SCH 18CV51

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Gags Saatie ] | | | 18CV51 Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Feb./Mar. 2022 Construction Management and Entrepreneurship ‘Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 g Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module. £ Module-1 = 4 a. Explain the functional areas of Management. (08 Marks) . b. List and explain the Nature or characteristics of Planning, (08 Marks) i c. Discuss the dependencies in a Gantt chart, with neat sketches. (04 Marks) 2 oR 2 2 a With illustration, explain AOA and AON network diagrams. (08 Marks) & b. The activity data of a project is given in the table below : z [ Activity | Predecessor | Duration | 2 A B i c so 2 D | 3 2 E 5 : FO 3 | 5 G 6 % a 8 1 _4 Jt 7 HI I JK Draw the network diagram , Identify the eritical path and Project duration using CPM. (08 Marks) ©. Discuss the types of Management Styles. (04 Marks) Module. 3 a, Explain i) Minimum Wages Act 1948 ii) The Labour Welfare Fund Act 1965 (08 Marks) b. Explain the importance of Resource Management in the construction of a Project. (08 Marks) ¢. Discuss the types of Maintenance. (04 Marks) oR 4 a, Define Labour Production Rate or Productivity. Discuss the factors affecting Productivity. (10 Marks) b. The initial cost of a piece of construction equipment is Rs 35,00,000. It has a useful life of 10 years. The estimated salvage value of the equipment at the end of useful life is Rs 5,00,000. Calculate the Annual depreciation and Book value of the construction equipment using Sinking fund method. The interest rates is 8% per year. (QO Marks) Important Note : 1. On completing your answers, compulsorily draw diagonal eros lines on the remaining blank pages. 1of2 18CVSL Module~ 5 a. Explain the process of Project Quality Management, (10 Marks) b. Explain the Safety measures adopted during drilling and blasting. (10 Marks) OR 6 a. Discuss in detail about the cost of Quality in construction. (10 Marks) . b. Explain the types of Conflict of Interest. (06 Marks) ©. Discuss the following : i) Gifts and Bribes ii) Whistle Blowing. (04 Marks) lodul 7 a. Define Engineering Economics. Explain the principles of Engineering Economy. (08 Marks) b. With illustration, explain Cash Flow diagram. (06 Marks) ©. Differentiate between Micro and Macro Economics (06 Marks) OR 8 a. Explain Break Even Analysis. Mention the assumptions of Break Even Analysis. (08 Marks) b. A firm has identifies two mutually exclusive investment proposals for new project whose details are given below. The life of all the two aliernatives is estimated to be five years with negligible salvage value. The minimum attractive rate of return for the firm is 12%, Find the best alternative based on the rate of Return method of Comparis (12 Marks) Alternative 1 | Alter Investment 1,50,000/- wunual Net Income | 50,000/- | edu 9 a. Explain the stages in Entrepreneurial Process. (10 Marks) b. Discuss in detail about the Project report for starting # new Venture, (10 Marks) OR 10 a. Explain the role and significance of Venture Capital, (10 Marks) b. Mention the objectives and functions of following agencies : i) KIADB ii) TECSOK. (40 Marks) 2of2 “NA © Visvesvaraya Technological University? pW vel A ~ w Belagavi, Karnataka — 590 018. ™ Moyea ih Ae. [efed 2-24 ‘Scheme & Solutions (gnatire of Scrutinizer Subject Title : lion v Subject Code: 12 CV.5) ‘Question arin! Marks Number Allocated Qh Medule - J ' _— a) [Planing ae i) organising Explaintion -2~ | iii) stagging Ww] Directing v) Coerdinaldng vi) Cond rctling i= B)] pakine 01 Cheracterl tics of phring. i us Lr objectines «oon 3 otellectual poten (open g Wi) Selecta pense | pasting WD paring ds dnlaghalis pies | -t- CH] stent — Start Start — Pinis4 Ixy = 4 Ly finish — Stork ~ Pinsy — Pnisd ' * * APPROVED” UN Gighrs _ —— RE Visvesvaraya Technological “Z BELAGAVI- 590018 Subject Tite: CA = Question Number Solution Subject Code: | ?C VS] ‘Marks Qd Allocated _ a) Explanation Ackuady on Node [AON] —2— g Ttlstration — Explelnction of Ackinthy on -an Tustration —_ ato b] 6 x Oa ETP On Dy Ny KX Gress 2OF> @| 8 Ny eer Critieat oe 0-CO© OVO O projet Durbin | R26 CJ) Management Styles’ W Aotorrnbie Monagemint Aye ie b 1D Demrontle Management style rie WD) Latssey ~ Jolre management Style. 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Gl] Break Euan analysts * Explanation ! oi ae & = AXG=6 7 Q4q, a] Subject Codes 18 aad | Altornntine 4 Co3r Glows diagham .- fp ole.eo7 Alenatiove 2 ~ cath Plows iagfer ie 13.REd Compodisien ok Aliririolinw Ta Macias ghoges enbraprencitel pree 1] Gonduiting opprenity PE Vi] petieleping Ihe pton pe ALR Corrpory, Wi) Acgpbilng airencel a Sotto’ pesourees 7AM ued -— 2- 37 VS, Solution fea Allocated ' KIADB b}} 1 os Impotence of prpect Duper --2 4 contents oh tthe Supert 2 lem “ypical outline of BHO AP" iV] Meplisatier of Seat oe v) Pes2d3 La Socio Oconee the aboue al cxplei v HAxs = lem objzactimes fonctions 3 i] Tecsek _ CAE Subject Coge: 18 CV S| Marks Solution Allocated, 10 [o \O Vi Technological Universty l BELAGAV-SS0018

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