Strand Preferences Among Grade 10 Students of San Francisco National High School
Strand Preferences Among Grade 10 Students of San Francisco National High School
Strand Preferences Among Grade 10 Students of San Francisco National High School
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All content following this page was uploaded by Jay Mark Vasquez Fulgarinas on 23 January 2024.
This study aimed to identify the strand preference in Senior High School that is commonly encountered by Grade 10 students in
terms of age, sex, favorite subject, preferred strand, and the factors that affect the respondent’s choice in association in choosing a
strand on senior high school curriculum in terms of personal interest; academic performance; and parental influence. The research
tool was a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire is composed of the respondent’s profile and 15 statements to be rated. The factors
fairly influence the preferences of the senior high school. The results showed that strands ICT, SMAW, STEM, and HUMSS were
the most chosen strand throughout the senior high school curriculum, as associated with their favorite subjects in relation to the
factors affecting their strand choice. Therefore, as this study was conducted, it gave the students a reassessment of their thoughts
and awareness, hence making them feel more assured throughout their decisions.
Keywords: senior high school track, decision-making, interest, influences, academic performance
Data gathering tools In terms of age, it can be noted that 66% of the respondents are
The researchers utilized a researcher-made questionnaire as a aged 15 years old, 24% of the respondents are aged 16 years
primary tool to collect and described the data. The specific tool old, 6% of the respondents are aged 17 years old, and 4% of the
has two parts. Part 1 includes the demographic profile of the respondents are aged 18 to 19 years old.
respondents such as their age, gender, and favorite subject. Part
2 includes the strand preferences among the grade 10 students Table 1.2: Sex profile
of San Francisco National High School. And the last part Gender Frequency count Percentage
includes the factors affecting the preferences among Grade 10 Male 63 50%
students. Female 64 50%
Total 127 100%
Data gathering procedures
The researchers managed to reproduce the questionnaire that Profile among sex reveals that half of the incoming senior high
accords with the number of respondents. The researchers school students are male, which comprises 63 (50%) of the total
obtained permission from the advisers to administer the number of respondents, while there are also 64 (50%) Female
research instrument and to personally distributed the respondents as shown in Table 1.1 above.
questionnaire with a hundred percent guarantee of returning the
answered questionnaires. The respondent’s information was Table 1.3: Favorite subject profile
classified as confidential and the data that was gathered are
Subject Frequency count Percentage
English 19 15%
Mathematics 22 17%
Data analysis
Science 39 31%
The following tools were utilized in analyzing the data: Filipino 24 19%
Frequency count and percentage distribution: These tools Araling Panlipunan 8 6%
were used to numerically represent and describe the ESP 5 4%
demographic profile of the respondents. MAPEH 2 2%
Weighted mean and standard deviation: These tools were TLE 8 6%
also utilized to determine the average of the respondents’ Total 127 100%
decision and perceptions on choosing a strand in terms of a
specific factor and how diverse their perceptions will be from Throughout the collection of data, it has been evaluated that
the average. most of the respondents’ interest appertains to science subjects,
Analysis of variance (ANOVA): This tool, as well, was used with a total of 31% out of 100%, 19% of the respondents
to determine the significant differences between student- showed interest in Filipino subjects, 17% in Mathematics, 15%
preferred strands and the factors affecting their strand in English, 6% in both Araling Panlipunan and TLE subject,
preferences. 4% in ESP, and 2% in MAPEH subject. Page | 8
Journal of Social Review and Development, 2023; 2(4):07-12 ISSN NO: 2583-2816
Table 2: Preferred strands of incoming senior high school In terms of the preferred strand of incoming senior high school
Subject Frequency count Percentage students, ICT (Information Communication and Technology)
STEM 27 21% strand resulted to be the most preferred strand of the
HUMSS 29 23% respondents, next on the rank is HUMSS (Humanities and
GAS 5 4% Social Sciences) with a percentage of 23%, STEM (Sciences
ABM 2 2%
Technology Engineering Mathematics) and SMAW (Shielded
ICT 35 27%
SMAW 27 21% Metal Arc Welding) with 21%, GAS (General Academic
Agri- Fishery 1 1% Strand) with 4%, ABM (Accountancy Business and
Industrial Arts 1 1% Management) with 2%, and 1% in both Agri-Fishery and IA
Total 127 100% (Industrial Arts) strand.
Table 3.1: Factors affecting the strand preferences in terms of personal interest
Standard Verbal Qualitative
Indicators Mean
Deviation Interpretation Description
I choose this strand because it has subjects where I could get good academic grades. 3 0.71 Agree Moderately Preferred
I choose this strand because it associates with my dream career. 3.16 0.82 Agree Moderately Preferred
I choose this strand because the subjects are interesting. 2.91 0.83 Agree Moderately Preferred
I am personally interested in this strand. 3.04 0.82 Agree Moderately Preferred
I choose this strand because I have skills that are associated with this learning environment. 3.07 0.73 Agree Moderately Preferred
Total 3.03 0.79 Agree Moderately Preferred
Scale Parameter Verbal Interpretation Qualitative Description
4 3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Highly Preferred
3 2.50 – 3.24 Agree (A) Moderately Preferred
2 1.75 – 2.49 Disagree (D) Slightly Preferred
1 1.00 – 1.74 Strongly Disagree (SD) Not Preferred
The table above shows the personal interest factors affecting (M=3, SD =.71), verbally interpreted agree and qualitatively
the Grade 10 students' strand preference. The majority of described as moderately preferred. Lastly is having an
students’ chosen strand is associated with their dream career interesting subject with their preferred strand which scored the
(M= 3.16, SD= 0.82) which is verbally interpreted as agree and lowest (M= 2.91, SD= 0.83) that is verbally interpreted as agree
qualitatively described as moderately preferred. Followed by and qualitatively described as moderately preferred.
having the skills associated with its learning environment (M= Brown (2002) points out that in psychologically focused
3.07, SD= 0.73) which is verbally interpreted as agree and studies of career choice, personality factors that incline a
qualitatively described as moderately preferred. Next is being person to pursue a certain sort of work are highly highlighted.
personally interested in their chosen strand (M=3.04, SD=0.82) This component has an overall (M= 3.03, SD= 0.79), a
verbally interpreted agree and was qualitatively described as
complete interpretation of agree, and is qualitatively described
moderately preferred. While some respondents chose a strand
as moderately preferred.
where they believed they could get good academic grades
Table 3.2: Factors affecting the strand preferences in terms of academic performance
Indicators Mean Standard Deviation Verbal Interpretation
I consider my grades as the bases for my future strand. 2.87 0.79 Agree Moderately Preferred
My grades are important in determining my future strand. 2.96 0.83 Agree Moderately Preferred
I go for something that acquires my academic strengths. 2.84 0.85 Agree Moderately Preferred
I challenge myself by choosing a strand I am not good at. 2.75 0.84 Agree Moderately Preferred
I relate my academic performance to anything I do. 2.89 0.78 Agree Moderately Preferred
Total 2.86 0.82 Agree Moderately Preferred
Scale Parameter Verbal interpretation Qualitative description
4 3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Highly Preferred
3 2.50 – 3.24 Agree (A) Moderately Preferred
2 1.75 – 2.49 Disagree (D) Slightly Preferred
1 1.00 – 1.74 Strongly Disagree (SD) Not Preferred
Table 3.2 shows the academic performance factors on the verbally interpreted as agree and qualitatively described as
senior high school strand preference of the Grade 10 students. moderately preferred. Followed by the statement in which
It is reflected that students chose their strand which signifies students relate their academic performance to anything they do
that grades are important in determining the students’ future (M= 2.89, SD=0.78), verbally interpreted as agree and
strand, garnering the highest (M= 2.96, SD= 0.83) which is qualitatively descriptive as moderately preferred. Considering Page | 9
Journal of Social Review and Development, 2023; 2(4):07-12 ISSN NO: 2583-2816
the students’ grades as the basis for their future got the (M= Academic performance across grades is said to be important in
2.87, SD= 0.79) verbally interpreted agree and was terms of data basis in determining the professional strength of
qualitatively descriptive as moderately preferred. Students each student because this information gives the students,
choose their strand based on their academic strength got (M= teachers, and parents the idea of where the students perform
2.84, SD=0.85) verbally interpreted, agree, and qualitatively above and average levels in various areas to help them choose
describe as moderately preferred. As students challenged the right career strand suitable for them (Sugano & Mamolo,
themselves by choosing a strand, they are not good at and had 2021). The total mean of 2.86 and strand deviation of 0.797,
the lowest computed mean (2.75) with the standard deviation which is verbally interpreted as agree, means that the students-
(0.84), which was verbally interpreted as agree and respondents are moderately preferred to pursue a strand that
qualitatively described as moderately preferred. aligns with their academic performance.
Table 3.3: Factors Affecting the Strand Preferences in terms of Parental Influences
Weighted Standard Verbal Qualitative
mean deviation interpretation description
My parents’ opinions about my career decisions matter. 2.88 0.77 Agree Moderately Preferred
I seek my parents’ advice when deciding on something. 2.98 0.83 Agree Moderately Preferred
My final senior high strand decision depends on my parents. 2.59 0.89 Agree Moderately Preferred
My parents give me the freedom to decide on my senior high school strand. 3.17 0.82 Agree Moderately Preferred
My parents support me in anything I do or choose. 3.15 0.86 Agree Moderately Preferred
Total 2.95 0.86 Agree Moderately Preferred
Scale Parameter Verbal Interpretation Qualitative Description
4 3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Highly Preferred
3 2.50 – 3.24 Agree (A) Moderately Preferred
2 1.75 – 2.49 Disagree (D) Slightly Preferred
1 1.00 – 1.74 Strongly Disagree (SD) Not Preferred
Table 3.3 shows the total mean of 2.95 with a standard described as moderately preferred. The final senior high strand
deviation of 0.86 which the respondents agree with and decision of the respondents depends on whether their parents
qualitatively described as moderately preferred. Most parents had the least (M=2.59, SD=0.89), verbally interpreted agree
give the students the freedom to decide about their senior high and qualitatively described as moderately preferred.
strand. This indicator gained the highest (M= 3.17, SD= 0.82), When parents give their children the freedom to choose for
the respondents agree, qualitatively described as moderately themselves, it signifies that the students will make the final
preferred. Followed by the parents’ supporting their child in decision, not their parents. The connection was discovered
anything they do or choose (M=3.15, SD=0.86), verbally between the students and their parents in terms of decision-
interpreted agree and qualitatively described as moderately
making. According to Hashim et al, (2015), as students are
preferred. The students’ seeking parental advice when deciding
invariably impressionable, their decisions could be very
something (M=2.98, SD=0.83), verbally interpreted agree,
qualitatively described as moderately preferred. And how their influenced by their parents. However, in this study, the total
parents’ opinion matters about the career they want to pursue mean of the factor in terms of parental influences is interpreted
(M=2.88, SD=77), verbally interpreted agree, and qualitatively as moderately preferred not highly preferred.
Table 4: Factors affecting the Strand Preferences and their corresponding ranks
Factors Mean Standard deviation Verbal interpretation Qualitative description Rank
Personal interest 3.03 0.76 Agree Moderately preferred 1st
Academic performances 2.86 0.82 Agree Moderately preferred 3rd
Parental influence 2.95 0.86 Agree Moderately preferred 2nd
Total 2.95 0.82 Agree Moderately preferred
Table 4.0 presented the factors affecting the strand preferences (M=3.03, SD= 0.7). It is followed by parental influences which
among grade 10 students and their corresponding ranks. On ranked second (M=2.95, SD=0.86). And academic
average, it is clearly shown that personal interest ranked first performance (M=2.86, SD=0.82) ranked the last.
Table 5: The significant relationship between the student-preferred strand and the factors affecting their strand preferences
Variable Dependent variables (factors) SS df MS F p-value Decision
3.72011 7 0.53144 1.78209 0.09703 Accept
Personal Interest
5888 5127 4297 7084 Ho
3.25286 7 0.46469 1.89558 0.07609 Accept
Strand Academic Performance
1875 4554 5387 3573 Ho
3.19552 7 0.45650 1.75205 0.10322 Accept
Parental Influence
5389 3627 4344 6322 Ho Page | 10
Journal of Social Review and Development, 2023; 2(4):07-12 ISSN NO: 2583-2816
Table 5 showed that there is no significant difference between and Technology) with a percentage of 27%. SMAW,
their preferred strands and the factors affecting their decisions STEM, and HUMSS strands were next on the rank, as it
toward their strand preferences. A p-value of 0.05 was required justifies their chosen favorite subjects. Hence, this clearly
for significance. As for the significant difference level, they states that evaluating their favorite subject truly does
rate personal interest (p-value=0.097), academic performance contribute to their strand choice.
(p-value=0.076), and parental influence (p-value=0.103) 3. The factors affecting the strand preferences in terms of
factors respectively. In other words, since there is no statistical personal interest showed that the respondents got an
difference existed, the null hypothesis failed to reject. The average mean of 3.03 with an average standard deviation
present results are relevant to the study as it has accomplished of 0.79, a complete interpretation of agree, and were
the true purpose of the research to evaluate if there is or there qualitatively described as moderately preferred. This
is no significant difference between their strand preference and implied that throughout their journey in school, personal
the factors affecting their choice. A Grade 10 varies greatly in interest was considered appropriate in evaluating their
strand choice preference, in their tendency to anticipate choices strand choice, hence giving them a reassessment in order
that they will have to make in their exploration of alternatives, to have a clear and concise decision.
and in their tendency to acquire relevant information. This For their academic performance, the respondents got an
suggests that educators need relevant data on these average mean of 2.86 and an average standard deviation of
characteristics when planning curriculum; researchers need 0.797, which is verbally interpreted as agree, which means that
them in evaluating programs and counselors need them as a the respondents moderately preferred to pursue a strand in line
means of assessing their characteristics as a preliminary to with their academic performance.
education counseling. In terms of parental influence, it got an average mean of 2.95
and an average standard deviation of 0.86, which implied that
Summary, findings, conclusion, and recommendation the respondents agreed to that factor as it affected their choice
Summary of the strand in the senior high school curriculum and were
This study aimed to find out the factors affecting the strand `personal interest, 0.076 in academic performance, and 0.103
preferences of Grade 10 students in San Francisco National in parental influence. Therefore, the null hypothesis was
High School. It described the profile of the participants such as accepted.
their age, sex, and favorite subject. Available tracks and strand There are several recommendations that were addressed to the
lists were included in the questionnaire in order for them to grade 10 students, one of those was to assist them in choosing
have options and clues in making their decisions. The factors their preferred strand.
were grouped according to three variables, personal interest,
academic performance, and parental influence. The researchers Conclusions
used the descriptive research design using a survey technique. In light of the aforementioned findings, the following
The participants of the study were the Grade 10 students of San conclusions were drawn from the study:
Francisco National High School. This study used a researcher- 1. Researchers have found that the respondents’ favorite
made questionnaire as the primary tool for gathering data, subjects were mainly, Science, Filipino, Mathematics, and
which consists of two parts, and the data were treated using the English.
sample percentage, frequency count, mean, standard deviation, 2. The researchers arrived at the conclusion that the factors
and analysis of variance (ANOVA). affecting their decision entail great contribution. This
study enabled grade 10 students to reassess their thoughts
Findings toward their strand preferences.
The following findings were summarized data that has been 3. In addition, this study may assist the school in preparing
collected in this study; its curriculum for the upcoming senior high school
1. Majority of the respondents were in the appropriate and students.
ideal age range for their grade level, as it was necessary for 4. The researchers concluded that the precise choices of the
them to make decisions in choosing a track with a strand respondents were settled upon the factors namely, personal
that fits their capabilities in the next school year as they interest, academic performance, and parental influence.
enter the senior high school curriculum. Subsequently, This study helps identify and clarify the main reason for
only 10% of the respondents are aged 17 years old and the upcoming senior high school students in regard to their
above, which was then evaluates that they are trying to strand choice. This also helps indecisive students to decide
catch up for the years they skipped schooling. Therefore, amidst their last year in the junior high school curriculum
the majority of the respondents were in the appropriate and in order to feel assured in entering the senior high school
ideal age range of a Grade 10 student. The result also curriculum.
shows that male and female respondents both have the
same percentage of 50% with a frequency count of 63 Recommendations
males and 64 females. As to their favorite subjects, the Based on the summary of findings and conclusion drawn, the
results implied that the majority of the respondents love researchers recommend the following:
Science, Filipino, and Mathematics. As this was being ▪ Strand options are to be provided to the students as early
emphasized, this sector may have an impact on the data as possible so that they will not be misled with information
collected. that they will acquire in choosing their future careers.
2. In terms of their preferred strands, the respondents’ ▪ Parents should be supportive of their child’s preferred
majority choice was ICT (Information Communication strand. Page | 11
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