The Role of Parents in Education

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Oral communication and Reading techniques V

The Role of Parents in Education


Lic. Ana Isabel Vargas

Elaborado Por:

Jennifer Muñ oz Herná ndez (202210012365)

San José, 9 de agosto 2023


The role of parents in education..........................................................................................................3

Being a role model for children to follow........................................................................................3

Helping the child in schoolwork......................................................................................................3

Creating a positive learning environment at home..........................................................................4

Provide Emotional Support, Love, and Attention........................................................................4

Encourage Reading......................................................................................................................4

Keep to a Routine........................................................................................................................4

The education of a child is a fundamental process that affects their cognitive, emotional, and social
development. In this context, the parental role plays a crucial task in the evolution of their values,
abilities, and aptitudes. Through all of human history, parents are what has been known as the first
teachers in a child life, and of course the most influential ones. Their capacity to provide
orientation, support and being a role model in their life affects directly in the way children see the
world and how they interact with it. In this written work we will explore how the active
participation of parents in their children education impacts their development.

The role of parents in education

In the majority of cultures, parents had been the principal facilitator of education , knowledge and
values . in ancestral societies the education was focused on learning practical abilities and moral
values. The family dynamic was considered as the first educational environment where parents
would teach primordial abilities to their children so that they could survive in the world.

Right now, a significant amount of knowledge points to a connection between parental participation
and children's academic achievement. Furthermore, it is generally accepted that a variety of
elements, including parental history, focus, warmth, and parenting style, are related to the results of
children in their later years. Parents play a crucial role in shaping a child’s personality, character,
habits, emotional development etc. It is necessary for parents to be involved in the right manner in
the education process for the proper academic and social development of the child.

There are three main areas where parents should contribute:

Being a role model for children to follow

Children are born with limited knowledge of life. Parents are the first role models that children
meet. By definition, a positive role model is an individual we want to imitate. Role models are
usually people who display good values, strive to achieve greatness, and inspire others to reach
their full potential. According to psychotherapist and author Stacey Kaiser from Live Happy
Magazine (2015) there is some steps to help parents become great role models for their children:
1. Help children to focus on the positive.
2. Make sure there is good verbal and non-verbal communication.
3. Help children to feel and see genuine support and a sense of community.
4. Display respect, kindness, and compassion for yourself and others.
5. Practice respect and tolerance to provide clear standards of acceptable behavior.
6. Develop fun and interactive family bonding moments that share the interest of all family
Being a positive parent role model means that parents should strive to become better versions of
themselves. it is key for parents to try embodying the person they want their child to be.

Helping the child in schoolwork

It is well established that parental involvement in their children’s education promotes achievement
motivation and success in school. Most parents view such engagement as part and parcel of their
role. They also believe that doing homework fosters responsibility and organizational skills, and
that doing well on homework tasks contributes to learning, even if children experience frustration
from time to time. Many parents provide support by establishing homework routines, eliminating
distractions, communicating expectations, helping children manage their time, providing reassuring
messages, and encouraging kids to be aware of the conditions under which they do their best work.
Parents’ attitudes and emotions during homework time can support the development of positive
attitudes and approaches in their children, which in turn are predictive of higher achievement.

Creating a positive learning environment at home

Creating a Positive Learning Environment at Home can have a big impact of your child’s
development,an unhealthy home environment can disrupt the child’s brain’s stress system.
A positive home learning environment is more than providing basic needs such as food, water,
shelter, and clothing. Children need love, support, structure, guidance, consistency, and security to
succeed in learning. The emotional support that we can give to our children has a real impact on
how their brains develop and how they manage the stresses that they will inevitably encounter, as
they go through life.
So how you can we create a positive learning environment at home?

Provide Emotional Support, Love, and Attention
For children to be successful in the outside world, they need to feel like they belong. both of those
essential needs must be satisfied in order for learning to take place.
Parents and families who provide support, love, and attention satisfy emotional needs. Nobody's
child can develop without feeling loved and being heard. Children who feel secure in the presence
of involved parents and a loving, supporting family are more likely to grow into self-motivated
learners,insecure environments caused by negativity at home prevent children from learning
because they get distracted and focused with adult issues.

Encourage Reading
When children are regularly exposed to books and reading at home, they have an easier time
developing intellectual skills such as

 Concentration
 Communication and listening abilities
 Imagination
 Creativity
 emotional development
 common knowledge

Keep to a Routine
Following a good routine is crucial to producing a favorable learning environment. When children
know what to expect, they experience less anxiety about what’s to come next.
1. Homework Time : Focus on completing homework with minimal distractions.
2. Creative Exploration: Engage in creative activities like drawing.
3. Structured Learning : Explore a chosen subject through interactive methods.
4. Physical Activity: Stay active with outdoor play or exercise.
5. Relaxation & Free Time: Unwind and pursue personal interests
Parents have changed with the school systems, taking an active role in the educational growth of
their kids. Beyond the classroom, they have an impact on children's socioemotional development,
serve as important role models, and impart fundamental moral principles. The continuous
importance of parental participation in children's education supports the idea that parents are not
just caretakers but also builders of a better future for future generations.

Alabama Cooperative Extension System. (2022, 26 mayo). Parents as role models - Alabama
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Bempechat, J. (2022). The case for (Quality) homework. Education Next.

Carlie. (2023, 31 julio). Role of parents in a child’s education. instrucko.

Edsembliadmin. (2023, 16 marzo). Empowering Parents: 8 tips on how to create a positive learning
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