Eee206 99

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l. (a) Explain why the processesof modulationand demodulationare widely usedin

(b) Definethe term "modulationindex",ffi, s it relatesto an amplitude-modulated
signaland explain why in practicethe valueof m shouldbe kept lessthan l.

(c) fui Alv{ DSB CP transmitterhasan outputpower of 5 kW when sinusoidally

modulatcdto a dcpthof 100%.Dctcrminc thc powcr output whcn

(r) the carrier is unmodulated

(ii) aftersinusoidalmodulationtoadepthofS5?'",onesidebandis
supressedand the carier componentis reducedby 25 <IB.

(d) Ifthe transmitteris sinusoidallymodulatedto a depthof 7$% andtwo further

sine waves,correspondingto 50oloand ?0% modulation,are transmitt€d
simultaneously,detenninethe totat fadiafedpowef,-
2. (a) F.xplain,with the aid of diagrams,the operationof two typesof AM
demodulator. ;I

/.b) circuit hasan oulput voltagev6 rvhich is relaled!o its input
A norr-line,'ar
voltagevl by

vo = 0.6vi + 0,t5 t;2

vi containsa carrierof lv pp at l0O kHz anda toneof 0,?5vfp at 4 kHa

(r) Write down an expressionforvo containingan the freguencycomponcnts

and their amplitudesand henceduawths spectrumof vo.

(ii) vo is now passedthrongheu ideal filter havinga passbandbetureen70 kFfz

and 130klfe Showthat the ou$ut spectnrmis now a firll AM one and find qhs
modulationindol m.
(lD Forthe outputsignalof(bXii), findthe largwt valuesof modulationtone :
amptitrde and frequencywhich canbe usedwithoutproducingdistortion or
interferencein the fiher€d outprrl

(a) Explain why FM is usedfor high-ryality sotrndbroadcastingat VHF but not at

mediumwave frequencies.

{b} -Dessribe,with.the aid ofhlock dfugrarns,tbe.sffimrsad openationof an FM

sfers) receiver.
'I( fl)

tc) AnF'
havingthe follovtfurgclraracteri*icsi+aplid.tathe inp*of.a

v Carricr ccntrc frcqucncy: 100'MTIz

Frequenc,y dwistioa. : + 75 WIz.
gas€ba&.lis&orn 3gl+zro 15t*tz

Iftlre receiver'fiasan IF of lO.? MIIZ, estimate

{i} .ttaerfreine valuesof the rnadulation,inder(

(ii) ths maximumCarsonbandwidltr
{ir$ tlnfmlascillatorfrsqpensy
(irr} theprob*ble practiealIF bandwidth

4. {a} Discuw'tfus€$&rrtagssanddisadlrafitag$s
sfPCM rvlreir-usrdise
corununication sv.stem..
\.7 t>t

itr) Tnalve 4 kHz ch'aunelsarefs be muttipltxed an*lfran$ftit&xl<rrra KM link"

noim is.h. bs betfts than.3SdB andlinear

(i) E"plan, wi{h 6e aid of"ablock d*Bnirn; S€ og€rzi$on'sfth€

mldst*Ir sycter.t.
(il) Esdmatetheminimuri systambanitrviitth :
(o) Why istheabove quantisationmethsd,rrr$€alistie
how, in practice,mayspeechbe quantisedefficiemly ?

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