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Plastic waste as a significant threat to environment - A systematic literature


Article in Reviews on Environmental Health · September 2018

DOI: 10.1515/reveh-2017-0035


112 33,507

6 authors, including:

Muhammad Ilyas Waqas Ahmad

University of Peshawar institution of Chemical Sciences


Hizbullah Khan Saeeda Yousaf

University of Peshawar University of Peshawar


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Rev Environ Health 2018; aop


Muhammad Ilyas*, Waqas Ahmad, Hizbullah Khan, Saeeda Yousaf, Kifayatullah Khan
and Shah Nazir

Plastic waste as a significant threat to

environment – a systematic literature review
https://doi.org/10.1515/reveh-2017-0035 during the years 1999 to September 2017 were used for
Received October 9, 2017; accepted August 7, 2018 data collection.
Abstract Results: One hundred and fifty-three primary studies are
selected, based on predefined exclusion, inclusion and
Context: Materials which exceed the balance of their pro- quality criteria. These studies will help to identify the fate
duction and destruction lead to the deterioration in the of different waste plastics, their impact and management
environment. Plastic is one such material which poses a and the disposal techniques frequently used. The study
big threat to the environment. A huge amount of plastic is also identifies a number of significant techniques and
produced and dumped into the environment which does measures for the conversion of waste plastic materials
not readily degrade naturally. In this paper, we address into useful products.
the organization of a large body of literature published on Conclusion: Five fundamental strategies are used for the
the management of waste plastics being the most chal- handling of plastic waste. These strategies include: recy-
lenging issue of the modern world. cling, depositing in landfill, incineration, microbial deg-
Objectives: To address the issue of the management of radation and conversion into useful materials. All of these
waste plastics, there is a dire need to organize the litera- methods have their own limitations, due to which there is
ture published in this field. This paper presents a system- need to explore the studies for optimum solutions of the
atic literature review on plastic waste, its fate and bio- management of plastics waste.
degradation in the environment. The objective is to make
Keywords: conversion; degradation; fate; impacts; man-
conclusions on possible practical techniques to lessen the
agement; plastic waste.
effects of plastic waste on the environment.
Method: A systematic literature review protocol was fol-
lowed for conducting the present study [Kitchenham
B, Brereton OP, Budgen D, Turner M, Bailey J, Linkman Introduction
S. Systematic literature reviews in software engineer-
ing – A systematic literature review. Inf Softw Technol Plastic is a synthetic material which is widely used in a
2009;51(1):7–15.]. A predefined set of book sections, con- variety of different sectors. The word plastic is derived from
ference proceedings and high-quality journal publications a Greek word plastikos which means to be formed in dif-
ferent shapes (1). Plastic is a synthetic polymeric material
with a high molecular weight (2), made from a wide range of
*Corresponding author: Muhammad Ilyas, Department of organic compounds such as ethylene, vinyl chloride, vinyl
Environmental Sciences, University of Peshawar, Peshawar 25120, acetate, vinyl alcohol and so on. Plastics can be molded
Pakistan, E-mail: [email protected] into different shapes in its soft form and then it sets into a
Waqas Ahmad: Institute of Chemical Sciences, University of
rigid or slightly elastic form. The basic precursors for the
Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan
Hizbullah Khan and Saeeda Yousaf: Department of Environmental production of plastic materials are obtained from natural
Sciences, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan gas, coal and petroleum (3). Owing to the unique proper-
Kifayatullah Khan: Department of Environmental and Conservation ties of plastics such as: light weight, low cost, durability,
Sciences, University of Swat, Swat, Pakistan; and State Key robust, strength, corrosion resistance, thermal and electri-
Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for
cal insulation, versatile fabrication and design capabilities
Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
which can easily be molded into assorted products; plastic
Shah Nazir: Department of Computer Sciences, University of Swabi, finds a wide range of applications (4). Most of the common
Swabi 23340, Pakistan applications of plastic include packaging, construction,

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2 Ilyas et al.: A review of plastic waste and its threat to the environment

electronics, electrical goods, furniture, automobiles, environment consists of waste plastics, and its quantity
households, agriculture and other industrial usages (3). is rapidly increasing with increasing widespread use of
Their advantageous effect on society is unquestionable plastics. This paper focuses on providing the reader with
and plastics can be judged extreme importance by their the necessary details (related to the research questions)
applications in public health and medical uses. Being light about waste plastic and will contribute towards develop-
weight and biocompatible, plastic is a perfect material for ing a thorough understanding about the use and applica-
once-usage disposable devices, which currently include tions of a particular waste plastic management technique.
85% of medical equipment (5), including intravenous bags, The following are the main contributions of this
disposable syringes, sterile packaging for tissue engineer- research paper:
ing as well as in medical instruments, joint replacements, –– The research gives extensive insights about available
and many more (6). waste plastics’ management techniques.
As an result of their extensive applications, the pro- –– The paper outlines distinctive applications and uses
duction of plastics has been expanded, particularly of plastics for different purposes.
over the past 60 years. The plastics business has grown –– The primary concentration of the research is to recog-
impressively since the innovation of new technologies for nize which methods are utilized for the management
the production of polymers from a wide variety of petro- of waste plastics management.
chemicals. Plastics have significant advantages over other –– The research also aims to identify available tech-
materials (i.e. wood, ceramics, metals, etc.) such as their niques used for converting waste plastics into useful
lower cost, durability and low weight (7), therefore their products.
extensive applications and disposal leads to numerous
environmental issues. Approximately 4% of the world’s The rest of the paper is organized as follows; the section
oil and gas produced is utilized as feedstock for plastics Research process give details of the research process used
and about 3–4% is used in their manufacturing to provide which is based on the guidelines for conducting systematic
energy (8). Despite having a number of benefits for human literature reviews (SLRs) (12). The results and discussions
society, the plastics’ materials contribute an assortment of along with the answers to the research questions are briefly
demerits (9). Plastics contains various types of toxic com- discussed in the Research questions section. The limitations
ponents as additive, such as di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate of the present research work are given in the Limitations
(DEHP), bisphenol A (BPA), poly halogenated compounds section. The paper concludes in the Conclusions section.
and heavy metals which pose a potential health risk to
the humans (10). Most of these additives are shown to be
easily immobilized in the environment and this leads to
harmful effects on human health like the disruption of the
Research process
endocrine system (6). As plastics are not readily degraded
A great deal of research in various areas has been discov-
and are very stable in the ambient environment, their dis-
ered through the SLR (13) and confirmed as an approach
posal in the environment has currently created a consider-
to examine and analyze issues objectively. The motivation
able pollution problem (11).
behind the SLR is to methodically collect, interpret, evalu-
Presently, the management of waste plastics is a
ate and identify all the current examinations applicable to
major environmental issue. Several strategies have been
a predefined look into investigations for providing exten-
adopted for the handling of plastic waste which includes:
sive information to the research groups (13). As indicated
recycling, depositing in landfill, incineration, microbial
by the protocol adopted for the SLR (12) the three main
degradation and conversion into useful materials. Recy-
phases are reporting, conducting the SLR and protocol
cling of plastic is a costly and tedious practice because of
development. The following sub-sections briefly discuss
the collection, sorting and processing of waste plastics,
the protocol followed in the data collection process and
beside the low quality of the recycled goods limits their
conducting the SLR.
wide application (8). Land filling occupies productive
land and renders it unfit for other applications. Incin-
eration and pyrolytic conversion of waste plastic results Research definition
in the emission of hazardous atmospheric pollutants
including the polyaromatic hydrocarbons, CO2 (a green- The objective of this research was to have a deep under-
house gas) and persistent organic pollutants like dioxins standing about available waste plastic management tech-
(6). A major part of the solid waste dumped into the niques and their uses, especially when converting them

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Ilyas et al.: A review of plastic waste and its threat to the environment 3

Characterizea review procedure

Research questions (4 questions)
Characterize search strategy

Report search strategy

Exclusion & inclusion criteria Search process

Quality criteria assessment • Searching resources

• Searching keywords
Figure 1: Principle steps involved in the SLR processes.

Study selection
into useful products. The SLR gives a concise analysis of
• Inclusion/exclusion based on criteria
the techniques available for the management of waste • Scrutiny and data extraction
plastics with a specific goal to encourage the comprehen-
sion for various procedures utilized as a part of industry
Quality assessment
and research. The review also focuses on the possible
applications of plastics and different issues associated • Assessment based on quality criteria
• Weight assignment against each
with waste plastics. research question
A series of steps were used to perform the SLR and to
make the process more efficient and understandable. This
formal process plays a fundamental role in the accept- Data analysis
ance of the essence of the conclusion presented by the
• Distribution fitting
study. Figure 1 gives a preview of the steps followed in the
process of conducting the SLR (14).
Figure 2: Protocol developed and followed in the proposed study
for conducting SLR.
Research plan and method

Figure 2 introduces the protocol designed and the process for

Search process
conducting the SLR. The protocol was developed by Barbara
et al. (12). This study was conducted to help a PhD research
For a methodical writing survey, arranging and direct-
project for planning to make comprehensive derivations on
ing a formal pursuit process is extremely vital. A sorted-
available techniques to lessen the effects of plastic waste on
out pursuit process makes it conceivable to exhume
the environment. The writing audit was arranged and fol-
all the accessible advanced assets keeping in mind the
lowed as indicated by the designed protocol.
goal to locate all related accessible writing that meet
The following sections elaborate the protocol and the
the required criteria. For this investigation an inquiry
data collected by following the protocol.
has been led to discovering important papers located
in meeting procedures, books, journals, conferences
Research questions and other online materials. In the present study several
keywords related to the design and estimation of waste
The research questions (RQ) addressed through this litera- plastics based on the research questions (provided in the
ture review are given below: Research questions section) were searched in the digital
RQ1. What are the different uses and applications of libraries mentioned below. The search process is shown
plastics? in Figure 3.
RQ2. What are the different environmental impacts of The Following libraries were searched for the studies
waste plastics? What are the different types of techniques related to the research (Figure 4):
available for the management of waste plastics? a. Web of Science (webofknowledge.com/)
RQ3. How the degradation of waste plastics take place b. ScienceDirect (http://www.sciencedirect.com)
in the environment? Which management technique is typ- c. SpringerLink (http://www.springer.com/in/)
ically used for handling waste plastics? d. Taylor and Francis Online (http://www.tandfonline.
RQ4. Is it possible to convert waste plastics into useful com/)
products? e. Wiley Online Library (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/)

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4 Ilyas et al.: A review of plastic waste and its threat to the environment

of literature in the form of journal publications, confer-

Step 1 Identifying key words based on research questions
ences and other published material including books,
magazines, etc.. All of the included digital repositories
Step 2 Find the alternate spellings and synonyms were manually searched using predefined keywords.
The necessary bibliographic information and citations
were carefully handled using Endnote software (15). It
Step 3 Verification of keywords in relevant papers was decided to maintain a separate Endnote library for
each digital source in the first search process, and then
after filtering and excluding the duplications all of the
Step 4 Use of boolean operators for searching
libraries were merged into a single file library. This bibli-
ographic information contains all the necessary informa-
Figure 3: Steps of the search process of keywords in the proposed
tion including author(s) name, title of article, journal/
conference name, year of publishing and number of
pages of the article.
f. US National Library of Medicine National Institute After filtering, a list containing a total of 202 refer-
of Health (PubMed) (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ ences were managed in the file of the Endnote library. The
pubmed/) details of the overall search process in the specified digital
g. American Chemical Society (ACS Publications) libraries are outlined in Figure 5. A total of 4457 titles were
(http://pubs.acs.org/) found. The duplications in these publications (more than
one version of the paper) were removed. After that the
The keywords for the search were decided by the papers were checked manually and then filtered by titles,
authors. These keywords include “waste plastic fate”, filtered by abstracts and finally filtered by the contents.
“waste plastic impacts”, “waste plastic conversion”, The initial selection filtering process was performed man-
“waste plastic management” and “waste plastic deg- ually by titles and a total of 1528 articles were obtained.
radation”. Most of the papers were found by search- These 1528 articles were then filtered manually by abstract
ing using only the keyword “plastics”. Other keyword and a total of 380 articles were obtained. In the last step
strings created using terms “OR” and “AND” were also these articles were again filtered by contents and finally a
used to make sure that no relevant publication was total of 153 articles were selected. These articles were then
missed out (14). used in the literature review based on the research ques-
The proposed study and search process were for the tions defined and the details of these papers are shown in
years 1999 to September 2017. The search exposed a bulk Figure 5.

Figure 4: Libraries searched for the studies related to the proposed research.

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Ilyas et al.: A review of plastic waste and its threat to the environment 5

ISI web of Wiley online Tailor and ACS

Springer Science direct PubMed
knowledge library frances publisher

Waste plastic Waste plastic Waste plastic

Waste plastic fate Waste plastic impacts
conversion managment degradation

415 632 528 882 589 554 887



Filter by tile Filter by abstract Filter by content

ISI web of 14 11

Wiley online 360 104 19


Tailor and
102 43 35

Springer 196 38 15

Science direct 240 31 23

PubMed 541 127 38

publication 56 23 12


Figure 5: Search process based on keywords for articles in relevant libraries and their filtering.

Study selection –– These sources clearly discuss the use and application
of plastic wastes.
After obtaining a collection of papers through the search –– These studies provide clear descriptions and context
process it was considered necessary to further filter the which is required to answer the defined questions.
papers according to the predefined inclusion and exclu-
sion criteria, to be able to have only those materials The papers which referenced waste plastic only in
which are exactly focused on the research questions to be the l­iterature review section and were not actually
answered. It was decided to include the literature sources providing any notable material in this context were
in the review according to the following criteria: excluded.

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6 Ilyas et al.: A review of plastic waste and its threat to the environment

Study selection process analysis for the selected papers in the range of the given
The study selection based on some defined criteria is a
very complex process and consists of several steps. For
this reason, the study selection was carried out in two Quality assessment
stages. In the first stage the titles of the articles were
checked manually according to defined inclusion and After the literature selection process, the quality assess-
exclusion criteria and the irrelevant papers were excluded. ment of the selected papers was performed. In the defined
In the second stage of the search process the articles were protocol each of the paper was assessed against the quality
filtered by checking the abstract of the papers and as a criteria. All of the research papers were reviewed and the
result some papers were excluded as these were not rel- quality of the selected papers with respect to each research
evant to the present research. And in the final stage the question was assessed. The following is the quality crite-
papers were filtered by checking their contents. Table 1 ria (QR) defined against each research question.
shows the papers selected after a three-stage filtering QR1. The paper emphasizes different uses and appli-
process. After that duplications in all individual libraries cations of plastics.
were excluded. Table 2 shows the final selected papers QR2. The paper provides in depth detail of the envi-
after excluding duplications and the filtering process. ronmental impacts and techniques used in the manage-
This process resulted in retrieving only the most relevant ment of waste plastic.
papers, explicitly passed through the defined inclusion QR3. The paper provides a clear description of
and exclusion criteria (169). how the degradation of waste plastics take place in the
Final selected papers along with the titles and cita- environment.
tions are given in Table 2. QR4. The paper clearly states process/technique (in
Table 3 shows the publication types which are in the general or for a specific waste plastic conversion into a
form of book sections, conference papers and journal useful product).
articles. Each of the selected papers was read and analyzed
The graphical representation of year wise publications manually by the authors. The separate quality criteria of
is shown in Table 4. The time series data was tested with each research question helped the authors to objectively
95% confidence levels. When the p value was less than the assess the quality of the answers to the research questions
significance level (0.05), the null hypothesis would reject provided in each of the selected papers. To quantify this
it and this meant that a trend (change) existed. Analysis assessment for further analysis, each paper was assigned
revealed that there is a more significant trend detected in weights against each research question based on the
the selected papers having a p-value 0.0001, showing the assessment of quality against the above-mentioned crite-
best analysis results with a standard deviation 13.54. This ria. The weights were assigned in the following manner.
analysis shows the research in the area of waste plastics in –– 0 when the paper does not provide any information
a given range of years. According to the trend detection of regarding the defined question.
the studies, there is a clear increase in research and pub- –– 0.5 for a question partially but satisfactorily explained
lications after 2014, marking the increasing importance in a paper.
and application of waste plastics. Figure 6 represents this –– 1 for a question fully explained in the paper.

Table 1: Data sources, their search strategy and filtering of papers

Sources Total result found (keyword- First stage selection Second stage selection (Abstract Final
based search in digital libraries) (title-based filtering) and conclusions-based filtering) selection

ISI Web of Science 415 33 14 11

Science Direct 589 240 31 23
Springer 882 196 38 15
Taylor and Francis 528 102 43 35
Wiley Online Library 632 360 104 19
PubMed 554 541 127 38
ACS Publication 857 56 23 12

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Table 2: Details of selected papers after final selection.

Ref. no. Paper title Year Type of publication

(16) Pyrolysis-catalysis of waste plastic using a nickel-stainless-steel mesh catalyst for high-value carbon products 2017 Journal
(17) Plastic waste as strength modifiers in asphalt for a sustainable environment 2017 Journal
(18) Performance of recycled plastic waste modified asphalt binder in Saudi Arabia 2017 Journal
(19) Production use and fate of all plastics ever made 2017 Journal
(20) Composite fibers from recycled plastics using melt centrifugal spinning 2017 Journal
(21) Mechanical and chemical recycling of solid plastic waste 2017 Journal
(22) Plastic waste problem and education for plastic waste management 2017 Book section
(23) Energy recovery from pyrolysis of plastic waste: study on non-recycled plastics (NRP) data as the real measure of plastic waste 2017 Journal
(24) A review on conversion techniques of liquid fuel from waste plastic materials 2017 Journal
(25) Recycling of plastic waste: screening for brominated flame retardants (BFRs) 2017 Journal
(26) Microbial enzymatic degradation of biodegradable plastics 2017 Journal
(27) An experimental study on thermo-catalytic pyrolysis of plastic waste using a continuous pyrolyzer 2017 Journal
(28) Plastic debris in the Mediterranean Sea: types, occurrence and distribution along Adriatic shorelines 2017 Journal
(29) Degradation of plastics in the marine environment 2017 Book section
(30) Plastic waste to liquid oil through catalytic pyrolysis using natural and synthetic zeolite catalysts 2017 Journal
(31) Plastics in the North Atlantic garbage patch: a boat-microbe for hitchhikers and plastic degraders 2017 Journal
(32) Biodegradation of polyethylene microplastics by the marine fungus Zalerion maritimum 2017 Journal
(33) What is the right level of recycling of plastic waste? 2017 Journal
(34) The effect of recycled plastics and cooking oil on coke quality 2017 Journal
(35) Biodegradation of bioplastics in natural environments 2017 Journal
(36) Degradation and metabolism of synthetic plastics and associated products by Pseudomonas sp.: capabilities and challenges 2017 Journal
(37) Management of plastic wastes at Brazilian ports and diagnosis of their generation 2017 Journal
(38) To what extent are microplastics from the open ocean weathered? 2017 Journal
(39) Consumer attitudes on the use of plastic and cloth bags 2017 Journal
(40) A review on thermal and catalytic pyrolysis of plastic solid waste (PSW) 2017 Journal
(41) Advanced chemical characterization of pyrolysis oils from landfill waste, recycled plastics, and forestry residue 2017 Journal
(42) Learning about the types of plastic wastes: effectiveness of inquiry learning strategies 2016 Journal
(43) Research and development of a new waste collection bin to facilitate education in plastic recycling 2016 Journal
(44) Methane generation from anaerobic digestion of biodegradable plastics – a review 2016 Journal
(45) Recycling of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic bottle wastes in bituminous asphaltic concrete 2016 Journal
(46) Plastic microfiber ingestion by deep-sea organisms 2016 Journal
(47) Plastics and microplastics on recreational beaches in Punta del Este (Uruguay): unseen critical residents? 2016 Journal
(48) The plastics revolution: how chemists are pushing polymers to new limits 2016 Journal
(49) Biodegradable packaging materials conception based on starch and polylactic acid (PLA) reinforced with cellulose 2016 Journal
(50) Lab-scale thermal analysis of electronic waste plastics 2016 Journal
(51) To be, or not to be biodegradable… that is the question for the bio-based plastics 2016 Journal
(52) Mapping of agriculture plastic waste 2016 Conference
Ilyas et al.: A review of plastic waste and its threat to the environment

(53) Review of the partitioning of chemicals into different plastics: consequences for the risk assessment of marine plastic debris 2016 Journal
(54) Use of different forms of waste plastic in concrete – a review 2016 Journal

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(55) Thermoelectric plastics: from design to synthesis, processing and structure-property relationships 2016 Journal

Table 2 (continued)

Ref. no. Paper title Year Type of publication

(56) (Nano)plastics in the environment: sources, fates and effects 2016 Journal
(57) The energy and value-added products from pyrolysis of waste plastics 2016 Book section
(58) A review on pyrolysis of plastic wastes 2016 Journal
(59) Recycling of plastic waste: presence of phthalates in plastics from households and industry 2016 Journal
(60) An overview on the use of waste plastic bottles and fly ash in civil engineering applications 2016 Conference
(61) Investigation on an innovative technology for wet separation of plastic wastes 2016 Journal
(62) Waste-to-energy: dehalogenation of plastic-containing wastes 2016 Journal
(63) Thermal degradation of PVC: a review 2016 Journal
(64) Hybrid selective surface hydrophilization and froth flotation separation of hazardous chlorinated plastics from E-waste with novel nanoscale metallic 2016 Journal
calcium composite
(65) Toxic pollutants from plastic waste — a review 2016 Conference
(66) A study on synthesis of energy fuel from waste plastic and assessment of its potential as an alternative fuel for diesel engines 2016 Journal
(67) Use of plastic waste as a fuel in the co-pyrolysis of biomass Part III: optimization of the co-pyrolysis process 2015 Journal
(68) Synthesis and characterization of lubricant additives from waste plastic 2015 Journal
(69) Technical properties of regenerated plastic material bars produced from recycled agricultural plastic film 2015 Journal
(70) Managing plastic waste 2015 Book section
(71) Contribution of plastic waste recovery to greenhouse gas (GHG) savings in Spain 2015 Journal
(72) A new classification scheme of plastic wastes based upon recycling labels 2015 Journal
(73) Recycling of waste plastics 2015 Book section
(74) Use of waste plastics in coke oven: a review 2015 Journal
(75) Influence of waste plastic utilization in blast furnace on heavy metal emissions 2015 Journal
Ilyas et al.: A review of plastic waste and its threat to the environment

(76) Reusing waste plastic bottles as an alternative sustainable building material 2015 Journal
(77) Thermal utilization (treatment) of plastic waste 2015 Journal
(78) Environmental evaluation of plastic waste management scenarios 2014 Journal
(79) Behavior of plastic waste fiber-reinforced industrial wastes in pavement applications 2014 Journal
(80) Melt recycling of poly(lactic acid) plastic wastes to produce biodegradable fibers 2014 Journal
(81) Processing real-world waste plastics by pyrolysis-reforming for hydrogen and high-value carbon nanotubes 2014 Journal
(82) Temperature effects on the yield of gaseous olefins from waste polyethylene via flash pyrolysis 2014 Journal
(83) Recycling of polymers: a review 2014 Journal
(84) Analysis and thermo-mechanical characterization of mixed plastic wastes 2013 Journal
(85) Use of recycled plastics in wood plastic composites – a review 2013 Journal
(86) The incidence of plastic ingestion by fishes: from the prey’s perspective 2013 Journal
(87) Recycling of waste from polymer materials: an overview of the recent works 2013 Journal
(88) Energy recovery from co-gasification of waste polyethylene and polyethylene terephthalate blends 2013 Journal
(89) Emerging trends in informal sector recycling in developing and transition countries 2013 Journal
(90) Laboratory test methods to determine the degradation of plastics in marine environmental conditions 2012 Journal
(91) Green polymer chemistry and bio-based plastics: dreams and reality 2012 Journal
(92) Pyrolysis of waste plastic crusts of televisions 2012 Journal

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(93) Pyrolysis and gasification of landfilled plastic wastes with Ni − Mg − La/Al2O3 catalyst 2012 Journal
(94) A review – synthesis of carbon nanotubes from plastic wastes 2012 Journal
Table 2 (continued)

Ref. no. Paper title Year Type of publication

(95) Characteristics of starch-filled LLDPE plastic processed from plastic waste 2012 Journal
(96) Converting waste plastic to hydrocarbon fuel materials 2011 Journal
(97) Catalytic pyrolysis of municipal plastic waste to fuel with nickel-loaded silica-alumina catalysts 2011 Journal
(98) The life cycles of plastics 2011 Book section
(99) Environmental impact of pyrolysis of mixed WEEE plastics part 2: life cycle assessment 2011 Journal
(100) Using waste plastic bottles as additive for stone mastic asphalt 2011 Journal
(101) Determination of bisphenol A, 4-n-nonylphenol, and 4-tert-octylphenol by temperature-controlled ionic liquid dispersive liquid-phase microextraction 2011 Journal
combined with high performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detector
(102) Leaching behavior of bisphenol A from municipal solid waste under landfill environment 2011 Journal
(103) Hydrogen sulfide production by sulfate-reducing bacteria utilizing additives eluted from plastic resins 2011 Journal
(104) Low temperature conversion of plastic waste into light hydrocarbons 2010 Journal
(105) Plastic bags and environmental pollution 2010 Journal
(106) Degradation of plastic carrier bags in the marine environment 2010 Journal
(107) Kinetic study of high density polyethylene (HDPE) pyrolysis 2010 Journal
(108) Production of steam cracking feedstocks by mild cracking of plastic wastes 2010 Journal
(109) Physical and mechanical properties of mortars containing PET and PC waste aggregates 2010 Journal
(110) Ubiquity of bisphenol A in the atmosphere 2010 Journal
(111) Perfluorinated compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls, and organochlorine pesticide contamination in composite food samples from Dallas, Texas, USA 2010 Journal
(112) Induction of biodegradability in the plastic waste through graft copolymerization 2009 Journal
(113) Energy recovery from waste plastics by using blends of biodiesel and polystyrene in diesel engines 2009 Journal
(114) Incineration and co-combustion of waste: accounting of greenhouse gases and global warming contributions 2009 Journal
(115) Catalytic transformation of waste polymers to fuel oil 2009 Journal
(116) Conversion of hazardous plastic wastes into useful chemical products 2009 Journal
(117) CO2 reduction potentials by utilizing waste plastics in steel works 2009 Journal
(118) Gasification of waste plastics by steam reforming in a fluidized bed 2009 Journal
(119) Identification of different type of polymers in plastics waste 2008 Journal
(120) Quality concepts for the improved use of recycled polymeric materials: a review 2008 Journal
(121) Fuels from waste plastics by thermal and catalytic processes: a review 2008 Journal
(122) Recycled/waste plastic 2008 Book section
(123) Persistent free-radicals, heavy metals and PAHs generated in particulate soot emissions and residue ash from controlled combustion of common types of 2008 Journal
(124) Thermal degradation analysis of biodegradable plastics from urea-modified soy protein isolate 2007 Journal
(125) Food packaging – roles, materials, and environmental issues 2007 Journal
(126) Compostability of bioplastic packaging materials: an overview 2007 Journal
(127) Biodegradation of compostable plastics in green yard-waste compost environment 2007 Journal
(128) Development of triboelectrostaic separation technique for recycling of final waste plastic 2006 Journal
(129) Catalytic upgrading of plastic wastes 2006 Book section
Ilyas et al.: A review of plastic waste and its threat to the environment

(130) Separation of individual plastics from mixed plastic waste by gravity separation processes 2006 Journal
(131) Low-cost processing of plastic waste composites 2006 Journal

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(132) Fluidized bed pyrolysis of plastic wastes 2006 Book section
Table 2 (continued)

Ref. no. Paper title Year Type of publication

(133) Novel process for recycling waste plastics to fuel gas using a moving-bed reactor 2006 Journal
(134) Production of hydrogen from plastics by pyrolysis and catalytic steam reform 2006 Journal
(135) Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of plastics recycling 2006 Book section
(136) A review of plastic waste biodegradation 2005 Journal
(137) Polymers, polymer recycling and sustainability 2005 Book section
(138) Plastics in the marine environment: the dark side of a modern gift 2005 Book section
(139) Thermal destruction of wastes and plastics 2005 Book section
(140) Solid waste management and plastic recycling in Austria and Europe 2004 Journal
(141) Development of waste plastics-based RDF and its combustion properties 2004 Journal
(142) Laboratory investigation of the products of the incomplete combustion of waste plastics and techniques for their minimization 2004 Journal
(143) Utilization of red mud as catalyst in conversion of waste oil and waste plastics to fuel 2004 Journal
(144) Study on the conversion technology of waste polyethylene plastic to polyethylene wax 2003 Journal
(145) Plastics in packaging 2003 Book section
(146) Plastics recycling 2003 Book section
(147) Pyrolysis of composite plastic waste 2003 Journal
(148) Pyrolysis of polypropylene in a nitrogen plasma reactor 2003 Journal
(149) Development of a catalytic dehalogenation (Cl, Br) process for municipal waste plastic-derived oil 2003 Journal
(150) Comparison of the recyclability of flame-retarded plastics 2003 Journal
(151) Thermal cracking of oils from waste plastics 2003 Journal
(152) An environmental primer 2003 Book section
(153) Polythene and plastic-degrading microbes in an Indian mangrove soil 2003 Journal
Ilyas et al.: A review of plastic waste and its threat to the environment

(154) Usage of recycled plastic bottles in roadside safety devices 2002 Journal
(155) Hydrothermal dechlorination and denitrogenation of municipal-waste-plastics-derived fuel oil under sub- and supercritical conditions 2002 Journal
(156) The pollution of the marine environment by plastic debris: a review 2002 Journal
(157) Recycling and trade in waste plastics in China 2001 Book section
(158) Evaluation of material recycling for plastics: environmental aspects 2001 Journal
(159) Plastic resin pellets as a transport medium for toxic chemicals in the marine environment 2001 Journal
(160) Biodegradation of polyesters containing aromatic constituents 2001 Journal
(161) Biodegradation of plastics 2001 Journal
(162) Biodegradable plastics from cellulose 2000 Journal
(163) Some new directions of development of polymers and plastics 2000 Journal
(164) Thermal treatment of electrical and electronic waste plastics 2000 Journal
(165) Plastics, recycling 2000 Book section
(166) Plastics, rubbers, and textiles in municipal solid waste in the United States 1999 Journal
(167) Plastic man and the state of nature 1999 Journal
(168) Effects of soil temperature and anaerobiosis on degradation of biodegradable plastics in soil and their degrading microorganisms 1999 Journal

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Ilyas et al.: A review of plastic waste and its threat to the environment 11

Table 3: Publications types (book section, conference papers, and journal papers).

Book section (22, 29, 57, 70, 73, 98, 122, 129, 132, 135, 137–139, 145, 146, 152, 157, 165)
Conference papers (52, 60, 65)
Journal papers (16–21, 23–28, 30–51, 53–56, 58, 59, 61–69, 71, 72, 74–121, 123–128, 130, 131, 133, 134, 136, 140–144, 147–151,
153–156, 158–164, 166–168)

Table 4: Year-wise breakup of selected publications (1999–2017). Table 5: Quality assessment of the selected papers for each year
Year Publications
S. no. Year RQ 1 RQ 2 RQ 3 RQ 4 Total score %age
2017 (16–41)
(out of 4) out of 4
2016 (42–59, 61–64, 66)
2015 (67–77) 1 2017 0.15 0.40 0.31 0.29 1.15 28.84
2014 (78–83) 2 2016 0.04 0.44 0.04 0.44 0.96 25.00
2013 (84–89) 3 2015 0.04 0.36 0.09 0.45 0.95 23.86
2012 (90–95) 4 2014 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.75 1.25 31.25
2011 (96–103) 5 2013 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.33 0.83 20.83
2010 (104–111) 6 2012 0.00 0.25 0.17 0.67 1.08 27.08
2009 (112–118) 7 2011 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.56 1.13 28.13
2008 (119–123) 8 2010 0.13 0.44 0.19 0.44 1.19 29.69
2007 (124–127) 9 2009 0.14 0.36 0.14 0.57 1.21 30.36
2006 (128–135) 10 2008 0.20 0.50 0.20 0.40 1.30 32.50
2005 (136–139) 11 2007 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.00 1.25 31.25
2004 (140–143) 12 2006 0.00 0.31 0.31 0.44 1.06 26.56
2003 (144–153) 13 2005 0.00 0.63 0.25 0.00 0.88 21.88
2002 (154–156) 14 2004 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.75 0.88 21.88
2001 (158–161) 15 2003 0.10 0.40 0.20 0.35 1.05 26.25
2000 (162–165) 16 2002 0.50 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 37.50
1999 (166–168) 17 2001 0.00 0.30 0.50 0.00 0.80 20.00
18 2000 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 1.50 37.50
19 1999 0.33 0.50 0.33 0.00 1.17 29.17

quality assessment of the selected papers for each year
Range of publication

Data extraction
The required data related to the research questions were
extracted from the papers after the quality assessment
process (Table 5).
The important data extracted is presented in the form
of different tables, briefly mentioned as follows;
1. Table 2 identifies all finally selected papers, along
0 with their titles, citation, paper type and year of

Year 2. Table 3 publication types which are in the form of
book section, conference papers, and journal papers.
Figure 6: Trend of waste plastic research (publications) from 1999
to 2017. 3. Table 4 presents year wise distribution of the selected
papers from the year 1999 to 2017.
4. Table 5 presents the quality assessment of the selected
The total score shows the relevancy of each paper with our papers (average).
research. The percentage of each of the paper is taken out 5. Table 6 identifies different types of plastic materials
of the total papers selected (153 papers). Table 5 shows the found in the environment.

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12 Ilyas et al.: A review of plastic waste and its threat to the environment

Table 6: Plastic types commonly found in the natural environment (10, 170).

Type Health effects Application/use

Polyethylene Potential human carcinogen Packaging foods and beverages

terephthalate (PET)
Polyester (PES) Cause acute skin rashes, respiratory-tract and eye irritation Textiles, fibers
Polypropylene (PP) Jugs, tanks, plastic pipe pressure system,
bumpers (car fenders), appliances, yogurt
containers, drinking straws and bottle caps
High impact Electronics, vending cups, food packaging,
polystyrene (HIPS) refrigerator liners
Polystyrene (PS) Cause unconsciousness and dizziness, irritate throat, nose CD, cutlery, plates, disposable cups, plastic
and eyes. Stores in fat of the body and migrates into food. tableware, food containers and packaging
Hematopoietic cancers and high lymphatic rates for workers foam
Polyvinyl chloride Liver dysfunction, indigestion, vision failure, deafness, skin Films, flooring, window frames, shower
(PVC) diseases, ulcers, chronic bronchitis, genetic changes, birth curtains, guttering and plumbing pipes
defects and lead to cancer
Low-density Films, clamshell packaging, shower curtains,
polyethylene (LDPE) floor tiles, siding and outdoor furniture
High-density Human cells structure changes due to estrogenic chemicals Insulation molding, pipes, tubes, milk jugs
polyethylene (HDPE) release and detergent bottles
Polyamides (PA) System dysfunction, spine pains, headaches, dizziness,
(nylons) skin allergies and lead to cancer
Polycarbonate (PC) brain function, reproductive system, insulin resistance Construction materials, lenses, traffic lights,
changes, liver function alternation due to leaching of security windows, riot shields, eyeglasses,
bisphenol-A compact discs

Some measurements for the quality of the standard deviation is always positive. It is repre-
of papers with respect to the research sented by “σ”.
Statistics estimated based on the input data and com-
puted using the estimated parameters of the normal distri-
The following calculations were performed for all the four bution are shown in Table 7.
research questions defined. The summary statistics for The skewness tells us that how the data are skewed.
the research questions of the percentage out of four are It is the degree of symmetry in the data. The skewness
shown in Table 7. The standard deviation shows that how values must be in between the range of 1 and −1. Kurtosis
the data are away from its means and the standard devia- explores the distribution of the frequency of the extreme
tion represents the degree of dispersion. It actually finds data. Before finding the kurtosis there should be a need to
out the variation in data. If there is no variation in the find out the mean deviation. The statistics show that these
data, then the standard variation will be zero. The value values are within the range.

Table 7: Summary statistics for research question on the input data and computed using the estimated parameters of the normal

Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. deviation Variance Skewness Kurtosis

Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. error Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. error Statistic Std. error

Percentage 62.50 12.50 75.00 28.431 1.0950 13.5448 183.461 0.722 0.196 0.003 0.390
RQ1 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.141 0.0252 0.3113 0.097 2.042 0.196 2.726 0.390
RQ2 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.448 0.0297 0.3680 0.135 0.167 0.196 −1.129 0.390
RQ3 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.196 0.0301 0.3727 0.139 1.535 0.196 0.592 0.390
RQ4 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.333 0.0362 0.4479 0.201 0.711 0.196 −1.382 0.390
Total score valid N 2.50 0.50 3.00 1.1176 0.0427 0.5280 0.279 0.806 0.196 0.303 0.390

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Ilyas et al.: A review of plastic waste and its threat to the environment 13

Results and discussion and in hospitals plastics play an essential role. In hospi-
tals plastics are utilized on a huge scale. The day to day
The following sub-sections present a brief discussion plastic waste production includes glucose bottles, I.V.
on the findings of the proposed study and the literature sets, disposable syringes, B.T. sets; cannulas, catheters,
review. The discussion and review are structured in four etc., and disposable plastic aprons are discarded on a
sub-sections, each of the sections presenting one of the daily basis. Plastics might be convenient and easy for
defined research questions. The discussion encompasses everyday use, however, their negative effects on our well-
all of the 153 selected papers according to the search cri- being cannot be neglected. Worldwide plastics continue to
teria and their quality assessment is provided in Table 8. be discarded and are making huge amounts of trash, due
its non-biodegradable nature (9). The most abundant and
commonly used polymers worldwide which present 90%
What are the different uses and applications of the total production of plastic are polyethylene tereph-
of plastics? thalate (PET), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), poly-
vinyl chloride (PVC), low-density polyethylene (LDPE)
Natural polymers, for example, rubber, have been uti- and high-density polyethylene (HDPE), polyamides (PA)
lized by humans for a long time, however, since the 1800s (nylons) and polycarbonate (PC). The health effects and
when vulcanized rubber was found (in 1839). Worldwide uses of these commonly-used plastics are summarized in
plastic production has constantly increased (5). From Table 6. Significant amounts of plastic have aggregated in
1950 to 2012 development of plastics arrived at the mid- landfills and in the environment. Plastic waste in munici-
point of 8.7% for each year, enhancing from 1.7 million pal waste streams represents about 10% by weight (7, 176).
tons to almost 300 million tons today. Overall production The following is a list of studies including some in
kept on growing between the 1970s and 2012 as plastics Table 8 on the use and application of plastics (5, 7, 9, 10, 17,
progressively supplanted materials like metal and glass. 19, 24, 26, 39, 45, 48, 49, 51–57, 60, 83, 107, 108, 117, 122, 124,
Plastic production in 2013 was 299 million tons, represent- 144, 154, 155, 162–164, 167, 170–176). Keeping in mind the
ing a 3.9% expansion over output in 2012 (171). In 2014 the above studies, most of the common applications of plas-
production of plastics exceeded 300 million metric tons tics include packaging, construction, electronics, electri-
worldwide for every year (172). Demand for plastic due to cal goods, furniture, automobiles, households, agriculture
consumerism and convenience, alongside the similarly and other industrial usages. In addition, a huge part of
low cost of producing plastic materials is growing. Recy- packaging plastic is disposable and is no longer utilized
cling and recovery of plastic however, remained inad- after its initial usage. Another extensive area of utilization
equate and huge amounts of plastics end up in oceans is within the motor vehicle and the electronics industries.
and landfills every year (173). Paper, glass and metal are Plastic polymers are likewise used to manufacture paints
progressively supplanted by plastic packaging, especially and glues for utilizing in textiles. In modern society plas-
for food. Plastic packaging represented 30% by 2009 of all tics satisfies various essential functions and we would not
packaging sales (174). be able to live without plastic materials today. In medical
As plastics consists of various types of organic mono- apparatus, from prostheses to blood bags, the particular
mers attached end to end their characteristics are deter- properties of a plastic decide its application. Plastics can
mined from the nature and types of the repeating units. likewise be favorable from an environmental and health
The plastic formed usually represents solid or semi-solid perspective.
materials with various degrees of flexibility, strength,
harness and other properties. In order to improve the
plastic specific characteristics, durability and strength,
What are the different environmental
various types of additives are also added. These additives
and the nature of certain plastics is highly controversial impacts of waste plastics? What different
due to health concerns (175). Plastics have become an types of techniques are available for waste
indispensable resource for humankind, frequently provid- plastics management?
ing a usefulness that cannot be effortlessly or financially
supplanted by other materials. Plastic items have given For the last couple of decades, the uncontrolled utiliza-
advantages to society in terms of quality of life, employ- tion of plastics for different purposes, such as agricul-
ments and the economy. Most plastics are mechanically ture, industry, transportation and packaging in urban as
stable and last for a long time (175). In the medical field well as rural areas has highlighted the significant issue

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14 Ilyas et al.: A review of plastic waste and its threat to the environment

Table 8: Quality assessment of the selected papers. Table 8 (continued)

S. no. Ref. no. RQ 1 RQ 2 RQ 3 RQ 4 Total score %age S. no. Ref. no. RQ 1 RQ 2 RQ 3 RQ 4 Total score %age
(out of 4) out of 4 (out of 4) out of 4

1 (16) 0 0.5 0 1 1.5 37.5 56 (71) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5

2 (17) 0.5 0 0.5 0 1 25 57 (72) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5
3 (18) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5 58 (73) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5
4 (19) 1 1 0 0 2 50 59 (74) 0 1 0 0 1 25
5 (20) 0 0.5 0 1 1.5 37.5 60 (75) 0 1 0 0 1 25
6 (21) 0 1 0 1 2 50 61 (76) 0 0.5 0 1 1.5 37.5
7 (22) 0 1 1 0 2 50 62 (77) 0 0.5 0 1 1.5 37.5
8 (23) 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 12.5 63 (78) 0 0.5 0 1 1.5 37.5
9 (24) 0.5 1 0 1 2.5 62.5 64 (79) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5
10 (25) 0 0.5 0 1 1.5 37.5 65 (80) 0 0.5 0 1 1.5 37.5
11 (26) 1 0 1 0 2 50 66 (81) 0 0 0 1 1 25
12 (27) 0 0.5 0 0.5 1 25 67 (82) 0 0 0 1 1 25
13 (28) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5 68 (83) 0.5 0.5 0 0 1 25
14 (29) 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 12.5 69 (84) 0 0 0 1 1 25
15 (30) 0 0 0 1 1 25 70 (85) 0 0.5 0 1 1.5 37.5
16 (31) 0 0 1 0 1 25 71 (86) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5
17 (32) 0 0 1 0 1 25 72 (87) 0 1 0 0 1 25
18 (33) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5 73 (88) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5
19 (34) 0 0.5 0 0.5 1 25 74 (89) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5
20 (35) 0 0 1 0 1 25 75 (90) 0 0 1 0 1 25
21 (36) 0 0 1 0 1 25 76 (91) 0 0 0 1 1 25
22 (37) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5 77 (92) 0 0 0 1 1 25
23 (38) 0 0 1 0 1 25 78 (93) 0 0.5 0 1 1.5 37.5
24 (39) 1 1 0 0 2 50 79 (94) 0 0.5 0 1 1.5 37.5
25 (40) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5 80 (95) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5
26 (41) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5 81 (96) 0 0 0 1 1 25
27 (42) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5 82 (97) 0 0 0 1 1 25
28 (43) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5 83 (98) 0 1 0 1 2 50
29 (44) 0 1 0.5 0.5 2 50 84 (99) 0 1 0 0.5 1.5 37.5
30 (45) 0.5 1 0.5 0 2 50 85 (100) 0 0.5 0 1 1.5 37.5
31 (46) 0 0 1 0 1 50 86 (101) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5
32 (47) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5 87 (102) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5
33 (48) 0.5 0.5 0 0 1 25 88 (103) 0 1 0 0 1 25
34 (49) 0.5 1 0.5 0 2 50 89 (104) 0 1 0 0.5 1.5 37.5
35 (50) 0 0 1 0 1 25 90 (105) 0 0.5 0 1 1.5 37.5
36 (51) 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 25 91 (106) 0 0.5 0 1 1.5 37.5
37 (52) 0.5 0.5 0 0 1 25 92 (107) 0.5 0.5 0 0 1 25
38 (53) 1 0.5 0 0.5 2 50 93 (108) 0.5 1 0.5 0 2 50
39 (54) 1 1 0 0 2 50 94 (109) 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 12.5
40 (55) 0.5 0.5 0 0 1 50 95 (110) 0 0 0 1 1 25
41 (56) 1 1 0 0 2 50 96 (111) 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 12.5
42 (57) 0.5 1 0 1 2.5 62.5 97 (112) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5
43 (58) 0 0.5 0 0.5 1 25 98 (113) 0 0 1 0 1 25
44 (59) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5 99 (114) 0 1 0 0 1 25
45 (60) 1 0.5 0 0 1.5 37.5 100 (115) 0 0.5 0 1 1.5 37.5
46 (61) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5 101 (116) 0 0.5 0 1 1.5 37.5
47 (62) 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 12.5 102 (117) 1 0 0 1 2 50
48 (63) 0 0 1 0 1 25 103 (118) 0 0 0 1 1 25
49 (64) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5 104 (119) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5
50 (65) 0 1 0 0 1 50 105 (120) 0 0.5 0 0.5 1 25
51 (66) 0 0.5 0 1 1.5 37.5 106 (121) 0 0 0 1 1 25
52 (67) 0 0 0 1 1 25 107 (122) 1 0.5 1 0.5 3 75
53 (68) 0 0 0 1 1 25 108 (123) 0 1 0 0 1 25
54 (69) 0 0 0 1 1 25 109 (124) 1 0.5 0 0 1.5 37.5
55 (70) 0 1 0 0 1 25 110 (125) 0 1 1 0 2 50

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Table 8 (continued)
pollution and are considered a big problem (8). Plastics
provide risky human exposure to poisonous components,
S. no. Ref. no. RQ 1 RQ 2 RQ 3 RQ 4 Total score %age
(out of 4) out of 4 for example, DEHP and BPA (10). The plastic industry is
essential for earning foreign exchange, but the wastewa-
111 (126) 0 0 1 0 1 25
ter effluents discharge from the plastic industry is a major
112 (127) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5
113 (128) 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 37.5 problem. Such wastewater effluents result in objection-
114 (129) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5 able odor emissions, surface and groundwater quality
115 (130) 0 0 0 1 1 25 deterioration and poisoning the land, which indirectly or
116 (131) 0 0 1 0 1 25 directly affects the aquatic life as well as the local inhab-
117 (132) 0 0 0 1 1 25
itants’ health (177). Harmful chemicals are released into
118 (133) 0 0 0 1 1 25
119 (134) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5
the adjacent soil from chlorinated plastics, which seep
120 (135) 0 1 1 0 2 50 into other adjacent water sources or groundwater. Land-
121 (136) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5 fill regions are continually heaped high with a variety of
122 (137) 0 1 0 0 1 25 plastics. Many microorganisms in these landfills carry out
123 (138) 0 0 1 0 1 25 biodegradation of some plastics masses. Plastic degrada-
124 (139) 0 1 0 0 1 25
tion results in the release of methane (178).
125 (140) 0 0 0 1 1 25
126 (141) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5 Several ecologically damaging and hazardous effects
127 (142) 0 0 0 1 1 25 on the marine environment are caused due to plastic pol-
128 (143) 0 0 0 1 1 25 lution. Wastewater effluents of the plastic industry are
129 (144) 1 1 0 0 2 50 characterized by parameters such as turbidity, pH, sus-
130 (145) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5
pended solids, BOD, sulfide and COD. Plastics are the
131 (146) 0 0 0 1 1 25
132 (147) 0 0 0 1 1 25
most common elements found in the ocean. It is harmful
133 (148) 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 12.5 for the environment as it does not decompose easily and
134 (149) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5 is often ingested as a food by marine animals (156). In
135 (150) 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 37.5 the digestive system of these animals the ingested plastic
136 (151) 0 1 0 0 1 25 persists and lead to decreased gastric enzyme secretion,
137 (152) 0 0 0 1 1 25
gastrointestinal blockage, decreased feeding stimuli,
138 (153) 0 0.5 1 0 1.5 37.5
139 (154) 1 1 0 0 2 50 reproduction problems and decreased steroid hormone
140 (155) 0.5 1 0 0 1.5 37.5 levels (179). Plastic waste is disposed of by recycling,
141 (156) 0 1 0 0 1 25 incineration and landfill (170). Incineration and pyro-
142 (157) 0 0.5 0.5 0 1 25 lytic conversion of waste plastic results in the emission
143 (158) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5
of hazardous atmospheric pollutants, including polyaro-
144 (159) 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 12.5
145 (160) 0 0 1 0 1 25
matic hydrocarbons, CO2 (a greenhouse gas) and persis-
146 (161) 0 0 1 0 1 25 tent organic pollutants like dioxins which causes global
147 (162) 0.5 0.5 1 0 2 50 warming and pollution (9).
148 (163) 0.5 0.5 0 0 1 25 In the ocean organic pollutants are found in high
149 (164) 1 1 0 0 2 50 concentrations in plastic particles. The chemicals that
150 (165) 0 0 1 0 1 25
are toxic and found in oceanic plastic debris includes;
151 (166) 0 1 0 0 1 25
152 (167) 1 0.5 0 0 1.5 37.5 nonylphenol (NP), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and
153 (168) 0 0 1 0 1 25 organic pesticides such as bisphenol A (BPA), polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), dichlorodiphenyltrichlo-
roethane (DDT) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers
(PBDEs) (159). Many of these compounds pose risks to
of plastic waste disposal and its contamination. Plastic wildlife and human health (180). These toxic chemicals
materials are of great concern in the environment because cause health problems such as endocrine disruption,
of their accumulation and resistance to degradation (170). breast cancer, neurobehavioral changes, developmental
Despite having various positive properties, from the waste impairment (hormonal imbalances, growth abnormali-
administration point of view the plastics contributes an ties and neurological impairment), arthritis, cancer, DNA
assortment of demerits (6). Traditionally, plastics in the hypomethylation and diabetes (101).
ambient environment are not readily degraded and are Plastics contain a wide range of chemicals, contin-
very stable. Synthetic plastics lead to environmental gent upon the type of plastic. The expansion of chemicals

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16 Ilyas et al.: A review of plastic waste and its threat to the environment

is the principle motivation behind why these plastics have life post-consumer plastic packaging wastes (181). Recy-
become so multipurpose, however, this has issues related cling allows the chance to make a new product to utilize
with it. A few of the chemicals utilized in the generation of the recovered plastics (89). In the plastics industry, a cur-
plastics can be absorbed by people through skin retention. rently available important action to reduce the impact of
A great deal is still unknown on how extremely people plastics is recycling. Recycling can reduce quantities of
are physically influenced by these chemicals. A portion waste requiring disposal and minimize CO2 emissions and
of the chemicals utilized in the generation of plastics oil usage. The quantity of recycled plastics, that began in
can cause dermatitis on human skin contact. In numer- the 1970s, vary geographically, according to application
ous plastics, these poisonous chemicals are only utilized and type of plastic. In recent decades, in various coun-
in trace amounts, yet noteworthy testing is frequently tries, there have been rapid developments in the reusing
required to guarantee that the dangerous components are of packaging materials. Progress in innovations and
contained inside the plastic by idle material or polymers. frameworks for recyclable plastics reprocessing, sorting
Plastic contamination can also affect humans in which it and collection are creating new recycling opportunities,
may create an eyesore that interferes with enjoyment of and with the joint activities of governments, industry and
the natural environment (178). Hayden et al. (170) carried the public it might be conceivable that over the coming
out a study on plastic degradation and its environmental decade more and more plastics will be recycled (5). The
implications with special reference to poly (ethylene tere- principal disadvantage related to plastic waste disposal is
phthalate). They concluded from their study that plastic the way in which landfill facilities occupy space that could
accumulation is a major environmental concern in the be used for more gainful means, for example, agriculture
world’s oceans. PET is a major plastic used in food pack- (182). This is intensified by the moderate degradability
aging, textiles and many other applications. PETs cause of most plastics, as this implies the used land is inac-
many environmental problems due to their accumulation cessible for long timeframes. Plastic segments of landfill
in environment and their non-biodegradable nature. waste appear to exist for more than 20 years (183). This is
The most common techniques used for disposal because of the constrained accessibility of oxygen in land-
of plastic are recycling, incineration and landfill, each fills; the encompassing condition is basically anaerobic
method has some drawbacks and disadvantages. A large (184, 185). Thermooxidative degradation to a great extent
area of land is required for landfill and secondary pollut- limits the degradation of many plastics (186), and the
ants are released from incineration and landfill into the anaerobic conditions further limit the degradation rates in
environment. Recycling is cost effective but there are less landfills. In landfill, the plastic debris for various second-
investment incentives for recycling facilities (9). The best ary environmental pollutants acts as a source of pollution
option which is efficient and environmentally friendly for (182). Volatile organics such as trimethyl benzenes, ethyl
plastic waste disposal is biodegradation. On a commercial benzenes, xylenes, toluene and benzene are contained in
scale, there is no appropriate disposal of PET by biodegra- the leachate and released as gases (187) and compounds,
dation. However, significant research in biodegradation of especially bisphenol A (BPA) which has endocrine dis-
polymers and producing biodegradable polymers is being rupting properties (102). BPA in landfill released from
conducted. Khan et al. (177) carried out a study to evalu- plastics can result in the hydrogen sulfide production
ate the wastewater effluents of the aminoplast industry by bacteria (sulfate-reducing) in the soil populace (103).
situated in the Gadoon industrial estate in Amazai. The Hydrogen sulfide in high concentrations is possibly lethal
wastewater effluents were examined for turbidity, pH, sus- (103). Incineration is another technique routinely used for
pended solids, BOD, sulfide and COD. The results showed plastic waste disposal (182). Plastic incineration is advan-
that the wastewater effluent discharge from the amino- tageous in terms of energy recovery in the form of heat and
plast industry has a high concentration of BOD, which is it does not need any significant space (188). Numerous
harmful to the aquatic life when discharged without treat- harmful compounds are formed and released as a result
ment. The study suggested that to keep the environment of incineration of plastics to the atmosphere (182). Plastic
safe from the impacts of industrial effluents in the area, incineration produces and releases greenhouse gases par-
treatment techniques such as chemical adsorption, floc- ticularly CO2, toxic carbon, heavy metals, PCBs and PAHs
culation, pH adjustment and air stripping, etc. should be (114, 123).
used. The following is a list of studies including some in
Recycling in the solid waste administration hier- Table 8 and others providing different environmental
archy is considered as the best alternative in order to impacts and details of the techniques for waste plastic
reduce the effects introduced by end of use and end of management (5, 6, 8–10, 16, 18–22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 33, 34,

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Ilyas et al.: A review of plastic waste and its threat to the environment 17

37, 39–45, 47–49, 52–61, 64–66, 70–80, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, involved in both synthetic and natural plastics degrada-
93–95, 98–103, 103–108, 112, 114–116, 119, 120, 122–125, 127– tion (193). Plastic materials disposed of improperly are
129, 134–137, 139, 141, 144, 145, 149–159, 162–164, 166, 167, also a critical wellspring of natural contamination, which
170, 177–180, 182–189). Keeping in mind the above studies, may harm life on earth. Air and water are prevented from
plastics have turned into a critical element of present day entering the soil by plastic bags or sheets which results
life and are utilized as a part of various sectors of applica- in underground water source depletion, soil infertility,
tions like consumer products, building materials, packag- prevention of the degradation of other substances and
ing and considerably more. There are 300 million tons of are a threat to animal life (194). According to municipal-
plastics produced each year worldwide. Plastics remain ity administrations the key reason for the blocked drains
for a very long time in nature and are characteristically is plastic carrier bags, thus incineration of municipal
resistant and inert to microbial attack. Plastic materials wastes is prohibited because it can lead to the accu-
that are disposed of improperly are a critical wellspring of mulation of sludge, garbage and junk. Plastic in this
natural contamination, conceivably harming life. biosphere is a furious parasite that eats up and contami-
nates everything (195). In the mid-1980s the examination
on degradability of plastics began. A few types of plastic
have been appeared to be biodegradable, and their
How degradation of waste plastics take
mechanisms of degradation dynamically moved toward
place in the environment? Which manage- becoming clearer (161). Diverse degradable plastics, for
ment technique is typically used for handling example, starch-filled polyethylene (Griffin process),
waste plastics? vinyl ketone copolymers (Guillet process), ethylene-
carbon monoxide polymers, poly (3-hydroxybutyrate- 3-
The management of waste plastics through biodegrada- hydroxy valerate) and polylactides have been developed
tion is gaining interest among researchers because this (196). These plastics vary in price, application and deg-
technique holds promise to minimize environmental pol- radation rate.
lution effectively. Most plastics are resistant to biodegra- In one improvement, plastics resistance and inertness
dation. In general, plastic materials in the environment was reduced by microbial attack by joining starch and later
do not break down readily and subsequently can litter the prooxidants (oil and transition metals) (197). Kathiresan
environment (190). In the environment plastics degrade (2003) analyzed the plastic and polythene bags degrada-
through four different mechanisms: biodegradation by tion by using Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial
microorganisms, hydrolytic degradation, thermooxidative and fungal species. The predominant bacterial species
degradation and photodegradation (186). As a rule, degra- were Micrococcus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Pseu-
dation of plastics naturally starts with photodegradation, domonas and Moraxella. While the fungal species used
which can then become thermooxidative degradation. The were Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus glaucus. Among
energy from the sun in the form of ultraviolet radiation is bacteria Pseudomonas species degraded 8.16% of plastics
necessary for the initiation of the photooxidation of the and 20.54% of polythene in a period of 1 month. Among
polymer matrix (191). The oxidation weakens the plastic fungal species Aspergillus glaucus degraded 7.26% of
which breaks up into smaller pieces, until the molecu- plastics and 28.80% of polythene in a period of 1 month.
lar weight of the of polymer chain reduces enough to be This study also showed that mangrove soil is a decent
easily utilized by microorganisms (186). The microorgan- wellspring of microbes fit for degrading plastics and poly-
isms either incorporate the carbon in the polymer chains thene (153).
into biomolecules or convert it into CO2 (192). However, The following is a list of studies including some in the
this process can take more than 50 years and is very slow above table and others providing degradation of waste
process to fully degrade the plastic (160). plastic (22, 23, 26, 31, 32, 35, 36, 38, 44–46, 49, 50, 63, 90,
Reduction in the polymer molecular weight is known 108, 109, 111, 113, 122, 125, 126, 128, 131, 135, 138, 148, 150,
as degradation. The types of degradation are; 152, 153, 160–162, 165, 168, 186, 190–198). Based on the
(a) De-polymerization/chain end degradation above studies, various techniques used for handling the
(b) Random degradation waste plastic include: land filling, incineration, recycling
and conversion into gaseous and liquid fuels, etc. All of
Biodegradation is characterized as a molecular weight these methods have their own disadvantages and explor-
reduction by naturally occurring microorganisms, for ing the best possible option for the management of waste
example, actinomycetes, fungi and bacteria, that are plastics is required.

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18 Ilyas et al.: A review of plastic waste and its threat to the environment

Is it possible to convert waste plastics favor gas production. This procedure is a feasible course
into useful products? of the waste plastic conversion into gases and fuels (200).
Waste plastic can be converted into different products,
Environmental pollution due to waste plastics can be details of the techniques for waste plastic conversion can
reduced by using an extruder to convert it into useful found in (16, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 34, 44, 51, 53, 57, 58, 62,
building materials which will decrease the waste plastic 66, 68, 69, 76–78, 80–82, 84, 85, 91–94, 96–100, 104–106,
problem further. Currently useful building materials are 110, 115–118, 120–122, 128, 130, 132, 133, 143, 146, 147, 150,
made from waste plastics like retaining blocks, paving 152, 189, 199–202). To develop products and process stand-
slabs, railway sleepers, roof tiles, interlocks, bricks, etc., ards is a challenge of postconsumer reused plastics as is
utilizing either a mixture of various wastes plastic along- embracing the further development of pyrolysis advance-
side rubber powder waste as a filler or single origin waste ments for waste plastics while alluding to the perceptions
plastic material. Waste plastics when mixed with calcium of innovative work in this field to suit the mixed waste
carbonate and rubber powder sustains a high load of com- plastics and middle and low scaled production reactors
pression and gives the highest compressive strength (189). for pyrolysis. Additionally, the investigation would help
The huge amount of waste plastic that is produced decrease operating costs and capital investment, and in
might be treated by appropriately planned techniques to this way would improve the process economic viability.
produce substitutes for fossil fuel. The strategy is predomi-
nant in all regards (economic and ecological) if financial
support and proper infrastructure are given. In this way, an
appropriate procedure for production of hydrocarbon fuel
from waste plastic can be designed and would be a less
The first limitation of this research study is that the search
expensive petroleum substitute without any of the hazard-
was carried out in only few but the most widely referenced
ous emissions if implemented. It would likewise deal with
libraries. There are a number of libraries which were
hazardous waste plastic and lessen the amount of crude
skipped during the searching process. This decision was
oil needed (199). Chemical recycling is the conversion of
taken to focus on only those papers which were published
waste plastic into fuel or feedstock which could fundamen-
in high quality peer reviewed journals and conference
tally lessen the net disposal cost and has been perceived
venues in order to get justifiable results. It was decided to
as a perfect approach (199). Chemical recycling of waste
avoid searching in Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.
plastics is an adaptive procedure which converts waste
com.pk/), which provides access to all of the papers pub-
plastics into gases or liquids (smaller molecules) which are
lished in the given libraries and to save time from finding
appropriate for the utilization of new plastics and petro-
duplicate entries of papers. Secondly, the search was
chemical items. In fuel production, chemical recycling has
performed using a limited set of keywords (mainly waste
been demonstrated to be valuable. The de-polymerization
plastics) to get only directly related results. There is a
processes in chemical recycling bring about manageable
chance that a paper might have been ignored which may
enterprises which result in less waste and high product.
describe waste plastics but not using the terms searched
Some of the processes in the petrochemical industry, for
for. It was decided by the authors during the protocol
example, catalytic cracking or steam, pyrolysis, etc., are
development to be able to properly control and organize
similar to the chemical recycling process (200).
the search and paper selection process. Thirdly, not all
Another approach to chemical recycling, which has
of the selected research (papers) are discussed and ana-
gained much intrigue as of late, is the plan to use basic
lyzed. The analysis of the research is based only on most
petrochemicals production from waste plastics fuel oils or
frequently used waste plastic concepts and techniques.
hydrocarbon feedstock for an assortment of downstream
Although, an effort has been made to provide references
procedures (201). There are various techniques for waste
to all of the important and high-quality valued papers for
plastic conversion into fuels, for example, gasification,
the benefit of the reader.
catalytic cracking and thermal degradation (202). The
process in which waste plastic is heated and decomposed
into oils and gases in limited oxygen or the absence of
oxygen is known as pyrolysis. Pyrolysis involves the break- Conclusion
down of plastic polymers into small molecules. Viscous
liquids are produced at temperatures <400°C (low tem- Different types of waste plastics have been used in plastic
perature) while temperatures >600°C (high temperature) waste management research and are being converted into

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