Climate Risk Profile Sri Lanka
Climate Risk Profile Sri Lanka
Climate Risk Profile Sri Lanka
Located in the Indian Ocean, off the Southwest Coast of
India, Sri Lanka is a small island nation with a physically
diverse geography and tropical climate. With a land area
of 65,610 square kilometers (km2) and 1,340 km of
coastline, Sri Lanka is highly vulnerable to the impacts of
climate change. As of July 2017, the estimated
population of Sri Lanka is over 22 million, with roughly 50
percent of inhabitants living in coastal areas on the West,
South-west, and Southern coasts of the island. The
commercial Capitol of Colombo has the highest
population density with 21,000 inhabitants per km2. Sri
Lanka has made great strides in the last 20 years to
increase incomes and reduce poverty, now meeting most
Millennium Development Goals. Much of this progress
faces significant threat from the impacts of climate
change. Primary economic drivers, including tourism,
commercial agriculture, and manufacturing are extremely vulnerable to extreme weather events and sea
level rise. In addition, deforestation, soil erosion, and loss of biodiversity also threaten to reduce the country’s
economic output. The Sri Lankan government has made great progress in improving quality of life for most of
the population, with large development projects providing piped water, electricity, and access to health
services. However, even as gross domestic product (GDP) per capita continues to climb, having reached
USD 13,000 in 2017, Sri Lanka still suffers from substantial income inequality and rural poverty. The country
has a low unemployment rate (4 percent) and much of its GDP is generated by the service industry, including
tourism, which employs 45.9 percent of the population. (1,2,3,4,5,7,9,13)
November 2018
This document was prepared under the Climate Integration Support Facility Blanket Purchase Agreement AID-OAA-E-17-0008, Order
Number AID-OAA-BC-17-00042, and is meant to provide a brief overview of climate risk issues. The key resources at the end of the
document provide more in-depth country and sectoral analysis. The contents of this report do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID.
The island nation of Sri Lanka possesses a hot and humid tropical climate, but with significant differences
across variations in topography. Average annual rainfall is below 1,000 millimeters (mm) in the semi-arid
Northwest, but above 5,000 mm in the central hills of the Southwest. Across the island, rainfall comes in four
distinct seasons: the Southwest monsoon season from May to September, often exceeding 3,000 mm of
precipitation in the wettest regions; a relatively dry inter-monsoon period from October to November; the
Northeast monsoon season from December to February, contributing between 200 mm and 1,200 mm of
precipitation, mostly in the wettest regions; and finally, another relatively dry inter-monsoon season from
March to April. These seasonal variations, along with topography, divide Sri Lanka into three zones: the Wet
Zone, the Intermediate Zone, and the Dry Zone. Precipitation patterns are influenced by El Niño and La Niña
conditions and the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone. These rains help support robust and extremely
biodiverse forests, covering over 19,500 km2 or 30% of the island, of which around 14,000 km2 are dense
forests. However, deforestation is rapidly reducing the forest cover of Sri Lanka and just one third of natural
cover remains. This loss of forest cover can contribute to erosion and landslide risk. Temperatures fluctuate
very little on an annual basis, with mean average temperatures ranging between 26°C and 28°C in coastal
areas and between 15°C and 19°C at higher altitudes above 1500 meters (m). Historically, Sri Lanka
experiences relatively moderate cyclone events, mostly in the Northern region. However, cyclone-related
storm surges and coastal erosion are already a major threat to population centers. (1,2,3,4,5,6,11,13)
Availability, distribution, and use of water for agriculture, human consumption, energy generation, and
industry are all directly dependent on climate Climate Stressors and Climate Risks
conditions. Water availability is a critical concern, WATER RESOURCES
particularly for drinking water. Climate change threatens Stressors Risks
both surface water and groundwater sources upon
Damage to drinking and storm
which Sri Lankans depend for domestic use. For water infrastructure
example, more frequent and severe flooding can Increased
evapotranspiration Saltwater intrusion into
increase risk of water and vector-borne illness and aquifers and cropland
make it more difficult to maintain sanitary living Sea level rise
Reduced water availability for
conditions. Increased and worsening droughts, along
with salt water intrusion into coastal aquifers, are Increased drought
expected to seriously deplete freshwater availability. frequency and Decreased or unpredictable
Increased economic activity is already leading to a high duration hydropower generation
level of groundwater extraction and pollution of existing Difficulty maintaining
Increased storm
resources. High altitude regions in the central part of frequency and sanitation systems and
the island intercept moisture rich monsoonal winds, intensity practices
forming 103 distinct natural river basins across the Increased adverse health
island and 94 smaller coastal basins. The country’s wet effects
zone reliably receives plentiful rainfall, while the
intermediate and dry zones receive little rainfall and rely on both natural and artificial distribution of water
from the wet zone. Although the total amount of rainfall the island receives is enough to meet domestic and
environmental requirements, this uneven distribution of water is problematic, with much of the dry zone
experiencing months of drought, while the surface water that flows from the wet zone is artificially discharged
into lowlands, often causing flooding and waterlogging. Sri Lanka generates 41% of its electricity via
hydroelectric plants. Flood conditions have the potential to worsen, as hydroelectric systems are required to
discharge increasing volumes of wet zone rainfall from overburdened reservoir structures. Hydroelectric
infrastructure is also vulnerable to drought conditions, as they are designed to utilize historical levels of
rainfall and could underproduce during prolonged dry periods. Rivers in the wet zone of the country feed
Having made great strides with its health system in Climate Stressors and Climate Risks
recent years, Sri Lanka is a leader among developing HEALTH
countries and provides universal health care through its Stressors Risks
Ministry of Health. However, increased vulnerability in Shifts in vector- and waterborne
the face of climate change will likely prove challenging. Increased diseases
This is especially true for vector-borne illnesses, temperatures
Decreased nutrition and food
particularly dengue fever. Spread by mosquitos, security
dengue outbreaks are occurring with higher frequency drought
and severity as conditions improve for the insect Reduced availability and
frequency and
increased disruption of health
populations. During 2017, Sri Lanka faced an duration
exceptionally high number of dengue cases, 4.3 times
Increased storm Reduced water quality and
the 2010-2016 average. There were 189 thousand
frequency and availability
cases of suspected dengue reported, with 302 deaths. intensity
The dengue virus that caused this outbreak was not the Difficulty maintaining sanitation
systems and practices
usual one circulating in Sri Lanka.(17) Urbanization,
overcrowding, increased daytime and nighttime
temperatures, and poor water management practices pose serious public health risks, as they are conducive
to mosquito breeding and subsequent spreading of dengue. Leptospirosis, a rodent-borne disease, is also a
serious concern in Sri Lanka, with outbreaks typically occurring following monsoon seasons, which are
expected to intensify. Food insecurity and malnutrition are also critical concerns, with 29 percent of children
under five underweight. The impacts of changing climate conditions on both agricultural and fishing yields
may further exacerbate food insecurity. Food and waterborne illnesses, such as typhoid, dysentery, and viral
hepatitis may be affected by increased flood and drought risks. Direct weather-related health risks are also
expected to increase. This is particularly true for the 28 percent of the population working in agricultural
fields, with thermal stress and heat-related illness being of greatest concern. Increased frequency and
severity of cyclones, floods, and landslides may elevate the risk of acute injury and displacement, coupled
with decreasing access to services. Awareness of the health risks associated with climate change is
generally limited among the general public and also uneven within the Ministry of Health. (2,4,5,8,9,13)
1. CIA World Factbook. 2018.
2. World Bank. 2011.
3. World Bank. 2018.
4. World Health Organization. 2015.
5. Sri Lanka Climate Change Secretariat Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment. 2016.
6. Kottawa-Arachchi. 2017.
7. USAID. 2015.
8. De Zoysa. 2014.
9. Ministry of Environment, Sri Lanka. 2011.
10. Ministry of Environment, Japan. 2016.
11. South Asia Policy and Research Institute. 2017.
This “Key Resources” section lists works cited in preparing the Climate Risk Profile.
2 This “Selected Ongoing Experiences” section lists a selection of ongoing development projects and interventions directly or indirectly
relevant to climate risk management and adaptation in Sri Lanka. Experiences were identified primarily via desk review of USAID,
multilateral development bank, and other international donor programming. Experiences listed are not meant to be comprehensive.