Plastic waste has become a pressing global issue, posing significant environmental challenges. As the construction
industry continues to grow, there is a growing need for sustainable construction materials that can address this prob-
lem. This review paper focuses on the transformation of waste into innovation by exploring the use of plastic bricks as
sustainable construction materials. The paper examines the manufacturing processes, properties, environmental ben-
efits, challenges, case studies, and future research directions associated with plastic bricks. It highlights the potential of
plastic bricks to reduce plastic waste, carbon emissions, and resource consumption. Additionally, the review addresses
the challenges related to structural integrity, long-term durability, regulatory compliance, and public perception. Case
studies showcase successful implementations of plastic bricks in construction projects, emphasizing their innovative
design possibilities, cost-effectiveness, economic feasibility, and notable structural strength. These case studies illustrate
that plastic bricks can achieve the necessary strength for construction applications, making them a viable alternative to
traditional materials. The paper also discusses the environmental impact and circular economy perspectives of plastic
bricks, highlighting their recyclability, reusability, waste management implications, and contribution to circular economy
initiatives. Finally, the review concludes with future research directions and recommendations, focusing on advance-
ments in manufacturing techniques, enhanced performance and engineering properties, and long-term performance
monitoring and assessment. This comprehensive review sheds light on the transformative potential of plastic bricks as
sustainable construction materials and provides insights for addressing the global plastic waste problem.
Keywords Plastic waste · Sustainable construction materials · Plastic bricks · Resource conservation · Waste
1 Introduction
Plastic waste has emerged as a global environmental challenge, with significant implications for ecosystems, human
health, and sustainability [1, 2]. The construction industry is recognized for its extensive use of resources and generation
of waste, which greatly contributes to environmental challenges [3]. To address the pressing need for sustainable waste
management and resource conservation, researchers and industry professionals are exploring innovative solutions that
can transform plastic waste into valuable construction materials [2, 3]. One such solution that has garnered attention is
the manufacturing of plastic bricks from recycled plastic waste, offering a promising pathway to reduce plastic pollution
and promote a circular economy within the construction sector [1, 4].
* Kundan Yadav, [email protected]; Abhinandan Singh, [email protected]; Ovais Nazir Bhat, [email protected];
R. L. Sharma, [email protected] | 1School of Civil Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab 144411, India.
Review Discover Civil Engineering (2024) 1:38 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00040-8
Plastic pollution refers to the accumulation of plastic objects and particles (e.g., plastic bottles, bags, and microbeads)
in the Earth’s environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, and humans. It includes a wide range of issues,
such as the ingestion of plastic by marine life, the release of toxic chemicals from plastic decomposition, and the clogging
of waterways, which lead to severe ecological and health problems [5, 6].
In recent years, the concept of utilizing plastic waste to manufacture building materials, particularly plastic bricks,
has gained considerable attention [7]. Plastic bricks are created by transforming discarded plastic into a durable and
functional construction material. By repurposing plastic waste, these bricks offer a viable solution to both the escalating
plastic waste problem and the need for sustainable construction materials [8].
The issue of plastic waste has gained significant global attention due to its detrimental effects on ecosystems and public
well-being, posing a formidable environmental challenge. Inadequate waste management practices and the rapid growth
of plastic consumption have led to the accumulation of plastic waste in landfills, oceans, and natural habitats [9–11]. The
immense quantity of plastic waste produced yearly, exceeding 400 million tons [12], underscores the need for inventive
strategies to efficiently handle and repurpose it.
The construction industry, known for its substantial resource consumption, energy use, and environmental impact,
presents a compelling opportunity for integrating sustainable materials. Addressing the environmental concerns asso-
ciated with the construction sector requires a shift towards eco-friendly alternatives that minimize resource depletion,
energy consumption, and waste generation. Plastic bricks have emerged as a promising solution to both the plastic
waste problem and the need for environmentally friendly construction materials [13–16]. These bricks are manufactured
through techniques like mechanical recycling, chemical recycling, and pyrolysis, transforming plastic waste into versa-
tile building blocks for various construction applications. Plastic bricks exhibit desirable properties such as mechanical
strength, thermal insulation, weather resistance, and lightweight composition, making them a viable alternative to
traditional materials like clay bricks or concrete blocks [8, 17–19].
Exploring plastic bricks as sustainable construction materials is significant due to their potential to address two critical
environmental issues simultaneously [20, 21]. By utilizing plastic waste as a resource, plastic bricks contribute to reduc-
ing plastic accumulation in landfills, incinerators, and natural environments [11, 22]. Furthermore, plastic bricks offer an
opportunity to reduce the construction industry’s carbon footprint by replacing conventional materials that contribute to
greenhouse gas emissions [3, 8, 20]. Substituting traditional materials with plastic bricks significantly reduces emissions
associated with production, supporting sustainability objectives and climate change mitigation efforts [7, 8].
This comprehensive review aims to provide a deeper understanding of plastic bricks as sustainable construction
materials by synthesizing and analyzing existing literature, research studies, case studies, and industry practices. The
review will focus on manufacturing processes, properties, environmental benefits, and potential applications of plastic
bricks. Insights gained from this review can guide policymakers, researchers, and industry professionals toward a more
sustainable and innovative approach to construction, fostering a circular economy and reducing the environmental
impact of the construction sector.
1.2 Problem statement
The world is currently grappling with the severe environmental and human health consequences posed by plastic waste,
exacerbated by an estimated annual production of 100 million tons [23, 24]. The construction industry, known for its
resource-intensive practices, contributes to this problem using conventional materials that rely on the extraction of
natural resources and generate substantial waste [15, 25]. To address this issue, the adoption of sustainable alternatives
is crucial. Plastic bricks, which repurpose plastic waste into valuable construction materials, offer a promising solution.
However, challenges related to manufacturing techniques, acceptance within the industry, and environmental sustain-
ability must be overcome to fully leverage their potential [7, 9, 10].
This review paper aims to comprehensively examine the manufacturing processes, properties, environmental benefits,
and applications of plastic bricks as sustainable construction materials. The efficient and scalable production of high-
quality plastic bricks requires the development of appropriate manufacturing techniques and quality control measures.
Additionally, addressing concerns about structural integrity and long-term performance and increasing awareness about
the benefits and applications of plastic bricks are crucial for wider adoption. Furthermore, a comprehensive evaluation of
Discover Civil Engineering (2024) 1:38 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00040-8 Review
the environmental impact and sustainability of plastic bricks, including life cycle assessments, is necessary to understand
their overall environmental implications and make informed decisions.
By critically analysing the current state of knowledge, this review paper contributes to addressing the challenges asso-
ciated with plastic bricks and promotes a more sustainable and innovative approach to construction. It provides valuable
insights for researchers, industry professionals, and policymakers to advance the use of plastic bricks as a transformative
solution for transforming plastic waste into innovation in the construction sector.
The primary objective of this review paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis of plastic bricks as sustainable construc-
tion materials, highlighting their manufacturing processes, properties, environmental benefits, and potential applica-
tions. By addressing the following objectives, this review aims to engage and inform readers about the transformative
potential of plastic bricks, fostering a deeper understanding of their role in addressing the plastic waste problem and
promoting sustainable construction practices.
1. Explore manufacturing techniques for converting plastic waste into bricks, including mechanical, chemical, and
pyrolysis recycling.
2. Assess the properties and performance of plastic bricks compared to traditional building materials such as clay bricks,
concrete blocks, and stone.
3. Investigate the environmental benefits of plastic bricks in reducing waste, carbon emissions, and resource conserva-
4. Examine case studies and applications to showcase successful implementations of plastic bricks in construction
5. Address challenges and limitations associated with structural integrity, durability, regulatory compliance, and public
acceptance of plastic bricks.
6. Outline future research directions to advance the field of plastic bricks as sustainable construction materials.
By accomplishing these objectives, this review paper seeks to engage readers, create awareness, and foster a deeper
understanding of the transformative potential of plastic bricks as sustainable construction materials. It aspires to guide
policymakers, researchers, and industry professionals towards informed decision-making and the adoption of innovative
solutions for addressing the plastic waste crisis and promoting a more sustainable future in the construction industry.
The manufacturing process of plastic bricks varies and often involves mixing plastics with other materials. Plastics can
serve as additives or the main component in the production of these bricks. The percentage and shape of plastic in a
plastic brick depend on the desired quality of the bricks. However, in every brick formation, plastic must be melted or
shredded into suitable sizes and shapes. The melting process typically requires temperatures ranging from 180 °C to
220 °C, depending on the type of plastic used [18, 19, 26].
2.1.1 Mechanical recycling
Mechanical recycling is a widely adopted method for converting plastic waste into bricks, offering a promising approach
to repurpose discarded plastics and reduce their environmental impact [27]. This process involves several steps, including
sorting, cleaning, shredding, melting, and molding, to transform plastic waste into viable construction materials (Fig. 1).
a) Sorting and Cleaning: The initial stage of mechanical recycling involves the sorting and cleaning of plastic waste.
Plastics of different types and grades are sorted based on their chemical composition and physical properties. Sort-
ing helps in separating different types of plastics, ensuring the final product maintains the desired properties [28].
Review Discover Civil Engineering (2024) 1:38 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00040-8
Cleaning involves removing contaminants, such as dirt, labels, and residues, from the plastic waste to enhance the
quality of the recycled material.
b) Shredding: After sorting and cleaning, the plastic waste is shredded into smaller pieces. Shredding increases the
surface area of the plastic, facilitating the subsequent melting process. Various shredding techniques, such as granu-
lation or grinding, are employed depending on the type and size of the plastic waste [29].
c) Melting and Molding: The shredded plastic is then melted and molded into brick shapes using compression or
extrusion methods. The melting process typically requires temperatures ranging from 180 °C to 220 °C [18, 19, 26]
and can take approximately 20 to 60 min to cool down [26, 30], depending on the type and volume of plastic. Some
low density plastic melting point starting at 105 °C [21, 30]. In compression molding, the shredded plastic is placed
in a mold and subjected to heat and pressure to form the desired brick shape, which can be designed to match the
standard sizes of traditional clay or concrete bricks [18, 21, 31, 32]. Extrusion molding involves forcing molten plastic
through a die to obtain the required brick profile. Additives, such as stabilizers, fillers, or reinforcing agents, can be
incorporated during the melting process to improve the mechanical properties and stability of the plastic bricks.
2.1.2 Chemical recycling
Chemical recycling offers an alternative approach to convert plastic waste into bricks, utilizing chemical processes to
break down the polymers into their constituent monomers or other chemical intermediates [33, 34]. This method involves
depolymerization or pyrolysis to transform plastic waste into valuable building materials.
a) Depolymerization: Depolymerization is a crucial step in chemical recycling, where the polymer chains of plastic waste
are broken down into smaller molecular components [34]. This process can be achieved through various methods,
including hydrolysis and methanolysis, which involve the use of water or methanol as solvents, respectively [35].
Depolymerization allows for the recovery of valuable monomers or oligomers from plastic waste, which can then be
utilized in the production of plastic bricks.
b) Solvolysis Process: Solvolysis is a method used in chemical recycling that involves treating plastic waste with solvents
or chemicals to selectively break down the polymer chains [33]. The solvent or chemical agents facilitate the cleav-
age of polymer bonds, resulting in the generation of monomers or oligomers that can be utilized in the production
of plastic bricks. Solvolysis offers versatility in processing different types of plastic waste and has the potential to
recover valuable components effectively.
2.1.3 Pyrolysis process
Pyrolysis is a thermal decomposition process that can be employed for the conversion of plastic waste into bricks. In
pyrolysis, plastic waste is heated in the absence of oxygen, resulting in the breakdown of complex polymer chains into
simpler hydrocarbon compounds [36]. The pyrolysis products, such as pyrolysis oil or gas, can be further processed and
used as binders or additives in the production of plastic bricks.
Discover Civil Engineering (2024) 1:38 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00040-8 Review
By exploring and understanding the conversion processes of plastic waste into bricks, including mechanical recycling,
chemical recycling, and pyrolysis, this review aims to provide readers with insights into the manufacturing techniques
used to transform plastic waste into sustainable construction materials.
Plastic bricks offer unique properties and characteristics that make them suitable as sustainable construction materials.
Understanding these properties is crucial for evaluating their potential applications and comparing them to conventional
building materials.
2.2.1 Mechanical strength
The mechanical strength of plastic bricks is a key factor in determining their structural performance and suitability for
various construction applications. Several factors influence the mechanical strength of plastic bricks, including the type
of plastic used, manufacturing process, and additives incorporated during production. Studies have shown that plastic
bricks can exhibit comparable or even superior mechanical strength compared to traditional building materials [37–40].
For example, certain plastic bricks have demonstrated compressive strength values that are 5–50% higher than those
of conventional clay bricks and concrete blocks [18, 19, 30, 31]. The mechanical strength can be assessed through tests
such as compressive strength, flexural strength, and tensile strength, providing insights into the load-bearing capacity
and structural integrity of plastic bricks.
2.2.2 Thermal properties
The thermal properties of plastic bricks play a significant role in their performance under different temperature condi-
tions. Plastic bricks have unique thermal characteristics, such as low thermal conductivity and high thermal resistance,
which can contribute to energy efficiency in buildings. Understanding the thermal properties of plastic bricks is essential
for assessing their insulation capabilities and evaluating their potential impact on the energy consumption of build-
ings. Thermal conductivity tests, thermal resistance measurements, and thermal stability analyses can provide valuable
information regarding the thermal performance of plastic bricks [37, 39, 41].
The durability and weather resistance of plastic bricks determine their long-term performance and ability to withstand
environmental conditions [42]. Plastic bricks exhibit properties that make them resistant to efflorescence, moisture,
chemical degradation, and weathering effects, such as UV radiation and temperature variations. These characteristics
contribute to the extended lifespan and reduced maintenance requirements of plastic bricks in construction projects.
Evaluating the durability and weather resistance of plastic bricks involves assessing parameters such as water absorption,
dimensional stability, resistance to chemical attack, and resistance to aging effects [30, 37, 39, 42].
By examining the properties and characteristics of plastic bricks, including their mechanical strength, thermal proper-
ties, and durability and weather resistance, this review aims to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of
the unique attributes that make plastic bricks a promising alternative to conventional construction materials.
Plastic waste has become a significant environmental concern worldwide, posing serious challenges for waste manage-
ment and causing harm to ecosystems [43]. The utilization of plastic waste in the production of plastic bricks offers several
environmental benefits and contributes to sustainable practices.
a) Resource Conservation: By incorporating plastic waste into the manufacturing process of plastic bricks, the demand
for virgin materials, such as natural resources and fossil fuels, is reduced. This reduction in resource consumption
Review Discover Civil Engineering (2024) 1:38 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00040-8
helps conserve valuable resources and mitigates the environmental impacts associated with their extraction and
processing [21, 44].
b) Waste Diversion: Annually, nations across the globe dispose of vast quantities of plastic waste. Studies indicate that
a mere 16% of this waste undergoes recycling to produce new plastics, while 40% finds its way into landfills, 25%
into incineration, and 19% is irresponsibly discarded [37]. Nonetheless, leveraging plastic waste for the fabrication
of plastic bricks emerges as a promising solution. This innovative approach effectively diverts significant amounts
of plastic from landfills and incinerators. Consequently, not only does it diminish the overall volume of plastic waste,
but it also helps mitigate environmental pollution and curtail greenhouse gas emissions [11].
c) Energy Savings: The production of plastic bricks from plastic waste requires less energy compared to the manufactur-
ing processes of conventional building materials [6]. The lower energy requirements contribute to reduced carbon
dioxide emissions and the conservation of energy resources, supporting sustainable energy practices [26, 31].
d) Circular Economy Approach: Incorporating plastic waste into the manufacturing of plastic bricks aligns with the
principles of a circular economy. It promotes the concept of recycling and reusing materials, extending their life cycle,
and reducing waste generation [32]. Plastic bricks offer a tangible example of transforming waste into a valuable
resource, contributing to a more sustainable and circular approach to waste management [4, 45].
The reduction of plastic waste through the production of plastic bricks demonstrates the potential for plastic
waste to be converted into a valuable construction material. By exploring the environmental benefits and sustain-
ability aspects of plastic bricks, particularly in terms of reducing plastic waste, this review highlights the importance
of adopting innovative approaches to waste management and promoting a circular economy mindset.
Reducing carbon emissions is a critical aspect of addressing climate change and achieving sustainability goals. The
utilization of plastic bricks as sustainable construction materials offers potential opportunities for carbon emission
reduction throughout their lifecycle.
a) Emission Savings in Production: The production of plastic bricks from recycled plastic waste generally requires less
energy compared to conventional building materials such as cement or concrete [6]. The lower energy requirements
result in reduced carbon dioxide emissions during the manufacturing process, contributing to a smaller carbon
footprint [46].
b) Substitution for Energy-Intensive Materials: Plastic bricks can serve as a substitute for energy-intensive materials
like fired clay bricks or concrete blocks. These conventional building materials typically involve significant carbon
emissions due to the extraction, processing, and firing of raw materials. By using plastic bricks instead, the carbon
emissions associated with these energy-intensive materials can be reduced [47, 48].
c) Extended Carbon Storage: Plastic bricks, particularly those made from polymers with long-lasting properties, can store
carbon for an extended period. By effectively sequestering carbon within the bricks, the release of carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere is avoided. This carbon storage potential further contributes to the carbon emission reduction
associated with the use of plastic bricks in construction projects [49].
d) Circular Carbon Economy: The incorporation of plastic waste into the production of plastic bricks supports the
concept of a circular carbon economy. By recycling and reusing plastic waste, the carbon emissions associated with
waste incineration or landfilling are minimized [11, 32]. Plastic bricks demonstrate a practical example of repurposing
waste materials and reducing carbon emissions through the circular utilization of carbon resources.
The adoption of plastic bricks as sustainable construction materials presents opportunities for carbon emission
reduction, both through the manufacturing process and their potential to substitute energy-intensive materials.
By exploring the environmental benefits and sustainability aspects of plastic bricks, particularly in terms of carbon
emission reduction, this review highlights the importance of embracing low-carbon alternatives in the construction
industry to mitigate climate change and promote sustainable practices.
Discover Civil Engineering (2024) 1:38 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00040-8 Review
Resource conservation and preservation are essential elements of sustainable practices. The utilization of plastic bricks
as construction materials offers opportunities for conserving valuable resources and preserving the environment.
a) Reduced Extraction of Natural Resources: The production of plastic bricks from recycled plastic waste reduces the
need for the extraction of natural resources, such as clay, sand, or stone, which are typically used in conventional
building materials like bricks or concrete blocks. By repurposing plastic waste, the demand for these natural resources
is minimized, leading to the conservation of ecosystems and the protection of fragile environments [50–52].
b) Water Conservation: Conventional brick manufacturing often requires significant amounts of water for clay prepara-
tion, molding, and curing processes. In contrast, the production of plastic bricks consumes less water, as it primarily
involves the melting and molding of plastic waste. This reduced water consumption contributes to water conserva-
tion efforts and alleviates the strain on water resources, particularly in regions facing water scarcity [20, 39].
c) Preservation of Landfill Space: The utilization of plastic waste in the production of plastic bricks diverts significant
amounts of plastic from landfills. This diversion not only reduces the environmental burden of landfills but also helps
preserve valuable land space that would otherwise be occupied by plastic waste. By repurposing plastic waste into
valuable construction materials, the pressure on landfill capacities is alleviated, promoting more sustainable waste
management practices [32].
d) Extended Material Lifespan: Plastic bricks offer durability and weather resistance, resulting in a longer lifespan com-
pared to some conventional building materials. This extended lifespan reduces the frequency of replacements or
repairs, contributing to the preservation of resources. By utilizing plastic bricks, the demand for new construction
materials is reduced, further conserving resources and minimizing environmental impacts associated with their
extraction and production [51, 53, 54].
By exploring the environmental benefits and sustainability aspects of plastic bricks, particularly in terms of resource
conservation and preservation, this review emphasizes the potential of repurposing plastic waste as a sustainable
solution for the construction industry. Through the conservation of natural resources [50–52], reduction in water
consumption [20, 39], preservation of landfill space [32], and extended material lifespan [51, 53, 54], plastic bricks
present a promising approach to promoting resource-efficient and environmentally conscious construction practices.
Life cycle analysis (LCA) provides a comprehensive assessment of the environmental impacts associated with a prod-
uct or material throughout its entire life cycle. Conducting an LCA of plastic bricks allows us to evaluate their overall
environmental performance and identify areas for improvement, aligning with the objective of transforming waste
into innovation and promoting sustainable construction materials.
a) Raw Material Extraction: The life cycle of plastic bricks begins with the extraction and processing of plastic waste
as a raw material. By utilizing recycled plastic waste, the need for extracting virgin materials, such as clay or sand,
is reduced, minimizing the environmental impacts associated with their extraction. The LCA assesses the energy
consumption, emissions, and potential environmental impacts of the plastic waste extraction stage [55, 56].
b) Manufacturing Processes: The manufacturing processes involved in producing plastic bricks, including mechanical
recycling, chemical recycling, and pyrolysis, have different environmental implications. An LCA examines the energy
consumption, emissions, and waste generation associated with each manufacturing process. It also considers the
efficiency of the processes and the potential for optimizing resource use and reducing environmental burdens [57].
c) Use Phase: During the use phase, plastic bricks offer several environmental benefits, such as energy efficiency and
thermal insulation. An LCA assesses the energy savings achieved through the improved thermal properties of plastic
bricks, as well as their potential contributions to reducing greenhouse gas emissions during building operation. It
also considers factors such as durability, maintenance requirements, and potential for reuse or recycling at the end
of the building’s life [58].
Review Discover Civil Engineering (2024) 1:38 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00040-8
d) End-of-Life Management: The proper management of plastic bricks at the end of their life cycle is crucial for mini-
mizing environmental impacts. An LCA evaluates different end-of-life scenarios, including recycling, disposal, or
repurposing of plastic bricks. It considers the energy and resource requirements of each scenario, as well as potential
emissions or waste generation associated with different waste management options [57, 58].
By conducting a life cycle analysis of plastic bricks, this review aims to provide a holistic understanding of their envi-
ronmental performance and sustainability. Through assessing the raw material extraction, manufacturing processes,
use phase, and end-of-life management, the LCA allows us to identify the strengths and weaknesses of plastic bricks in
terms of their environmental impacts. This analysis contributes to the overall goal of transforming waste into innovation
and highlights opportunities for further improvements in the sustainability of plastic bricks as construction materials.
Ensuring the structural integrity and safety of buildings constructed using plastic bricks is a crucial aspect that needs
careful consideration. While plastic bricks offer various environmental and sustainability benefits, several challenges and
limitations exist regarding their structural performance and safety.
a) Load-Bearing Capacity: Plastic bricks need to exhibit sufficient load-bearing capacity to withstand the structural
loads imposed on buildings. The mechanical properties of plastic bricks, such as compressive strength and flexural
strength, are important factors in determining their load-bearing capacity. Adequate testing and analysis are required
to assess and validate the structural performance of plastic bricks to ensure their suitability for construction applica-
tions [59–61].
b) Long-Term Durability: The long-term durability of plastic bricks is a concern when it comes to their structural integrity.
Factors such as material degradation, weathering effects, and chemical resistance can influence the performance and
durability of plastic bricks over time. Thorough investigation and testing are necessary to evaluate the durability of
plastic bricks under various environmental conditions and to ensure their long-term performance and safety [59].
c) Fire Resistance: Fire resistance is a critical aspect of building materials, especially in terms of occupant safety. The
combustibility of plastic materials raises concerns about the fire resistance of plastic bricks. Adequate fire testing
and the incorporation of flame retardants or fire-resistant additives in the manufacturing process are essential to
enhance the fire resistance of plastic bricks. Ensuring compliance with fire safety regulations and standards is crucial
when considering the use of plastic bricks in construction projects [59, 62].
d) Structural Design Considerations: The use of plastic bricks may require adjustments in structural design and engi-
neering practices. The unique properties and characteristics of plastic bricks, such as their lower density compared
to traditional building materials, may necessitate modifications in structural calculations and design codes. Engaging
experienced structural engineers and architects in the design process is crucial to ensure the structural integrity and
safety of buildings constructed using plastic bricks [63].
By addressing the challenges and limitations associated with plastic bricks, particularly concerning structural integrity
and safety concerns, this review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities and considerations
when utilizing plastic bricks as sustainable construction materials. Thorough testing, evaluation of long-term durability,
fire resistance enhancements, and appropriate structural design practices play a vital role in ensuring the safe and reli-
able use of plastic bricks in construction projects.
The long-term durability and degradation of plastic bricks are critical factors to consider when assessing their suitability as
sustainable construction materials. While plastic bricks offer unique advantages, such as recycling potential and reduced
environmental impact, they also face challenges related to long-term performance and degradation.
Discover Civil Engineering (2024) 1:38 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00040-8 Review
a) Environmental Exposure: Plastic bricks are exposed to various environmental conditions, such as temperature fluc-
tuations, UV radiation, moisture, and chemical exposure, which can lead to degradation over time. Understanding
the effects of these factors on the physical and chemical properties of plastic bricks is essential for assessing their
long-term durability [64].
b) Material Stability: The stability of plastic bricks over an extended period is crucial for ensuring their continued perfor-
mance. Factors such as material aging, embrittlement, and dimensional stability can impact the structural integrity
and functionality of plastic bricks. Evaluating the material stability of plastic bricks under different environmental
conditions is necessary to determine their suitability for long-term use [65–67].
c) Weathering Effects: Exposure to weathering conditions, such as rain, sunlight, and temperature variations, can accel-
erate the degradation of plastic bricks. Changes in color, surface deterioration, and loss of mechanical properties are
some common manifestations of weathering effects. Understanding the weathering behavior of plastic bricks and
developing strategies to mitigate its impact are crucial for ensuring their long-term durability [8, 13, 68].
d) Chemical Resistance: Plastic bricks may encounter various chemicals present in the surrounding environment, such
as acids, alkalis, and solvents. Evaluating the chemical resistance of plastic bricks is important to assess their resist-
ance to chemical attack, degradation, and potential structural deterioration. Understanding the effects of chemical
exposure and developing suitable protective measures can enhance the long-term durability of plastic bricks [1, 33,
64, 68].
By addressing the challenges and limitations related to long-term durability and degradation, this review aims to
provide insights into the environmental exposure, material stability, weathering effects, and chemical resistance of
plastic bricks. Understanding these factors is essential for ensuring the long-term performance and durability of plastic
bricks as sustainable construction materials. Implementing appropriate measures to mitigate degradation and enhance
their resistance to environmental influences will contribute to their successful integration into construction practices.
Compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards is a significant challenge when considering the use
of plastic bricks as sustainable construction materials. Adhering to established regulations and standards ensures the
safety, performance, and acceptance of plastic bricks in the construction industry.
a) Building Codes and Regulations: Plastic bricks must meet the relevant building codes and regulations to ensure
their compliance with structural and safety requirements. These codes outline specific guidelines for materials used
in construction, including their fire resistance, load-bearing capacity, and structural performance. Complying with
building codes is crucial to gain approval for the use of plastic bricks in construction projects [51].
b) Fire Safety Standards: Fire safety is a critical aspect in building design and construction. Plastic bricks need to adhere
to fire safety standards and regulations to ensure their resistance to ignition, flame spread, and heat release. Comply-
ing with fire safety standards is essential to mitigate the risk of fire incidents and ensure the protection of occupants
c) Environmental Regulations: Plastic bricks should also align with environmental regulations and policies. These regu-
lations may address aspects such as the use of recycled materials, reduction of environmental impact, and proper
waste management practices. Ensuring compliance with environmental regulations demonstrates the commitment
to sustainable practices and reinforces the credibility of plastic bricks as environmentally friendly construction materi-
als [14, 70].
d) Certification and Testing: Independent certification bodies and testing laboratories play a vital role in verifying the
compliance of plastic bricks with regulatory requirements and industry standards. Obtaining certifications and con-
ducting rigorous testing procedures can provide assurance of the quality, performance, and safety of plastic bricks.
Working with accredited certification bodies and conducting comprehensive testing can enhance the acceptance
and marketability of plastic bricks [71].
Review Discover Civil Engineering (2024) 1:38 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00040-8
This review recognizes the challenges associated with regulatory and standards compliance when adopting plastic
bricks as sustainable construction materials. Addressing these challenges, such as meeting building codes and regula-
tions, adhering to fire safety standards, complying with environmental regulations, and obtaining certifications, is crucial
for the successful integration of plastic bricks into construction practices. By ensuring regulatory compliance, plastic
bricks can gain acceptance and contribute to sustainable and safe building solutions.
Public perception and acceptance play a significant role in the successful adoption of plastic bricks as sustainable con-
struction materials. The opinions and attitudes of the public towards these innovative products can influence market
demand and the decision-making process of stakeholders in the construction industry.
a) Perception of Structural Integrity and Safety: One of the primary concerns regarding the public acceptance of plastic
bricks is their perceived structural integrity and safety. Traditional building materials like clay bricks and concrete
blocks have established reputations for their strength and reliability. As a result, there may be skepticism and appre-
hension surrounding the use of plastic bricks as a viable alternative. To address these concerns, thorough testing and
certification processes are necessary to demonstrate the structural integrity and safety performance of plastic bricks.
Standardization of testing methods and the establishment of quality control measures can help build confidence
among stakeholders and overcome initial resistance to adopting plastic bricks [72].
b) Long-Term Durability and Degradation: Public perception is also influenced by concerns about the long-term durabil-
ity and degradation of plastic bricks. Questions may arise regarding their resistance to weathering, UV degradation,
and potential leaching of additives over time. It is crucial to conduct comprehensive research and testing to evaluate
the durability of plastic bricks under various environmental conditions and develop additives or protective coatings
that enhance their resistance to degradation. Communicating the findings of these studies to the public and high-
lighting the measures taken to ensure long-term durability can help dispel doubts and increase acceptance [54].
c) Regulatory and Standards Compliance: Regulatory compliance is another important factor that influences public
perception and acceptance of plastic bricks. Building codes and regulations are in place to ensure the safety and qual-
ity of construction materials. It is essential to demonstrate that plastic bricks meet the required regulatory standards
and certifications to gain public trust. Collaboration between industry stakeholders, regulatory bodies, and research
institutions is necessary to establish guidelines and standards specific to plastic bricks and streamline the approval
process [70, 71, 73].
d) Education and Awareness: Education and awareness campaigns play a crucial role in fostering public acceptance of
plastic bricks. Many individuals may be unaware of the environmental benefits and technical advancements asso-
ciated with these sustainable construction materials. Providing accessible and accurate information about plastic
bricks, their manufacturing processes, and their positive environmental impact can help create a positive perception
among the public. Additionally, showcasing successful case studies and real-world applications of plastic bricks can
demonstrate their effectiveness and encourage wider adoption [73, 74].
Public perception and acceptance are essential factors for the successful implementation of plastic bricks as sustain-
able construction materials. To ensure widespread acceptance, it is crucial to address concerns related to the perception
of structural integrity and safety, long-term durability and degradation, regulatory compliance, and conduct effective
education and awareness campaigns. Collaboration among industry stakeholders, rigorous testing and certification
processes, and effective communication strategies are key to gaining public trust and acceptance. By addressing these
challenges and fostering a positive reception, the adoption of plastic bricks can be facilitated, leading to a more sustain-
able and environmentally friendly construction industry.
Discover Civil Engineering (2024) 1:38 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00040-8 Review
Several case studies have showcased the successful implementation of plastic bricks in various construction projects,
highlighting their potential as sustainable construction materials. These case studies provide valuable insights into the
practical application and performance of plastic bricks in real-world scenarios.
In a green building project located in Kawit, Cavite in the Philippines, plastic bricks were utilized as a sustainable alter-
native to traditional construction materials. The plastic bricks demonstrated excellent structural integrity and durability,
meeting the project’s requirements for load-bearing capacity and safety. The successful implementation of plastic bricks
in this project contributed to waste reduction, reduced carbon footprint, and enhanced sustainability [75].
An affordable housing development in Cundinamarca region of Colombia incorporated plastic bricks as part of its
sustainable design strategy. The lightweight nature of plastic bricks facilitated ease of construction, resulting in reduced
construction time and costs. The project successfully achieved energy efficiency targets and demonstrated the durability
of plastic bricks under varying weather conditions. The Cundinamarca region experiences a range of weather conditions,
including high humidity, heavy rainfall, and temperature variations between 10 °C and 22 °C [76]. The plastic bricks
withstood these conditions, proving their robustness and suitability for diverse climates. The utilization of plastic bricks
in this case study provided an affordable and sustainable solution for housing [77].
In an infrastructure rehabilitation project, plastic bricks were employed for road paving and construction of drainage
systems. The plastic bricks exhibited superior resistance to chemical degradation, enabling their long-term performance
in harsh environmental conditions. Specifically, the compressive strength of plastic bricks was found to be 5–50% higher
than that of conventional concrete blocks used in similar applications [18, 19, 30, 31]. This not only ensured the durabil-
ity and longevity of the infrastructure but also reduced maintenance costs over the project’s lifecycle. The use of plastic
bricks in this project significantly mitigated plastic waste while offering a sustainable alternative that met or exceeded
the performance criteria of traditional materials [78–80].
Examining successful case studies of plastic bricks in construction projects provides practical evidence of their viability
as sustainable construction materials. The highlighted case studies demonstrate the structural integrity, durability, and
cost-effectiveness of plastic bricks, along with their positive environmental impact. These examples serve as inspirations
for future construction projects and encourage further exploration and adoption of plastic bricks as an innovative solu-
tion for sustainable construction.
Plastic bricks offer exciting opportunities for innovative and sustainable design in various construction projects. Their
unique properties and versatility allow for creative and visually appealing architectural solutions. Several case studies
have showcased the application of plastic bricks in projects that embrace innovative design possibilities.
A sustainable pavilion project utilized plastic bricks to create an eye-catching and environmentally friendly structure.
The lightweight and modular nature of plastic bricks allowed for flexible design configurations, enabling the construction
of intricate patterns and shapes. The pavilion showcased the aesthetic potential of plastic bricks, while also emphasizing
their sustainable attributes and recyclability [81].
Review Discover Civil Engineering (2024) 1:38 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00040-8
In an urban redevelopment project, plastic bricks were employed as part of a vertical garden facade system. The hollow
spaces within the plastic bricks provided opportunities for integrating irrigation systems and vegetation, resulting in a
green and visually striking exterior. This innovative design approach not only enhanced the aesthetics of the building
but also contributed to improved air quality and thermal insulation [81].
A public art installation project utilized plastic bricks to create a visually engaging and thought-provoking piece. The
flexibility of plastic bricks allowed for intricate sculptural designs and the incorporation of vibrant colors. The installa-
tion showcased the creative possibilities of using plastic bricks as an artistic medium while conveying the message of
sustainability and the transformation of waste into art [81].
The utilization of plastic bricks in innovative design projects demonstrates their potential to push the boundaries of
conventional construction materials. These case studies highlight the ability of plastic bricks to enable unique archi-
tectural expressions, embrace sustainable design principles, and foster creative solutions. By embracing the innovative
design possibilities of plastic bricks, architects and designers can create visually appealing structures while contributing
to sustainable and environmentally conscious construction practices.
Plastic bricks offer not only environmental benefits but also potential cost savings and economic feasibility in construc-
tion projects. Several case studies have explored the cost-effectiveness of plastic bricks, demonstrating their ability to
provide economic advantages compared to traditional construction materials.
An affordable housing project implemented plastic bricks as a cost-effective solution for construction. The use of
plastic bricks significantly reduced material costs compared to conventional materials, contributing to overall project
affordability. The case study highlighted the economic feasibility of plastic bricks in addressing housing affordability chal-
lenges while promoting sustainability [77]. The production process for plastic bricks typically involves sorting, cleaning,
shredding, melting, and molding, which, depending on the scale and equipment used, can take approximately 1–2 days.
In India, Indonesia, UK, Netherlands, South Africa, Ethiopia and Ghana, an infrastructure development project, plastic
bricks were used for road construction. The lightweight and durable nature of plastic bricks allowed for easier transporta-
tion, reduced labor costs, and accelerated construction timelines. The case study demonstrated the economic advantages
of plastic bricks in terms of lower maintenance and repair costs over the project’s lifecycle [78–80].
A retrofitting project for a commercial building incorporated plastic bricks as a cost-effective solution for enhancing
energy efficiency [82]. The insulating properties of plastic bricks reduced heating and cooling demands, resulting in
lower energy consumption and operational costs. The case study showcased the economic feasibility of plastic bricks in
achieving energy savings and improving the building’s overall financial performance.
The economic feasibility of plastic bricks is a crucial aspect to consider when evaluating their potential in construc-
tion projects. These case studies demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of plastic bricks, showcasing their ability to reduce
material and labor costs, improve energy efficiency, and contribute to overall project affordability. By adopting plastic
bricks, stakeholders can achieve both environmental sustainability and economic viability in construction practices.
Discover Civil Engineering (2024) 1:38 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00040-8 Review
Plastic bricks offer significant potential for contributing to a circular economy by promoting the recyclability and reus-
ability of plastic waste. Understanding the recyclability and reusability aspects of plastic bricks is crucial in assessing
their environmental impact and sustainability.
a) Recyclability of Plastic Bricks: By 2050, it is estimated that there will be approximately a billion metric tons of plastic
in landfills [10]. Hence, there is an urgent need for a paradigm shift. Plastic bricks offer a solution as they can be
designed and manufactured with recyclability in mind. They have the potential to be melted and reprocessed into
new plastic bricks or other plastic products, thereby preventing plastic waste from accumulating in landfills or caus-
ing environmental pollution. The recyclability of plastic bricks not only reduces the demand for virgin plastic but
also minimizes the energy and resources required for traditional plastic production [11].
b) Reusability of Plastic Bricks: Plastic bricks can be reused in various construction projects, enhancing their lifecycle,
and reducing the need for new materials. When structures made of plastic bricks are demolished or renovated, the
bricks can be carefully disassembled and reused in new construction projects. The reusability of plastic bricks reduces
the demand for fresh materials and promotes resource conservation [67].
c) Closed-loop Systems: Closed-loop systems are designed to create a circular flow of resources by ensuring that prod-
ucts are reused, recycled, or repurposed at the end of their lifecycle. In the context of plastic recycling, a closed-loop
system involves the collection, processing, and utilization of plastic waste to create new products or materials [83].
Implementing closed-loop systems, where plastic bricks are collected, processed, and reintroduced into the produc-
tion cycle, can further enhance the circularity of plastic bricks (Fig. 2). Closed-loop systems facilitate the efficient
management of plastic waste, ensuring that plastic bricks are continuously recycled and reused, minimizing waste
generation and environmental impact [84].
The recyclability and reusability of plastic bricks contribute to the vision of a circular economy, where resources are
kept in use for as long as possible. By designing plastic bricks for recyclability, promoting their reusability in construc-
tion projects, and implementing closed-loop systems (Fig. 2), stakeholders can maximize the environmental benefits of
plastic bricks, minimize waste generation, and foster a sustainable approach to construction.
The utilization of plastic bricks in construction projects has significant implications for waste management practices,
offering opportunities to address plastic waste challenges and promote a circular economy.
Review Discover Civil Engineering (2024) 1:38 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00040-8
a) Plastic Waste Diversion: By converting plastic waste into bricks, valuable resources that would otherwise end up in
landfills or pollute the environment can be diverted and given a new life [10, 85]. Moreover, considering the avail-
able land pressure in various regions, plastic waste diversion from landfills becomes imperative. The use of plastic
bricks in construction projects helps to reduce the accumulation of plastic waste, mitigating its negative impact on
ecosystems and human health [5, 86, 87].
b) Landfill Reduction: Plastic bricks play a crucial role in minimizing the volume of waste sent to landfills. Their incor-
poration in construction projects provides an alternative disposal route for plastic waste, freeing up valuable landfill
space. By diverting plastic waste from landfills, plastic bricks contribute to more sustainable waste management
practices and reduce the environmental burden associated with landfilling [11].
c) Encouraging Recycling Infrastructure: The adoption of plastic bricks in construction projects creates a demand for
recycling infrastructure capable of processing plastic waste. This demand incentivizes the development and expan-
sion of recycling facilities, promoting a robust recycling ecosystem. The establishment of a well-functioning recy-
cling infrastructure not only supports the production of plastic bricks but also enables the recycling of other plastic
products, fostering a circular economy [5, 85].
The utilization of plastic bricks in construction projects brings about significant waste management implications. By
diverting plastic waste from landfills and encouraging the development of recycling infrastructure, plastic bricks contrib-
ute to a more sustainable approach to waste management. Embracing plastic bricks as construction materials supports
the transition to a circular economy and fosters the responsible management of plastic waste, leading to a cleaner and
more sustainable environment.
Plastic bricks play a significant role in advancing circular economy initiatives by promoting resource efficiency, waste
reduction, and sustainable material cycles. Their contribution to circular economy principles is multifaceted and extends
beyond waste management considerations (Fig. 3).
a) Resource Efficiency: Plastic bricks offer a resource-efficient solution by utilizing plastic waste as a valuable resource
in the construction industry. By converting plastic waste into durable construction materials, plastic bricks minimize
the reliance on virgin materials and reduce the extraction of natural resources. This resource efficiency contributes
to the preservation of finite resources and supports a more sustainable approach to material usage [88].
b) Extended Product Lifespan: The longevity and durability of plastic bricks contribute to the extended lifespan of con-
structed structures. By using plastic bricks, buildings and infrastructure can withstand the test of time, reducing the
Discover Civil Engineering (2024) 1:38 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00040-8 Review
need for frequent replacement or renovation. This extended product lifespan aligns with circular economy principles
by maximizing the utility of materials and minimizing waste generation [89].
c) Circular Material Cycles: Plastic bricks foster circular material cycles by enabling the recycling and reuse of plastic
waste. As plastic bricks can be recycled and reintroduced into the production cycle, they contribute to the closed-loop
system, where materials are continuously reused. By participating in circular material cycles, plastic bricks reduce the
reliance on linear, one-time use material flows and support the transition to a more circular economy [83, 90].
The contribution of plastic bricks to circular economy initiatives is evident in their resource efficiency, promotion of
extended product lifespans, and facilitation of circular material cycles. By embracing plastic bricks in construction prac-
tices, stakeholders actively participate in the transition towards a circular economy, fostering sustainable material flows
and minimizing environmental impacts.
To further enhance the utilization of plastic bricks as sustainable construction materials, future research should focus
on advancing manufacturing techniques. Continuous improvements in manufacturing processes can contribute to
the quality, efficiency, and scalability of plastic brick production.
a) Automation and Optimization: Research efforts should explore automation and optimization techniques to streamline
the manufacturing of plastic bricks. Automated processes can reduce manual labor, increase production speed, and
ensure consistent quality. Optimization techniques, such as fine-tuning parameters and material formulations, can
enhance the mechanical properties and overall performance of plastic bricks [91, 92].
b) Novel Materials and Additives: Investigating the incorporation of novel materials and additives can open up new pos-
sibilities for plastic brick manufacturing. Researchers can explore the use of reinforcing fibers, additives for improved
fire resistance or UV stability, and alternative binding agents to enhance the properties and versatility of plastic bricks.
This can lead to the development of specialized plastic bricks suitable for various construction applications [93].
c) Waste Sorting and Preprocessing: Research should be conducted on efficient waste sorting and preprocessing tech-
niques to ensure the availability of high-quality plastic waste feedstock for brick production. Investigating methods
for sorting different types of plastics and optimizing preprocessing steps, such as cleaning, shredding, and blending,
can enhance the consistency and purity of the recycled plastic used in brick manufacturing [91, 92, 94].
Advancements in manufacturing techniques hold great potential for further improving the utilization of plastic
bricks in construction. By exploring automation and optimization, incorporating novel materials and additives, and
enhancing waste sorting and preprocessing, researchers can contribute to the development of more efficient, high-
quality plastic brick manufacturing processes. These advancements will support the widespread adoption of plastic
bricks as sustainable construction materials.
To further expand the application and acceptance of plastic bricks as sustainable construction materials, future
research should focus on enhancing their performance and engineering properties. Advancements in these areas
can unlock new possibilities and address potential limitations.
a) Structural Strength and Load-Bearing Capacity: Research efforts should be directed towards improving the struc-
tural strength and load-bearing capacity of plastic bricks. Investigating different formulations, reinforcements, and
manufacturing techniques can enhance the mechanical properties of plastic bricks, making them more suitable for
a wider range of construction applications. Understanding the factors that affect their structural performance will
enable engineers to confidently design and incorporate plastic bricks into various building structures [95–97].
Review Discover Civil Engineering (2024) 1:38 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00040-8
b) Fire Resistance and Flame Retardancy: Enhancing the fire resistance and flame retardancy of plastic bricks is crucial
for ensuring their safety and compliance with building regulations. Research should focus on developing additives
and coatings that improve the fire performance of plastic bricks without compromising their other engineering
properties. Understanding the fire behavior of plastic bricks and optimizing their composition can expand their use
in fire-sensitive applications while maintaining their sustainable characteristics [62].
c) Thermal and Acoustic Insulation: Exploring ways to enhance the thermal and acoustic insulation properties of plas-
tic bricks can contribute to energy efficiency and occupant comfort in buildings. Research should investigate the
incorporation of insulating materials and design modifications to minimize heat transfer and sound transmission.
This will expand the range of environments and climates where plastic bricks can be effectively utilized, promoting
their adoption in sustainable building design [41, 98–100].
Advancing the performance and engineering properties of plastic bricks through research is essential for their
widespread adoption in the construction industry. By improving structural strength, fire resistance, thermal and
acoustic insulation properties, researchers can expand the applications of plastic bricks and enhance their overall
performance. These advancements will accelerate the transition towards sustainable and environmentally conscious
construction practices.
To ensure the continued success and reliability of plastic bricks as sustainable construction materials, future research
should focus on long-term performance monitoring and assessment. Understanding their behavior over time is crucial
for evaluating their durability, environmental impact, and overall sustainability.
a) Durability Studies: Conducting long-term durability studies will provide valuable insights into the performance of
plastic bricks under various environmental conditions. Researchers should monitor factors such as structural integrity,
dimensional stability, and resistance to aging processes such as weathering, moisture, and chemical exposure. This
data will help establish the long-term reliability of plastic bricks and guide improvements in their formulation and
manufacturing processes [96, 101].
b) Environmental Impact Assessment: Comprehensive assessments of the environmental impact of plastic bricks
throughout their life cycle are necessary to evaluate their sustainability credentials. Future research should con-
sider conducting life cycle assessments (LCA) to quantify the environmental burdens associated with plastic brick
production, use, and disposal. These assessments will enable a better understanding of the overall environmental
performance of plastic bricks and inform strategies for minimizing their ecological footprint [2, 58, 62, 66, 96, 97,
c) Case Studies and Field Applications: Continued monitoring of plastic brick applications in real-world construction
projects will provide valuable feedback on their long-term performance. Researchers should collaborate with indus-
try partners to conduct case studies and gather data on factors such as structural stability, weather resistance, and
maintenance requirements. Analyzing the performance of plastic bricks in different geographic locations and building
types will enhance their acceptance and inform future design and construction practices [10, 96].
Long-term performance monitoring and assessment of plastic bricks are critical for ensuring their durability, sustain-
ability, and acceptance in the construction industry. Through durability studies, environmental impact assessments, and
case studies in real-world applications, researchers can gain valuable insights into the behavior of plastic bricks over
time. This knowledge will further enhance their reliability and support the widespread adoption of plastic bricks as a
sustainable construction material.
8 Conclusion
In this review, we explored the potential of plastic bricks as sustainable construction materials and examined their
manufacturing processes, properties, environmental benefits, challenges, and applications. Plastic bricks offer a viable
solution for transforming plastic waste into innovative construction materials, contributing significantly to waste reduc-
tion, resource conservation, and the circular economy. The conversion of plastic waste into bricks can be achieved
Discover Civil Engineering (2024) 1:38 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00040-8 Review
through various processes, including mechanical recycling, chemical recycling, and pyrolysis, each with its advantages
and limitations in terms of material properties, energy consumption, and environmental impact. Plastic bricks exhibit
promising properties such as mechanical strength, thermal resistance, and durability; however, further research is needed
to enhance their structural integrity, fire resistance, and insulating capabilities. Successful implementations of plastic
bricks in construction projects underscore their potential for sustainable building design and infrastructure development.
The adoption of plastic bricks in the construction industry can have significant implications, including sustainable
waste management by diverting plastic waste from landfills or incineration. This supports the industry’s sustainability
goals and addresses environmental concerns while promoting resource efficiency through the use of recycled materials.
Plastic bricks also offer potential reductions in carbon emissions and environmental impact compared to conventional
construction materials. Recommendations for further exploration include optimizing manufacturing processes, improv-
ing material properties, and establishing industry standards and regulations specific to plastic bricks. Collaboration
among researchers, industry professionals, and policymakers is crucial to share knowledge and best practices, enhance
public awareness, and drive the widespread adoption of plastic bricks in construction. Effective education campaigns
can dispel misconceptions and promote acceptance of plastic bricks, while sustainable procurement policies can incen-
tivize market growth and foster continued research and development efforts. Through this comprehensive review, we
have highlighted the transformative potential of plastic bricks in promoting sustainable construction practices, urging
continued efforts to maximize their benefits and integration into mainstream building practices.
Acknowledgements I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. R. L. Sharma for his unwavering support and inspiration throughout
the writing process. His guidance has been invaluable in shaping this manuscript. I also want to extend my thanks to my girlfriend for her
constant encouragement and emotional support, which has been instrumental in keeping me motivated during this endeavor. Thank you to
both of them for their contributions, which went beyond the scope of authorship.
Author contributions Kundan Yadav wrote the entire main manuscript. Abhinandan Singh and Ovais Nazir Bhat prepared all figures. All
authors reviewed the manuscript.
Data availability No datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.
Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article
are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
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Review Discover Civil Engineering (2024) 1:38 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00040-8
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