Nucleated Red Blood Cell (NRBC) - QSP Newsletter Issue 44

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February Slides This issue

Slide 1 February Slides P.1
Nothing to report. Monthly Digital Case Study P.2
Slide 2 NRBC Quick Overview P.2
Intensive care unit.
Neutrophilia + myelemia.
cells (+++).
Neutrophilia + myelemia.
Monthly Digital Case Study Presentation
Expert's comment: Echinocytes/Burr February 2024, Slide 3
cells (+++) => probable metabolic
Slide 3 FBC Results
See case study opposite. WBC 2.85* (10^3/mm3) Neutrophils 60.9%
Slide 4 RBC 2.37* (10^6/mm3) Lymphocytes 28.1%
Presence of a few activated HGB 8.2* (g/dL) Monocytes 9.4%
lymphocytes (large lymphocytes
HCT 24.4* (%) Basophils 1.6%
with +/- irregular form and
basophilic cytoplasm)?
MCV 103 (fL) Normoblasts, Erythroblasts 58
Expert's comment: MCH 34.6 (pg) Large Platelets 6
See liver assessment MCHC 34.6 (g/dL)
(transaminase assay). PLT 127 (10^3/mm3)
Slide 5
Pneumology unit.
Multiple analyser flag on leukocyte Clinical Details
differential. Haemodialysis unit.
- Leukocytosis. Neutrophilia.
- Hyposegmented neutrophils (band
cells)/granular immature cells. Slide Information
- Monocytosis, Eosinophilia. Leukopenia. Anaemia. Anisocytosis (+++). Hypochromic RBCs (+/-). Punctated
- No blastosis associated with RBCs/Howell-Jolly bodies (+). Erythroblastosis (acidophilic erythroblasts).
myelemia. Presence of macroplatelets.
Presence of rare erythroblasts and
some macro-platelets/giant Expert's comments: Punctated RBCs/Howell-Jolly bodies (+): Patient with
platelets. splenectomy. Hypersegmented neutrophils: Patient on hydroxyurea?
Expert's comment: Pathology of red blood cells: Abnormal Hb?
Paraneoplastic syndrome (PNS) to
look for first.
Slide 6 Nucleated Red Blood Cell (NRBC) Erythroblasts
Intensive care unit.
Analyser flag on leukocyte
- Macrocytic anisocytosis (+).
- Leukocytosis.
- Neutrophilia.
- Discreet myelemia.
Cell Quiz
Can you name a condition where
NRBC Quick Overview
this red cell picture would be
Nucleated red blood cells are early precursors of red cells and in normal
healthy adults are rarely seen outside of the bone marrow. In a process
known as Erythropoiesis various cytokines and growth factors
cause progenitor cells such as the Pluripotent haemopoietic stem cells to
form committed erythroid progenitor cells – burst forming unit – erythroid
(BFU-E). BFU-E gives rise to a more mature progenitor cell the colony
forming unit erythrocyte (CFU-E). The CFU-E is extremely responsive to
erythropoietin and causes the CFU-S to produce the erythroid precursor
known as the Proerythroblast. The proerythroblast is a large cell, with a
large round nucleus, finely stippled cytoplasm, deeply basophilic cytoplasm
and one or more nucleoli. As the cell matures it decreases in size along with
Last Month's Quiz changes to the size of the nucleus and alongside changes to the cytoplasm
Can you name the cell below? (see below). After the cell reaches the late (orthochromatic) erythroblast
stage, the nucleus is extruded from the cell producing a reticulocyte, the
reticulocyte is then released into the blood stream where it matures to a
red cell within 24 - 48 hours. It is remarkable to think that every second the
human body generates 2 million red cells.

Right answer:
Blast cell
Erythropoiesis: insights into
pathophysiology and
treatments in 2017

Diagnostic Value and Prognostic

Significance of Nucleated Red Manual counting of NRBC
Blood Cells (NRBCs) in Selected The traditional way of enumerating Nucleated Red Blood cells and therefore
Medical Conditions providing a Corrected White Cell Count (most automated cell counters
produce a Total Nucleated Cell Count (TNC) that may include NRBC as well
Frequency of Nucleated Red as WBC) is when performing the differential and the total number of NRBC
Blood Cells in the Peripheral seen per 100 WBC is counted. The Corrected WBC may then be calculated
Blood of ICU-Admitted Patients with the following formula:
Corrected WBC = TNC x [100 / (NRBC +100)]
Editorial Team
Kelly Duffy Automated analysers like the HORIBA Yumizen series of analysers are able
Andrew Fisher to enumerate NRBC on every sample with a high degree of accuracy.

About us In adults the presence of NRBC is rare and if found in numbers has been
shown to indicate the presence of numerous diseases e.g. solid tumours,
haematological malignancies, haemolysis, hypoxia, nutritional anaemia,
Kyoto Close, Moulton Park
blood loss, septicaemia, myocardial infarct, chronic lung disease, and
Northampton, UK, NN3 6FL
myelodysplasia. In studies it has been shown that the presence of NRBC in
HORIBA Medical the peripheral blood of adults is a marker for poor prognosis.
Parc Euromédecine, Rue du
Caducée, BP 7290, 34184 NRBC are found in healthy neonates and disappear after approx. one month
Montpellier Cedex 4, France of life.

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