Archaeology of Rock Art A Preliminary Re
Archaeology of Rock Art A Preliminary Re
Archaeology of Rock Art A Preliminary Re
Argüello gArcíA
Abstract. This article is a preliminary report of archaeological excavations at some rock art
sites in Colombia. The aim of this research is to obtain contextual information about the pro-
duction and use of petroglyphs in order to overcome one of the principal obstacles for an
archaeological treatment of rock art: chronology. Three kinds of contexts possibly related to
rock art use are examined and discussed.
Figure 2. Rock art of El Colegio and some associated elements: mortars and sharpening grooves.
Preliminary results
The most important preliminary result of archaeo-
logical research in El Colegio, regarding rock art
chronology, is that it has rejected the traditional
theory that the petroglyphs were made by Panche
tribes (Urbina and Duarte 1989; Muñoz 2006). To
date, potery that would be atributed to Panche has
not been found in any of the previous archaeological
projects (Rodriguez et. al. 2002; Rodriguez 2005), in
areas near to rock art. Potery found in test pits and
archaeological excavations, close to or in the beds of
petroglyphs, belongs to the Herrera and, possibly,
early Pubenza Period (Fig. 10). It means the zone was
setled at least 1500 years before previously thought, Figure 10. chronology of el colegio (according to
and late groups, presumably Panches, apparently potery) vs previously claimed rock art chronology.
did not live there.
Given that there is not much evidence of Panche refers to portable pieces of rock with petroglyphs
occupation it is inadequate or not very useful to deposited on the beds of main rocks with petroglyphs;
continue using ethnohistoric references as a source so dating refers more to use than production. Burial
for explaining rock art, in particular, and pre-Hispanic of rock art by natural factors is unlikely and the way a
setled group’s life in general. Previous archaeological small rock with cupules was placed together with two
research has showed that, although Herrera cores suggests intentionality. This idea is reinforced
populations were antecessors of later populations, by indings of cobbles located in a cavity. Both buried
they were diferent groups — in sociopolitical and
economical terms (see Langebaek 1995; Boada 2007); so
ethnohistoric sources are not valid for understanding
El Colegio pre-Hispanic occupation, unless carefully
and argued statements are presented.
The occurrence of lithic tools in the beds of
rocks with petroglyphs is a hopeful ind in order to
understand rock art production. Even more, lithics
found together with potery in the same layer opens
the possibility of dating such events. The presence
of diferent kinds of chipped lithics, from diferent
steps of production sequences, reveals which tools
manufacture was carried out in those places (Fig.
11). An experimental program has not yet achieved
positive identiication of petroglyph-making tools, but
recovered lithics have allowed securing preliminary
information such as raw materials, tool production Figure 11. chipped and polished lithics from 25
techniques and inal artefacts. excavations (1 � 1 m) at rock art margins (�F
Buried rock art has been one of the most useful – tabular fragment, Uc – used core, NUc – not
tools for rock art dating, although such atempts are used core, UF – used lake, NUF – not used lake,
usually related to in situ rock art covered by sediment DEB – debitage, PS – polishing stone, PEF – pestle
(Bednarik 2007: 120–1). In El Colegio, buried rock art fragment).
146 Rock Art Research 2009 - Volume 26, Number 2, pp. 139-164. P. M. Argüello gArcíA
rock art and cobbles could have been offerings or of this phenomenon. Archaeological objects ofer the
payments, practices that have been documented among opportunity for controlling hypothesis about meaning
contemporary Indians in Colombia (Javier Rodríguez, and function and allow the defeat of ad hoc and
pers. comm. 1998). However, dating of the buried rock comfortable theories whose aim is to explain rock art
art is elusive because no potery was found together easily. On the other hand, an archaeological approach
with it. would contribute to melting pessimistic ideas about
Potery shards placed together with cobbles in the chance of scientiic understanding of rock art.
a cavity render a possible dating for these kinds of Maybe these eforts could in the near future refute the
activities viable. Although not all potery shards in premise by Vicente Restrepo (1972 [1895]: 212) at the
the cavity have been positively identiied, it is clear end of 19th century: Colombian rock art ‘…can reveal
that at least some of them are of the Herrera Period. nothing to science’.
There is no conclusive evidence that cobbles and
related activities were associated with petroglyphs; Acknowledgements
archaeological excavations merely inform us which Juan Carlos Rodríguez is co-researcher of this project.
rock was used since 2700 years ago. Without the help of Rodriguez-Buitrago’s family, especially
Finally, archaeological excavations have conirmed Javier, Elsita and Luis Eduardo, this research would never
have been made. Alcaldía Cívica de El Colegio provided
that diferent kinds of activities took place near and in
economical funds for ield sustenance. The Students of
the rock art sites. This idea was anticipated by general Anthropology Program at Universidad de Caldas took part
finds of mortars, work surfaces and sharpening at ield seasons and laboratory analysis. Ramiro Bejarano
grooves on the same rocks as petroglyphs, even and José Lloreda kindly gave authorisation to carry out
sometimes forming apparent compositions. It is not archaeological excavations in their properties. Francis
clear if such activities were performed before, parallel Paola Niño patiently helped with English translation. Two
to or ater petroglyph production. Potery analysis rAr reviewers made pivotal comments that contributed to
airms that some of such events took part during the reining earlier arguments. I thank all of them.
Herrera Period, and spatial analysis has shown that
Pedro María Argüello García
some of those sites were used for domestic purposes
Departamento de Antropología y Sociología
too. Universidad de Caldas
E-mail: [email protected]
Finding of archaeological objects below rock art
panels would open the door for beter understanding Final MS received 21 February 2009.
RAR 26-922
of many aspects of rock art production and use.
Archaeological excavations of rock art sites in El
Colegio have brought the possibility of a promising
approach to relative dating of petroglyphs in Colom-
bia. Likewise, preliminary conirmation of the use
of rock art sites extends the range of archaeological
objects that could be recovered and, by the way, the
opportunity to know a litle more about the context
in which rock art was involved. At least three kinds COMMENTS
of objects and contexts, possibly associated to rock
art use, have been found and systematic future About archaeology and rock art
excavations could yield more.
Nonetheless, the recovery of archaeological objects By ROY QUEREJAZU LEWIS
on the margins of rocks with rock art should not,
by itself, open the door for simplistic association These comments, based on the paper by Pedro
(e.g. Mendez 2008): proximity does not necessarily María Argüello, are intended to lead us to ask our-
mean association. Information from archaeological selves about the validity of archaeological methods
deposits must be carefully evaluated and systematic in rock art research.
research needs to be followed by discovering paterns Argüello’s paper is fundamentally based on archae-
in the evidence. Isolated indings are a suggestive ological methods aimed to obtain reliable information
source for new questions about production and on the context in which the referred rock art was
use of rock art, but careful analysis of each context produced and when it was produced. It shows very
and its comparison with cumulative facts remain a clearly that rock art research in Colombia is taking its
methodological requirement. This means at least three irst steps, which most rock art research trajectories
scales of analysis: site, locality and region, in order to worldwide have passed. At the same time, Argüello’s
contrasting the reliability of indings. paper is representative of a great part of rock art
Eforts for understanding rock art as an archaeo- research in South America. This is understandable,
logical object are the irst step for a beter comprehension mostly because research is starting from zero under