Hand Massage Guide

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Hand massage is the manipulation of the hands to relax the client and case discomfort prior to

the application of nail polish. It is generally carried out near the end of the manicure treatment
just prior to the application of nail polish. It can also be carried out on its own if the client wants
the effect of the massage but does not need nail treatment.

Benefits of Hand Massage:

1. It moisturizes the skin with hand cream.
2. It helps remove any dead skin cells.
3. It relaxes the client.
4. It stimulates blood flow.

Steps in giving hand massage

1. Spread the lotion or cream over the arms and hands.

2. Effleurage to the whole hand and forearm. Use long sweeping strokes from the
hand to the elbow moving on both the outer and the inner sides of the forearm.
Repeat step 1 for the final result. Effleurage is a stroking movement in massage.
3. Knead thumb to the back of the hand and the forearm. Use the thumbs, one
in front of the other, and move backwards or forwards in a gentle sawing action.
Move from the hands to the elbow, and then slide the thumbs back down to the
hands. Repeat step 2 twice.
4. Knead thumb to the palm and the inner forearm. Use the same movements as
in step 2.
5. Finger circulations, supporting the joints. Support the knuckles with one hand,
hold the fingers individually and gently taking each through in full range of
movements, first clockwise and then counter-clockwise. Move from the little
finger to the thumb. Repeat step 4 or further 2 times.
6. Wrist circulations, supporting the joints. Support the wrist with one hand and
put your fingers between the client’s gently grasping her hand. Move the wrist
through its full range of movement, first clockwise and then, anticlockwise.
Repeat step 5 or further 2 times.
7. Effleurage to the whole hand and forearm. Use the same movement as in step
1. Repeat step 6 for the 5 times.
8. Squeeze clients hand between your own gently, and slide off to finish.

Safety Precaution:
Be very careful to avoid vigorous massage of joints if your
client has arthritis, high blood pressure or has had stroke. Massage increases circulation and may
be harmful to them. Talk with your client throughout the massage and adjust your touch to the
client’s hands.

Activity 1. Group Work

Directions: Find a partner from your classmates and apply the steps in hand massage. Observe
each other’s work and give suggestions for for the improvement of your work. To know if your
partner performed well, rate her according to the rubrics given below.

Has followed all the steps correctly
Has followed the steps but missed one
Has followed the steps but missed 2
Has followed the steps but missed 3
Has not shown any step.

If you got a score of 4 or 5 happy smiley face that means you did great. If 1 or 2
smiley happy face, that means you have to review and repeat again the activity. Once you master
it, you can now proceed to the next activity.

Activity 2. True or False

Directions: Write True, if the statement is correct and False if the statement is correct. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Hand massage is carried out after the application of the nail polish.
2. The purpose of hand massage is to relax the client and increase blood circulation.
3. Effleurage is a stroking movement in massage.
4. You cannot apply hand massage if your client has certain problems such as high blood or

5. The elbow is not included in hand massage.


Activity. Steps in Giving a Manicure.

Direcctions: Arrange the following steps in basic manicure by putting number in each
procedure. Write your answer on your notebook.

Trim cuticle Remove old polish

Loosen cuticle Dry fingertips
Prepare manicuring tables Apply nail quick dry
Soften cuticles Apply liquid polish
Apply cuticle oil Shape Nails
Apply top coat Apply cuticle Remover
Clean under free edge Apply base coat

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