makes before an i, e
or y? Soft c makes an s sound when it comes before i, e and y. Revise
some of the examples done previously (list below).
soft c (city)
braces police price cent circle price
face pencil city mice space ace
lettuce rice ice cereal juice celery
4. In part B read the clues and write the answers in the crossword.
5. Play the game Sound Dice.
Dictation for this page: Emer rolls the dice.
Game: Sound Dice
You need a medium-sized die, and six stickers with sounds that you wish to
revise, e.g. -ile, -ike, -ide, -ime, -ive and -ice. Place stickers on die. Pupils sit in
a large circle. Pass the die to the first pupil. Pupils must choose a sound from
the die and say a word with that sound. Pass the die to the next child who says
a different word with the same sound. Continue around the circle until a child
can’t think of a new word. When this happens, ask the child to pick a new
sound from the die and continue the game with a new sound.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
March – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 73
Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the soft g sounds.
1. Draw a g on the board. Ask the children what
sound it makes (hard g). List some words with
the hard g (examples below).
hard g (gang) soft g (giraffe)
goes frog giant pages
golf rag ginger imagine
garden beg gentle huge
goal hugs gem engine
green legs gym orange
gift rage
2. Write a list of words with soft g (examples above). Ask the children do
they know what sound the g makes before an i, e or y. Soft g makes a j
sound when it comes before i, e and y.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part A look at the picture. Read the sentences.
Tick true (3) or false (7) for each sentence.
4. In part B read the sentences and colour the picture.
Dictation for this page: The gem is huge.

March – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 74

Materials needed: None.
Objective(s): To read and write sentences containing
the soft c and soft g sounds.
1. Revise the rules: Soft c makes an s sound when
it comes before i, e and y. Soft g makes a j
sound when it comes before i, e and y. Write a
list of words with soft c and g (examples below).
hard g (gang) soft g (giraffe)
goes frog giant pages
golf rag ginger imagine
garden beg gentle huge
goal hugs gem engine
green legs gym orange
gift rage
2. Just Phonics 1st Class. Read the sentences. Look at the pictures. Write
the correct sentence under each picture.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 97 10/03/2016 11:03

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

April – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 75

Materials needed:
To read and write compound words.
1. Write some individual words that when
combined make a compound word with a
new meaning.
butter cup buttercup
ham burger hamburger
arm chair armchair
jig saw jigsaw
oat meal oatmeal
wheel chair wheelchair
2. Define a compound word. It is when two words are put together and
make one word with a new meaning.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Look at the pictures. Write the words. Put them
together to form the new word. Draw the picture for the new word.
Dictation for this page: The cowboy ate the pancake.

April – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 76

Materials needed:
To read and write compound words.
1. Write some individual words that when
combined make a compound word with
new meaning.
pass port passport
table spoon tablespoon
quick sand quicksand
heart ache heartache
year book yearbook
cross road crossroad
2. Define a compound word. It is when two words are put together and
make one word with a new meaning.


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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part A look at the pictures. Join the words to
make compound words. Write each new word.
4. In part B find the small words in the compound words. Write them.
Dictation for this page: Sunflowers grow in the daytime.

April – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 77

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the oy sound.
1. Revise rhyming words. Ask the children to
name a word that rhymes with boy.
2. Write the word boy on the board. Point out
the oy.
3. Change the starting sound in the word boy
(turning it from boy to joy). Children read the
new word each time. Ask them if it is a real
word and to explain what it means/put it in a sentence.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part A read the words. Write the correct word
under each picture.
5. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part B write the correct word for each sentence.
Dictation for this page: The boy had a toy cowboy.

April – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 78

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the oi and oy
1. Children listen to the oi sound. Ask them can
they think of any ways to write it?
On the board draw a table with all the oi
sounds like on the next page.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 99 10/03/2016 11:03

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

oi oy
boil spoil groin void voice boy toy joyful
foil toil joint hoist choice coy ploy
soil loin point moist joy boys
2. Call out words (see lists above for examples) and ask the children which
column they think the word belongs to, e.g. toy. Ask a child to write the
word under that heading by sounding it out.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. The children read the clues and write the answers
to the crossword.

April – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 79

Materials needed:
To read, write and draw pictures for words containing
the ch and tch sounds.
1. Write ch on the board. Ask the children what
sound it makes. Brainstorm a list of words with
ch at the start and then at the end. Examine
the list with ch at the end. Some of them will
have tch. Add to that list.
ch_ _ch _tch
cheese chirp chip church each which watch pitch sketch
chop cheer chicken French reach much match patch dutch
chore chin chair launch touch such catch fetch clutch
chance chocolate chill lunch teach rich switch stitch witch
cheap change chunky branch beach stretch scratch itch

2. Explain the rules:

When ch follows a short vowel sound, it is usually written _tch,
but there are exceptions.
If the final ‘ch’ comes after a consonant, the ending is -ch.
If the final ‘ch’ comes after long vowel sound (ai, oi, ee etc.), the
ending is _ch.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Read the words. Write the correct word for each
4. In part B highlight the tch and ch in the words. Read the sentences.
Draw a picture for each sentence.
Dictation for this page: I have a patch on my jacket.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 100 10/03/2016 11:03

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
April – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 80
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the tch sound.
1. Brainstorm list of words with ch at the end.
Some of them will have tch
ch_ _ch
church each which watch pitch sketch
French reach much match patch dutch
launch touch such catch fetch clutch
lunch teach rich switch stitch witch
branch beach stretch scratch itch

2. Revise the rules:

When ch follows a short vowel sound, it is usually written _tch,
but there are exceptions.
If the final ‘ch’ comes after a consonant, the ending is _ch.
If the final ‘ch’ comes after long vowel sound (ai, oi, ee etc.), the
ending is _ch.
3. Play Bingo!
Choose 16 words from the list. Write one word in each box on the page.
Call out a word from the list.
If the child has written the word in the box they cross it out.
When a child has all 16 words crossed out, they call: ‘Bingo!’
The winning child reads back the 16 words aloud.
Ask other children to read words in their book that they would have
needed to make Bingo!
Dictation for this page: The artist likes to sketch and etch.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 101 10/03/2016 11:03

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

May – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 81

Materials needed:
To read and write nonsense words containing the ph
1. Ask the children to listen to the f sound and
write it down. Ask do they know any other way
of writing it. Explain that ph makes an f sound.
2. Write up some common words that have a ph.
Highlight the ph. Read the words:
Phone, photo, graph, dolphin.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part A explain that the children are creating
their own robots. The robots need to have original names. Each robot
must have a set of eyes and a mouth. You copy the image and write
its name. One example is done for you (eyes = first name, mouth =
4. Get the children to read the names of their robots in pairs.
5. Play a game of Bingo. Call out a robot name, e.g. Phon Boph. If the
child has made that robot they tick it. When a child has all six robots
ticked, they call: ‘Bingo!’ The winning child reads back the six robot
names aloud. Ask other children to read robots in their book that they
would have needed to make Bingo!
6. In part B in your copy draw and name more robots.
7. Read and remember few and phew.

May – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 82

Materials needed: None.
To read words containing the ph and gh sounds.
1. Ask the children to listen to the f sound and
write it down. Ask do they know any other way
of writing it? Remember ph makes an f sound.
Explain that gh also makes an f sound.
2. Write up some common words that have a
gh. Highlight the gh. Read the words: laugh,
cough, tough and rough.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 102 10/03/2016 11:03

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
3. Write up the story and highlight the f sound in the words. My nephew
and I went fishing yesterday. The sea was very rough so we didn’t catch
many fish, but I was lucky enough to hook a big cod. We are both very
fond of cod so we took half each. On the way back home, I fell feet
first into a big puddle. I laughed and coughed in the freezing water. My
nephew got me out, and we ran to the car and drove home to fry the
fish and sit by the fire.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part A read the words. Use the code to colour
the picture.
5. Read and remember the memory aid for laugh: Laugh and u get happy!

Dictation for this page: We laugh for the photo.

May – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 83

Materials needed:
Magic wand, dice, stickers.
To read and write words containing the magic e.
1. Revise the rhyme: magic e plays a game, it
makes the vowel say its name!
2. Play the game Sound Dice.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part A read the words.
Ring the correct word for each picture.
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part B read and
remember the homophones. Remind the
children that homophones are words that sound the same but have
different spellings.

Dictation for this page: Jake ate the cake from the plate.

Game: Sound Dice

You need a medium-sized die and six stickers with sounds that you wish
to revise, e.g. _ole, _oke, _ide, _ome, _ive and _one. Place stickers on
die. Children sit in a large circle. Pass the die to the first child. Children
must choose a sound from the die and say a word with that sound. Pass
the die to the next child who says a different word with the same sound.
Continue around the circle until a child can’t think of a new word. When
this happens, ask the child to pick a new sound from the die and continue
the game with a new sound.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 103 10/03/2016 11:03

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

May – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 84

Materials needed:
Magic wand, dice, stickers.
To write words containing the magic e.
1. Revise the rhyme: magic e plays a game, it
makes the vowel say its name!
2. Play the game Sound Dice.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Look at the picture clues.
Remember they are magic e words. Do the mini
4. Read out eh answers to the class.
Dictation for this page: Kate rode her bike home.

Game: Sound Dice

You need a medium-sized die and six stickers with sounds that you wish to
revise, e.g. _ale, _ode, _ime, _ame, _ice and _one. Place stickers on die. Children
sit in a large circle. Pass the die to the first child. Children must choose a sound
from the die and say a word with that sound. Pass the die to the next child who
says a different word with the same sound. Continue around the circle until a
child can’t think of a new word. When this happens, ask the child to pick a
new sound from the die and continue the game with a new sound.

May – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 85

Materials needed:
Six steps for teaching dictation on p.115.
To identify and write words ending in consonant blends
using phonetic blending.
1. Look back at pages 6–7 in Just Phonics 1st Class.
Using part A call some words and see can they
locate them on the page and tick them. Read
the words the children wrote in part B.
2. ln Just Phonics 1st Class examine the pictures in
part A and establish the vocabulary.
3. Read the sentences. Write the missing letters. Match each sentence to
the correct picture.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 104 10/03/2016 11:03

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
4. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part B do the dictation for this page using the
six steps.
1. I ran after the wolf.
2. The boat hit the rock and sank.
3. My ring is gold.
4. The belt strap is long.
5. I left the park to go to the shop.

May – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 86

Materials needed:
Six steps for teaching dictation on p.115.
To listen to and write sentences using phonetic
1. Write some small words on the board that when
combined make compound words.
sea weed seaweed
sail boat sailboat
sun glasses sunglasses
summer time summertime
gold fish goldfish
star fish starfish
water melon watermelon
sun burn sunburn
2. Remind children to sound out words and focus on final consonant
blends. Write some on the board and read them, e.g. warm, rock,
spade, shell, fish and jelly.
3. In Just Phonics 1st Class examine the pictures in part A and establish the
4. Do the dictation for this page using the six steps.
1. The starfish and jellyfish are on the sand next to the bucket.
2. The bucket is by the blanket and spade.
3. The children fish with nets in the warm rock pool.
4. The seaweed is next to the starfish and shell.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 105 10/03/2016 11:03

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

May – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 87

Materials needed: Six steps to teaching dictation on
page 115.
Objective(s): To read words using phonetic blending.
1. Write some small words on the board that
combined make compound words.
sea weed seaweed
hand bag handbag
candy floss candyfloss
sail boat sailboat
butter fly butterfly
ruck sack rucksack
sun glasses sunglasses
summer time summertime
gold fish goldfish
surf board surfboard
star fish starfish
water melon watermelon
sun burn sunburn
2. Remind children to sound out words and focus on final consonant
blends and syllables. Write some on the board and read them. e.g. shell,
snail, spade, dune, bucket and blanket.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Examine the picture and establish the vocabulary.
Read the words. Colour the picture for each word. Write the word with
no picture (whale).

June – Week 1: Pupil’s book pages 88–89

Materials needed:
To read stories using phonetic
1. Write some small words
on the board that
when combined make
compound words.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 106 10/03/2016 11:04

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
bean stalk beanstalk
air port airport
gold fish goldfish
surf board surfboard
snow man snowman
water melon watermelon
sun burn sunburn
run way runway
2. Remind children to sound out words and focus on final consonant
blends, syllables and the magic e. Write some on the board and read
them, e.g. summer, crackle, plane, mile and birthday.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Read the story. Examine the picture. Draw the
missing part.

June – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 90

Materials needed:
To assess children’s learning.
1. On the board the teacher will do an example.
Teacher draws a tree. Write t _ _ _. Ask the
children to look at the picture. Write the
missing letters.
2. In Just Phonics 1st Class children write the
correct letters for each picture.

bread wave road yawn

sauce hair turnip moon
three window chair camel
foot tray train sweet
peanut sun shade pie


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 107 10/03/2016 11:04

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

June – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 91

Materials needed:
To assess children’s learning.
1. On the board the teacher will do an example.
Teacher writes _ice. Using the alphabet
encourage the children to help you write five
words from the _ice family.
2. In Just Phonics 1st Class children write five
words for each word family.

Dictation for this page:

1. The snake ate the mice. 4. Today it will rain on the seeds.
2. The small cube was brown. 5. At night the owl comes out.
3. I put glue in the book.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 108 10/03/2016 11:04

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
Answers to 1st Class Screening Test
Vowel and consonant sounds Word families, graphs and word
Page 37 — ————————————— endings
jar, bin, bun, van Page 40 — —————————————
ten, log, box, hen hay, fork, caw
park, paw, fly
Twin letters and consonant clay, cry, butter
digraphs farm, herd, author
Page 37 — —————————————
sniff, grass, cliff, sell Word families, graphs and word
ball, miss, fizz, buzz endings
Page 41 — —————————————
Twin letters and consonant small, crash
digraphs hump, gold
Page 38 — ————————————— rash, jump
ship, sing, chin ball, told
moth, fish, thick
bench, ring, wing
wheel, clock, where

Vowel digraphs
Page 39 — —————————————
train, zoo, snail, sweet
tie, coin, mouth, foal
moon, book, argue, cried
rescue, loud, cook, oil
sheep, boat


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 109 10/03/2016 11:04

Class Progress Record
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

To read and write words containing:

magic e magic e magic e long u
No. Pupil’s name syllable
with i with u with e sounds


















Photocopiable page

110 Class:

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 110 10/03/2016 11:04

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
Suggested Key (from NCCA reports): 1 = Highly capable and competent
2 = Capable and competent 3 = Managing comfortably
4 = Experiencing some difficulty 5 = Experiencing significant difficulty

To read and write words containing:

au, aw oi and ph and

long e long i air, are _ey compound _tch
and al oy gh
sounds sounds and ear sound words sound
sounds sounds sounds

Photocopiable page

Teacher: 111

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 111 10/03/2016 11:04

Class Progress Record
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

To read and write words containing:

magic e magic e magic e long u
No. Pupil’s name syllable
with i with u with e sounds


















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112 Class:

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 112 10/03/2016 11:04

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
Suggested Key (from NCCA reports): 1 = Highly capable and competent
2 = Capable and competent 3 = Managing comfortably
4 = Experiencing some difficulty 5 = Experiencing significant difficulty

To read and write words containing:

au, aw oi and ph and

long e long i air, are _ey compound _tch
and al oy gh
sounds sounds and ear sound words sound
sounds sounds sounds

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Teacher: 113

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 113 10/03/2016 11:04

Individual Progress
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Pupil’s name: Age:

Class: Techer:
Highly Experiencing Experiencing
To read Capable and Managing
capable and some significant
and write: competent comfortably
competent difficulty difficulty

magic e with a

magic e with i

two-syllable words

magic e with o

magic e with u

magic e with e

long u sounds

long e sounds

long i sounds

ou and ow sounds

long o sounds

au, aw and al
er, ir and ur

air, are and ear

_ey sound

soft c and soft g

compound words

oi and oy sounds

_tch sound

ph and gh sounds
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Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 114 10/03/2016 11:04

Dictation Sentences

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Six steps for teaching dictation
1. Teacher dictates a sentence.
2. The child repeats the sentence.
3. The child counts the number of words in the sentence.
4. The child writes the sentence.
5. The child proofreads what he or she wrote.
6. The teacher writes the sentence on the board, focusing on one word at
a time so that children can correct their work. Self-correction, where the
children begin to notice and correct their errors, is the key to dictation.

Dictation sentences

page 4. A cat is on a mat. n

page 5. The fox is in his den. n
page 8. The goat has a tail. n
page 9. The bee has a wing. n
page 10. I got fish and chips. n
page 11. The oil is in the car. n
page 12. Stop the train. n
page 13. Bring me a spoon. n
page 14. The pie has a thin crust. n
page 15. I am glad the pram is red. n
page 16. Ben has a black hat. n
page 17. The man had a cap and a cape. n
page 18. Jake put a flake on the cake. n
page 19. The drake was in the lake. n
page 20. The bale is at the gate. n
page 21. Kate lit the flame at the game. n


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 115 10/03/2016 11:04

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

page 22. I glide down the slide. n

page 23. Mike likes to dine out. n
page 25. The monster ate insects. n
page 26. The lady is on a pony. n
page 27. My hand was sore. n
page 28. Dad likes to tell jokes. n
page 29. Dad woke me with a poke. n
page 30. I smile when I smell chips. n
page 31. Gran has a cute dog. n
page 32. His wife has a fake nose. n
page 33. I ate a cone by the lake. n
page 34. There is smoke in the fire. n
page 35. I chew gum. n
page 36. The duke got a new tube. n
page 37. June will chew a prune. n
page 38. I put the book on the shelf. n
page 39. Ray had to pay for his x-ray. n
page 42. Eve eats sweet treats. n
page 43. The duke lit the fuse. n
page 46. 1. Sam broke his nose. n
2. The bride had a white dress. n
3. The snake is tame. n
4. The mule is cute. n
page 47. The light was bright. n
page 48. I might turn right. n
page 49. The sky is dusty. n
page 50. The stars are bright at night. n


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 116 10/03/2016 11:04

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
page 51. The plane will fly high in the sky. n
page 54. The brown owl is on the window. n
page 55. I went down to the show. n
page 56. The mouse and the owl had a fight. n
page 57. I row the boat past the rope. n
page 58. The panda eats bamboo. n
page 61. I walk to the small ball. n
page 64. I burn coal in the fire. n
page 65. The shirt is dirty. n
page 66. I eat a pear in the fresh air. n
page 67. She sat in the chair and I cut her hair. n
page 68. The jockey wore a jersey. n
page 69. Kate smells the rose with her nose. n
page 70. Kate got a bone in her hake. n
page 71. Mice eat rice and sauce. n
page 72. Emer rolls the dice. n
page 73. The gem is huge. n
page 75. The cowboy ate the pancake. n
page 76. Sunflowers grow in the daytime. n
page 77. The boy had a toy cowboy. n
page 79. I have a patch on my jacket. n
page 80. The artist likes to sketch and etch. n
page 82. We laugh for the photo. n
page 83. Jake ate the cake from the plate. n
page 84. Kate rode her bike home. n
page 85. 1. I ran after the wolf. n
2. The boat hit the rock and sank. n
3. My ring is gold. n

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 117 10/03/2016 11:04

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

4. The belt strap is long. n

5. I left the park to go to the shop. n
page 86. 1. The starfish and jellyfish are on the sand next to the bucket. n
2. The bucket is by the blanket and spade. n
3. The children fish with nets in the warm rock pool. n
4. The seaweed is next to the starfish and shell. n
page 91. 1. The snake ate the mice. n
2. The small cube was brown. n
3. I put glue in the book. n
4. Today it will rain on the seeds. n
5. At night the owl comes out. n


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 118 10/03/2016 11:04

1st Class Answers

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Page 8 ——————————————— Page 21 — —————————————
boat copy rain baby blade flame frame game
tie jail road pie male skate crate sale
happy goat tail teddy gale whale plate shade
cake fade same hate

Page 9 ———————————————
seed king wing book
Page 23 — —————————————
moon torn zoo ring fine nine spine
fork bee cook room line twine pine
Valentine mine vine

Page 12 — —————————————
train tree twig
Page 24 — —————————————
steps slipper twin The two words with no picture are
drill drum skip spike and lime.

Page 15 — ————————————— Page 25 — —————————————

B. A.
The toy shop has a glass door. summer
The ship sailed on the blue sea. elbow
My doll is in a blanket in the pram. tennis
I put glue on the shell to fix it. husband
I press the black bell. selfish
I put glitter on the shelf. ambush
Page 17 — ————————————— kitten
dentist monster
cape carrot turnip
pale insect napkin


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 119 10/03/2016 11:05

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Page 26 — ————————————— Page 36 — —————————————

A. rescue news cube
artist fuel stew duke
picnic barbecue few fuse
basket argue newt mule
hamster cue dew tune
pumpkin value new tube

B. Page 37 — —————————————
rabbit B.
farmer drew
spider June
planet new
helmet crew
coffee flute
Page 29 — ————————————— glue
rope sore mole Page 38 — —————————————
hose bone joke B.
Page 31 — ————————————— pull
tube tune dune pudding
fuse cube mule hood

Page 33 — —————————————
Page 39 — —————————————
maze nose hive cube
hay bray play
tube rose cake five
monkey pray clay
cone bike lake dune
tray elephant skip
slide plate snake stone
pay x-ray balloon

Page 35 — —————————————
Page 40 — —————————————
stew blew
news grew
new flew
1. May
2. nail
pew crew
3. jail
few chew
8. snail
dew drew 9. train


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 120 10/03/2016 11:05

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
10. grape Assessment Page 45 — ———————
12. hay twins drill flag snail
13. cake whale train plug grass
thin sweet skate plate
broom smile spoon stick
1. Monday
chair shape stairs tree
2. brain
3. plate
6. whale Assessment Page 46 — ———————
7. clay
8. snake rabbit kitten carton
11. play window winner otter

Page 43 — ————————————— Page 48 — —————————————

Across B.
3. home high
5. lake night
7. fuse tight
8. cube right
10. hive bright
12. tube light
14. gate
15. dune Page 49 — —————————————
spy shy cry fry
dry fly sky sty
1. cone
2. cake
4. mule Assessment Page 51 — ———————
6. kite
pie bike spy high
7. fire
cry kite tie thigh
9. bike
prize sky fight slide
11. rose
13. wave
Page 54 — —————————————
Page 44 — ————————————— crow clown
These three words have no picture grow cow
igloo, deer, bear snow owl
elbow shower
window down
shadow flower


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 121 10/03/2016 11:05

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Page 56 — ————————————— Assessment Page 60 — ———————

In the mouse In the owl B.
out how yawn
loud now claw
proud down law
count town raw
cloud brown
mouth gown
ground cow
Page 61 — —————————————
couch crown
author chalk caught astronaut
round clown
walk sauce haunt autumn
cauldron talk catwalk beanstalk
Assessment Page 57 — ——————— fault laundry stalk taught

arrow bone boat goal

stone window cone snow Page 64 — —————————————
coach rose crow goat
river dirt turnip
Page 58 — ————————————— turkey pepper stir

panda Page 66 — —————————————
beware chair tear fairy
bear fair square mare
scare repair underwear fare
hair wear stairs pear
raccoon Page 67 — —————————————
Assessment Page 59 — ——————— hair
B. square
donkey bear
rhino dairy
panda bare
camel hare
cheetah dare


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 122 10/03/2016 11:05

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
Page 68 — ————————————— spaceship
B. sunshine
honey earring
money scarecrow
monkey Page 77 — —————————————
donkey cowboy joystick boy royal
jockey annoy joy toy Ahoy
chimney B.
jersey enjoy
Page 72 — ————————————— destroy
Across royal
1. sauce Shoy
4. twice annoy
5. mice
7. space Page 78 — —————————————
9. cereal Across
10. lace 2. toilet
5. oink
Down 6. voice
2. cinema 10. oil
3. fence 11. ahoy
6. ice 12. boil
8. pencil 13. annoy

Page 75 — ————————————— Down

ladybird 1. choice
starfish 3. toy
rainbow 4. joy
peanut 7. cowboy
butterfly 8. soil
cowboy 9. coin
pancake 12. boy

Page 76 — ————————————— Page 79 — —————————————

handbag A.
carpet witch
bedroom ketchup
football hutch
playground torch


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 123 10/03/2016 11:05

Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

bench Assessment Page 90 — ———————

catch bread wave river yawn
sauce hair turnip moon
Page 84 — ————————————— three window chair camel
hike/bike foot tray train sweet
drive/twine peanut sky shine pie
tube/cube Page 91 — —————————————
crane/crate 1. The snake ate the mice.
prize/spine 2. The small cube was brown.
grapes/scales 3. I put glue in the book.
4. Today it will rain on the seeds.
Page 85 — ————————————— 5. At night the owl comes out.
The bird is singing.
Money is kept in the bank.
The pencil is on the desk.
Chocolate will melt in the sun.
Amy loves summer camp.
Molly left her book in school.
The wolf chased the sheep.
I want a puppy.
Liam crept up the stairs.
There is a lift in the hotel.

Page 86 — —————————————
1. The seaweed is next to the
starfish and the shell.
2. The starfish and the jellyfish are
on the sand next to the bucket.
3. The bucket is by the blanket
and the spade.
4. The children fish with nets in
the warm rock pool.

Page 87 — —————————————
Whale has no picture.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 124 10/03/2016 11:05

at sit not us hug

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 125

can rid con cub hop
man win van cut spin
pan bit rot tub slim
fad hid mop kit strip
Game: Magic e (pages 17, 21 and 22)

fat fin rod pet twin

tap rip nod dot quit

cap pin hop rat rag
1st Class Photocopiables

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Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 11:05
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Games: Sound Grab, Sound Stones, Sound Mix












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Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 126 10/03/2016 11:05

Second Class

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 127 10/03/2016 11:05

2nd Class Screening Test
Answers on page 189

Write the missing word for each picture.

_________ _____ _____ ________

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

_____ ____ _____ ____

_____ ____ _______ _____

____ ___ _____ ____

____ ______ _____ ______

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128 20 Comment:

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 128 10/03/2016 11:05

Write five words for each word family.
_ aw _ ight _ ey

_ ow _ ice _ ake

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

See page 198 for sentences.
Your teacher will read sentences. Write each sentence here.

1. _ ___________________________________________________

2. _ ___________________________________________________

3. _ ___________________________________________________

4. _ ___________________________________________________

5. _ ___________________________________________________

Score: Photocopiable page

34 Comment: 129

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 129 10/03/2016 11:05

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

September Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

1 Revision: short a, e, i, o and u 4–5 N/A To identify the short vowel sounds and to read
Revision: long a (cake) and write CVC words. To read and comprehend

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 130

words containing the long a sound. To learn
16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency
2 Revision: long e (eat) 6–7 Week 1 To read and comprehend words containing
Revision: long i (kite) the long e sound. To read and write words
containing the long i sound. To learn 16
phonetic spellings and four high frequency
3 Revision: long o (bone) 8–11 Week 2 To read and write words containing the long o
Revision: long u (cube) sound.
Revision: short oo (book) To read, write and draw pictures for words
Revision: long oo (moon) containing the long u sound. To read and write
words containing the short oo and long oo
sounds. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and 4
high frequency words.
4 Revision: er, ir, ur 12–15 Week 3 To read and comprehend words containing the
Revision: aw, au, all and alk er, ir and ur sounds. To read and write words
Revision: oi and oy containing the aw, au, all and alk sound.
Revision: ou and ow To read and write words containing the oi and
oy sounds. To read and comprehend words
containing the ou and ow sounds. To learn
16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency

September Plan Notes

2nd Class Yearly Plan

10/03/2016 11:05
October Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 131

1 Revision 16–17 Week 4 To use the code to write sentences and to read and
ei and eigh comprehend the sentences. To read and write words
containing the ei and eigh sounds. To learn 16 phonetic
spellings and four high frequency words.
2 Suffix: _ed 18–19 Week 5 To read and write words containing the suffix _ed. To read
and write words that double the last letter before adding
the suffix _ed. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four
high frequency words.
3 Suffix: _ed 20–21 Week 6 To read and write magic e words containing the suffix _ed.
To read and write words containing the suffix _ed. To
learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
4 Double consonants 22–24 Week 7 To identify the short vowel sounds and to read words
Suffix: _ing containing double consonants that keep the vowel
sound short. To read and write words containing double
consonants that keep the vowel sound short. To read and
write words containing the suffix _ing. To learn 16 phonetic
spellings and four high frequency words.

October Plan Notes

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 11:05
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

November Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

1 Suffix: _ing 25–27 Week 8 To read and write words that double the last letter before
adding the suffix _ing. For p. 27 to write and draw

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 132

pictures for words ending in y containing the suffix _ing.
To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency
2 Silent b 28–30 Week 9 To read and write words containing silent b. To read and
Silent k write words containing silent k. To learn 16 phonetic
spellings and four high frequency words.
3 Silent k 31–33 Week 10 To read and write words containing silent k. To read and
Silent c write words containing silent c. To read and write words
Revision: silent b, k, c containing silent b, k and c. To learn 16 phonetic spellings
and four high frequency words.
4 Word ending: _le 34–37 Week 11 To read and write words ending in _le and _tle. To read
Word ending: _le and _tle and comprehend sentences containing words ending in _le
Word ending: _el and _tle. To read and write words containing _el. To read
Revision: _le and _el and comprehend stories containing words ending in _le and
_el. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency

November Plan Notes

10/03/2016 11:06
December Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 133

1 Three-syllable words 38–41 Week 12 To read and write three-syllable words. To read and write
Multi-syllable words multi-syllable words. To read and write words containing
Word family: _dge _dge. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high
frequency words.
2 Word families Snakes and 42–45 Week 13 To identify rhyming words for word families. To read and
Ladders count the syllables in multi-syllable words. To learn 16
Multi-syllable words phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
3 Revision: silent letters and _le 46–49 Week 14 To read and write words containing silent letter and _le
words words. To read and write words containing the suffixes
Revision: suffix _ing and _ed _ing and _ed. To assess the children’s learning. To learn 16
Assessment phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.

December Plan Notes

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 11:06
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

January Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

1 Silent w 50–51 Week 15 To read and write words containing silent w. To learn 16
phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 134

2 Short ea 52–53 Week 16 To read and write words containing the ea makes a short
e sound. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high
frequency words.
3 Silent h 54–55 Week 17 To read and write words containing silent h and silent l. To
Silent l learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
4 Silent d, s and t 56–57 Week 18 To read and write words containing silent d, s and t.
Silent u and g To read and comprehend sentences with words containing
silent u and g. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high
frequency words.

January Plan Notes

10/03/2016 11:06
February Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 135

1 Silent letters crossword 58–59 Week 19 To complete a silent letters crossword. To read and write
Compound words compound words. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four
high frequency words.
2 Suffix: _y 60–61 Week 20 To read and write words containing the suffix _y. To read
and write words that double the last letter before adding
the suffix _y. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high
frequency words.
3 Suffix: _y 62–63 Week 21 To read and write magic e words containing the suffix _y.
Revision: suffix _y To read and write words containing the suffix _y. To learn
16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.

February Plan Notes

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 11:06
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

March Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

1 Word family: _ouse 64–65 Week 22 To read and write words containing the _ouse and _out
Word family: _out sounds. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 136

frequency words.
2 Suffix: _ly 66–67 Week 23 To read and write words containing the suffix _ly. To read
and write words that change y to i before adding the suffix
_ly. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency
3 Suffix: _ly 68–69 Week 24 To read and write words ending in _le where the _le is
Suffix: _ally removed before adding the suffix _ly. To read and write
words ending in ic that add the suffix _ally. To learn 16
phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.

March Plan Notes

10/03/2016 11:06
April Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 137

1 Suffix: _s 70–71 Week 25 To read and write words that add the suffix _s. To read
Suffix: _s and _ies and write words containing the suffixes _s and _ies. To
learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
2 Suffix: _es 72–73 Week 26 To read and write words containing the suffixes _es and _
Suffix: _ves ves. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency
3 Suffix: _es 74–75 Week 27 To read words containing the suffix _oes. To read and
write multi-syllable words. To learn 16 phonetic spellings
and four high frequency words.

April Plan Notes

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 11:06
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

May Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

1 Multi-syllable words 76–77 Tricky spellings 62-64 To read multi-syllable words. To revise tricky spellings.

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 138

2 Three-letter initial consonant 78–80 Week 28 To read and write words containing the ICBs: scr, spl, spr
blends: scr, spl, spr and thr and thr. To read and write words containing the ICBs: scr,
Three-letter initial consonant spr and thr. To read and write words containing the ICBs:
blends: scr, spr and thr sch, str, squ and shr. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and
Three-letter initial consonant four high frequency words.
blends: sch, str, squ and shr
3 Ph makes an f sound 81–82 Week 29 To read and write words containing the ph sound. To learn
16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.

May Plan Notes

10/03/2016 11:06
June Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 139

1 Revision 83–85 Week 30 To use the code to write sentences and to read and
comprehend the sentences. To read and write words
containing the ei and eigh sounds. To learn 16 phonetic
spellings and four high frequency words.
2 Assessment 86–87 N/A To read and write words containing the suffix _ed. To read
and write words that double the last letter before adding
the suffix _ed. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four
high frequency words.
3 Revision 88–89 N/A To read and write magic e words containing the suffix _ed.
To read and write words containing the suffix _ed. To
learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.

June Plan Notes

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 11:06
2nd Class Lesson Plans
Note: The month and week are merely guidelines. The rate at which sounds are learnt will
depend on numerous factors such as the ability of the class, your method of teaching, even
the timing of the Christmas play!

September – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 4

Materials needed:
To identify the short vowel sounds and to read and
write CVC words.
1. Ask the children if they remember the sound of
short vowels. What are they?
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

2. Revise this little sentence to help them

remember the sound of short vowels: An
elephant in orange underwear.
3. Call out the vowel sounds. Children point to
the corresponding vowel sound in their Just Phonics 2nd Class.
4. Brainstorm words that have the short vowel sounds. List words on the
5. Call out words with short vowel sounds, e.g. cat, hen, pig, dog and jug.
Children identify which vowel sound is in each word.
6. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children colour the vowels and say the sound
each time they colour. Children read the clues and write CVC words.
Dictation for this page: The cat, hen, pig and dog are in the tub.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 140 10/03/2016 11:06

September – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 5
Materials needed:
Hat, flashcards (see p.205).
To read and comprehend words containing the long a
1. Children listen to the long a sound. Ask them
can they think of any ways to write it? Write ai,
magic e with a and ay on the board.
2. Brainstorm words that have the long a sound.
List words on the board.
3. Children open Just Phonics 2nd Class. How
many ai words can they find? Colour the ai words blue.
4. How many magic e with a words can they find? Colour the magic e

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

with a words red.
5. How many ay words can they find? Colour the ay words yellow.
6. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children match each story to the correct picture.
Dictation for this page: Kay got the train to jail.
Game: Magic e
Put word cards into a hat. Ask a child to take a card from the hat. The child
reads the word, e.g. cap. Next the child must say the word as if it had a magic
e at the end, e.g. cape.

September – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 6

Materials needed:
Hat, flashcards (see p.205).
To read and comprehend words containing the long e
1. Children listen to the long e sound. Ask them
can they think of any ways to write it? Write ee,
y, magic e with e and ea on the board.
2. Brainstorm words that have the long e sound.
List words on the board.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 141 10/03/2016 11:06

3. Children open Just Phonics 2nd Class. How many ee words can they
find? Colour the ee words green.
4. How many y words can they find? Colour the y words orange.
5. How many magic e with e words can they find? Colour the magic e
with e words red.
6. How many ea words can they find? Colour the ea words yellow.
7. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children look at the picture, read the sentences
and identify whether the sentences are true or false.
Dictation for this page: Green beans grow in the garden.
Game: Magic e
Put word cards into a hat. Ask a child to take a card from the hat. The child
reads the word, e.g. cap. Next the child must say the word as if it had a magic
e at the end, e.g. cape.

September – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 7

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Materials needed:
Hat, flashcards (see p.205).
To read and write words containing the long i sound.
1. Children listen to the long i sound. Ask them
can they think of any ways to write it. Write ie,
magic e with i, y and igh on the board.
2. Brainstorm words that have the long i sound.
List words on the board.
3. Children open Just Phonics 2nd Class. How
many ie words can they find? Colour the ie
words green.
4. How many magic e with i words can they find? Colour the magic e with
i words orange.
5. How many y words can they find? Colour the y words red.
6. How many igh words can they find? Colour the igh words yellow.
7. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read the story and ring the long i
words. Children write some of the words they found in the story.
Dictation for this page: I like to eat pie.
Game: Magic e
Put word cards into a hat. Ask a child to take a card from the hat. The child
reads the word, e.g. cap. Next the child must say the word as if it had a magic
e at the end, e.g. cape.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 142 10/03/2016 11:06

September – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 8
Materials needed:
Hat, flashcards (see p.205).
To read and write words containing the long o sound.
1. Children listen to the long o sound. Ask them
can they think of any ways to write it. Write oa,
magic e with o and ow on the board.
2. Brainstorm words that have the long o sound.
List words on the board.
3. Children open Just Phonics 2nd Class. How
many oa words can they find? Colour the oa
words red.
4. How many magic e with o words can they find? Colour the magic e

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

with o words yellow.
5. How many ow words can they find? Colour the ow words blue.
6. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children ring the correct word for each picture.
Children write the correct word for each sentence.
Dictation for this page: The car drove up the road.
Game: Magic e
Put word cards into a hat. Ask a child to take a card from the hat. The child
reads the word, e.g. cap. Next the child must say the word as if it had a magic
e at the end, e.g. cape.

September – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 9

Materials needed:
Hat, flashcards (see p.205).
To read, write and draw pictures for words containing
the long u sound.
1. Children listen to the long u sound. Ask them
can they think of any ways to write it? Write ue,
magic e with u and ew on the board.
2. Brainstorm words that have the long u sound.
List words on the board.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 143 10/03/2016 11:06

3. Children open Just Phonics 2nd Class. How many ue words can they
find? Colour the ue words green.
4. How many magic e with u words can they find? Colour the magic e
with u words orange.
5. How many ew words can they find? Colour the ew words yellow.
6. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children draw a picture for each sentence.
Children write the correct word for each sentence.
Dictation for this page: I watch the news at six.
Game: Odd One Out
Read each set of words aloud. Ask the children to tell you which word doesn’t
have the long u sound. 1. Cue, boy, dew. 2. Tree, tube, newt. 3. Rescue, fire,
barbecue. 4. Cube, stew, dog. 5. Mule, donkey, stew.

September – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 10

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the short oo
1. Children listen to the short oo sound. Ask them
can they think of any ways to write it. Write oo
and u on the board.
2. Brainstorm words that have the short oo sound.
List words on the board.
3. Children open Just Phonics 2nd Class. How
many oo words can they find? Colour the oo words green.
4. How many u words can they find? Colour the u words yellow.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read the clues and write the answers for
the crossword.
Dictation for this page: I put my book on the shelf.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 144 10/03/2016 11:06

September – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 11
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the long oo
1. Children listen to the long oo sound. Ask them
can they think of any ways to write it. Write oo,
ew and ue on the board.
2. Brainstorm words that have the long oo sound.
List words on the board.
3. Children open Just Phonics 2nd Class. How
many oo words can they find? Colour the oo words red.
4. How many ew words can they find? Colour the ew words orange.

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

5. How many ue words can they find? Colour the ue words blue.
6. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children write the correct word for each picture
and identify the word that has no picture.
Dictation for this page: June likes to chew gum.

September – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 12

Materials needed:
Sound Mix flashcards (see p.286).
To read and comprehend words containing the er, ir
and ur sounds.
1. Children listen to the er sound. Ask them can
they think of any ways to write it? Write er, ir
and ur on the board.
2. Brainstorm words that have the er sound. List
words on the board.
3. Children open Just Phonics 2nd Class. How many er words can they
find? Colour the er words yellow.
4. How many ir words can they find? Colour the ir words green.
5. How many ur words can they find? Colour the ur words purple.
6. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read the story and match it to the
correct picture. Children colour the pictures for each one.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 145 10/03/2016 11:07

Dictation for this page: It is my turn to feed the birds by the river.
Game: Sound Mix
Give each child a sound card and ask them to find a space in the room. Tell
the children that when you say ‘Go’, they must find all the children with cards
that make the same sound as their own. When all sound groups have formed,
invite each group to hold up their cards and say their sound aloud. Tell the
children to swap cards with someone from another group and find their own
space again and start a new game.

September – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 13

Materials needed:
Sound Mix flashcards (see p.286).
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

To read and write words containing the aw, au, all

and alk sound.
1. Children listen to the aw sound. Ask them can
they think of any ways to write it? Write aw, au
al and alk on the board.
2. Brainstorm words that have the aw sound. List
words on the board.
3. Children open Just Phonics 2nd Class. How
many aw words can they find? Colour the aw words red.
4. How many au words can the find? Colour the au words yellow.
5. How many al words can they find? Colour the al words blue.
6. Just Phonics 2nd Class. The children choose 16 words from the list and
write each one in a box. The teacher calls out a word. If the child has
the word they cross it out. The first child to cross out 16 words calls out
Dictation for this page: I love to walk on the wall.
Game: Sound Mix
Give each child a sound card and ask them to find a space in the room. Tell
the children that when you say: ‘Go’, they must find all the children with cards
that make the same sound as their own. When all sound groups have formed,
invite each group to hold up their cards and say their sound aloud. Tell the
children to swap cards with someone from another group and find their own
space again and start a new game.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 146 10/03/2016 11:07

September – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 14
Materials needed:
Sound Mix flashcards (see p.286).
To read and write words containing the oi and oy
1. Children listen to the oi sound. Ask them can
they think of any ways to write it. Write oi and
oy on the board.
2. Brainstorm words that have the oi or the oy
sound. List words on the board.
3. Children open Just Phonics 2nd Class. How
many oi words can they find? Colour the oi words green.
4. How many oy words can they find? Colour the oy words yellow.

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children write the missing words and match each
sentence to the correct picture.
Dictation for this page: Roy enjoys playing with the toy coin.
Game: Sound Mix
Give each child a sound card and ask them to find a space in the room. Tell
the children that when you say ‘Go’, they must find all the children with cards
that make the same sound as their own. When all sound groups have formed,
invite each group to hold up their cards and say their sound aloud. Tell the
children to swap cards with someone from another group and find their own
space again and start a new game.

September – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 15

Materials needed: Sound Mix flashcards (see p.286).
To read and write words containing the ou and ow
1. Call out words containing the ou sound (cloud,
crowd, cow, round). What sound do all of these
words have in common? They all have the ou
sound. Ask the children if they can think of any
ways to write the sound. Write ou and ow on
the board.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 147 10/03/2016 11:07

2. Brainstorm words that have the ou and or ow sound. List words on the
3. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children colour the picture for each word and
write the four words that have no picture.
Dictation for this page: I found a flower on the ground.
Game: Sound Mix
Give each child a sound card and ask them to find a space in the room. Tell
the children that when you say ‘Go’, they must find all the children with cards
that make the same sound as their own. When all sound groups have formed,
invite each group to hold up their cards and say their sound aloud. Tell the
children to swap cards with someone from another group and find their own
space again and start a new game.

October – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 16

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Materials needed: Sound Mix flashcards (see p.286).

To use the code to write sentences and to read and
comprehend the sentences.
1. Tell the children that they are going to be
cracking a code. Children open Just Phonics 2nd
Class. Ask the children what letters different
numbers stand for.
2. Write 6 4 4 13 on the board. Ask the children to
crack the code (book).
3. Call children up to the board to write their own
word using the code. The class crack the code.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children crack the code. The children write the
sentences they found in the code. (You have worked out how to crack
the code. Congratulations, you are now a code detective!)
Dictation for this page: How now, brown cow.
Game: Sound Mix
Give each child a sound card and ask them to find a space in the room. Tell
the children that when you say ‘Go’, they must find all the children with cards
that make the same sound as their own. When all sound groups have formed,
invite each group to hold up their cards and say their sound aloud. Tell the
children to swap cards with someone from another group and find their own
space again and start a new game.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 148 10/03/2016 11:07

October – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 17
Materials needed:
Sound Mix flashcards (see p.286).
To read and write words containing the ei and eigh
1. Call out words containing the ei and eigh sound
(sleigh, eight, weigh, veil). What sound do all of
these words have in common? They all have the
ei sound. Ask the children if they can think of
any ways to write the sound. Write ei and eigh
on the board.
2. Brainstorm words that have the ei and or eigh sound. List words on the

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

3. Children open Just Phonics 2nd Class. How many ei words can they find?
Colour the ei words red. How many eigh words can they find? Colour
the eigh words blue.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read the words and write the correct
word under each picture. Children write the correct word for each
sentence. Children ring the correct word for each picture.
Dictation for this page: I can hear a horse neigh.
Game: Sound Mix
Give each child a sound card and ask them to find a space in the room. Tell
the children that when you say ‘Go’, they must find all the children with cards
that make the same sound as their own. When all sound groups have formed,
invite each group to hold up their cards and say their sound aloud. Tell the
children to swap cards with someone from another group and find their own
space again and start a new game.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 149 10/03/2016 11:07

October – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 18
Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing suffix _ed.
1. Call out words containing the suffix _ed
(climbed, yelled, waited). What sound do all of
these words have in common? They all have the
suffix _ed.
2. Ask the children if they know what a suffix
is? A suffix comes at the end of the word. It
changes the word’s original meaning. Ask the
children what they think the suffix _ed means.
(The suffix _ed means ‘in the past’.)
3. Brainstorm words that have the suffix _ed. List words on the board.
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read the words and colour the suffix
_ed words yellow. The children read the words, write the suffix _ed and
make new words. The children choose five _ed words and write each
one in a sentence.
Dictation for this page: The plane landed on the runway.

October – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 19

Materials needed: None.
To read and write words that double the last letter
before adding the suffix _ed.
1. Ask the children if they remember what a suffix
is. (A suffix comes at the end of the word. It
changes the word’s original meaning.)
2. Call out words containing the suffix _ed
(clapped, tripped, skipped). What sound do all
of these words have in common? They all have
the suffix _ed. Ask the children if they can
remember what the suffix _ed means. (The suffix _ed means
‘in the past’.)
3. Write clap, trip and skip on the board. Add the suffix _ed to each word.
Write the new words: clapped, tripped and skipped. What happened to


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 150 10/03/2016 11:07

the last letter in each word? The last letter of each word was doubled
before adding the suffix _ed.
4. Write rap, hop and slip on the board. Call up children to add the suffix
_ed. If necessary, prompt the children to double the last letter before
adding the suffix _ed.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children double the last letter, add the suffix _ed
and draw the missing pictures. The children read the sentences and
write each sentence in the past tense.
Dictation for this page: I skipped and clapped my hands.

October – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 20

Materials needed:

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

To read and write magic e words containing the
suffix _ed.
1. Ask the children if they remember what a suffix
is. (A suffix comes at the end of the word. It
changes the word’s original meaning.)
2. Call out magic e words containing the suffix
_ed (baked, skated, waved). What sound do all
of these words have in common? They all have
the suffix _ed. Ask the children if they can remember what the suffix
_ed means. (The suffix _ed means ‘in the past’.)
3. Write bake, skate and wave on the board. Add the suffix _ed to each
word. Write the new words: baked, skated and waved. What happened
to the magic e? The magic e was dropped before adding the suffix _ed.
4. Write name, hose and shave on the board. Call up children to add the
suffix _ed. If necessary, prompt the children to drop the magic e before
adding the suffix _ed.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children drop the magic e, add the suffix _ed,
read the new word and draw the pictures. The children choose the
correct word for each sentence.
Dictation for this page: Dad chased the dog and waved his lead.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 151 10/03/2016 11:07

October – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 21
Materials needed: None.
To read and write magic e words containing the
suffix _ed.
1. Ask the children if they remember what a suffix
is. (A suffix comes at the end of the word. It
changes the word’s original meaning.)
2. Call out words containing the suffix _ed (fried,
carried, copied). What sound do all of these
words have in common? They all have the suffix
_ed. Ask the children if they can remember
what the suffix _ed means. (The suffix _ed means ‘in the past’.)
3. Write fry, carry and copy on the board. Add the suffix _ed to each
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

word. Write the new words: fried, carried and copied. What happened
to the y? The y was changed to i before adding the suffix _ed.
4. Write dry, cry and empty on the board. Call up children to add the
suffix _ed. If necessary, prompt the children to change the y to i before
adding the suffix _ed.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children change the y to i and add the suffix
_ed. The children find each new word in the word search.
Dictation for this page: I cried, then dried my eyes.

October – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 22

Materials needed: None.
To identify the short vowel sounds and to read words
containing double consonants that keep the vowel
sound short.
1. Ask the children if they remember the sound of
short vowels. What are they? Revise this little
sentence to help them remember the sound of
short vowels: An elephant in orange underwear.
2. Write kitten, puppy and happy on the board.
Ask the children if these words have short or
long vowel sounds? They have short vowel sounds.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 152 10/03/2016 11:07

3. Put a ring around the double consonants in each word. Tell the children
that the double letters keep the vowel sound short. Teach the children
this little sentence to remember the double consonant rule: Double
trouble play a game, they don’t want the vowel to say its name.
4. Brainstorm words which have double consonants and short vowel
sounds. List the words on the board.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. The children ring and say the short vowel sounds.
The children colour the words with a short vowel sound.
Dictation for this page: I have a kitten, a rabbit and a puppy.

October – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 23

Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing double

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

consonants that keep the vowel sound short.
1. Ask the children if they remember the double
consonant rule. Revise this little sentence to
remember the double consonant rule: Double
trouble play a game, they don’t want the vowel
to say its name.
2. Write hoping on the board. Ask the children if
it has a short or a long vowel sound (long vowel
sound). Write hopping on the board. Ask the children if it has a short or
a long vowel sound (short vowel sound). Why does hopping have a short
vowel sound? The double letters/consonants keep the vowel sound short.
3. Write bitter on the board. Ask the children if it has a short or a long
vowel sound (long vowel sound). Ask the children how the word could
be changed to make a short vowel sound. (If necessary, prompt the
children to double the middle letter/consonant). One child writes bitter
on the board. The class read both words.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. The children double the middle consonant and
write the new word. The children choose the correct word for each
Dictation for this page: I ate bread and butter for supper.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 153 10/03/2016 11:07

October – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 24
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the suffix _ing.
1. Ask the children if they remember what a suffix
is. (A suffix comes at the end of the word. It
changes the word’s original meaning.)
2. Call out words containing the suffix _ing
(walking, fixing, singing). What sound do all of
these words have in common? They all have the
suffix _ing. Ask the children if they know what
the suffix _ing means. (The suffix _ing means an action.)
3. Brainstorm words that have the suffix _ing. List the words on the board.
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read each word and colour the words
with the suffix _ing orange. The children read each word, write the
suffix _ing and make a new word. The children use the words with the
suffix _ing to write two sentences.
Dictation for this page: The girl was playing on the swing.

November – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 25

Materials needed:
To read and write words that double the last letter
before adding the suffix _ing.
1. Ask the children if they remember what a suffix
is. (A suffix comes at the end of the word. It
changes the word’s original meaning.)
2. Call out words containing the suffix _ing
(hopping, running, wagging). What sound do
all of these words have in common? They all
have the suffix _ing. Ask the children if they can remember what the
suffix _ing means. (The suffix _ing means an action.)
3. Write hop, run and wag on the board. Add the suffix _ing to each word.
Write the new words: hopping, running, wagging. What happened to


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 154 10/03/2016 11:07

the last letter in each word? The last letter of each word was doubled
before adding the suffix _ing.
4. Write pat, swim and shop on the board. Call up children to add the
suffix _ing. If necessary, prompt the children to double the last letter
before adding the suffix _ing.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read the story and ring the words with
the suffix _ing. The children write the root word, double the final letter
and add the suffix _ing.

November – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 26

Materials needed:
To read and write magic e words containing the

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

suffix _ing.
1. Ask the children if they remember what a suffix
is. (A suffix comes at the end of the word. It
changes the word’s original meaning.)
2. Call out magic e words containing the suffix
_ing (driving, biting, closing). What sound do
all of these words have in common? They all
have the suffix _ing. Ask the children if they can remember what the
suffix _ing means. (The suffix _ing means an action.)
3. Write drive, bite and close on the board. Add the suffix _ing to each
word. Write the new words: driving, biting and closing. What happened
to the magic e? The magic e was dropped before adding the suffix _ing.
4. Write ride, care and shave on the board. Call up children to add the
suffix _ing. If necessary, prompt the children to drop the magic e before
adding the suffix _ing.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read each word, drop the magic e, add
the suffix _ing and make a new word. The children choose six of their
new words and change one letter in each to make new words.
Dictation for this page:
1. Five dolphins are diving in the sea.
2. I like making cakes and sharing them.
3. I like riding my pony.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 155 10/03/2016 11:07

November – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 27
Materials needed:
To write and draw pictures for words ending in y
containing the suffix _ing.
1. Ask the children if they remember what a suffix
is. (A suffix comes at the end of the word. It
changes the word’s original meaning.)
2. Call out words ending in y containing the suffix
_ing (frying, staying, obeying). What sound do
all of these words have in common? They all
have the suffix _ing. Ask the children if they can remember what the
suffix _ing means. (The suffix _ing means an action).
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

3. Brainstorm words ending in y. Add the suffix _ing and list the words on
the board.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children add the suffix _ing to the root word and
draw a picture for each sentence.
Dictation for this page: Mum is spraying the flowers.

November – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 28–29

Materials needed: None.
To read and write words
containing silent b.
1. Call out a list of words
containing silent b to the
children (climb, lamb,
doubt). Write the words
on the board. What do
the children notice about
the b? It is a silent letter.
(Silent letters are letters in words that do not make a sound when you
say the word.)
2. Draw a circle around the b in climb, lamb and doubt. Tell the children
that this sentence will help them to remember when the letter b is silent:
The letter b is usually silent after the letter m and before the letter t.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 156 10/03/2016 11:07

3. Brainstorm words that have a silent b. List the words on the board.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Page 28. Children read each word and colour
each word containing silent b yellow. The children write the correct
word for each sentence. The children crack the code to find three silent
b words (plumber, subtle, bomb). Page 29. The children read the clues,
write the word and draw a picture for each word.
Dictation for page 28: Lambs are baby sheep.
Dictation for page 29:
1. I climb up the hill. 4. I fed the bird crumbs.
2. I use the comb to brush my hair. 5. The plumber fixed the toilet.
3. I gave my friend a thumbs up.

November – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 30

Materials needed:

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

To read and write words containing silent k.
1. Call out a list of words containing silent k
to the children (knit, knife, kneel). Write the
words on the board. What do the children
notice about the k? It is a silent letter. Ask the
children if they remember what a silent letter
is. (Silent letters are letters in words that do not
make a sound when you say the word.)
2. Draw a circle around the k in knit, knife and kneel. Tell the children
that this sentence will help them to remember when the letter b is
silent: The letter k is usually silent before the letter n.
3. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children write the correct word for each picture.
Children use the read and remember to learn the words night and
Dictation for this page: I cut the bread with a knife.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 157 10/03/2016 11:08

November – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 31
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing silent k.
1. Ask the children if they remember what a silent
letter is. Silent letters are letters in words that
do not make a sound when you say the word.
2. Ask the children if they remember the rule for
silent k: The letter k is usually silent before the
letter n.
3. Brainstorm words that have a silent k. List the
words on the board.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children colour over the words with the silent k.
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Children choose the correct word for each sentence. Children use the
read and remember to learn the spellings know and no.
Dictation for this page: I knock on the door and turn the knob.

November – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 32

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing silent c.
1. Call out a list of words containing silent c to
the children (scissors, scent, scientist). Write
the words on the board. What do the children
notice about the c? It is a silent letter. Ask the
children if they remember what a silent letter
is. Silent letters are letters in words that do not
make a sound when you say the word.
2. Draw a circle around the c in scissors, scent and scientist. Tell the
children that this sentence will help tehm to remember when the letter
c is silent: The letter c is usually silent when it comes after the letter s
and before the letters e or i.
3. Brainstorm words that have a silent c. List the words on the board.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 158 10/03/2016 11:08

4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read each word and colour the silent
c words yellow. Children choose the correct word for each sentence.
Children use the read and remember to learn the spellings for: scene,
seen, scent, sent and cent.
Dictation for this page: The hills were really scenic.

November – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 33

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing silent letters.
1. Ask the children if they remember what a silent

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

letter is. (Silent letters are letters in words that
do not make a sound when you say the word.)
2. Ask the children what rules can be used to
remember when silent letters are used: The
letter b is usually silent after the letter m and
before the letter t. The letter k is usually silent
before the letter n. The letter c is usually silent when it comes after the
letter s and before the letters e or i.
3. Brainstorm words that have silent letters. List the words on the board.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children colour the silent letters with b red, the
silent letters with k yellow and the silent letters with c blue.
5. The children choose 16 words from the list and write each one in a box.
The teacher calls out a word. If the child has the word they cross it out.
The first child to cross out 16 words calls out: ‘Bingo!’
Dictation for this page: I know how to shear a lamb.


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November – Week 3: Pupil’s book pages 34–35
Materials needed:
To read and write words
ending in _le and _tle.
1. Call out a list of words
with the _le and _tle
word endings (bubble,
juggle, castle). What
sound do all of these
words have in common?
They all have the word ending _le/_tle.
2. Write bubble, juggle and castle on the board. Underline the _le/_tle
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

word ending. Circle the e in each word. What do the children notice
about the e? It is a silent letter. Teach the children the following
sentence: When a word ends in _le or _tle the e is usually a silent letter.
3. Brainstorm words that have the _le sound. List the words on the board
under the headings _le and_tle.
3. Just Phonics 2nd Class. How many le words can they find? Colour the le
words green. How many tle words can they find? Colour the tle words
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Page 34. Children write the correct word under
each picture and identify which word has no picture. Page 35. Children
look at the picture, read the sentences and identify whether they are
true or false.
Dictation for page 34:
1. The poodle is under the table. 2. There is a tunnel under the castle.
3. The apple fell into the puddle. 4. People can be male or female.
5. The doctor was gentle with my
broken ankle.
Dictation for page 36: I have a little turtle.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 160 10/03/2016 11:08

November – Week 4: Pupil’s book pages 36–37
Materials needed:
To read and write words
ending in _el. To read and
comprehend stories containing
words ending in _le and _el.
1. Call out a list of words
with the _el word ending
(angel, easel, kennel).
What sound do all of
these words have in common? They all have the word ending _el.
2. Ask the children what other word endings have the same sound as _el

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

(_le and _tle).
3. Brainstorm words that have the _le, _tle and_el word endings. List the
words on the board in three columns (one column for each spelling).
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Page 36. Children write the missing letters and
match the correct word to each picture. Page 37. Children colour the le
words blue and the el words yellow. Children match each story to the
correct picture.
Dictation for page 36: Hazel has a jewel.
Dictation for page 37: I put a label on my copy.

December – Week 1: Pupil’s book pages 38–39

Materials needed:
Counters (three per child).
To read and write three-
syllable words. To read and
write multi-syllable words.
1. Write a multi-syllable
word, e.g. ‘basketball’
on the board. Ask the
children if they know
what a syllable is. (A
syllable is a word or part of a word with a vowel sound.) Ask the


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 161 10/03/2016 11:08

children to clap out the word. Mark the syllables in the word, e.g bas/
2. Call out a multi-syllable word to the children, e.g. bi/cy/cle. Ask the
children to listen to the syllables and say the word.
3. Distribute three counters to each child. The children place three
counters at the top of their desk. Read a word from the page aloud, e.g.
badminton. The child says each of the syllables in the word separately
while moving a counter in front of them. The child blends the syllables
together and says the whole word, e.g. badminton = bad/min/ton.
4. Pair Work. The children open pages 38 and 39. One child calls out a
word. Their partner must clap out the syllables.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Page 38. Children break each word into three
syllables and read each word. Children put the three syllables together
and read each word. The children unscramble the syllables and read
each word. The children read the code to write the sentence: The
Olympics are held every four years. Page 39. The children break each
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

word into syllables and read each word. The children unscramble the
syllables and write each word. The children design their own smoothie
and write the ingredients for it.
Dictation for this page: We saw a crocodile on holiday.
Game: Talk like Robo Robot
Robo Robot breaks words into syllables. The teacher says a word, e.g. person.
The child repeats the word like Robo Robot, e.g. per/son. This game can also
be played in reverse. The teacher talks like Robo Robot, e.g. un/der, and the
child must say the word, e.g. under.

December – Week 1: Pupil’s book pages 40–41

Materials needed:
Medium-sized die and six
stickers with sounds you wish
to revise, e.g. _le, _dge, _ed,
_ing, eigh, silent b.
To read and write words
containing _dge.
1. Call out a list of words
with the _dge word
ending (hedge, bridge,
badge). What sound do


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 162 10/03/2016 11:08

all of these words have in common? They all have the word ending
2. Write hedge, bridge and badge on the board. Underline the dge word
ending. Circle the e in each word. What do the children notice about
the e? It is a silent letter. What do the children notice about the g? It
makes the soft g sound.
3. Brainstorm words that have the _dge sound. List the words on the board.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Page 40. Children read the story and colour the
_dge words yellow. Children write the _dge words they found in the
story. Children write each word in a sentence. Page 41. Children read
the clues and write the answers in the crossword.
Dictation for page 40: I cut the hedge with shears.
Game: Sound Dice Game
Place stickers on die. Children sit in a large circle. Pass the die to the first child.
The child must choose a sound from the die and say a word with that sound.

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Pass the die to the next child who says a different word with the same sound.
Continue around the circle until a child can’t think of a new word. When this
happens, ask the child to pick a new sound from the die and continue the game
with a new sound.

December – Week 2: Pupil’s book pages 42–43

Materials needed:
Dice, counters, medium sized
die and six stickers with
sounds you wish to revise,
e.g. _le, _dge, _ed, _ing, eigh,
silent b.
To identify rhyming words for
word families.
1. Distribute dice and
counters to the children.
2. Demonstrate how to play the game.
• Roll the dice to find the number of spaces to move forward.
• Say the sound and two words that have that sound. Example: land on
_ack, say back, stack.
• If you land on a square with a ladder, complete the task and move up
the ladder.
• If you land on a square with a snake, move down the snake.


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• The first person to reach the treasure chest wins the game.
Game: Sound Dice Game
Place stickers on die. Children sit in a large circle. Pass the die to the first child.
The child must choose a sound from the die and say a word with that sound.
Pass the die to the next child who says a different word with the same sound.
Continue around the circle until a child can’t think of a new word. When this
happens, ask the child to pick a new sound from the die and continue the game
with a new sound.

December – Week 2: Pupil’s book pages 44–45

Materials needed:
Flashcards for each child: 1, 2,
3, 4.
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

To read and count the syllables

in multi-syllable words.
1. Ask the children if they
remember what a syllable
is. (A syllable is a word
or part of a word with a
vowel sound.)
2. Call out words with one, two, three and four syllables, e.g. the, finger,
computer, helicopter. Ask the children to hold up the flashcard with the
corresponding number of syllables.
3. Pair Work. The children open pages 44 and 45. One child picks up
a flashcard. Their partner must find a word with the corresponding
number of syllables, clap out the syllables and say the word.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children follow the instructions and colour
the pictures.
Game: Talk like Robo Robot
Robo Robot breaks words into syllables. The teacher says a word, e.g. person.
The child repeats the word like Robo Robot e.g. per/son. This game can also be
played in reverse. The teacher talks like Robo Robot, e.g. un/der and the child
must say the word, e.g. under.


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December – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 46
Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing silent letters and
_le words.
1. Call out a list of words containing silent letters
to the children (climb, scissors, knife). What do
all the words have in common? They all have
silent letters. Ask the children if they remember
what a silent letter is. Silent letters are letters in
words that do not make a sound when you say
the word.
2. Ask the children what rules can be used to remember when silent letters
are used: The letter b is usually silent after the letter m and before the

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

letter t. The letter k is usually silent before the letter n. The letter c is
usually silent when it comes after the letter s and before the letters e or i.
3. Brainstorm words that have silent letters. List the words on the board.
4. Call out a list of words ending in _le (candle, puddle, purple). What do
all of these words have in common? The have the word ending _le.
5. Brainstorm words that end in _le. List the words on the board.
6. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children write the correct sentence beside each

December – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 47

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the suffixes _ing
and _ed.
1. Ask the children if they remember what a suffix
is. (A suffix comes at the end of the word. It
changes the word’s original meaning.)
2. Call out words containing the suffix _ing
(walking, running, baking). What sound do
all of these words have in common? They all
have the suffix _ing. Ask the children if they know what the suffix _ing
means. (The suffix _ing means an action.)


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3. Brainstorm words that have the suffix _ing. List the words on the board
under three columns +_ing (e.g. walking), double the last letter + _ing
(e.g. running), drop the magic e + _ing (e.g. baking).
4. Call out words containing the suffix _ed (walked, begged, baked, cried).
What sound do all of these words have in common? They all have the
suffix _ed. Ask the children if they know what the suffix _ed means.
(The suffix _ed means in the past.)
5. Brainstorm words that have the suffix _ed. List the words on the board
under four columns +_ed (e.g. walked), double the last letter + _ed
(e.g. begged), drop the magic e + _ed (e.g. baked), change the y to i +
_ing (e.g. cried).
6. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children write words using the suffixes _ing
and _ed.

November – Week 2: Pupil’s book pages 48–49

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Materials needed:
To assess children’s learning.
1. Write lam_ on the board.
Ask the children to
identify the missing silent
2. Draw a simple castle
on the board and write
‘castle’ and ‘candle’
underneath it. Ask the children to identify the correct word.
3. Write the word cry on the board. Ask the children to add the suffix _ed
and the suffix _ing to the word.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Assessment. Page 48. Children write the correct
missing letter for each word. Children tick the correct word for each
picture. Page 49. Children add the suffix _ed and _ing to each word.
Children complete dictation exercise.
Dictation for page 49:
1. My neighbour is eighty.
2. The hedge is at the edge of the garden.
3. The lamb is in the puddle.
4. I know how to play basketball.
5. I ate porridge and banana for breakfast.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 166 10/03/2016 11:08

January – Week 1: Pupil’s book pages 50–51
Materials needed: None.
Objective(s): To read and write
words containing silent w.
1. Call out a list of words
containing silent w to the
children (wrap, wreck,
write). Write the words
on the board. What do
the children notice about
the w? It is a silent letter.
Ask the children if they remember what a silent letter is. Silent letters
are letters in words that do not make a sound when you say the word.
2. Tell the children that this sentence will help them to remember when the

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

letter w is silent: When wr comes at the start of a word, the w is silent.
3. Brainstorm words that have a silent w. List the words on the board.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Page 50. Children ring the words with silent w.
Children write the correct word for each sentence. Page 51. Children
read the clues, write the correct word and draw a picture for each word.
Children read the code and write the sentence: The worm wriggles.
The children use the read and remember to learn the spellings: whose,
whom and who.
Dictation for page 50: I wrote the answer in my copy.
Dictation for page 51: Mum had to wring the wet clothes.

January – Week 2: Pupil’s book pages 52–53

Materials needed:
To read and write words
containing the ea makes the
short e sound.
1. Call out a list of words
containing the ea makes
the short e to the children
(head, bread, weather).


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 167 10/03/2016 11:08

What do all the words have in common? They all have the short e sound.
2. Write head, bread and weather on the board. Draw a circle around the
ea in each word. Ask the children what they notice about the ea in each
word? It makes the short e sound.
3. Brainstorm words containing the ea makes the short e sound. List the
words on the board.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Page 52. Children ring all the ea words and
match each story to the correct picture. Children choose the correct
word for each sentence. Page 53. Children write ea words in the bread.
Children use the read and remember to learn the red and read spellings.
Dictation for page 52: I had a pain in my head.
Dictation for page 53: I sweat in the hot weather.

January – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 54

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing silent h.
1. Call out a list of words containing silent h to
the children (exhaust, honest, ghost). Write
the words on the board. What do the children
notice about the h? It is a silent letter. Ask the
children if they remember what a silent letter
is. Silent letters are letters in words that do not
make a sound when you say the word.
2. Brainstorm words that have a silent h. List the words on the board.
3. Write the following sentence on the board: Rhythm helps your two hips
move. Highlight the first letter in each word. Ask the children what
word the highlighted letters spell out (rhythm). Tell the children that
this sentence can be used to remember the spelling of rhythm.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. The children write the missing words and match
each sentence to the correct picture. The children use the read and
remember to learn the spelling of rhythm.
Dictation for this page: The ghost haunts the castle.


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January – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 55
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing silent l.
1. Call out a list of words containing silent l to the
children (walk, calm, half). Write the words on
the board. What do the children notice about
the l? It is a silent letter. Ask the children if
they remember what a silent letter is. Silent
letters are letters in words that do not make a
sound when you say the word.
2. Brainstorm words that have a silent l. List the words on the board.
3. Write should, would and could on the board. Highlight the ould in

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

each word. Write the sentence ‘o u lucky duck’ underneath the words.
Highlight the first letter of each word. Ask the children how this can be
used to remember the spelling for should, would and could.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children find silent l letters in a word search.
Children write the correct word in each sentence. Children use the read
and remember to learn the spellings of should, would and could.
Dictation for this page: The calf could walk when it was born.

January – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 56

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing silent d, s and t.
1. Call out a list of words containing silent d, s
and t to the children (handkerchief, island,
castle). Write the words on the board. What
do the children notice about the d, s and t?
They are silent letters. Ask the children if they
remember what a silent letter is. (Silent letters
are letters in words that do not make a sound when you say the word.)
2. Brainstorm words that have a silent d, s or t. List the words on the


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 169 10/03/2016 11:09

3. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Colour the words with silent d blue. Colour the
words with silent s orange. Colour the words with silent t green.
4. Children unscramble the sentences and write them. Children match
each word to the correct meaning. The children use the read and
remember to learn to spell Wednesday.
Dictation for this page: On Wednesday we went to the castle.

January – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 57

Materials needed:
To read and comprehend sentences with words
containing silent u and g.
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

1. Call out a list of words containing silent u to
the children (guest, guitar, building). Write
the words on the board. What do the children
notice about the u? It is a silent letter. Ask the
children if they remember what a silent letter
is. (Silent letters are letters in words that do not
make a sound when you say the word.)
2. Brainstorm words that have a silent u. List the words on the board.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with words containing a silent g (gnome, sign,
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Colour the words with silent u red. Colour the
words with silent g yellow.
5. Tick the best sentence for each picture. Match each word to the correct
Dictation for this page: I saw a sign for the lifeguard’s hut.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 170 10/03/2016 11:09

February – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 58
Materials needed:
To complete a silent letters crossword.
1. Ask the children if they remember what a silent
letter is. (Silent letters are letters in words that
do not make a sound when you say the word.)
2. Brainstorm words that have silent letters. List
the words on the board under columns: silent b,
silent k, silent c, silent w, silent h, silent l, silent
d, silent s, silent t, silent u and silent g.
3. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Crossword. Children read the clues and write
the answers.

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

February – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 59
Materials needed:
To read and write compound words.
1. Call out a list of compound words (sunshine,
chalkboard, starfish). What do the children
notice about the words? They are compound
words. Ask the children if they know what a
compound word is. (A compound word is made
when two words are joined to form a new word.)
2. Write hand, flower and news on the board. Ask the children to think of
words that can be joined to each word to make a compound word, e.g.
handstand, handbag and handshake.
3. Brainstorm compound words. List them on the board.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children write the words and draw each picture.
Dictation for this page: The cowgirl was upset.


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February – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 60
Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the suffix _y.
1. Call out words containing the suffix _y (windy,
sleepy, greedy). What sound do all of these
words have in common? They all have the
suffix _y.
2. Ask the children if they know what a suffix
is? (A suffix comes at the end of the word. It
changes the word’s original meaning.) Ask the
children what they think the suffix _y means.
(The suffix _y means having or being.)
3. Brainstorm words that have the suffix _y. List words on the board.
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read each word and add the suffix _y to
make a new word. The children write the correct word in each sentence.
Dictation for this page: My bedroom is really messy.

February – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 61

Materials needed:
To read and write words that double the last letter
before adding the suffix _y.
1. Ask the children if they remember what a suffix
is. (A suffix comes at the end of the word. It
changes the word’s original meaning.)
2. Call out words containing the suffix _y (funny,
chatty, starry). What sound do all of these
words have in common? They all have the suffix
_y. Ask the children if they can remember what the suffix _y means.
(The suffix _y means having or being.)
3. Write fun, chat and star on the board. Add the suffix _y to each word.
Write the new words: funny, chatty and starry. What happened to the
last letter in each word? The last letter of each word was doubled before
adding the suffix _y.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 172 10/03/2016 11:09

4. Write nut, snap and spot on the board. Call up children to add the
suffix _y. If necessary, prompt the children to double the last letter
before adding the suffix _y.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children double the final letter and add the
suffix _y. The children read the story, ring the words with the suffix _y
and write them in the table.
Dictation for this page: Spending too long in the sun will make you saggy.

February – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 62

Materials needed:
To read and write magic e words containing the

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

suffix _y.
1. Ask the children if they remember what a suffix
is. (A suffix comes at the end of the word. It
changes the word’s original meaning.)
2. Call out magic e words containing the suffix _y
(grease, bone, rose). What sound do all of these
words have in common? They all have the suffix
_y. Ask the children if they can remember what the suffix _y means.
(The suffix _y means having or being.)
3. Write grease, bone and rose on the board. Add the suffix _y to each
word. Write the new words: greasy, bony and rosy. What happened to
the magic e? The magic e was dropped before adding the suffix _y.
4. Write sparkle, nose and stone on the board. Call up children to add the
suffix _y. If necessary, prompt the children to drop the magic e before
adding the suffix _y.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children drop the magic e, add the suffix _y and
find the new word in the word search.
Dictation for this page: Nora has rosy cheeks and shiny hair.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 173 10/03/2016 11:09

February – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 63
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the suffix _y.
1. Ask the children if they remember what a suffix
is. (A suffix comes at the end of the word. It
changes the word’s original meaning.)
2. Call out words containing the suffix _y (sandy,
snappy, shiny). What sound do all of these
words have in common? They all have the suffix
_y. Ask the children if they can remember
what the suffix _y means. (The suffix _y means having or being.)
3. Write sand, snap and shine on the board. Ask the children to add
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

the suffix _y to each word. Write the new words: sandy, snappy and
shiny. What rule did each word follow? Sand added the suffix _y, snap
doubled the last letter before adding the suffix _y, shine dropped the e
before adding the suffix _y.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. The children choose 16 words from the list and
write each one in a box. The teacher calls out a word. If the child has
the word they cross it out. The first child to cross out 16 words calls out
Dictation for this page: The song they wrote was cheesy but catchy.

March – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 64

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the _ouse sound.
1. Call out a list of words containing the _ouse
sound, e.g. house, mouse, blouse. What sound
do all of these words have in common? They all
have the _ouse sound.
2. Brainstorm words with the _ouse sound. List
the words on the board.
3. Write the words light, farm and dog on the


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 174 10/03/2016 11:09

board. Ask the children to add the word house to each word. What
compound words do they make?
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children write five ouse words in the house.
Children add house to each word to make a new word. The children
read the code to write the sentence: The greenhouse is made from glass.
Dictation for this page: The mouse is in his house.

March – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 65

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the _out sound.

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

1. Call out a list of words containing the _out
sound, e.g. shout, pout, trout. What sound do
all of these words have in common? They all
have the _out sound.
2. Brainstorm words with the _out sound. List the
words on the board.
3. Write the words hand, fall and print on the
board. Ask the children to add the word out to each word. What
compound words do they make?
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children match each word to its correct meaning.
Children add out to each word to make a new word.
Dictation for this page: I joined the scouts when I turned eight.

March – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 66

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the suffix _ly.
1. Call out words containing the suffix _ly
(monthly, yearly, sadly). What sound do all of
these words have in common? They all have the
suffix _ly.
2. Ask the children if they know what a suffix is?


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 175 10/03/2016 11:09

(A suffix comes at the end of the word. It changes the word’s original
meaning.) Ask the children what they think the suffix _ly means. (The
suffix _ly means how something is done or how often something is
3. Brainstorm words that have the suffix _ly. List words on the board.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read each word, add the suffix _ly and
make a new word. The children read each sentence and add the suffix
_ly to the highlighted word.

March – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 67

Materials needed:
To read and write words that change the y to i before
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

adding the suffix _ly.

1. Call out words change the y to i before adding
the suffix _ly (easily, luckily, happily). What
sound do all of these words have in common?
They all have the suffix _ly.
2. Ask the children if they know what a suffix
is? (A suffix comes at the end of the word.
It changes the word’s original meaning.) Ask the children if they
remember what the suffix _ly means. (The suffix _ly means how
something is done or how often something is done.)
3. Write easy, luck and happy on the board. Add the suffix _ly to each
word. Write the new words: easily, luckily and happily. What happened
to the y? The y was changed to i before adding the suffix _ly.
4. Write cheek, sleep and busy on the board. Call up children to add the
suffix _ly. If necessary, prompt the children to change the y to i before
adding the suffix _ly.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children change y to i, add the suffix _ly and
find each new word in the word search. Children write the correct word
for each sentence.
Dictation for this page: The boy rowed his boat merrily down the stream.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 176 10/03/2016 11:09

March – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 68
Materials needed:
To read and write words ending in _le where the _le
is removed before adding the suffix _ly.
1. Call out words ending in _le where the _le is
removed before adding the suffix _ly (freckly,
possibly, bubbly). What sound do all of these
words have in common? They all have the
suffix _ly.
2. Ask the children if they know what a suffix is? (A suffix comes at the
end of the word. It changes the word’s original meaning.) Ask the
children if they remember what the suffix _ly means. (The suffix _ly

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

means how something is done or how often something is done.)
3. Write freckle, possible and bubble on the board. Add the suffix _ly to
each word. Write the new words: freckly, possibly and bubbly. What
happened to the _le? The _le was removed before adding the suffix _ly.
4. Write scribble, double and simple on the board. Call up children to add
the suffix _ly. If necessary, prompt the children to remove _le before
adding the suffix _ly.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read the sentences and match each
sentence to the correct picture. The children ring the _ly words in the
sentences, write them and write the new words.
Dictation for this page: I love to write with sparkly pens.

March – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 69

Materials needed:
To read and write words ending in _ic that add the
suffix _ally.
1. Call out words ending in _ic that add the suffix
_ally (basically, dramatically, clinically). What
sound do all of these words have in common?
They all have the suffix _ally.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 177 10/03/2016 11:09

2. Ask the children if they know what a suffix is? (A suffix comes at the
end of the word. It changes the word’s original meaning.) Ask the
children if they know what the suffix _ally means (The suffix _ally
means how something is done or how often something is done.)
3. Write basic, dramatic and clinic on the board. Ask the children to
add the suffix _ally to each word. Write the new words: basically,
dramatically and clinically.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read the words, add the suffix _ally and
make new words. Children write the correct word for each sentence.
Dictation for this page: The medicine was clinically tested.

April – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 70

Materials needed:
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

To read and write words that add the suffix _s.
1. Call out words ending in _s (kittens, bears,
owls). What do all of these words have in
common? They all have the suffix _s.
2. Ask the children if they know what a suffix
is? (A suffix comes at the end of the word. It
changes the word’s original meaning.) Ask the
children if they know what the suffix _s means.
(The suffix _s means more than one.)
3. Write shark, dog and book on the board. Ask the children to add the
suffix _s to each word. Write the new words: sharks, dogs, books.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children crack the code to write the words:
1. A kindle of kittens 2. A band of gorillas 3. A charm of hummingbirds
4. A colony of penguins 5. A pack of red pandas
6. A battery of barracudas 7. A tower of giraffes
Dictation for this page: The seals and sharks live in the sea.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 178 10/03/2016 11:09

April – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 71
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the suffixes _s
and _ies.
1. Call out words ending in _s or _ies (guys, toys,
babies, stories). What do all of these words have
in common? They all have the suffix _s or _ies.
Ask the children what letters are vowels and
what letters are consonants.
2. Ask the children if they know what a suffix is?
(A suffix comes at the end of the word. It changes the word’s original
meaning.) Ask the children if they remember what the suffix _s means.

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

(The suffix _s means more than one.) The suffix _ies also means more
than one.
3. Write guy, toy, baby and story on the board. Ask the children to add
the suffixes _s or _ies to each word. Write the new words: guys, toys,
babies and stories. What do the children notice about the words? If
there is a vowel before the y, add the suffix _s. If there is a consonant
before the y, take away the y and add the suffix _ies.
4. Write butterfly, stingray and puppy on the board. Call children up to
the board to add the suffix _ s or _ies. If necessary, prompt the children
to look for the vowel or consonant before y to determine which rule
they should follow.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children add the suffix _s or _ies. The children
read each sentence and add the correct suffix.
Dictation for this page: I got chased by a swarm of flies.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 179 10/03/2016 11:09

April – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 72
Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the suffix _es.
1. Call out words ending in _es (boxes, buzzes,
dishes). What do all of these words have in
common? They all have the suffix _es.
2. Ask the children if they know what a suffix
is? (A suffix comes at the end of the word.
It changes the word’s original meaning.) Ask
the children if they know what the suffix _es
means. (The suffix _es means more than one.)
3. Ask the children if they know when to add the suffix _es to a word. If a
word ends in s, x, z, ch, sh or ss, add the suffix _es.
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

4. Write box, buzz, dish and dog on the board. Call children up to the
board to add the suffix _ es or _s. If necessary, prompt the children to
look for the last letter to see if they should add _es or _s.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children add the suffix _es to each word.
Children read each sentence and add the suffix _es.
Dictation for this page: Foxes live in a den.

April – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 73

Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the suffix _ves.
1. Call out words ending in _es (elves, leaves,
knives). What do all of these words have in
common? They all have the suffix _ves.
2. Ask the children if they know what a suffix
is? (A suffix comes at the end of the word.
It changes the word’s original meaning.) Ask
the children if they know what the suffix _ves
means. (The suffix _ves means more than one.)
3. Write elf, leaf and knife on the board. Add the suffix _ves. Write the new
words: elves, leaves and knives. What happened to the f and fe at the end
of each word? If a word ends in f or fe, take off the f or fe. Add _ves.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 180 10/03/2016 11:09

4. Write wolf, hoof and life on the board. Call children up to the board to
add the suffix _ ves. If necessary, prompt the children to take off the f
or fe before adding the suffix _ves.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read each sentence, add the correct
suffix and write the new sentence. The children read each sentence and
add the correct suffix.
Dictation for this page: The leaves on the trees are green in summer.

April – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 74

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the suffix _oes.

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

1. Call out words ending in o that contain the
suffix _es (tomatoes, potatoes, zeroes). What do
all of these words have in common? They all
have the suffix _es.
2. Ask the children if they know what a suffix
is? (A suffix comes at the end of the word. It
changes the word’s original meaning.) Ask the
children if they remember what the suffix _es means. (The suffix _es
means more than one.)
3. Write tomato, potato and zero on the board. Add the suffix _es. Write
the new words: tomatoes, potatoes and zeroes. If a word ends in o, add
the suffix _es.
4. Write cat, volcano and hero on the board. Call children up to the board
to add the suffix _ s or _es. If necessary, prompt the children to add the
suffix _es for words ending in o.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children follow the instructions to complete the
Dictation for this page: Batman and Spiderman are superheroes.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 181 10/03/2016 11:10

April – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 75
Materials needed:
Counters (five per child).
To read and write multi-syllable words.
1. Write a multi-syllable word, e.g. ‘dinosaur’ on
the board. Ask the children if they remember
what a syllable is. (A syllable is a word or part
of a word with a vowel sound.) Ask the children
to clap out the word. Mark the syllables in the
word, e.g din/o/saur.
2. Call out a multi-syllable word to the children, e.g.
saur/o/pods. Ask the children to listen to the syllables and say the word.
3. Distribute five counters to each child. The children place the counters at
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

the top of their desk. Read a word from the page aloud, e.g. diplodocus.
The child says each of the syllables in the word separately while moving
a counter in front of them. The child blends the syllables together and
says the whole word, e.g. diplodocus = dip/lod/o/cus.
4. Pair Work. The children open page 75. One child calls out a word. Their
partner must clap out the syllables.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children put the pieces back together and read
each word. Children read the jokes and write their own dinosaur joke.
Game: Talk like Robo Robot
Robo Robot breaks words into syllables. The teacher says a word, e.g. person.
The child repeats the word like Robo Robot, e.g. per/son. This game can also
be played in reverse. The teacher talks like Robo Robot, e.g. un/der and the
child must say the word, e.g. under.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 182 10/03/2016 11:10

May – Week 1: Pupil’s book pages 76–77
Materials needed:
Flashcards for each child: 1, 2,
3, 4, 5.
To read multi-syllable words.
1. Ask the children if they
remember what a syllable
is. (A syllable is a word
or part of a word with a
vowel sound.)
2. Call out words with one,
two, three, four and five syllables, e.g. hatched, reptiles, dinosaurs,
triceratops, tyrannosaurus.

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

3. Write reptiles, dinosaurs, triceratops and tyrannosaurus on the board.
Ask the children to mark where the words are broken into syllables, e.g.
4. Pair Work. The children open page 76 and 77. One child picks up a
flashcard. Their partner must find a word with the corresponding
number of syllables, clap out the syllables and say the word.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. The children read the sentences and match them
to the correct picture. Children colour the two-syllable words yellow, the
three-syllable words blue and the four-syllable words green.
Game: Talk like Robo Robot
Robo Robot breaks words into syllables. The teacher says a word, e.g. person.
The child repeats the word like Robo Robot, e.g. per/son. This game can also
be played in reverse. The teacher talks like Robo Robot, e.g. un/der and the
child must say the word, e.g. under.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 183 10/03/2016 11:10

May – Week 2: Pupil’s book pages 78–79
Materials needed:
To read and write words
containing the three-letter
initial consonant blends
(ICBs): scr, spl, spr and thr.
1. Call out words containing
the ICB scr, e.g. screw,
scrabble, scream. What
sound do all the words
have in common? (They all have initial consonant blend scr.)
2. Brainstorm words containing the ICB scr. List the words on the board.
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with the ICBs spl (split, splash, splinter), spr
(spring, sprang, spread) and thr (three, throw, threat).
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. How many scr words can the children find?
Colour them red. How many spl words can the children find? Colour
them green. How many spr words can the children find? Colour them
blue. How many thr words can the children find? Colour them yellow.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Page 78. Children write the correct word under
each picture and write one word for each sound. Page 79. Children
write the correct word under each picture.
Dictation for this page: Three men will scrub the decks.
Game: Sound Deletion
Say a word without the intial consonant blend, e.g. say splash without the spl.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 184 10/03/2016 11:10

May – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 80
Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the ICBs sch, str,
squ and shr.
1. Call out words containing the ICB str, e.g.
street, string, stray. What sound do all the
words have in common? (They all have initial
consonant blend str.)
2. Brainstorm words containing the ICB str. List
the words on the board.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with the ICBs sch (school,
schoolbag, schoolwork), squ (square, squirrel, squid) and shr (shrub,
shrug, shrimp).

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

4. Children open Just Phonics 2nd Class. How many sch words can the
children find? Colour them red. How many str words can the children
find? Colour them green. How many squ words can the children find?
Colour them blue. How many shr words can the children find? Colour
them yellow.
5. Children write the correct word under each picture and identify which
word has no picture.
Dictation for this page: My school is on this street.
Game: Sound Deletion
Say a word without the intial consonant blend, e.g. say stream without the str.

May – Week 3: Pupil’s book pages 81–82

Materials needed: None.
To read and write words
containing the ph sound.
1. Call out words
containing the ph sound,
e.g. elephant, nephew,
sphere. What sound do
all of the words have in


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 185 10/03/2016 11:10

(They all have the f sound.) Ask the children how this sound can be
written. Write their answers on the board.
2. Write elephant, nephew and sphere. Ask the children to identify which
letters are making the f sound. Circle the ph in each word. Ph makes an
f sound.
3. Brainstorm words containing the ph sound. List the words on the
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Page 81. Children make the words. Children write
the correct word in each sentence and write the three words that are not
used. Children read the joke. Page 82. Children read the clues and write
the answers in the crossword.

June – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 83

Materials needed:
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Two hoops, sound cards (p. 287).

To read and write words with sounds already
1. Game: Sound Grab
Place a set of sound cards in each hoop.
Arrange children into two teams. Call out a
sound. The first player for each team runs to
their hoop to find the corresponding sound
card. The first player to hold up the correct
card wins a point for their team. Continue until all children have had a
turn. The team with the most points wins.
2. Just Phonics 2nd Class. The children choose 20 words from the list and
write each one in a box. The teacher calls out a word. If the child has
the word they cross it out. The first child to cross out 20 words calls
out: ‘Bingo!’
Dictation for this page: I had to cut the shrub with the scissors.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 186 10/03/2016 11:10

June – Week 1: Pupil’s book pages 84–85
Materials needed:
Hat, sound cards (see p.287),
photocopiable of all the sounds
covered in the Just Phonics 2nd
Class book.
To read words containing _ed,
_ing and ei. To read words
containing _le, _tle, _el and
silent letters.
1. Game: Sound Hat
Place sound cards into a large hat. Children sit in a large circle. Pass the
hat to the first child. They take a card from the hat, say that sound and

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

a word that has that sound, e.g. eigh, weigh. If the sound is correct they
keep the card. Continue playing until all cards are gone from the hat.
2. Brainstorm _ed words, _ing words, ei words, _le, _tle and _el words and
silent letters. List the words on the board.
3. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Page 84. Children read the stories and ring the
_ed, _ing and ei words. Page 85. Children read the stories and ring the
_le, _tle and _el words and silent letters.

June – Week 2: Pupil’s book pages 86–87

Materials needed:
To assess children’s learning.
1. Revise the rules for
adding suffixes with the
children. Brainstorm and
list words on the board.
2. Revise three syllable
initial consonant blends
(ICBs) with the children.
Brainstorm and list words on the board.
3. Revise silent letters with the children. Brainstorm and list words on the


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 187 10/03/2016 11:10

4. Revise multi-syllable words with the children. Brainstorm and list words
on the board.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Assessment. Page 86. Children use the suffixes to
make new words. Children write the correct word for each picture. Page
87. Children write the missing silent letters. Children unscramble the
syllables and write the new words. Children complete dictation exercise.
Dictation for page 49:
1. The cat caught the mouse.
2. I thought it was rude to shout.
3. I wrote a story about a lamb.
4. I know how to spell the word funny.
5. I can write with my right and left hand.
6. The optician checked my vision.

June – Week 3: Pupil’s book pages 88–89

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Materials needed:
Two hoops.
To write three words for each
1. Pair Work. Children
open Just Phonics 2nd
Class on pages 88-89 and
brainstorm words for
each sound.
2. List words for each sound
on the board.
3. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Pages 88-89. Children write three words for each


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 188 10/03/2016 11:10

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Answers to 2nd Class Screening Test

Page 128 —————————————————————————————————
butterfly, plane, cloud, elephant
skate, fire, bride, coin
witch, mice, giraffe, snake
crab, ham, bulb, baby
bird, flower, train, monkey


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 189 10/03/2016 11:10

Class Progress Record
To read and write words containing:

ei double silent word
suffix: suffix: ending:
No. Pupil’s name and cons- b, k family:
_ed _ing _le
eigh onants and c _dge
and _el



Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book















Photocopiable page

190 Class:

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 190 10/03/2016 11:10

Suggested Key (from NCCA reports): 1 = Highly capable and competent
2 = Capable and competent 3 = Managing comfortably
4 = Experiencing some difficulty 5 = Experiencing significant difficulty

To read and write words containing:

word ph
silent suffix:
multi- short family: three-­ makes
silent h, l, d, suffix: _ly suffix:
syllable ea _ouse letter an
w s, t, u _y and _s
words sound and initial f
and g _ally
_out sound

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Photocopiable page

Teacher: 191

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 191 10/03/2016 11:10

Class Progress Record
To read and write words containing:

ei double silent word
suffix: suffix: ending:
No. Pupil’s name and cons- b, k family:
_ed _ing _le
eigh onants and c _dge
and _el



Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book















Photocopiable page

192 Class:

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 192 10/03/2016 11:10

Suggested Key (from NCCA reports): 1 = Highly capable and competent
2 = Capable and competent 3 = Managing comfortably
4 = Experiencing some difficulty 5 = Experiencing significant difficulty

To read and write words containing:

word ph
silent suffix:
multi- short family: multi-­ three-­ makes
silent h, l, d, suffix: _ly
syllable ea _ouse syllable letter an
w s, t, u _y and
words sound and words initial f
and g _ally
_out sound

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Photocopiable page

Teacher: 193

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 193 10/03/2016 11:11

Individual Progress
Pupil’s name: Age:

Class: Techer:
Highly Experiencing Experiencing
To read Capable and Managing
capable and some significant
and write: competent comfortably
competent difficulty difficulty

ei and eigh

suffix: _ed

double consonants
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

suffix: _ing

silent b, k and c

word ending: _le

and _el

word family: _dge


silent w

short ea sound

silent h, l, d, s, t, u
and g

suffix: _y

word family: _ouse

and _out

suffix: _ly and _ally

suffix: _s

three-letter initial
consonant blends
ph makes an f
Photocopiable page


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 194 10/03/2016 11:11

Dictation Sentences
Six Steps for teaching dictation
1. Teacher dictates a sentence.
2. The child repeats the sentence.
3. The child counts the number of words in the sentence.
4. The child writes the sentence.
5. The child proofreads what he or she wrote.
6. The teacher writes the sentence on the board, focusing on one word at
a time so that children can correct their work. Self-correction, where the
children begin to notice and correct their errors, is the key to dictation.

Dictation sentences

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

page 4. The cat, hen, pig and dog are in the tub. n
page 5. Kay got the train to jail. n
page 6. Green beans grow in the garden. n
page 7. I like to eat pie. n
page 8. The car drove up the road. n
page 9. I watch the news at six. n
page 10. I put my book on the shelf. n
page 11. June likes to chew gum. n
page 12. It is my turn to feed the birds by the river. n
page 13. I love to walk on the wall. n
page 14. Roy enjoys playing with the toy coin. n
page 15. I found a flower on the ground. n
page 16. How now, brown cow. n
page 17. I can hear a horse neigh. n
page 18. The plane landed on the runway. n
page 19. I skipped and clapped my hands. n
page 20. Dad chased the dog and waved his lead. n

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 195 10/03/2016 11:11

page 21. I cried, then dried my eyes. n
page 22. I have a kitten, a rabbit and a puppy. n
page 23. I ate bread and butter for supper. n
page 24. The girl was playing on the swing. n
page 26. 1. Five dolphins are diving in the sea. n
2. I like making cakes and sharing them. n
3. I like riding my pony. n
page 27. Mum is spraying the flowers. n
page 28. Lambs are baby sheep. n
page 29. 1. I climb up the hill. n
2. I use the comb to brush my hair. n
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

3. I gave my friend a thumbs up. n

4. I fed the bird crumbs. n
5. The plumber fixed the toilet. n
page 30. I cut the bread with a knife. n
page 31. I knock on the door and turn the knob. n
page 32. The hills were really scenic. n
page 33. I know how to shear a lamb. n
page 34. 1. The poodle is under the table. n
2. There is a tunnel under the castle. n
3. The apple fell into the puddle. n
4. People can be male or female. n
5. The doctor was gentle with my broken ankle. n
page 35. I have a little turtle. n
page 36. Hazel has a jewel. n
page 37. I put a label on my copy. n
page 38. We saw a crocodile on holiday. n
page 40. I cut the hedge with shears. n


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 196 10/03/2016 11:11

page 49. 1. My neighbour is eighty. n
2. The hedge is at the edge of the garden. n
3. The lamb is in the puddle. n
4. I know how to play basketball. n
5. I ate porridge and banana for breakfast. n
page 50. I wrote the answer in my copy. n
page 51. Mum had to wring the wet clothes. n
page 52. I had a pain in my head. n
page 53. I sweat in the hot weather. n
page 54. The ghost haunts the castle. n
page 55. The calf could walk when it was born. n

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

page 56. On Wednesday we went to the castle. n
page 57. I saw a sign for the lifeguard’s hut. n
page 59. The cowgirl was upset. n
page 60. My bedroom is really messy. n
page 61. Spending too long in the sun will make you saggy. n
page 62. Nora has rosy cheeks and shiny hair. n
page 63. The song they wrote was cheesy but catchy. n
page 64. The mouse is in his house. n
page 65. I joined the scouts when I turned eight. n
page 67. The boy rowed his boat merrily down the stream. n
page 68. I love to write with sparkly pens. n
page 69. The medicine was clinically tested. n
page 70. The seals and sharks live in the sea. n
page 71. I got chased by a swarm of flies. n
page 72. Foxes live in a den. n
page 73. The leaves on the trees are green in summer. n
page 74. Batman and Spiderman are superheroes. n


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 197 10/03/2016 11:11

page 79. Three men will scrub the decks. n
page 80. My school is on this street. n
page 83. I had to cut the shrub with the scissors. n
page 87. 1. The cat caught the mouse. n
2. I thought it was rude to shout. n
3. I wrote a story about a lamb. n
4. I know how to spell the word funny. n
5. I can write with my right and left hand. n
6. The optician checked my vision. n
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

Screening Test Sentences (page 129)

1. Mike ate the cake on the plate.
2. Pete eats cheese and meat.
3. The girl found a shirt by the river.
4. He sat on the chair and she cut his hair.
5. The jellyfish stung the cowboy.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 198 10/03/2016 11:11

2nd Class Answers
Page 4 ——————————————— Down: 1. bush 3. good 5. stood
B. 7. butcher 8. book 12. look
1. cat 2. mat 3. web 4. hen 5. sun 13. bully
6. jug. 7. dog. 8. fox 9. jam 10. fan
11. cup 12. cot 13. tap 14. bun Page 11 — —————————————
15. ten 16. bin 17. pig 18. mud A. There is no picture for: rule
19. bed 20. net
Page 12 — —————————————
Page 6 ——————————————— A.
A. Er: underwater forever never
1. True. 2. False. 3. True. 4. False energy faster clever brother
5. True 6. True 7. False 8. True Ir: circus circle thirty dirty shirt

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

skirt bird
Page 7 ——————————————— Ur: ur adventurous surf purple
A. future burning hurt burgers curly
Mike fly kite ride bike Clive slide
five replied sigh beside tried high Page 14 — —————————————
sky time friend like A.
royal boy spoil noise enjoy soil
Page 8 ——————————————— toilet coin annoy destroy voice toy
boat slow stone goal rainbow Page 15 — —————————————
window foal road A.
B. Words with no pictures: clown shout
1. crow 2. toast 3. Goats 4. foal crowd brown
5. bowl 6. nose 7. broke 8. pillow
Page 16 — —————————————
Page 9 ——————————————— A.
B. You have worked out how to crack
1. Tube 2. fuel 3. cube 4. rescue the code. Congratulations, you are
5. mule 6. dew 7. queue now a code detective.
8. newspaper
Page 17 — —————————————
Page 10 — ————————————— B.
A. 1. neigh 2. vein 3. eight 4. veil 5.
Across: 2. full 4. push 6. hook weigh 6. weight 7. neighbour
9. wood 10. foot 11. cook 8. eighty
13. brook 14. bull


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 199 10/03/2016 11:11

Page 19 — ————————————— C.
B. plumber subtle bomb
1. Yesterday he skipped to school.
2. This morning I spotted my friend Page 29 — —————————————
in the park and skipped over to A.
her. 2. lamb 3. thumb 4. climb 5. bomb
3. Last week I chatted to my friend. 6. comb 7. crumb 8. numb
4. Last night I wrapped up my lunch
for school. Page 31 — —————————————
Page 20 — ————————————— 1. knee 2. knit 3. knob 4. knuckle
B. 5. knead 6. knock 7. knack 8. knot
1. baked 2. waved 3. chased
4. saved 5. raked 6. tuned Page 32 — —————————————
7. pruned 8. hosed B.
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

1. scissors 2. science 3. scent

Page 21 — ————————————— 4. muscle
1. cried 2. tried 3. copied 4. tidied Page 34 — —————————————
5. buried 6. fried 7. carried
8. pried 9. dried 10. emptied A.
11. envied 12. occupied No picture for this word: trouble
13. multiplied 14. worried
Page 35 — —————————————
Page 25 — ————————————— A.
A. 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True
amazing picking bringing making 5. False 6. False 7. False 8. False
patting wagging barking hopping 9. True 10. True 11. True 12. False
running swimming diving skipping
clapping spotting showing telling Page 37 — —————————————
shopping A.
B. le words: kettle bottle waddle rattle
run running, shop shopping, cuddle sniffle cradle twinkle nibble
wag wagging, spot spotting, table example smuggles truffles
skip skipping, pat patting, clap skittles little saddle bridle whistle
clapping, swim swimming puddle middle gobble apples nettles

Page 28 — ————————————— el words: tunnel fennel trowel

B. channel spaniel rebel kennel
1. lamb 2. climb 3. debt 4. numb scoundrel quarrel squirrel grovels
5. womb 6. doubt 7. bomb angels


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 200 10/03/2016 11:11

Page 38 — ————————————— fried skated begged walked baked
D. slipped shopped
The Olympics are held every four
years. Assessment Page 48 — ———————
climb knife limb knowledge lamb
Page 41 — ————————————— crescent comb knickers know
A. scissors scenic ascend knot muscle
Across: 5. ridge 6. ledge 8. sledge knight knee science kneel knuckle
10. badge 15. porridge 16. midge plumber scent crumb doubt
17. trudge 18. hedge 19. judge knocker tomb bomb debt thumb
Down: 1. fridge 2. pledge 3. lodge numb knock knead womb
4. fudge 7. dodge 9. gadget
10. badger 11. edge 12. lodger candle funnel towel paddle angel
13. bridge 14. smudge saddle bottle tunnel

Page 46 — ————————————— Assessment Page 49 — ———————

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

A. Suffix –ed: walked jumped clapped
1. The candle is on the table. chatted slipped baked raked
2. The little lamb likes to climb up shaved tried cried
the hill. Suffix _ing: walking jumping
3. Babies like to play with rattles. clapping chatting slipping baking
4. The tomb is in the graveyard. raking shaving trying crying
5. The horse has a saddle and a
bridle. Assessment Page 50 — ———————
6. I use a scissors in science to cut 1. wrist 2. wren 3. wrinkles
the bottle. 4. answer 5. wrapper 6. wriggle
7. The cattle are in the middle of 1. write 8. sword 9. shipwreck
the puddle. 10. wrench
8. I made an apple and vegetable
smoothie. Page 51 — —————————————
9. The handle on the knife has A
stripes. write sword wrist wrong wren
10. The knight put a knot is his wrench
purple knickers. B.
The worm wriggles.
Page 47 — —————————————
A. Page 54 — —————————————
smiling wagging jumping shaving A.
cutting marching riding slipping 1. hour 2. heir 3. honest 4. ghost
running swimming flying crying 5. gherkin 6. rhubarb 7. rhyme
B. 8. exhaust 9. rhino
chased dived played waved hopped


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 201 10/03/2016 11:11

Page 55 — ————————————— Down: 2. rhubarb 3. Wednesday
B. 4. calf 7. guitar 8. salmon 11. calm
1. half 2. chalk 3. salmon 4. balm 12. castle 14. knot 15. who
5. palm 6. folk 7. calm 8. should
9. talk 10. walk Assessment Page 59 — ———————
Page 56 — ————————————— playpen eggcup handstand jellyfish
B. lighthouse seahorse
castle / the king and queen live in it.
Christmas / December 25th Assessment Page 60 — ———————
fasten / close your seatbelt B.
listen / hear 1. windy 2. tricky 3. sleepy 4. thirsty
whistle / a noise made with your 5. crispy 6. dirty 7. greedy 8. jumpy
bristle / found on a brush Assessment Page 61 — ———————
wrestle / fight
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

thistle / a plant starry spotty Floppy chatty Nutty
witty skinny runny fatty flabby
Page 57 — ————————————— snappy funny sunny
1. The lifeguard is on the beach. Assessment Page 62 — ———————
2. The girl was a guest at the party. A.
3. There is a crack in the building lazy hazy bony smoky slimy
4. Louise is playing the guitar. cheesy rosy crazy scary sparkly
5. The guinea pig is drinking water. shiny nosy stony grimy dozy
6. The puppy is a rogue.
B. Assessment Page 64 — ———————
reign / a king’s rule
gnome / often found in a garden. C.
champagne/a drink made in France The greenhouse is made from glass.
foreign / from another country
design / to plan and draw Assessment Page 65 — ———————
gnaw / to chew A.
sign / notice clout / to hit
resign / to quit grout / found between tiles
pout / to sulk
Page 58 — ————————————— out / the opposite of in
A. shout / to call out loudly
Across: 1. hour 3. wriggle 5. lamb snout / nose of a pig
6. design 9. island 10. biscuit spout / a kettle has a handle and…
12. chalk 13. yolk 16. rhyme 17. sprout / to grow
palm stout / bulky.
tout / to look for business


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 202 10/03/2016 11:11

trout / a type of fish. 4. finches 5. albatrosses 6. ostriches
about / close to 7. thrushes
without / opposite of with
Page 73 — —————————————
Page 67 — ————————————— A.
A 2. The horse hurt its hooves.
luckily steadily happily wearily 3. I picked up the green leaves in
noisily clumsily tidily hungrily the garden.
cheekily heartily busily merrily 4. The wives used the knives to cut
sleepily greedily the loaves.
B. 5. ‘Don’t hurt yourselves on the
1. happily 2. easily 3. tidily rocks!’ shouted Mum.
4. angrily 5. heavily 6. I read a book about the lives of
Page 69 — ————————————— B.
B. 1. wolves 2. calves 3. thieves

Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

1. magically 2. critically 4. elves
3. musically 4. organically
5. frantically 6. dramatically Page 80 — —————————————
7. logically 8. mechanically A.
No picture for this word: strong
Page 70 — —————————————
A. Page 81 — —————————————
1. A kindle of kittens B.
2. A band of gorillas 1. elephant 2. photograph 3. graph
3. A charm of hummingbirds 4. alphabet 5. nephew 6. geography
4. A colony of penguins 7. paragraph 8. sphere 9. triumph,
5. A pack of red pandas phase, telephone
6. A battery of barracudas
7. A tower of giraffes Page 82 — —————————————
Page 71 — ————————————— Across: 3. prophet 4. triumph
B. 5. graph 7. photograph
1. monkeys 3. butterflies 3. ponies 10. orphan 11. phoney 13. sphere
4. fireflies 5. turkeys 6. stingrays 7. 14. pharmacy 15. elephant
jays 8. puppies 9. canaries Down: 1. phantom 2. phrase
10. dragonflies 11. wallabies 3. phase 4. telephone 6. geography
12. flies 7. paragraph 8. physical 9. alphabet
10. nephew
Page 72 — —————————————
1. walruses 2. rhinoceroses 3. foxes


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Page 84 — ————————————— exhaust heir should
A. fantastic understand lemonade
walked looked waved spotted carried balcony hamburger gardener
skipped cried gravity energy jellyfish valentine
B. entertain elephant visitor
going hopping skipping swinging newspaper
sliding running jumping
eighty weighed eight neighbour
eighteen neigh neighbour

Assessment Page 85 — ———————

climbed knight knocked knee
muscle numb scissors doubt
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

castle able juggle bottle candle

skittle little saddle trifle ankle
Wednesday biscuits yolk rhubarb
designed guitars half guests
rhythm folk

Assessment Page 86 — ———————

Suffix _s: ants kittens flies cries
buses tomatoes elves wolves
Suffix _y: messy gloomy starry
funny chatty scary nosy rosy
Suffix _ly: nearly gently sleepily
luckily freckly scribbly clinically
Suffix _ed: messed walked cleaned
cried tried waved baked shaved
screw spring street sphere three
squid splash school shrub

Assessment Page 87 — ———————

rhyme wriggle design Wednesday
write guitar calm island calf castle
hour yolk rhubarb who chalk
half honest wrote wrist ghost folk


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 204 10/03/2016 11:11

at sit not us hug

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 205

can rid con cub hop
man win van cut spin
pan bit rot tub slim
Game: Magic e (pages 5–8)

fad hid mop kit strip

fat fin rod pet twin
tap rip nod dot quit

cap pin hop rat rag
2nd Class Photocopiables

Photocopiable page
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 11:12
Third Class Upwards
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 206 10/03/2016 11:12

Screening Test
Answers on page 269
Use the suffixes to make new words.
Remember the rules.
–s –y
horse fuss
cow room
fry flab
copy sun
potato spot
bus rose
leaf shine
dwarf bone
–ly –ed
month walk
year jump
angry slip
tidy chat
crackle bake
sparkle shave
music carry
tragic empty

Write the correct word for each picture. (2 marks per word)

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Score: Photocopiable page
50 Comment: 207

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 207 10/03/2016 11:12

Write the missing silent letter (w, h, l, d, s, t, u, g).
___reck ca___f cas___le ___our

desi___n g___ard We___nesday cha___k

___onest han___kerchief ___rist g___est

___nome han___some pa___m g___inea pig

wres___le forei___n g___ost s___ord

g___itar i___land whis___le si___n

Unscramble the syllables

green+ev+er = un+stand+der+ing =

in+fect+ dis = ness+i+happ =

cul+cal+ate = ent+per+man =

ac+cid+ent = per+al+son =

put+com+er = pal+prin+cip =

tic+fas+fan = dif+ence+fe r=

vest+in+ment = pot+to+a =

Dictation (2 marks per sentence)

See page 277 for sentences.
Your teacher will read sentences. Write each sentence here.
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

1. _ ___________________________________________________

2. _ ___________________________________________________

3. _ ___________________________________________________

4. _ ___________________________________________________

5. _ ___________________________________________________

6. _ ___________________________________________________

Photocopiable page Score:

208 50 Comment:

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 208 10/03/2016 11:12

September Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 209

1 Revision: short vowel sounds 4–5 N/A To read and write words containing the short
Revision: magic e vowel sounds and containing the magic e.
2 Revision: long a sound: –ai, 6–9 Week 1 To read and write words containing the long
a_e, ay, eigh and ei a and long e sounds. To learn to spell related
Revision long e sound: ee, y, words. To learn to spell four high frequency
e_e and ea words.
3 Revision: long i sound: –ie, 10–13 Week 2 To read and write words containing the long
i_e, y and igh i and long o sounds. To learn to spell related
Revision: long o sound: –oa, words. To learn to spell four high frequency
o_e and ow words.
4 Revision: long u sound: ue, 14–17 Week 3 To read and write words containing the long u
u_e and ew sound.
Compound words To read and write compound words. To learn to
spell related words. To learn to spell four high
frequency words.

September Plan Notes

Yearly Plan

Photocopiable page
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 11:12
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

October Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

1 Revision: suffix: _s, _ed and 18–20 Week 4 To read and write words containing the suffixes _s, _ed
_ing and _ing. To learn to spell related words. To learn to spell

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 210

four high frequency words.
2 Revision: suffix: _y,_ ly, _ily and 21 Week 5 To read and write words containing the suffixes _y,_ ly,
_ally _ily and _ally. To learn to spell related words. To learn to
spell four high frequency words.
3 Revision: silent letters 22–25 Week 6 To read and write words containing silent letters.
Prefix: un_ and re_ To read and write words containing the prefixes un- and
re-. To learn to spell related words. To learn to spell four
high frequency words.
4 Prefix: dis- 26–29 Week 7 To read and write words containing the prefixes un-, re- and
Revision: prefix un-, re- and dis-.
and dis- To read and write words containing the suffixes –er and
Suffix: _er and _est –est. To learn to spell related words. To learn to spell four
high frequency words.

October Plan Notes

10/03/2016 11:12
November Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 211

1 Suffix :_tion 30–33 Week 8 To read and write words containing the suffixes: _tion,
Suffix: _sion and -ssion, _sion, _ssion and _cian. To learn to spell related words. To
Suffix: _cian learn to spell four high frequency words.
Suffix: _tion, _sion, _ssion and
2 Homophones 34–35 Week 9 To read and identify homophones. To learn to spell related
words. To learn to spell four high frequency words.
3 Revision: suffix: _tion, _sion 36–37 Tricky spellings To read and write words containing the suffixes _tion,
and _cian 62–64 _sion and _cian
Revision: suffix: _ er and _est; To read and write words containing the suffixes _er
prefix: un_ and dis_ and _est, and the prefixes un_ and dis_. To revise tricky

November Plan Notes

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 11:12
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

December Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

1 Assessment 38–39 Tricky spellings To assess the children’s learning. To revise tricky spellings.

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 212

2 Prefix and suffix game 40–41 Tricky spellings To add prefixes and suffixes to root words. To revise tricky
62–64 spellings.

December Plan Notes

10/03/2016 11:12
January Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 213

1 Word endings: _ought, and 42–45 Week 10 To read and write words containing the word endings
_aught _ought, _aught and _ture. To learn to spell related words.
Revision: _ought and _aught To learn to spell four high frequency words.
Word ending: _ ture
2 People’s jobs: word ending _er 46–47 Week 11 To read and write words containing the word ending _er.
To learn to spell related words. To learn to spell four high
frequency words.
3 Word endings: _ear, _eer and 48–49 Week 12 To read and write words containing the word endings: _
_ere ear, _eer and _ere. To learn to spell related words. To learn
to spell four high frequency words.
4 Revision: _air, _are, _ear and _ere 50–51 Week 13 To read and write words containing the word endings: _air,
_are, _ear and _ere. To learn to spell related words. To learn
to spell four high frequency words.

January Plan Notes

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 11:12
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

February Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

1 Prefix: ex_, mis_, mid_ 52–54 Week 14 To read and write words containing the prefixes ex_, mis_
and mid_. To learn to spell related words. To learn to spell

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 214

four high frequency words.
2 Prefix: de_ and over_ 55–56 Week 15 To read and write words containing the prefixes de_ and
over_. To learn to spell related words. To learn to spell four
high frequency words.
3 Sounds: ng, nc and nk 58 Week 16 To read and write words containing ng, nc and nk sounds.
To learn to spell related words. To learn to spell four high
frequency words.

February Plan Notes

10/03/2016 11:12
March Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 215

1 Number prefixes 59 Week 17 To read and write words with number prefixes. To learn to
spell related words. To learn to spell four high frequency
2 Homographs 60–61 Week 18 To read and write homographs. To learn to spell related
words. To learn to spell four high frequency words.
3 Prefix: il_, im_, ir_ and in_ 62–63 Week 19 To read and write words with the prefixes il_, im_, ir_ and
Number prefixes in_. To read and write words containing number prefixes.
To learn to spell related words. To learn to spell four high
frequency words.

March Plan Notes

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 11:12
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

April Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

1 Suffixes: _able, _less, _al, _ible, 64–65 Week 20 To read and write words containing the suffixes _able,
_ness and _ful _ible, _less, _ness, _al and _ful. To learn to spell related

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 216

words. To learn to spell four high frequency words.
2 Prefixes 66 Week 21 To read and write words containing prefixes. To learn to
spell related words. To learn to spell four high frequency
3 Prefixes 67 Week 22 To read and write words containing prefixes. To learn to
spell related words. To learn to spell four high frequency
4 Multi-syllable words 68 Week 23 To read and write multi-syllable words. To learn to spell
related words. To learn to spell four high frequency words.

April Plan Notes

10/03/2016 11:12
May Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 217

1 Number prefixes 69–70 Week 24 To read and identify number prefixes. To read and write
Suffix _ous words containing the suffix _ous. To learn to spell related
words. To learn to spell four high frequency words.
2 Suffix _ive 71 Week 25 To read words containing the suffix _ive. To learn to spell
related words. To learn to spell four high frequency words.
3 Revision: homophones and 72–73 Week 26 To read and write homographs and homophones. To learn
homographs to spell related words. To learn to spell four high frequency
4 Revision: prefixes 74–75 Week 27 To read and write words containing prefixes. To learn the
spelling of compound words. To learn to spell four high
frequency words.

May Plan Notes

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 11:12
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

June Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives

1 Revision 76–77 Week 28 To read clues and complete the crossword.

Revision: suffixes To read and write words containing suffixes. To learn to

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 218

spell related words. To learn the spelling of compound
words. To learn to spell four high frequency words.
2 Assessment 78–79 Week 29 To assess children’s learning. To learn the spelling of
the suffixes _ture and _sion. To learn to spell four high
frequency words.
3 Revision 80 Week 30 To write three words for each sound. To learn to spell
related words. To learn the spelling of words with the
suffixes _tion, _sion, _ssion and _cian. To learn to spell
four high frequency words.

June Plan Notes

10/03/2016 11:13
Lesson Plans
Note: The month and week are merely guidelines. The rate at which sounds are learnt will
depend on numerous factors such as the ability of the class, your method of teaching, even
the timing of the Christmas play!

September – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 4

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the short vowel
1. Hold up short vowel posters. What sound does
each letter make?
2. Call out the vowel sounds. Children point to
the corresponding vowel sound in Just Phonics
3rd Class Upwards. Teach the children this little
sentence to help them remember the sound of
short vowels: An elephant in orange underwear.
3. Call out words with short vowel sounds, e.g. jam, bed, bin, log.
Children identify which vowel sound is in each word.
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Explain that you are focusing on
the short vowel sound in the middle. Use the code to colour the words.
Part B. Write six words for each vowel sound. Use the words in part A.
Part C. Read the sentences and draw a picture for each sentence.

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 219 10/03/2016 11:13

September – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 5
Materials needed:
Sound cards (see p. 285).
To read and write words containing the long a sound.
1. Revise the short vowel sounds. What is the
name of each vowel? Write the vowels on the
board. Revise the magic e rhyme: Magic e plays
a game, it makes the vowel says its name!
2. Write a list of words on the board, e.g. pin,
fin, hat, mat, bit, kit, cap, tap, rod, cod, cub,
tub, can, man, rid, hid, not, rob, din, tim, pet,
fad. Add the magic e and use the magic wand to change them. Magic e,
magic e, what will my new word be? What are the new words?
3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Read the word. Write the correct word
for each picture. Part B. Write the correct word for each sentence.
4. Play the game Magic e. Put sound cards into a hat. Ask a child to take
a card from the hat. The child reads the word, e.g. cap. Next the child
must say the word as if it had a magic e at the end, e.g. cape.

September – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 6

Materials needed:
Sound cards (see p. 286).
To read and write words containing the magic e.
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

1. Children listen to the ai sound. Ask them can
they think of any ways to write it? On the board
draw a table with all the ai sounds, like on the
next page.
2. Call out words (see lists on the next page for
examples) and ask the children which column
they think the word belongs to, e.g. rain. Ask a
child to write the word under that heading by sounding it out.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 220 10/03/2016 11:13

ai a-e (a magic e) ay eigh ey
rain fail game cake day may weigh vein
brain mail brake bake hay ray freight reindeer
train sail fame rate bray way eighteen abseil
aim tail name hate clay fray eight veil
stain snail snake crate tray stay neighbour beige
grain claim take ale x-ray sway eighth
sprain main lake plane pay spray
rail stain state gate play stray
trail vain mane grate pray away
plain paint cape chase lay delay

3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. The children find the long a
words in the whale and list them under each heading. Part B. Write
a smaller word found in each of the bigger words. Part C. Read and
remember the spelling of rain/rein/reign. Use a word wall chant (Just
Phonics 3rd Class Upwards p. 81) to learn these.
4. Play Sound Mix.
Game: Sound Mix
Give each child a sound card and ask them to find a space in the room. Tell
the children that when you say ‘Go’, they must find all the children with cards
that make the same sound as their own. When all sound groups have formed,
invite each group to hold up their cards and say their sound aloud. Tell the
children to swap cards with someone from another group and find their own
space again and start a new game.

September – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 7

Materials needed:
Photocopiable sound cards (see p.287).

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

To read and write words containing the long a sound.
1. Children listen to the ai sound. Ask them can
they think of any ways to write it? On the board
draw a table with all the ai sounds, like on the
next page.
2. Call out words (see lists on the next page for
examples) and ask the children which column
they think the word belongs to, e.g. rain. Ask a
child to write the word under that heading by sounding it out.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 221 10/03/2016 11:13

ai a-e (a magic e) ay eigh ey
rain fail game cake day may weigh vein
brain mail brake bake hay ray freight reindeer
train sail fame rate bray way eighteen abseil
aim tail name hate clay fray eight veil
stain snail snake crate tray stay neighbour beige
grain claim take ale x-ray sway eighth
sprain main lake plane pay spray
rail stain state gate play stray
trail vain mane grate pray away
plain paint cape chase lay delay

3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. The children join the correct
parts to make sentences. Read the sentences. Part B. Change the sound
and write the new words. Read the words. Part C. Write a sentence
using each word. Read the sentences. Part D. Read and remember how
to write said. Use a word wall chant (Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards p.
81) to learn this.
Dictation for this page: I found eight snails in the lane.
Game: Sound Hat
Place sound cards into a large hat. Children sit in a large circle. Pass the hat to
the first child. They take a card from the hat, say that sound and a word that
has that sound, e.g. ee, bee. If the child is correct they keep the card. Continue
playing until all the cards are gone from the hat.

September – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 8

Materials needed:
Sound cards (see p. 287).
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

To read and write words containing the long e sound.

1. Children listen to the ee sound. Ask them can
they think of any ways to write it. On the board
draw a table with all the ai sounds, like on the
next page.
2. Call out words (see lists on the next page for
examples) and ask the children which column
they think the word belongs to, e.g. rain. Ask a
child to write the word under that heading by sounding it out.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 222 10/03/2016 11:13

ee y ea
(e magic e)
beech feel deer angry duty party here each leak ear
speech heel peer army empty sorry these peach peak hear
need steel meet baby every twenty theme reach weak cheat
reed seem sweet berry family thirty gene teach squeak east
seed been street body glory very concrete lead cream feast
weed queen bee carry hungry compete read dream sea
cheek deep coffee cherry lady delete leaf bean
leek weep agree copy marry leave jeans
week sheep thirteen curry memory beak cheap

3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Read the words and use the code
to colour the words. Part B. Write four words under each heading using
the words from part A. Part C. Read the words and find a smaller word
in each word. Write the smaller word.
Dictation for this page: The queen eats cheese and peas.
Game: Sound Mix
Give each child a sound card and ask them to find a space in the room. Tell
the children that when you say ‘Go’, they must find all the children with cards
that make the same sound as their own. When all sound groups have formed,
invite each group to hold up their cards and say their sound aloud. Tell the
children to swap cards with someone from another group and find their own
space again and start a new game.

September – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 9

Materials needed:
Sound cards (see p. 287).

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

To read and write words containing the long e sound.
1. Children listen to the ee sound. Ask them can
they think of any ways to write it. On the board
draw a table with all the ee sounds, like on the
next page.
2. Call out words (see lists on the next page for
examples) and ask the children to come up with
a rhyming word. Write them on the board.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 223 10/03/2016 11:13

ee y ea
(e magic e)
beech feel deer angry duty party here each leak ear
speech heel peer army empty sorry these peach peak hear
need steel meet baby every twenty theme reach weak cheat
reed seem sweet berry family thirty gene teach squeak east
seed been street body glory very concrete lead cream feast
weed queen bee carry hungry compete read dream sea
cheek deep coffee cherry lady delete leaf bean
leek weep agree copy marry leave jeans
week sheep thirteen curry memory beak cheap

3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Read the words and write a
rhyming word for each. Part B. Read the words and find a smaller word
in each word. Write the smaller word. Part C. Read the clues. Match
each clue to its word. Read and remember the spellings from: piece of
pie. Use a word wall chant (Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards p.81) to learn
Dictation for this page: The greedy boy eats too much meat.
Game: Sound Hat
Place sound cards into a large hat. Children sit in a large circle. Pass the hat to
the first child. They take a card from the hat, say that sound and a word that
has that sound, e.g. ee, bee. If the child is correct they keep the card. Continue
playing until all the cards are gone from the hat.

September – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 10

Materials needed:
Sound cards (see p. 287).
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

To read and write words containing the long i sound.
1. Children listen to the long i sound. Ask them
can they think of any ways to write it? On the
board draw a table with all the long i sounds,
like on the next page.
2. Call out words (see lists on the next page for
examples) and ask the children which column
they think the word belongs to, e.g. die. Ask a
child to write the word under that heading by sounding it out.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 224 10/03/2016 11:13

ie i-e cry igh
die bribe life pile by ply why high fight sight
lie tribe wife crime my sly July sigh might flight
pie hide bike time cry spy apply thigh night fright
tie wide like fine fry shy reply right tight
bride mile fire fly sty bright fright

3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Children find the words in the
hive. List six words under each heading. Part B. Read the words. Write
a smaller word from each of the words. Part C. Read and remember the
spellings: tide/tied, site/sight, right/write. Use a word wall chant (Just
Phonics 3rd Class Upwards p. 81) to learn these.
Dictation for this page: I like to fly my kite.
Game: Sound Mix
Give each child a sound card and ask them to find a space in the room. Tell
the children that when you say ‘Go’, they must find all the children with cards
that make the same sound as their own. When all sound groups have formed,
invite each group to hold up their cards and say their sound aloud. Tell the
children to swap cards with someone from another group and find their own
space again and start a new game.

September – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 11

Materials needed:
Sound cards (see p. 287).
To read and write words containing the long i sound.
1. Children listen to the ie sound. Ask them can

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

they think of any ways to write it? On the board
draw a table with all the ie sounds, like below.
2. Call out words (see lists below for examples)
and ask the children which column they think
the word belongs to, e.g. pie. Ask a child to
write the word under that heading by sounding
it out.
ie i-e cry igh
die bribe life pile by ply why high fight sight
lie tribe wife crime my sly July sigh might flight
pie hide bike time cry spy apply thigh night fright
tie wide like fine fry shy reply right tight
bride mile fire fly sty bright fright


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 225 10/03/2016 11:13

3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. The children join the correct
parts to make sentences. Read the sentences. Part B. Change the sound
and write the new words. Read the words. Part C. Write a sentence
using each word. Read the sentences. Part D. Read and remember how
to write: aisle/isle/I’ll. Use a word wall chant (Just Phonics 3rd Class
Upwards p.81) to learn these.
Dictation for this page: I smile when I am happy.

Game: Sound Hat

Place sound cards into a large hat. Children sit in a large circle. Pass the hat to
the first child. They take a card from the hat, say that sound and a word that
has that sound, e.g. ee, bee. If the child is correct they keep the card. Continue
playing until all the cards are gone from the hat.

September – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 12

Materials needed: Sound cards (see p. 287).
To read and write words containing the long o sound.
1. Children listen to the oa sound. Ask them can
they think of any ways to write it? On the board
draw a table with all the oa sounds, like below.
2. Call out words (see lists below for examples)
and ask the children which column they think
the word belongs to, e.g. robe. Ask a child to
write the word under that heading by sounding
it out.
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

oa o-e (o magic e) ow
boat poach moat robe stroke hope crow arrow tow
bloat foam loan globe hole nose show window slow
float groan foal code whole drove snow bow throw
coat soap coal rode home stove bowl low pillow
coach coast joke bone flow mow
goal oats smoke stone grow sow

3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Colour the oa words blue, the ow
words yellow and the o-e words green. Read the blue, yellow and green
words. Part B. Read the words, read the clues. Complete the crossword.
Part C. Read the words. Write the smaller word from each of these


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 226 10/03/2016 11:13

Dictation for this page: The rope on the boat broke.
Game: Sound Mix
Give each child a sound card and ask them to find a space in the room. Tell
the children that when you say ‘Go’, they must find all the children with cards
that make the same sound as their own. When all sound groups have formed,
invite each group to hold up their cards and say their sound aloud. Tell the
children to swap cards with someone from another group and find their own
space again and start a new game.

September – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 13

Materials needed: Sound cards (see p. 287).
To read and write words containing the long o sound.
1. Children listen to the oa sound. Ask them can
they think of any ways to write it? On the board
draw a table with all the oa sounds, like below.
2. Call out words (see lists below for examples)
and ask the children which column they think
the word belongs to, e.g. robe. Ask a child to
write the word under that heading by sounding
it out.
oa o-e (o magic e) ow
boat poach moat robe stroke hope crow arrow tow
bloat foam loan globe hole nose show window slow
float groan foal code whole drove snow bow throw
coat soap coal rode home stove bowl low pillow
coach coast joke bone flow mow

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

goal oats smoke stone grow sow

3. Orally call out words from the list above. Ask the children to call a
rhyming word back.
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. The children are repeating step
2 above. They can use the words in part A on p. 12. Part B. Write a
rhyming word for each of the words. Part C. Read the clues. Read the
words. Match each clue to a word. Read and remember: road/rode/
rowed. Use a word wall chant (Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards p. 81) to
learn these.
Dictation for this page: I wear a coat in the snow.
Game: Sound Hat
Place sound cards into a large hat. Children sit in a large circle. Pass the hat to


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 227 10/03/2016 11:13

the first child. They take a card from the hat, say that sound and a word that
has that sound, e.g. ee, bee. If the child is correct they keep the card. Continue
playing until all the cards are gone from the hat.

September – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 14

Materials needed: Sound cards (see p. 287).
To read and write words containing the long u sound.
1. Children listen to the ue sound. Ask them can
they think of any ways to write it? On the board
draw a table with all the ue sounds, like below.
2. Call out words (see lists below for examples)
and ask the children which column they think
the word belongs to,e.g. cube. Ask a child to
write the word under that heading by sounding
it out.
ue u-e (u magic e) ew
cue argue cube mute dew view
due rescue use huge few review
hue continue fuse pure new skew
value cute sure pew stew

3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. The children find the words
in the tube. Write six words under each heading. Part B. Change one
letter on each rung of the ladder. Read the clues to decide which letter
changes. Part C. Read and remember: ewe/you/yew. Use a word wall
chant (Just Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards p. 81) to learn these.
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

Dictation for this page: The fuel caused fumes.

Game: Sound Mix
Give each child a sound card and ask them to find a space in the room. Tell
the children that when you say ‘Go’, they must find all the children with cards
that make the same sound as their own. When all sound groups have formed,
invite each group to hold up their cards and say their sound aloud. Tell the
children to swap cards with someone from another group and find their own
space again and start a new game.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 228 10/03/2016 11:13

September – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 15
Materials needed: Sound cards (see p. 287).
To read and write words containing the long u sound.
1. Children listen to the ue sound. Ask them can
they think of any ways to write it? On the board
draw a table with all the ue sounds, like below.
2. Call out words (see lists below for examples)
and ask the children which column they think
the word belongs to, e.g. cube. Ask a child to
write the word under that heading by sounding
it out.
ue u-e (u magic e) ew
cue argue cube mute dew view
due rescue use huge few review
hue continue fuse pure new skew
value cute sure pew stew

3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. The children join the correct
parts to make sentences. Read the sentences. Part B. Change the sound
and write the new words. Read the words. Part C. Write a sentence
using each word. Read the sentences. Part D. Read and remember: new/
knew. Use a word wall chant (Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards p. 81) to
learn this.

Dictation for this page: I knew we would have stew today.

Game: Sound Hat
Place sound cards into a large hat. Children sit in a large circle. Pass the hat to

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

the first child. They take a card from the hat, say that sound and a word that
has that sound, e.g. ee, bee. If the child is correct they keep the card. Continue
playing until all the cards are gone from the hat.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 229 10/03/2016 11:13

September – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 16
Materials needed: None.
To read and write compound words.
1. Write some individual words that when
combined make a compound word with a
new meaning.
butter cup buttercup butter fly butterfly
lady bird ladybird jig saw jigsaw
ham burger hamburger oat meal oatmeal
star fish starfish wheel chair wheelchair
arm chair armchair

2. Define a compound word. It is when two words are put together and
make one word with a new meaning.
3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Look at the pictures. Write the words.
Put them together to form the new word. Draw the picture for the new
Dictation for this page: The goldfish and jellyfish were wet.

September – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 17

Materials needed: None.
To read and write compound words.
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

1. Write some individual words that when combined

makes a compound word with a new meaning.
pass port passport tea cup teacup
hand bag handbag heart ache heartache
table spoon tablespoon basket ball basketball
play ground playground year book yearbook
quick sand quicksand cross road crossroad

2. Define a compound word. It is when two words

are put together and make one word with a new meaning.
3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Look at the pictures. Join the
words to make compound words. Write each new word. Match it to the
correct picture. Part B. Find the small words in the compound words.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 230 10/03/2016 11:13

Write them.
Dictation for this page: The flowerpot is on the windowsill.

October – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 18

Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the suffix s.
1. Write these pairs of sentences. Ask the children
to examine them and answer the question for
each sentence:
There is a cat on the roof.
There are cats on the roof.
How many cats are on the roof?
The monkey is in the tree.
The monkeys are in the tree.
How many monkeys are in the tree?
The pony is in the paddock.
The ponies are in the paddock.
How many ponies are in the paddock?
The aim is to get the children to identify that the suffix _s means more
than one. Teach the children that the suffix _s means more than one.
2. Ask the children to list the vowels. If a word ends in a vowel before
the y, just add _s. Examples of this would be: trolley, trolleys; monkey,
Ask the children to list the consonants. If a word ends in a consonant

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

before the y, take away the y and add _ies. Examples of this would be:
baby, babies; pony, ponies.
3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Examine the last two letters
in each word. Is it a vowel or consonant before the y? If it is a vowel
colour the word yellow. If it is a consonant colour the word green.
Add the suffix _s to each word. Part B. Sort the plurals from Activity A
under the correct rule.
Dictation for this page: The monkeys ate the flies.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 231 10/03/2016 11:14

October – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 19
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the suffix _s.
1. Orally ask the children to answer the following
questions. Write the answers on the board.
There was one wolf at the pig’s door. Another
came along. What was at the pig’s door?
(Two wolves)
There was a green leaf on the tree. Another leaf
grew. What was on the tree? (Two leaves)
Three children put their knife on the table. What was on the table?
(Three knives)
The aim is to get the children to identify that the suffix _s means more
than one. We also want them to discover that when adding the suffix _s
to a word ending in f, change the f to a v and add _es.
2. Write the following story on the board. Highlight the words with the
suffix _s.
The three witches wore finches on their snake skin dresses. They rode
buses around the town collecting boxes of potatoes and tomatoes for
their scrumptious dishes.
Point out that if a word ends in s, x, z, sh, ch or ss, add _es. Also if a
word ends in o, add _es.
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Add _s. Find each new word
in the word search. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part B. Read and
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

remember. If a word ends in o, add _es, e.g. potato/potatoes, tomato/

Dictation for this page: The knives are on the shelf.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 232 10/03/2016 11:14

October – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 20
Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the suffix ed and
1. Write this story on the board. Ask the children
to underline the words with the suffix _ed. Tell
the story as if it is happening now.
Emer walked to the park with her cousin Molly.
They chatted all the way. When they arrived
they skipped around the playground. Molly
climbed on the swing, but when she jumped off
she cried as she landed on the ground. When it was time to leave Emer
waved goodbye to Molly and yelled: ‘Hope you feel better!’
Ask the children when this story happened? In the past, present or
The suffix _ed means in the past. The suffix _ing means an action.
2. Write the four rules. Write the words with the suffix _ed from the story
beside the correct rule. Write the root for each word. Add the suffix
Rule suffix _ed root word suffix _ing
Add the suffix _ed, _ing walked walk walking
climbed climb climbing
jumped jump jumping
landed land landing
yelled yell yelling
In words that end in a consonant vowel consonant chatted chat chatting
– double the final consonant and add the suffix skipped skip skipping

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

_ed, _ing.
In words that end in a magic e – remove the e and arrived arrive arriving
add the suffix _ed, _ing waved wave waving
In words that end in a y – Change the y to an cried cry crying
i and add the suffix _ed. Leave as y to add the
suffix _ing.

3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Add the suffix _ed, _ing.
Dictation for this page: I baked a cake and tidied up.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 233 10/03/2016 11:14

October – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 21
Materials needed: None.
Objective(s): To read and write words containing the
suffixes _y, _ly, _ily and _ally.
1. Ask the children to define what a suffix is. A
letter or group of letters added to a word to
change its meaning.
2. The suffix _y means having or being. Just
Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Read each
word. Add the suffix _y to make a new word.
The rules below may help.
In most words add the suffix _y. In words that end in e – In words that end in a
remove the e and add the consonant vowel consonant
suffix _y. – double the final consonant
and add the suffix –y.
3. Read the jokes in Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards.
4. The suffix _ly means how something is done or how often something is
done. Part B. Add the suffix _y, _ly, _ily and _ally to make a new word.
The rules below may help.
In most words: add the suffix _ly
In words ending in le: remove the e and add the suffix _y.
In two syllable words ending in y: remove the y and add the suffix _ily.
In words ending in ic: add the suffix _ally.

October – Week 3: Pupil’s book pages 22–23

Materials needed: None.
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

To read and write words
containing silent letters.
1. Write these words on
the board: knight,
Wednesday, sign, gnome
and wrestler. Ask the
children to identify what
they have in common.
Highlight the silent letters
in these words.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 234 10/03/2016 11:14

2. Using Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards, follow the instructions and colour
the pictures. Underline the words with silent letters in the instructions.
In activity B write two words for each silent letter from activity A.

October – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 24

Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the prefix un_.
1. Say list of words for the children, e.g. unfair,
unhealthy, unhappy, uncomfortable. Can the
children identify something all the words have
in common? Tell the children that all the words
have the prefix un_. Brainstorm other words
that have un_ at the start. Ask the children if
they know what a prefix is?
2. Define prefix. A prefix comes at the start of a
word. It changes the word’s original meaning.
The prefix un_ means ‘not’. Ask them if they know any other prefixes.
Write this on a poster.
3. Children open Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards on page 24. Part A. The
children must add the prefix un to each word and read the word. Part
B. The children will use the words from part A to write the correct word
in each sentence. The children will read the sentences from part B with
their partner.
Dictation for this page: I undress to go for a swim.

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 235 10/03/2016 11:14

October – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 25
Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the prefix re_.
1. Say list of words for the children, e.g. reappear,
rewrite, redo, rebuild. Can the children identify
something all the words have in common? Tell
the children that all the words have the prefix
re_. Brainstorm other words that have re_ at
the start. Ask the children if they know what a
prefix is?
2. Define prefix. A prefix comes at the start of a
word. It changes the word’s original meaning. The prefix re_ means ‘again’.
Ask the children if they know any other prefixes. Write these on a poster.
3. Children open Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards on page 25. Part A. The
children must add the prefix re to each word and read the word. Part
B. The children will use the words from activity A to write the correct
word in each sentence. The children will read the sentences from
activity B with their partner.
Dictation for this page: I refuel the car after a trip.

October – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 26

Materials needed:
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

To read and write words containing the prefix dis_.

1. Say list of words for the children, e.g. disappear,
dislike, disused, disagree. Can the children
identify something all the words have in
common? Tell the children that all the words
have the prefix dis_. Brainstorm other words
that have dis_ at the start. Ask the children if
they know what a prefix is?
2. Define prefix. A prefix comes at the start of a word. It changes the
word’s original meaning. The prefix dis_ means ‘not’ or ‘opposite of’.
Ask the children if they know any other prefixes. Write these on a poster.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 236 10/03/2016 11:14

3. Children open Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards on page 26. Part A. The
children must add the prefix dis_ to each word and read the word.
Part B. The children will use the words from activity A to write the
correct word in each sentence. The children will read the sentences from
activity B with their partner. Orally ask the children to create sentences
using the prefix dis_. Part C. The children will write two sentences
using the prefix dis_.
Dictation for this page: I dislike sugar in my tea.

October – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 27

Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the prefixes un_,
re_ and dis_.
1. Say list of words for the children, e.g. unfair,
unhealthy, unhappy, uncomfortable, reappear,
rewrite, redo, rebuild, disappear, dislike,
disused, disagree. Can the children identify
something all the words have in common? Tell
the children that all the words have prefixes.
Ask the children if they know what a prefix is?
Define prefix. A prefix comes at the start of a
word. It changes the word’s original meaning.
2. Brainstorm the prefixes they know and what they mean.
un- The prefix un_ means ‘not’.
re- The prefix re_ means ‘again’.

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

dis- The prefix dis_ means ‘not’ or ‘opposite of’.

3. Children open Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards on page 27. Part A. The
children must define a prefix. Part B. The children add the prefix un_,
re_ or dis_ to each word and read the new word. In pairs the children
orally make a sentence for each new word.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 237 10/03/2016 11:14

October – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 28
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the suffixes _er
and _est.
1. Read the stories to the children. Ask the
children to figure out the answers.
Conor is taller than Dara. Emer is shorter than
Dara. Who is taller, Conor or Emer?
Michael is taller than Aoife. John is shorter than
Aoife. Who is taller, Michael or John?
Jack was later than Lucy. Damien was earlier than Lucy. Who was
earlier, Jack or Damien?
Caitriona was later than Ava. Harry was earlier than Ava. Who was
earlier, Caitriona or Harry?
2. The suffix _er is used when comparing two things. Just Phonics 3rd Class
Upwards. Part A. Compare two things. Write the correct word for each
sentence. The suffix _est is used when comparing two or more things.
Part B. Compare more than two things. Write the correct word for each
3. Read some two syllable words ending in y. When comparing drop the y.
Add an i before _er and _est.
Jamie is grumpy. Is there anyone grumpier?
Aimee is happy. Is there anyone happier?
Michael is early. Was anyone earlier?
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

Emer is very pretty. Is there anyone prettier?

Learn the rule: For two syllable words ending in y, drop the y. Add an i
before _er and _est.
4. Part C. Two-syllable words. Write the correct word for each sentence.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 238 10/03/2016 11:14

October – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 29
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the suffixes _er
and _est.
1. Read the stories to the children. Ask the
children to figure out the answers. Write the
underlined words (and their root words) on the
board and see can they figure out the rule.
Conor is wiser than Dara. Dara is wiser than
Emer. Who is the wisest? (wise)
Michael is cuter than Aoife. Aoife is cuter than John. Who is the cutest?
Jack was later than Lucy. Lucy was later than Damien. Who was latest?
Caitriona was nicer than Laura. Laura was nicer than Saoirse. Who was
nicest? (nice)
2. The suffix _er is used when comparing two things. The suffix _est is
used when comparing two or more things. For words that end in an e,
drop the e. Add _er or _est.
3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. In activity A use the root words to write
the correct word for each sentence. Read the sentences. In activity B
add the suffix _er and the suffix _est to each word. Read the words.
Write the correct word for each sentence. In activity C choose the
correct word for each sentence. Read the sentences.

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 239 10/03/2016 11:14

November – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 30
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the suffix _tion.
1. Call out some words with the _tion ending.
Ask the children can they hear that the ending
is the same in all the words? Write the words
on the board. Identify the _tion spelling in the
words. This is the most common way that the
‘tion’ sound is written.
information position situation attention subtraction
question action condition publication multiplication
education section production addition

2. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Add the suffix _tion. Write the
words. List the words in alphabetical order.
3. In part B write the correct word for each sentence. Read the sentences.
Dictation for this page: I got a large portion of ice cream.

November – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 31

Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the suffixes _sion
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

and _ssion.
1. Call out some words with the _sion ending. Ask
the children can they hear that the ending is
the same in all the words. Write the words on
the board. Identify the _sion/_ssion spelling in
the words.
division decision discussion vision pension
recession commission version conclusion impression
mission television expression session


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 240 10/03/2016 11:14

2. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. In activity A break each _sion word into
two pieces. Read each word. In activity B break each _sion word into
three pieces. Read each word. In activity C break each _sion word into
four pieces. Read each word. In activity D put the pieces together and
read each word. In activity E put the pieces in the correct order. Read
the words.
Dictation for this page: My vision is poor in the dark.

November – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 32

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the suffix _cian.
1. Call out some words with the _cian ending.
Ask the children can they hear that the ending
is the same in all the words? Write the words
on the board. Identify the _cian spelling in
the words. See do they notice that they are all
2. In Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards write the
missing words. Match each sentence to the
correct picture.
3. Play the game Fishing using some of the words above.
Dictation for this page: The musician can play the flute.
Game: Fishing
This game is similar to the traditional game: Hangman. Represent a word on
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
the board with a dash for every letter. Children guess letters. If they guess a
letter correctly, write the letter on the corresponding dash. If they guess an
incorrect letter, draw a part of a fish (body, tail, fin, eye and mouth). If you
complete the fish before the children guess all the letters you win and start a
new game. If the word is completed before the fish is drawn the children win
the game.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 241 10/03/2016 11:14

November – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 33
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the suffixes:
_tion, _sion, _ssion and _cian.
1. Call out some words with the _tion ending. Ask
the children can they hear that the ending is
the same in all the words. Write the words on
the board. Identify which ending each word
has. Read the lists.
_tion _sion and _ssion _cian
information condition division version politician clinician
question production recession expression musician dietician
education attention mission vision physician beautician
position publication decision conclusion magician optician
action addition commission session technician
section subtraction television pension electrician
situation multiplication discussion impression mathematician

2. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Read the words. Write the correct
word for each sentence. Read the sentences. Play the game Fishing using
some of the words above. Part B. Read the jokes.
Game: Fishing
This game is similar to the traditional game: Hangman. Represent a word on
the board with a dash for every letter. Children guess letters. If they guess a
letter correctly, write the letter on the corresponding dash. If they guess an
incorrect letter, draw a part of a fish (body, tail, fin, eye and mouth). If you
complete the fish before the children guess all the letters you win and start a
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

new game. If the word is completed before the fish is drawn the children win
the game.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 242 10/03/2016 11:14

November – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 34
Materials needed:
Loop cards (see Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards p. 88).
To read and identify homophones.
1. Ask the children to tell you what these words
mean. Hopefully they will realise that there is
more than one meaning for each word.
ate/eight bare/bear blew/blue
break/brake cent/sent/scent great/grate
night/knight meat/meet hole/whole
sell/cell way/weigh
2. As they explain them write both spellings on
the board.
3. Define Homophone. Homophones are words that sound the same but
have different spellings.
4. In Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards look at the words. Draw the missing
Game: Homophone Loop Game (This can be played in groups or individually.)
Photocopy page 88 of Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards and cut into 33 rectangles.
To play in a group or as a whole class:
Distribute the card to the children. Ask: ‘Who has the first card?’ That child
reads their clue aloud. The rest of the children listen to the clues and if they
have the matching answer they read their card. This continues until one of the
children says: ‘I have the last card.’
To play individually:
The child read the cards silently and lays them out in the correct order on

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

their desk.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 243 10/03/2016 11:14

November – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 35
Materials needed:
Loop cards (see Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards p. 88).
To read and identify homophones.
1. Ask the children to tell you what these words
mean. Hopefully they will realise that there
is more than one meaning for each word by
putting it in a sentence.
tale/tail would/wood son/sun
made/maid sea/see sail/sale
peace/piece principal/principle need/knead
rain/reign/rein plain/plane hour/our
2. As the childrens explain them write both spellings on the board.
3. Define Homophone. Homophones are words that sound the same but
have different spellings.
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Choose the correct word for each
sentence. Read the sentences. Part B. Read the funny story. Look at the
Game: Homophone Loop Game
(This can be played in groups or individually.) Photocopy page 88 of Just Phonics
3rd Class Upwards and cut into 33 rectangles.
To play in a group or as a whole class:
Distribute the cards to the children. Ask: ‘Who has the first card?’
That child reads their clue aloud. The rest of the children listen to the clues
and if they have the matching answer they read their card. This continues until
one of the children says: ‘I have the last card.’
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

To play individually:
The child read the cards silently and lays them out in the correct order on
their desk.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 244 10/03/2016 11:15

November – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 36
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the suffixes:
_tion, _sion and _cian.
1. Brainstorm the list of words with the ‘tion’
sound (_tion, _sion or _cian at the end). Make a
list on the board. Read the lists.
_tion _sion
information condition division version
question production recession expression
education attention mission vision
position publication decision conclusion
action addition commission session
section subtraction television pension
situation multiplication discussion impression
politician magician mathematician beautician
musician technician clinician optician
physician electrician dietician

2. Spot the patterns:

Occupations are usually –cian. –tion is the most common.
3. Play Bingo!
The children choose 16 words from the list and write each one in a box.
The teacher calls out a word. If the child has the word they cross it out.
The first child to cross out 16 words calls out: ‘Bingo’!
Dictation for this page: I had to do revision for the test.

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 245 10/03/2016 11:15

November – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 37
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the suffixes: _er
and _est, and the prefixes: un_ and dis_.
1. Read the stories to the children. Ask the
children to figure out the answers.
Conor is taller than Dara. Emer is shorter than
Dara. Who is the tallest?
Michael is taller than Aoife. John is shorter than
Aoife. Who is the shortest?
Jack was later than Lucy. Damien was earlier than Lucy. Who was the
Caitriona was later than Ava. Harry was earlier than Ava. Who was the
2. Remember the things we know about the suffixes _er and _est.
The suffix _er is used when comparing two things.
The suffix _est is used when comparing two or more things.
For two syllable words ending in y, drop the y. Add an i before _er and
_est, e.g. grumpy, grumpier, grumpiest.
For words that end in an e, drop the e. Add _er or _est, e.g. cute, cuter,
3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Write the correct word for each
sentence. Read the sentences. Say a list of words for the children, e.g.
unfair, unhealthy, unhappy, uncomfortable, disappear, dislike, disused,
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

disagree. Can the children identify something all the words have in
common? Tell the children that all the words have prefixes. Ask the
children if they know what a prefix is? Define prefix. A prefix comes at
the start of a word. It changes the word’s original meaning.
4. Brainstorm the prefixes they know and what they mean.
un- The prefix un_ means ‘not’.
re- The prefix re_ means ‘again’.
dis- The prefix dis_ means ‘not’ or ‘opposite of’.

5. Part B. The children write a word using un_ or dis_ to complete each
sentence. Read the sentences.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 246 10/03/2016 11:15

December – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 38
Materials needed: None.
Objective(s): To assess children’s learning.
1. Revise the six steps for teaching dictation (see
p.275). The children will not self-correct this
exercise as it is an assessment. In Part B the
teacher will read the sentences (on p. 86 in Just
Phonics 3rd Class Upwards). The pupils write the
sentences in the book. (The underlined words
are the target words for this assessment: marks
awarded out of /8.)
Dictation for this page:
1. We had subtraction homework. 5. The musician played music.
2. The magician did tricks. 6. Revision means to go over again.
3. I made a decision. 7. The school is in a nice location.
4. I like addition. 8. The politician opened the school.
2. On the board the teacher will do an example of the second part of the
assessment. The children then commence the assessment by adding _er
and _est to each word. Read each word to check it.
Example for the teacher to do on the board:
root word suffix _er suffix _est
long longer longest
easy easier easiest

December – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 39

Materials needed: None.
Objective(s): To assess children’s learning. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

1. Revise that a prefix comes at the start of a word.
It changes the word’s original meaning. Ask the
children if they can remember their meanings.
un- The prefix un_ means ‘not’.
re- The prefix re_ means ‘again’.
dis- The prefix dis_ means ‘not’ or ‘opposite of’.

2. Choose the correct prefix/prefixes for each root

word. Mark with an x anywhere the word is not
a real word.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 247 10/03/2016 11:15

3. In the second activity the children write the correct word for each
sentence. Read the sentences.

December – Week 2: Pupil’s book pages 40–41

Materials needed:
One counter per player, one
die per group (2–4 players),
flashcards (see p. 285).
To add prefixes and suffixes to
root words.
1. Demonstrate how to play
the game with a group of
2-4 players.
2. Using Just Phonics 3rd
Class Upwards the children play the game in groups following the rules
from page 40.
Each player should put their token at the start sign.
The first player rolls the die and moves their token that number of
Roll the dice. Move your counter.
If you land on a root word, choose a prefix or a suffix to make a new
real word (e.g. if you land on the word ‘build’, you could make the
word ‘rebuild’). You cannot move until you make a word.
If you land on a word that is not a root word, skip a turn.
Throw the exact number to land on the crown to win.
Game: Magic e
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

Put word cards into a hat. Ask a child to take a card from the hat. The child
reads the word, e.g. cap. Next the child must say the word as if it had a magic
e at the end, e.g. cape.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 248 10/03/2016 11:15

December – Week 2: Pupil’s book pages 40–41
Materials needed:
Dice, counters.
To add prefixes and suffixes to
root words.
1. Write five words on the
board: qualify, yawn,
safe, build, long.
2. Ask the children to
identify what prefixes or
suffixes could be added
to the words to make new words, e.g. disqualify, unsafe, rebuild, longer.
What word can you not add a prefix or suffix to? (yawn)
3. Children open Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Explain the rules of the
game to the children.
4. Model how to play the game. Roll the dice and move counter. If you
land on a root word, choose a prefix or suffix to make a new real
word, e.g. if you land on the word ‘appear’ you could make the word
‘disappear’. You cannot move until you make a word. If you land on a
word that is not a root word, skip a turn. Children must throw the exact
number to land on the crown.
5. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Children play game.

January – Week 1: Pupil’s book pages 42–43

Materials needed:

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

To read and write words
containing the word ending
_ought and _aught.
1. Children listen to the
_ought/_aught sound.
Ask them can they think
of any ways to write it?
Write ought and aught on
the board.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 249 10/03/2016 11:15

2. Brainstorm words that have the _ought/_aught sound. List the words on
the board.
3. Children open Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. How many _ought words
can they find? Colour the _ought words yellow.
4. How many _aught words can they find? Colour the _aught words green.
5. Write the mnemonic ‘Laugh and you get happy’ on the board. Highlight
the sentence: ‘Laugh and you get happy’ Use a chant from Just Phonics
3rd Class Upwards pages 81-82 to practise the spelling.
6. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 42. Children write each word into
the correct box and use the words to complete sentences. Page 43.
Children read the clues to complete the crossword.
Dictation for this page: I thought I brought my book home.

January – Week 1: Pupil’s book pages 44–45

Materials needed: None.
To read and write words
containing the word ending
1. Say a list of words for
the children, e.g. texture,
nature, sculpture, picture,
future. Can the children
identify something all the
words have in common?
All the words have the word ending _ture.
2. Brainstorm words that have the word ending _ture. List the words on
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

the board.
3. Ask the children to put the list of words on the board in alphabetical
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 44. Children add _ture and write
the words in alphabetical order. Children use the read and remember
to learn the words sculpture and sculptor. Children read the jokes and
highlight all the words ending in _ture. Page 45. Children read the
sentences and tick the best sentence for each picture.
Dictation for this page: The children love to go for an adventure.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 250 10/03/2016 11:15

January – Week 1: Pupil’s book pages 46–47
Materials needed: None.
To read and write words
containing the word ending
1. Play ‘Who am I?’ with
the children. ‘I cut
men’s hair, who am I?’
(barber). ‘I cut and sell
meat in a shop, who am
I?’ (butcher). ‘I drive a
tractor and harvest crops, who am I?’ (farmer).
2. Write barber, butcher and farmer on the board. What sound do all of
these jobs have? They all have the word ending _er.
3. Brainstorm jobs that have the word ending _er. List the words on the
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Pages 46-47. Children read the words
and write the correct word beside each riddle. Page 47. Children read
the jokes and highlight all the words with the _er ending.
Dictation for this page: The butcher and baker work in the supermarket.

January – Week 3: Pupil’s book pages 48–49

Materials needed: None.

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

To read and write words
containing the word endings:
_ear, _eer and _ere.
1. Children listen to the
‘eer’ sound. Ask them
can they think of any
ways to write it? Write
_ear, _eer and _ere on the
2. Brainstorm words that have the word endings _ear, _eer and _ere.
List the words on the board in three columns (one column for each


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 251 10/03/2016 11:15

3. Write ‘hear’ and ‘here’ on the board. Can the children think of any way
to remember the difference between the two spellings? Write ‘Hear with
your ear’ on the board. Highlight the ‘ear’ in ‘Hear’ and the word ‘ear’.
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 48. The children colour the _ear
words yellow, the _eer words blue and the _ere words green. The
children write the correct word for each sentence. The children use
the read and remember to learn dear/deer and here/hear. Page 49. The
children choose 20 words from the list and write each one in a box. The
teacher calls out a word. If the child has the word they cross it out. The
first child to cross out 20 words calls out: ‘Bingo’!
Dictation for page 48: I steer the wheel and change the gears.
Dictation for page 49: The hunter used a spear to kill the deer.

January – Week 4: Pupil’s book pages 50–51

Materials needed: None.
To read and write words
containing the word endings
_air, _are, _ear and _ere.
1. Children listen to the
‘air’ sound. Ask them
can they think of any
ways to write it? Write
air, are, ear and ere on
the board.
2. Brainstorm words that have the _air, _are, _ear and _ere sound. List the
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

words on the board in four columns (one column for each spelling).
3. Children open Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. How many _air/_are/_
ear/_ere words can they find? Colour the _air words red, colour the _are
words blue, colour the _ear words yellow, colour the _ere words green.
4. Children design posters for the homophones hair/hare, bear/bare, break/
brake and fair/fare.
5. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 50. The children write the correct
word for each sentence. The children use the read and remember
to learn hair/hare, bear/bare, break/brake and fair/fare. Page 51. The
children read the clues and complete the crossword.
Dictation for page 50: The bear sat on a red chair.
Dictation for page 51: Her long hair was very fair.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 252 10/03/2016 11:15

February – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 52
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the prefix ex_.
1. Say a list of words for the children containing
the prefix ex_, e.g. export, explode, exclaim.
What sound do all of the words have in
common? They all have the prefix ex_.
2. Ask the children what a prefix is. (A prefix
comes at the start of the word. It changes the
word’s original meaning.) What do they think
the prefix ‘ex_’ means? (The prefix ex_ can mean ‘out of’).
3. Brainstorm words that have the prefix ex_. List the words on the board.
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 52: The children match each word
to its meaning. The children choose the correct word for each sentence.
Dictation for this page:
The children walked out the exit when the alarm sounded.

February – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 53

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the prefix mis_.
Method: Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
1. Say a list of words for the children containing
the prefix mis_, e.g. misbehave, mistake,
misuse. What sound do all of the words have in
common? They all have the prefix mis_.
2. Ask the children what a prefix is. (A prefix
comes at the start of the word. It changes the
word’s original meaning.) What do they think
the prefix ‘mis_’ means? (The prefix mis_ means ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’.)
3. Brainstorm words that have the prefix mis_. List the words on the


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 253 10/03/2016 11:15

4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 53. The children add the prefix
mis_ to each word. The children write the correct word for each picture.
The children choose the correct word for each sentence.
Dictation for this page: I misfired the water gun.

February – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 54

Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the prefix mid_.
1. Say a list of words for the children containing
the prefix mid_, e.g. midday, midnight,
midterm. What sound do all of the words have
in common? They all have the prefix mid_.
2. Ask the children what a prefix is. (A prefix
comes at the start of the word. It changes the
word’s original meaning.) What do they think
the prefix ‘mid_’ means? (The prefix mid_ means ‘in the middle’.)
3. Brainstorm words that have the prefix mid_. List the words on the
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 54. The children write the correct
word for each phrase. The children interpret the information to crack
the code.
Dictation for this page: Midday is 12 noon.
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book


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February – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 55
Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the prefix de_.
1. Say a list of words for the children containing
the prefix de_, e.g. decrease, defrost, detached.
What sound do all of the words have in
common? They all have the prefix de_.
2. Ask the children what a prefix is. (A prefix
comes at the start of the word. It changes the
word’s original meaning.) What do they think
the prefix ‘de_’ means? (The prefix de_ can
mean ‘from’, ‘down’, ‘away’, ‘reverse’ or ‘in the middle’.)
3. Brainstorm words that have the prefix de_. List the words on the board.
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 55. The children read the clues and
complete the crossword.
Dictation for this page: Sweets cause decay in your teeth.

February – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 56

Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing the prefix over_.
1. Say a list of words for the children containing
the prefix over_, e.g. overcoat, overgrown,

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

overeat. What sound do all of the words have in
common? They all have the prefix over_.
2. Ask the children what a prefix is. (A prefix
comes at the start of the word. It changes the
word’s original meaning.) What do they think
the prefix ‘over_’ means? (The prefix over_ can
mean ‘more than’ or ‘too much’.)
3. Brainstorm words that have the prefix over_. List the words on the board.
4. Ask the class to put the list of words on the board in alphabetical order.
5. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 56. The children write the prefix
before each word and write the words in alphabetical order. The
children write a sentence for each word.
Dictation for this page: The sky is cloudy when it is overcast.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 255 10/03/2016 11:15

February – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 57
Materials needed:
Prefix and root word flashcards (all prefixes and root
words on page 57 of the pupil’s book).
To read and write words containing the prefixes: un_,
re_, dis_, ex_, mis_, mid_, de_ and over_.
1. Ask the children what a prefix is. (A prefix
comes at the start of the word. It changes the
word’s original meaning). What prefixes do the
children know? List the prefixes on the board.
2. Distribute prefix and root word flashcards to the
children. The children must match the prefix to the correct root word.
3. Pair work. One child has the prefix flashcards. The other child has the
root word flashcards. The children turn the flashcards upside down.
Each child turns one of their flashcards over. If the prefix corresponds
to the root word, the root word card is taken out of the game. Continue
until there are no root word cards.
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 57. The children fill in the blanks for
the definition of the prefix. The children read each root word, write a
corresponding prefix and write the meaning of the new word.
Dictation for this page: He was unhappy when he misplaced his sweets.

February – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 58

Materials needed: None.
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

To read and write words containing ng, nc and nk
1. Say a list of ng words, e.g. sing, wing, thing.
What sound is at the end of these words? Write
ng on the board. Say a list of nc/nk words, e.g.
bank, think, zinc. What sound is at the end of
these words? Ask the children if they can think
of different ways to spell the sound. Write nc
and nk on the board.
2. Brainstorm ng, nc and nk words. List the words on the board.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 256 10/03/2016 11:16

3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 58. The children read the story and
highlight the ng, nc and nk words. The children list the words they
4. Working in groups the children act out one of the four scenes in the
story. The rest of the class must guess which scene the children are
acting out.
5. Hot Seating: One child sits in front of the class and pretends to be the
pirate captain Zinc. The rest of the class question the child on what
happened to her or him on the ship.
Dictation for this page: The pink pig says ‘oink’.

March – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 59

Materials needed:
Create flashcards of number prefixes.
To read and write words with number prefixes.
1. Ask the children how many sides a triangle has
and how many wheels a tricycle has (3). What
sound do both of these words have in common?
Write tri on the board and tell the children that
it means ‘three’.
2. Tell the children that they are going to be
learning about number prefixes. Write the
numbers 1-10 on the board. Display the number prefix flashcards on
the board. Ask the children if they can match the number prefix to each

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. List the words on the board. Page 59.
The children read the words and write the correct word under each
picture. The children also write 20 of the words that do not have a
corresponding picture in Part A.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 257 10/03/2016 11:16

March – Week 2: Pupil’s book pages 60–61
Materials needed:
To read and write homographs.
1. Write three homographs
on the board: bat,
light and sink. Ask the
children to tell their
partner what each word
means. Elicit responses
from the children.
2. Write the different meanings under each word. Prompt children for the
different meanings, if necessary. Ask the children if they know what
a homograph is. Homographs are words that have the same spelling
but a different meaning. Sometimes homographs sound the same, e.g.
bat. Sometimes homographs sound different, e.g. minute (60 seconds),
minute (extremely small).
3. Brainstorm homographs. List the words on the board.
4. Choose one of the homographs written on the board. Call out clues,
e.g. Student in class, part of the eye. Children guess the correct
homograph (pupil).
5. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Page 60. The children write the correct
numbers beside each word and write two sentences using one of the
words. Page 61. The children read the clues, write the homograph
and draw a picture for one of the meanings. The children write two
sentences using homographs.
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March – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 62
Materials needed: None.
To read and write words with the prefixes il_, im_,
ir_ and in_.
1. Say a list of words for the children containing
the prefixes il_, im_, ir_ and in_, e.g. illegal,
imbalance, irresponsible, incomplete.
2. Ask the children what a prefix is. (A prefix
comes at the start of the word. It changes the
word’s original meaning.) What do they think
the prefixes il_, im_, ir_ and in_ mean? (They
mean ‘not’ or ‘the opposite of’.)
3. Brainstorm words that have the prefix prefixes il_, im_, ir_ and in_. List
the words on the board.
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 62. The children write the correct
prefix for each word and match each word to its meaning. The children
write the correct words in each sentence.

March – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 63

Materials needed: Create the following flashcards
equ_, hemi_, iso_, macro_, magn_, mega_, micro_,
mini_, multi_, omni_, poly_ and semi_.
To read and write words containing number prefixes.
Method: Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
1. Ask the children what a semicircle is. A
semicircle is half a circle. The prefix semi means
2. Tell the children that they are going to be
learning about number prefixes. Write equal,
half, huge, great, great/million, tiny/one-
millionth, small, many, all/every on the board. Hold up the number
prefix flashcards. Ask the children to place the correct flashcard under
each meaning. Some meanings have more than one prefix, e.g. hemi_
and semi_ both mean half. Prompt children, if necessary, by giving
examples of words with the prefixes.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 259 10/03/2016 11:16

3. Brainstorm words with number prefixes. List the words on the board.
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. The children write the correct word(s)
under each picture. The children read the fun fact and highlight the
number prefixes.
Dictation for this page: Mum dropped us to the multiplex in her minivan.

April – Week 1: Pupil’s book pages 64–65

Materials needed:
To read and write words
containing the suffixes _able,
_ible, _less, _ness, _al and _ful.
1. Ask the children what a
suffix is. (A suffix comes
at the end of the word.
It changes the word’s
original meaning.)
2. Say a list of words for the children containing the suffix _able
(comfortable, acceptable). What sound do all of these words have in
common? They all have the suffix _able. Write the suffix _able on the
3. Repeat step 2 with the suffixes _ible (incredible, impossible), _less
(painless, hopeless), _ness (kindness, illness), _al (personal, medical) and
_ful (helpful, joyful).
4. Write the meanings of the suffixes on the board: (can be done, without,
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

state of, relating to, full of). Ask the children to match the suffixes to
the meaning.
5. Brainstorm words with the suffixes _able, _ible, _less, _ness, _al and
_ful. List the words on the board.
6. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 64. The children fill in the blanks of
the definition of the suffix. The children match the correct word to each
meaning. The children read the story, circle the words with suffixes and
write them. Page 65. Children read the sentences, ring the suffixes and
match each one to the correct picture. The children write the correct
word in each sentence.
Dictation for page 64: I am careful when I climb trees.
Dictation for page 65: Summer is a cheerful time.


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April – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 66
Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing prefixes.
1. Ask the children what a prefix is. (A prefix
comes at the start of a word. It changes the
word’s original meaning.)
2. Say a list of words for the children containing
the prefix anti_ (antibiotic, antiwar). What
sound do all of these words have in common?
They all have the prefix anti_. Write the prefix
anti_ on the board.
3. Repeat step 2 with the prefixes fore_ (forecast, forecourt), pre_ (prepay,
preheat), trans_ (transatlantic, translate), en_/em_ (enrage, embrace),
inter_ (internet, international), sub_ (subway, submarine), under_
(underwater, underground), non_ (nonfiction, nonsense) and super_
(superstar, superhuman).
4. Write the meanings of the prefixes on the board: (against, before,
across, cause to, between, under, not and above). Ask the children to
match the prefixes to the meaning (anti_ = against, fore_ and pre_ =
before, trans_ = across, en_/em_ = cause to, inter_ = between, sub_
and under_ = under, non_ = not, super_ = above).
5. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. The children write the correct word
under each picture.
Dictation for this page: I hope that the forecast is good.

April – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 67

Materials needed: None. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

To read and write words containing prefixes.
1. Write the prefixes anti_, fore_, non_, trans_,
en_, super_, sub_, under_, inter_ and pre_
on the board. Ask the children if they can
remember what each prefix means.
2. Write the meanings of the prefixes on the
board: against, before, across, cause to,
between, under, not and above. Ask the


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 261 10/03/2016 11:16

children to match the prefixes to the meaning: anti_ = against, fore_
and pre_ = before, trans_ = across, en_ = cause to, inter_ = between,
sub_ and under_ = under, non_ = not, super_ = above.
3. Brainstorm words with prefixes: anti_, fore_, non_, trans_, en_, super_,
sub_, under_, inter_ and pre_ . List the words on the board.
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. The children write the correct prefix for
each word. The children write the correct word for each sentence.
Dictation for this page: The teacher interacts with the pupils.

April – Week 4: Pupil’s book page 68

Materials needed:
To read and write multi-syllable words.
1. Write a list of multi-syllable words on the
board. Ask the children if they know what a
syllable is. (A syllable is a word or part of a
word with a vowel sound.) Ask the children to
clap out the words. Mark the syllables in the
word, e.g. benefit = ben/e/fit.
2. Call out a multi-syllable word to the children,
e.g. por/cu/pine. Ask the children to listen to the syllables and say the
3. Distribute four counters to each child. The children place four counters
at the top of their desk. Read a word from the page aloud, e.g.
caterpillar. The child says each of the syllables in the word separately
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

while moving a counter in front of them. The child blends the syllables
together and says the whole word, e.g. magazine = mag/a/zine
4. Pair Work. The children open page 68. One child calls out a word. Their
partner must clap out the syllables.
5. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. The children draw a picture for one word
in each set of four. The children tick the word they have drawn. The
children put the four syllables together and write the new word.


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May – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 69
Materials needed:
Create number prefix flashcards: centi_, deci_,
demi_, giga_, milli_ and nano_.
To read and identify number prefixes.
1. Ask the children what a centimetre is. A
centimetre is one-hundredth of a metre. The
prefix centi_ means one hundredth (1/100) or
one hundred (100).
2. Tell the children that they are going to be
learning about number prefixes. Write the
prefix meanings on the board (one hundred (100) or one-hundredth
(1/100), one-tenth (1/10), half (1/2), billion (1,000,000,000) or giant,
one thousand (1000) or one-thousandth (1/1000), one-billionth
(1/1,000,000,000)). Display the number prefix flashcards on the board.
Ask the children if they can match the number prefix to the meaning.
Prompt children, if necessary, by giving examples of words with
the prefixes.
3. Brainstorm words with number prefixes. List the words on the board.
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. The children match each word to the
meaning or picture.

May – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 70

Materials needed: None.
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
To read and write words containing the suffix _ous.
1. Say a list of words for the children containing
the suffix _ous, e.g. enormous, dangerous,
numerous. What sound do all of the words have
in common? They all have the suffix _ous.
2. Ask the children what a suffix is. (A suffix
comes at the end of the word and it changes the
word’s meaning.) What do they think the suffix
‘_ous’ means? (The suffix _ous means ‘full of’.)
3. Brainstorm words that have the suffix _ous. List the words on the


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 263 10/03/2016 11:16

4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 70. The children read the story, ring
the words with the suffix _ous and write the words. The children match
each word to its correct meaning.
Dictation for this page: The famous clown had an enormous red nose.

May – Week 2: Pupil’s book page 71

Materials needed: None.
To read words containing the suffix _ive.
1. Say a list of words for the children containing
the suffix _ive, e.g. cursive, expensive,
disruptive. What sound do all of the words have
in common? They all have the suffix _ive.
2. Ask the children what a suffix is. (A suffix
comes at the end of the word and it changes the
word’s meaning.) What do they think the suffix
‘_ive’ means? (The suffix _ive means ‘quality of’.)
3. Brainstorm words that have the suffix _ive. List the words on the board.
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 71. The children tick the most
suitable sentences for each picture.

May – Week 3: Pupil’s book pages 72–73

Materials needed:
Homophone Loop Game. (Just
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

Phonics 3rd Class Upwards page

To read and write homographs
and homophones.
1. Ask the children what
a homophone is.
Homophones: different
spelling, same sound.
Children brainstorm homophones, e.g. hair/hare. Write the homophones
on the board.


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 264 10/03/2016 11:16

2. Ask the children what a homograph is. Homographs: same spelling,
different meaning. Children brainstorm homographs, e.g. pupil. Write
the homographs on the board.
3. Homophone Loop Game. Distribute loop cards to each child. The first
child calls out: ‘I have the first card. Animal. Sore throat’. The child
who has the corresponding answer (horse/hoarse) reads the answer and
their clues. Continue until the last card has been read.
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 72 and Page 73: The children read
the jokes and write the missing word(s).

May – Week 4: Pupil’s book pages 74–75

Materials needed:
To read and write words
containing prefixes.
1. Ask the children what
a prefix is. (A prefix
comes at the start of a
word. It changes the
word’s original meaning.)
Ask the children to
brainstorm all the prefixes they have learned during the year. List the
prefixes on the board.
2. Ask the children to identify the meaning for each prefix. Write the
meanings next to each prefix.
3. Pair Work. One child says a prefix. Their partner must say what the

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

prefix means and give an example of a word with that prefix, e.g., tri =
three, e.g. triangle.
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 74. The children must write the
correct prefix for each root word. The children write the prefix for each
meaning and write two examples for each prefix. The children read the
joke and identify the prefix. Page 75. The children write the prefix and
shape for each picture. The children write the correct word under each


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 265 10/03/2016 11:16

June – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 76
Materials needed: None.
To read clues and complete the crossword.
1. Ask the children what a homophone is.
Homophones: different spelling, same sound.
2. Ask the children to brainstorm homophones.
List the words on the board.
3. Repeat step 2 with word ending _er, sound nk,
word ending _ture, word endings _ought and
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 76. The
children read the clues and complete the crossword.

June – Week 1: Pupil’s book page 77

Materials needed: None.
To read and write words containing suffixes.
1. Ask the children what a suffix is. (A suffix
comes at the end of a word and it changes
the word’s meaning.) Ask the children to
brainstorm all the suffixes they have learned
during the year. List the suffixes on the board.
2. Ask the children to identify the meaning for
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

each suffix. Write the meanings next to each

3. Pair Work. One child says a suffix. Their partner must say what the
suffix means and give an example of a word with that suffix, e.g. ous =
full of, e.g. dangerous.
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 77. The children choose 20 words
from the list and write each one in a box. The teacher calls out a word.
If the child has the word they cross it out. The first child to cross out 20
words calls out: ‘Bingo!’


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 266 10/03/2016 11:16

June – Week 2: Pupil’s book pages 78–79
Materials needed: None.
To assess children’s learning.
1. Write the root word
‘day’ on the board. Ask
the children to add a
prefix to the word to
make a new word. Write
‘midday’ on the board.
2. Write the word ‘grumpy’
on the board. Ask the
children to add the suffixes _er and _est to the word. Write ‘grumpier’
and ‘grumpiest’ on the board.
3. Write the word ‘use’ on the board. Ask the children to add the suffixes
_ful and _less to the word. Write ‘useful’ and ‘useless’ on the board.
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 78. Assessment. The children write
a prefix for each word. The children read their new word. Page 79. The
children use the suffixes to make new words. The children choose the
correct spelling for each sentence. The children complete the dictation
Dictation for page 79:
1. The optician checked my vision in her office.
2. The man caught the mouse in a trap.
3. She thought it was rude to shout out in class.
4. I ought to phone the electrician.
5. I drank the pink drink.
6. I had the option to do addition or subtraction.
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June – Week 3: Pupil’s book page 80
Materials needed:
To write three words for each sound.
1. Pair Work. Children open Just Phonics 3rd Class
Upwards on page 80 and brainstorm words for
each sound.
2. List words for each sound on the board.
3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 80.
Children write three words for each sound.
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Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 268 10/03/2016 11:17

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

Answers to 3rd Class Upwards Screening Test

Page 207 —————————————————————————————————
sleigh, street, washes
spray, thread, scrub
screw, straw, strap


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 269 10/03/2016 11:17

Class Progress Record
Class: To read and write words containing:

prefix suffix word

un_, suffix _tion, endings: word
compound homo-
No. Pupil’s name re_ _er _sion, _ought ending:
words phones
and and _est _ssion and _ture
dis_ and _cian _aught











Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book







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Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 270 10/03/2016 11:17

Suggested Key (from NCCA reports): 1 = Highly capable and competent
2 = Capable and competent 3 = Managing comfortably
4 = Experiencing some difficulty 5 = Experiencing significant difficulty

To read and write words containing:

word prefix: sounds prefix

word endings: ex_, ng, il_, multi-
homo- number suffix: suffix:
ending: _ear, mis_, nc im_, syllable
graphs prefixes _ous _ive
_er _eer mid_, de_ and ir_ words
and _ere and over_ nk and in_

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

Photocopiable page


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 271 10/03/2016 11:17

Class Progress Record
Class: To read and write words containing:

prefix suffix word

un_, suffix _tion, endings: word
compound homo-
No. Pupil’s name re_ _er _sion, _ought ending:
words phones
and and _est _ssion and _ture
dis_ and _cian _aught











Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book







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Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 272 10/03/2016 11:17

Suggested Key (from NCCA reports): 1 = Highly capable and competent
2 = Capable and competent 3 = Managing comfortably
4 = Experiencing some difficulty 5 = Experiencing significant difficulty

To read and write words containing:

word prefix: sounds prefix

word endings: ex_, ng, il_, multi-
homo- number suffix: suffix:
ending: _ear, mis_, nc im_, syllable
graphs prefixes _ous _ive
_er _eer mid_, de_ and ir_ words
and _ere and over_ nk and in_

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

Photocopiable page


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 273 10/03/2016 11:17

Individual Progress
Pupil’s name: Age:

Class: Techer:

Highly Experiencing Experiencing

To read Capable and Managing
capable and some significant
and write: competent comfortably
competent difficulty difficulty

compound words

prefix un_, re_ and


suffix _er and _est

suffix _tion, _sion,

_ssion and _cian


word endings:
_ought and _aught

word ending: _ture

word ending: _er

word endings: _
ear, _eer and _ere
prefix: ex_, mis_,
mid_, de_ and
sounds: ng, nc and
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book



prefix: il_, im_, ir_

and in_

number prefixes

suffix: _ous

suffix: _ive

Photocopiable page


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 274 10/03/2016 11:17

Dictation Sentences
Six steps for teaching dictation
1. Teacher dictates a sentence.
2. The child repeats the sentence.
3. The child counts the number of words in the sentence.
4. The child writes the sentence.
5. The child proofreads what he or she wrote.
6. The teacher writes the sentence on the board, focusing on one word at
a time so that children can correct their work. Self-correction, where the
children begin to notice and correct their errors, is the key to dictation.

Dictation sentences

page 7. I found eight snails in the lane. n

page 8. The queen eats cheese and peas. n
page 9. The greedy boy eats too much meat. n
page 10. I like to fly my kite. n
page 11. I smile when I am happy. n
page 12. The rope on the boat broke. n
page 13. I wear a coat in the snow. n
page 14. The fuel caused fumes. n
page 15. I knew we would have stew today. n
page 16. The goldfish and jellyfish were wet. n Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

page 17. The flowerpot is on the windowsill. n

page 18. The monkeys ate the flies. n
page 19. The knives are on the shelf. n
page 20. I baked a cake and tidied up. n
page 24. I undress to go for a swim. n
page 25. I refuel the car after a trip. n
page 26. I dislike sugar in my tea. n


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 275 10/03/2016 11:17

page 30. I got a large portion of ice cream. n
page 31. My vision is poor in the dark. n
page 32. The musician can play the flute. n
page 36. I had to do revision for the test. n
page 38. 1. We had subtraction homework. n
2. The magician did tricks. n
3. I made a decision. n
4. I like addition. n
5. The musician played music. n
6. Revision means to go over again. n
7. The school is in a nice location. n
8. The politician opened the school. n
page 42. I thought I brought my book home. n
page 45. The children love to go for an adventure. n
page 47. The butcher and baker work in the supermarket. n
page 48. I steer the wheel and change the gears. n
page 49. The hunter used a spear to kill the deer. n
page 50. The bear sat on a red chair. n
page 51. Her long hair was very fair. n
page 52. The children walked out the exit when the alarm sounded. n
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

page 53. I misfired the water gun. n

page 54. Midday is 12 noon. n
page 55. Sweets cause decay in your teeth. n
page 56. The sky is cloudy when it is overcast. n
page 57. He was unhappy when he misplaced his sweets. n
page 58. The pink pig says ‘oink’. n
page 63. Mum dropped us to the multiplex in her minivan. n
page 64. I am careful when I climb trees. n


Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 276 10/03/2016 11:17

page 65. Summer is a cheerful time. n
page 66. I hope that the forecast is good. n
page 67. The teacher interacts with the pupils. n
page 70. The famous clown had an enormous red nose. n
page 79. 1. The optician checked my vision in her office. n
2. The man caught the mouse in a trap. n
3. She thought it was rude to shout out in class. n
4. I ought to phone the electrician. n
5. I drank the pink drink. n
6. I had the option to do addition or subtraction. n

Screening Test Sentences (page 208)

1. The wreck was out at sea.
2. The mouse was caught on the ship.
3. The water was calm outside.
4. The bird took flight at night.
5. I use a scissors at school.
6. I caught both squid and shrimp.

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book


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3rd Class Upwards Answers
Page 5 ——————————————— beak see see family
shave smile stone slide weak indeed indeed donkey
plate prize globe cube
rope fuse snake wave Page 9 ———————————————
B. C.
1. lake 2. cape 3. home 4. cube I grow on trees (leaf)
5. five 6. bone 7. taste 8. smile type of vegetable (leek)
short for evening (eve)
Page 6 ——————————————— makes honey (bee)
ai a-e ay eigh ei eats bananas (monkey)
nail name birthday neighbour reign the opposite of strong (weak)
rain cake clay eighteen reindeer a slice of cake (piece)
snail same stay weigh rein the opposite of sad (happy)
gain plate yesterday eight abseil the opposite of dirty (clean)
pain grape sway neigh beige a type of tree (beech)
brain flame spray eighty veil meat that comes from a cow (beef)
a type of fruit (peach)

Page 7 ——————————————— Page 10 — —————————————

A. ie i-e
When it is my birthday I play party tie like
games. dried side
I weigh the ingredients when I make fried prize
a cake. die wire
I wave at my neighbour at the gate. lie shine
Friday is my favourite day because we
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

pie time
play outside. y igh
My gran uses hairspray to keep her sky midnight
hair in place. dry lightning
In art class we use paint, crayons shy flight
and clay. sly high
B. 1. train 2. say 3. pail 4. ray pylon thigh
5. lake 6. neigh 7. lane 8. eight fry night

Page 8 ———————————————
Page 11 — —————————————
ea ee ee y
meat bee bee angry
I had to write nine sentences about rice.
sea meet meet happy
The mice wanted some cheese.


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I ride my bike to the Spire. Page 14 — —————————————
My kite flies high in the sky. A.
When water freezes it becomes ice.
ue u-e ew
The bride has a happy smile.
cue amuse dew
B. 1. site 2. sly 3. hike 4. ice
due cube few
5. fine 6. time 7. rice 8. hide
queue cute hew
hue duke pew
Page 12 — —————————————
B. argue fume stew
Across: 1. croak 2. globe 5. smoke barbeque fuse skew
6. alone 8. tomorrow 9. marrow B.
Down: 1. close 3. boat 4. home cute pure
7. narrow
cube cure
tube cute
Page 13 — —————————————
tune mute
june mule
oa o-e (o magic e) ow
boat robe crow dune rule
bloat globe show
float code snow
Page 15 — —————————————
coat rode bowl
coach joke flow A.
goal smoke grow The piper played a tune on the tuba.
poach stroke arrow I was amused by the ewe on YouTube.
foam hole window I sang a duet with Hugh.
groan whole bow I rode on the Tube in London.
soap home low A cube has twelve edges.
coast bone mow The baby is due in January.
oats stone sow B.
moat hope tow 1. dune 2. few 3. muse 4. pew
5. due 6. tube 7. cue 8. muse
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
loan nose slow
foal drove throw
coal stove pillow Page 16 — —————————————

C. chestnut chopstick bluebell earwig

the colour of a sunflower (yellow) cowgirl flowerbed hotdog
a baby horse (foal)
opposite of sink (float) Page 17 — —————————————
cars drive on it (road) sunflower racehorse fingerprint
scored by a soccer player (goal) grapefruit seatbelt skateboard
burn logs or coal in this (stove) greenhouse goalpost railway
noise made by a toad (croak) fishcake firefighter fingernail
opposite of wide (narrow)


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Page 24 — ————————————— B.
B. 1. question 2. ambition 3. exhibition
1. unsafe 2. unfair 3. uneven 4. attention 5. prescription
4. unhealthy 5. uncomfortable
6. unable 7. unkind 8. unhappy Page 31 — —————————————
Page 25 — ————————————— tension occasion
invasion diversion
revision extension
1. rebuild 2. rewire 3. retell
confusion explosion
4. return 5. rearrange 6. redo
7. rewind 8. refuel
Page 32 — —————————————
Page 26 — ————————————— A.
B. 1. electrician 2. magician
1. disappear 2. disrespect 3. dietician 4. technician.
3. disqualified 4. dislike 5. dislodge 5. beautician 6. politician
6. disagree 7. optician 8. musician
9. mathematician
Page 28 — —————————————
A. Page 33 — —————————————
1. taller 2. shorter 3. Mia 1. addition 2. decision
B. 3. subtraction 4. vacation
1. oldest 2. youngest 3. oldest 5. question 6. attention
4. youngest 5. Malik 7. directions 8. invitation
C. 9. decorations 10. expression
1. happier 2. grumpier 3. happiest: 11. optician 12. admission
Fido 4. grumpiest: Bones 13. occasion 14. television
15. musician
Page 29 — —————————————
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

A Page 35 — —————————————
1. later 2. cutest 3. nicest 1. waste 2. week 3. write 4. sighed
C. 5. nose 6. toad 7. queue 8. flu
1. easier 2. longest 3. fastest 9. would 10. herd 11. knows
4. shorter 5. funniest 6. prettier 12. red 13. sun

Page 30 — ————————————— Page 37 — —————————————

A. A.
1. addition 2. attention 3. caution 1. largest 2. shorter 3. longest
4. competition 5. multiplication 4. fastest 5. heaviest 6. heavier
6. operation 7. option 8. portion 7. smallest 8. widest 9. highest
9. station 10. subtraction 10. tallest


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B. Page 43 — —————————————
1. untied 2. disagree 3. unable Across: 2. sought 7. bought
4. disobey 5. unfinished 6. unhappy 8. distraught 9. nought 11. fraught
7. unkind 8. uncomfortable 12. thought
Down: 1. daughter 3. haughty
Assessment Page 38 — ——————— 4. caught 5. slaughter 6. fought
Root word Suffix –er Suffix –est 9. naughty 10. brought
heavy heavier heaviest
small smaller smallest Page 44 — —————————————
tall taller tallest
funny funnier funniest
adventure capture creature culture
easy easier easiest
feature fixture future lecture
high higher highest
moisture mixture nature pasture
angry angrier angriest
picture posture puncture sculpture
silly sillier silliest
structure texture vulture
smart smarter smartest
large larger largest
happy happier happiest
Page 46 — —————————————
1. plumber 2. waiter 3. farmer
Assessment Page 39 — ——————— 4. teacher 5. painter 6. babysitter
Root word un- re- dis-
7. courier 8. banker 9. publisher
do undo redo x
10. programmer 11. weaver
even uneven x x
12. welder 13. ranger 14. barber
safe unsafe x x
15. landscaper 16. golfer
17. treasurer 18. baker 19. butcher
kind unkind x x
20. carpenter 21. cobbler 22. grocer
connect x reconnect disconnect
healthy unhealthy x x
Page 47 — —————————————
start x restart x
own x x disown 1. jeweller 2. designer 3. porter
appear x reappear disappear 4. lawyer 5. photographer

Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

like unlike x dislike 6. composer 7. soldier 8. diver
fair unfair x x 9. reporter 10. astronomer
11. builder 12. butler 13. juggler
14. undertaker
1. sale 2. waste 3. see 4. week
5. new 6. wood 7. herd 8. blue Page 48 — —————————————
9. sun 10. some
1. cheer 3. sphere 3. deer 4. dear
Page 42 — ————————————— 5. tear 6. year 7. severe 8. peer
9. atmosphere 10. near
taught caught daughter naughty
fraught naught Page 51 — —————————————
fought bought brought thought
sought ought Across: 5. pear 7. air 8. funfair


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10. hair 11. bear 12. stare 13. bare 6. decrease 8. detain 9. degree
14. chair 15. dairy 12. defrost 13. depress 14. decode
Down: 1. dare 2. mare 3. square
4. spare 5. parent 6. pair 9. share Page 56 — —————————————
11. beware 12. scare 14. care A.
overcast overcoat overcome overdo
Page 52 — ————————————— overeat overgrown overpass
B. overreact overtime overwork
1. expand 2. excavate 3. exhausted
4. explode 5. export 6. exclude Page 59 — —————————————
7. exclaim 8. excel 9. express unicycle uniform octopus pentagon
10. expand 11. expel 12. expect tricycle Monopoly triangle
quadruple octagon bicycle heptagon
Page 53 — ————————————— hexagon
misbehave mismatch misfit Page 60 — —————————————
C. bat 2 16 park 15 20 wave 17 29
1. mischief 2. mismatch 3. mistake bow 4 1 change 22 30 second 3 10
4. misfortune 5. mislay 6. misfire row 9 6 back 13 23 light 12 24
7. misuse 8. misled tear 8 26 bank 19 21 bass 5 27
wind 7 11 refuse 28 36 rock 14 25
Page 54 — ————————————— down 31 33 sink 18 35 lead 32 34
midterm midwinter Page 61 — —————————————
midsummer midnight
1. pupil 2. bow 3. desert 4. moped
midpoint middling
5. close 6. minute 7. wound 8. live
midway midfield
9. present
midday midlife
midwest midweek
Page 62 — —————————————
midsize midyear
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

B. immortal – will not die
What kind of horse walks around at irresponsible – not responsible
midnight? A nightmare! impractical – not practical
impolite – rude / not polite
Page 55 — ————————————— irregular – not regular
Across: 2. detox 3. depart 5. illiterate – not able to read/not literate
decend 7. decision 10. delay impatient – not calm/not patient
11. delete 13. defeat 14. define illegible – not readable
15. defuse incredible – not believable/not
Down: 1. detached 2. defend illegal – not allowed by law/not legal
3. decay 4. decoy 5. deflate


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B. Page 67 — —————————————
1. illegal 2. illiterate 3. impolite B.
4. illegible 5. impatient 1. understudy 2. antifreeze
3. forehead 4. supermodel
Page 63 — ————————————— 5. prevent 6. intercom 7. submarine
A. 8. encounter
magnifying glass miniskirt omnivore
microscope multiplex Page 70 — —————————————
multinational company minivan B.
semicircle microwave megaphone conscious – able to respond to people
polygon equinox or activities
anxious – nervous
Page 64 — ————————————— precious – of great value
B. mysterious – hard to understand
invisible – cannot be seen dangerous – likely to cause harm or
impossible – cannot be done injury
edible – fit to be eaten obvious – easily understood
convertible – can be converted previous – before
annual – every year generous – kind/giving
personal – concerning one’s private life suspicious – not really trusting
amicable – friendly someone
miserable – unhappy or curious – eager to learn
uncomfortable religious – believing in a religion
comfortable – warm, snug, cosy
deceitful – misleading others Page 72 — —————————————
grateful – full of thanks 1. coffin 2. foul 3. ate 4. changing
lethal – can cause death 5. smoke 6. hare 7. flour 8. draw
9. bee, tea 10. mussels
Page 65 — —————————————
B. Page 73 — —————————————
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
1. sadness 2. inedible 3. annual 1. nobody 2. piece 3. ajar 4. read
4. personal 5. hopeless 5. minute 6. knickers 7. bark
6. meaningless 7. laughable 8. trunks 9. bright 10. adder
8. helpful
Page 74 — —————————————
Page 66 — —————————————
Meaning Prefix
A. across trans
antibiotic superstar transatlantic before pre
prehistoric forecast undercover again re
not un
underwater embrace nonfiction
against anti
enrage translate submarine subway in the middle mid
internet superman foresee


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Page 75 — ————————————— Assessment Page 79 — ———————
B. Suffix -er -est
bicycle semicircle equator minigolf slow slower slowest
centimetre unicycle microscope sad sadder saddest
millipede quick quicker quickest
strict stricter strictest
Page 76 — ————————————— happy happier happiest
funny funnier funniest
Across: 2. fair 4. future 5. taught
tame tamer tamest
7. thought 10. deer 11. bought
14. hair 15. hear 16. here 17. bare late later latest
18. sink nice nicer nicest
Down: 1. caught 3. denture 6. cute cuter cutest
cobbler 8. bear 9. blink 12. grocer Suffix -ful -less
13. there 15. hare 17. bank fear fearful fearless
hope hopeful hopeless
Assessment Page 78 — ——————— grace graceful graceless
thought thoughtful thoughtless
Root word Prefix + rootword = new word
shame shameful shameless
do redo
harm harmful harmless
able unable
care careful careless
port import
doubt doubtful doubtless
fix unifix
pain painful painless
way subway
use useful useless
star superstar
late translate
cover discover 1. pain 2. bear 3. know 4. hear
day midday 5. hair 6. fare 7. eight 8. brake
coat overcoat 9. new 10. two
possible impossible
corn unicorn
cycle bicycle
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

angle triangle
phone microphone
van minivan
circle semicircle
metre centimetre
litre millilitre
value overvalue


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at sit not us hug

Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB.indd 285

can rid con cub hop
man win van cut spin
pan bit rot tub slim
fad hid mop kit strip
Game: Magic e (pages 5, 40 – 41)

fat fin rod pet twin


tap rip nod dot quit

cap pin hop rat rag

Photocopiable page
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

10/03/2016 11:18
Game: Sound Mix (pages 6, 8, 10, 12, 14)

a magic e/ a-e ee
ay e magic e/ e-e
eigh ea

i magic e/ i-e
o magic e/ o-e
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

u magic e/ u-e

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Game: Sound Hat (pages 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)

a magic e
ai ay eigh
/ a-e

e magic e
ei ee ea
/ e-e

i magic e
ie y igh
/ i-e

o magic e
oa ow ue
/ o-e

u magic e
ew ph gh
/ u-e
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book

ch tch oi oy

alk all au aw

Photocopiable page


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