Syllabus of MBA Second Sem.: CP-201 (HR)

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Syllabus of MBA Second Sem.


Course Contents

Concepts and Perspectives on Human Management; Human Resources Management in a

Changing Environment; Corporate Objectives and Human Resource Planning;
career and Succession Planning; Job Analysis and role Description; Methods of
Manpower Search; Attracting and Selecting Human Resources; Induction and
Socialisation; ManapowerTraining and Development; PerformanceAppraisal and
Potential Evaluation; Job Evaluation&Wage Determination; EmployeeWelfare;
Industrial Relations&Trade Unions; Dispute Resolution&Grievance
Management; Employee Empowerment.


Course Contents

Aims and Objectives of Financial Management; Financial Analysis and Control;

Cost- Volume-Profit Analysis; Operating and Einancial Leverage; Time Value of
Money; Investment and Capital Structure Decisions; Instruments of Long Term
Finance; Cost of Different Sources of raising Capital;WeightedAverage Cost of
Capital; Optimum Capital Structure;Valuation and Rates of return; Methods of
Capital Budgeting; Shortterm Financing Investements; Management ofWorking
Capital - Cash, Receivables and Inventory Management, Internal Financing and
Dividend Policy; Financial Modeling.

Course Contents

Nature and scope of marketing, Corporate orientations towards the marketplace,

The Marketing environment and Environment scanning, Marketing information
system and Marketing research, Understanding consumer and Industrial markets,
Market segmentation, Targeting and positioning; Product decisions - product
mix, product life cycle, new product development, branding and packaging
decisions, Pricing methods and strategies, Promotion decisions - promotion mix,
advertising, sales promotion, publicity and personal selling; Channel managment
- selection, co-operation and conflict management, vertical marketing
Implementation and systems, Organising and implementing marketing in the
organisation; Evaluation and control of marketing efforts; Newissues in
marketing - Globalisation, Consumerism, Greem marketing, Legal issues.


Course Contents
Nature and Scope of Production and Operations Management; Facility
Location;Types of Manufacturing Systems&layouts; Layout Planning
andAnalysis; Material Handling Principles - Equipments, Line Balancing -
Problems; Operations decisions – Production Planning and Control-in Mass
Production-in Batch / Job Order manufacturing; Capacity Planning-Models;
Process Planning - Aggregate Planning - Scheduling – maintenance Management
Concepts - Work Study, Method Study, Work Measurement, Work
Sampling,Work Environment - Industrial Safety; Material Management:An
Overview of Material Management, Material Planning and inventory Control;
JIT; Materials Planning Budgeting and Material Requirement Planning; Purchase
management; Stores Management; Quality Assurance - Acceptance Sampling,
Statistical Process Control, Total Quality Management; ISQ-9000; Maintenance
Management; Safety Management.

Course Contents

Univariate Analysis: An overview of central tendency, dispersion, and skewness.

Probability Theory: Probability - Classical, relative and subjective probability;
Addition and multiplication probability models; Conditional probability and
baye’s theorem.
Probability Distributions: Binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions; Their
characteristics and applications.
Statistical Decision Theory: Decision environment; Expected profit under
unvertainty and assigning probabilities; Utility theory.
Sampling and Data Collection: Sampling and sampling (probability and non-
probability) methods; Sampling and non-sampling errors; Law of Large Number
and Central Limit Theorem; Sampling distributions and their characteristics.
Data sources: Primary and secondary; Primary data collection techniques -
schedule, questionnaire, and interview.
Statistical Estimation and Testing: Point and interval estimation of population
mean, proportion, and variance; Statistical testing - hypotheses and errors,
Sample size; Large and small sampling tests - Z tests, and F tests.
Non Parametric Tests : chi-square tests; Sign tests; wilcoxon Signed - Rank
tests;Wald -Wolfwitz tests; Kruskal -Wallis test.
Correction and Regression Analsis: Two variables case.
Index Numbers: Meaning and types;Weighted aggregative indices - lasperyre’s
and Paasch’s indices; Laspeyre’s and Paasch’s indices compared; Indices of
weighted average of (price -quantity) relatives; Tests of adequacy; Special
problems -shifting the base; splicing overtapping index series; Uses and
Statistical Quality Control: Causes of variations in quality characteristics; Quality
control charts - purpose and logic; Constructing a control chart computing the
control limits (X and R charts); Process under control and out of control;
Warning limits; Control charts for attributes - fraction defectives and number of
defects; Acceptance sampling.

Course Contents

Nature and Scope of Research Methodology; Problem Formulation and statment

of Research Objectives; Value and Cost of Information - Bayesian Decision
Theory; Organisation Structure of Research Process; Research Designs -
Exploratory , Descriptive and Experimental Research Designs; Methods of Data
Collection Obsevational and survey Metods; Questionnaire Design. Attitude
Measurment Techniques; Motivational Research Techniques; Administration of
Surveys; Sample Design an Appropritate Statistical Technique; Field Work and
Tabulation of Data; Analysis of Data; Use of SPSS and other Statistical Software
Packages; Advanced Techniques for Data Analysis - ANAOVA , Discriminant
Analysis, Factor Analysis, Conjoint Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling and
Clustering Methods Applications.

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