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Nizelle A.

BEED III – Block 4
ELECTIVE (Teaching Multigrade Classes)


A. Read pp. 6-23. Create a compare and contrast matrix of the multigrade teaching
concepts and status in the Philippines with two other Southeast Asian countries.

Complete the table below.

Multigrade Teaching Country A Country B

Concepts and Status THAILAND INDONESIA
1. Definition A multigrade Multigrade Multigrade
program or class instruction refers teaching
refers as a class to teaching described to
that has 2 or more primary pupils teaching pupils
grade levels. from various of various levels,
Multiple grades grade levels, ages, and
under one teacher ages, and abilities in the
in complete or an backgrounds same room at
incomplete skills at the the same time.
elementary school same time, A teacher in
with a minimum of generally in the multigrade
eight students and same class. teaching teaches
maximum of 35 more than one
pupils. grade or class at
the same time,
either in separate
classrooms or in
the same room
divided by a
2. Policy Support ● Improving ● Organizing ● A ministry
access to flexible and decree to develop
education by special types of small-island,
providing curricula and border, and
complete grade textbooks remote schools
levels through was passed.
combination or ● Improving
multigrade classes teaching skills ● Multigrade
teachers are
● Implementing ● Providing covered in policies
policies and incentives for on teacher
guidelines on multigrade incentives,
organizing and teachers improvement,
operating certification,
multigrade classes awards and
protection, as
● Strengthening well as
the materials support.
implementation of
the multigrade ● Multigrade
program in the students are also
country included when
● Providing scholarships or
special hardship grants.
allowances to

● Conducting
searches for the
best multigrade

● Holding a
National Summit
for Multigrade
3. Organizational ● Mixed-ability ● Students are ● Pupils are
Form groupings by divided into divided into
grade level exist groups based on mixed-ability
their age or year groups. For
● Grades 1 and of birth. Pupils example, grade 4
2, grades 3 and 4, with similar is combined with
and grades 5 and ability, such as grade 6.
6 maybe grades 1 and2,
combined. are grouped ● Classes have
Sometimes only together. students from
grades 2 and 3 different grade
and grades 5 ● Students are levels.
and 6 are sometimes
mixed. classified as
"weak," "middle,"
or "good," and
then students
with similar
abilities from
different grade
levels are mixed.
● Students are
also classified
according to their
social status.
4. Teaching- ● Naga's ● The teaching- ● The multigrade
Learning Process Libmanan District learning process teaching and
adopts E- begins with an learning approach
IMPACT modules individual is a complex
that are directed assessment and process that
by pre-planned the creation of involves a
and/or textbook- a brief timetable. competence
based lessons. It Students are then analysis that
utilizes a divided into small incorporates
cooperative groups, and the learning. It
learning strategy teacher rotates usually involves
as well as an around to mapping the
interdisciplinary educate each theme for
learning approach. group. related
● Schools that do competencies,
not use the E- ● Different resulting in five
IMPACT system activities, such as themes, each
rely on a variety mixed-ability taught for three
of delivery groups, to four weeks. It
techniques. In matching, and also involves
certain cases, individual developing
teachers present activities, are syllabus, which
subjects that are conducted by includes
easily integrated teachers for competencies as
into all grade each group. well as details
levels at the same Following an of the activities,
time. In other actual resources, and
cases, teachers assessment, evaluation.
work intensely students'
with one group achievements ● Because most
on one subject are recorded. students' parents
(e.g., English or have poor
math) while socioeconomic
another group level and the
works state's economy is
independently on based on
another subject agriculture, the
(e.g., arts). The local community
approach selected assists students
is determined by by sharing skills
the nature of the and expertise,
subject being while non-
taught as well governmental
as the organizations
personality of the (NGOs) provide
teacher and the financial and
students. material support.
5. Learning ● School ● Using natural
Environments buildings with laboratories,
and Facilities enough space, recyclable
furnishings, and resources, and
movable chairs. movable facilities.

● The same ● Maximum

setting as regular utilization of free
schools, but with space
a learning center
in each classroom.
6. Nature of ● Multigrade ● Multigrade ● Every teacher
Multigrade schools follow schools follow develops his/her
Curricula the national the national own curriculum
curriculum curriculum called “KTSP”
(i.e., a school-
based curriculum)
by referring to
the national
content standards.
Assessment is
made based on
developed on
the basis of
curriculum. The
examination is
conducted based
on the national
7. Assessment and ● The curriculum ● School-based
Feedback is integrated and curriculum or
Gathering includes local content
differentiated tailored to the
activities, uses needs of the
the jump-jump school is used
approach. (i.e., integrated
by theme or
topic or using
modules for
each grade).
Each semester's
syllabus is

Read pp. 25-54. Select one country. Synthesize through a graphic organizer its "Good
Multigrade Instructional Practices". Answer in the space below.




Using Differentiated

Connecting the
Teaching to Real-life

Integrating Technology
in Teaching

Flexibility of the

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