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Public Speaking

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Public Speaking

Sesi 8 - Nurul Janah, S.IIP., M.Hum

01 Definition

02 The important of Public Speaking

03 Tips to Public Speaking

04 Sample of Public Speaking

The Main Question

01 What is the Public Speaking?

02 Why do we have to master public speaking?

03 What is the Communication?

What are the relationship between public speaking and

04 communication?
Public speaking (noun):
1. the act or process of making speeches in public
2. the art of effective oral communication with an audience
Public speaking is not informal conversation
between two people, nor is it free discussion in a
small group or seminar.

Public speaking always includes a speaker who

has a reason for speaking, an audience that
gives speaker its attention, and a message
meant to accomplish a purpose
Why do we have to master public speaking?

1 The success people was start from good speaker

2 The demands of time and technology

3 The demands of the profession

4 Competition
Why is public speaking useful for students?
Most people, at some point in their life, will need
to stand up and speak in front of a group of people.
At work as a manager, or simply giving a
presentation as a college student.
An Effective Communication is a
communication between two or more
persons wherein the intended message is
successfully delivered, received and

In other words, the communication is said to be

effective when all the parties (sender and
receiver) in the communication, assign similar
meanings to the message and listen carefully to
what all have been said and make the sender
feel heard and understood.
is an activity to convey and show something / topic to others so that it
can be understood, considered, used or implemented by others

The Aim of Presentation

1. To inform
Give a new information about an topic

2. To persuade
to change the audience's judgment about a subject

3. To mobilize
asking the audience to do something after listening to the presentation
So, What are the relationship between public speaking
and communication?
The important of Public Speaking
The Important of the public speaking

1. To win over the crowd

An important skill to have in business and especially in the public relations
arena is the skill of persuasion or the ability to win over the crowd

2. To motivate people
A great public speaker attains the power to motivate his or her audience to
do something, stop doing something, change a behavior, or reach objectives.

3. To inform
The ability to inform is one of the most important aspects of public speaking.
From presenting research papers and power point presentation to presenting
ideas and pitches to other people, informative public speaking is a vital
component od a successful career across all work fields.

The Benefit of the public speaking

1. reduce ignorance
2. reduce pressure
3. improve relationships
4. understand the problem
5. solve the problem
Tips to Public Speaking
Tips to Public Speaking

Know your subject Know your audience

To prepare your material and To prepare our self joke so we
make yourself comfort don't get too serious

Train your body Have a clear structure

Keep your body feel comfort, you Good speech is one that is
can stand up, then adjust the short and achieves a goal
breathing until your voice loud and

Practice to Pacing Use the right language

Adjust your intonation to speak Use a simple language and
slowly and relaxed give a emphasis of intonation
on important points

Memorize your speech Keep it simple

make notes to help remember the
material that we will convey
Keep smile, give your best
performance, give your
message on the best way
Sample of Public Speaking
Starting the presentation

Good morning/Good afternoon ladies and


• The topic of my presentation today is ...

• What I'm going to talk about today is ...
Why you are giving this presentation

• The purpose of this presentation is ...

• This is important because ...
• My objective is to ...
Stating the main points
The main points I will be talking about are :
◊ Firstly,
◊ Secondly,
◊ Next,
◊ Finally ... we're going to look at ...
Introducing the first point Let's start / begin with ...

Showing graphics, I'd like to illustrate this by showing

transparencies, slides, etc. you ...

• That’s all I have to say about...

Moving to the next point • Now let's move on to ...

Moving to the conclusion Well we’have looked at three important

point of...
Summing up the main points
• • I'd like to recap the main points of my presentation:
◊ First I covered ...
◊ Then we talked about ...
◊ Finally we looked at ...

• I'd now like to sum up the main points which were :

◊ First ...
◊ Second,
◊ Third,
• • I'm going to conclude by ...
◊ First ...
◊ Second,
◊ Third,

• In conclusion, let me ...

◊ First ...
◊ Second,
◊ Third,
The Sample of Speech (education)
The honorable, my teacher, and my beloved friends, good morning. First of all, thank you for having me here in this fine
and joyfull morning. I hope we are all in the good health. Today I would convey in the importance of education in my
short speech. On many occasions we hear the term education, but what is education? How importance is education to
our country and ourselves as students?

Well, to answer the first question, education refers to a process by which a person develops their skills, attitudes and
values. Many times we associate this term with the school, however we must also take into account that education is
not exclusive to this institution, but also it is up to the family and even to the friendships with whom we live together day
by day, that is why we can say that “men can get to improve each other.” There is a phrase that I like very much and I
find it very true. If the people of a country care about the education, it shows that they love their nation. It is said that in
order for a country to prosper it needs education, but why?
The honorable audiences, we study not to go to the graduation ceremony and hang our picture on the wall of our house,
much less to show off to our friends. we study to practice and to acquire knowledge, and those two then will prepare us
to the real life situation. Education brings us too many benefits, such as confidence in ourselves, freedom to decide,
conscience as a whole, help us to improve ourselves, to feel fulfilled, to feel that we are something in life and that we
have an end for which to live. But this is not the only satisfaction that education gives us, but with it we achieve a better
quality of life; When we want to buy a dress, shoes, food, or anything else, we need a work, which currently is not so
easy to find and less if we don’t have an adequate education.
The Sample of Speech (Bullying)
Ladies and gentlemen, bullying may seem like a small problem for some people. Most people may not realize that the
damage caused by bullying can be so serious. It can be as serious as “death” in extreme cases. If you think that
bullying is not a serious matter to deal with just because it merely hurt “feelings” then I have to tell you that you are
completely wrong. This “merely hurt your feelings” thing can be the beginning of various worse scenarios such as
physical assault, suicide, or any other kinds of violent acts carried out in the name of revenge.

As I said just now that bullying is not a serious problem for some people, just because we simply don’t see the damage.
But the thing is, based on my experience as a teacher, I learned that the effect of bullying can stay undetected for years.
During this time, the effect of bullying keeps corrupting the soul of the victim. They may hold it inside as a grudge, or
they may also develop trauma which may result in self-withdrawal. I believe that this is something that we don’t want to
happen to our children. That is why we have to act right now to stop it, and I mean all of us with no exception.
Thank You

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