Classroom Management Plan

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Classroom Management Key Components

Area #1: Procedures/Structures/Routines

● Beginning Routine/Start of Class
● Quiet/Attention Signals
● Physical Transitions (groups, pairs, labs, activities, carpet)
● Dismissal or Lining Up
● Non-Verbal Cues (visuals, hand gestures, music)
● Giving Directions
● Checking for Understanding
● Holding Ground/No Arguing
● Raising Hands to Speak

Area #2: Engagement & Participation

● Variety (three or more activities per hour)
● Collaboration (Students Talking/Peer Discussions)
● Movement (two or more times per hour)
● Total Participation (all students think, write, share, or answer simultaneously)
● Rigor (higher order thinking and tasks required)
● Instruction (explain, model, guided practice, independent practice)
● Questioning/Probing
● Group Work (roles and productivity)

Area #3: Rapport/Connection

● Teacher Warmth/Friendliness/Approachability
● Teacher Enthusiasm/Energy/Excitement/Joy
● Teacher Humor/Laughter
● Teacher Knowledge of individual students’ interests
● Teacher Respect and Appreciation for students
● Teacher Encouragement of students
● Teacher sensitivity to student cultures and backgrounds
Area #4: Behavior Intervention/Consequences
● Regular use of gentle redirects (proximity, warnings, the look)
● Consequences are reasonable and equitable
● Consequences are given as choices (you have a choice right now...)
● Teacher uses soft eyes, soft voice during conflicts
● Teacher is firm, but also calm and compassionate (doesn’t yell or intimidate)
● Consistent follow through with consequences once they are earned (doesn’t make
the same request over and over)
● Arguments/debates are delayed, done in private
● Progression up hierarchy is swift but fair

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Area #1 Philosophy/Thoughts Example of what strategies you will

use to support your thinking

Beginning My specific morning routine -Begin by bringing in folder and putting

Routine/Start of schedule is set for each it in their mailbox.
student to follow for every day -Next, each student will take their chair
of the school year. I believe down at their desk.
that when students understand -Then students will mark attendance
their expectations and gain on the board and slide their name to
responsibilities, they learn hot or cold lunch.
skills that go beyond the -After that, students grab their tubs and
classroom. I think that bring them to their desks.
establishing a routine with -Finally, students find their seats and
students will help them find begin working on the sheet at their
clarity and purpose to start desk. This will be either an intentional
class each day. coloring sheet or a journal of some
-Lessons will begin after everyone is
settled and has had time to prepare for
the day.

Quiet/Attention Communication is key in a -Individuals:

Signals classroom environment. I will -Say the students' name and/or tap
be giving gentle reminders to on their desk.
students through these -Group:
attention signals. This will help -Say, “3-2-1 talking is done.”
them understand that they -Say, “Zip it, lock it,” they respond
should not talk while I do. with “put it in your pocket.”
Physical Transition times can take too -I will count down from a certain
Transitions long if students don’t know number to signal to students that they
what is expected of them need to hurry up and get to a place
(groups, pairs,
during that time. I want my within that time.
labs, activities, transitional times to remain -I will call students off in groups to
carpet) calm, quiet, and go smoothly. transition to the next spot to ensure
they do it in a calm and quick manner.
-We will talk about transitions at the
beginning of the year and refer back to
what is expected of them as needed.

Dismissal or Students will understand the -When we leave the classroom and
Lining Up expectations of how to line up walk in the hallways, we will walk like
and walk through the hallways secret agents, quiet and sneaky.
by practicing various times. We -Students will line up in abc order.
will play charades to show Each day we will have a new line
what is acceptable hallway leader, going down the alphabetical
behavior and what is not. list. Students should always stand by
Students should line up and the same two people unless they are
walk calmly, quietly, and the leader or caboose.
always keep their hands to -When waiting at places like the
themselves. bathroom or classroom to leave, it will
be a quiet and contained classroom
contest, boys vs. girls. They can get
one point per day. Whoever reaches
10 points first, gets to win a prize.

Non-Verbal Cues It is important to have -The teacher will tap on the students
(visuals, hand non-verbal cues in the desk.
classroom in order to -The teacher will move closer to the
gestures, music)
communicate with students disruptive student.
without having to say anything. -The teacher's tone may change.
This will help them check their -I will use a stop light picture at my
actions and serve as desk. There will be a clip on it. If the
reminders. clip is on red, no one can come and
interrupt. If the clip is on yellow, the
student may ask a fast question. If the
clip is on green, the student may come
up with anything they need.

Giving Directions I think that it is important to -I will keep directions clear, concise,
make sure your directions and short.
don’t take too much time to -The students will repeat the list of
explain. It is important to directions.
ensure that the directions you -I will write them somewhere/have a
give are meaningful, picture arrangement for all to see and
condensed enough to check back on.
understand, and will guide -I will ask if there are any questions at
them toward success. I also the end.
find value in modeling an -I will also model anything that may
activity to students so that they need to be modeled.
not only hear directions but
see what they look like as well.

Checking for Ensuring that students -Exit tickets at the end of a lesson.
Understanding understand what was just -Have students show thumbs up,
taught is vastly important. We thumbs in the middle, or down to show
need to reflect on our teaching how they feel about the content.
strategies to make sure that it -A game at the conclusion of a lesson.
is making a mark on students -Formative assessments throughout.
and they are getting something -Turn and talk.
out of our lessons. -Ask them if they have any questions.
-Ask students to reflect in a journal.

Holding As educators, we must hold -Saying, “No thank you.”

Ground/No similar expectations of -Have a private conversation with the
behavior for each student. We student.
must remain consistent with -Communicate expectations often.
what consequences we give -Follow through with what you say.
and how we give them. We
must make it clear that arguing
with the teacher or peers is not
an acceptable behavior.

Raising Hands to A widely used expectation in -When a student blurts I will put a hand
Speak the classroom is raising your up and say, “You are blurting no thank
hand to get a turn to talk. I you,” and proceed to call on a different
want to teach students that student.
through doing this you are -Make an anchor chart with students
showing respect, kindness, on this.
and patience. -Play charades to model good patience
and hand raising vs. the opposite.

Area #2 Philosophy/Thoughts Example of what strategies you will

use to support your thinking

Variety (three or Depending on the grade you -Lessons containing movement.

more activities are teaching, this may look -Inquiry based learning activities.
different. I think it is important -Peer collaboration/group work.
per hour)
to constantly keep students -Offer them a choice between different
engaged, interested, and activities.
occupied. At all costs, you -Gear towards their interests.
want to avoid boredom and a -Always have something for them to
lack of something to do. To do, be prepared for plan B.
ensure you do this, always
have something extra for them
to do if they complete a task. I
think that our activities should
sprout upon things the
students find to be interesting
in order to keep them wanting
to learn.

Collaboration One of the greatest ways to -Allow students to communicate

(Students learn is through sharing ideas amongst each other.
and hearing others' thought -Turn and talk.
processes. We must allow -Think, pair, share.
Discussions) students to converse amongst -Webbing.
one another and with us, the -Meetings with parents, co-workers,
teacher, in order to deepen admin.
and broaden their -Intervening in student conversations.
understanding of certain -Promote open communication policies
topics. As teachers, we also in the classroom.
must collaborate with
co-workers, administration,
and parents in order to gain a
stronger understanding.

Movement (two Movement stimulates our -Brain breaks.

or more times brains. Allowing students to get -Skip/tiptoe/march while transitioning.
up and move their bodies will -Hands on activities.
per hour)
allow them to take in more -Showing understanding with thumbs
information and be able to up, in the middle, or down.
remember it better. -Lesson with handheld manipulators.
-Allowing a fidget toy if they struggle to
sit still.
-Flexible seating arrangement.

Total Whole group participation is -Prompt students to communicate with

Participation (all important. When everyone each other.
participates, it helps every -Think, pair, share and turn and talk.
students think,
student gain a deeper -Prompt reflective journals.
write, share, or understanding and learn more -Make your activities creative and
answer purposely. When students engaging.
simultaneously) actively participate, they make -Allow them to make choices in
more connections in their activities.
brains. -Include movement.

Rigor (higher With all classes there will be -Differentiate assignments.

order thinking different levels that students -Designated time of the day for
function at. It is important to learning groups.
and tasks
required) split students up into similar -Intentional pairing of partners.
ability groups and challenge -Zone of proximal development.
them collectively with different -Appropriate grade/reading level.
levels. Through this, students -Avoid giving students activities that
will not only receive more are too far above their level or too far
appropriate assignments but below.
they will also receive more
personalized instructional time.

Instruction When explaining directions to -I do, We do, You do.

(explain, model, a class, we must do so in a -Model activities and directions to
clear and concise way. Every students.
guided practice,
expectation we have for the -Be clear and concise with directions.
independent students must be explained. -Provide examples.
practice) We should model to the -Prompt students to think deeper.
students how we expect them -Provide directions in a written format
to behave as well as how we in the front of the class.
foresee the activities spanning -Allow for any questions after
out. This helps avoid explaining.
confusion. If you effectively
model the lesson to them,
students will likely complete
the lesson the way you

Questioning/Prob When we ask questions to -Ask the students for a reasoning

ing students, we learn more about behind some of their responses to
their thought process, ideas, questions in activities.
opinions, and get to learn more -Make time to ask each student
about what they know. We individualized questions.
should ask questions to prompt
deeper thinking.

Group Work I believe in giving different -Assign group roles.

(roles and roles to different students -Decide if it is appropriate to choose
during group work. Each groupings or if they are capable of
student should be putting in deciding theirselves.
equal amounts of effort when it -Allow choices on what to do for the
comes to group activities. We assignment in groups.
should also encourage -Prompt them to participate as much
students to share all of their as possible.
ideas when it comes to
working as a group.

Area #3 Philosophy/Thoughts Example of what strategies you will

use to support your thinking
Teacher Relationships are the heart of -Welcome students each morning.
Warmth/Friendlin a classroom and successful -Say hello to co-teachers in the
teaching staff. When we create hallways.
healthy relationships, our -Speak up in meetings.
ity levels of warmth, friendliness, - Ask questions and give answers
and approachability will when someone has one.
increase. It is important to - Leave your door open when you are
remember that it is okay to ask in the classroom without kids.
for help and offer it to others.

Teacher When you are excited for the -Change the tone in your voice.
Enthusiasm/Ener content, the students will be -Allow discussions in lessons.
excited. It is important to learn -Get creative.
alongside students and create -Create lessons based on student
y lessons to be engaging and interest when possible.
exciting. -Move around the room when
-Show positive body language.

Teacher Bringing humor into lessons is -Laugh at things within lessons that
Humor/Laughter okay as long as it is may seem silly.
appropriate humor. We always -Read funny books.
want to model being good -Feel free to tell a couple of jokes here
friends to students. Make sure and there.
that when we incorporate
humor, we are always laughing
with the students.

Teacher We must first get to know our -Two-by-ten strategy.

Knowledge of student as a person before we -Correlate their interests into math
understand their interests. story problems.
Once we get to know our -Read books with their interests.
students’ students, we should use their -Try to talk to each student at least two
interests interests to guide our lessons. times a week about them.
This allows students to
become much more interesting
and find joy in learning.

Teacher Respect Again, at the foundation of -Put this on the class rules list.
and Appreciation respect and appreciation -Give compliments and say thank you.
comes a strong relationship. -Model what this may look like through
for students
We must maintain trusting a game of charades.
relationships with students in -Never shut down student ideas.
order to gain their respect and -Visual displayed in the classroom with
understand how to show them this.
Teacher The students feel all of the -Setting goals.
Encouragement things that we feel. If we show -Daily affirmations in the morning.
signs of frustration and that we -Verbal reassurance.
of students
don’t believe in them, they will -Incentive games.
feel that too. We must show -Constructive Criticism.
them that we know they are -Hold realistic expectations.
capable of doing hard things. -Show enthusiasm.

Teacher Don’t be blind to different -Treat everyone the same.

cultures and backgrounds but -Respect cultural aspects.
sensitivity to
don’t highlight them in negative -Educate yourself and show interest in
student cultures ways. It is cool to have people their background.
and with different cultures and -This shouldn’t be an awkward thing to
backgrounds. Embrace it! talk about! We are all different and let’s
celebrate that.
-Have a conversation with students
about being different. If we were all the
same, what fun would that be?
-Maintain an inclusive classroom.

Area #4 Philosophy/Thoughts Example of what strategies you will

use to support your thinking

Regular use of Using gentle redirects allows -Be consistent.

gentle redirects you to give the students a -Create relationships with them so that
warning sign. We must try our they understand your cues.
best to keep equality while -Have conversations about what you
warnings, the giving these to show that may do if the students begin to act in
look) students are all held to the an unwanted way.
same standard with expected

Consequences These should be age -Give warnings.

are reasonable appropriate. Each student -Similar consequences for similar
should receive similar misbehaviors.
and equitable
consequences for similar -Have conversations about expected
misbehaviors. and appropriate behavior.

Consequences Before you give a -Only give one warning.

are given as consequence, make it known -When you give the warning, be
that they are walking on thin specific on what the student is doing
choices (you
ice. Allow them an opportunity inappropriately and briefly explain how
have a choice to fix their misbehavior and they need to fix it. For example, “You
right now...) prove that they can act in an are blurting too much, I need you to
appropriate manner. raise your hand when you want to pitch
in otherwise your name will be written
on the board.”
-Allow them to take control of their
actions and feel ownership over them
by offering it as a choice to them.
Either they can continue doing what
they are doing, or they will have a

Teacher uses When there is craziness -Keep calm and use a quiet voice.
soft eyes, soft occurring in the room, -Face the student directly and talk to
approach it with a calm and them with eye contact.
voice during
soothing voice. If you raise -Use a bell or attention getter to get
conflicts your voice, you only make the attention from the class/individual.
chaos increase and the -Have a straightforward conversation.
environment becomes more -Get down on the student’s level of
tense and full of anxiety. sight.

Teacher is firm, When students have -When you give a consequence ask,
but also calm consistency and know you are “Do you think I like giving you
going to stick to your word, consequences?” Explain that you don’t
they function better, know what but they left you no choice.
compassionate to expect, and gain respect for -Show real interest in their wellbeing
(doesn’t yell or you. Along with that, you must and in them as a person.
intimidate) show them that you care for -Make sure classroom rules are
them and that you are being well-defined.
firm for their own good. -Be consistent.

Consistent follow When you set your limits and -Give equal consequences to all
through with follow them as a teacher, the students.
students will learn quickly what -Once you hand out a consequence,
can and cannot fly in the you have to go through and do it.
once they are classroom. They tend to test -Give one warning and then a
earned (doesn’t you right away and want to see consequence.
make the same what they can get away with. It -Have set and stone consequences
request over and is important to go through with that they are already aware of.
consequences and realize that -Don’t let any student get away with
over) a consequence may serve as a something. If you give them an inch,
learning experiment for the they go a mile.
student. -Recognize that consequences are not

Arguments/ You should avoid arguing with -No yelling.

debates are a student in front of the class -Tell them you want them to take a
because that will lose their breath and you will talk about it in a
delayed, done in
trust in you. Allow them a little bit.
private minute to cool down, and pull -Have a plan in place in case things
them aside when possible. escalate.
-Pull them aside to your desk or in the
hallway when possible.
-Explain that you are a team.

Progression up Find the good in all students. -Point system on the board.
hierarchy is swift Notice that they all have -Work toward earning a prize/class fun
positive and negative event.
but fair
moments. Recognize and -Praise the high moments and don’t
praise them in their highs. dwell on the lows.

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