Eee206 97

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ilPtt, 1 for the Degreeof;

fi Electroni" andElectricalEngineering


3''th. t.ttons why vestigial sidebandamplitude modulation is used for
ion of television signals.

DSB CP transmitter has an output power of 3 kW when sinusoidally

iited to a depth of 100 %. Determinethe power output when

the carrier is unmodulated (3)

yo, one sideband is

after sinusoidal modulation to a depth of 70
suppressed and the carriercomponentis reducedby 20 dB'
or otherwise,of the schemeoutlinedin (bxii)
t on the usefulness. (2)

transmitter mentioned in (b) is sinusoidallymodulated to a depth of 65 Yo

;a second sine wave, corresponding to 40 % modulation' is transmitted
, determinethe total radiatedpower.

the differencebetweenphaseand frequencymodulation. (3)

with the aid of diagrams,how a frequency-modulatedsignal may be

using a limiter circuit followed by a Foster-Seeleydiscriminator. (7)

ge-controlled oscillator circuit contains a 15 prH inductor which is tuned

L capacitor whose capacitanceis a frrnction of the applied control voltage.
,6n the latter is set to 0 V, the effective capacitanceis 100 pF and this
tgesat 2 pFA/ as the control voltage is varied. Estimatethe bandwidth of the
llator output signal when the control voltage has the form 5 cos(4000nt) V
the oscillator is followed by a xlO frequencymultiplying circuit' (10)


(a) What are the advantagesof digital commrtnicationsystemsover thek analogue


(b) Give a comprehensivedescription of how a PCM signalmadebe generatedfrom

an analoguemessage.

(c) N binary coded telephone signals, each having 8 bits per sample, are time-
multiplexed together.

(r) lf N: 12, find the overall signalbandwidth.

(ii) If the frame length : 125 p sec,find N.

(iii) Why, in practice, are only 30 telephone signalssent in a 32 chmnel PCM

frame ? (e)

(a) The maximum theoretical information-carqvingcapacity of a commtrnication

systemis given by

'%= Bbs,(t.*)

(i) Define the various qmbols containedin this formula.

(ii) How well do practical communicationsystemsobey this law? (6)

(b) The transducerin a CD player sendsout 216 equiprobablepulse amplitudesat a

samplingrate of 44.1 kHz. Estimate

(i) the minimum bandwidth required

(ii) the channelcapacity

(iii) the signalto noise ratio of the recovered signal (6)

(c) Sincethe highest frequencywhich can be heard by the human ear is less than 20
kllz, what pu{pose is servedby oversamplingin a CD player ? (2)

(d) Morse code is uzually transmitted with a dash equal in length to tlree dots; a
spaceof one dot length between sym.bols;tlree dot lengths between characters
and five between words. A skilled operator can send at 25 words per minute,
assumingan average of 5 charactersper word. Using the Morse equivalent of
the word "HOUSE" (= Q000 lll 001 000 0, where 0 is a dot and I a dash),
estimatethe overall synU{il{ate and hencethe messagebandwidth. (6)
)* i




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