Ey Ppa Study 2023
Ey Ppa Study 2023
Ey Ppa Study 2023
A study of purchase price
allocation in India
February 2023
We are proud to present the fourth edition of our Understanding the implications of Ind AS 103 is
Purchase Price Allocation (PPA) study. important since they not only affect the future
earnings and balance sheet of a company but
Post COVID-19, the number of Mergers & may also have tax implications, questions from
Acquisitions increased during the year ended shareholders, etc. Further, in the era of intense
31 March 2022, particularly in the backdrop of auditor and regulatory scrutiny, this matter
declined M&A activity during the previous year warrants careful attention. Depending on the
which was impacted due to the pandemic. transaction structure, PPA will also have relevance
Ind AS 103 Business Combinations (“Ind AS from an income-tax perspective, as tax treatment
103”) transforms the way companies plan and for different intangibles and goodwill could be
execute their acquisition strategies. The standard different.
applies to most of the business combinations, Ernst & Young Merchant Banking Services LLP’s
including amalgamations and acquisitions. The Valuation, Modelling & Economics Services
change in accounting for business combinations department has undertaken a study of business
calls for assets/liabilities (including intangible combination accounting for transactions that
assets and contingent liabilities which did not were disclosed in annual reports of the top 500+
exist on the balance sheet of target entities/ listed companies in India (covering over 500+
businesses) acquired in a deal to be measured at transactions) by market capitalization since
fair value applying appropriate valuation methods implementation of Ind AS till 31 March 2022. The
and residual value allocated to goodwill/capital study presents the results of assets (primarily
reserve. intangible assets) that are typically recognized
and reported by a company during an acquisition.
However, the results of this study cannot be
viewed in isolation.
Why benchmarking?
Parag Mehta
Partner, Strategy and Transactions (SaT)
Valuation, Modelling & Economics
Ernst & Young Merchant Banking Services LLP
Fair value accounting of business combination and its manifold implications
Investor communications
Number of
Goodwill Total recognized intangible assets Tangible, financial and other assets
*Tangible, financial, and other assets for financial services are higher due to higher composition of financial assets (i.e., loans and advances)
Note 1: The above numbers are average and should not be considered as a benchmark for the sector, as allocation of assets and goodwill may vary
significantly based on transaction-specific facts.
Note 2: Sectors with less than five transactions are categorized under “Others”.
Note 3: Average goodwill is after considering adjustment for capital reserves.
In sectors like telecommunications, life sciences, retail and Capital-intensive sectors, such as real estate and hospitality,
consumer products, a relatively higher proportion of deal energy, metals and building materials, allocate more than two-
value is allocated to intangible assets. This is reflected by the third of their enterprise value to tangible assets.
underlying products, brands, intellectual property, license and
rights and customer relationships. Number of intangibles identified
Marketing-related intangibles were the key acquisition driver in the consumer products, life sciences and retail sector.
Generally, a non-compete agreement is a part of most acquisitions as a safeguard to the buyer. However, allocation of value to
non-compete agreement is on the lower side - possibly indicating either a shorter life or probability/impact of competition is/are
perceived to be minimal.
This study is based only on annual reports of the top 500+ listed companies in India by market capitalization for FY17 to
FY22. Transactions with enterprise value less than INR100 million were ignored. A total of 574 transactions were found
where adequate information about PPA was disclosed. Appropriate assumptions were considered with regard to classification
of intangibles where full information was not disclosed.
For certain transactions, only the total value was disclosed for all intangible assets recognized. For such transactions, the
value of intangible assets was classified under other intangible assets.
Results are presented as percentages of enterprise value. If cash and cash equivalent are not disclosed, gross debt is assumed
as net debt.
Bengaluru Jamshedpur
12th & 13th floor 1st Floor, Shantiniketan Building
“UB City”, Canberra Block Holding No. 1, SB Shop Area
No.24 Vittal Mallya Road Bistupur, Jamshedpur – 831 001
Bengaluru - 560 001 Tel: + 91 657 663 1000
Tel: + 91 80 6727 5000
Ground Floor, ‘A’ wing 9th Floor, ABAD Nucleus
Divyasree Chambers NH-49, Maradu PO
# 11, O’Shaughnessy Road Kochi - 682 304
Langford Gardens Tel: + 91 484 433 4000
Bengaluru - 560 025
Tel: + 91 80 6727 5000 Kolkata
22 Camac Street
Chandigarh 3rd Floor, Block ‘C’
Elante offices, Unit Kolkata - 700 016
No. B-613 & 614 Tel: + 91 33 6615 3400
6th Floor, Plot No - 178-178A,
Industrial & Business Mumbai
Park, Phase-I, 14th Floor, The Ruby
Chandigarh - 160002 29 Senapati Bapat Marg
Tel +91 172 6717800 Dadar (W), Mumbai - 400 028
Tel: + 91 22 6192 0000
Tidel Park, 6th & 7th Floor 5th Floor, Block B-2
A Block, No.4, Rajiv Gandhi Salai Nirlon Knowledge Park
Taramani, Chennai - 600 113 Off. Western Express Highway
Tel: + 91 44 6654 8100 Goregaon (E)
Mumbai - 400 063
Delhi NCR Tel: + 91 22 6192 0000
Golf View Corporate Tower B
Sector 42, Sector Road Pune
Gurgaon - 122 002 C-401, 4th floor
Tel: + 91 124 443 4000 Panchshil Tech Park
3rd & 6th Floor, Worldmark-1 (Near Don Bosco School)
IGI Airport Hospitality District Pune - 411 006
Aerocity, New Delhi - 110 037 Tel: + 91 20 4912 6000
Tel: + 91 11 4731 8000
Ernst & Young Merchant Banking Services LLP (LLP Identity No. AAO-2287) is a
Limited Liability Partnership registered under The Limited Liability Partnership Act,
2008 having its registered office at The Ruby, 14th Floor, 29 Senapati Bapat Marg,
Dadar West, Mumbai – 400028.
© 2023 Ernst & Young Merchant Banking Services LLP. Published in India.
All Rights Reserved.
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