wo 368 SOHNE
(TIT noms
Third Semester MCA Degree Examination, Feb/Mar. 2022
Data Analytics using Python
Time: 3 brs. Max. Marks:100
Note: Answer FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module,
1 a, Describe arithmetic operators, assignment operators, comparison operators and logical
operators in detail with example (08 Marks)
b. With syntax, explain the finite and infinite looping constructs in python. What is the need
for break and continue statements. (07 Marks)
c. Write a python program to check whether a given number is even or odd. (05 Marks)
2. a, Howto declare and call functions in python programs? Illustrate with an example script.
(08 Marks)
b. Illustrate args and kwargs parameters in python programming language with an example.
(07 Marks)
. Develop a python program to calculate the area of square, rectangle and circle using
function, (05 Marks)
3 a, Explain any five operations performed on string with an example. (10 Marks)
b. Demonstrate constructors in inheritance with the help of python program. Take input as
student name, subject name, marks of three subjects and calculate the percentage. (10 Marks)
2. Any revealing of identification, appeal to evaluator and/or equations writen eg, 42° ~ 50, wil be weated as malpractice.
Important Note: 1. On completing your answers, compulsorily raw diegonal cross lines on the remaining blank pages.
4a. Differentiate between list tuple, sets and dictionary (10 Marks)
b. Create a function product and demonstrate function overloading by accepting required input
and print their product. (10 Marks)
Sa. Discuss different categories of basic array manipulation with an example. (10 Marks)
b. Implement the python program to demonstrate the following using numpy array.
i) Array searching, sorting and spli
ii) Broad casting. (10 Marks)
6 a. Discuss in detail about pandas data structures. (10 Marks)
b. Develop a python program to perform arithmetic operations on numpy array. (10 Marks)
Explain combining and merging datasets with an example, (10 Marks)
Explain Reshape and pivot operations with an example. (10 Marks)
Discuss in detail about data transformation. (10 Marks)
Explain any five built-in string methods with an example. (10 Marks)
Write short notes on
i) Matplot library
ii) Seabom library. (10 Marks)
Implement a python program to demonstrate data visualization using Matplotlib. (10 Marks)
Explain the following method with an example graph.
i)hist() ii) kdeplot( ) iii) distplot() iv) joinplot( ). (10 Marks)
Create a python program to demonstrate data visualization (Line Plot, histogram, Scatter
plot) using Seaborn, (10 Marks)
To: "[email protected]”
Dear Sit -
Sub Code | Subject Name
| 20MCASI | Data Analytics
using Python
20MCA32 | internet of
2OMCA33_| Advnces in JAVA
23rd February
- 1
Nie Modification. tis Approved ao
itis Approved. But Marks distribution may be as shown below
1b) 5 points: Sm +5 m explanation
2a) Diagram Smarks+ Explanation 5 marks
2b ) Diagram Smarks +Description Smarks,
3a) Six points : 6m +Explanation 4m 3b}diagram 7m + Explanation 3m
4a} Diagr 6m + expla 4m 4b)Smart Objs Sm + Wireless Sensor N/Ws Sm
5a) $ Key advantg of IPs Smarks +Expla Sm Sb) Diagr 6m +Expin 4m |
| Ga)COSE Definition 3m +Diagr Sm +Explan 2m 6b)Diagr 6m +Explan 4m
7a)Diagram marks +Explanation marks |
‘7b)Definition with exampl for Supervised & Unsupervised Learning Sm each |
8a)Diagram & Explanation each 8b)OCTAVE 5 marks + FAIR Smarks
9a) 5x2=10 marks Sb)diagram 6 + explanation 4marks
_10a)Diagram 6 + Expian amarks 10b) Python code marks + Text File 2marks_|
| Q.No 1c in Q. Paper may be read as POST instead of PSOT. Itis Approved _|
20MCA342 | Cloud
20MCA352 | Big Data
| Analytics
Prof. M, Shivaram,
Chairman BOE, MCA, VTU,
3a. Question could have been Sth or 6th Guestion (Module 3). The concepts |
of virtual machine exists in "3rd module” doesn't belong to this 2nd module.
| Students lost a choice by this mistake. So 10 marks may be liberally given.
| 6.b Theorem stated may be considered for Full 10 marks.
| 8.b. Types of clouds is huge topic, but asked for 10 marks. Any relevant
| points written under each cloud{Pyt, Public, Community, hybrid) can be
| considered and award full marks.
20 a) : Write @ map reduce program to find maximum temperature from
Weather dataset. 10Marks
| MapReduce is based on set of key value pairs. So first we have to decide on
| the types for the key/value pairs for the input,
Map Phase: The input for Map phase is set of weather data files as shown in |
snap shot. The types of input key value pairs are LongWritable and Text and |
| the types of output key value pairs are Text and IntWritable.
| Each Map task extracts the temperature data from the given year file. The |
‘output of the map phase is set of key value pairs. Set of keys are the years. |
Values are the temperature of each year. }
Reduce Phase: Reduce phase takes all the values associated with @ particular
key. That is all the temperature values belong to a particular year is fed to @
same reducer. Then each reducer finds the highest recorded temperature |
| for each year. The types of output key value pairs in Map phase is same for |
the types of input key value pairs in reduce phase (Text and IntWritable). |
The types of output key value pairs in reduce phase is too Text and |
IntWritable. So, in this example we write three java classes: * |
@HighestMapper java - 3 Marks HighestReducer.java -~ 3 Marks |
__| @HighestOriver.java - 4 Marks
Associate Professor, Dept. of MCA,
BIT, Bengaluru-560004.
ir (Evaluation)
Techn -al University
A120%CASL41 79
Visvesvaraya Technological University
Belagavi, Karnataka - 590 018
ie |
Scheme & Solutions Signitgse tf Scrutinizer
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