1ST - Co 2023 2024
1ST - Co 2023 2024
1ST - Co 2023 2024
A. Content Standard The learner understands the guidelines and criteria in the selection and
evaluation of health information, products, and services.
B. Performance Standard The learner demonstrate critical thinking and decision making skills in the
selection, evaluation and utilization of health information, products and
C. Learning At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
Competencies/Objectives 1. Select health professionals, specialist, and health care services wisely;
and (H10CH-lc-22)
2. Know how to report fraudulent health services. (H10CH-lc-24)
Specific Objectives:
1. Identify the three forms of quackery.
2. Appreciate the health professionals, specialist and health care
3. Undertake the role of a character as a health professional and a
II. CONTENT Healthcare Providers and Fraudulent Services
1. Teachers’ Guide Pages
2. Learners’ Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages Page 8-22
4. Additional material from LDM-Module 3
learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources Printed Visual Aids, Led TV, Pictures, Video & Speaker
Preliminaries 1. Prayer
(Student will lead the prayer)
2. Greetings
(KRA 2. Objective 5
3. Checking of Attendance
Established safe and secure learning (The teacher will check the attendance.)
environments to enhance learning through the
consistent implementation of policies,
4. Setting of standards/House rules
guidelines and procedures. (PPST 2.1.2) (The students will read the house rules.)
1. Show respect to anyone inside and outside the classroom.
2. Listen attentively, especially when the teacher is discussing.
3. Actively participate in classroom discussions/activities.
4. Speak only when called or recognized and stand up to give the
5. All cellphones must be in silent mode, calls can only be answered if
they are important.
A. Reviewing previous Activity.1 Review
lesson or presenting the new (The teacher will show a picture from the previous topic)
(3 minutes)
KRA 1. Objective 4
Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue,
Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and
learning. (PPST 1.6.2) Discuss the FITT Principle.
B. Establishing a purpose for Activity 2. TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE
the lesson Instructions: Study the posters on the next slides. Find a partner and discuss
(10 minutes) the questions. Synthesize the discussion and prepare to share in class.
KRA 1. Objective 4
Guide Questions:
1. What is being sold or endorsed in the posters?
(KRA 2. Objective 5 2. What do they promote? Describe each.
Established safe and secure learning 3. Will you buy it? Yes or No, Why?
environments to enhance learning through the
consistent implementation of policies,
guidelines and procedures. (PPST 2.1.2) After the activity the teacher will present the objectives of the lesson and let
the students to read.
KRA 1. Objective 4
Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, ophthalmologist
Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and
learning. (PPST 1.6.2)
D. Discussing the new concepts Health professionals are licensed to practice medicine. Knowing each of
and practicing new skill #1 these professionals and their functions can give benefits such as the
application of immediate and appropriate treatment, avoidance of time and
resources wastage, and the like.
(10 minutes) Knowing them will not also lead someone to avail of fraudulent health
services. As a wise health consumer, you should know the different health
services provided by these professionals. Some of these services are as
1. Feeding program for elementary school children
2. Immunization for different diseases intended for infants and children
fromage2and above.
3. Prenatal check-up for mothers and babies
Literacy Skills 4. Free maternity clinic
5. Family planning program
KRA 1. Objective 4
Health services are usually offered by healthcare providers. A healthcare
Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, provider is a trained professional who provides people with healthcare.
Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and
learning. (PPST 1.6.2)
Health Professionals. These are individuals who are trained and licensed to
practice medicine along with allied health programs and work in the
medical profession.
Literacy Skills
(KRA 2. Objective 5
Guide Questions:
HOTS QUESTIONS 1. What are the potential risks and consequences of using a health or
food product that hasn’t been verified or approved by the FDA?
2. Identify the substances that are harmful to skin and even people.
3. What will be the societal and economic impact if a significant
proportion of the population were to frequently use unverified
products in spite of FDA warnings?
F. Developing Mastery Activity 5. Who Am I?
(The teacher will give feedback and announce the scores of students
G. Finding practical The teacher will ask the following questions.
applications of concepts & skills
in daily living
(3 minutes)
Guide Questions:
HOTS QUESTIONS 1. Is there an existing health services in your community? What are
(KRA 2. Objective 5
2. Give at least 5 types of physician.
Established safe and secure learning 3. What are the possible effects of quackery?
environments to enhance learning through the
consistent implementation of policies,
4. What are the three major forms of quackery?
guidelines and procedures. (PPST 2.1.2)
H. Making generalization & The teacher will give a brief summary to the topic.
abstraction about the lesson
(2 minutes) Guide questions:
KRA 1. Objective 4
1. Can you give me an example of a health professionals?
Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, 2. Who can enumerate the different type of physicians?
Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and
learning. (PPST 1.6.2)
3. What is Health care facilities?
4. What is Quackery?
I. Evaluating Learning Activity 5. Directions: Identify the medical expert being described in each
(5 minutes) item. Write the answers in a ¼ sheet of paper. Choose your answer from the
box below.