08 - Chapter 2
08 - Chapter 2
08 - Chapter 2
1. Administrative set-up
3. Transportation
5. Forest
8. Industry
10. Education
percent of the total land area of the state. It lies between 21.11’- N
and 22.10 latitudes and 85.11’ and 86.22’ east longitudes. It’s
boundaries extend in the north to Singhbhum district of Bihar, in
the south Cuttack district, in the west to Dhenkanal district and
The national highway no.-6 passes through the district and connects
trees like Sal, Asan and Piasal.The forest product like timber, tasar,
the Brahamani valley area of Telkoi block on the south west. The
division has good black soil and water potentiality for agriculture.
spreads from march to may and may is the hottest month of the
year with daily temperature fluctuating between 41 °C (105.8° F) to
26° C (78.8° F). The monsoon season in the district spreads from
annual rainfall in the district varies from 51.18° to 64.41°. The post
monsoon period of October and November has cool normal
temperature. Winter is experienced in the district for a period of
50.97 percent.
growth rate has been remarkably higher after 1951 census. But
1991. During the decade the district has not changed its rank in
population it endowed.
population was 203 which has increased to 236 in 2001 census. The
by population density.
males is called the sex ratio for the purpose of census. The sex
ratio of Orissa was in favour of females upto 1961. However a
trend of persistent decline in the number of females is recorded
since the year 1921. The figure of females per thousand males in
1921 was 1086 which reduced to 1067 during 1931, 1053 during
1941, 1022 during 1951 and 1001 in 1961. From 1971 the number
of males surpassed the females having 988 per 1000 males. The
sex ratio for the state was further reduced to 981 in 1981, 971 in
1991. During the current census of 2001 the sex ratio has shown a
bit improvement having 972 females per 1000 males which is higher
than the all India sex ratio of 933 females per 1000 males.
by sex ratio.
who can merely read but can not write is not a literate . In 2001
rate has gone up from 49.09 percent to 63.61 percent while male
literacy rate increased from 63.09 to 75.95 percent and female
literacy rate improved from 34.68 percent to 50.97 percent. The all
India literacy rate is 65.38 percent during 2001 is higher than that
Table - 2.1
Population in the age group (0-6) Number of literates
and literacy rate in KJR district.
1 2 3 4 5
4. Literacy rate 59.75 72.53 46.71
Note * Literates exclude children in the age group (0-6) years who were
The river Baitarani is the only major river of the district though
there are some branch rivers like Kusei.Kalimati, Musal and Muhan
flowing inside the district and connects river Baitarani. The river
Baitarani emerges from the Guptaganga pahar of the central hill
near Champua. It flows from there along the boarder for some
distance and then turns south. Thereafter it flows from the north
west to the south east till it leaves the district through Anandapur
Administrative set up -
divisions, eight tahasils, thirteen C.D. blocks and twenty police stations.
The district possess seven towns, three municipalities and one
N.A.C..The whole district is divided into 244 Grama-panchayatas with
six assembly constituencies and 2125 villages out of which 2067
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ghasipura 20 165 —
Population Size
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
facility. Only few kilometres of railway lines are laid in the district in
north-eastern part for the transport of mineral resources. The district
is well connected with the surrounding areas through the road transport
network. The national highway N0.-6 passes through the district and
connects it with Sambalpur and M.P in the west and Mayurbhanja and
total length of 274 km in the district. Details about the length of different
categories of roads in the district are given in the following table.
Table- 2.4
Detail categories of Road in Keonjhar district.
1. National Highways. 94
2. State Highways 274
3. Major District Roads 151
4. Other District Roads 189
5. Forest Roads 228
6. Grampanchyata Roads 2436
7. Classified Village Roads 483
8. P.S. Roads 1248
9. Village Roads 1191
10. Express Way 9
11. Urban Roads 538
12. Irrigation Roads 124
13. Railway Rout length 40 km 4
& Station.
Source - 1 Chief Engineer National Highways.
2. Chief Engineer RuraL Works, BBSR
3. Chief Conservator of Forest. Orissa.
4. Panchayata Raj Dept. BBSR
5. Chief Engineer R.& B.
6. Housing and Urban Development Dept. BBSR.
1 2 3
Total 3097.18
Keonjhar has one head Post Office which is situated in the district
headquarter in Keonjhargarh. The head Post Office controls,
regulates and supervises the work of the Sub- post offices and
1 2 3
5. Telegraph Offices
6. Telephone Exchanges
1 2 3
7. Ayurvedic Hospitals 49
& Dispensaries
8. Homeopathic Hospitals 30
& Dispensaries
1 2 3
1 2 3
Keonjhar district. They procure food for the family and get an income
an income and there are other people who are indirectly depend
Table - 2.10
Land utilisation pattern in Keonjhar district .
1 2 3
Table -2.11
Educational Facilities available in Keonjhar district.
1 2 3 4 5 6
located in urban areas and gives service to the urban people; whereas
major section of people live in rural area keeping this in view the Rural
Regional Bank were established in 1975 to bring the rural people into
the fold of the banking structure and to give them benefits. In a modern
Table -2.12
Banking Facilities available in Keonjhar district.
1 2 3 4 5
Co-operative Society -
A Co-operative Society is a voluntary association of individuals
rural economy and help the rural people to improve their socio
1 2 3
5. Card Bank 3
10. FMCS 22
Total 99
Total 114
existence and they are carried on with the help of nature, (ii)
i 2 3 4
'C f
Main workers
Agril. Labour
Total workers
Quarry. Ind.
block and 0.95 percent of the total number of villages of the district.
Detailed Description of the Sample Villages
6. Electricity 20 100.00
with predominantly food crops and commercial crops, and villages with
Acres i,e 246.86 ht. The total area of the sample villages form 0.60
percent of the total area of the district and 14.40 percent of the total
well and others is 1032 acres .The proportion of irrigated land to total
cultivated land is 13.06 percent .The total cultivated land in the sample
villages is 1.07 percent and 15.10 percent respectively of the total
cultivated land of the district and the block .
be seen. However this does not represent the image of the average
a railway station.
losing force in the villages but caste feeling are still dominant .
and renovation of well. Party politics has been found to be one of the