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Probiotics in Primary Prevention of Atopic Disease: A Randomised Placebo-Controlled Trial

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Probiotics in primary prevention of atopic disease: a randomised

placebo-controlled trial

Marko Kalliomäki, Seppo Salminen, Heikki Arvilommi, Pentti Kero, Pertti Koskinen, Erika Isolauri

Summary Introduction
Allergy, in the form of atopic diseases such as atopic
Background Reversal of the progressive increase in frequency eczema, allergic rhinitis, and asthma, is a chronic disorder
of atopic disease would be an important breakthrough for of increasing importance in economically more-developed
health care and wellbeing in Western societies. In the hygiene countries.1 The International Study of Asthma and
hypothesis this increase is attributed to reduced microbial Allergies in Childhood2,3 included 11607 Finnish children
exposure in early life. Probiotics are cultures of potentially aged 13–14 years; 10–20% of the children had symptoms of
beneficial bacteria of the healthy gut microflora. We assessed asthma, 15–23% allergic rhinitis, and 15–19% atopic
the effect on atopic disease of Lactobacillus GG (which is safe eczema. Proof of an inverse association between infections
at an early age and effective in treatment of allergic early in life and atopy has led to renewed interest in the
inflammation and food allergy). hygiene hypothesis devised by Strachan4 a decade ago. The
recent rapid rise in atopy might be a result of improved
Methods In a double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial hygiene and reduced family size. Recent epidemiological
we gave Lactobacillus GG prenatally to mothers who had at studies have yielded results both for,5–7 and against,8 such a
least one first-degree relative (or partner) with atopic eczema, hypothesis.
allergic rhinitis, or asthma, and postnatally for 6 months to We propose that specific microbes in the commensal gut
their infants. Chronic recurring atopic eczema, which is the microflora are more important than sporadic infections in
main sign of atopic disease in the first years of life, was the atopic disease prevention. Gastrointestinal microflora
primary endpoint. promote potentially antiallergenic processes: (1) T-helper-
1-type immunity;9 (2) generation of transforming growth
Findings Atopic eczema was diagnosed in 46 of 132 (35%) factor ,10,11 which has an essential role in suppression of
children aged 2 years. Asthma was diagnosed in six of these T-helper-2-induced allergic inflammation12 and induction
children and allergic rhinitis in one. The frequency of atopic of oral tolerance;13 and (3) IgA production,14 an essential
eczema in the probiotic group was half that of the placebo component of mucosal immune defence. The gut
group (15/64 [23%] vs 31/68 [46%]; relative risk 0·51 [95% microflora might therefore be a major postnatal counter-
CI 0·32–0·84]). The number needed to treat was 4·5 (95% CI regulator of the universal T-helper-2-skewed immune
2·6–15·6). system in fetuses and neonates. Confrontation between
microbes and their antigens in the gastrointestinal tract
Interpretations Lactobacillus GG was effective in prevention of begins instantly after birth, and the viable cells of fully
early atopic disease in children at high risk. Thus, gut established gut microflora outnumber those of the human
microflora might be a hitherto unexplored source of natural host by a factor of ten.15 Consequently, commensal
immunomodulators and probiotics, for prevention of atopic gastrointestinal microbes are the earliest and biggest
disease. stimulus for development of gut-associated lymphoid
Lancet 2001; 357: 1076–79 Probiotics are cultures of potentially beneficial bacteria of
healthy gut microflora15 and one such strain, Lactobacillus
rhamnosus (Lactobacillus GG, American Type Culture
Collection 53103), has proved safe at an early age and
effective in treatment of allergic inflammation11 and food
allergy.16 In a double-blind randomised placebo-controlled
trial of prevention of atopic disease, we gave Lactobacillus
GG prenatally to mothers and postnatally for 6 months to
their infants at high risk of these diseases.

Participants and study design
The only inclusion criterion was a family history of atopic
disease—ie, one or more family members (mother, father,
or older sibling) with atopic eczema, allergic rhinitis, or
asthma. Families were recruited in antenatal clinics in
Turku, Finland (population 170 000) between February,
1997, and January, 1998, to avoid the effect of birth month
Departments of Paediatrics (M Kalliomäki MD, P Kero MD, on atopic sensitisation. On the basis of our sample-size
E Isolauri MD), Biochemistry and Food Chemistry (S Salminen PhD), calculation before the study, 159 mothers were randomly
and Clinical Chemistry (P Koskinen MD), University of Turku and assigned by computer to receive two capsules of placebo
Turku University Hospital; and National Public Health Institute, (microcrystalline cellulose) or 1
1010 colony-forming units
Turku, Finland (H Arvilommi MD) of Lactobacillus GG (Valio Ltd; Helsinki, Finland) daily for
Correspondence to: Dr Marko Kalliomäki, Department of Paediatrics, 2–4 weeks before expected delivery. After delivery,
Turku University Hospital, PO Box 52, FI-20521 Turku, Finland breastfeeding mothers could take the capsules, otherwise
(e-mail: [email protected]) children received the agents; in the latter case, capsule

1076 THE LANCET • Vol 357 • April 7, 2001

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contents were mixed with water then given by spoon. Both local grasses, cat, dog, and Dermatophagoides pteronyssimus
these modes of administration have resulted in similar allergen Der p1 (ALK; Abellò, Denmark); and latex
amounts of Lactobacillus GG in infant faeces.16 Lactobacillus (Stallergens; Marseille, France).
GG and placebo capsules and contents looked, smelled,
and tasted identical. Capsules were taken postnatally for Statistical analysis
6 months. Treatment codes were kept by the supplier The anticipated frequency of atopic disease in the placebo
until data had been collected and analysed—ie, until group was 50%. With at least 56 individuals in each group,
March, 2000. a reduction of 25% in the frequency of atopic disease could
Children were examined during the neonatal period and be detected at a 5% level of significance with 80% power.
on study visits to a department of paediatrics at ages 3, 6, Normally distributed data are expressed as means with 95%
12, 18, and 24 months. The outcome measure was atopic CI, and skewed data as geometric means with 95% CI after
disease at 2 years. Since chronic recurring atopic eczema is logarithmic transformation. Values were compared between
the main sign of atopic disease in the first years of life,17 it the groups by unpaired t test. 2 test was used to compare
was the primary study endpoint. Children were grouped as proportions between the groups. Relative risk and the
having this disorder (children with atopic eczema) or not number needed to treat, both with 95% CI, were used to
(healthy children). The study was approved by the describe the treatment effect of Lactobacillus GG.21 The
Committees on Ethical Practice in Turku University proportion (and 95% CI) of children with atopic disease in
Hospital and the Health Office of Turku. Written informed both groups was calculated with the formulas devised by
consent was obtained from children’s parents. Gardner and Altman.22 Total IgE concentration was rated
as high if it were greater than the geometric mean
Procedures concentration of total IgE plus 1 SD in children without
The physician (MK) who did the physical examinations, atopic disease.23 A p value less than 0·05 was regarded as
diagnoses of atopic disease, and antiasthma treatments was statistically significant.
unaware of the contents of the capsules until March, 2000,
when all data had been obtained and analysed. Physical Results
examination included inspection of eyes, ears, nose, and Baseline characteristics and participants
skin, auscultation of heart and lungs, palpation of Baseline characteristics were similar in the placebo and
abdomen, and assessment of growth and neurological Lactobacillus GG groups (table 1). The mean (95% CI)
development. Parents were asked about their child’s signs start of treatment was 26 (24–28) days before delivery. 132
and symptoms that were possibly related to atopic disease: of 159 (83%) participants completed the 2-year study. The
redness, dryness, oozing, and scratching (itch) of skin; only reason for discontinuation was non-compliance—ie,
redness, discharge, sneezing, and rubbing (itch) of eyes and the family did not arrive for the study visit—and rates were
nose; and cough, wheeze, and shortness of breath. similar in both groups (figure 1). None of the drop-outs had
Sensitisation to common dietary and respiratory antigens shown signs of atopic disease before discontinuation. The
was measured by: skin-prick tests at ages 6, 12, and 24 mean (95% CI) times of exclusive and mean total time of
months; and by total and antigen-specific IgE assays in breastfeeding were closely similar between children given
umbilical cord blood and at ages 3, 12, and 24 months. placebo, 2·7 (2·2–3·1) months and 6·4 (5·4–7·5) months,
Atopic eczema was confirmed by pruritis, facial or respectively, and those on Lactobacillus GG, 3·0 (2·6–3·4)
extensor involvement, or both, and chronic relapsing months and 7·2 (6·4–8·1) months, respectively (p=0·28
course.17 This last criterion was fulfilled if the child had had and p=0·24, respectively).
eczema for 1 month or longer at the 24-month study visit
and on at least one previous visit. The SCORAD index18 Atopic eczema and sensitisation
was used to assess eczema severity. Allergic rhinitis was Atopic eczema was diagnosed in 46 of 132 (35%) children
diagnosed if the baby had on most days two or more of: at age 2 years. Six of these children also fulfilled the
nasal discharge, blockage, sneezing, and itching. For diagnostic criteria for asthma and one for allergic rhinitis.
diagnosis, temporal relations had to be established between The mean (95% CI) duration of breastfeeding was very
these symptoms of allergic rhinitis, symptoms with allergen close between infants with atopic eczema and those
exposure, relief of symptoms by antihistamine treatment, without—7·0 (5·8–8·2) months and 6·7 (5·9–7·5) months,
and evidence of atopic sensitisation (ie, positive skin-prick respectively (p=0·65). In children with atopic eczema the
test or positive radioallergosorbent assay, or both). Asthma geometric mean (95% CI) age at onset of symptoms was
diagnosis was based on an algorithm created by an 4·9 (3·9–6·2) months, and objective SCORAD at 24
international paediatric asthma concensus group.19 Asthma months was 10·2 (9·3–11·2). Serum total IgE
was diagnosed if an infant had chronic or recurrent cough,
wheeze or shortness of breath, or both, suggestive of
Placebo (n=82) Lactobacillus GG
asthma, and if other diagnoses were excluded and trial (n=77)
antiasthma treatment was effective.
Family history
Assays for serum total IgE and specific IgE antibodies to Maternal atopic disease 63 (77%) 55 (71%)
milk, egg, cat, and house-dust mite were done with the Atopic eczema in family 35 (43%) 31 (40%)
Pharmacia CAP FEIA immunoassay on a UniCAP 100 Older sibling 30 (37%) 26 (34%)
automatic analyser (Pharmacia and Upjohn; Uppsala, Parental smoking 17 (21%) 9 (12%)
Furry pet at home 9 (11%) 16 (21%)
Sweden) in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
An antigen-specific IgE value of more than 0·35 kU/L was Birth characteristics
Weeks of gestation 39 (1·4) 39 (1·3)
classed as increased. Skin-prick tests were done as Boys 43 (52%) 49 (64%)
previously described,20 and antigens tested included: milk; Cord blood IgE* 19/63 (30%) 21/53 (40%)
wheat and rye flours, both diluted 1/10 (weight/volume) Weight (g) 3612 (466) 3631 (483)
with 0·9% (weight/volume) sodium chloride; gliadin Head circumference (cm) 35 (1·4) 35 (1·3)
diluted 1/1000 (weight/volume) with 0·9% (weight/volume) Data are mean (SD) or proportion.
sodium chloride; banana, potato, and carrot (all three by *Number of neonates with detectable total IgE (detection limit 0·5 kU/L) in cord blood.
prick-prick technique), egg white, cod, soya bean, birch, six Table 1: Family history and birth characteristics

THE LANCET • Vol 357 • April 7, 2001 1077

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159 mothers randomised Placebo (n=68) Lactobacillus GG p

Total IgE (kU/L)*
3 months 3·0 (2·4–3·7) 3·1 (2·5–4·0) 0·79§
82 assigned placebo 77 assigned 12 months 9·7 (7·0–13·4) 11·2 (8·0–15·7) 0·55§
Lactobacillus GG 24 months 32·7 (22·6–47·3) 31·3 (22·8–43·0) 0·85§
Increased RAST readings†
14 lost to 13 lost to 3 months 2/66 (3%) 2/58 (3%) 0·90||
follow-up: 12 months 15/66 (23%) 16/62 (26%) 0·68||
24 months 16/64 (25%) 17/62 (27%) 0·76||
2 before delivery 2 before delivery
5 after 2 weeks 7 after 2 weeks Prick test reaction‡
6 months 7 (10%) 11 (17%) 0·25||
2 after 3 months 2 after 6 months
12 months 12 (18%) 17/63 (27%) 0·20||
2 after 6 months 1 after 12 months 24 months 9/65 (14%) 11/61 (18%) 0·52||
1 after 12 months 1 after 18 months
*Geometric mean 95% CI. †Number with at least one increased (>0·35 kU/L) antigen-
2 after 18 months
specific IgE concentration in radioallergosorbent (RAST) assay. ‡Number with one
positive skin-prick test reaction. §Unpaired t test of logarithmically transformed data.
||2 test (placebo vs Lactobacillus GG).
68 completed study 64 completed study Table 2: Total IgE antibodies, antigen-specific IgE antibodies,
and skin-prick test reaction
Figure 1: Trial profile
concentrations and of positive reactions in skin-prick tests
concentrations were greater in children with atopic eczema were very similar between probiotic and placebo groups
than in those without, at ages 12 and 24 months (p=0·009 (table 2). Frequency of children with high total IgE
and p=0·02, respectively; data not shown). Skin-prick test concentration (>93·3 kU/L) was 11 of 61 (18%) in the
reactivity to common environmental antigens was more probiotic and 17 of 63 (27%) in the placebo group at
frequent in children with atopic eczema than in healthy 2 years of age (p=0·23).
children at ages 12 and 24 months (p=0·03 and p=0·01,
respectively; data not shown), whereas frequency of Discussion
increased antigen-specific IgE concentrations in serum was We have shown prospectively that a specific microbe can
much the same between the groups (p=0·22 and 0·31, prevent atopic disease. Our new insight might provide an
respectively; data not shown). The most common antigens opportunity to devise strategies against allergy, the
that elicited positive reactions by both methods were egg pandemic that affects almost half the population in more-
and cow milk. developed countries.1
The notion of probiotics use in primary prevention of
Effects of probiotics atopic disease was based on their ability to reverse increased
The frequency of atopic eczema was reduced by half in intestinal permeability24—characteristic of children with
infants given probiotics compared with those on placebo— atopic eczema and food allergy.25 Probiotics also enhance
15 of 64 (23%) and 31 of 68 (46%), respectively gut-specific IgA responses,24 which are often defective in
(p=0·008); relative risk (95% CI) 0·51 (0·32–0·84, figure children with food allergy.26 They also help to promote gut
2). The number needed to treat was 4·5 (2·6–15·6). In barrier function and restore normal gut microecology,15
affected children the objective SCORAD geometric mean alterations in which have been shown in allergic
(95% CI) at 24 months was 10·4 (9·3–11·6) in the placebo individuals.27 Some probiotics alleviate changes related to
and 9·8 (8·2–11·8) in the Lactobacillus GG group (p=0·60). allergic inflammation in vitro and in vivo.11,16,28 Use of
Most mothers in both the placebo and the Lactobacillus probiotics in allergy prevention is further lent support by
GG group chose to give capsules to infants, 39 of 68 (57%) results of studies11,29 showing that oral lactobacilli in atopic
and 36 of 64 (56%), respectively (p=0·90). Preventive children enhance transforming growth factor  and
effect did not depend on mode of administration; in the interleukin 10 production in vivo. Findings from clinical
Lactobacillus GG group atopic eczema was diagnosed in and experimental studies12,30 suggest that these anti-
nine of 36 (25%) infants who consumed the probiotic inflammatory cytokines have a crucial role, possibly more
themselves and six of 28 (21%) infants whose breastfeeding essential than that of T-helper-1-type inducers, in
mothers took the capsules (p=0·74). Concentration of total prevention and treatment of atopy and atopic diseases.
IgE and frequencies of increased antigen-specific IgE Thus, specific strains in indigenous gut microflora have
profound effects on the physiology and immunology of the
100 host.
children with atopic eczema (%)

At birth, the human gastrointestinal tract is sterile, but in

the first months and years of life a rapid sequential
Proportion of 2-year-old

75 colonisation occurs until a stable indigenous gut microflora

is established.15 Simultaneously, the T-helper-2-dominant
immunity of newborn babies is intensified in atopic
50 individuals, with the subsequent expression of atopic
disease.31 In support of an essential role for indigenous gut
microflora in this process, a reduced ratio of bifidobacteria
25 to clostridia in early gut microflora precedes the
development of atopy and atopic disease.32 Dietary antigens
also strongly affect the neonatal gastrointestinal system.
0 Results from work in animals indicate that these antigens
Placebo Lactobacillus GG might provoke atopic-type immunity at mucosal and
Figure 2: Treatment effect of Lactobacillus GG on atopic systemic level.33 Therefore, treatment for counter-
disease regulation of allergy must work in infancy, and preferably in
Bars are 95% CI. the first encounters with dietary antigens. Probiotics are

1078 THE LANCET • Vol 357 • April 7, 2001

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appropriate for the task, not only with respect to timing, but 13 Sudo N, Sawamura S, Tanaka K, Aiba Y, Kubo C, Koga Y. The
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Marko Kalliomäki developed and designed the study. Pertti Koskinen 24 Isolauri E, Majamaa H, Arvola T, Rantala I, Virtanen E,
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