DLL Math 8 Q1 W1 D2
DLL Math 8 Q1 W1 D2
DLL Math 8 Q1 W1 D2
Teaching Dates
Quarter 1ST
and Time AUGUST 22, 2022
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of factors of polynomials
(Polynomials with common monomial factor)
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to formulate real-life problems involving factors of polynomials (with
common monomial factor)
C. MELC Factors completely different types of polynomials (difference of two squares), M8AL-Ia-b-
D. Learning Competencies/ Objectives 1. Tells whether the given polynomials can be factored using sum and difference of
two squares or not.
2. Factors polynomial using sum and difference of two squares
3. Appreciates the importance of other people in everyone’s success.
A. References
3. Textbook pages
1. How many factors did you obtain?
Ans. Two factors
2. What are your observations based on the factors?
Expected ans. The factors are the positive square roots of each term.
3. What is the operation on the first factor? How about the second factor?
Ans. First factor- positive, second- negative
(x + 1)(x-1) = x2 – 1 = (x+1)(x-1)
Instructions: Using the pattern you have learned, tell whether the following can be
factored using sum and difference of two squares.
7. x2 + 9 Ans. No
Teacher must correct
8. x2 – 9 Ans. Yes
9. 4x2 – 25 Ans. Yes immediately every wrong
10. y – 16 Ans. Yes responses of the learner.
11. 36y + 121 Ans. No
F. Developing Mastery ACTIVITY: CREATE YOUR OWN!
Let the learners formulate their own given binomials that can be factored using sum and
( Leads to Formative Assessment 3) difference of two terms. Let them solve on the board. (Answers may vary)
A 5m x 5m landscaping is to be done in one corner of a 20m x 20m garden. Find
the area of the field that was not affected by the project.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions Guide Questions for Generalization:
about the lesson.
Describe a polynomial that can be factored using sum and difference of two
Ans. The sign in between is negative.
What have you observed on the first term? How about the second term?
Ans. First term- Perfect square, second term- perfect square
What can you conclude based on your observation?
Possible answer
(First term)2 – (Second term)2 =(First term + Second term) (First term –
Second term)
1. a2 – 16 = (a + 4) (a – 4)
2. 9x2 – 4 = (3x + 2) (3x – 2)
3. 64c2 – 1 = (8c + 1) (8c – 1)
4. 100y2 – 49z2 = (10y + 7z) (10y – 7z)
5. y2 – 81 = (y + 9) (y – 9)