F1 History Notes-1
F1 History Notes-1
F1 History Notes-1
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That history is a science because it involves finding out things about the
past Humankind. For example, the origin of Man, why he was a
toolmaker, why he domesticated animals and plants.
These are questions that provoke scientific curiosity.
The three definitions of History from the above are:
History is the past of anything; of earth, man, disease or animals
History is a branch of knowledge dealing with past events
History is a science concerned with past Human actions
Since History at secondary level is specifically concerned with the past
as it relates to humankind and his response to his environment over the
years, the working definition of history is therefore;
History is the endless story of mankind’s actions and events affecting
him in the past.
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There are four forms of government:
Democratic government
This is a type of government in which rulers regularly seek public
mandate through popular vote. Such governments are based on the
principles of free and fair elections.
According to Abraham Lincoln, an American statesman, they are
“governments of the people, for the people and by the people”.In such a
government, freedoms and rights are provided for in the constitution that
governs the law of the nation.
Aristocratic government
Aristos – best
Kratos - powers
An aristocracy is a form of government in which a group of people from
the highest social class the royalty- in a society rule over others. Any
member of the nobility can seek election or appointment to a
government office while other citizens who are less privileged are there
to be ruled.The King or Queen is the head of government while senior
positions in the gover-nment are given to the privileged members from
among the nobles. The nobles are considered superior to others human
beings because of the wealthy family back-ground they are born into and
their superior education. They are considered a rare breed of people.
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Monarchical government
This is a form of government where democracy is practiced but
aristocratical power is respected. Parliament is the supreme organ but the
monarchy- the royalty that are in power be it the king or queen is
retained as a tradition, and respected as head of state.
Monarchical governments are classified into two;Absolute monarchy: -
which refers to the unrestricted power of the Head of State. The
monarchy is dictatorial.
Constitutional monarchy;- The monarchical power , which is restricted
is determ-ined by what is spelt out in the constitution. Such a system of
government is found in Lesotho and Britain.
Dictatorial government
Dictatorship is a system of government where the ruler has total power
over his subjects. Dictators are the sole authority where they rule. They
make the law and execute justice and exercise their rule forcefully,
suppressing their subjects at will. They curtail freedom of other subjects
and impose their will over others.Examples of world dictators; Adolf
Hitler of Germany who instigated the Germans into believing they were
superior race and incited them against the Jews. Idi Amin of Uganda
who ruled with a ‘rod of iron’
NB; the most ideal form of government is where the subjects go to the
ballot to elect the people to lead them. Governments play the important
function of maintaining law and order.
Unwritten sources
This refers to historical information which is not recorded in
writing.Unwritten sources of historical information include oral
traditions, linguistics (languages), Anthropology (culture) archaeology,
paleontology and genetics.
Oral traditions
This refers to the practice of handing down historical information by
word of mouth from one Generation to the next. This forms a very
important source of historical information especially where exists a non-
literate society who might not be able to read.
Oral traditions include folk tales, proverbs, songs and stories. Songs,
proverbs folktales and stories told to a younger generation have been
very instrumental in the passing of information from one generation to
the other. For example, a song about our struggle for independence in
Kenya passes very important information to the younger generation,
who not yet had born at that time.
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This refers to the scientific study of languages.
Historical linguistics is the study of language as it changes n the course
of time. It seeks to trace the principles of language change and establish
the current genealogical classification of a particular language. Such a
study helps in discovering language form, content, vocabulary and
historical experiences of the people who speak the language.
Distribution of language and relationship between languages is
important to a historian. People who speak related languages may be
assumed to have a common origin, be connected, or had been in close
contact at sometime in the past.Variations between languages of the
same family can show how long ago the break in contact occurred.
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This is the study of human beings, their origin, development, customs,
beliefs, and social attributes like music, dance, drama, and religious
beliefs and practices.
Anthropologists have to live among the people under study in order to
experience their way of life in order to understand and explain structures
of societies, forms of social organization, institutions, descent, marriage,
forms of government, systems of inheritance, religious customs and
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Genetic studies
Genetics is the scientific study of the ways in which characteristics are
passed from parents to their offspring. (The study of heredity and the
variation of inherited characteristics.) It deals with the ay human beings
adapted to the circumstances in their environment and utilized available
plants and animals to meet their needs.When used in relation to pants
genetic studies helps us trace the origin of various species by identifying
them with the region where large numbers of them are found today.
After this, interpretation of their movement is made. The appearance of
new cultivated varieties can be identified with the people whose
economy they form a part. Also, common genes or characteristics
among a group of people may indicate some relationships.
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1. Geological periods
These are periods that have been given names by paleontologists and
geologists for the past ages. They are characterized by the successive
type of pants and animals found, and the climatic changes.The recent
period is the Holocene period which began 10,000 years ago at the end
of the Pleistocene.
2. Chemical dating
They exist in two types:
(a) Radio- carbon dating
This method involves a measure of the rate of decay of carbon -14 in
fossils and organic substances. Carbon -14 is a naturally existing
radioactive element (isotope) of carbon of relative atomic mass fourteen
and is found in the Carbon Dioxide which is present in the atmosphere.It
is absorbed by plants and consequently by all living organisms during
their lifetime. When plant or animal dies, absorption stops. Carbon -14
already absorbed begins to disintegrate at a fixed rate from the time of
death. If the amount of carbon -14 still remaining in an organic sample
can be measured and related to the content of the isotope in the modern
plant or animal, the rate of decay will be known. The date at which the
sample was buried will e known. The measurement tells us how long it
is since the organism died.The unit of measuring is known as half-life-
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the number of years it takes for half the carbon -14 to decay.However
the accuracy of radio-carbon dating is limited to up to 40,000 years ago.
3. Stratigraphy
This is the study and interpretation of the layers of rock successively
deposited at one place. It is useful in determining dates for areas affected
by sedimentation. Through Stratigraphy, a geological time-chart is
obtained showing which rock was formed earlier or later.
4. Fission-track dating
This is a method developed for dating Pleistocene samples. The ages of
glass and other mineral objects estimated by observing the tracks made
in them by the fission fragments of uranium nuclei they contain. It
requires that Uranium must be present. The age obtained dates from the
time the object solidified. This method has been proved reliable by being
able to provide same reading from a sample of glass with a lump of
pumice from Olduvai Gorge corresponding with the potassium –argon
dates from the same layer.
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5. Lexico-statistics dating
Lexico-statistics is the statistical study of the vocabulary of languages
with the intentions of determining their ages and their historical links
with other languages.The study is based on the assumption that all
languages have a basic vocabulary which will change slowly at a
common rate for all languages at all times. The existence of
reconstructed vocabulary of the parent language in derivative languages
shows the
Relationship between the two
Glottochronology, a subdivision of Lexico-statistics, attempts to
establish that languages are historically related .by this method, there is
an effort to express rates of language development by formulae precise
enough to enable dates when change occurred to be calculated
6. Statistical dating
Through a system of averaging, the length of a generation can be
determined for a
Particular society and dates estimated for events associated with certain
If the number and names of successive age-sets are remembered, the
same system of averaging can be used.
Written sources
These are sources in which letters or any other symbols have been put on
the surface for the purpose of communication. They include books,
archives, constitutions, journals, novels, plays, newspapers, magazines,
documentaries, dairies, annual reports, periodical and paintings.
Written sources are classified into two;
b) Printed sources
They include books, journals, novels, plays, newspapers, magazines,
documentaries, dairies and annual reports. Photographs employ both
electronic and printing processes but basically fall under printed
sourcesWorks of fiction such as films plays and novels are important
source of historical information. (Fiction is literature in form of prose,
especially novels that describe imaginary events and people).Since work
of fiction involves feelings and emotions, they can give more
information about history. Also reading good historical novels arouses
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a) Where an author omits essential information for one reason or
another, a written source may be rendered quite unreliable.
b) Written information may be misunderstood or misinterpreted by
readers either with the intention of discrediting others or to suit one’s
c) Writers at times are biased since the write from their particular point
of view. For example, the writings of early explorers and missionaries.
d) Written records are only limited to literate people within the society.
– are not useful to illiterate people in the absence of literate members of
the society.
e) At times, depending on the society involved, acquiring written
records may be very costly.
f) Reading written records is often time-consuming.
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Electronic sources
These include microfilms, films, videos, radio, and television
These are films on which extremely small photographs
(microphotography) of documents and printed matter are stored. They
are tinny but when magnified can be clearly read.
The importance of converting documents into microfilms is for
preservation purposes and saving storage spaces.
This is an authoritative source of historical information that captures
words and emotions of an event as I was. For example radio news on the
president’s speeches gives listeners the actual information on national
matters. However, radio lacks the vividness found in television and
In the study of early man, we will seek to answer questions that human
beings have always sought to answer about how they appeared on earth,
whether they were created and where the universe came from.
things and all non-living creatures. Man was created in God’s own
image and woman created to provide man with companionship.
What is evolution?
Evolution can be defined as the process of change in living organisms
over a number of years, frequently involving the beginning of new
species from earlier species.
According to Charles Darwin, man transformed from simple life slowly
over millions of years through environmental mutation, natural
selection, isolation and adaptation.
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The organisms that manage to grow to maturity and reproduce are those
that are able to constantly adapt to the existing environment.In view of
the limited resources, even after mutation, Darwin argued that only the
fittest organisms survive as the weak species become extinct. This
theory is popularly known as ‘survival for the fittest’.According to
Darwin, isolation and adaptation is the final stage in the evolution
process. Having survived through mutation and natural selection, the
merging species increase in number. This leads to search for basic needs
and in the process a species may be isolated from the rest and then
finally adapt to the new environment.The theory of evolution holds that
Humans belong to the animal kingdom and that man has evolved over
the years. Man is a primate just as apes like gorillas, chimpanzees and
monkeys. However, man belongs to the family of hominidae, while apes
belong to the family of pongidae.
Man according to Darwin developed over the years from his ape-like
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Reasons why East Africa is regarded as the place where man first
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Over a long period of time, man’s ancestors lived in thick forests. Later
about 15 million years ago, the forests transformed into savanna
grasslands causing man’s ancestors to change both physically and
mentally so as to cope with the new environment.
The changes
a) The tail which no longer had any value in the savanna disappeared.
b) Man became more upright as there were no more impeding
vegetation as was the case of too much foliage and intertwining
vegetation in the forests and also to reduce surface area onto which solar
insolation had effect. These also enabled quicker movement.
c) The leg and foot formation changed to enable the weight of the body
to be supported and balance to be achieved while moving or at a
d) Gradual use of front limbs (hands for holding objects) enabled man
to make tools which made work easier. The limbs also found another
role of protection from other predators.
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~ He had long teeth like other animals. The shape of his teeth and jaws
indicated that He ate fruits. It is his remains that strengthen the belief
that east Africa was the first homeland of mankind.
3) Kenyapithecus (Ramapithecus)
~ He is believed to have appeared between 15 and 12 million years ago
~ First remains found Fort Ternan in Kericho District, Kenya, in 1961
by Dr. Louis Leakey and Mary. Other fossils found at Samburu Hills,
near Lake Baringo as well as in the Lake Turkana basin.
~ The equivalent species found in the Siwalikis Hills in northern India
near New Delhi was named Ramapithecus
~ He had small canines and could occasionally walk on twos without
~ The creature was small and weighed 36kg with bigger brains than
earlier hominids.
~ Evidence of his existence is obtained from the Reconstruction of
Material consisting of 9 fossils from Kanapoi in Kenya and 12 fossils
from Allia Bay in Kenya found by Dr. Meave Leakey, Dr. Allan Walker
and the four fossil hunters (Kamoya Kimeu, Wambua Mangao, Nzube
Mutiwa and Samuel Ngui.)
~ The fossil remains (comprising a lower jaw) were named A.
Anamensis in August 1995 in a leading British Scientific journal.
~ He had relatively large canines.
~ The homid was aged between 3.9 and 3.0 million years ago. Its Name
is derived from Afar Depression in Ethiopia.
~ He Had Apelike face and human-like teeth. He was small in stature
and Bipedal, but Walked bent over, not fully upright.
~ They had very small brains -Brain capacity from 375 to 500 cc – (Its
Brain was the size of an orange.)
~ They had a bony ridge over the eyes, a low forehead, a flat nose, and
also they had no chin.
~ Remains found at Laetoli in Tanzania and Tugen Hills in Baringo
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~ He was BIPEDAL- standing about 4-5 feet tall with a larger brain
(700-1250cc). He lived between 2 million and 200,000 years ago.
~ He was clever as illustrated by his ability to make Acheulian tools
such as the hand axe which was used as an axe, knife or even as a
scraper. He was the First hominid to invent and use fire.
~ Their skeletons were larger and showed that they were quite heavily
~ They were omnivorous like many other early hominids.
~ Only had hair on their head and back like are men that we have today
~ Remains found in Hardar, Ethiopia where the skeleton of a female
‘Lucy’ were found.
~ Other fossils were found near Nariokotone River on the north western
shores of LakeTurkana by Kamoya Kimeu in 1984.
~ Also at Olorgesaillie near Magadi, Isimila near Iringa in TZ and
Tenerife in Algeria.
~ The most famous Homo Erectus fossil was found in a cave in
Zhoukoudian, China and became known as Peking Man/Java man
~ They hunted, gathered and fished. Later on, they domesticated plants
and animals
~ Their Remains were found at Eliye Springs, Kanjera and Kanam in
Kenya, Bodo and Omo River Valley in Ethiopia and Ngaloba in
Three sub-species of Homo sapiens existed;
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a) Rhodesian man
~ The sub-species Was discovered in Zambia , hence the name
Rhodesian man
~ He had straight legs and walked with long strides.
~ Rhodesian man’s Brains and skull were very similar to those of
modern man.
b) Neanderthals
~ His Remains were found in Neander valley, Germany (1856). They
Lived in caves and valleys
~ He was 5 feet and 5 inches tall-much stronger, heavily built and more
aggressive too.
~ He Had very thick eyebrow ridges like the other hominids
~ He Made clothes from animal skins. They would scrape animal fat so
they can use the skin as clothing.
~ They were probably the First humans to bury their dead. He was most
likely the most intelligent hominid other than modern humans.
~ He was a nomad, gathering and hunting deer, wild pigs and wild
sheep. Their weapons were used to impale animals; therefore, to kill
them, they had to approach the animal and get very close. This was
dangerous and probably caused injuries and even fatalities.
~ Communication was key in hunting because they had to work as a
team. They had the ability to use complex speech; however, their
sentences were probably basic. Instead of painting on cave walls they
painted their faces.
~ Other remains were found in Asia in France, Belgium, Gibraltar, Italy
and former
~ They became extinct about 30,000 years ago.
~ They had a big brain capacity and had very complex thinking
~ He was hunter-gatherer, painter and lived in caves
~ He knew how to make clothes
~ His Fossil remains were found in Western Europe. Their skeletons still
remain in France today
~ They became extinct around 10,000years ago
8) Homo sapiens sapiens
~ Homo sapiens sapiens are modern day humans. They evolved about
50,000 years ago.
~ They have big brains and a more advanced faculty for curiosity and
~ They have a large brain capacity. They do not just think, they plan
ahead, make accurate forecasts, and study the star and the galaxies
~ They have made inventions that have made life more comfortable.
~ They are Around 5 feet 6 inches tall and Walk fully upright
~ They have Minimal hair on our bodies (replaced by clothing)-We have
clothes that are made from brands, factories, we also sew or knit our
own clothing.
The growing knowledge of genetic structure and functions has enabled
human beings to clone animals using genes obtained from existing
animals, thereby producing offsprings that looks exactly like the original
e.g. the work of Dr. Wilmut Ian at the Roslin Institute of Edinburgh,
Scotland that led to the first cloned sheep named dolly. Scientists are
making attempts to even clone humans.More recent discoveries of early
man include the Toumai found in Chad in 2002 dating about 6 to 7
myaIn 2000, another discovery was made in Baringo, Kenya
(millennium man) and is believed todate 6mya. The discovery was made
by Martin Pickford and Eustace Gitonga o the National Museums of
Appearance of races
It has been hypothesized modern humans, using superior technology and
more efficient adaption, out competed other hominid species to quickly
emerge as the only surviving hominid species on the planet.Though we
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Modern genetics has revealed that these categories make very little sense
biologically since modern races are derived from a common stock and
the different races are able to interbreed. There are also no differences in
intelligence among all races of mankind.
The term “race” has traditionally been used by scientists as the
equivalent of the subspecies concept when classifying humans.The
Cultural and economic practices of early man
What is culture?
Culture is the way of life of a people-Customs, language and social
The things that early humans made and used formed their material
culture. Early man’s culture can be understood through study of Stone
Age or Paleolithic periods
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Mesolithic age
Mesolithic “middle Stone” Age- 200,000– 10,000 years ago.
They period was characterized by superior brains and ability of Homo
erectus and Homo sapiens. Great improvements were witnessed.
Signature tool; Sangoan tool made using Lavallois method
The tool was named after Sango Bay site on L. Victoria-Tz
Man used identifiable shelter. An example was found at Orangia in
South Africa. Man also used rock shelter (rocks scooped out to make
hollows). Later man lived in caves with entrance covered with animal
skins to keep wind and rain away (e.g. Matupi Cave in Zaire and
Gambles cave near Nakuru.
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There was efficient group organization as evidenced by the ability to
carry out large-scale hunting. Language invention further strengthened
the social bonds and cultures of early man
Definition of agriculture
It is the cultivation of crops. The modern definition of agriculture
includes animal husbandry, fish farming and bee-keeping.
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The transformation from hunting and gathering to growing of food crops
was a gradual development. The first crops were grown by man in areas
where they existed naturally.
Crop growing first developed in the Fertile Crescent which is in the
Middle East.
Neolithic women noticed new grain plants grew when they accidentally
spilled grain seeds. They tried scattering seeds on purpose – it worked!
~ Animals often find plants in places with water / good soil - Hunters
saw pattern
~ People stayed at sites, animals became tamer
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Originally grown in south-west Asia
Initial type was brittle wheat-then replaced by a non-brittle type in
7500BC called emmer
Wheat then spread Mesopotamian plains by 6000 BC to Egypt by
3000BC, then to Mediterranean region, central Asia, India and southern
The first cereal to be domesticated.Initially grew wildly at Mureybat on
the Euphrates in Syria between 7000 - 6000 BC Another evidence of
growth found at Ali kosh (Iran) and Jericho (Jordan)Then spread to
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Egypt at Fayum in 4500 BC. Then spread to India and china by about
2000 BC.
Originated in Asia where currently is a stable food- in Thailand at about
3500 BC
Then spread to India, Europe and Japan
The African variety was grown along the upper Niger around 1500 BC
Origin- Central America at about 5000 BC at Tehuacan in Mexico.
In Africa, was introduced by the Portuguese in 15thc.
The first root and tuber crop to be domesticated- 9000 BC in south East
The African variety, the white guinea yam was grown in Ivory Coast.
The Dog was the first animal to be domesticated. The next animals were
the sheep, Goats, cattle and camels. Animal domestication Began
through establishment of ties between man and animals during hunting
or when fetching water.
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Assisted humans in hunting, driving away dangerous animals and
herding livestock
The Goat was first domesticated in south west Asia in5000 BC.Evidence
of this is found at Tell Abu Hureyra, Tepe Ali Kosh, and Deh Luren
Khuzestan in south -west Iran. Also in Iraq, upper Tigris valley, turkey
and south Jordan. Goat domestication was in Egypt in 5000 BC
Sheep.Sheep was domesticated after the dog. Fossil evidence of sheep
keeping has been found at Zawi Chemi Shanid in Iraq and dating to
about 9000 BC. Sheep were also kept in Syria, Egypt and Saharan
region then to West Africa. Sheep was also kept in Indus valley and
yellow river valleys.
Cattle was first domesticated in south-west Asia as early as 5800BC in
turkey and then in Iran and Iraq. It then spread to Ethiopia and North
Africa from Asia.
The short-horned cattle originated in Mesopotamia then spread to Africa
and Europe.
Though camels are associated with North Africa today, the original
home has been traced to North America from where t spread to South
America and Asia. The Asian and s. American species became the
ancestors of the Alpaca and Illama.Two types of camels exist today- the
one-humped (found in Middle East, northern china and Africa), and the
two-humped camel (found in central Asia.) Camels were domesticated
about 3000 BC to 2500 BC
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For example the use of ox-drawn ploughs and seed drills pulled by oxen
to replace stone hoes.Most of the people during the summer civilization
earned their livelihood as farmers, craftsmen, fishermen and cattle
breeders.Most of the land was in form of large estates owned by the
rulers or the wealthy classes. The peasants were given small plots along
with seeds, farm implements and animals in exchange for labour.
The Crops grown included barley, wheat, vines, date, palms, grapes,
olives, onions, figs, melons and cucumbers. Milk animals kept included
goats and cow. Also ducks, pigs, geese and horses were kept.
h) The invention of the wheel by around 3000 BC. it was used in carts
to transport farm produce, for making war chariots to transport soldiers
and also in pottery (the potter’s wheel)
i) The plough was also invented. The first ox-plough consisted of
simply a tree trunk with one small branch protruding upwards with the
other one upwards. The invention meant that only a few people were
needed to cultivate land.
j) There was the development of science and mathematics with the
development of the first formulas for measuring time, distance and area.
There was also development in the field of Astronomy.
k) Religious practices also developed with the connection of most of the
gods to
agriculture in one way or another. For example, Ninurta was a god of
l) Development of law. A code of laws was compiled as a means of
minimizing conflict in society- the Hammurabi’s code.
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4. Use of simple tools and implements that included sticks, hoes and
later ploughs. Cultivation was therefore on small scale with crop rotation
being used as a method of improving fertility. It was however not
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the Leicester, Shropshire, Suffolk and the oxford. Pig varieties- the
Yorkshire, Berkshire and Tamworth breeds
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4. Poor farmers who could not afford fencing lost their land. Capital
farming therefore led to emergence of landless peasants as large tracts of
land were consolidated in enclosures. The poor peasants were compelled
to migrate to urban areas where they were subjected to poor living
7. Transport systems like roads and railways improved. They were used
to transport agricultural products to the market and raw materials to
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b. Poor land use and agricultural practices. Many farmers still depend
on traditional farming methods, for example, not applying fertilizers,
pesticides or mechanization, thus producing low yields.
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k. Over reliance on food aid and forms of aid has created a dependence
attitude in many African countries. Some communities have become
complacent about looking for a permanent solution to their food
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d. Sometimes famine and drought has forced people to flee their home
countries thus causing refugee problems in the receiving countries.
f. It has created dependence on food aid from rich countries. Even some
of the genetically created foods are tested in third world countries. Such
foods have unknown side-effects.
j. Family planning so that people only have children they can be able to
feed, cloth and shelter.
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d) People are being educated about the need for family planning so that
families have only number of children whom they can feed and provide
According to oral traditions, the earliest people to occupy Kenya were of
the Khoisan stock. They had similar features like the Khoi khoi and the
san of South Africa, the Sandawe and Hadza of Tanzania. They all
spoke a language with a clicking sound.
c) They gathered the wild fruit in the wild and dug up tubers and roots
for their foods
d) They used stone tools in addition to bows and arrows.
e) They fished in rivers and lakes using harpoons
f) They made use of rock shelters and caves.
g) They buried the dead.
h) Made and used pottery.
NB- such evidence of the culture of the Khoisan has been found in
Gambles and Njoro river caves near Nakuru.These pioneering
inhabitants of Kenya disappeared maybe after being subdued and
overcome by the powerful incoming Bantus and nilotes.However, there
exist some remnants of these hunter-gatherer communities in the western
highlands of rift valley. They speak the language of the group near them
like kalenjin (okiek), Maasai (Dorobo), Onguye and Okuro in western
They existed in two groups:
a) The southern Cushites
b) The eastern Cushites.
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They came in the 16thcentury from Ethiopia. Initially they settled on the
eastern shores of Lake Turkana. They later moved south pushing the
Mijikenda and the Pokomo out of the Shungwaya to occupy Malindi and
Kilifi. Today they occupy the southern part of Tana River and are
neighbours to the Pokomo.
Effects of migration and settlement of the Oromo in Kenya
a) They inter-married with the people they came into contact with e.g.
Somali, Pokomo and Borana.
b) Their settlement in Kenya led to expansion of trade.
c) Their settlement led to increased conflict between communities over
resources e.g. pasture and water.
d) Displacement and redistribution of people in the area where they
settled e.g. the Oromo pushed the Bantu from the Shungwaya region.
e) Assimilation of some communities they came into contact with e.g.
the Oromo vs. Somali.
f) Cultural exchange e.g. neighbouring communities adopted Islam.
g) Settlement in high agricultural potential areas e.g. river valleys
encouraged some of them to practice crop farming.
h) Expansion of agriculture due to demand of agricultural produce.
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They are also Oromo speaking people whose origin is southern Ethiopia.
Their migration into Kenya was due to escaping the Menelik Wars of
Conquest in 1897 and who had imposed heavy taxes on them. They
represent some of the most recent migrations into Kenya end as late as
1900 when more Borana groups fled into Kenya from Somali running
away from the war between the Somali Nationalists and the British.
Today the Borana occupy the area north of the Tana River.
They originated from Mogadishu where they were living by 10th
century A.D. They begun moving southwards into Kenya around that
time maybe due to the Oromo threat or they were looking for pasture for
their livestock.The Somali represent the largest single group of eastern
Cushites in Kenya.
B. From the west Victoria dispersal point a group moved and entered
east Africa at appoint south of Lake Victoria and then proceeded
eastwards across northern Tanzania to a dispersal point between Taita
hills and mt. Kilimanjaro. Some settled in Tanzania (Chagga, nyamwezi,
sukuma, Kuria, haya, Yao, Segeju, Zaramo).the rest of the
groupproceeded northwards to the coast upto Shungwaya (another
dispersal point). These were the eastern Bantus.
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~ The Abaluhyia community is made up of eighteen sub-groups. The
sub-groups which constitute the community have a common
background, common customs and speak closely related dialects of the
same language.
~ According to Abaluhyia tradition, communities used to hold criminal
tribunals at the junctions of footpaths. The area at the junction of
footpaths was known as Uluyia or a meeting point and it is claimed that
the name Abaluhyia is derived from this. Another version states that in a
polygamous home the courtyard outside the main father’s house is called
Luhyia. All the children are referred as children of one Luhyia and hence
the name Abaluhyia.
~ Most of the Luhyia sub-groups point to mt. elgon dispersal point as
their origin. The settlement of the Abaluhyia into Kenya dates back to
300 AD. By 1750 AD, many groups had settled in present day Bukhayo,
Marama, Tiriki, Bunyore, Wanga and Maragoli.
~ They absorbed some groups they found in the area. Also, their
interaction with the Maasai led to establishment of clans like the
Abashimuli among the Idakho. The Marachi, Kisa and Samia interacted
with the Luo.
~ Abagusii traditions acknowledge a close relationship with the
following people: the Abakuria, Abalogoli, Ababukusu, Abasuba,
Agikuyu, Ameru, Aembu, Ambeere and the Akamba. Their tradition has
it that on their way from the country which they call ‘Msiri’ they were
accompanied by the Baganda and the Basoga besides the above groups.
~ The Abagusii and the Abalogoli migrated southwards following the
River Nzoia valley and arrived near Lake Victoria between 1490 and
1520. Following an easterly course along the lake shore, they settled at
the head of Goye Bay in Yimbo location of Nyanza with their homeland
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spreading across present day Ulowa, Sare and Unyejra at the foot of
Ramogi hill. Luo migrants in 1550 AD found them settled in this general
area and pushed them from alego to Kisumu where they lived upto
~ Their migration from Kisumu to Kano was motivated by drought in
the area.. However, their eastward migration was checked by the Maasai
and the Kipsigis
~ By the 18thcentury, they had settled in the Kisii highlands positively
interacting with the neighboring Luo, Maasai and Kipsigis in terms of
Why the Abagusii remained in the Kano plains for too long before
settling in the Kisii highlands.
a) They were obstructed by the Kipsigis who were migrating
b) The Maasai were also quite wild/hostile.
c) The plains favored their activity of livestock grazing.
d) Lack of a strong warrior group to fight their expansionist wars
against the warring neighbors.
~ The origin of the name ‘Kuria’ is a thorny point in the Abakuria
history. The major Abakuria sub-tribes such as Abanyabasi, Abatimbaru,
Abanyamongo, Abakira, Abairegi and Abagumbe have traditions to the
effect that their ancestor was Mokuria (or Mukuria) that lived in “Msiri”.
His descendants migrated from “Msiri” and after many years of
wandering on the other side of Lake Victoria; they eventually reached
and settled in the present Bukuria By 1800AD,) in south Nyanza.)
~ According to this tradition, the Abakuria have been divided from time
immemorial into two families: the Abasai of the elder wife of Mokuria
and the Abachuma of the younger wife.
~ The Abakuria are related to Abalogoli of Abaluhyia and Abagusii and
trace same origin at mt. elgon dispersal point.
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~ The Abakuria people appear to have sprung from too many directions
to have a common historical origin, although a number of clans claim to
have come from Msiri.
~ Among the Abakuria today are found people who were originally
from Kalenjin, Maasai, Bantu and Luo speaking communities. The
Abakuria adopted the practice of age set organization and circumcision
from the southern Cushites
~ The name “Suba” means “the people who are always wandering”.
~ The Suba migrated into their current locations beginning in the mid-
1700s. They came from the region just west of Lake Victoria and settled
on the islands.
~ The Suba migrated from Uganda and settled on the two Lake Victoria
islands of Rusinga and Mfangano, and are believed to be the last tribe to
have settled in Kenya. Other subgroups migrated and settled on the
shores of Lake Victoria in the early 18th century.
~ The Suba are descendants of one wave of the Bantu migration from
Central Africa over the last 1500 to 1800 years. In the 16th century, it
appears, small family groups related to the Ganda people on the western
side of the lake migrated across Lake Victoria on boats to settle on
Rusinga Island and other islands near what is now Kenya and Tanzania.
~ The Suba are descendants of one wave of the Bantu migration from
Central Africa over the last 1500 to 1800 years. In the 16th century, it
appears, small family groups related to the Ganda people on the western
side of the lake migrated across Lake Victoria on boats to settle on
Rusinga Island and other islands near what is now Kenya and Tanzania.
~ Linguistically, the Suba are highly influenced by the neighbouring
Luo, to the point of a language shift having taken place among large
portions of the mainland Suba.
~ The remaining speakers of the Suba language are mostly elderly
residents on the island of Mfangano.
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Coastal Bantu
They include the Taita, Pokomo and Mijikenda.From the west Victoria
dispersal point their first movement was upto Taita hills, where the Taita
remained. The Mijikenda and Pokomo proceeded northwards to the
coast upto Shungwaya (another dispersal point). The main reason for the
Shungwaya dispersal was the Oromo attack In AD 1600.
They moved from Shungwaya following river Tana interacting with the
Cushites like the Oromoand Somali.
The name means Nine Clans comprising of the Kauma, Giriama,
Duruma, Chonyi, Jibana, Kambe, Ribe, Rabai and Digo.From the
Shungwaya dispersal point,(forced out by the Oromo/Somali southwards
expansionist attacks), they settled in fortified villages mainly due to
security concerns. Each of the nine groups settled in their own separate
ridge referred to as Kaya fortified with thorny trees.By the 19th, the
Mijikenda were established as middlemen during the long distance trade
between the Akamba and the coastal Waswahili.
~ The largest single group of the eastern group.
~ While the Kikuyu can be found throughout Kenya, the heaviest
concentration being in Central Province, known as the traditional
Kikuyu homeland.
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The Kikuyu traditionally believe that a man, Gikuyu, was the founder of
the tribe. He had a wife named Mumbi, who gave birth to nine (plus
one) daughters. The daughters married and had their own families,
retaining a domineering role in Kikuyu society.
~ It was in Mukurwe wa Gathanga division of Nyeri district where an
identifiable beginning for the modern Kikuyu people is defined.
~ Ancestors of the Kikuyu arrived in Kenya during the Bantu
migrations of 1200-1600 AD. The Agikuyu seem to have moved
southwest from the coast at around 1400AD also running away from
hostile Oromo. They followed Tana River with some groups falling off
and settling in different places. For example the Tharaka settled in the
east and the Ambeere settled in the southwest. The main group
proceeded upto the confluence of rivers Tana and Thika (Mukurwe wa
Gathanga. They spread and settled in Kiambu and Nyandarua from
~ The key event in their migration and settlement was military conflict
with and defeat of the Gumbapeople by the Mathira and Tetu people,
allied with the Athi and the Maasai in the early 1800's.
~ They displaced or absorbed the original inhabitants-the Dorobo (Athi)
and Gumba who were a hunter- gatherer community.
~ Settlement of the Nyeri plains took place after the British moved the
Maasai from the area. The Kikuyu were in Kabete by around 1850,
Ruiru about 1900.
~ They heavily interacted with the Maasai and Cushites in the area.
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~ They point to the area around mt Kilimanjaro as their original
~ From here they moved to Taita Hills before reaching Tsavo West.
They followed the Banks of Athi River in the 15thcentury one group
crossing Athi into Ulu. Another group moved south to the Galana River
and settled in the region around chyulu hills north of mt. Kilimanjaro
~ By around mid 16thcentury a group of the Akamba had settled in the
Mbooni hills near Machakos.
~ Due to environmental influence, the Akamba near Mbooni began to
practice agriculture before migrating to iveti, kilungu and masaku. Those
that moved to drier Chyulu hills became hunters. The Kitui group
adopted pastoralism and hunting and participated in long distance trade.
The Ameru
~ Their original homeland is claimed to Mbwa, located somewhere at
the coast on manda island. The Shungwaya dispersal might have led to
the pushing of the Ameru to tigania and igembe regions at around
1400AD. They crossed the Tana River with the Tharaka sections of
Agikuyu and settled to the east of tana. The Chuka section settled in the
west of river tana. The mwimbi, imenti, tigania and igembe also settled
west of the Tana River.
~ According to tradition, the Meru and Agikuyu were initially migrating
as one group and separated at around 15thc and 16thc.
Positive results
1. Introduction of iron working the use of iron tools in the interior of
East Africa where peoplewere at first using stone tools. There was an
increase in food production.
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Negative effects
1. The Bantu migration led to depopulation: This was caused by the
frequent attacks made on the Bantu by Somali and Oromo, or by the
Bantu against the people East Africa for land, through wars.
2. There was loss of culture due to cultural absorption: This was
brought about due to Bantu intermarrying with the non- Bantu peoples,
whom they came across.
3. There was transformation of languages into new ones: This led to the
dying down of some of the Bantu languages, while others remained.
River-lake nilotes
They are sometimes referred to as the southern Luos to differentiate
them from other riverlake nilotes in Uganda and Sudan like the Dinka,
Shilluk, Bor , Anwak, Alur, Acholi, Jopaluo, Padhola, Nuer and Luo of
They are believed to have originated from Bahr-el-Ghazal region of
southern Sudan. They then migrated to Pubungu Pakwach in Uganda
where they settled by 1450 AD. They later moved into Kenya. Their
arrival caused the displacement of many Bantu-speaking peoples,
notably the Gusii, Kuria and Luhya, who were forced into the highlands
east and north of the lake.
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Plain Nilotes
They include the Maasai and Samburu (Maa speakers), Iteso, Turkana
and Njemps.
The Plain Nilotes entered Kenya at around AD 1000 from an area north
of Lake Turkana.
The Maasai
~ Their movement from north of lake Turkana is closely associated with
the original Kalenjin speakers. By AD 1500, the Maasai begun to move
separately southwards between Mt,. Kenya and Mt. Elgon. By 19thc ,
they had settled in Uasin Gishu and even spread into Tanzania along the
Rift Valley.
~ As they moved, they assimilated the Sirikwa peoples. They also
waged war against the neighbouring Kalenjin, Akamba and Abagusii.
~ In the 1850s the Maasai experienced many natural disasters like
drought, famine and cattle diseases leading to decline of their power.
They also experienced civil wars between the Kwavi (iloikop) and the
Purko (Ilmaasai) sections. When Oloibon Mbatian died, his two sons
Sendeyo and Lenana became involved in a protracted succession
dispute. They were also weakened by wars with the Agikuyu. Their
power came to an end with the coming of British rule.
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The Nandi.
They were pushed out of the Mt. Elgon region between 1700 and 1800
by the incoming Maasai.
The decline of the Maasai in the 19thc made them rise to become a
formidable group that conducted raids against their neighbours like the
Abaluhyia and Luo.
Their power only declined due to colonization.
The Kipsigis
They are believed to have separated together with the Nandi from other
kalenjin groups at around Mt. Elgon region around AD1600. They
moved south east to Teo, near Lake Baringo. Due to the Maasai attacks,
they moved westwards to Tambach where they stayed for a long period.
They later moved southwards to Rongai near Nakuru.
They only separated from the Nandi due to drought and the Maasai
Raids on the Nandi.
The Kipsigis moved further south to Kericho while the Nandi moved to
Aldai during the 2nd half of 18thc. The Kipsigis settled at Kipsigis Hills
forming a strong community that assimilated thelegendary Sirikwa and
some Maasai and Abagusii groups. They were for a long time allies of
the Nandi.
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What factors contributed to the Nandi and Kipsigis split during the
mid 18th century.
a) Maasai attacks on the two communities forcing each group to find its
own means of Defence.
b) Drought which caused scattering in search of food and pasture.
c) Constant conflicts over the limited resources in the region leading to
warfare and final split.
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Social organization
~ Almost all the Bantu communities were organized in clans made up of
people with common descent.
~ All the Bantu communities practiced circumcision. In some
communities like the Akamba, Abaluhyia, only boys circumcised.
Among the Abagusii and Agikuyu, both boys and girls were
circumcised. The initiates were taught the values and customs of their
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The Agikuyu.
By 19thcentury, the Agikuyu had a complex social, economic and
political organization some of which were products of their interrraction
with other communities.
Social organization
~ The family was the smallest social unit among the Agikuyu. It was
headed by a father.
Several families that shared a common ancestry comprised a clan.
~ The Agikuyu had rites of passage which included initiation of both
boys and girls through circumcision/clitoridectomy.
~ The initiated boys joined the age-set (riikaor mariika) after being
educated on the values and customs of the society. It was only after
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initiation that boys and girls were considered mature enough to get
~ The Agikuyu believed in the existence of one God who controlled
their destiny. They called their God Ngai. He was all powerful and as
believed to dwell o mt. kirinyaga where they claim he created them.
~ They also had diviners whose main work was to interpret God’s
message to the people.
~ The Agikuyu had medicineman. A medicine person was called mundu
mugo. Their main work was to cure diseases. They learned their skills
through apparent-iceship.
~ The Agikuyu had designated sacred places for prayers, worship and
offerings (an example was the mugumo tree for offering sacrifices).
~ Marriage was an important institution among the Agikuyu.
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~ They traded among themselves and with their neighbours such as the
Akamba and Maasai.
They sold grains and iron implements in exchange for livestock products
like skins and beads (Maasai) and imported goods like clothes(Akamba).
~ They practiced iron-smelting, making implements such as knives,
hoes which enhanced their farming activities and trade. They borrowed
this art from the Gumba.
~ They practiced crop growing. They grew grains like millet, yams,
sweet potatoes,
arrowroots, sorghum and cassava among other crops mainly for food
while the excess were sold to neighbours.
~ They practiced craft making pots and weaving baskets.
~ Hunting and gathering was also done by Agikuyu to supplement their
The Ameru
The Ameru had a system of government which ensured high standards
of morality and stability. This system evolved as they migrated and
interacted with other communities.
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The Akamba
The Akamba are of the eastern Bantus who settled in Chyulu hills,
Mbooni, Kitui and Machakos.
Social organization
~ Like other Bantus, the Akamba were organized into clans whose
members claimed commondescent.
~ The Akamba practiced exogamous marriages. However their tradition
allowed the adoption of an outsider into a clan
~ Wrongdoers among the Akamba were banished from the community
if they refused to compensate for the wrong did.
~ There existed no institutional age sets among the Akamba though
boys and girls were circumcised before reaching puberty. The initiates
were then taught community secrets after two years from circumcision
(at 14 years)
~ At puberty, both men and women were allowed to marry and bear
children with the father of a young family automatically becoming a
junior elder until his children were ready to be circumcised.
~ He then moved to the next grade only after paying a bullock and
several goats.
~ The top two grades formed the administrative council of the
community mainly dealing with the ritual ceremonies.
~ The Akamba believed in the existence of a creator called Ngai or
Mulungu whom they prayed to through ancestral spirits.
~ The Akamba had ritual experts who included medicine people that
guided them in their rituals.
~ Shrines also existed where offerings and sacrifices were made by the
elders called Atumia ma ithembo. (Mostly found at a place with two
large fig trees.)
~ The Akamba had many social ceremonies which were accompanied
with festivity dance and music. For example, during harvest, weddings,
deaths and birth.
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Political organization
~ The smallest political unit among the Akamba was the homestead,
(Musyi) comprising three to four generations of extended family with a
stockade round the home of each married man. Outside the entrance of
the homestead, there was an open space (thome), where men would sit
and discuss political and other important matters.
~ Several related families formed a wider territorial grouping or clan
with its own recreational ground, elder’s council (made of all the male
elders), war leader and palace for worship
~ The clan was the main political unit for the Akamba.
~ There was also a larger territorial grouping above the clan called
Kivalo that constituted a fighting unit. There was however no single
central authority that united the Akamba the Kivalo was always
disbanded after war.
~ Age grades and age sets were common to all in the community and
acted as a unifying factor.
~ The elders in the community were ranked according to seniority.
~ Junior elders defended their community. Medium elders (Nthele)
assisted in the
administration of the community. The full elders (Atumia ma Kivalo)
participated in delivering judgements. The senior most elders (Atumia
ma Ithembo) were involved in religious activities.
~ By 19th century, due to participation and gaining from trade, a number
of people had gained prestige and followers to be regarded as Akamba
chiefs or leaders. For example, chief Kivoi.
Economic organization
~ Due to variation in the environment, the Akamba participated in
varied economic activities.
~ Those who lived around the fertile Mbooni, ulu and Iveti hills
practiced farming. They planted sorghum, millet, yams, potatoes,
sugarcane and beans.
~ Those who lived in the drier areas like Kitui practiced livestock
farming and mainly transhumance during the drier period.
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The Abagusii
They originated in the Congo Forest like other Bantus and settled in the
fertile highlands of Kisii, Gucha and Nyamira Districts of Nyanza
Political Organization
The clan formed the basic political unit for Gusii communities. Each
clan was made up of related families. Leadership of the clan was in the
hands of a council of elders who played a pivoted role in solving
disputes, decided on inter-tribal marriages, maintaining law and order
and making executive decisions affecting the community like declaring
war. The council was known Abagata ba gesaku.The Abagusii also had
chiefdoms made up of several clans, which United to counter-attacks
from their neighbours. Each chiefdom was headed by a chief
(Omugambi), assisted by a councilof clan elders.
The elders acted as ‘middlemen’ through whom people could
communicate their wishes and grievances to the chief. The position of
the chief was hereditary.The Omogambi presided over religious
ceremonies. He led clan members in communal sacrifices and social
activities such as the planting and harvesting of crops. He also
performed political functions.After circumcision, the boys joined the
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age-set which acted as a military wing responsible for the defence of the
community.The Kisii still practice most of the political features
discussed above.
Social organization
The Abagusii lived in family unit, headed by a family member, called
the family head. Several related families formed a clan, headed by clan
elders who formed a council. The role of the council of elders was to
settle disputes between families.A number of clans formed sub-
communities headed by clan elders. Circumcision of boys and girls
formed part of the initiation rites for the Abagusii. The initiates were
taught the values and customs of the society after which they were
considered adults.The initiated boys were organized into age groups and
age-grades. An age-grade was made up of people who were circumcised
together. Members of the same age-grade treated one another as real
brothers and helped each other in times of need.They believed in the
existence of a supreme god, ‘engoro’ who was the creator of everything.
They offered sacrifices to him during special occasions like initiation
ceremonies and religions festivals and when there were problems like
illness and draught. They worshipped him through their ancestral
spirits.Diviners and seers among the Kisii were special people and were
called Omoragori.
Economic organization
~ The Abagusii practiced crop farming. They grew many food crops
including maize, sorghum, yams, peas, beans, millet, cassava, bananas
and sweet potatoes.
~ They also kept livestock, cattle, goats and sheep were kept for meat
and milk. They also kept poultry.
~ Trading was also a main economic activity among the Abagusii. They
traded with their neighbours especially the Luo and the Abaluhyia. The
Luo supplied them with livestock, cattle, salt, hides, fish, drums, and
poison for arrows, spears and potatoes. In return, the Abagusii supplied
the Luo with grain, hoes, axes, spears, arrowheads, razors, soapstone,
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soapstone dust, baboon skins, pipes, bowls and carvings of animals and
~ The Abagusii were also involved in iron-working, which they kept
secret to avoid competition from their neighbours. They made iron
implements such as hoes, spears, axes and arrow heads. They also made
~ They mined soapstone on the hilltops. They used is dust to decorate
their faces during ceremonies. Some was sold to the Luos who used to
decorate faces of their heroes. It was used for making pots, pipes, bowls
and carvings.
~ They also depended on hunting and gathering to supplement the other
economies. They hunted wild game for meat and skins. They also
collected wild fruit roots and vegetables.
~ The Abagusii raided their neighbours for livestock. To date, they still
raid the Maasai and Kipsigis for livestock.
The Mijikenda
The Mijikenda comprise of nine groups that had similar social,
economic and political structures. They are believed to have arrived in
their current settlement from Shungwaya.
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Political organization
~ The Mijikenda had a strong clan system. Administration was based on
a strong clan system. 4-6 clans lived in a fortified village known as kaya.
~ The existence of a council of elders(Kambi) at clan level to settle
disputes and the general administration of the clan
~ An age set (riika) system formed by young men after circumcision
and which provided the base from which warriors were obtained.
~ Social and political unity was strengthened through intermarriage
between different clans.
~ Judicial matters were handled by the elders’ council which was final
court of appeal.
~ The council of elders declared war on warring neighbors.
Economic organization
~ The Mijikenda kept Livestock like sheep, cattle and goats for milk,
meat and skin. Hunting and gathering was also done to supplement their
~ They traded in the coastal trade with the Arabs and with the Akamba
from interior.
~ The Mijikenda practiced salt mining which the used as a trading item.
~ The Mijikenda engaged in fishing along the coast as well as on rivers.
~ They practiced crop growing. They grew grains like millet, yams,
sweet potatoes,
arrowroots, sorghum, coconut and cassava among other crops mainly for
food while the excess were sold to neighbours.
~ They practiced craft making pots and weaving baskets using coconut
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The second largest group in Kenya.
Social organization
~ There were slight variations in the social organizations of the various
Nilotic groups in Kenya. However they shared institutions such as the
clan-based organization, belief in one God, veneration of ancestral
spirits, age-set system, social ceremonies and existence of religious
~ The family was the basic social unit in many communities. Several
related families grouped together to form clans among the Luo, Maasai
and Nandi.
~ They believed in one supernatural being. The Maasai referred to him
as Engai while the Luo called Him Nyasaye.
~ The communities believed in the existence of ancestral spirits, to
whom sacrifices and libations were made to ensure they remained
~ There was the existence of religious leaders whose work was to lead
the communitiesduring religious functions and rituals. Some of the
religious leaders had assumed political power by 19 th c. For example the
Orkoiyot among the Nandi and Oloibon among the Maasai.
~ The Maasai and other Nilotic groups had rain makers and diviners.
~ The age-set system was another common social institution. The age
sets were formed by those who were initiated at the same time. The
institution created a bond among the initiates that cut across the families
and clans thus uniting the whole community.
~ There were social ceremonies that accompanied the rites of passage
like circumcision, marriage and death.
~ The Luo as their form of initiation extracted six lower teeth. The other
groups practiced circumcision. In all the groups, the initiates were taught
the community values.
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Political organization
~ The Nilotic communities had a decentralized system of administration
with all the communities organized on clan basis.
~ There existed councils of elders that administered and ensured
maintenance of law and order, settled disputes between clans and other
~ The nilotes had a warlike tradition. Each community had Warriors
who defended the community and raided other communities. The Luo
reffered to the warriors as Thuondi. The Maasai called them Moran.
~ The age-set system determined political leadership since all those
initiated together formed one age-set for life.
~ The institution of religion influenced most of the political affairs of
the Nilotic speakers. For example, the Orkoiyot among the Nandi and
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the Oloibon among the Maasai were primarily religious leaders who
wielded political authority in the19th century.
The Nandi
By 1900 AD, the Nandi had already established their social, economic
and political institutions.
Social organization
~ The family was the basic social unit. Several related families grouped
together to form clans among Nandi. The family institution was very
important in the community. It played an important role in the Kokwet
(council of elders) and in the clan activities.
~ The age-set system was an important social institution among the
Nandi. Nandi boys and girls were initiated at puberty through
circumcision. Circumcision marked entry into adulthood. The initiates
were taught the deepest community values during the period.
~ Age sets were formed by those who were initiated at the same time
irrespective of the clans they belonged to. In total, there were eight age-
sets among the Nandi namely Sawe, Maina, Chuma, Korongoro,
Kipkoimet, Kaplelach, Kimnyinge and Nyongi.
~ The Nandi boys became junior warriors after circumcision. They only
promoted to senior warriors after the Saket apeito ceremony (slaughter
of bullock) that was done after every fifteen years.
~ Marriage within the same clan was prohibited among the Nandi. This
was meant to create unity by encouraging intermarriages between
different clans.
~ They believed in one supernatural being whom they referred to him as
Asis, who was believed to be the protector of the community.
~ The Nandi believed in the existence of ancestral spirits, to whom
sacrifices and libations were made to ensure they remained happy.
~ The community also had important religious leaders whose work was
to lead the
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Economic organization
~ The Nandi were pastoralists who kept Livestock like sheep, cattle and
goats for milk, meat, manure and blood. Cattle were a symbol of status
among the Nandi and also a form of dowry settlement.
~ The Nandi cultivated crops such as Millet and sorghum due the fertile
soils and favourable climate in areas like Aldai.
~ They also practiced hunting and gathering to supplement their food
~ The Nandi raided other communities for cattle. They acquired large
herds of cattle through raiding neighbouring communities such as the
Maasai. Abaluhyia and Luo.
~ They traded among themselves and also with their neighbours. The
Nandi traded with the Maasai and with the Luo and neighbouring Bantu
communities like the Abaluhyia. They sold animal products and red
ochre in exchange for grains from the Bantu. The Nandi however were
self sufficient in food.
~ They practiced craft e.g. made pots, weaved baskets and leather belts.
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Political organization
The family was the basic political unit. It was headed by a father who
dealt with internal matters such as discipline, allocation of crops, land
and cattle. In matters affecting the neighbourhood, he was assisted by
the Kokwet (council of elders) which was made up of neighbourhood
heads.Above the Kokwet was the clan organization whose council of
elders tackled matters to do with grazing rights.Above the clan, there
was a larger socio-political unit comprising different war groups located
in the same geographical zone called a pororiet. This formed the highest
political unit among the Nandi. The pororiet council of elders comprised
representatives from different clansIts functions included negotiating for
peace and declaring war .The Nandi boys became junior warriors after
circumcision. They only promoted to senior warriors after the Saket
apeito ceremony (slaughter of bullock) that was done after every fifteen
The Maasai
Social organization
~ The Maasai were divided into two groups; the pastoral Maasai(Purko)
and the Agricultural Maasai(Kwavi or Iloikop).
~ The Maasai were organized on clan basis with each clan associated
with a particular type of cattle. In total, the Maasai had five clans spread
over large areas and not necessarily staying together.
~ Maasai boys and girls were initiated at puberty through circumcision.
Circumcision marked entry into adulthood. The initiates were taught the
deepest community values during the period.
~ After circumcision, the boys entered an age set to which they
belonged the rest of their life.
~ The age set institution created a bond among the initiates that cut
across the families and clans thus uniting the whole community.
~ All the boys initiated together also formed a warrior class called
Morans and lived in special homesteads called Manyattas away from the
rest of the community. For about ten years.
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~ They were not allowed to take milk from their mother’s house and
were required to adhere to ritual and dietary restrictions.
~ They believed in one supernatural being. The Maasai referred to him
as Engai. Prayers and sacrifices were offered to him at the shrines.
~ There was the existence of religious leaders whose work was to lead
the communities during religious functions and rituals. They called their
religious leader Oloibon.
Functions of Oloibon
~ He presided over religious ceremonies. / He was consulted on all
religious matters.
~ He blessed warriors before they went to war.
~ He advised the council of elders.
~ He foretold the future events.
The Maasai and other Nilotic groups had rain makers and diviners.
There were several social ceremonies that accompanied the rites of
passage like circumcision, marriage and death. The Eunoto ceremony
marked the graduation of the Morans into junior elders. This ceremony
is still practiced upto date.
Boyhood (ilaiyak)
The youths at this stage looked after family and clan livestock until they
reached circumcision stage at about 15 years.
Junior elders
This was the political authority that evaluated the day to day issues of
the community.
It comprised heads of households,, aim responsibility was to maintain
peace and instruct warriors on how to handle issues in the community.
They were permitted to own livestock.
was responsible for and dealt with difficult judicial and political
decisions.The Maasai adopted the institution of Oloibon or prophet that
combined socio-religious functions and later own assumed political
authority. There were several social ceremonies that accompanied the
rites of passage like circumcision, marriage and death. The Eunoto
ceremony marked the graduation of the Morans into junior elders. This
ceremony is still practiced upto date.
The Luo
Social organization
The family was the basic social unit among the Luo. The Luo
community valued large families and therefore practiced
polygamy.Marriage among the Luo was exogamous (no one was
allowed to marry from their clan).
Several related families grouped together to form clans among the Luo.
They believed in one supernatural being whom they called Nyasaye.
They prayed to Nyasaye.The communities believed in the existence of
ancestral spirits, to whom sacrifices and libations were made to ensure
they remained happy. Sacred shrines and trees existed. He rocks, high
hills and even the lake were associated with supernatural power.There
was the existence of religious leaders whose work was to lead the
communities during religious functions and perform rituals. These
included priests, medicine people, rain makers and diviners. For one to
be a medicine person, a benevolent spirit called Juogi must possess him
or her.The Luo youths as their form of initiation extracted six lower
teeth. After that they were allowed to marry.The Luo had several social
ceremonies that accompanied the rites of passage like marriage and
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Economic organization
~ The Luo were originally a pastoral and fishing community. They
Practiced livestock keeping for prestige and cultural purposes e.g. dowry
and for meat and milk.
~ The carried out Fishing along water courses due to their proximity to
the lake. Both men and women conducted fishing, which was a source of
food as well as a trade commodity.
~ The Luo Traded with their neighbors. They sold pots, baskets, cattle,
fish and livestock for grains, spears, arrows and canoes from the
Abaluhyia, Abagusii, Kipsigis and Nandi.
~ They also Cultivated plants like millet, sorghum, etc
~ Most of them practiced hunting and gathering to get additional meat
and hides and to supplement the food they produced.
~ They practiced craft. Women specialized in production of pottery
products, baskets and clothes
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The Cushites
These were the smallest linguistic group in Kenya inhabiting the
northern part of Kenya. They are a nomadic Sam speaking group. They
comprise the Borana, Gabra, Galla (Oromo), Rendille and Burji.The
communities developed complex social, economic and political
institutions that were interrupted by the coming of the Muslims and
Economic organization
They had a diversified economic system that catered for their livelihood
and supported their lifestyle.They basically practiced
Pastoralism/livestock keeping in their semi-arid region – They kept
cattle, goats, camel and donkeys. Camels and cattle provided milk and
blood and were assigning of prestige. Goats and sheep provided meat.
Some Cushites who lived along river valleys practiced substance
agriculture where they grew grain crops, vegetables, dates, peas, pepper,
tubers and bananas.They also practiced iron smelting and made iron
tools e.g. swords, knives, bangles and arrow heads.They hunted wild
game for food, ivory, skins (hides) for clothing, bedding and gathered
fruits and roots and vegetables. They engaged in craft industry e.g.
production of leather items such as handbags, belts etc.Some of them
who lived near rivers and along the Indian Ocean practiced fishing.They
traded with their neighbours e.g. the Pokomo and the Samburu.
was performed and the senior age sets retired from public life and settled
in different territories.
The Somali
The social organization of the Somali.Like Somali were organized into
clans each comprising of families whose members claimed common
descent. They also had an age set system. Circumcision marked an entry
into an age set whose functions included defending the community from
external attacks, building huts and advising junior agesets on how to
raid. Each age set had a leader with specific duties. They believed in the
existence of a supreme god, whom they referred to as wak (waq). He
was the creator of everything. They had religious leaders who mediated
between God and the people
Later on, through interaction with their neighbours, all the Somali
became Muslims by the 16thc.The Somali valued marriage as an
important institution. They were polygamous and their marriage was
exogamous in nature.
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Economic organization
a) The Somali were hunters and gathers. They hunted wild game for
food and gathered fruits and roots and vegetables.
b) They basically practiced nomadic Pastoralism. They kept cattle,
goats, camel and sheep.Their diet was mainly milk, meat and blood.
c) They traded with their neighbours to get what they could not produce
e.g. the Pokomo and the Mijikenda from whom they acquired grains.
d) A section of the Somali practiced iron smelting and made iron tools
e.g. swords, knives, bangles and arrow heads. They also engaged in craft
industry e.g. production of leather items such as handbags, belts etc.
e) Such craft activities were despised among the Somali and were
associated with a group whom they referred to as Sab (outcasts).
The Borana
They are a branch of the Oromo or Galla people who came from
Social organization
The Borana had a complex social organization.The society was divided
into clans led by elders whose responsibility was to settle disputes and
maintaining law and order. Each clan was made up of related families.
The borana had a strong belief in the extended family.The Borana were
nomadic. But they had a residential section called the camp that
consisted of a few huts of related families. .In the camps, it was the most
senior married and competent man who became the head of the camp
(abba olla). He would have his wife’s hut built on the extreme left.The
Borana had a complex age-set structure called Gada. Each Gada was
headed by the most powerful individual among the group members
(Abba boku). His duty would be to preside over village meetings,
proclaim laws and preside over religious ceremonies.The community
had two kinship groups that practiced exogamous marriage.. A man
from the Gona kinship would only marry from the Sabbo kinship.
Polygamy was allowed.The family among the borana was headed by a
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man referred to as Abba warra with the wife as the female head of the
household (Hatimana)
There was division of labour in the society. The men defended the
camps, wells, herds and shrines. They dug wells and organized raiding
parties. The men also elected leaders of camps, age sets and Gada class.
The women performed household duties, wove baskets for carrying
children, prepared leather and built houses. Boys herded sheep, goats
and cattle. Elders presided over the court cases.The borana worshipped a
powerful God, the creator whom they called Wak (waq). He was
worshipped through religious leaders
They had a patrilineal society where inheritance was from the father to
the son, and specifically the first son, angafa, who would then
redistribute the inherited cattle to the younger brothers.Their culture
was full of ceremonies. For example, there were ceremonies when a
Gada class entered or left a Gada grade, there was war ceremony (butta)
and a muda ceremony in honor of the kinship leader, kallu.
Economic organization
a) The borana were basically practiced nomadic Pastoralists who kept
cattle, goats and sheep. Cattle was slaughtered as part of their religious
rituals and also provided raw materials for houses and other local
b) They traded with their neighbours to get what they could not produce
e.g. they exchanged their animals with the Mijikenda from whom they
acquired grains.
c) The Borana were hunters and gathers. They hunted wild game for
food and gathered fruits and roots and vegetables.
d) Those who settled in the fertile region along the tana valley grew
crops like beans and pepper.
e) The Borana women engaged in craft industry e.g. production of
leather items such as handbags, belts etc. men also made wooden tools,
weapons and utensils.
f) The Borana also practiced fishing as they settled along river tana.
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The Greeks
Their coming to east Africa is accounted for by the quarrels between the
Seleucid rulers in Greece and the Ptolemaic Greeks in Egypt over
control of the land route to the east through the Mediterranean lands.The
rising demand for ivory made the ptolemies venture into the red sea and
finally into the east African coast. Evidence of Greek existence on the
coast is the Ptolemic Gold Coin found near Dar es Salam.
In AD 45, Hippalus, a Roman sailor using monsoon wind knowledge
reached the red sea and entered the Indian Ocean. The Romans were
keen on breaking the Arab monopoly over trade.Evidence of trade
between the Romans and the coast is in the writing of a Roman Historian
Pliny (23-79AD) who points out the high coast of trade between India,
Arabia and china.The fall of the Roman Empire in the 5 th c AD affected
international trading network in the Roman Empire.
They were mainly immigrants from Shirazi on the eastern shore of the
Persian Gulf. Their adventure into the east African coast happened
during the reign of the Sassanid Dynasty(224-636AD), which was
determined to rebuild the Persian Empire that had been destroyed by the
Macedonian Greeks, through wealth amassed from international trade.
By the 6th c, the Persians were trading in India and later china,
controlling the red sea and parts of Egypt and Arabia.They got involved
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in the east African trade and even established ruling dynasties9 e.g. the
(Shirazi Dynasty) at the coast. They intermarried with the locals and
introduced Islamic religion.They were later overthrown by the Arabs.
The succeeded in introducing Bowls of glass, swords, beakers and pots
to the coast.
They visited the coast in the middle ages. This is evidenced in the work
of the Chinese authors during the Sung Dynasty (960- 1279 AD) and
Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), who referred to the east African coast as
Tseng- Pat or Pseng- Po.There has also been evidence of Chinese coins
dating to 700 AD at the coast.The last Chinese fleet must have reached
Mogadishu in 1430AD. The Chinese brought in Silk cloth, porcelain
bowls and plates in exchange for Gold\, leopard skin, Rhino Horns and
tortoise shells. Porcelain remains have been found at the coast.
The earliest Arab settlers to arrive were the Daybui from Daybul In
north western India. They arrived along the east African coast by AD
650 for trade. The earliest Arab settlement was Qanbalu (Pemba). They
later settled in manda, Kilwa. Lamu and Mombasa.The Arabs reffered to
the Africans as the Zenj (Blacks)
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~ They ensured the control of the red sea was in their hands to bar the
enemy from attacking them
~ The ports of southern Arabia were good calling places on their
journey between the east and the west.
~ The deep harbours at the coast were ideal for their ships to anchor,
refuel and get supplies.
Trade between the East African coast and the outside world
There is sufficient evidence of the existence of regular trading contacts
between east African coast and the countries in the Middle East and Far
oil and mangrove poles. Cowrie shells were obtained from Maldives
islands while spices came from Spice Island.
~ East Africa also exported leopard skins, gold, ostrich feathers, copal,
copper and iron. Ivory was used in Asia to make bangles, bracelets,
piano keys and for decorations
~ The traders relied on the monsoon winds to blow their ships to and
from the east African coast.
~ The Indian Ocean trade was conducted through the barter system but
later coins were used as a medium of exchange. During barter, the
foreigners bartered their goods with gold, ivory and slaves. Seyyid said
later introduced copper and silver coins.
~ The middlemen in the trade included the Arabs and Swahili who
organized caravans to the interior to acquire local goods which they sold
to traders at the coast.
~ As there was no common language spoken, trading was conducted
silently, hence the name ‘silent trade’
~ Capital for the trade was provided by the Arabs. Later the Indian
banyans started giving credit facilities to the traders which increased the
volume of trade.
~ The sultan of Zanzibar provided security to the Arab traders, enabling
them to penetrate the interior to acquire goods.
~ The trade stimulated development of towns along the coastline. E.g
Rhapta (probably located between pangani and Dar es Salam), Essina
and Sarapion were the earliest towns to grow. Lamu Malindi Mombasa,
pate and Brava also developed.
~ The merchants settled at various places on the coast and on the islands
and interacted with the locals leading to development of the Swahili
(k) The increased demand for slaves promoted warfare among the
communities as many people were captured during slave raids. It also
created fear while others lost their life during the warfare.
(l) Slave trade also disrupted African economies as able bodied men
were captured leaving behind the aged, weak, and children who made
little contribution. Many even died of starvation since they could not
participate in food production.
(m) African population in the hinterland greatly reduced as many were
sold into slavery.
(n) Money (currency) was introduced as a means of exchange to replace
the barter system of trade.
(o) East African coast was exposed to the outside world through trade.
This paved way for European imperialism later on.
(p) Trade routes led to the establishment of trade caravan routes which
later were upgraded to by the colonialists.
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Reasons for the coming of the Portuguese at the East African coast
a) The need to establish a commercial empire in order to get the
products of East Africa e.g. ivory, gold, silks and spices that were
mainly controlled by the Arabs merchants.
b) They wanted to obtain control of the main trading towns, e.g. Kilwa,
Mombasa etc.
c) They wanted to defeat the Muslim traders and rulers who had
monopolized the Indian Ocean trade.
d) They wanted to prevent other European rivals from gaining access to
the Indian Ocean Trade e.g. the French, Dutch, and British
e) Desire to get revenue for the development of their country.
f) The Portuguese wished to share in the profits of the Indian Ocean
Trade by imposing taxes and forcing wealthy coastal towns to pay
tribute to the king of Portugal.
g) The coast had natural harbors where ships could anchor on their way
to and from the East for fresh food and water. The Portuguese therefore
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wanted to establish a calling station for resting, refresh, treating the sick,
repairing wrecked ships e.t.c
h) The coast was strategically located and this made it easy to control
sea pirates and other rival powers.
i) They wanted to revenge on the Muslim Arabs who had conquered
Portugal in 711 AD by converting them to Christianity and stop the
spread of Islam i.e. the Arabs had ever run the Iberian Peninsula and
forced the Christians to accept Islam.
j) They hoped to get assistance of King Prester John thought to be in the
interior of north –east Africa. They hoped the king would help them in
their crusade against the Muslims.
k) They had hope of stopping Egyptians and Turks from sending
military aid to their fellow Moslems on the coast.
l) They were interested in exploration and adventure; this was a period
of Renaissance (means to be born again/change) in Europe. Hence hoped
to search for the unknown, new knowledge and sailing across un
mapped seas.
m) Desire to acquire revenue for the development of their country.
Portuguese conquest of the coast 1500-1510
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a. The area North of Cape Delgado was ruled by the Captain at Malindi.
b. The area South of Cape Delgado was ruled by Captain at
midpoint of the East Africa possession. Sofala was made the regional
headquarters but still under the charge of the captain who took his orders
from the viceroy at Goa. Later, the Captain in the North was stationed at
Mombasa after the construction of Fort Jesus in 1593 because they were
rebellious. Other forts and garrisons were established at Sofala and
people had enjoyed were no more. The trade that had made them rich
was declining. Many buildings were in ruins and there was widespread
poverty and misery.
Reasons that led to the decline of the Portuguese at the East African
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~ Mombasa for example resisted the humiliation they got from the
Portuguese appointedsultan
~ The sultan’s heir Yusuf was treated as a servant who resented the
people of Mombasa
~ On 15thaugust 1631, during the Christian feast of Assumption in
Mombasa, Sultan Yusuf stabbed the captain with a knife, killing him
instantly. This sparked off a rebellion where many Portuguese were
~ Yusuf posed a threat to the Portuguese rule until his death in 1637.
~ The people of pate also revolted in 1666. However, their ruler was
arrested and exiled to Goa where he was executed
~ In 1622, the Persians drove the Portuguese from Hormuz. In 1650, the
Portuguese were expelled from their bases in Muscat by the Omani
Arabs under sultan Saif
~ Britain, France and Holland also began to compete the Portuguese in
~ The final blow to Portuguese rule was attack by the Omani Arabs and
the seizure of fort Jesus. The coastal Arab towns had appealed to their
brothers in Oman for assistance against the Portuguese brutality.
~ In 1652, an Oman fleet sailed to pate and Zanzib ar, overpowered and
killed the Portuguese.
~ In 1696, Imam Saif Ibn Sultan of Oman sailed to Mombasa with a
large fleet and army. The Portuguese took refuge in Fort Jesus as battle
raged on (about 2500 Portuguese men, women and children) the
Portuguese were unfortunate as they could not get supplies to sustain the
war with 3000 plus Arab soldiers with full packing of the coastal people.
~ In 1697, the Omani forces got access to the Fort and found most
Portuguese afflicted with
disease. By December 1698, the Omanis penetrated the Fort only to find
all except twelve Portuguese dead. This marked the end of Portuguese
rule though they made a temporaryseizure of the fort in 1728 but were
~ For the coastal people, it was however a mere change of guard from
the Portuguese to the Arabs.
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a) The Portuguese built Fort Jesus at the coast in Mombasa in1592/3
which became a fortress and later a tourist attraction for centuries.
b) They enriched the Swahili language with an addition of 60 words e.g.
emeza meaning table and pesa meaning money.
c) They introduced new crops from South Africa of which many have
become staple diet for many East Africans e.g. cassava, pawpaws,
maize, oranges, sweet potatoes, guavas, pineapples and mangoes
d) They made an improvement in ship building. During their stay on the
coast, many architects came in from India and Europe.
e) There was establishment of closer trading links between the coast and
f) They introduced new farming methods for example they encouraged
the use of cow dung as manure.
g) They led to the coming of more European and Asian traders and
craftsmen especially those who helped in the building of Fort Jesus.
h) They broke the Muslim- Arab monopoly of the Indian Ocean Trade.
a) Trade declined due to the constant wars and rebellions and heavy
taxes imposed.
b) There was decline of the coastal towns because many were burnt
down and left in ruins for example Kilwa and Mombasa.
c) There was widespread poverty and misery among the coastal people
due to decline in trade.
d) There was heavy loss of lives during the attacks. There was
depopulation due to the many wars in the areas
e) There was destruction of property like buildings and crops, which led
to famine and starvation.
f) The coastal people suffered oppression and brutality under harsh rule
of the Portuguese.
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The struggle
The appointment of Mohammed Ibn Azthman al Mazrui as the new
governor of Mombasa coincided with the death of the Oman Imam Saif
Ibn- Sultan of the Yorubi and his replacement with Ahmed Bin Said al-
Busaidi.The new Mombasa governor refused to recognize the new imam
and declared the independence of Mombasa from Oman. The sultan had
him murdered and fort Jesus seized. A year later, the brother of the
murdered governor recaptured the town and the fort. This became the
century long struggle between the al-busaidi and al-Mazrui
families.Taking advantage of the problems in Oman, Mombasa
expanded her power and control over the coastal towns (she took over
pate in 1807 and attacked Lamu in 1810). Lamu appealed to Oman for
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~ The main slave market where slaves were auctioned was at Zanzibar.
~ The journey across the India Ocean was horrible.
~ Crowded in ships with hardly any space to breath. Ships carried
anything from 250 to 600 slaves. They were very overcrowded and
packed like spoons with no room even to turn.
~ Whenever they saw anti-slave trade people, slaves would be thrown in
the ocean
~ As a result many died in the process.
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Negative effects
a) African population was reduced; people who would have been great
leaders and empire builders were killed. It is estimated that over 15 to 30
million people were sold in to slavery while other millions died in the
process being transported.
b) Slave trade brought misery, suffering and lowered the quality of
people in East Africa this is because they were reduced to ‘commodities’
which could be bought and sold on land.
c) Villages and families were destroyed and broken up by slave raiders
and never to be reunited this later resulted in to loss of identity.
d) Diseases broke out among the overcrowded slaves for example the
Spaniards introduced Syphilis and soon it spread to other traders.
e) Slave trade led to displacement of people and many became homeless
and destitute many and stayed in Europe with no identity.
f) Economic activities such as farming were disrupted. This is because
the young and able craftsmen, traders and farmers were carried off,
causing economic stagnation as the economic workforce depleted.
g) Progress slowed down, which resulted in famine, poverty and
destitution and helplessness.
h) There was a decline in production of traditional goods such as coffee,
beans, bark cloth and iron which greatly hindered the cash economy.
i) There was a decline in African industries which also faced a lot of
competition from imported manufactured goods for example the Bark
cloth and iron working industries.
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~ The Abolition movement which had begun in Britain and her overseas
territory first took effect in West Africa. The decline in West African
trade encouraged the expansion of trade in East Africa especially with
America and West Indies.
~ Disregard of human life, many African rulers tended to put less value
for the lives of their subjects whom they ruled for example quite often, a
ruler of a tribe would easily order his warriors to attack the villages of
his subjects and seize their property, kill some of them.
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raw sugar, raw cotton and unprocessed minerals from America which
she was not willing to lose.
~ The anti slavery campaign was too expensive for Britain alone to
compensate slave owners.
~ Stopping slave trade in the interior was difficult because Arabs were
in control of large areas.
~ The East African coastline was long which delayed the anti-slavery
group penetration in the interior.
~ Seyyid Said and Barghash were always unwilling to end slave trade at
once due to fear of losing revenue and risk of rebellion by Arabs who
found it profitable.
~ The anti-slavery group was small compared to the East African Coast.
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~ European powers continued with slave trade, they shipped the slave
cargos in to ships bearing American Flags.
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g) The rise of men with new ideas e.g. Prof. Adam Smith(challenged
the economic arguments which were the basis of slave trade when he
argued convincingly that hired labour is cheaper and more productive
than slave labour, Rou sseau spread the idea of personal liberty and
equality of all men.
h) Slaves had become less profitable and yet had led to over population
in Europe.
j) The ship owners stopped transporting slaves from Africa and began
transporting raw materials directly from Africa and America to Europe,
which led to a decline in slave trade.
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~ The first step was taken in 1772 when slavery was declared illegal
and abolished in Britain. The humanitarians secured judgment against
slavery from the British court.
~ In 1807, British parliament outlawed slave trade for British subjects.
~ 1817 British negotiated the “reciprocal search treaties” with Spain and
~ Equipment treaties signed with Spain 1835 Portugal 1842 and
America 1862.
~ In E. Africa in 1822 Moresby treaty was signed between Captain
Moresby and Sultan Seyyid Said it forbade the shipping of slaves
outside the sultan’s territories. British ships were authorized to stop and
search suspected Arab slave-carrying dhows. ~ In 1845, Hamerton
treaty was signed between Colonel Hamerton and Sultan Seyyid Said. It
forbade the shipping of slaves outside the Sultan‘s East African
possessions, i.e., beyond Brava to the north.
~ In 1871 the British set up a parliamentary commission of inquiry to
investigate and report on slave trade in E. Africa.
~ In 1872 Sir Bartle Frere persuaded Sultan Barghash to stop slave trade
but not much was achieved.
On 5th March 1873, the Sultan passed a decree prohibiting the export of
slaves from main land and closing of slave market at Zanzibar. Zanzibar
slave market was to be closed within 24 hours.
~ 1876 the Sultan decreed that no slaves were to be transported
~ 1897 decree left slaves to claim their freedom themselves
~ 1907, slavery was abolished entirely in Zanzibar and Pemba.
~ In 1927, slavery ended in Tanganyika when Britain took over from
Germany after the 2nd world war.
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f) Slave trade markets were also closed for example Zanzibar in 1873
following the frère treaty signed between Sultan Barghash and Bantle
~ The Akamba organized caravans that left for the coast on weekly
basis to sell ivory, gum copra, honey, bees wax, rhinoceros horns and
skins. They had prosperous traders like chief Kivoi who is remembered
for organizing the trade.
~ They set up markets and routes in the interior.
~ The source of slaves and ivory extended as far as Mt. Kenya region,
Baringo and the shores of Lake Victoria.
~ The trade led to the development of Mombasa and Lamu as important
market points.
~ The Waswahili and Mijikenda traders were also used in the trading
caravans to the interior.
~ By 1860s, Arabs and Swahili traders started penetrating to the interior
of Kenya as far as Uganda.
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~ In Kenya, the main trading centres were taveta, Mbooni hills, elureko
in Wanga and Miazini near Ngong and along Lake Baringo.
~ By 1870, the Akamba dominance in the trade declined as a result of
competition from the Arab and Waswahili traders who began penetrating
into the interior to get goods from the source.
~ Movement between the interior and the coast was carried out in
caravans along well defined routes.
~ The trade routes became insecure due to the Oromo and Maasai raids.
~ The abolition of slave trade also affected the long distance trade.
~ In Tanganyika, the Yao, nyamwezi, Arabs and Waswahili were great
traders. The Yaoexchanged tobacco, hoes, and animal skins at Kilwa
with imported goods like cloth and beads. They were also the principal
suppliers of ivory and slaves to Kilwa. The Yao were the most active
long distance traders in east Africa.
~ The Arabs and Waswahili traders organized caravans into the interior
and set up markets and trade routes. They were given security by Seyyid
said who signed treaties with Chief Fundikira of the Nyamwezi to allow
the Arab traders to pass through his territory.
~ They established interior Arab settlements at Tabora which became
the centre of Arab culture.
the Baganda acquired cattle, ivory, slaves and grains which the sold to
the Arabs.
~ The Khartoumers also practiced long distance trade. They raided the
northern part of Uganda for ivory and slaves.
~ Arab and Waswahili traders ventured into the Bunyoro kingdom by
1877 for ivory.
~ There were three main trade routes that linked east African coast
and the interior;
a) From Mombasa through the Mijikenda area onto Taita-taveta then
branching into two. One leading to Kilimanjaro onto the Lake Victoria
region the diversion was to evade the hostile Maasai. . The other branch
proceeded northwards from taveta across Galan River into Ukambani
then to mt Kenya region and further west. Taveta became an important
point on these routes.
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Missionaries in Tanganyika
The missionaries here enjoyed the support of the sultan of Zanzibar,
Seyyid Said.
At Zanzibar, the Roman Catholic missionaries began to follow the lead
of CMS in taking interest in East Africa. The CMS began a freed slave
centre at Freetown in 1875 where the freed slaves were taught
Christianity and formal education. The slave villages later became
Christian outposts. The CMS finally reached Uganda in 1879 where they
were later joined by the White Fathers from Tabora and Ujiji.In 1863, a
group of missionaries from the Holy Ghost Fathers arrived from
Reunion where they had been working among freed slaves and began
their work in Zanzibar. They also began a freed slave settlement at
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Bagamoyo. By 1885, they had set up five villages that were to act as
Christian outposts
Missionaries in Uganda
The pioneer missionaries were the members of the CMS based in
Tabora, Tanganyika.
The first protestant missionaries were sent from England in 1876 after a
letter that was sent by Henry Morton Stanley confirming Kabaka Mutesa
I’s invitation. They came in through Tabora and Usukuma and reached
Rubaga, mutesa’s capital in 1877 where they set up a church. In 1879,
the Roman Catholic Missionaries and White Fathers followed also from
Tabora and Kibanga.The Protestants and Catholics were supported by
Kabaka Mwanga though he did not want them to work outside the
capital and beyond the royal family. This arrangement did not favour
Missionary work in Uganda.Soon there ensued rivalry between the
Catholics and protestants. The kabaka had also embraced Muslims and
African traditionalists to the level of generating the infamous religious
and political conflicts that rocked the kingdom eventually leading to its
colonization.Missionary work expanded upto lake Nyasa. For example
the Scottish Mission of the Livingstone Mission and the church of
Scotland Mission set upstatations around lake Nyasa in 1876.
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c) The support they got from some of the local chiefs and kings led to
their success. For instance, the sultan of Zanzibar gave them immense
support. Mutesa I of Buganda and Mirambo of Nyamwezi all gave them
protection as well as rights to do their work in their territories.
d) The earlier explores helped to map out potential areas of East Africa
for smooth missionary work. For instance, H.M Stanley had identified
Buganda as a hospitable community for the missionaries and they were
later welcomed by the Kabaka of Buganda in 1877.
e) The support missionaries got from their home governments led them
to success. This was inform of finance and physical manpower for
instance colonial governments gave protection to the missionaries
whenever they were challenged by local chiefs or other threats. For
instance Captain Lugard supported the Prot estants in the religious wars
in Buganda.
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j) Their efforts in life saving services like medical care (Quinine) won
them great admiration among the people of East Africa that few were
ready to oppose them. The discovery of quinine also facilitated their
work as it cured tropical diseases.
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the London news paper wrote after his death, “the work for Africa must
hence forth begin in earnest where Livingstone left it off.”
b) There was a problem of the influence of Islam. Arabs being the first
group of people to arrive at the coast and interior had deep rooted Islam
into the people thus making it difficult for the people to easily adopt
Christianity. For example, by the time Sir Edward
Frere arrived in East Africa (1873) Rebmann had only 6 converts.
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(b) African religious beliefs, culture and traditions were despised and
demoralized for example the birth and murder of twins, human sacrifice.
(f) They studied African languages and translated the Bible into various
languages. For example Kraft translated the New Testament of the Bible
into Swahili, Bishop Edward Steere based inZanzibar learnt and studied
Swahili and translated books from English to Swahili, published the
New Testament and the entire Bible in 1891.
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(m) They contributed to the rise of nationalism. This was made possible
through education where the African elite emerged and started
demanding for independence e.g. Tom Mboya, Obote, Nyerere, and
(n) They fought slave trade which was later abolished and equality and
liberty for all was encouraged in East Africa.
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i) Religion was a mechanism of divide and rule. The converts and the
non-converts hated each other which caused division to the advantage of
the Europeans.
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What is citizenship?
This refers to the legal right of a person to belong to a particular country.
A Kenyan citizen is a person who has the legal right to belong, live and
do freely all that has to do with their life in Kenya.
Citizenship by birth
The following are the Ways through which citizenship by birth is
acquired in Kenya.
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Citizenship by registration
Conditions for qualification to apply for Citizenship by registration are
as follows:
a) If a person has been married to a Kenyan citizen for a period of at
least seven years.
b) If A person who has been lawfully resident in Kenya for a continuous
period of at least seven years applies to be registered.
c) If a child who is not a citizen, is adopted by a citizen and applies to
be registered.
d) Citizenship may be granted to individuals who are citizens of other
countries that allow Kenyans citizenship in their countries.
Revocation of citizenship
The revocation of citizenship by registration may happen under the
following circumstances.
a) If a person acquired citizenship by fraud, false representation or
concealment of any material fact.
b) If the person has, during any war in which Kenya was engaged,
unlawfully traded or communicated with an enemy or been engaged in
or associated with any business that was knowingly carried on in such a
manner as to assist an enemy in that war.
c) If the person has, within five years after registration, been convicted
of an offence and sentenced to imprisonment for a term of three years or
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3. Human dignity
Every person’s dignity should be respected and protected. One must not
ridicule or embarrass other members of society.
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6. Right to privacy
Every person has a right NOT to have him or herself, his or her property
searched, or his or her possessions seized. Not revealing a person’s
family or private affairs unnecessarily or private communications
interfered with.
Those demonstrating must not interfere with peace of others for example
through harassment of motorists and property destruction.
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8. Political rights
Every citizen is free to make political choices, which includes the right
to form, or participate in forming, a political party and to participate in
the activities of, a political party.Every citizen has the right to free, fair
and regular elections based on universal suffrage and the free`
expression of the will of the electors for any elective public body or
office. Every adult citizen has the right, without unreasonable
restrictions, to be registered as a voter; to vote by secret ballot in any
election or referendum and to be a candidate for public office, or office
within a political party and, if elected, to hold officer responsibility.It is
illegal to prevent other people from participating in elections, buy votes
Every citizen must pay tax.
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a. The accused person has the responsibility of obeying instructions of
the court.
b. They must behave well in court and outside the court
c. They should respect the rights of the accusers as well as their
d. Accused persons should behave as the law spells out while awaiting
the verdict of the court. Whatever the verdict, they should abide by the
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All citizens have a responsibility to ensure that the rights of those
detained, held in custody or imprisoned are respected. For example the
judicial staff , prison staff and the police should respect the
constitutional rights of all persons without discrimination.
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Conflict resolution
Conflict refers to a situation in which people or groups are involved in
serious disagreements, or disputes.Conflict resolution refers to the
process of settling a dispute when it occurs
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Arbitration procedure:
a. Both sides involved in conflict presents their case as they know it to
the arbitrator.
b. After listening to the complainant’s story, the arbitrator makes
questions to clarify some aspects of the story. The other group may also
seek clarification.
c. The second group then responds to the story by the first group by a
representative. The arbitrator again asks questions for clarification.
d. On grounds of applicable rules, the arbitrator should consider the
facts and then make a decision.
c) Mediation – a person who is not involved in the conflict tries to help
the warring parties reach an amicable agreement. The parties involved
must be willing to listen and come up with good ideas that can help them
solve the disagreement.
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~ Step 4. The Mediator suggests the solutions and invites the two
parties to give their opinions of the solutions proposed.
~ Step 5. Depending on the two parties’ reaction, the solution is looked
at afresh and then an acceptable solution identified.
~ Step 6. The acceptable agreement reached is then written down and
each party has to be committed to it.
d) Litigation. This is where one party takes the other to court and the
court makes judgments that are bidding on both sides.
e) Legislation – where the parliament passes laws to control conflict.
f) Workshops – this is where conflicting parties talk in the presence of
facilitators and tries to work out a resolution to the problem.
g) Arms inspection – the government in order to build confidence and
prevent misunderstanding between warring parties carries it out.
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