Earth 20150403 15
Earth 20150403 15
Earth 20150403 15
Email address:
[email protected] (K. Mikova), [email protected] (E. Makupa), [email protected] (J. Kayumba)
Abstract: For Africa’s developing countries the agricultural system is among the most vulnerable due to extensive use of
rainfed crop production, presence of droughts and floods that affect crops as well as initial poverty of population that limits the
capacity to adapt. In this study were realized the analysis of long-term rainfall data and its impact on main crop products in
Rwanda. Some rainfall data was infilled for the period of 1926-2013. It was done using the monitoring data of a neighbor
weather station with relatively the same elevation above sea level and with a monitoring record of no less than 40 years. The
neighboring station with the best correlation was selected for the infilling. The missing rainfall data was infilled for all the
stations with resulting regression coefficients ranging from 0.55 to 0.80. This indicates the acceptability of the performed
regression. Also were constructed different-cumulative curves of rainfall and sort out cycles of decline and increment of
rainfall. Similar different-cumulative curves were constructed for main crops in Rwanda. Correlation and regression analysis
were used to determine the relationship between rainfall, arable land expansion, fertilizer use and crop yield. Particularly for
Rwandan conditions, the rainfall variations are determinant for the crop yield increment. The intensification of extreme flood’s
and, as rule, flooding of agricultural lands in connection with rainfall augmentation was also allocated.
Keywords: Rainfall Data Reconstruction, Different-Cumulative Curves, Rainfall Augmentation, Crop Production
1. Introduction
Agriculture contributes to development as an economic food production [21]. In Rwanda water regime of fields and
activity, as a livelihood, and as a provider of environmental wetlands is closely linked to rainfall. It could be one of the
services, making the sector a unique instrument for growth limiting constraints for crop production and food security. The
and poverty reduction. In Rwanda, over 80% of employment leguminous production sensibly went down in 2004 due to
is based in rural areas. Agriculture is the main sector making heavy rains registered in high altitude regions, which are
up 32% of GDP. Agriculture in Rwanda faces multiple generally more productive [3]. In addition, the intensity and
challenges. Land is scarce and population densities high, frequency of climate hazards and their harmful effects, are
which means the median land size is approximately 0.3 ha emphasized by the topographical structure proper to
per household. Smallholder farmers dominate production, Rwandan territory, a country particularly characterized by a
with complex extension needs. The country is also very accident relief and consequently very sensitive to
landlocked, which creates higher energy and transport costs erosion and landslides. Also other factors which influencing
than regional neighbors. Rwanda’s unique topography means the crop production are discussed. Among them are air
that farm activity depends on a diverse range of geographical temperature, sunlight, CO2 variations, soil aeration and
landscapes and micro-climates [11]. structure, biotechnology use, fertilizer application, use of
The climate variability of Rwanda is one of the most machinery, and etc. This study, therefore, examines the rate of
significant factors influencing year to year crop production. climate change in terms of rainfall and its impact on crop
Even in high-technology agricultural areas [21] that factor production in Rwanda. Additionally the impacts of several
remains one of the most important. In recent years, more and factors (climatic or non-climatic) on crop production are
more attention has been paid to the risks associated with allocated.
climate change, and the increase uncertainty with respect to
Earth Sciences 2015; 4(3): 120-128 121
2. Materials and Methods altitude varying between 900 m and 4507 m. The components
of that relief are:
2.1. Description of the Study Area Congo Nil Ridge overlaying Lake Kivu with an altitude
Rwanda is located in the central-eastern part of Africa. It between 2500 m and 3000 m. It is dominated in the NorthWest
shares boarders with Uganda in the North, Tanzania in the by the volcanic ranges consisting of five volcanic massifs of
East and South East, Burundi in the South and Democratic which the highest is Karisimbi itch 4507 m.
Republic of Congo in the West (fig. 1). The territory of The central plateau presents a relief of hills with an altitude
Rwanda is 26,338 km2 with a population of over 9 million ranging between 1500 m and 2000 m.
people as estimated in 2007. Rwanda receives about 1250 mm The lowlands of the East are dominated by a depression
average annual rainfall. characterized by hills with a more or less round top and 1000
to 1500 m in altitude.
2.2. Relief The lowlands of the South‐West in Bugarama plain with an
altitude of 900 m are part of the tectonic depression of the
The Rwandan relief is hilly and mountainous with an African Rift Valley.
During the season from March to May, Rwanda is influenced period 2000-2013 (14 years).
by a front situated between the dry winds from Southeast and d. Data about disastrous phenomena (floods, droughts) was
from Southwest, which carry the humidity from the South collected from [13], [14], local publications and present for
Atlantic passing through the Congolese Basin. Lastly, during 1902-2013 years.
the dry season from June to mid-September, the air masses of
winds from the South–East which arrive in Rwanda are dried 3. Results
from the continental air crossing of Tanzania and present a
divergence in the low layers. These conditions are unfavorable 3.1. Infilling Missing Rainfall Data
to precipitations [14].
Weather in Rwanda mostly is determined by the rainfall
patterns. Thus, the climate of the country is characterized by
an alternation of four seasons of which two are wet and the
other two are dry. However, one can notice that rainfall is
generally well distributed throughout the year, despite some
irregularities. Eastern and South‐Eastern regions (Umutara,
Kibungo, Bugesera, Mayaga) are more affected by prolonged
droughts while the northern and western regions (Ruhengeri,
Gisenyi, Gikongoro and Byumba) experience abundant
rainfall that usually causes erosion, flooding, and landslides.
2.4. Data Sources
% of
Interval of observations (years) Number of stations
1-20 years 184 100
21-30 years 153 83
31-40 years 115 63
41-50 years 70 38
51-60 years 52 28
61-70 years 42 23
71-80 years 24 13
More than 81 years 9 5 Figure 2. Relations of the sum annual rainfall on weather stations for the
period 1926-2013.
a. Monthly sums of rainfall data were collected for 184
weather stations (tab. 1). The majority of stations had a period The missing rainfall data was infilled using statistical linear
less than 40 years (63%). For the analysis of rainfall data regression methods. Graphs of the relationship between average
weather stations with long period of observations were used. monthly rainfall and time were constructed for 22 weather
Those weather stations covered the whole area. Research has a stations from 1926 to 2013. Zaza weather station was used as a
base on rainfall data analysis for 80 years and beyond foundation station because it has about a 69 year record within
(1926-2013). Detailed analysis of weather stations detected 1926 to 2013 with only 19 months of missing data. The
missing data. Statistical techniques were used for the neighbouring station with the best correlation was selected for
reconstruction of initial data. the infilling. The best station is selected among the nearest
b. Total harvest of crops (tone/year) is available for period possible and the two stations are correlated and the regression
2000-2013 (14 years) for following: sorghum, maize, wheat, equation is then generated using Microsoft Excel Software (fig.
rice, beans, pea, groundnuts, soya, banana, irish potato, sweet 2). The obtained regression is then used to infill all the missing
potato, yam &taro, cassava, vegetables and fruits. data. The acceptability of the regressions was tested using the
c. Fertilizer consumption (kg/ha), agricultural machinery ratio of standard error to the standard deviation and all the
(tractors per 100 km2 of arable land), arable land (ha) were obtained values were within 0.55 to 0.80. This indicates the
accessed on World Bank web-site [24] and are available for acceptability of the performed regression [15].
Earth Sciences 2015; 4(3): 120-128 123
The infilled sums of the annual amount of rainfall for the 21 until 1988. Since that year rainfall has had no great change in
stations with more long-term records of observation within the its amount, mainly the intensity of the separate rains has
territory of Rwanda for the period of 1926 – 2013 were used changed.
for this work. The listed weather stations cover the territory of
Rwanda and have more long-term records of observations. 3.2. Assessment of the Rainfall Dynamic in 20-40 Years
The standardized Curves of sum of annual rainfall were The general tendency of rainfall for 22 weather stations
constructed using the equation (1). shows increments of precipitations. Some weather stations
∑ like Byumba, Kansi, Kibeho, Kibungo, Kirinda, Mubuga,
(1) Mugonero, Muramba, Nyakibanda, Rubona, Ruhengeri,
Rulindo, Rwaza, and Zaza have a high tendency of rainfall
Where k = , x и x – sum of annual rainfall for a given growth (tab. 2). The weather station Cyanika shows the
tendency of constant rainfall, and also some weather stations
year and average sum of rainfall for all the observation period,
show the tendency of a slight increase of rainfall, these are;
C – coefficient of variation.
Cyangugu, Gisenyi, Mibirizi, Nyamiyaga, Rwamagana, and
The analysis of these curves shows the synchronicity in the
change in sum of annual rainfall at weather stations of
The probabilistic forecast of rainfall dynamic in Rwanda
Byumba, Cyangugu, Kansi, Kibungo, Kirinda, Mugonero,
was done for the period of 1926-2013. According to table 2,
Mubuga, Mibirizi, Rubona, Ruhengeri, Rulindo, Save and
the general average of rainfall increase of the 21 weather
Zaza as well as for weather stations like Cyanika, Gisenyi,
stations for the period of 2013-2033 is 4.5% and for the period
Kibeho, Muramba, Nyakibanda, Nyamiyaga and Rwamagana.
of 2033-2053 is 6% meaning that rainfall from 2033 to 2053
From 1926 to 1958 rainfall declined. The rainfall increment
will grow by 1.5%.
began being registered in 1960. On average it was observed
Table 2. Probabilistic forecast of rainfall dynamic in Rwanda for 2033 and 2053 years.
2033 2053
Weather station a Xaver
X1, mm ∆x1, mm ∆x1, % X2, mm ∆x2, mm ∆x2, %
Byumba +0.89* 1293 1350 57 4 1368 75 6
Cyangugu +0,65* 1378 1419 41 3 1432 54 4
Cyanika +0,003 1329 1329 0 0 1329 0 0
Gisenyi +0,53* 1139 1173 34 3 1183 44 4
Kansi +1,11* 1156 1226 70 6 1249 93 8
Kibeho +1,68* 1339 1446 107 8 1480 141 10
Kibungo +1,12* 999 1070 71 7 1093 94 9
Kirinda +1,77* 1310 1422 112 9 1457 147 11
Mibirizi +0,23 1502 1517 15 1 1522 20 1
Mubuga +0,71* 1366 1411 45 3 1425 59 4
Mugonero +1,32* 1352 1436 84 6 1462 110 8
Muramba +1,47* 1294 1387 93 7 1416 122 9
Nyakibanda +0,76* 1231 1279 48 4 1294 63 5
Nyamiyaga +0,31 1129 1149 20 2 1155 26 2
Rubona +1,16* 1172 1246 74 6 1269 97 8
Ruhengeri +1,89* 1330 1450 120 9 1487 157 12
Rulindo +0,84* 1240 1293 53 4 1310 70 6
Rwamagana +0,52* 1007 1040 33 3 1051 44 4
Rwaza +1,19* 1318 1394 76 6 1418 100 8
Save +0,23 1164 1179 15 1 1184 20 2
Zaza +1,79* 1093 1207 114 10 1242 149 14
Average 1249 1306 56 4,5 1323 74 5,9
Where a – parameter of tendency estimation; Xaver – average precipitations for period 1926-2013; X1, X2 – probabilistic forecast for 2033 and 2053; ∆x1, ∆x2 –
forecast dynamic for 2033 and 2053 in millimeters (mm) and percentage (%); * – significant trend.
Some weather stations like Zaza, Rwaza, Rulindo, increase of rainfall (less than 1%) for the period of 2013-2053.
Ruhengeri, Rubona, Nyakibanda, Muramba, Mugonero, For the Cyanika, Mibirizi, Nyamiyaga, and Save weather
Mubuga, Kirinda, Kibungo, Kibeho, Kansi, Byumba, stations show no significant increase of rainfall.
Rwamagana and Cyangugu have a significant trend of rainfall
grow for the 2013 to 2053. Ruhengeri weather station has had 3.3. Impact of Climate Change on Environment
a higher significant increase (12%) in 40 years coming. Also Climate change can intensify different disastrous
some weather stations like Cyanika and Mibirizi have a low phenomena such as floods and droughts. Analysis of present
124 Kseniia Mikova et al.: Effect of Climate Change on Crop Production in Rwanda
data shows that in Rwanda since 1991-1997 the periods were partially damaged.
between disastrous events of the one order was receded in two
times (table 3). 3.4. Impact of Climate Change on Crop Production
Figure 3. Standardize curves of sums of rainfall and crops production for 2002-2013 (a-c).
3.5. Other Factors Influencing Crop Production impact on yield growth but it is not a determinant factor due to
the low rate of it (table 4).
Factors which are influencing crop production are
subdivided into climatic (rainfall, air temperature, sunlight, Table 4. Coefficient of variation (Cv) for period 2000-2014.
CO2 variations) and non-climatic (soil aeration and structure, Arable land Fertilizer
seed quality, fertilizer application, use of modern technologies, Crop yield (tons) Rainfall (mm)
(ha) (kg/ha)
and etc). 0,21 0,11 0,02 0,83
It is obvious that the trend of the crop yield reflects crop
response to rainfall variability in a case if other factors Fertilizer application. Commercial fertilizer is necessary to
(climatic or non-climatic), that influence crop production does maintain crop productivity. Fertilizer is still critical to avoid
not vary or vary very little. As an example the annual increase depletion of soil nutrients and ensure soil quality. In many
of atmospheric CO2 (less than 2 ppm) which is vary very African countries fertilization is inadequate and unbalanced,
negligible from one year to another [4]. In such case factor which limits the expression of yield potential and negatively
could be not considered. Additionally other studies [1, 22] impacts crop quality. It is difficult to determine exactly how
have detected that the mean and high temperatures are not the much crop yield is due to the use of commercial fertilizer
main factors to decide the crop yield, but extreme temperature because of inherent soil fertility, climatic conditions, crop
has a negative effect on crop yield. Crop yield is more rotations, management, and the crops itself [18].
sensitive to precipitation than temperature. Fertilizer consumption in Rwanda has always been
In the cases where climate conditions do not vary, the crop extremely low in both relative and absolute terms. Aggregate
production reflects the effect of non-climatic factors (land national consumption from 1980 to 2007 rarely exceeded
expansion, fertilizer application, plant breeding, technology, 5,000 tons per year [20]. Application of fertilizers vary
and etc). Those factors could influence crop yield significantly significantly 0.1-9.4 kg/ha (table 4) in different years. An
but it becomes difficult to distinguish the contribution of each average consumption is estimated at 3.3 kg per hectare of
factor to crop yield due to the composite interactions between arable land. It remains one of the countries with the lowest
growing conditions and the crop response to these interactions. fertilizer consumption in the World. A wide list of crops are
Hereafter, we are addressing contributions of non-climatic cultivated within a country but fertilizers are applied mostly to
factors to crop production dynamics. maize, irish potato, wheat, rice, coffee and tea.
Arable land expansion. About 80 percent of the projected ∑ ∑
growth in crop production in developing countries will come Table 5. Parameters of relation between of crop yield and of
from intensification in the form of yield increases. Arable land rainfall (x1), land expansion (x2) and fertilizer application (x3) for period
expansion will remain an important factor in crop production
growth in many countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin Crop yield, tons x1 x2 x3
America and some countries in East Asia, although much less a 0,72 0,77 -0,87
r 0.84 0.67 0.77
so than in the past [7].
In Rwanda the growth rate for arable land is 1.6%, while Where a – parameter of tendency estimation; r – coefficient of correlation.
crop production has risen by 7% annually. In several years
arable land remains stable while crop production has grown Additionally the relationship between crop yield and
significantly by 13%. Most likely the land expansion leads to fertilizer application (table 5) with respect to rate of its
variation (Cv) shows inverse relationship. It has become
126 Kseniia Mikova et al.: Effect of Climate Change on Crop Production in Rwanda
inappropriate due to the main aim of fertilizer use. The reasons increment. Analysis of rainfall trends show that rainfall is
of that could be due to the initial data quality or improper tending to grow but the rainy period might be shorter with
management and application of fertilizers within a country. higher intensity. This tendency will affect agricultural
Based on first, it is impossible to detect the impact of fertilizer products and lead to events such as droughts in dry areas
application on crop yield. (Eastern and Southeast Provinces); and floods or landslides in
Plant biotechnology. Crop yields also could benefit from areas with heavy rains (Western and Northern Provinces).
genetic improvements through plant breeding. Extensive Results comparison of reconstructed data by other models
evidence suggests that crop yields have benefited the most rainfall change demonstrates data comparability. Recent
from plant breeding, which includes the use of improved studies [9] indicate truncated boreal spring rains in the
hybrids and varieties. Studies of the determinants of increased mid-21st century over eastern Ethiopia, Somalia, Tanzania,
crop yields for maize, soybeans, and wheat conclude that 50 and southern Kenya while the boreal fall season has
percent or more of the overall yield gain for each crop can be lengthened in southern Kenya and Tanzania [19]. Recent
attributed to genetic improvements of plant varieties [25]. authors suggest that over eastern Africa by the end of the 21st
In Rwanda, little or no work has been done on plant century there will be a wetter climate with more intense wet
breeding after the genocide (1994), and publication of seasons and less severe droughts during October-November-
research results has not been effective from 1994 to 2006 [16]. December as well as March-April-May [19].
Plant biotechnology is in its infancy, and limited to plant tissue
culture. The development and application of modern 4.3. Impact of Climate Change on Environment
biotechnology in Rwanda is just emerging, and faces During the flood’s episodes the annual amount of rainfall
enormous challenges. There is a very low human resource and did not exceed its average values. Climate change impact
infrastructure capacity coupled with lack of biotechnology caused by growth of separate rain intensity but not total
facilities [6]. Due to this plant breeding can’t impact on amount of rainfall in Rwanda. The provinces which receive
studied crop yield in Rwanda. high amount rainfall are Western, Northern and South-West.
Agricultural technology improvement. Agricultural Those areas have aggravated the impacts of floods on people,
mechanization has many benefits. It contributes to improving agriculture and the physical infrastructure as results of human
productivity of cultivated land and facilitates expansion of activities (poor farming practices, deforestation and
cropping areas as well as improving crop yield [12]. environmental degradation). The ‘flood and landslide risk
Unfortunately application of agricultural technologies in zones’ derived from the analysis of frequencies of daily
general, remains infrequent in Rwanda. In 2000-2002 just rainfall exceeding 50 mm, are located in the Southern,
around 0.6 tractors (per 100 sq km of arable land) were Northern and Western Province. Cases of floods and
available and this number gradually decreasing, thus in 2009 landslides are often associated with outbreaks of water-borne
just 0.5 tractors (per 100 sq km of arable land) were available. and water-related diseases like malaria, diarrhea, cholera and
In accordance with this, technology improvement can’t have a viral infections mainly through the contamination of wells and
significant impact on crop yield in the studied period. boreholes. Cities located in low-land areas are also at great
risk of floods. In Kigali City people have begun occupy the
4. Discussions Nyabugogo River’s flood plains, raising the issue of flood
exposure [14].
4.1. Infilling Missing Rainfall Data According to table 3, Rwanda has experienced long
The obtained acceptability coefficient of this regression droughts in many different years. The eastern province has
modeling shows using regression for infilling missing rainfall been experiencing rainfall deficits over the last few decades.
data is acceptable. Quality information about spatial and Prolonged droughts are frequent in the east and southeast such
temporal distribution of rainfall is necessary for the as Bugesera, Mayaga and Umutara. They tend to be cyclical
construction of thematic maps of rainfall distribution which and can be persistent. Droughts are often responsible for
can be used for classifying wet and dry years and also for the famine, food shortages, a reduction in plant and animal
solving of problems related to forecasting changes in the water species and displacement of people in fetching of food and
regime of rivers and lakes. However, availability of an infilled pasture. At times this has led to conflicts over different land
rainfall record can facilitate water resources assessment uses such as with protected areas. For instance drought has on
through various modeling techniques. Standardized curves for several instances forced herders to move their herds from
sum of annual rainfall have not been constructed for Rwanda Mutara closer to or into the Akagera National Park during the
and therefore their cycle has not been identified. dry season. Bugesera experienced severe droughts in 1999,
2006 and more recently in November 2008. The livelihoods of
4.2. Analysis of Rainfall Dynamic people in Bugesera are dependent on agriculture. These long
dry spells have great impacts on their livelihoods and welfare.
The general average of rainfall increase of 20 weather Crop failure during the 2000 drought meant that the entire
stations for the period 2013-2033 is 4.5% and for the period of region had to depend on external food supplies. The length
2033-2053 is 6%. Some weather stations have a significant and intensity of land degradation have also weakened the
growth of rainfall and others have no significant rainfall lands’ resilience. When combined with overgrazing and poor
Earth Sciences 2015; 4(3): 120-128 127
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