, Exit ticket
● KWL chart
Known Want to know Learnt
- Activating their
previous - what to do in
knowledge mixed-level
- Adapting the classes.
contents and - what to do when
practices to their the class is under
needs and level the level or above
- Mixing the four it.
competencies with - when should we
the give positive and
sub-competences negative
- Try to introduce the feedback?
teaching of (corrective
pronunciation feedback, when
sporadically during where, how)
the tasks (best) - how to make
- try to introduce students engage
grammar through better in
the three: collaborative tasks
meaning, form, and evaluations.
and use rather - how to do the
than focusing on rubrics
the terminology - how to motivate all
and giving direct students those that
rule instruction. know they will fail
- try to review and those that are
vocabulary well, too cocky
focus on the vocab - how much can we
they are ask students for
acquainted with independent work
already, provide and when.
multiple instances - how to assess on a
for the same word, daily or task basis.
etc. (weekly, at the end
- focus on the skim of the week)
scan. - how to cater to
- give them students' needs
something to do and likes. how to
while reading and not die doing it. we
listening don’t want to be
- don’t test, but doing new
practice exercises for every
- don't test other student.
competencies - how to not take so
much time
- increase student adapting or
participation creating lessons.
- planify as if you will (what are the
take double the essentials)
time (time - classroom
management) management
(haver extra techniques.
activities)(better to - affective filter and
do something well, how to not overdo
long, not to crush it.
all things together, - how to use
follow the next technology and
day) innovation.
- Bringing back the
class for class
clapping, raise the
hand, the finger to
the nose,
- motivating and
dynamic tasks.
- keep a running tab
of what we do:
monitor and
evaluate and plan.
- the session should
be cohesive,
revolving around a
certain topic or
- change student
interaction every
day. (pairs and
groups of different
- don’t improvise
- evaluation has to
be continuous
(every week the
grade should
change) (they’ll do
- try to change from
(change the flow of
the class)
- follow the legal
(curriculum, pull
from the curriculum
and justify
whatever content
you bring in)
- specify materials in
the lesson plan
- differentiated
instruction (nee,
s and near natives)
- embrace the
meaningfulness of
the tasks, what
they know and
what they need.
- scaffolding for all
difficult tasks. (in
the classroom, on
outside the
- continuous
assessment of
their learning
- Activate their
critical thinking
(what are our
learn how to learn
make them be
problem solvers
and creators of
Set your boundaries clear at the beginning (from sterner to softer > you can always let
go but never become more strict)
● Exit ticket
3 things I learned and 1 question:
That evaluation should be done weekly.
That the Bloom taxonomy is the most important stuff to order our sessions. from low to
high order skills.
The 4 things we have to focus on. (input only 10% unfamiliar, output readily available,
grammar and fluency)
The jump-in technique.
Question: What are good ways of teaching while moving around the classroom?
L: R:
True, false, or don’t know Place headings on the paragraphs
Open-ended questions Order the paragraphs, or the vignettes of
Short or extensive questions a comic
Underline or circle the pronunciation create a mind map
Poems to learn intonation, rhythm, pitch Match excerpts with pictures
pattern or characteristic Skim and scan for a purpose (try to find
Take notes, create a mind map or create information to make an educated choice
a picture or guess to come to a consensus with
something with minimal pairs of sounds friends by voting)
(sit and shit, bitch and beach) Create a list and then order the list by
the odd one out or S for same or D for some measurement.
different sound (written or with hand analyze the text structure and linguistic
(close vs finger)) elements.
Try to categorize words for the sound Read and categorize info or words from
you believe is common amongst them the text into a graphic organizer.
read and draw
Simpleshow (youtube) make questions and answer them or
TedTalks, youtube or influencer in after
general for model or context. evaluating the text. make a critique
NPR News Now ask questions 5Ws or not available
BBC learning English 6-minute videos
S: W:
Roleplay (has to be very specific in the Write the text blurb of a story
rules or procedure, you can grade it by Write the title of a thing
asking them to problem solve or obtain Write an acrostic
something.) Write a short poem of haiku
3/2/1 Do a short poster that explains an idiom
Dramatizations Write a short response to a text or song
class discussion/argumentation or whatever
reading aloud Create a story from individual sentences
negotiation of meaning game and then read it
charades 180 journal writing prompts (personal)
Create an alibi Prepare questions for an interview
debates Prepare a written form
try to convince others of the presentation plan something or make instructions
of your choice (everyone has to present written spelling bee
the same amount; not volunteers try to do a small wiki
present, during class, too.) try to do a social media thing.
Do an information transfer with the
description of a picture
imitation games
4. T-chart of praise and polish- Music presentation.
Praise Polish
Summary of class impressions: The class as a whole was quite positive and
encouraging. They felt a little bit lost at the beginning, maybe because one of
the teachers felt somewhat lost and could have explained and done things
with more decisiveness, in a clearer way, and with better body language.
They also felt a little bit lost at times because we transitioned from one
activity to the other very fast with no transition bridges and due to the fact that
some activities could have been explained more concisely or could have
been exemplified better with some visuals or something. Nevertheless, as we
said before, the lesson was well received, and the procedure for every task
was well thought out, very learner-centered and interactive, and very
personal and meaningful. The general belief is that the lesson was a very
good attempt at making students get into the habit of listening to music and
sharing their feelings with the rest of their classmates and that it would create
a better classroom atmosphere for learning to happen in subsequent lessons.
5. T-chart of Building Background video and 100 words: How I will make a
Praise Polish
6. T-chart of Presentations
Praise Polish
1. The die was a good prop. 1. Review vocab dice had too much
2. The use it! the strategy was well dead time. The phrasal verbs
explained and carried out. Miguel should have been written
asked and interacted with the beforehand and the rules for each
students in a calm and concise number should have had an
manner. example underneath to make it
3. the tunne it! strategy was clearly more easily comprehensible.
explained. They asked the 2. drawing is fun, but it might be too
students if the task was time-consuming to make so many
understood even if they asked drawings, maybe impose rules,
nobody. like drawing stick figures or
4. short recap at the end before whatever, or do less of them.
creating. 3. It could have had an index
5. creating is adapted (options are (introduction summary)
given for different levels) and 4. It could have been even more
rules are well stated. wrapped up?
6. varied activities, not too long most 5. Don’t ask questions like, do you
of them (except the drawing one) understand? because they are
7. All of the activities were not going to answer. Ask them to
interactive and dynamic (students explain or something, or look at
move) their faces (or thumbs).
8. relevant topics for the students 6. Make it really clear what they
(meaningful, personal). have to do. 3 steps or something.
9. good class management. and put it somewhere it can be
looked at.
Tip: show me, don’t tell me. (descriptive writing, descriptive visuals)
The moving, the talking with others, the social aspect.
Praise Polish
- The questions for the warm-up - The warm-up was kind of boring,
were personal. few people spoke, could have
- The vocab one was more social, had some visuals or some
communicative, etc. So it narrative, or some group or
overcame the deficiencies of the communicative thing, or maybe
previous task. we could have been asked to
- The listening is low stakes, light, write and think, pair, share or
fun, well explained, etc. It makes done something fisical or social,
you read between the lines rather (the questions could have been
than listen too much. even more specific)
- The send a problem task is well - Maybe the summary of the lesson
connected with previous activities could have been included.
because everything goes around - I didn’t know I had to spot a
the topic of problems during problem at the beginning in the
traveling, so the topic is specific. retell activity.
- The cards set you in the mood of - there is no prompt or exposition
traveling. The cards make boring on how to read the context.
exercises more fun. - What do I do when the other is
- Good management, clarity, etc. thinking their question in the send
- Body language was good. a problem task? Why don’t we all
- Group arrangement was clear. write questions?
- The topic is meaningful and close - deambulate the class instead of
to the experience of the students. staying at the desk.
- Activities are student-centered. - be really explicit when linking the
- The conditionals were embedded ideas and the activities. (think
in the last exercise in a way that aloud as a teacher)
was easily understandable and - always introduction and
used. conclusion or review.
Content objectives: Students will be able to discuss and recognize common traveling
(Try to do the language objectives first in a generic way and then specify for the
content objectives which are going to be a mirror image)
Language objectives: (LSRW + vocab, grammar, pronunciation + skills)
Students will be able to use short oral texts to express opinions and past
Students will be able to apply the conditional grammar structure to construct
Praise Polish
Speak: Line-up
Read: Jigsaw reading
Listen: Gist
Write: Find the fiction
Content objectives:
Language objectives:
10. Learning to Learn: Midterm (before: how do you think you did? after: what
did I learn?)
How do you think you did?
In the beginning, I tumbled a little bit because I got confused with the homework we
had to look for. Yet, I think I did well at keeping up with the lesson requirements. I read
everything we had to and completed my tasks. It was quite cumbersome for me to get
notes from the readings. I don’t believe I did a very good job, though I pulled through. It
would have been better if I did more of a mapping and linked ideas from multiple texts
to form some sort of guideline in a class such as this one which is very concrete and for
use in the class, not theoretical. I am somewhat confused sometimes because there is
repeated information everywhere and things overlay, repeat, or are new.
After midterm: I didn’t get that differentiated instruction had 3 different items: content
that can be modulated or adapted for the student or by the student; processes that can
also be open-ended or helpful, like the use of graphics organizers, etc.; and the
product, that can either be chosen by the student or doing something that can be
approached by students with different levels.
This is due to my not getting this right in the theory. I should try to organize all theories
as guidelines.
I did not get a perfect score either in the building background; but, I don’t know why.
And maybe I don’t know how to do it correctly. This is something that is difficult to do
and is kind of the basis of scaffolding, which might be some of the most important
elements of the lesson proposal.
11. Praise & Polish (Gender & sexuality, peace & war, human rights)
Praise Polish
Day 4:
- The warm-up is excellent. They
use previous grammar to do
something personal that could
actually be useful for their
personal or academic
development. Students give
advice to each other. And builds
- Think-write-pair-share is fine for
listening and she introduced
guessing, very scaffolded and
- the main task has to do with the
first one (advice but better, and
regarding the topic)
- she provides grammar/vocab
formulas in a table to do the task
and give us ideas. (It is all very
clear and simple but high-order
- She introduces a self-assessment
and peer assessment task before
handing it in, which is very nice.
Day 5:
- Stopping the video to take notes
is nice. The video seems good.
- The roleplay is well explained
and there is plenty of materials to
help students understand the
situation and the characters of the
- Students do something while the
others present. (how to take
notes is not clear) it has
self-assessment with a table
- good visual support
- the topic dealt with elegance and naturalness.
- they all got good answers from students
- we allow a good positive affective environment
- reiteration was good throughout the lessons
- no downtime and lessons flow
- I understand how you feel and I wonder if you could find support from
someone close to you like a friend. Please don’t be afraid, they will love you
the same!
Praise Polish
Day 1: Day 1:
- They used technology for the - dunno.
writing, cool! it is for the wrap-up.
- They also used Bloom's Day 2:
taxonomy specifically for each
class. Day 3:
- Good contextualization before the
listening (but few students - Too much explanation with no
participate, though in this time of visual support, or interaction,
exercise.) students will get lost.
- The strategy chunk and chew is
used to show multiple listening Day 4:
strategies like: Q1 guessing. 3.
compare 4 explain, cool. - Provide me with a list (organizer)
Day 2: of the similitudes and differences
- using the padlet tool. I have to look for.
- using campus virtual for the
vocab + writing. (personal way of - The student on the blackboard is
creating writing). too slow, it lost me.
Day 3: Day 5:
- Using the blackboard with the - have them do something. voting
Latin sentence was nice. is so random.
Day 4: - give them the rubric beforehand
- The graphic organizer was good and the rules.
and linked with the following
Day 5:
- the ping-pong strategy was great
for the discussion debate to make
sure everyone talks.
- restating their ideas.
- The activities were dynamic, interesting, and creative. Well linked together.
- Contextualization was good.
- trigger warnings days before the class, you make one sensitive student do
other things.
Human rights
Praise Polish
Day 1: Day 1:
- visual! personal. memes are - Too much T-S interaction, maybe.
funny Think-pair share could be
- creating a meme is awesomely introduced.
entertaining, and purposeful, etc. Day 2:
Day 2: Day 3:
- (prereading) she gave an
example of a famous speech to Day 4:
get us talking (we were sure to
know it) Day 5:
- bold in phrasal verbs was good.
- collaborative reading was good. -
Day 3:
- I like the strategy chosen for the
reading. (triangle, square, circle)
Day 4:
- use of strategy with the video,
and it is a good one. 2 columns
- the last one the writing summary
is very linked with the previous
Day 5:
- the idea of picking lots of texts
each from a country and each in
relation to a human right is
- they have to take notes during the
discussion for the final writing
- the discussion is neatly wrapped
with the theme of the countries.
- the model with the gaps and the
opening sentences for the
students to write, it is checklist
like, is great.
12. Praise & Polish (Future & technology, Beliefs & values)
Praise Polish
Praise Polish
Praise Polish
The final task was neatly scaffolded. We took too much time doing and
presenting the initial lesson plans.
The percentages make sense. We should have been given just a
few minutes to present. Timing
The content used is appropriate and should have been accounted for.
useful for the creation of lessons and
exercises. The ABC strategies could be
categorized by use and relevance.
The class delivery was very good.
The framework for the group and
The lessons were engaging. individual unit plans is too repetitive,
it should be abridged.