Ancient Mainland Kingdoms Funan, Chenla, & Pagan
Ancient Mainland Kingdoms Funan, Chenla, & Pagan
Ancient Mainland Kingdoms Funan, Chenla, & Pagan
Ancient Mainland:
Funan, Chenla, & Pagan
Geduspan, Tumaneng
The kingdom’s seaport is located in modern-day Oc-eo, down
the Mekong River delta in modern day Vietnam. It’s very near
the Cambodian border.
Emerged in 1st century CE. During this time the Roman market
was avidly seeking Asian goods especially Chinese silk. Due to
this, efforts to enhance the maritime route between China and
India were actively being pursued.
According to Chinese sailors who had visited Funan in its prime describe it as:
The competition from the south, from the seamen ports of the
Sunda Straits eventually deprived Funan of its previous
dominance over international trade and by the 6th century,
their realm was contracting.
Agriculture Trade
Pagan, the city, existed since 849, but the Empire itself was
founded in 1044.