Productivity Index of Etawah Crossbred Goats at Different Altitude in Lumajang District, East Java Province, Indonesia

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IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS)

e-ISSN: 2319-2380, p-ISSN: 2319-2372. Volume 9, Issue 4 Ver. I (Apr. 2016), PP 24-30

Productivity Index of Etawah Crossbred Goats at Different

Altitude in Lumajang District, East Java Province, Indonesia
Sumartono1, Hartutik3, Nuryadi3,Suyadi3
Postgraduate Student Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Brawijaya University Malang and
Lecturer of Faculty of Animal Husbandry Islamic University of Malang
Lecturer of Faculty of Animal Husbandry Brawijaya University Malang

Abstract: Productivity index ofEtawah crossbred does at lowland (<400 mabove sea level/ASL), middle land
(400-700m-ASL) and highland (>700m-ASL) in the Regency of Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia was evaluated
by measuring the litter size, weaning weight, kidding interval and mortality of pre-weaning kid. This study was
conducted in the district of Lumajang.Materials used in this study were 180 does of Etawah crossbred and the
323 kids owned by the Farmer.The methods used in this study were survey and direct field observation.The aim
of this study was to analyze productivity index of does of Etawah crossbredin lowland, middle land, and
highland in the Regency of Lumajang.The result of this study showed that the average litter size is
1.75±0.43;1.80±0.40 and 1.85±0.36 (P>0.05), the preweaning mortality percentage 4%; 2% and 0.5%, the
average of weaning weight was 10.75±2.36 kg;11.53±1.67 kg and 12.92±2.86 kg(P<0.01), the average of
kidding interval was 9.38±1.10 months;8.90±1.13 months and 8.56±0.59 months (P<0.01), productivity index of
does of Etawah crossbred per year was23.28±5.51kg/year; 27.89±5.10 kg/yearand 33.46±7.72 kg/year
(P<0.01) in lowland, middle land and heigland respectively. It is concluded that highest productivity index of
Etawah crossbred does in was observed when the goats were reared in highland area than at middle and
lowland area.
Key words: Altitude, liter size, weaning weight, kidding interval, does productivity index

I. Introduction
Etawah crossbred (PE) goat is the type of local goat in Indonesia that has the good development
prospect to support the economy of local farmer. This goat is the crossbred between Kacang goat and Etawah
goat (Jamnapari) which is expected to increase the productivity. Based on Barlet (2007), Fahmi (2007), and
Syawal (2010), crossbreeding is a way to improve the productivity of local goats with other goats that have
superior characteristics. This step is done with the aim to improve the nutrition of local community which in the
further development is exploited as a dual-purpose livestock that is as a source of meat and milk. In order to
develop and improve the productivity of PE goats, reproduction performance plays an important role if it is
associated with increasing production of livestock. PE goat livestock production in Indonesia is generally
operated by livestock farmers in rural areas. Business of the farming remains the main pedestal in order to
increase the population of PE goats, so that the necessary efforts to increase the productivity of goats are
needed, which in turn, can increase the income of farmers.
Livestock productivity is influenced by genetic factors and environmental factors. Environmental factor
that affect livestock productivity, among others, is the level of land that is directly related to the comfort of
living cattle. Environmental factors affect quite significantly the level of production. The main environmental
factors that affect livestock production are temperature, humidity and solar radiation, and wind (Hulme, 2005).
In the tropical area, where many are characterized by high levels of solar radiation and temperature, heat stress
is the major factor restricting the development and production of livestock. Topographical conditions in East
Java region vary widely, but in general it is more dominated by the topography of the mountain. This is because
East Java is the path of Southern mountains, with a maximum ground level elevation + 3637 m (mountain peak
Mahameru) which is located in the Lumajang area. From 29 districts and 9 cities in East Java, the goat
population varied in number, from 1,310 to 222,019 and the total number of goat population in East Java
reaches for 2,937,980 (Directorate General of Animal Husbandry, 2013). Sumartono, (2015) has reported
that the altitude may influence the potential of production and reproduction.
The diversity of goat population in East Java happens because of different management factor in each area so it
results in different reproduction, and will affect to livestock (goat) production process, which eventually also
affects the high and low efficiency of production and reproduction in each region. The district of Lumajang,
JawaTimur, Indonesia, is a region which has potential in the development of farm business; among others is PE
goat farm. PE goat farm is a competitive commodity and the main income source of cattlemen community in
district of Lumajang. Goat farm business donates the income of the cattlemen up to 28%. Almost 95% farmers
have goat farm business with 5 – 10 goats/farmer. Goats have potential as an important component of farming
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Productivity Index of Etawah Crossbred Goats at Different Altitude in Lumajang District, East Java

business in various agro-ecosystems because it has a good ability to adapt relatively well compared to other
ruminants, such as cows and sheep (Ginting, 2009).

II. Research Method

The study was conducted in Regency Lumajang –East at three different altitude District Sumbersuko
(<400 m Asl), Pasrujambe (400-700m,Asl) and Senduro (>700m, ASL ) at the dairy goat farmer condition. The
goat farmer were characterized as small scale farmer with the member of animal of 8-10 per farmer. The goats
their living consisting three leafs and leguminose withaut any additional concentrate. The study was conducted
by survey method by observing directely to the animaly and interviering the farmers. Farmer and animal
sumples were drawn by purpossive sumpling for those three districts location with the member of does was 180
(60 does of each district) andd 323 kids . The does selectetd in this study was more than 3 years old of age,
while the kids were observed from the day 1 of their ages. Variable observed in this study were litter size,
weaning weight, kidding interval and mortality of pre-weaning kid.
Data collected then analyzed by ANOVA and used SPSS.13 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)

Corrected weaning weight

Corrected weaning weight. Based on Hardjosubroto (1994), corrected weaning weight can be
ditermined by using the following formula:

CWW = corected weaning weight
AW = actual weight
BW = birth weight
Age = age of weaning
AWA = average weaning age
BCF = birth type corection fractor
DaCF = does ’ age correction factor
SCF = sex correction factor
𝐿𝑆𝑥 1 − 𝑀%
𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑅𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 (𝑃𝑃𝐼) =
𝑘𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑙 (𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠)
LS = Litter Size
M = Mortality

Parent Productivity (PI)= PPI x Weaning Weight

(Sutama, 2007)
III. Results and Discussion
General Situation of Research Sites
This study was conducted in Lumajang in East Java Province of Indonesia in the highlands (>700 m
ASL), middle land (400-700 mASL) and lowlands (<400 mASL), that the enclosure temperature, humidity, and
Temperature Humidity Index (THI) are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Altitude, temperature, humidity, and THI in the district of Lumajang

Location Altitude Enclosure Temperature(0C) Humidity(%) THI(0C)
District of >700 m ASL 19.96±1.26a 71±1.84 18.46±3.99
Lumajang 400 – 700 m ASL 26.93±4.12b 66.08±1.13 25.10±3.85
0 – 400 m ASL 28.5±0.87c 65.6±10.71 26.57±0.65
Description: abc different superscripts in the same column show highly significant difference(P <0.01)

Air temperature and humidity in the cage at different altitude in Lumajang show a highly significant
difference (P <0.01) that the higher the ASL (above sea level), the lower the air temperature while the humidity
is higher. As stated by Gregory (1961) and Payne (1970),the higher an area above the sea level, the lower
temperature will be. Table 1 shows that the higher the altitude, the lower the temperature. The content of the
elements of air (O2, CO2, N2, Ar) will decrease with the higher places, causing lower air temperature. Air is poor
heat storage, while the earth's surface is a good conductor, so that the air temperature is strongly influenced by
the earth's surface. Therefore, the process of heat transfer was more effective at warming the earth's surface
compared to the air. This is in accordance with the opinion of Handoko (1995) which at that the higher the
location of a place, the lower the air temperature. According to Kartasapoetra (1993), the factors influencing the
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Productivity Index of Etawah Crossbred Goats at Different Altitude in Lumajang District, East Java

temperature at the earth's surface are: 1) the amount of radiation received per year, per day and per season, 2)
the influence of land or sea, 3) the effects of wind indirectly, 4) the effect of latent heat, the heat stored in the
atmosphere, 5) ground cover, the soil is closed vegetation having a temperature lower than the soil without
vegetation, and 6) the type of soil, black soil has a higher temperature index. THI is the relationship of the
amount of temperature and humidity that make the livestocks live comfortably (Wierema, 1990,,
The most suitable air temperature of environment for cattle in the tropics is 10°C - 27°C (Sientje,
2003), the comfortable ambient temperature for cattle ranges from 18°C - 30°C (Smith and Mangkoewidjojo,
1988), while according to Nieuwolt (1975), the area was said to be comfortable if it has a value of THI between
210C - 270C. The value of THI in Lumajang, in lowlands, medium, and highlands was convenient for cattle, but
there is a tendency in the lowlands approaching the not safe zone which means temperature of the enclosure is
hotter when it is compared with the temperature of the enclosure in the medium and highlands. From 180 does
of Etawah crossbred (PE) goats which were spread over 3 sub-districts in Lumajang, the average number of kids
born per birth is found (Table 2).

Table 2. The average number of kids per birth of doesEtawah goat crossbred located in 3sub-districts in
Location Altitude N Mean±SD
District ofLumajang >700m ASL 60 1.85a ± 0.36
400-700m ASL 60 1.80a ± 0.40
<400 m ASL 60 1.75a ± 0.43
Description: a similar superscript in the same column shows unreal differences (P> 0.05)

From Table 2, Litter Size between highland, medium and lowlands in Lumajang showed no difference
(P> 0.05), but in the highlands there was a higher tendency when compared with medium and low-lying, litter
size on highland is 1.85 which was higher than the finding of Sodiq’s (2010) study which showing 1.78 of litter
size. In the middle lands, the litter size is 1.80, which was similar to the research conducted by
(2004) showing that litter size in middle lands is 1.83. In the lowlands, the litter size is 1.75, which was smaller
when it is compared with the research conducted by Sodiq (2010) showing that in the lowlands, the litter size is
1.89. The number of kids born of a mother in the highland, middle and lowland was influenced by the number of
fertilized ovum by the mating time, and was also influenced by genetic and environmental factors and the factor
of interaction (Hardjosubroto, 1994). In addition, Nalbondav (1990) states that litter size depends on the number
of ovum which are ovulated, fertilized, the ability of ovum to split and do implantation, and those able to
survive during the pregnancy, as a result, the number of birth will be higher. (2003) state that litter size was also influenced by race, parent age, weight, and body size.
From the research conducted by (1995) on young female PE goat, litter size is 1.04 and according to
the research by Dewendra and Burns (1994), each kilogram increase of average weight will increase 0.03
average ovulation numbers. According to Bradford (1991), the diversity of litter size occurs because of the
different frequency of fertility gene carrier. The higher the frequency of fertility genes carrier, the higher the
average litter size will be.
Birth weight has very important meaning since birth weight is correlated with the growth of the kid
after birth up to adult size, and correlated with the ability of the kid to survive. According to Gatenby (1991), a
large birth weight influences the ability to survive and acceleration of weight gain in infancy. The mean and
standard deviation of birth weight on the highlands, middle land and lowlands in Lumajangwere shown in Table
Table 3. Average birth weight (kg) in the highlands, middle land and lowlands in the district of Lumajang
Location Altitude N Mean±SD
>700m ASL 60 3.23 ± 0.71a
District of Lumajang 400-700m ASL 60 2.88 ± 0.41b
<400m ASL 60 2.68 ± 0.59b
Description: a,bdifferent superscripts in the same column shows a highly significant difference (P <0.01)

Statistical analysis result on Table 3 showed that birth weight in the highlands (3.23 ± 0.71 kg) was
significantly different (P <0.01) from middle land (2.88 ± 0.41 kg) and lowlands area (2.68 ± 0.59 kg).
Meanwhile, medium and lowlands show no significant difference (P> 0.05). There was a difference in birth
weight value between highlands, middle land, and lowlands. The difference occurred because in highlands, there
were enough forage in highlands which was sufficiently provided before the birth so that feed consumption at
highlands is higher, while the availability of forage in the lowlands and middle more difficult at the moment
before birth to provide adequate feed although the type of feeding was similar but they have different qualities.
Observations in the field found that in the highlands feeding was adlibitum as feed is directly taken from the
land, while in the middle land and lowlands feeding is given only once without any additional feed if the feed is
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Productivity Index of Etawah Crossbred Goats at Different Altitude in Lumajang District, East Java

up, because owned land is limited for cultivation as animal feed. As stated by (1990), a
combination of genetic and environment factors showed differences in livestock performance and it could affect
growth, development and production of livestock.
Birth weight in highlands in Lumajang was higher when compared with the results of research on
Sudan goats in highlands by Wilson RT (1976) that is 2.1 kg, also when compared with the results of research of
Ethiopia goat in the highlands by Mukasa-Mugerwa (1986) of 2.5 kg, and research by LA Mtenga (1991) of 2.5
± 0.3 and the research on Zimbabwe goat by Khombe CT (1985) that is 3.0 kg. Birth weight of PE goats in the
highlands, medium and lowlands when compared with the research of (1991) and
IndraSulaksana (2010) was higher at 1.8 -2.6 kg and 2.33 ± 0.45 kg. Research result on the lowlands in
Lumajang was higher when compared with the result of research by Mtenga (1991) in the lowlands that is 2.0 ±
0.6 kg. Birth weight variation is fairly high due to the influence of gender, parity and feeding time during
pregnancy, the body size of the mother during childbirth.
Weaning weight is the weight at the time the care of the kids is separated from their mothers. The
average of weaning weight of PE young goat in Lumajang can be seen in Table 4.

Table 4. The average weaning weight (kg) in the lowlands, middle land and highland in Lumajang
Location Altitude N Mean±SD
>700m ASL 60 12.92 ± 2.86a
District of Lumajang 400-700m ASL 60 11.53 ± 1.67b
<400m ASL 60 10.75 ± 2.36b
Description: a,b different superscripts in the same column shows a highly significantdifference (P <0.01)

The result of statistical tests shows that the average weaning weight of young goat in Lumajang on the
highlands shows a highly significant difference with the medium and lowlands (P <0.01), but in the middle
lands shows no significant difference with lowland (P>0.05). The difference in weaning weight between
highland and lowland in Lumajang occurs because birth weight in the lowlands is lower than that of the
highlands, so it affects the growth. However, compared with the research by (2003), the average
weaning weight of PE young goats in the lowlands in Lumajang is 10.75 kg, which is slightly higher than
Sutama’s research finding showing that the weight of PE goat is 10.70 kg. Weaning weight differences between
highlands and lowlands are caused by different genetic and environmental factors since weaning weight is
influenced by variations of kid birth weight and condition of the parents’ body (Liu, 2005; Gifford,

Table 5.Kidding interval (month) in lowlands (<400 m ASL), middle land (400-700 m ASL) and the
highlands (>700 m ASL) in the district of Lumajang
Location Altitude N Mean±SD

>700m m ASL 60 8.56 ± 0.59a

District of Lumajang
400-700m ASL 60 8.90 ± 1.13a
<400m ASL 60 9.38 ± 1.10b
Description: a,b different superscripts in one column shows a highly significant difference(P<0.01)

Kidding interval is the interval of two births in sequence from one process of delivery to the next birth.
Kidding interval becomes determining factor of the level of the average production of kids per year. The result
shows average kidding interval from three different areasin Lumajang, as follows: (1) highlands is of 8.56 ±
0.59 months; (2) middle land is of 8.90 ± 1.13 months; and (3) lowlands is of 9.38 ± 1.10 months. The results of
statistical test is showed in Table 3 that kidding interval in the highlands and lowland has a highly significant
difference (P <0.01), while in the highlands and middle land did not show differences (P> 0.05). The different
results between the highlands and middle lands and the lowlands happened because in the lowlands
breastfeeding period was longer than the highlands and middle land. Insufficient food was considered as the
main cause for bad growth and kids’ death. This was in accordance with the opinion of Dewendra and Burn
(1994) stating that there were several factors that led to the death of the kids, among others are cold, lack of
food, disease and dystocia, while according to Sutama (1997), goats were very susceptible to changes in
environmental conditions. With a length of breast-feeding on its mother, it would cause lust withdrawn and
marriage became delayed so that the birth spacing became longer. This was in line with Astuti’s (2007)
statement that parents’ pending marriage affected the birth spacing. Birth spacing was also influenced by the
post-partum estrous, S/C and the period of pregnancy.
Productivity of doeswas kids’ live weight produced by a does or a group of goat per year which
combines kidding interval, number of litter size and live weight at a certain age (weaning age). Parent
Reproductive Rate (LRI) was the description of the parent's ability to care for the kid until weaned. Productivity
of does in Lumajang highlands, medium and lowlands can be seen in Table 6.

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Productivity Index of Etawah Crossbred Goats at Different Altitude in Lumajang District, East Java

Based on the interview, the death of the kid until weaned in the highlands, middle and lowlands were
0.5%, 2% and 4% respectively. This low mortality of kids was due to the adequacy of the mother's milk
production for the survival of the child because the farmers give the priority on the safety of kids before weaned,
that is the mother's milk production. This is in accordance with the opinion of Synaman (2010). Factors that
might be involved in the survival rate of a kid is the birth weight, genetics, parenting abilities and mother’s milk
production, the environment, nutrition, disease, and predators.

Table 6. Average Index of Reproduction and Productivity does PE goats until age weaned at highlands,
medium and lowlands in Lumajang
District Altitude N Birth Spacing Liter Weaning Mortality Reproduction Productivity
(Month) Size weight (Kg) (%) Index (Kg)
Lumajan >700m ASL 60 8.56 1.85 12.92 0.5 2.58 33.34
g 400-700 m ASL 60 8.9 1.8 11.53 2 2.37 27.42
<400m ASL
60 9.38 1.75 10.75 4 2.15 23.10
Average 8.95 1.8 11.73 2.17 2.37 27.95

Based on Table 6, the harvest kid per breeding in Lumajang the highest per year was at highlands for
33.34 kg live weight. Thus, the overall average productivity of dairy goat parent (PE) in Lumajang was 27.95 kg
live weight. High and low productivity of goats was influenced by genetic and environmental factors, according
to Devendra and Burns (1983) birth weight was an important factor affecting the productivity of the goats while
according to Wilson (1960) the development of the kid from its birth to weaning was influenced by nutritional it
consumes. The diversity in the supply of food and in feeding and different management in highlands, medium
and lowlands could affect the efficiency of the conversion of nutrients by the parent to be the weight of the
fetus, which will affect birth weight and weaning weight in the future so that it will also affect productivity.
When high reproduction index value and the average of weaning weight become too high, it will
generate an index value of a high mothers’ productivity. The result of the study (Table 6) in terms of the index
of reproduction in Lumajang at highlands (2.58) was better than the reproductive index in middle lands (2.37)
and also lowlands (2.15). It was in accordance with the research by Sodiq (2010) showing that the highlands
reproductive index (2.67) was better compared to the lowlands (2.03). The difference in reproductive index
value is due to the earlier pregnancy after birth in highlands. As a consequence, birth spacing at highlands is
shorter compared to middle or lowlands which the birth spacing is longer.
Does productivity figures can be used to measure the ability of the does in one location to produce kids
with certain weight. Differences in productivity of PE does at a height of different places is caused by litter size,
mortality, kidding interval and weaning weight. This can be seen in Table 2, 3, 4 and 5, which indicates that the
highland results are better when compared to medium and lowlands. The higher litter size, the higher the
productivity of the parent. Conversely, the lower the mortality of pre-weaning kids will increase the productivity
of parents, the shorter kidding interval will increase the productivity of the parents.
Greyling (2000) and (2002) report that production performance is largely determined by the
interaction of genetic factors, as well as the very real effect of parity on the productivity of goats. In the
highlands, high birth weight and weaning weight are highly significantly different (P <0.01) compared with the
medium and low, it can affect kids’ growth until weaning. The research result of Ndlovu and Simela (1996)
indicated that lower growth rate of the kid and more length of birth spacing resulted in the decrease of does
productivity to make weaned kids’ weight gain within certain period. The average productivity goat mother
increased as the increase in parity to parity fourth and fifth, then gradually declined. Steve and Marco (2001)
showed that level of productivity of a goat can be correlated positively with age maturity of the parent, and its
ability dropped dramatically after the mother is 9 years old.

IV. Conclusion
The amount of litter size, birth weight, weaning weight, mortality, and kidding interval in highland is
better than middle and lowlands area of Lumajang. It can affect the does’ productivity index, which show that
does’ productivity index in highlands is better than that of middle and lowlands.

To the Honorable Prof. Dr. Sc. Agr. Ir. Suyadi, MS., Dr. Ir. Nuryadi, MS and Prof. Dr. IrHartutik, MP
as advisor in the process of writing this journal who have given all facilities patiently and willingly, provided
direction and motivation to start writing until the completion of the writing of this journal article.

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Productivity Index of Etawah Crossbred Goats at Different Altitude in Lumajang District, East Java

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