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What ChatGPT means for universities: Perceptions of scholars and students

Article in Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching · April 2023

DOI: 10.37074/jalt.2023.6.1.22


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1 author:

Mehmet Firat
Anadolu University


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Vol.6 No.1 (2023)

JALT Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching


ISSN : 2591-801X

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ied Learnin

What ChatGPT means for universities: Perceptions of scholars and students

Mehmet FiratA A Associate Professor, Department of Distance Education, Faculty of Open Education, Anadolu
University, Turkey

Keywords Abstract
AI; This study investigates the implications of ChatGPT, an AI-powered
ChatGPT; language model, for students and universities by examining the
GPT-4; perceptions of scholars and students. The responses of seven scholars
scholars; and 14 PhD students from four countries – Turkey, Sweden, Canada and
students; Australia – are analysed using a thematic content analysis approach.
universities. Nine key themes emerge from the findings. According to their frequency
of recurrence, these themes are: “Evolution of learning and education
systems”, “changing role of educators”, “impact on assessment and
evaluation”, “ethical and social considerations”, “future of work
and employability”, “personalized learning”, “digital literacy and AI
integration”, “AI as an extension of the human brain”, and “importance
Correspondence of human characteristics”. The potential benefits of AI in education as
well as the challenges and barriers that may arise from its integration are
[email protected] A discussed in the context of existing literature. Based on these findings,
suggestions for future research include further exploration of the
ethical implications of AI for education, the development of strategies
Article Info to manage privacy concerns, and the investigation of how educational
institutions can best prepare for the integration of AI technologies. The
Received 12 February 2023 paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of understanding the
Received in revised form 18 April 2023 potential opportunities and challenges associated with AI in higher
Accepted 19 April 2023 education and the need for continued research in this area.
Available online 19 April 2023

DOI: https://doi.org/10.37074/jalt.2023.6.1.22

Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching Vol.6 No.1 (2023) 1

Introduction an open-ended question.

Recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have led to

growing interest in understanding its potential applications Literature review
and implications across various domains. Developed by
OpenAI and released to the public in November 2022, Although the use of AI in educational activities is not a
ChatGPT has become widespread at an impressive speed, novel subject, the rapid proliferation of OpenAI’s ChatGPT
so much so that it reached one million users in five days. application has made it a trending topic in the first
Reaching this number took 300 days for Facebook, 720 quarter of 2023. Despite the relatively recent emergence
days for Twitter and 75 days for Instagram (Biswas, 2023; of GPT-4 in everyday use, the related literature has swiftly
Fırat, 2023). ChatGPT’s wide range of use cases and its expanded. The implementation of AI-supported chatbots
potential to improve the productivity of users in almost in universities is garnering attention as a potential solution
every industry are inspiring new conversations about this for enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes.
frontier AI application (Xames & Shefa, 2023). Education is Over the past decades, various studies have investigated the
among the most talked about. While some consider that this effectiveness of chatbots in diverse educational contexts. In
AI’s pioneering application will create a paradigm shift in particular, this study focuses on the impacts of ChatGPT on
various fields, including education (Bozkurt, 2023; Sallam, educational processes and the implications of these effects
2023), others emphasize the possible ethical challenges of for universities.
ChatGPT and consider it a disruptive technology (Haque et
al., 2023; Sardana et al., 2023). García-Peñalvo (2023) argues The utilization of AI-based chatbots in educational
that the criticisms of ChatGPT stem from the resistance to activities represents a significant domain for supporting
change against its innovative and transformative potential student engagement and learning processes. Research
rather than the disruptive nature of this technology. Since has demonstrated that chatbot technologies can enhance
its public launch, ChatGPT’s ability to perform complex tasks student interaction and learning processes (D’Mello et al.,
in the field of education has caused mixed feelings among 2014), enrich learning experiences by impacting student
educators (Baidoo-Anu & Owusu Ansah, 2023). success in higher education (Winkler & Söllner, 2018), and
potentially improve student motivation, engagement, and
The GPT-3 Natural Language Processing (NLP) model learning outcomes (Deng & Yu, 2023). However, it is not yet
had 175 billion parameters, about ten times more than possible to assert a consensus among educators, specifically
previous language models. GPT-3, an auto-regressive concerning ChatGPT.
language model, was found to perform strongly on many
NLP datasets, such as answering questions and completing Prior to the advent of ChatGPT, a study by Sengupta and
missing words in the training process (Brown et al. 2020). Chakraborty (2020) investigated the use of chatbots in
While the reverberations of ChatGPT’s extraordinary success higher education and found that they can be an effective
continued, its successor GPT-4 emerged and started to tool for improving student engagement and satisfaction.
exhibit numerous new features. GPT-4 is more reliable, more The study also highlighted that chatbots could reduce the
creative, and can handle much more nuanced instructions workload of university staff by answering frequently asked
than GPT-3.5 (OpenAI, 2023). The main differences between questions. Similarly, a study by Alotaibi et al. (2020) explored
GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 are the parameter size of the models the impact of a chatbot on student learning outcomes in a
(GPT-3.5 has 175 billion parameters while GPT-4 has much computer science course. The results showed that using a
more context length, the ability to use images as input in chatbot significantly improved students’ performance and
addition to text, and the use of Rule-Based Reward Models knowledge retention. Furthermore, a study by Xiong et al.
in its training (Koubaa, 2023; OpenAI, 2023). (2021) examined students’ perceptions towards a chatbot in
a language learning setting. The study found that students
AI technologies, such as ChatGPT powered by GPT-4, had a positive attitude towards the chatbot and perceived it
have demonstrated significant potential to transform how as a useful tool for language learning.
students learn and interact with information. As these
AI-driven tools become increasingly sophisticated and Recent developments in language AI, particularly with
accessible, it is essential to explore their impact on students the advent of GPT-4, have further expanded the potential
and educational institutions, particularly universities. This applications of chatbots in education. Okuyama and Suzuki
study aims to investigate the perceptions of students and (2023) proposed a new training methodology for GPT-4
scholars regarding the implications of ChatGPT for students that leverages large-scale semantic discrimination tasks to
and universities. improve the model’s ability to understand the meaning of a
text. This could potentially lead to more effective chatbots
The introduction of AI technologies in education has the in educational contexts. Sullivan et al. (2023) found that
potential to revolutionize traditional educational practices, ChatGPT has raised both academic integrity concerns and
promote personalized learning experiences, and foster the potential for enhanced learning in higher education.
the development of soft skills (Fırat, 2023). However, the Their content analysis of 100 news articles revealed mixed
integration of AI in education also raises critical questions responses, with an emphasis on academic integrity and
about the potential challenges and obstacles that may innovative assessment design. However, the study also noted
emerge as a result of this technological shift. The current that the potential benefits for disadvantaged students and
study addresses these concerns by conducting a thematic students’ perspectives remain underrepresented in media
content analysis of responses from students and scholars for discussions.

Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching Vol.6 No.1 (2023) 2

Other recent studies have explored the opportunities and Table 1. Participant demographic information.
challenges of using large language models like ChatGPT in
education. For example, Kasneci et al. (2023) examined the
potential benefits and risks of ChatGPT for education, while
Willems (2023) discussed the wider ethical implications
of using such models in universities. Malinka et al. (2023)
explored the educational impact of ChatGPT and questioned
whether artificial intelligence is ready to obtain a university
degree. Rudolph et al. (2023) critically looked at ChatGPT
and its potential impact on traditional assessments in higher
education. Halaweh (2023) focused on the responsible
implementation of ChatGPT in education and proposed
strategies for ensuring that the technology is used ethically
and effectively. Finally, Crawford et al. (2023) argued that
leadership is needed to ensure the ethical use of ChatGPT in The scholar participants of this study were seven academic
education, with a particular focus on character, assessment, staff from four different countries: Turkey, Sweden, Canada
and learning using artificial intelligence. and Australia. Four of them were from the open and distance
learning field. In terms of PhD students, all participants were
In a study that criticizes the use of ChatGPT in education, from Turkey. Six of the students were from open and distance
Thorp (2023) emphasized that this application may be learning and three from educational technology. Overall, it
fun but has serious consequences in the world of science can be stated that the majority of the participants are from
and academia. In particular, he emphasized that there are the fields related to education. Nine of the participants were
significant concerns about how it will make changes in male and 12 were female.
education and argued that although ChatGPT can write An open-ended question was used to collect data for this
articles on various topics, its academic writing is still study. The question was designed to gather opinions and
developing (Thorp, 2023). This has required academics to insights on the potential impact of ChatGPT on students
rethink their courses with innovative methods and assign and universities. Participants were encouraged to share
assessments that are not easily solved by AI. Baidoo-Anu their thoughts on the topic, resulting in a collection of
and Owusu Ansah, (2023) reviewed the potential benefits diverse responses. The responses were compiled into a
of ChatGPT in teaching and learning. They found that the single document. All personally identifiable information was
advantages of ChatGPT include personalized learning, the removed to maintain the anonymity of the participants. There
encouragement of interactive learning, and the potential for were 24 comments from 21 participants in the resulting data
formative assessment that supports teaching and learning set. The data was analyzed using thematic content analysis.
and provides continuous feedback. However, ChatGPT has This allowed for the identification of emerging themes and
been found to have issues of misinformation generation, patterns in the participants' opinions.
bias in data training and privacy issues.

The related literature encompasses studies on the use of AI Thematic content analysis
and, specifically, the GPT-4 model in education. However, as
of early April 2023, there is an insufficient number of studies Thematic content analysis is a widely used qualitative data
addressing the perspectives of scholars and students on analysis method that involves identifying, analyzing, and
the rapid use of ChatGPT. The findings of this research, reporting patterns (themes) within the data (Neuendorf,
conducted during a period when discussions on the use of 2018). In this study, the analysis was conducted in six steps,
ChatGPT in universities are intensely occupying the higher as provided in Table 2.
education agenda, will make a significant contribution to
the existing body of literature. Table 2. Thematic content analysis steps.


This study aimed to explore the perspectives of students and

educators on the implications of ChatGPT and AI integration
in the context of universities. To achieve this, a question
was first shared with scholars on ResearchGate, from which
responses were received from seven scholars. The same
question was then asked in a Google Form for data collection,
with answers collected from 14 PhD students. Thus, in total,
data were collected from 21 scholars and PhD students in
the field of social science. Demographic information of the
participants is provided in the Table 1 below.

Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching Vol.6 No.1 (2023) 3

Using the thematic content analysis method, the study was The comments of scholars and PhD students reflect
able to extract valuable insights and opinions from the the diverse opinions and concerns of the participants
collected responses, providing a deeper understanding of regarding integrating Chat GPT and AI into education.
the potential implications of Chat GPT and AI integration in Overall, the consensus is that AI will significantly impact
the context of students and universities. traditional learning methods, shifting the focus on skills
and competencies and redefining the roles of educational
institutions. Participants also recognize the challenges and
Ethical considerations potential issues that may arise in the process, but they
express optimism for the future of AI in education. Here are
The COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines three direct quotes from the participants:
have been followed in this research. The main ethical
considerations in this research were voluntary participation Students can more easily adapt their learning to
and protection of the participants' privacy and well-being. their present level of understanding – and without
The participants were informed about the voluntary being shy about a machine (P1).
participation and that they could leave the study at any
time. The information that the participants shared with Pedagogy will likely tip over from the present
the researchers was not shared with other participants. In dominance of constructivism (to form a good
addition, participants' names were not used in the text of this personal understanding of X) to constructionism
article. Finally, collecting the data through online platforms (to learn how to tinker with X, to construct and
made it possible for the participants to express themselves apply, take apart and put together again) (P5).
without exposing their identities.
Self-directed learning will become a lot easier
for the skilled and motivated person, but digital
Findings literacy is needed, and we will probably see fast
development of new systems of accreditation of
Nine themes emerged from the analysis of the comments knowledge, besides having attended university
on the question “What does ChatGPT mean for students courses (P8).
and universities?” The main themes identified through
the thematic content analysis of the comments and the
frequency of each theme are presented in Table 3. The A bubble graph was created to show the size of the themes
frequencies represent the number of times that a theme was according to their frequencies. The sizes of the themes
mentioned or discussed in the total number of comments obtained from qualitative data according to their frequencies
analyzed. are given in Figure 1 below.

Table 3. Themes, descriptions and frequencies.

Figure 1. Size of the themes according to their frequencies.

As can be seen in Figure 1, the most repeated themes

were “evolution of learning and education systems” with
16 frequencies, “changing role of educators” with 13
frequencies, “impact on assessment and evaluation” with
11 frequencies. These three themes show that scholars and
students think that AI technologies will change our habits
regarding the implementation and evaluation of education
by looking at the capabilities of ChatGPT, one of the leading
AI applications.

Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching Vol.6 No.1 (2023) 4

Discussion and conclusion settings, as well as experimental designs investigating the
effectiveness of AI-assisted learning interventions, could
The findings from the thematic content analysis are provide valuable evidence to guide the development of best
consistent with the existing literature, highlighting the practice and policy for the integration of AI in education.
potential benefits and challenges of integrating AI, such as For students and universities, this research highlights the
ChatGPT, into education. The changing role of educators, transformative potential of AI technologies such as ChatGPT.
as discussed by Fırat (2023), Bozkurt (2023), and Sengupta It also highlights the need to minimize potential risks and
and Chakraborty (2020), supports the idea that AI tools unintended consequences, while ensuring that the benefits
can increase student engagement and satisfaction by of AI integration in education are realized through ongoing
relieving university staff of routine tasks and allowing them dialogue and research.
to focus on higher-order skills and mentoring. In a similar
vein, Alotaibi et al. (2020) found that chatbots can improve
student performance and knowledge retention, which Limitations
supports the theme of personalized learning found in the
analysis of this study. Despite the valuable insights provided by this study, there
are limitations that must be acknowledged. This research is
Recent advancements in AI, such as GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, have limited with a sample size of 21 scholars and PhD students
further implications for education as these models become and an open-ended question for data collection. Since PhD
increasingly capable of understanding and generating programmes require an adequate level of English, it was
human-like text (Adiguzel et al., 2023). This development assumed that students and scholars understood the question
supports the theme of “AI as an extension of the human asked in English correctly. The inclusion of participants
brain” and the potential for transformative changes in the from more diverse backgrounds and countries can provide
learning process. However, integrating AI in education a broader understanding of the implications of ChatGPT
also raises concerns about assessment and evaluation, as and AI integration in universities. Future research could
traditional methods may become obsolete in the face of AI- benefit from including scholars and students from a wider
generated answers (Rudolph et al., 2023). range of academic fields to provide a more comprehensive
understanding of the implications of AI integration in higher
The themes related to digital literacy, ethical and social education.
considerations, and the importance of human-specific
features are also evident and strongly emphasized in the
related literature. Willems (2023) discussed the ethical Suggestions
implications of using large language models like ChatGPT in
universities, while Halaweh (2023) and Crawford et al. (2023) In accordance with the findings of this study, it is possible to
emphasized the need for responsible implementation and offer some significant recommendations to the stakeholders.
leadership to ensure the ethical use of AI in education. In the context of AI utilization in education, these stakeholders
Similarly, Baidoo-Anu and Owusu Ansah (2023) highlighted include educators, policymakers, researchers, technology
ChatGPT's problems of misinformation generation, bias experts, educational strategists, instructional designers, and
and privacy, while Thorp (2023) stressed the serious administrators. The recommendations are as follows:
consequences of using ChatGPT in education and science.
• Develop policies, guidelines, and best
practices for the ethical and effective use of AI
In conclusion, integrating AI in education offers numerous
technologies, such as ChatGPT, in education
opportunities to enhance learning experiences, personalize
through continuous dialogue and collaboration
instruction, and transform the role of educators. However,
among all stakeholders.
this shift brings about challenges in assessment, digital
literacy, and ethical considerations. To maximize the benefits
• Specifically focus on integrating critical
of AI in education, it is crucial to address these challenges
thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and digital
and develop strategies to ensure responsible and equitable
literacy skills as explicit learning outcomes and
implementation. Future research should continue to explore
experiential competencies within course and
the potential applications and impacts of AI in education,
curriculum designs. To achieve this, prioritize
as well as the development of effective frameworks for
curricula and pedagogical approaches that
integrating AI in curricula, assessments, and pedagogy. By
better address the capabilities of AI tools.
fostering a collaborative dialogue between researchers,
educators, and policymakers, we can harness the potential of
• Encourage the adoption of AI-supported
AI to revolutionize the educational landscape while ensuring
learning environments that are personalized,
that the human element remains at the forefront of learning
adaptive, and responsive to individual learners'
and development.
needs while promoting self-directed learning.
While the thematic content analysis conducted in this study
• Conduct further research, including longitudinal
provided valuable insights into participants' perceptions,
and experimental studies, to gain a better
future research could benefit from using additional qualitative
understanding of the long-term effects of AI
and quantitative methods to further explore how AI affects
integration in education and its impact on
the educational process. Longitudinal studies examining the
stakeholders, primarily educators and students.
implementation of AI tools such as ChatGPT in educational

Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching Vol.6 No.1 (2023) 5

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Copyright: © 2023. Mehmet Firat. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright
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