SCH 18BM742

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50, will be teated as malpractice, iagonal cross lines on the remaining blank pages. and lor equations written eg. 42 ‘of identification, appeal to evaluator Important Note: |. On completing your answers, compulsorily draw di 2. any reveal 3 SchEME TT USN [ 18BM742 Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Feb./Mar. 2022 Lasers and Optical Fibers in Medicine ‘Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module. Module-1 1a Explain the principles of interaction between Lasers and Materials. (12 Marks) Describe the therapy by thermal interaction between lasers and tissue. (08 Marks) OR 2 a Explain the photothermal mechanisms used in laser surgery. (10 Marks) b. Discuss the principles of laser assisted diagnostics. (10 Marks) Moduie-2. 3. a. Describe the fundamentals of optical fibers and principle of Total Internal Reflection. (10 Marks) b. Discuss any 10 optical properties of optical fibers. (10 Marks) OR 4 a With a neat diagram, explain the fabrication process of the optical fibers. (lO Marks) b. Describe the principle of power transmission through optical fibers. (10 Marks) le-3 5 a. Discuss the principles of non-ordered fiber-optic bundles. (12 Marks) b. With a neat diagram, explain the fundamentals of fiber-scopes, (08 Marks) OR 6 a. Explain the principles of ordered fiber-optic bundles. (12.Marks) b. Describe the advances in fiber-optic imaging system. (08 Marks) . _ Module-4 7 a. Explain the principles of endoscopic imaging systems. (10 Marks) . With neat diagram, describe the principle of endoscopic ultrasound imaging system, (10 Marks) OR 8 a Discuss the advances in the endoscopic diagnostics, (lo Marks) b. Explain the auxiliary mechanical devices and subsystems used in endoscopy. (10 Marks) Module-5, 9 a. Explain with diagram, the fiber-optic laser endoscopic system used in cardiology. (12 Marks) b. Discuss the laser lithotripsy technique using laser catheter. (08 Marks) OR 10 a. With diagram, describe the HPD-PDT technique used in oncology (10 Marks) b. Discuss the flow diagram for laser angioplasty, (10 Marks) | % " - | eh. LT BENZ4239309 Visvesvaraya Technological u- i + Belagavi, Karnataka - 590 018 : Sche Solutions one Subject Title: asexs 2 Optical Pibexs in Medicine Subject Code: |g OH 442. Question Number ae Marks Allocated ©» Tatesaction between fasers and materiods :— hoses —> Li Deng cf by Stimulated oho L Radcotun . 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Scienligee Mirmifa liens Lo High iUuminaticn ft Los High resoluliin > Bi0g + Explanation | ii) Fobvicatiss 4 ordered bundles ii) Tmaging bun eo —Enginening Wnilebiend) gee - 6 ane L pepedation rdvancs in fbepric Traging spk” wee Suplonatin Or) © SS Axe = ork |Smbs- | NODULE! & | @o) Principles 7, endoscopy “imaging Systeme | genplan akzon fort 7) Common erdoscepe ; mi ) Lb Transrissloo TONGS, Arsoluber , magnifica olepath fou ped G vie, punimumn faa) ore vyadiua & pending ange: 16 ey i) Thin _andoscipes — cose Ls Optical cmage , Hechanical propecties ,unge nt ms) hog enhancement , ctacelicatinn | abc 6 & @a Ze Principle undoscopt ulbrasouncl Lertigér Biogrens qf dhe Us imaging sf 3 guplancdion 4, Be seshem — Imi of a Advances in endoscopic diagnostics <= i‘ ap imaging Eo a SUze maging R Size of object Ls Bp imag pruciliony mechanical J dev oan aubegts Perham ~ complete, en dpscopre spon gnpanatioa for guidance, imaging, diagnosis , Aapy , mechanical wees & p> amb endoscopic Sechniquss my seston eo stema — 3 mks j it) N Magripicalin dlekeamunalion > amb @ Marks lords Suplanaction ? ren * secloscepy 5" ayeie i) Alain ams Eg a Pr Gortast , staining, siattion 0 a — ams Acopsy Arceps Hicsoware prob Jomb: Sian J qpasping dn ti) Biopsy forces ii) Cytology paushes iv) Srace \) Gudbling, -ools 7 vi) Photographic subsystem —» sh amas & wwiyideo MODULE 6S FLagiar sa fbeccplic Roser sytem ames oa mks- tam. Subject Title: Losers & Optical fibers in Nedietne Subject Code: (88M 742. @ Question Number Solution Marks Allocated @») Laser Lithotrips ee — Sup lanatin & atl rhe methods —~= 5 4 chné Bi cagom bf on ae any ae igure amb Lremato ppg? Grplacabe fo sensihsn , "age ey ot ‘aap » Waser phon Phdoccagulaiion & gy lose faye ectneenss Biagror i dhs froschant g ongepests 4 enplanatin He flowchart $0" nbs LOA angio play cl orks yoonbal.

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