Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching
Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching
Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
The class will be divided into two
groups this will be the group 1 and 2.
Each group should have 1
representative, each representative will
guess the incomplete words being flash
in the projector. The team that can gain
more points will be our winner.
Incomplete Words:
2. Review
3. Motivation
We’ll play the game called, ‘Whisper the
word’. The class will be divided into two
groups. Each group will choose 2
representatives to do the task. The one will
whisper the word and the other one will
guess the word. The group who will finish
first will win.
Words: (Group1)
Miraculous, remedies, fake, magic, natural
Quackery, pretending, fraud, unsuccessful,
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation of the New Lesson
A. Unlocking of Difficulties
B. Setting of Standards
But before we read the article, what
should a good student like you do The good student will behave, Ma’am.
while the teacher is talking here in
What else? Participate and listen.
Can I expect that from you class? Yes teacher!
2. Comprehension Check Up
Class, what is the article all about? The article was all about quackery,
Ma’am. It also talks about its forms, its 3 forms.
What can you say about quackery? Quackery can bring harm to us since it
is not scientifically proven and it is not safe for
What are the possible effects of
Quackery? Unsuccessful surgery, causes allergy to
the consumer, and others that might harm of
Why do people easily fall for quackery? Because the quacks are good in
persuading people without even discussing the
right process and the possible result of it.
Do you think quackery really effective
sometimes? (Answer may differ)
3. Valuing
Now class, do you really believe that (Answer may differ)
quackery helps a lot?
Do you also believe that quackery
guaranteed us?
(Answer may differ)
That’s why we really have to be aware of
what quackery might bring to us.
4. Generalization
Pick 5 names in the box and ask a question based on the discussion.
Questions: Why it is important for us to be aware of the dangers of quackery?
D. Concluding Activities
1. Application
With the same groupings, each group will present a role play on how to avoid quackery in
different ways. 10 minutes to practice and 3-5 minutes presentation.
Originality (Creativity) - 5pts
Impact and Presentation- 5pts
Participation of the group- 5pts
Total 15 pts
5. Evaluation
Class, get one whole sheet of paper and answer this activity individually.
Complete the table by writing other examples of medical, nutrition, and device quackery.
6. Assignment
Direction: Make an essay, 3-4 paragraphs about quackery, why it is important for us to avoid quackery,
and how can you protect your family and yourself from quackery and from its dangers?
Submitted by:
Vellanita C. Lagunoy
Submitted to:
Dr. Bernadeth A. Pastolero
Course Professor