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Original Scientific Article

Mobile Devices in the Tourist Experience:

Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

Ana María Miranda Zavala

Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexico
[email protected]
Isaac Cruz Estrada
Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexico
[email protected]
Margarita Ramírez Torres
Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexico
[email protected]

This research aims to analyse the digital services and tools used in mobile devices
and their benefit in the experience of tourists who arrive at Tijuana city. In addi-
tion, we test the following hypothesis: the use of digital services on mobile devices of
tourists contributes to the experience in the destination. Methodology: 385 surveys
made up of six dimensions were applied to tourists of the municipality. A correlation
was made between the variables, the use of mobile services and satisfaction, and a
factor analysis resulted in five components associated with the touristic experiences.
A significant mean correlation between variables analysed was found. Likewise, the
components of the factor analysis are immediacy of digital information and services
at the destination; anticipated experiences; mobility; instant messaging; and pro-
vision of information via tourist apps. These technological factors used by visitors
through smartphones benefit the tourist’s experience in planning and during their
stay in the visited place. The new needs of digital tourist require constant interaction
with destination.
Keywords: tourists, mobile devices, ict, digital services, tourism experience

Introduction voke extraordinary experiences within a personal one

All human experience happens at brain level, what is (Arnould & Price, 1993). For Pine ii and Gilmore
perceived through the senses is processed by chemical- (2011) an economic factor is the experience, its val-
electrical impulses which are produced in neuronal ues attract and involve customers by providing prod-
communication; this implies that all experience of re- ucts and services that can generate memorable events.
ality occurs within each individual (González-Damián, Regarding the tourist experience that the individual
2018). Thus, a personal event assumes an important obtains during a trip, it cannot be characterized as a
emotional meaning, which is based on interaction single one, but as a set of different situations, some of
with stimuli that are products or services consumed them obtained as a tourist and others not (González-
(Holbrook & Hirschman, 1982), being able to pro- Damián, 2018). It should be noted that organizations

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Ana María Miranda Zavala et al. Mobile Devices in the Tourist Experience

and service providers in a destination seek to facilitate Technology has become a fundamental element in
the development of an environment which allows for changing the way of travelling through a wide range of
increasing the possibilities that people can transform Internet sites and mobile applications that are used in
their experiences into something memorable. preparing tourists’ experiences. The evolution of the
Likewise, experience is related to emotion: the mobile market to an international scale has increased
tourist wants to discover, enjoy and connect with the exponentially as well. Thus, the objective of the re-
local people and their customs, they want to go back search is to analyse digital services and mobile device
to their place of origin with a lived history, with new tools that benefit tourists’ experiences when arriving
emotions (Mazarrasa, 2016). The success of the ex- at this border city.
perience offer in the destination is based on its be-
ing authentic, through differential characteristics of Literature Review
heritage, landscape, culture and populations (Rivera Information and Communication Technologies (icts)
Mateos, 2013; Mazarrasa, 2016). Currently, technology have changed the way of promoting tourist sites, and
allows travellers to have information of all kinds about electronic tourism (e-tourism) has emerged with the
the places that are of interest to them. Tourists have be- evolution of technologies, which includes the design,
come more demanding and act interactively, with the implementation, and application of icts and e-com-
purpose of finding a type of trip and activity different merce solutions, as well as the market structures of all
from the masses, demanding different products, alter- the actors involved in the tourist experience (Werth-
native destinations and tailor-made services that are ner et al., 2015). By choosing the destination to visit,
part of their experience (Rivera Mateos, 2013). In this potential tourists are persuaded by the experiences
sense, the evolution of mobile devices has increased in and opinions of third parties, which are shared in dig-
the last decade (Saura et al., 2017). According to Wang ital media (Zeng & Gerritsen, 2014; Kang & Schuett,
et al. (2012), they allow portable access to the Internet, 2013). The information about a tourist site has to be
they have high-resolution cameras for taking photos continually updated on the different Internet plat-
and videos, and geolocators to find the ideal route to forms in order to remain a competitive destination
the place of interest, as well as alarms, calendars, e- in digital media and become an indispensable refer-
mail, and the ability to install applications such as so- ence point for the visitor (Caro et al., 2015). Taking
cial networks. These latter sites have become a means a trip involves a number of decisions that guarantee
of communication in promoting tourism. Companies the continual enjoyment of the stay. Tourists have to
use social media as an immediate channel for con- choose from various options of accommodation, air-
tact with customers, who have the opportunity to rate lines, type of payment, and technological elements that
and share their experience in consuming the service must be considered from the beginning until the end
or product during their stay in a destination (Mendes- of the trip. The companies that provide the services de-
Thomaz et al., 2013; Katsoni, 2014). sired by travellers will gain an advantage by meeting
As for tourism, Baja California is a great driver of people’s expectations (sectur, 2018; Katsoni, 2014).
economic growth and job creation. It represents 12 of
the state’s gross domestic product (gdp). The city of Benefits of Mobile Devices for Experiences
Tijuana is the border with the largest crossing in the of Tourists
world, and the cultural mix makes it a multifaceted, The integration of icts in the tourism sector has ben-
warm, and interesting city for tourists, according to efitted travellers’ experiences (Neuhofer et al., 2013).
the Tourism Secretariat (sectur, 2018). In the State According to the Internet Association of Mexico
Tourism Program 2015–2019, one of the established (2018), smartphones have become the main means of
objectives was to promote the tourist offer and com- connecting to the Internet in the country. The World
petitive assistance to boost the ecosystem of this sector Tourism Organization (unwto, 2015) and sectur
in Baja California. (2018) clarify the importance that the development

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Ana María Miranda Zavala et al. Mobile Devices in the Tourist Experience

of mobile technology has had as a component to im-

prove tourist experience, and to facilitate available ser- Social networks
vices at the site. Through this technological equip- Travelers’ positive
Tourism social networks
ment, it is possible to compare places of interest, or- Instant messaging
ganize the trip, review recommendations, check the
weather before and during the trip, make reservations,
locate various places and decide the best option to get Figure 1 Mobile Services Applications
there in the shortest time, among other functions and
benefits that users find (Chang & Shen, 2018). There- With smartphones, people can record and edit au-
fore, tourist destinations and companies must be pre- dios, videos, and texts, and access the Internet at the
pared to meet the mobility needs of today’s travellers same time. This generates a history of consultation for
(Santillán-Núñez et al., 2015). other users, who can add a point of interest during
Ballesteros Díaz et al. (2014) and Chang and Shen their tour based on the information generated by the
(2018) point out that mobile technology has become a people who have become part of the web content gen-
factor that contributes to consumer experience when eration (Iványi & Bíró-Szigeti, 2019; Chang & Shen,
purchasing services and products, with the opportu- 2018).
nity to instantly assess the satisfaction via the Internet. Thus, some technological tools are used by tourists
People will remain in contact with friends and fam- as an essential element to obtain information on the
ily to whom they will recommend their experiences or destination they wish to visit and then to create a travel
not. Smartphones have become a companion to trav- itinerary, in order to ensure good experiences. Table 1
ellers, used to obtain information in real time (Ricau- shows the approaches of some authors in relation to
rte Quijano et al., 2017). Through the installed appli- the digital services available, the reason why they are
cations, smartphones make it easier to move from the used, and their relation to the factors that prevail in
starting point to destinations in the city, adding var- tourists’ experiences.
ious options that consider the disadvantages of each Based on the authors cited in the literature review
route. The technology available on mobile devices has and in Table 1, it can be asserted that the use of tech-
become a fundamental component when people orga- nological tools (social networks, applications for reser-
nize their trip; users feel connected and secure when vation of accommodation and restaurant services, ge-
they are aided by technology; they share their experi- olocation programs and map tools, tourist social net-
ence through photographs, videos, or simply indicate works, etc.) used by people through smart mobile de-
their current location in their social networks (Chang vices as support before and during their stay is pos-
& Shen, 2018). itively related to the final tourist experience. Figure
Currently, communication strategies use adver- 1 shows a scheme that synthesizes this relationship
tising adapted to smart mobile devices as one of the and the verification of the hypothesis of this research,
strategic initiatives of digital marketing, since through that the use of digital services on mobile devices con-
the various platforms on the Internet it is possible to tributes to the positive experience of tourists visiting
interact with tourist consumers who are looking for the city of Tijuana. This, too, highlights the impor-
immediate answers. This exchange can mark the dif- tance of digital media availability in tourist places that
ference in purchase decisions of those who frequently are of interest to visitors, which become essential for
use digital media (Santillán-Núñez et al., 2015; In- individuals in making decisions to attend and pur-
ternet Association of Mexico, 2018). Tourists’ expe- chase services for which they have found data. Like-
riences can become more pleasant when using mobile wise, tourists have the opportunity to evaluate the
technologies, which will accompany and guide them service obtained in each of the phases of their travel
throughout their travel plan (Santillán-Núñez et al., itinerary, of which they anticipated various expecta-
2015; Bonilla, 2013). tions.

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Table 1 Technological Services in Mobile Devices Related to Tourist Experience

Authors Digital services Factors in the traveller exp.
Santillán-Núñez et al. Mobile social network apps such as Facebook, Twitter, and Socialization of the experience.
(2015); Saura et al. (2017); Instagram are used by travellers to obtain information on Need for information. Com-
Munar & Jacobsen (2014); the tourist site, review comments, and seek information on munication. Recommendation.
Cervi (2019) the experiences users have had in the destinations they wish Anticipate experience.
to visit. These digital media are a reference, in the purchase
decision phase and in the socialization of the experience in
the tourist place.
Saura et al. (2017); Ricau- Geolocation tools such as Google Maps are used by tourists Mobility efficiency. Effectively
rte Quijano et al. (2017) to obtain information on the locations and routes of places manage time during the stay at
of interest, allowing the optimization of the transfer time the destination.
between the origin and destination during the trip. These ap-
plications installed on smart mobile devices satisfy travellers’
mobility needs.
Litvin & Dowling (2016); Travellers use tourist social networks such as Tripadvisor, Ex- Search for information. Effi-
Saura et al. (2017); pedia, VirtualTourist, etc. to compare prices of hotels, flights, cient use of the travel budget.
Kavoura & Borges (2016); payment options, etc. Potential travellers try to maximize Purchase decision based on
Cervi (2019); Yu et al. knowledge, searching for information on places of interest recommendations. Anticipate
(2016) available on the Internet. experience.
Munar & Jacobsen (2014); Instant messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Communication with family
Ricaurte Quijano et al. are used by travellers to be in contact with their friends, fam- and friends. Proximity to its
(2017) ily, sharing information, and experiences of the tourist place. digital social environment.
Share experiences.
Saura et al. (2017); Cervi Travellers use m-tourism apps such as geolocation, reserva- Control of travel itinerary.
(2019); Dickinson et al. tions, Booking, Tripadvisor, Airbnb, Expedia, VirtualTourist, Maximum cost-benefit prof-
(2014); Okazaki & Hirose, etc., to obtain information on the destinations they want itability. Service analysis. Con-
(2009); Wang et al. (2012) to visit, to plan the easiest route and save time on transfers, trol of available services.
compare prices in accommodation, updating, and control
of the itinerary. These applications make tourism easier,
faster and cheaper, maximizing profitability and generating a
favourable experience for tourists.

The Technological Approach in the Tourism With technological changes, tourism companies
Industry have been subjected to a dynamic that has shaped
icts have become an important factor in the tourism the business environment: companies need to have
industry, which is why the unwto recommends that information quickly and efficiently to improve ser-
countries promote investment in innovation and digi- vice management. The exponential advance of tech-
tal advances in the tourism sector that provide oppor- nologies induces companies to adapt to trends, which
tunities for all (unwto, 2018). ICTs have become part have among their main needs the constant exchange
of traveller’s culture, which is related to new needs and of information with consumers who use technological
unpredictable changes of tourists, they also have an means in their daily lives. Digital marketing is used in
important influence on travel cycle, from planning to the tourism industry as an effective means of reaching
assessing their experience (Ivars et al., 2016; Ferrá & a cross-border market. The various technological tools
Cardona, 2015; Tafur et al., 2019). favour the creation of value in the services or products,

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which are available to people who explore different Furthermore, faced with an unprecedented chal-
options on the Internet on a daily basis (Lamberton & lenge, the unwto, with the support of the World
Stephen, 2016; Domínguez Vila & Araújo Vila, 2014). Health Organization (who), has asked innovators and
For Brumen et al. (2020), digital marketing focused entrepreneurs to provide new solutions in the aid of
on mobile devices is an area of opportunity for busi- tourism, as it has been one of the sectors most affected
nesses. The interaction that people currently have with by the covid-19 pandemic (unwto, 2020). In mid-
technologies leads to the need to use digital marketing March 2020, tourism worldwide was paralyzed by the
to create effective and cheaper advertising, compared pandemic; international tourist arrivals decreased by
to traditional media. This trend has generated signifi- 56 in the first month of the year, leading to losses of
cant results, considering its availability to most of the up to $320 billion in tourism exports, which is more
population (Andrade Yejas, 2016; Daries-Ramón et al., than three times what was lost in the global economic
2016). crisis of 2009 (Naciones Unidas, 2020). Countries and
According to Velázquez Castro et al. (2018) and international organizations have undertaken various
Narváez Castro and Villalobos Jiménez (2020), tech- measures to mitigate the socio-economic impact of
nology in the tourism industry has led to structural the pandemic, with the aim of stimulating the recov-
and functional changes, the entry of new actors, the ery of tourism, but the magnitude of the crisis requires
development of new communication channels be- additional efforts, innovation, maximizing the use of
tween providers and consumers, and the exchange of technology and continuous improvement of the pro-
consumption experiences between people. According cesses employed in provision of its services (Naciones
to the Ministry of Tourism (sectur), innovation al- Unidas, 2020). Tourism organizations have imple-
lows companies to be more efficient, profitable, and mented the management of technologies, new prac-
guarantee continuous improvement in the traveller tices and protocols, with purpose of making their ser-
experience (sectur, 2013). The causes that drive in- vice more efficient, exercising with more interest the
novation in the tourism sector are the unexpected de- need for innovation to adapt to new tourism trends
crease in visitors, goal achievement, increased produc- (De Freitas Coelho & Feder Mayer, 2020).
tivity, product and service innovations, and penetra- According to lessons learned during the pandemic,
tion of new markets (Maráková & Kvasnová, 2016). it is essential to include processes and solutions with
In recent years, Mexico has been one of the favour- high added value in tourist destinations, relying on
ite places for tourists in the world (unwto, 2018). internet connectivity, ict tools, and mobile devices,
Mexico has positioned itself among the top seven most as well as the incorporation of various solutions that
visited countries in the world, receiving nearly 40 mil- meet the needs and expectations of people (De Freitas
lion tourists per year. The border cities have become Coelho & Feder Mayer, 2020).
important growth points in the country due to the
importance of their industrial and service dynamics The Proclivity to Use Technology in Purchase
(Bringas et al., 2004). The city of Tijuana is the most Decisions
populous municipality in the State of Baja California, Advances in technology have caused the opening of
with more than 1.7 million inhabitants according to new markets and growth in supply, so that compa-
data from the Planning Committee for the Develop- nies are immersed in a globalized world, in a com-
ment of the State (coplade, 2017). At the beginning plex environment, and with increasing competition,
of 2019, there was a 9 increase in the influx of tourists and consumers have become more demanding, with
to the city compared to the previous year, according to volatile tastes (Velázquez Castro et al., 2018). Consid-
data from the Tijuana Tourism and Convention Com- ering the current scene, the factors that influence pur-
mittee. However, icts are one of the reasons that hin- chase decisions (how to buy, why, what are the ben-
der tourism in Baja California, according to the Baja efits sought) should be analysed. Knowing these as-
California State Program 2015–2019. pects could be very useful for commercial managers

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Ana María Miranda Zavala et al. Mobile Devices in the Tourist Experience

in designing strategies and creating products based on search engines, data analysis to measure experience,
client preferences, as well as in achieving better po- availability of reservations, or online sales and social
sitioning in the market (Pérez-Almaguer et al., 2015). networks are tools that frequently update new func-
With the efficient application of technologies in com- tions to meet customer needs (Lamberton & Stephen,
panies, it is expected to obtain better results from ex- 2016; Andrade Yejas, 2016). An Internet user can con-
isting services and allow the company to explore new sult various travel sites every day until the reservation
markets (Arévalo-Avecillas et al., 2018). is confirmed. This means that there is a lot of data that
Currently, the markets are very competitive and marketing specialists receive, with which they can pre-
the loss of clients is very costly, therefore, developing pare a different digital strategy that more effectively
a relational strategy based on acquiring and retain- convinces potential travellers. Mobile technology of-
ing clients is profitable (Egan, 2011; Sarmiento Guede fers advantages for purchases such as ubiquity, loca-
& Ferrão Filipe, 2019). In electronic environments, tion, convenience, and personalization (Clarke, 2001).
consumers look for brands that provide them with The proper management of tourist companies’ so-
unique and personalized experiences (Zarantonello cial networks is positively related to travellers’ trust:
& Schmitt, 2010) and more emotional activities. In with the information that the users obtain, they man-
addition, online user perception is influenced by de- age to solve certain doubts and then decide between
sign, emotions, environment, communication, com- the places they want to visit (Giraldo Cardona & Mar-
munity, security, and other characteristics intended to tínez, 2017; Varkaris & Neuhofer, 2017). Tools such
influence the final result of online interactivity (Con- as TripAdvisor are important for trip planning, how-
stantinides, 2004; Sarmiento Guede & Ferrão Filipe, ever, Facebook is the main source of information be-
2019; Carrizo Moreira et al., 2017). Because electronic fore and during the trip. YouTube provides videos
markets are characterized by uncertainty, one of the to analyse the destination and anticipate the experi-
requirements for the progress of electronic commerce ence. Messages on Twitter from individual experiences
is trust (Chung & Shin, 2010; Sukno & Pascual, 2019; can influence many people’s decisions. Instagram also
Davis et al., 2011). Once customers trust the brand, shares images and videos but with special filters, in
it is more likely that purchases will increase (Carrizo order to highlight some of the memorable moments
Moreira & Silva, 2015). during the trip (Huertas & Marine-Roig, 2018). Social
Satisfaction is another important factor in the de- networks drive customers’ buying decisions (Cvitić &
cision of online user consumption (Szymanski & Hise, Plenković, 2018). Apps, programs, and/or social net-
2000; Chung & Shin, 2010). This refers to judging ex- works are available to be installed on smart mobile
periences shared on the Internet that influence cus- devices, which have become a satisfaction tool and
tomer relationships with a product or service, cus- guide for travellers. Consumers who trust e-buying
tomer loyalty, and their intention to buy online (Bigné will make more purchases (San Martín & Pradanova,
et al., 2011). The experience in electronic commerce 2014).
has a positive effect on user satisfaction (Constan-
tinides, 2004). Electronic satisfaction is closely re- Methodology
lated to trust (Sukno & Pascual, 2019; San Martín & A qualitative survey technique was used for the re-
Pradanova, 2014). search, and the size of the population studied was
The application of digital marketing in tourism has based on the latest 2017 report in the statistical and ge-
been growing intensely due to technological trends ographical yearbook of Baja California, which records
that are easily adapted to companies in this sector the arrival of tourists in the municipality. The number
(Zhang et al., 2018; Nikunen et al., 2017). It is necessary of tourists recorded in the city of Tijuana in June and
to understand the consumer and their behaviour in the July was 217,173 (DataTur, n.d.), of which 92 are from
use of smartphones to develop marketing strategies California in the United States and the rest from Mex-
(San Martín & Pradanova, 2014). Apps for tourists, ico (cemdi, 2015). Based on this proportion, 355 sur-

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Ana María Miranda Zavala et al. Mobile Devices in the Tourist Experience

veys were applied to foreign tourists and 30 to domes- spss Statistics 20 and ms Excel 2013 programs were
tic tourists, aged between 18 and 70. It should be noted used. First, a descriptive analysis was carried out; sec-
that the information obtained regarding the number ond, the verification of the relationship between the
of tourists arriving in Tijuana does not report the gen- frequency with which tourists have access to the ser-
der of the visitor; for this reason this variable was not vices available and the applications installed on smart-
considered to obtain the proportion. The instrument phones during their stay, and the satisfaction that peo-
was applied to 385 tourists in the months of June and ple find in the availability of digital services at the des-
July of 2018, by simple random sampling at different tination and in the companies that provide the ser-
tourist points and entrance to the city, to check the hy- vices. Lastly, factor analysis was carried out, obtaining
pothesis: the use of digital services on mobile devices the technological factors based on the digital services
contributes to the positive experience of tourists. The and tools used by travellers on their smartphones, re-
sample size was obtained using the statistical formula lated to the experience of the tourist arriving in the city
for finite population, based on 95 confidence and 5 of Tijuana.
of admitted error (Fischer & Espejo, 2017; Malhotra,
2008). Results
Formula for finite population: Descriptive results are first discussed in order to iden-
Nz pq tify the digital services and applications that the trav-
n= eller uses before and during their stay in the destina-
(N − 1)e2 + z2 pq
tion, sampling the people who arrived in Tijuana be-
217173 × 1.962 × 0.5 × 0.5
= tween June and July 2018, of which 47.5 are female
(217173 − 1) × 0.052 + 1.962 × 0.5 × 0.5
and 52.5 male. Travellers were asked about the dig-
= 385. (1)
ital services they frequently access from their mobile
Based on the revised literature, the survey is made device during their stay: 95 search for information
up of six dimensions (see Table 2). Information is ob- on the services available, 92 use digital maps, a sim-
tained on the sociodemographic profile, followed by ilar proportion mention inquiring about local restau-
the sources of information consulted to research the rants, 91 check the weather, 90 look for recommen-
site; services used on mobile devices when visiting; dations in digital media, 83 like to make recommen-
how often digital services are used on mobile devices dations on social networks, and 78 look for trans-
during the stay; how often the applications installed portation options through the mobile device and com-
on smartphones are used, and which are important pare places of interest in the destination.
during the trip; and the level of satisfaction, based on Regarding the apps that travellers use on their mo-
digital services available on mobile devices during the bile device during their stay, based on the results,
visit. 97 use Google Maps; 96 use Facebook and its in-
Reliability analysis of the instrument was perfor- stant messaging extension; 95 use WhatsApp; 89
med, using Cronbach’s alpha with the spss 20 pro- use Uber transport services; 85 search videos on
gram. A reliability greater than 0.5 is considered ac- YouTube; and 78 use Instagram, which allows users
ceptable (Oviedo & Campo-Arias, 2005; Hernández to upload images and videos with various photograph-
Sampieri et al., 2014; Hinton et al., 2014). To validate ic effects. There are other programs, such as Tripadvi-
the instrument, three dimensions were considered, sor (32) and Yelp (27), which are classified as tools
which are made up of questions on a Likert scale (see for tourists but are used less frequently.
Table 3). The sample corresponds to 385 surveys ap- Regarding the source of consultation to find out
plied in the months of greatest influx of tourists in the about tourist sites of interest, 81 of travellers prefer
year, June and July 2018, aimed at tourists visiting the social networks, 78 prefer recommendations from
city of Tijuana. friends or family, 59 examine the destination web-
To manage and study the results database, the ibm site, and 41 make use of geolocation services. Tradi-

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Table 2 Application Instrument Dimension

Dimension Type and number of questions Authors
1 Sociodemographic profile Multiple and dichot. choice 6
2 Information sources that you usually con- Multiple choice 7 Santillán-Núñez et al. (2015); Saura et al.
sult, to find out about the tourist place (2017); Cervi (2019)
3 Services you use on your mobile device Multiple choice 10 Santillán-Núñez et al. (2015); Saura et al.
when visiting a tourist place (2017); Ricaurte Quijano et al. (2017)
4 Frequency of use of digital services on the Likert scale 11 Santillán-Núñez et al. (2015); Saura et al.
mobile device during your trip (compare (2017); Ricaurte Quijano et al. (2017)
destinations of interest, publish experi-
ences on social networks, etc.)
5 The frequency with which installed apps Likert scale 13 Santillán-Núñez et al. (2015); Saura et al.
are used which are important during the (2017); Ricaurte Quijano et al. (2017); Mu-
trip (Facebook, YouTube, etc.) nar & Jacobsen (2014)
6 Level of satisfaction in the availability of Likert scale 8 Santillán-Núñez et al. (2015); Saura et al.
mobile digital services according to assess- (2017); Ricaurte Quijano et al. (2017); Yu et
ment of the tourist during his visit at the al. (2016); Wang et al. (2012)

Table 3 Results of Reliability Statistics

Item () ()
Frequency of use of digital services on the mobile device during your visit . 
Frequency of use of mobile applications during your visit . 
Satisfaction with the use of digital services available at the destination . 
Notes Column headings are as follows: (1) Cronbach’s Alpha, (2) number of elements.

tional options – talking on the phone, travel agencies, Table 4 Simple Correlation
and tour guides – are used less often. R .
The result of the simple correlation between the in- R square .
dependent variable, or the frequency of use of digital
R squared corrected .
services on the traveller’s mobile device during their
Standard error of estimation .
stay, and the dependent variable, which refers to the
level of satisfaction obtained with these digital services Notes Predictor variables: constant, use mobile service app
in the destination, was R = 0.507. This result indicates trip.
the total variance, which is explained in the depen-
dent variable, product of the independent (see Table able to individuals, through which a better-planned
4). Based on the value of $R$-squared, it is known that stay results and immediate access to information is ob-
this relationship can be up to 25.7, which allows as- tained on purchases and security of local services and
sessing the importance that digital services used on in businesses they wish to visit.
mobile devices add to travellers’ experiences. These Figure 2 shows the trend of the positive mean cor-
are opportunities for organizations that have the ob- relation between the variables used in the simple re-
jective of continuing to build channels and improve gression procedure presented in Table 4 (independent
the conditions of the technologies that must be avail- variable: frequency of use of the digital services on

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Ana María Miranda Zavala et al. Mobile Devices in the Tourist Experience

Table 5 Correlations
Item  
 Use mobile Pearson Correlation  .**
service app trip Sig. (-tailed) .
N  
 Tourist satis- Pearson Correlation .** 
faction with Sig. (-tailed) .
digital services
N  

Table 6 Level of Significance with anova

Item Sum of df Square F Sig.
squares root
Figure 2 Scatterplot
Regression .  . . .
Residual .  .

the mobile device of the tourist during their stay; de- Total . 
pendent variable: satisfaction obtained with the use of Notes Dependent variable: tourist satisfaction of digital
these digital services during their stay), which demon- services. Predictor variables: constant, use mobile service
strates this association represented in the scatterplot. app trip.
To reinforce this data (see table 5), a bivariate cor-
Table 7 kmo Value and Bartlett Sphericity Test
relation was obtained through Pearson to determine
the relationship between the independent variable dig- Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin sample adequacy measure .
ital services on the mobile device and the dependent Bartlett sphericity test Approx. χ2 .
variable tourist satisfaction, corresponding to the ex- df 
istence of a positive mean correlation of 0.507 with a Sig. .
significance level of 0.01.
In addition, the results of the anova test are in-
cluded in Table 6, showing a significance level of 0.01 derived from the process indicates that there is a cor-
was obtained among the analysed elements, which is relation between the variables. This allows validating
related to the result shown in Table 4. The alternative the factor analysis procedure since the derived level of
hypothesis is proven that the use of digital services on significance is less than 0.05.
mobile devices contributes positively to the experience Table 8 shows the percentage results of the total
of tourists during their stay at the destination. variance explained, which is summarized by five fac-
The results from factor analysis are discussed in the tors that explain 63.23. De la Garza et al. (2013) state
next section to identify the technological components that, using this criterion, n factors should be managed
which correspond to the digital services and tools used as an initial solution, as long as the percentage of ac-
in mobile devices, which benefit the tourist’s experi- cumulated explained variation ranges between 60 and
ence. The kmo tests and Bartlett’s sphericity was per- 95.
formed to validate the factor analysis procedure (Pérez Following the factor analysis procedure, the rotated
López, 2004); a kmo value greater than 0.5 is consid- components matrix is shown, for which the Varimax
ered acceptable in the factor analysis model, and the method was used (see Table 9). De la Garza et al. (2013)
closer it is to 1, the better the adequacy of the data. and Pérez López (2004) highlight that it is possible to
By obtaining 0.884, the data can be used for factor ex- identify a group of variables with a single simplified
posure (Table 7). The Bartlett coefficient of sphericity factor per component using this method. Therefore,

Academica Turistica, Year 14, No. 2, December 2021 | 235

Ana María Miranda Zavala et al. Mobile Devices in the Tourist Experience

Table 8 Total Explained Variance

Initial eigenvalues Sums of the saturations squared Sum of the saturations squared
of the extraction of the rotation
() () () () () () () () ()
 . . . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . . . .
 . . .
Notes Extraction method: principal component analysis.

the technological factors based on the digital services immediacy provided by current Internet technology
used on tourists’ mobile devices that favour the des- through smartphones, for comparing the destinations
tination experience during their stay are: (1) imme- they want to visit, to organize the trip, check reviews,
diate access to destination information and services; make meteorological consultations, and use geoloca-
(2) anticipated experience; (3) mobility conditions; (4) tion services to get around faster.
instant communication; (5) analysis of comments and Experience is an economic factor that generates
opinions of available services. These factors or compo- memorable events in customers (Pine ii & Gilmore,
nents integrate the digital services that contribute pos- 2011). The tourist experience can become more pleas-
itively to the experience of tourists who visit the city of ant with the support of mobile technology. It can be
Tijuana. This hypothesis is verified in Table 6. In this integrated as a personal assistant that will guide visi-
sense, there are areas of opportunity for companies in tors in each stage of their itinerary (Santillán-Núñez et
the tourism sector to create and/or improve marketing al., 2015; Bonilla, 2013). Mobile technology has become
strategies in these digital services that benefit the stay a component that contributes and brings benefits to
of the tourist at the destination. the consumer experience (Ballesteros Díaz et al., 2014;
Chang & Shen, 2018; Saura et al., 2017). In this sense,
Discussion this research found that digital services on mobile de-
Based on the results obtained, there is a positive aver- vices contribute positively to the experience of tourists
age relationship between the use of digital services in in the destination visited. In addition, research results
the mobile devices of tourists during their stay and identify five factors that favour the tourist’s experience
the level of satisfaction obtained with these digital through the use of smart mobile devices: immediate
services in the destination. In addition, tourists en- access to destination information and services, antici-
sure that during their stay they use their mobile de- pated travel experience, resolving mobility conditions,
vices very often to search for information on services permanent communication with the digital social en-
available at the destination, followed by use of digi- vironment, and analysis of comments and opinions of
tal maps, to search for restaurants that are of interest services available in apps for travellers.
to them, check the weather, and review recommen-
dations made by other users. This result coincides Conclusions
with the results of Chang and Shen (2018), Santillán- The hypothesis of the research was verified: the use of
Núnez et al. (2015), and Ricaurte Quijano et al. (2017), digital services on the mobile devices of tourists con-
who indicate that people make use of the benefits of tributes positively to the experience in the destination.

236 | Academica Turistica, Year 14, No. 2, December 2021

Ana María Miranda Zavala et al. Mobile Devices in the Tourist Experience

Table 9 Rotated Component Matrix diate access to destination information and services;
Item Component (2) advance experience; (3) mobility conditions; (4) in-
    
stant communication; (5) comment analysis.
Based on the results obtained, there is a significant
Purchasing interest .
positive mean correlation at the 0.01 level between the
frequency with which travellers use digital services
Trip organization .
through their mobile devices and the level of satis-
Information about . faction they obtain regarding digital services during
their stay at a destination. Likewise, based on coeffi-
Searching for reviews . cient of determination, this association can be consid-
Book accommodation . ered 25.7. The digital services that tourists use the
Weather consultation . most on their mobile devices before and during their
Location with digital . visit are to inquire about available service options at
map the site; to find restaurants; to use digital maps, which
Restaurant search . makes it possible to move more efficiently during the
Purchasing products or . visit; to check weather conditions during their stay;
services and to consult recommendations of places of interest.
Publishing reviews on . These digital services are essentials on a smartphone
online sites since the sampled group consults transportation op-
Google maps . tions, compares places of interest, and makes recom-
mendations on social networks and on websites of the
Facebook App .
establishments they have been visiting.
YouTube .
Based on the findings of the study, mobile phones
Google . are important technological devices for tourists visit-
WeChat . ing to city of Tijuana: these benefit the traveller’s ex-
Twitter . perience. Therefore, it is essential for service compa-
Skype . nies in a developing country like Mexico to invest in
Facebook Messenger . technology to attract more tourists who demand digi-
WhatsApp . tal services. Therefore, technology has achieved an im-
portant role for people who move to various places for
Instagram .
vacation, rest or business. For this reason, it is recom-
Foursquare .
mended to intensify campaign strategies for tourism
Yelp . attention and content aimed at this market. Thus, it
Tripadvisor . is essential to make available applications that contain
Notes Extraction method: principal component analysis. special information for tourists, which they can use to
Rotation method: Varimax normalization with Kaiser. The make better decisions.
rotation has converged in 7 iterations. The current environment of tourism in developing
countries, where mobile phones function as a means
The digital services that stand out with factor analy- of consultation, verification and identification in some
sis are: buy products and/or services online, search for services, displacing physical contact for some activi-
destinations of interest, book accommodation, and use ties, has caused many of the tourist services to com-
of apps such as YouTube, WeChat, Skype, Facebook, plete their technological transition to smartphones, in
WhatsApp, Instagram, and Google maps, as well as order to avoid losing connection between company
tourist apps: Tripadvisor, Foursquare and Yelp. These and user. Therefore, in the context of tourism organi-
services are integrated into five components: (1) imme- zations in the city of Tijuana, it becomes a necessity

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