Motivation Letter
Motivation Letter
Motivation Letter
About Me
I was a master student at Technical University of Munich (TUM), who graduated in March 2018. At TUM, I focused on machine learning
while also exploring courses in robotics and computer architecture. I finished my master thesis on the topic of image retrieval with final
grade of 1.0.
I had 3 years of experience working as a data scientist (part-time and full-time) in start-ups in Munich and Berlin. During that time, I had
opportunities to learn and apply machine learning, data science and statistics techniques on different fields such as HR and game mobile.
I built a classifier for job levels from raw labelled database, which could be used for automatically generating experience level for any job
advertisements. Another interesting project I was responsible for is to build a job matching model from unlabelled data (candidates’ CV
and job descriptions). I also had chances to cooperate with company’s web developers to deploy our application in AWS and sold our
product to clients.
During the time working for Popcore - a game mobile company, I created internal metric reports for UA managers, as well as monthly
performance reports for investors. These reports include key metrics such as DAU, CPI, CPM, LTV, ROAS and payback time, which help us
keep track of the performance of each game we release, as well as make sure that our advertising campaigns profitable. Furthermore, I
built several predictive models for various purposes. For example, one model is for determining the bid amount for each campaign we
want to release. Another model I built is used for predicting revenue we could gain from users based on our internal database. I also
worked closely with data engineers and data analysts on improving data processing and modelling processes.
Currently I am working as a Deep Learning engineer at Signatrix. We provide Computer Vision solutions for retail section. Specifically, by
integrating our detectors and classifiers into cameras in our clients’ entrance and checkout area, we ensure that no shopping cart with
unpaid goods leaves the store. Working here brings me valuable opportunities to not only prototype Deep Learning models, but also
integrate them into edge devices for production. On the former aspect, I and my teammates are responsible for improving our current
models as well as researching for better ones, in term of speed-accuracy trade-off. On the latter aspect, we work on optimization and
conversion processes for trained models, to make them run faster while still maintaining accuracy in NVIDIA edge devices.
On the other hand, in my free time, I often devote myself to github, where I have shared my own projects with other users and got
feedbacks from them. I always believe that the best way to fully understand a model, an idea or a paper is to re-implement it on my
own. I have several projects on github, mostly deep learning models in different fields such as NLP, Computer Vision and Reinforcement
Learning. Some of them have got quite positive responses, via the number of stars as well as forks from other users.
Why Presize?
I am a truly admirer of Presize’s work and your commitment in developing people. Thanks to your app, users could reliably measure
Why Me?
I am the one who is always eager to discover new things. It is the main factor affecting my choices of direction I would go to resolve
problems in my company or projects I want to investigate and implement on github. It is also the main reason motivating me to write
this letter to you, after I read the job’s description on your website. Moreover, it is my fervent hope to learn while bringing my contributions
and passion to the company through the interesting position you offer. Given the requirements of the position and my actual capabilities,
I believe that my skill set and enthusiasm will make a great fit to the job. Will I become a part of Presize’s team? Will I become a valuable
asset of your company ? I cannot answer these questions myself, but I know you could help me to find the answers.
I am looking forward to hearing from you and thank you for your consideration.