Time/Route Action
2/21/24 Generic Therapeutic 40mg Treatment of edema Inhibits CNS: vertigo, -Thoroughly monitor
Name: class: associated with CHF, reabsorption of dizziness, patient medical history
cirrhosis of liver, and sodium and
kidney disease, including chloride
weakness fever, for any conditions
Furosemide Antianginal Agents nephrotic syndrome. May primarily in loop restlessness. contraindicated for use
10:10am be used for management of Henle and of Furosemide.
of hypertension, alone or also in proximal CV: orthostatic
in combination with other and distal renal hypotension, -Monitor patient’s
Brand Pharmacologic antihypertensive agents, tubules; and
and for treatment of antihypertensive
thrombophlebitis intake and output
Name: class: IVTT with IV constantly. Changes in
hypercalcemia. Has been that decreases
used concomitantly with edema and administration. output may indicate
Lasix Nitrates mannitol for treatment of intravascular fluid volume loss or
Vasodilator severe cerebral edema, volume. EENT: blurred or dehydration.
particularly in meningitis. Reportedly less
yellow vision,
ototoxin than
ethacrynic acid. transient -Watch for signs of
deafness, hypokalemia, such as
tinnitus. muscle weakness and
GI: abdominal
discomfort and -Encourage patient to
pain, diarrhea, have an intake of
vomiting. potassium rich food i.e
bananas to help
GU: polyuria, replace potassium loss.
oliguria, anemia,
azotemia. -Instruct patient to
stand slowly to prevent