Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB
Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB
Just Phonics 1st-3rd Class TRB
ISBN: 978-1-910936-67-2
Printed in Ireland by Walsh Colour Print, Castleisland, County Kerry. Freephone 1800 613 111.
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First Class
37 1st Class Screening Test 114 Individual Progress Record
42 1st Class Yearly Plan 115 Dictation Sentences
52 1st Class Lesson Plans 119 1st Class Answers
110 Class Progress Record 125 1st Class Photocopiables
Second Class
128 2nd Class Screening Test 194 Individual Progress Record
130 2nd Class Yearly Plan 195 Dictation Sentences
140 2nd Class Lesson Plans 199 2nd Class Answers
190 Class Progress Record 205 2nd Class Photocopiables
1. Phonological awareness
The children learn to recognise these six letters. They may also learn how to write
each letter. They learn the sound of each letter, and how words that begin with each
letter sound, e.g. snake, sock, sad, sink.
The child can try adding a letter sound to a combination letter sound, e.g. ‘Add /s/ to /
at/; what have you got?’ Try taking away a letter, e.g. ‘You have /sip/; take away /s/ and
what have you got?’ Before blending, practise breaking up constant-vowel-constant
(CVC) words into their component phonemes (sounds), e.g. tip /t/ /i/ /p/. Try the
reverse: e.g. /p/ + /i/ + /n/ What’s the word?’ Use lots of different combinations. Use
word families from the groups of letters, e.g. /at/ /ip/ /an/ /ap/ /in/. ‘What sound
could we put in front of /at/ ?’ Ask questions such as: ‘How many sounds can you
hear in /s/ /i/ /t/ ?’ Use the printed letters (see page 18–21 ) to make words.
Follow the sequence of the Just Phonics books. Teach more groups of letters
and combinations of letters. The children may also learn to write each letter and
combination of letters. They are learning the sound of each letter and the sounds of
combinations of letters.
Follow the sequence of the Just Phonics books. Teach e.g. the digraph /ea/ and
blend it with various letters to make words e.g. /t/ + / ea / makes the word ‘tea’.
Some words in the English language do not follow a regular phonic pattern. They need to
be learned as sight words, e.g. the, there, where, some. The children will need these words
in order to expand their reading capability. In the My Spelling Booklets from 1st to
3rd Class Upwards, a high frequency word is included with the regular phonic spellings.
7. Syllabication
This is the springboard to decoding words with more than one syllable.When
children can read words of one syllable and combinations of letters, they can now
blend this ability to read, e.g. ‘sun’ and ‘set’ and make ‘sunset’. They can break
down e.g. container into three syllables /con/ /tain/ /er/.
8. Dictation exercises
The My Spelling Booklets from 1st to 3rd Class Upwards provide a structured
phonic spelling programme that aligns with the pupil books. Using phonics to
spell begins at the very early stages of phonological activities. In breaking down
the sounds of words into component parts, children are learning how to spell, e.g.
breaking the word ‘panda’ into /pan/ and /da/. When they move on to word-building
with CVC words, they are adding to their spelling skills. Learning additional letters
and combinations of sounds increases their ability to break down words and spell
them. Syllabication is the best friend of spelling. When a child can segment words
of more than one syllable they have unlocked the key to spelling.
This is the ultimate goal; that phonics will enable the child to read without hesitation
while assimilating the meaning of the text.
Junior Infants
Senior Infants
Just Phonics (Senior Infants)
My Sounds Booklet (Senior
Just Phonics Teacher’s Resource
Book (Early Years and Infant
Digital Resources: printed letters,
letters with tails and cursive letters,
combinations of letters.
E-book version of the activity
2nd Class
Senior Infants
• Revision of Junior Infant Programme
• Initial consonant blends, final consonant blends
• Common word families: all old ash ump ink ank wh aw ay y (at the end
of a word)
• Compound words
First Class
• Revision of Senior Infant Programme
• Magic e
• Common word families: ame ake ale ate, ide ine ice
• Two-syllable words
• Alternate vowel sounds: ea (pea) and ea (head); ew (blew) and ew (stew);
y (teddy) and y (dry); ow (slow) and ow (owl); i
• Sounds: igh ight alk au oy ey er ir ur air are ear tch
• Soft c
• Soft g
• ph and gh
Second Class
• Revision of First Class Programme
• Double consonants
• Silent letters
• Suffixes
• Multi-syllable words
• Word endings: eigh le tle el
Materials Needed:
Blank copy of the test.
Results sheet.
Total __________
2. Rhyme recognition
Tell the child that two words that sound the same at the end, such as hat and sat,
are rhyming words. Ask if sit and bit rhyme. (Yes.) Then ask if chair and boy rhyme.
(No.) If the child appears to grasp the skill, do the same for each of the following
pairs of words. Put a tick in the box to the right of the pair if the child answers
Total __________
Photocopiable page
1. pain 4. see
2. cake 5. dark
3. hop 6. sandy
Total __________
4. Syllable blending
Tell the child you are going to say a word in a funny way. The child’s task is to put
the parts together and say the whole word. Give these examples, pausing between
syllables: out–side (outside), ro–bot (robot). Have the child say the sample words
normally. Then do the following words and put a tick in the box to the right if he
or she says them correctly.
1. pen—cil
2. rain—bow
3. pop—corn
4. white—board
5. out—side
6. pa—per
Total __________
5. Syllable segmentation
Tell the child that you are going to say a word and then break it into parts, or
syllables. First say rainbow normally. Clap out the two parts in rainbow while saying
each part. Then push up a counter while saying each syllable. It is not necessary to
clap the syllables again unless the skill needs to be re-taught. Put a tick in the box
to the right if the child does it correctly.
1. sometime (2)
2. basket (2)
3. bedroom (2)
4. fantastic (3)
5. maybe (2)
6. helicopter (4)
Total __________
Photocopiable page
1. (sun)flower flower
2. (in)side side
3. for(get) for
4. bas(ket) bas
5. af(ter) af
6. (skate)board board
Total __________
1. big /b/
2. land /l/
3. farm /f/
4. apple /a/
5. desk /d/
6. ship /sh/
Total __________
1. pick /k/
2. ran /n/
3. fill /l/
4. bug /g/
5. same /m/
6. tooth /th/
Total __________
Photocopiable page
Total __________
Total __________
1. (s)un un
2. (p)ig ig
3. (m)op op
4. (n)eck eck
5. (b)at at
6. (t)ape ape
Total __________
Photocopiable page
1. ro/s/e row
2. trai/n/ tray
3. grou/p/ grew
4. sea/t/ sea
5. ba/k/e bay
6. tedd/y/ ted
Total __________
Total __________
Total __________
Photocopiable page
* 5 sections are provided to allow for the test being administered up to 5 times
Key EY = Early Years JI = Junior Infants SI = Senior Infants 1st = First Class
Photocopiable page
* 5 sections are provided to allow for the test being administered up to 5 times
Key EY = Early Years JI = Junior Infants SI = Senior Infants 1st = First Class
Photocopiable page
* 5 sections are provided to allow for the test being administered up to 5 times
Key EY = Early Years JI = Junior Infants SI = Senior Infants 1st = First Class
Photocopiable page
* 5 sections are provided to allow for the test being administered up to 5 times
Key EY = Early Years JI = Junior Infants SI = Senior Infants 1st = First Class
Photocopiable page
11. Phoneme deletion of initial sound 12. Phoneme deletion of final sound
1. (s)un un 1. ro/ /s/ /e/ row
2. (p)ig ig 2. trai /n/ tray
3. (m)op op 3. grou /p/ grew
4. (n)eck eck 4. sea /t/ sea
5. (b)at at 5. ba /k/ /e/ bay
6. (t)ape ape 6. in /ch/ in
Total correct: /6 Total correct: /6
13. Phoneme deletion of first sound in consonant blend 15. Phoneme deletion of final sound
1. Say clap without /c/ lap 1. Concept of spoken word /6
2. Say stop without /s/ top 2. Rhyme recognition /6
3. Say trust without /t/ rust 3. Rhyme production /6
4. Say black without /b/ lack 4. Syllable blending /6
5. Say drip without /d/ rip 5. Syllable segmentation /6
6. Say smile without /s/ mile 6. Syllable deletion /6
7. Phoneme
Total correct: /6 isolation of initial /6
8. Phoneme
14. Phoneme substitution isolation of final /6
1. Change the first sound in man with /f/ fan 9. Phoneme blending /6
2. Change the first sound in pig with /d/ dig 10. Phoneme segmentation /6
3. Change the first sound in sack with /t/ tack
11. Phoneme deletion of initial /6
4. Change the first sound in well with /f/ fell
12. Phoneme deletion of final
sound /6
5. Change the first sound in bed with /r/ red
13. Phoneme deletion of first
6. Change the first sound in shop with /ch/ chop /6
sound in consonant blend
Total correct: /6 14. Phoneme substitution /6
Photocopiable page
a as
t sat, at
p pip, pit, pat, tap, tip, sip, spit, spat sap, pasta, pass
nap, nip, nit, an, ant, pan, pin, tan, span, assistant
n tin, spin, in, insist, pant, pants,
snap, snip
cat, can, cap, act, stick, skip, skin, napkin, tact, stack, spick,
tick, pick, pack, kiss, kick, sack, span, attic, kit, attack, spank
sick, panic, picnic, snack, ink, stink,
tank, pink, sank, sink
set, pet, net, pen, ten, test, pest, antiseptic, inspect, tense, arrest,
nest, sent, neck, peck, step, tennis, antenna, cassette, speck
tent, insect, ticket, kitten, sense,
hen, hat, hip, hit, hint, hiss, hectic
happen, honk
rat, rip, ran, rest, rack, rent, press, spirit, strip, actress, transparent,
prick, print, risk, scrap, strap, stress, attract, resist, respect, trespass,
track, trap, trick, trip, strict, crisps, racket, rink
crept, crack, present, rinse, cricket
man, men, map, mat, hem, ham, rim, ram, mass, mimic, tram, prim,
him, mess, miss, mist, mint, imp, tempt, attempt, mink
stamp, crisps, trim, pram, smack,
tramp, camp, stem, mattress
I are go
1. 11. 21.
the all no
2. 12. 22.
he you so
3. 13. 23.
she your my
4. 14. 24.
me come one
5. 15. 25.
we some by
6. 16. 26.
be said like
7. 17. 27.
to there live
9. 19. 29.
do they give
10. 20. 30
Photocopiable page
First Class
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Twin letters and consonant digraphs
Write the correct letters for each picture. ff ss ll zz
sh____p b____t
Score: Photocopiable page
18 Comment: 39
sm______ cr______
h______ g______
r______ j______
b______ t______
Score: Photocopiable page
8 Comment: 41
September Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
1 Revision: short vowel sounds 4–7 Week 1 To identify the short vowel sounds. To listen
Revision: final consonant words. To identify and write words ending in
blends consonant blends using phonetic blending.
To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high
frequency words.
2 Revision: ai, oa, ie and y 8–11 Week 2 To read and write words containing the ai,
Revision: ee, or, ng and both oa, ie and y sounds. To read and write words
oo sounds containing the ee, or, ng and both oo sounds.
Revision: ch, sh, th and wh To read and write words containing the ch, sh,
Revision: ou, oi, ue, er and ar th and wh sounds. To read and write words
containing the ou, oi, ue, er and ar sounds.
To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high
frequency words.
3 Revision: initial consonant 12–16 Week 3 To identify and write words beginning with the
blends st, tr, dr, sk, tw and sl consonant blends st, tr, dr, sk, tw and sl. To
Revision: initial consonant identify and write words beginning with the
blends pl, fl, br, sp, sm and consonant blends pl, fl, br, sp, sm and sn. To
sn identify and write words beginning with the
Revision: initial consonant consonant blends cl, fr, cr and th. To identify
blends cl, fr, cr and th and write words beginning with the consonant
Revision: initial consonant blends bl, gl, pr and sh. To read sentences
blends bl, gl, pr and sh using phonetic blending. To learn 16 phonetic
Revision: phonetic blending spellings and four high frequency words.
4 Magic e 17–21 Week 4 To read and write words by changing the vowel
Word family: _ake sound with magic e. To write words containing
Word families: _ake and _ate the _ake sound. To read and write words
Word families: _ame and _ale containing the _ake and _ate sounds. To read
1st Class Yearly Plan
Magic e with a (a_e) and write words containing the _ame and _ale
sounds. To read and write words containing the
magic e with a. To learn 16 phonetic spellings
and four high frequency words.
10/03/2016 10:58
October Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 10:58
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
November Plan
Week Content Pupil page: My Spelling Booklet Objectives
1 Revision: ue, ew and u_e 37–38 Week 9 To read and write words containing the long oo sound. To
(book, pull) learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
2 Revision: _ay sound 39–40 Week 10 To read and write words containing the _ay sound. To read
Revision: long a sounds ai, ay and write words containing the long a sound. To learn 16
and a_e phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
3 Long e sounds: ee and ea 41–42 Week 11 To read and write words containing the long e sound. To
Long e sounds magic e, ee, e_e, learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
ea and y
4 Revision: magic e 43–44 Week 12 To write words containing the magic e. To revise phonics
Revision: winter work covered to date. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four
high frequency words.
10/03/2016 10:58
December Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 10:59
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
January Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
1 ow sound 54-55 Week 16 To read and write words containing the magic e with i. To
To read words containing magic e with i. To read and write
two-syllable words.
To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency
2 ou and ow sounds 56-57 Week 17 To read and write words containing the magic e with o. To
Magic e with o, oa and ow read sentences containing words with magic e with o.
sounds To read and write words containing the magic e with
consonant blends.
To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency
3 Syllables 58-59 Week 18 To read and write words containing the magic e with u.
To write words containing the magic e.
To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency
4 aw sound 60-61 Week 19 To read and write words containing both ew sounds.
au and al sounds To read and write words containing the long u sound.
To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency
10/03/2016 10:59
February Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 10:59
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
March Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
1 ey sound 68-69 Week 23 To read and write words containing the ey sound.
2 Revision: magic e 70-72 Tricky spellings To read and draw pictures of words containing the magic
Soft c and hard c e. To read words containing the soft c and hard c sounds.
Soft c and word family ice To read and write words containing the soft c and ice
words. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high
frequency words.
3 Soft g 73-74 Week 24 To read and write words containing the soft g sounds. To
Revision: soft c and soft g read and write sentences containing the soft c and soft
g sounds. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high
frequency words.
10/03/2016 10:59
April Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 10:59
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
May Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
1 ph sound 81-82 Week 26 To read and write nonsense words containing the ph
learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
2 Revision: magic e 83-85 Week 27 To read and write words containing the magic e. To write
Revision: final consonant blends words containing the magic e. To identify and write words
ending in consonant blends using phonetic blending. To
learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
3 Revision 86-87 Week 28 To listen to and write sentences using phonetic blending.
To read words using phonetic blending. To learn 16
phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
10/03/2016 10:59
June Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 10:59
1st Class Lesson Plans
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
Note: The month and week are merely guidelines. The rate at which sounds are learnt will
depend on numerous factors such as the ability of the class, your method of teaching, even
the timing of the Christmas play!
To read and write words containing the _ake and _ate
1. Say a few nursery rhymes. Revise rhyming
words. Call a word. Ask the children to name
a word that rhymes with it, e.g. ball, wall; cat,
hat; hit, sit; dog, log; pig, fig; bake, cake.
2. Read the poem Yummy Cake! Children say the
rhyming words.
3. Write the word date on the board. Point out the magic e. Teach the
children the rhyme: Magic e plays a game, it makes the vowel says its
4. Write the word date. Change the starting sound in the word (turning it
from date to fate). Children read the new word each time. Ask them if it
is a real word and to explain what it means/put it in a sentence.
5. Just Phonics 1st Class. In part A the children write the missing _ake
words. In part B the children write the real _ate words and read the new
6. Read and remember: ate and eight.
Dictation for this page: The drake was in the lake.
ee ea y e-e (e magic e)
beech been each cream angry glory here
speech queen peach dream army hungry these
need deep reach bean baby lady theme
reed weep teach jeans berry marry gene
seed sheep lead cheap body memory concrete
weed deer read ear carry party compete
cheek peer leaf hear cherry sorry delete
leek meet leave cheat copy twenty
week sweet beak east curry thirty
feel street leak feast duty very
heel bee peak sea empty
steel coffee weak every
seem agree squeak family
3. Write the words meat and meet on the board. Ask the children to read
them. They both sound the same. Explain that we eat meat. And that
when two letter es get together they meet and shake hands.
4. In Just Phonics 1st Class the children read the words and use the code to
colour the picture.
Dictation for this page: Eve eats sweet treats.
2. In part A in Just Phonics 1st Class the children will colour the igh words
red and the ight words yellow.
3. In part B read the questions and write the answer to each question, e.g.
high, night, tight, right, bright and light.
4. Play the game Sound Dice.
Dictation for this page: I might turn right.
Game: Sound Dice
You need a medium-sized die, and six stickers with sounds that you wish to
revise, e.g. _ile, _ike, _ide, _ime, _igh and _ight. Place stickers on die. Children
sit in a large circle. Pass the die to the first child. Children must choose a sound
from the die and say a word with that sound. Pass the die to the next child who
says a different word with the same sound. Continue around the circle until a
child can’t think of a new word. When this happens, ask the child to pick a
new sound from the die and continue the game with a new sound.
3. In part A in Just Phonics 1st Class the children write the missing letters.
4. In part B read the words and write the y sound in the correct box.
Dictation for this page: The sky is dusty.
slow owl
house cloud round ground down towel cow frown
couch loud hound mouth town flower clown shower
3. In Just Phonics 1st Class look at the picture. Read the sentences using
what you know about the ow sound. Write 3 or 7. Colour the picture
using the instructions.
4. In Just Phonics 1st Class there are some words that have the same
spelling but are pronounced differently and have different meanings.
Read and remember these.
Dictation for this page: I went down to the show.
Game: Do they Rhyme? (Rhyming ow)
Read each set of words aloud. Ask the child to tell you if the words rhyme.
low slow 3 town train 7 boil bowl 7 how now 3
blow blew 7 fowl growl 3 down drain 7 crow grow 3
grow glue 7 slow slug 7
3. In part A in Just Phonics 1st Classs read the words. Write the correct
word in each picture.
4. In Just Phonics 1st Class flour and flower are written with an image.
Read and remember these.
Dictation for this page: The mouse and the owl had a fight.
2. Write the words air, care, wear. All these words rhyme. Highlight the air,
are and ear. These three sounds look different but sound the same.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Highlight the air, are and ear in the words. Read
the words. Write the correct word under each picture.
Dictation for this page: I eat a pear in the fresh air.
2. Write a list of words with soft c (examples above). Ask the children do
they know what sound the c makes before an i, e or y? Soft c makes an
s sound when it comes before i, e and y.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. Colour the soft c words (city) green and the hard
c (card) words yellow.
4. Play the game Odd One Out.
Dictation for this page: Mice eat rice and sauce.
Game: Odd One Out (soft c/hard c)
Read each set of words aloud. Ask the child to tell you which word has a soft c.
cat car city carpet cave centre crayon cry cereal
cent candle cake mice duck stuck duck dice muck
oi oy
boil spoil groin void voice boy toy joyful
foil toil joint hoist choice coy ploy
soil loin point moist joy boys
2. Call out words (see lists above for examples) and ask the children which
column they think the word belongs to, e.g. toy. Ask a child to write the
word under that heading by sounding it out.
3. Just Phonics 1st Class. The children read the clues and write the answers
to the crossword.
Dictation for this page: Jake ate the cake from the plate.
Vowel digraphs
Page 39 — —————————————
train, zoo, snail, sweet
tie, coin, mouth, foal
moon, book, argue, cried
rescue, loud, cook, oil
sheep, boat
magic e magic e magic e long u
No. Pupil’s name syllable
with i with u with e sounds
Photocopiable page
110 Class:
Photocopiable page
Teacher: 111
magic e magic e magic e long u
No. Pupil’s name syllable
with i with u with e sounds
Photocopiable page
112 Class:
Photocopiable page
Teacher: 113
Pupil’s name: Age:
Class: Techer:
Highly Experiencing Experiencing
To read Capable and Managing
capable and some significant
and write: competent comfortably
competent difficulty difficulty
magic e with a
magic e with i
two-syllable words
magic e with o
magic e with u
magic e with e
long u sounds
long e sounds
long i sounds
ou and ow sounds
long o sounds
au, aw and al
er, ir and ur
_ey sound
compound words
oi and oy sounds
_tch sound
ph and gh sounds
Photocopiable page
Dictation sentences
Page 9 ———————————————
seed king wing book
Page 23 — —————————————
moon torn zoo ring fine nine spine
fork bee cook room line twine pine
Valentine mine vine
Page 12 — —————————————
train tree twig
Page 24 — —————————————
steps slipper twin The two words with no picture are
drill drum skip spike and lime.
B. Page 37 — —————————————
rabbit B.
farmer drew
spider June
planet new
helmet crew
coffee flute
Page 29 — ————————————— glue
rope sore mole Page 38 — —————————————
hose bone joke B.
Page 31 — ————————————— pull
tube tune dune pudding
fuse cube mule hood
Page 33 — —————————————
Page 39 — —————————————
maze nose hive cube
hay bray play
tube rose cake five
monkey pray clay
cone bike lake dune
tray elephant skip
slide plate snake stone
pay x-ray balloon
Page 35 — —————————————
Page 40 — —————————————
stew blew
news grew
new flew
1. May
2. nail
pew crew
3. jail
few chew
8. snail
dew drew 9. train
panda Page 66 — —————————————
beware chair tear fairy
bear fair square mare
scare repair underwear fare
hair wear stairs pear
raccoon Page 67 — —————————————
Assessment Page 59 — ——————— hair
B. square
donkey bear
rhino dairy
panda bare
camel hare
cheetah dare
Page 86 — —————————————
1. The seaweed is next to the
starfish and the shell.
2. The starfish and the jellyfish are
on the sand next to the bucket.
3. The bucket is by the blanket
and the spade.
4. The children fish with nets in
the warm rock pool.
Page 87 — —————————————
Whale has no picture.
cap pin hop rat rag
1st Class Photocopiables
Photocopiable page
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 11:05
Just Phonics 1st Class Teacher’s Resource Book
Photocopiable page
_ ow _ ice _ ake
1. _ ___________________________________________________
2. _ ___________________________________________________
3. _ ___________________________________________________
4. _ ___________________________________________________
5. _ ___________________________________________________
September Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
1 Revision: short a, e, i, o and u 4–5 N/A To identify the short vowel sounds and to read
Revision: long a (cake) and write CVC words. To read and comprehend
10/03/2016 11:05
October Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 11:05
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book
November Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
1 Suffix: _ing 25–27 Week 8 To read and write words that double the last letter before
adding the suffix _ing. For p. 27 to write and draw
10/03/2016 11:06
December Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 11:06
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book
January Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
1 Silent w 50–51 Week 15 To read and write words containing silent w. To learn 16
phonetic spellings and four high frequency words.
10/03/2016 11:06
February Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 11:06
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book
March Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
1 Word family: _ouse 64–65 Week 22 To read and write words containing the _ouse and _out
Word family: _out sounds. To learn 16 phonetic spellings and four high
10/03/2016 11:06
April Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 11:06
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book
May Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
1 Multi-syllable words 76–77 Tricky spellings 62-64 To read multi-syllable words. To revise tricky spellings.
10/03/2016 11:06
June Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 11:06
2nd Class Lesson Plans
Note: The month and week are merely guidelines. The rate at which sounds are learnt will
depend on numerous factors such as the ability of the class, your method of teaching, even
the timing of the Christmas play!
Materials needed:
Hat, flashcards (see p.205).
To read and write words containing the long i sound.
1. Children listen to the long i sound. Ask them
can they think of any ways to write it. Write ie,
magic e with i, y and igh on the board.
2. Brainstorm words that have the long i sound.
List words on the board.
3. Children open Just Phonics 2nd Class. How
many ie words can they find? Colour the ie
words green.
4. How many magic e with i words can they find? Colour the magic e with
i words orange.
5. How many y words can they find? Colour the y words red.
6. How many igh words can they find? Colour the igh words yellow.
7. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read the story and ring the long i
words. Children write some of the words they found in the story.
Dictation for this page: I like to eat pie.
Game: Magic e
Put word cards into a hat. Ask a child to take a card from the hat. The child
reads the word, e.g. cap. Next the child must say the word as if it had a magic
e at the end, e.g. cape.
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing the short oo
1. Children listen to the short oo sound. Ask them
can they think of any ways to write it. Write oo
and u on the board.
2. Brainstorm words that have the short oo sound.
List words on the board.
3. Children open Just Phonics 2nd Class. How
many oo words can they find? Colour the oo words green.
4. How many u words can they find? Colour the u words yellow.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read the clues and write the answers for
the crossword.
Dictation for this page: I put my book on the shelf.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read the words and colour the suffix
_ed words yellow. The children read the words, write the suffix _ed and
make new words. The children choose five _ed words and write each
one in a sentence.
Dictation for this page: The plane landed on the runway.
word. Write the new words: fried, carried and copied. What happened
to the y? The y was changed to i before adding the suffix _ed.
4. Write dry, cry and empty on the board. Call up children to add the
suffix _ed. If necessary, prompt the children to change the y to i before
adding the suffix _ed.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children change the y to i and add the suffix
_ed. The children find each new word in the word search.
Dictation for this page: I cried, then dried my eyes.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read each word and colour the words
with the suffix _ing orange. The children read each word, write the
suffix _ing and make a new word. The children use the words with the
suffix _ing to write two sentences.
Dictation for this page: The girl was playing on the swing.
3. Brainstorm words ending in y. Add the suffix _ing and list the words on
the board.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children add the suffix _ing to the root word and
draw a picture for each sentence.
Dictation for this page: Mum is spraying the flowers.
Children choose the correct word for each sentence. Children use the
read and remember to learn the spellings know and no.
Dictation for this page: I knock on the door and turn the knob.
word ending. Circle the e in each word. What do the children notice
about the e? It is a silent letter. Teach the children the following
sentence: When a word ends in _le or _tle the e is usually a silent letter.
3. Brainstorm words that have the _le sound. List the words on the board
under the headings _le and_tle.
3. Just Phonics 2nd Class. How many le words can they find? Colour the le
words green. How many tle words can they find? Colour the tle words
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Page 34. Children write the correct word under
each picture and identify which word has no picture. Page 35. Children
look at the picture, read the sentences and identify whether they are
true or false.
Dictation for page 34:
1. The poodle is under the table. 2. There is a tunnel under the castle.
3. The apple fell into the puddle. 4. People can be male or female.
5. The doctor was gentle with my
broken ankle.
Dictation for page 36: I have a little turtle.
word into syllables and read each word. The children unscramble the
syllables and write each word. The children design their own smoothie
and write the ingredients for it.
Dictation for this page: We saw a crocodile on holiday.
Game: Talk like Robo Robot
Robo Robot breaks words into syllables. The teacher says a word, e.g. person.
The child repeats the word like Robo Robot, e.g. per/son. This game can also
be played in reverse. The teacher talks like Robo Robot, e.g. un/der, and the
child must say the word, e.g. under.
Materials needed:
To assess children’s learning.
1. Write lam_ on the board.
Ask the children to
identify the missing silent
2. Draw a simple castle
on the board and write
‘castle’ and ‘candle’
underneath it. Ask the children to identify the correct word.
3. Write the word cry on the board. Ask the children to add the suffix _ed
and the suffix _ing to the word.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Assessment. Page 48. Children write the correct
missing letter for each word. Children tick the correct word for each
picture. Page 49. Children add the suffix _ed and _ing to each word.
Children complete dictation exercise.
Dictation for page 49:
1. My neighbour is eighty.
2. The hedge is at the edge of the garden.
3. The lamb is in the puddle.
4. I know how to play basketball.
5. I ate porridge and banana for breakfast.
Materials needed:
To read and write words containing silent h.
1. Call out a list of words containing silent h to
the children (exhaust, honest, ghost). Write
the words on the board. What do the children
notice about the h? It is a silent letter. Ask the
children if they remember what a silent letter
is. Silent letters are letters in words that do not
make a sound when you say the word.
2. Brainstorm words that have a silent h. List the words on the board.
3. Write the following sentence on the board: Rhythm helps your two hips
move. Highlight the first letter in each word. Ask the children what
word the highlighted letters spell out (rhythm). Tell the children that
this sentence can be used to remember the spelling of rhythm.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. The children write the missing words and match
each sentence to the correct picture. The children use the read and
remember to learn the spelling of rhythm.
Dictation for this page: The ghost haunts the castle.
1. Call out a list of words containing silent u to
the children (guest, guitar, building). Write
the words on the board. What do the children
notice about the u? It is a silent letter. Ask the
children if they remember what a silent letter
is. (Silent letters are letters in words that do not
make a sound when you say the word.)
2. Brainstorm words that have a silent u. List the words on the board.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with words containing a silent g (gnome, sign,
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Colour the words with silent u red. Colour the
words with silent g yellow.
5. Tick the best sentence for each picture. Match each word to the correct
Dictation for this page: I saw a sign for the lifeguard’s hut.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children read each word and add the suffix _y to
make a new word. The children write the correct word in each sentence.
Dictation for this page: My bedroom is really messy.
the suffix _y to each word. Write the new words: sandy, snappy and
shiny. What rule did each word follow? Sand added the suffix _y, snap
doubled the last letter before adding the suffix _y, shine dropped the e
before adding the suffix _y.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. The children choose 16 words from the list and
write each one in a box. The teacher calls out a word. If the child has
the word they cross it out. The first child to cross out 16 words calls out
Dictation for this page: The song they wrote was cheesy but catchy.
To read and write words that add the suffix _s.
1. Call out words ending in _s (kittens, bears,
owls). What do all of these words have in
common? They all have the suffix _s.
2. Ask the children if they know what a suffix
is? (A suffix comes at the end of the word. It
changes the word’s original meaning.) Ask the
children if they know what the suffix _s means.
(The suffix _s means more than one.)
3. Write shark, dog and book on the board. Ask the children to add the
suffix _s to each word. Write the new words: sharks, dogs, books.
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children crack the code to write the words:
1. A kindle of kittens 2. A band of gorillas 3. A charm of hummingbirds
4. A colony of penguins 5. A pack of red pandas
6. A battery of barracudas 7. A tower of giraffes
Dictation for this page: The seals and sharks live in the sea.
4. Write box, buzz, dish and dog on the board. Call children up to the
board to add the suffix _ es or _s. If necessary, prompt the children to
look for the last letter to see if they should add _es or _s.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children add the suffix _es to each word.
Children read each sentence and add the suffix _es.
Dictation for this page: Foxes live in a den.
the top of their desk. Read a word from the page aloud, e.g. diplodocus.
The child says each of the syllables in the word separately while moving
a counter in front of them. The child blends the syllables together and
says the whole word, e.g. diplodocus = dip/lod/o/cus.
4. Pair Work. The children open page 75. One child calls out a word. Their
partner must clap out the syllables.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Children put the pieces back together and read
each word. Children read the jokes and write their own dinosaur joke.
Game: Talk like Robo Robot
Robo Robot breaks words into syllables. The teacher says a word, e.g. person.
The child repeats the word like Robo Robot, e.g. per/son. This game can also
be played in reverse. The teacher talks like Robo Robot, e.g. un/der and the
child must say the word, e.g. under.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with the ICBs spl (split, splash, splinter), spr
(spring, sprang, spread) and thr (three, throw, threat).
4. Just Phonics 2nd Class. How many scr words can the children find?
Colour them red. How many spl words can the children find? Colour
them green. How many spr words can the children find? Colour them
blue. How many thr words can the children find? Colour them yellow.
5. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Page 78. Children write the correct word under
each picture and write one word for each sound. Page 79. Children
write the correct word under each picture.
Dictation for this page: Three men will scrub the decks.
Game: Sound Deletion
Say a word without the intial consonant blend, e.g. say splash without the spl.
Materials needed:
Two hoops.
To write three words for each
1. Pair Work. Children
open Just Phonics 2nd
Class on pages 88-89 and
brainstorm words for
each sound.
2. List words for each sound
on the board.
3. Just Phonics 2nd Class. Pages 88-89. Children write three words for each
ei double silent word
suffix: suffix: ending:
No. Pupil’s name and cons- b, k family:
_ed _ing _le
eigh onants and c _dge
and _el
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book
Photocopiable page
190 Class:
word ph
silent suffix:
multi- short family: three- makes
silent h, l, d, suffix: _ly suffix:
syllable ea _ouse letter an
w s, t, u _y and _s
words sound and initial f
and g _ally
_out sound
Photocopiable page
Teacher: 191
ei double silent word
suffix: suffix: ending:
No. Pupil’s name and cons- b, k family:
_ed _ing _le
eigh onants and c _dge
and _el
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book
Photocopiable page
192 Class:
word ph
silent suffix:
multi- short family: multi- three- makes
silent h, l, d, suffix: _ly
syllable ea _ouse syllable letter an
w s, t, u _y and
words sound and words initial f
and g _ally
_out sound
Photocopiable page
Teacher: 193
Class: Techer:
Highly Experiencing Experiencing
To read Capable and Managing
capable and some significant
and write: competent comfortably
competent difficulty difficulty
ei and eigh
suffix: _ed
double consonants
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book
suffix: _ing
silent b, k and c
silent w
short ea sound
silent h, l, d, s, t, u
and g
suffix: _y
suffix: _s
three-letter initial
consonant blends
ph makes an f
Photocopiable page
Dictation sentences
thistle / a plant starry spotty Floppy chatty Nutty
witty skinny runny fatty flabby
Page 57 — ————————————— snappy funny sunny
1. The lifeguard is on the beach. Assessment Page 62 — ———————
2. The girl was a guest at the party. A.
3. There is a crack in the building lazy hazy bony smoky slimy
4. Louise is playing the guitar. cheesy rosy crazy scary sparkly
5. The guinea pig is drinking water. shiny nosy stony grimy dozy
6. The puppy is a rogue.
B. Assessment Page 64 — ———————
reign / a king’s rule
gnome / often found in a garden. C.
champagne/a drink made in France The greenhouse is made from glass.
foreign / from another country
design / to plan and draw Assessment Page 65 — ———————
gnaw / to chew A.
sign / notice clout / to hit
resign / to quit grout / found between tiles
pout / to sulk
Page 58 — ————————————— out / the opposite of in
A. shout / to call out loudly
Across: 1. hour 3. wriggle 5. lamb snout / nose of a pig
6. design 9. island 10. biscuit spout / a kettle has a handle and…
12. chalk 13. yolk 16. rhyme 17. sprout / to grow
palm stout / bulky.
tout / to look for business
cap pin hop rat rag
2nd Class Photocopiables
Photocopiable page
Just Phonics 2nd Class Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 11:12
Third Class Upwards
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
Write the correct word for each picture. (2 marks per word)
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Score: Photocopiable page
50 Comment: 207
cul+cal+ate = ent+per+man =
ac+cid+ent = per+al+son =
put+com+er = pal+prin+cip =
tic+fas+fan = dif+ence+fe r=
vest+in+ment = pot+to+a =
1. _ ___________________________________________________
2. _ ___________________________________________________
3. _ ___________________________________________________
4. _ ___________________________________________________
5. _ ___________________________________________________
6. _ ___________________________________________________
Photocopiable page
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 11:12
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
October Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
1 Revision: suffix: _s, _ed and 18–20 Week 4 To read and write words containing the suffixes _s, _ed
_ing and _ing. To learn to spell related words. To learn to spell
10/03/2016 11:12
November Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 11:12
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
December Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
1 Assessment 38–39 Tricky spellings To assess the children’s learning. To revise tricky spellings.
10/03/2016 11:12
January Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 11:12
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
February Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
1 Prefix: ex_, mis_, mid_ 52–54 Week 14 To read and write words containing the prefixes ex_, mis_
and mid_. To learn to spell related words. To learn to spell
10/03/2016 11:12
March Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 11:12
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
April Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
1 Suffixes: _able, _less, _al, _ible, 64–65 Week 20 To read and write words containing the suffixes _able,
_ness and _ful _ible, _less, _ness, _al and _ful. To learn to spell related
10/03/2016 11:12
May Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 11:12
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
June Plan
Week Content Pupil page My Spelling Booklet Objectives
10/03/2016 11:13
Lesson Plans
Note: The month and week are merely guidelines. The rate at which sounds are learnt will
depend on numerous factors such as the ability of the class, your method of teaching, even
the timing of the Christmas play!
1. Children listen to the ai sound. Ask them can
they think of any ways to write it? On the board
draw a table with all the ai sounds, like on the
next page.
2. Call out words (see lists on the next page for
examples) and ask the children which column
they think the word belongs to, e.g. rain. Ask a
child to write the word under that heading by sounding it out.
3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. The children find the long a
words in the whale and list them under each heading. Part B. Write
a smaller word found in each of the bigger words. Part C. Read and
remember the spelling of rain/rein/reign. Use a word wall chant (Just
Phonics 3rd Class Upwards p. 81) to learn these.
4. Play Sound Mix.
Game: Sound Mix
Give each child a sound card and ask them to find a space in the room. Tell
the children that when you say ‘Go’, they must find all the children with cards
that make the same sound as their own. When all sound groups have formed,
invite each group to hold up their cards and say their sound aloud. Tell the
children to swap cards with someone from another group and find their own
space again and start a new game.
3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. The children join the correct
parts to make sentences. Read the sentences. Part B. Change the sound
and write the new words. Read the words. Part C. Write a sentence
using each word. Read the sentences. Part D. Read and remember how
to write said. Use a word wall chant (Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards p.
81) to learn this.
Dictation for this page: I found eight snails in the lane.
Game: Sound Hat
Place sound cards into a large hat. Children sit in a large circle. Pass the hat to
the first child. They take a card from the hat, say that sound and a word that
has that sound, e.g. ee, bee. If the child is correct they keep the card. Continue
playing until all the cards are gone from the hat.
3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Read the words and use the code
to colour the words. Part B. Write four words under each heading using
the words from part A. Part C. Read the words and find a smaller word
in each word. Write the smaller word.
Dictation for this page: The queen eats cheese and peas.
Game: Sound Mix
Give each child a sound card and ask them to find a space in the room. Tell
the children that when you say ‘Go’, they must find all the children with cards
that make the same sound as their own. When all sound groups have formed,
invite each group to hold up their cards and say their sound aloud. Tell the
children to swap cards with someone from another group and find their own
space again and start a new game.
3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Read the words and write a
rhyming word for each. Part B. Read the words and find a smaller word
in each word. Write the smaller word. Part C. Read the clues. Match
each clue to its word. Read and remember the spellings from: piece of
pie. Use a word wall chant (Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards p.81) to learn
Dictation for this page: The greedy boy eats too much meat.
Game: Sound Hat
Place sound cards into a large hat. Children sit in a large circle. Pass the hat to
the first child. They take a card from the hat, say that sound and a word that
has that sound, e.g. ee, bee. If the child is correct they keep the card. Continue
playing until all the cards are gone from the hat.
To read and write words containing the long i sound.
1. Children listen to the long i sound. Ask them
can they think of any ways to write it? On the
board draw a table with all the long i sounds,
like on the next page.
2. Call out words (see lists on the next page for
examples) and ask the children which column
they think the word belongs to, e.g. die. Ask a
child to write the word under that heading by sounding it out.
3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Children find the words in the
hive. List six words under each heading. Part B. Read the words. Write
a smaller word from each of the words. Part C. Read and remember the
spellings: tide/tied, site/sight, right/write. Use a word wall chant (Just
Phonics 3rd Class Upwards p. 81) to learn these.
Dictation for this page: I like to fly my kite.
Game: Sound Mix
Give each child a sound card and ask them to find a space in the room. Tell
the children that when you say ‘Go’, they must find all the children with cards
that make the same sound as their own. When all sound groups have formed,
invite each group to hold up their cards and say their sound aloud. Tell the
children to swap cards with someone from another group and find their own
space again and start a new game.
oa o-e (o magic e) ow
boat poach moat robe stroke hope crow arrow tow
bloat foam loan globe hole nose show window slow
float groan foal code whole drove snow bow throw
coat soap coal rode home stove bowl low pillow
coach coast joke bone flow mow
goal oats smoke stone grow sow
3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Colour the oa words blue, the ow
words yellow and the o-e words green. Read the blue, yellow and green
words. Part B. Read the words, read the clues. Complete the crossword.
Part C. Read the words. Write the smaller word from each of these
3. Orally call out words from the list above. Ask the children to call a
rhyming word back.
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. The children are repeating step
2 above. They can use the words in part A on p. 12. Part B. Write a
rhyming word for each of the words. Part C. Read the clues. Read the
words. Match each clue to a word. Read and remember: road/rode/
rowed. Use a word wall chant (Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards p. 81) to
learn these.
Dictation for this page: I wear a coat in the snow.
Game: Sound Hat
Place sound cards into a large hat. Children sit in a large circle. Pass the hat to
3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. The children find the words
in the tube. Write six words under each heading. Part B. Change one
letter on each rung of the ladder. Read the clues to decide which letter
changes. Part C. Read and remember: ewe/you/yew. Use a word wall
chant (Just Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards p. 81) to learn these.
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. The children join the correct
parts to make sentences. Read the sentences. Part B. Change the sound
and write the new words. Read the words. Part C. Write a sentence
using each word. Read the sentences. Part D. Read and remember: new/
knew. Use a word wall chant (Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards p. 81) to
learn this.
2. Define a compound word. It is when two words are put together and
make one word with a new meaning.
3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Look at the pictures. Write the words.
Put them together to form the new word. Draw the picture for the new
Dictation for this page: The goldfish and jellyfish were wet.
3. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Add the suffix _ed, _ing.
Dictation for this page: I baked a cake and tidied up.
To read and write words
containing silent letters.
1. Write these words on
the board: knight,
Wednesday, sign, gnome
and wrestler. Ask the
children to identify what
they have in common.
Highlight the silent letters
in these words.
3. Children open Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards on page 27. Part A. The
children must define a prefix. Part B. The children add the prefix un_,
re_ or dis_ to each word and read the new word. In pairs the children
orally make a sentence for each new word.
2. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Add the suffix _tion. Write the
words. List the words in alphabetical order.
3. In part B write the correct word for each sentence. Read the sentences.
Dictation for this page: I got a large portion of ice cream.
and _ssion.
1. Call out some words with the _sion ending. Ask
the children can they hear that the ending is
the same in all the words. Write the words on
the board. Identify the _sion/_ssion spelling in
the words.
division decision discussion vision pension
recession commission version conclusion impression
mission television expression session
2. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Part A. Read the words. Write the correct
word for each sentence. Read the sentences. Play the game Fishing using
some of the words above. Part B. Read the jokes.
Game: Fishing
This game is similar to the traditional game: Hangman. Represent a word on
the board with a dash for every letter. Children guess letters. If they guess a
letter correctly, write the letter on the corresponding dash. If they guess an
incorrect letter, draw a part of a fish (body, tail, fin, eye and mouth). If you
complete the fish before the children guess all the letters you win and start a
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
new game. If the word is completed before the fish is drawn the children win
the game.
To play individually:
The child read the cards silently and lays them out in the correct order on
their desk.
disagree. Can the children identify something all the words have in
common? Tell the children that all the words have prefixes. Ask the
children if they know what a prefix is? Define prefix. A prefix comes at
the start of a word. It changes the word’s original meaning.
4. Brainstorm the prefixes they know and what they mean.
un- The prefix un_ means ‘not’.
re- The prefix re_ means ‘again’.
dis- The prefix dis_ means ‘not’ or ‘opposite of’.
5. Part B. The children write a word using un_ or dis_ to complete each
sentence. Read the sentences.
1. Revise that a prefix comes at the start of a word.
It changes the word’s original meaning. Ask the
children if they can remember their meanings.
un- The prefix un_ means ‘not’.
re- The prefix re_ means ‘again’.
dis- The prefix dis_ means ‘not’ or ‘opposite of’.
Put word cards into a hat. Ask a child to take a card from the hat. The child
reads the word, e.g. cap. Next the child must say the word as if it had a magic
e at the end, e.g. cape.
the board.
3. Ask the children to put the list of words on the board in alphabetical
4. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 44. Children add _ture and write
the words in alphabetical order. Children use the read and remember
to learn the words sculpture and sculptor. Children read the jokes and
highlight all the words ending in _ture. Page 45. Children read the
sentences and tick the best sentence for each picture.
Dictation for this page: The children love to go for an adventure.
words on the board in four columns (one column for each spelling).
3. Children open Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. How many _air/_are/_
ear/_ere words can they find? Colour the _air words red, colour the _are
words blue, colour the _ear words yellow, colour the _ere words green.
4. Children design posters for the homophones hair/hare, bear/bare, break/
brake and fair/fare.
5. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 50. The children write the correct
word for each sentence. The children use the read and remember
to learn hair/hare, bear/bare, break/brake and fair/fare. Page 51. The
children read the clues and complete the crossword.
Dictation for page 50: The bear sat on a red chair.
Dictation for page 51: Her long hair was very fair.
To read and write words containing ng, nc and nk
1. Say a list of ng words, e.g. sing, wing, thing.
What sound is at the end of these words? Write
ng on the board. Say a list of nc/nk words, e.g.
bank, think, zinc. What sound is at the end of
these words? Ask the children if they can think
of different ways to spell the sound. Write nc
and nk on the board.
2. Brainstorm ng, nc and nk words. List the words on the board.
state of, relating to, full of). Ask the children to match the suffixes to
the meaning.
5. Brainstorm words with the suffixes _able, _ible, _less, _ness, _al and
_ful. List the words on the board.
6. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. Page 64. The children fill in the blanks of
the definition of the suffix. The children match the correct word to each
meaning. The children read the story, circle the words with suffixes and
write them. Page 65. Children read the sentences, ring the suffixes and
match each one to the correct picture. The children write the correct
word in each sentence.
Dictation for page 64: I am careful when I climb trees.
Dictation for page 65: Summer is a cheerful time.
To read and write words containing prefixes.
1. Write the prefixes anti_, fore_, non_, trans_,
en_, super_, sub_, under_, inter_ and pre_
on the board. Ask the children if they can
remember what each prefix means.
2. Write the meanings of the prefixes on the
board: against, before, across, cause to,
between, under, not and above. Ask the
while moving a counter in front of them. The child blends the syllables
together and says the whole word, e.g. magazine = mag/a/zine
4. Pair Work. The children open page 68. One child calls out a word. Their
partner must clap out the syllables.
5. Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards. The children draw a picture for one word
in each set of four. The children tick the word they have drawn. The
children put the four syllables together and write the new word.
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
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Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
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Class: Techer:
compound words
word endings:
_ought and _aught
word endings: _
ear, _eer and _ere
prefix: ex_, mis_,
mid_, de_ and
sounds: ng, nc and
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
number prefixes
suffix: _ous
suffix: _ive
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Dictation sentences
pie time
play outside. y igh
My gran uses hairspray to keep her sky midnight
hair in place. dry lightning
In art class we use paint, crayons shy flight
and clay. sly high
B. 1. train 2. say 3. pail 4. ray pylon thigh
5. lake 6. neigh 7. lane 8. eight fry night
Page 8 ———————————————
Page 11 — —————————————
ea ee ee y
meat bee bee angry
I had to write nine sentences about rice.
sea meet meet happy
The mice wanted some cheese.
A Page 35 — —————————————
1. later 2. cutest 3. nicest 1. waste 2. week 3. write 4. sighed
C. 5. nose 6. toad 7. queue 8. flu
1. easier 2. longest 3. fastest 9. would 10. herd 11. knows
4. shorter 5. funniest 6. prettier 12. red 13. sun
B. immortal – will not die
What kind of horse walks around at irresponsible – not responsible
midnight? A nightmare! impractical – not practical
impolite – rude / not polite
Page 55 — ————————————— irregular – not regular
Across: 2. detox 3. depart 5. illiterate – not able to read/not literate
decend 7. decision 10. delay impatient – not calm/not patient
11. delete 13. defeat 14. define illegible – not readable
15. defuse incredible – not believable/not
Down: 1. detached 2. defend illegal – not allowed by law/not legal
3. decay 4. decoy 5. deflate
angle triangle
phone microphone
van minivan
circle semicircle
metre centimetre
litre millilitre
value overvalue
cap pin hop rat rag
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Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
10/03/2016 11:18
Game: Sound Mix (pages 6, 8, 10, 12, 14)
a magic e/ a-e ee
ay e magic e/ e-e
eigh ea
i magic e/ i-e
o magic e/ o-e
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
u magic e/ u-e
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a magic e
ai ay eigh
/ a-e
e magic e
ei ee ea
/ e-e
i magic e
ie y igh
/ i-e
o magic e
oa ow ue
/ o-e
u magic e
ew ph gh
/ u-e
Just Phonics 3rd Class Upwards Teacher’s Resource Book
ch tch oi oy
alk all au aw
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