but i paid much time to coding only and want to build my career there only so
answer it accordingly such taht it become impressed
Absolutely! Here's a compelling way to explain your passion and shift towards a career in the IT
Answer: "Though I'm currently pursuing a B.Tech in Civil Engineering and am in my 7th semester, I've
always been deeply passionate about coding and software development. Throughout my academic
journey, I've consistently found myself dedicating significant time to learning programming languages
and working on coding projects, often spending evenings and weekends honing my skills. This
passion has grown stronger over the years, and I've come to realize that a career in IT is where my
true interests lie.
The logical problem-solving skills and analytical thinking that I developed during my civil engineering
studies have seamlessly translated into my coding endeavors. For instance, my experience with
structural analysis and project planning has enhanced my ability to break down complex software
problems into manageable parts and devise efficient solutions.
I've actively sought out additional resources, online courses, and coding challenges to further
develop my programming expertise. This proactive approach has not only expanded my technical
knowledge but also confirmed my enthusiasm for a career in IT. I've become proficient in
technologies like React and Redux Toolkit, and even created a full-fledged shopping cart application.
Choosing to transition to IT is not just a decision driven by my current skills but also by my passion
for continuous learning and innovation. I believe that the IT industry offers boundless opportunities
for growth and creativity, and I'm eager to contribute to impactful projects and be part of a
community that is constantly pushing the boundaries of technology."
Founded: 1968
Business Solutions: Enterprise solutions, cloud services, and cognitive business operations.
Global Presence
TCS operates in over 150 locations across 46 countries, making it one of the largest IT services
companies in the world.
Recent Projects
TCS has a strong focus on innovation and research, with initiatives like TCS Research and Innovation
Labs and TCS Sustainathon, which challenges youth to ideate and invent clean, affordable energy
TCS is committed to driving positive change through technology and community engagement. They
have various CSR initiatives, including education programs, environmental sustainability projects, and
health and wellness initiatives.
TCS has been recognized for its excellence and innovation, winning multiple international awards and
being ranked among the top IT service providers globally.
Does this give you a good overview of TCS?
2. Adaptability and Quick Learning: I have a proven track record of quickly adapting to new
technologies and concepts. This ability to learn swiftly has enabled me to transition from civil
engineering to software development effectively. I am confident that I can quickly get up to
speed with any new tools or methodologies your team uses.
7. Commitment to Excellence: I strive for excellence in everything I do. Whether it's delivering
high-quality code, meeting project deadlines, or continuously seeking ways to optimize
performance, I am committed to achieving the best possible outcomes.
By hiring me, you would be bringing on board a dedicated, adaptable, and technically skilled
individual who is passionate about making meaningful contributions to your team and the company's
success. I'm excited about the opportunity to leverage my skills and passion to drive innovation and
deliver impactful solutions.
When an interviewer asks about your projects and the tech stack you used, you can structure your
response to highlight your skills, the problem you solved, and the technologies you used. Here’s an
example of how you can present each project:
Description: I developed a dynamic shopping cart application using React and Redux Toolkit. The
project features two primary slices: Cart and Theme.
Cart Slice: Manages the user's shopping cart items, including functionality for adding and
removing items, updating quantities, and calculating totals.
Theme Slice: Manages the application's theme, allowing users to toggle between light and
dark modes.
o GitHub: Shopwithshivam
o GitHub: Knowurweather
o Example: "I developed a Shopping Cart App that allows users to manage their
shopping items and toggle between light and dark themes."
o Example: "The Cart Slice manages all the cart operations including adding, removing,
and updating item quantities, while the Theme Slice enables users to switch
between light and dark modes."
o Example: "I used React for building the user interface and Redux Toolkit for state
management, as they provide a scalable and maintainable structure."
o Example: "This project helped me grasp complex state management and enhanced
the user experience with a responsive design."
o Mention where they can see your code and live application.
o Example: "You can find the source code on GitHub and see the live demo on Netlify."
Does this help? I think this structure will make a strong impression on interviewers! Feel free to
tweak it based on your specific experiences and achievements.
if interviewer asked how will you intergrate backend with your shopping cart app if i want to do it
using mern
how to integrate bakend
Integrating a backend with your shopping cart app using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React,
Node.js) stack involves several steps. Here's a concise outline to give a clear and structured answer to
your interviewer:
Integration Steps:
1. Set Up MongoDB:
o Description: MongoDB will be used as the database to store your cart items, user
data, and other relevant information.
o Step: Create a MongoDB Atlas account, set up a cluster, and get the connection
o Description: This part will handle all the server-side logic, including API routes for
managing cart items and user authentication.
o Steps:
productId: String,
quantity: Number,
// Define routes
o Description: Use React to communicate with the Express.js backend via HTTP
o Steps:
1. Install Axios (or use Fetch API) in your React project to handle HTTP
requests: npm install axios.
2. Create functions in your React components to interact with the backend API
(e.g., add items to cart, remove items).
try {
o Description: Deploy both frontend and backend to platforms like Heroku, Vercel, or
o Steps:
Example Discussion:
“When integrating the backend with my Shopping Cart App using the MERN stack, I would start by
setting up a MongoDB database to store all cart-related data. Using Node.js and Express.js, I would
develop the backend to handle all CRUD operations for the cart items and user management. The
frontend, built with React, would interact with this backend via HTTP requests to perform operations
like adding and removing items. Finally, I would deploy the entire application, ensuring that the
frontend and backend are seamlessly connected for a smooth user experience.”
This should give your interviewer a clear understanding of your approach and your familiarity with
the MERN stack! Would you like to explore more specific details or any other aspect of this
"In my shopping cart app, I chose MongoDB over MySQL primarily due to the flexibility and speed it
offers. MongoDB's schema-less design allows me to easily store and manage products with varying
attributes, which is essential for an e-commerce platform. Additionally, its JSON-like document
storage aligns seamlessly with the data structures used in the front end, reducing the complexity of
data transformation.
Furthermore, MongoDB's horizontal scalability ensures that the application can handle increased
traffic and data volume without performance degradation. This is particularly important for an online
shopping platform that needs to provide a fast and responsive user experience. While MySQL is a
robust choice for many applications, the specific needs of my shopping cart app made MongoDB the
more suitable option."
Redux is a state management library for JavaScript applications, most commonly used with libraries
like React. Its main purpose is to manage the state of your application in a predictable way. Redux is
built around a few key concepts:
o The state of the entire application is stored in a single JavaScript object called the
2. State is Read-Only:
o The only way to change the state is to emit an action, an object describing what
3. Changes are Made with Pure Functions:
o To specify how the state tree is transformed by actions, you write pure functions
called reducers.
Redux Toolkit:
Redux Toolkit is an official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development.
It was introduced to simplify the process of writing Redux logic and avoid common pitfalls. Redux
Toolkit includes several features that make it easier to work with Redux:
1. configureStore:
o Simplifies store setup with sensible defaults, automatically adding the Redux
DevTools extension, applying middleware, and combining reducers.
2. createSlice:
o Helps create a slice of the state, including actions and reducers in a single file,
reducing boilerplate code.
3. createAsyncThunk:
4. createEntityAdapter:
Example Scenario:
Redux: You'd set up a store, define actions for adding/removing items, and create reducers
to handle these actions. The state would be managed in one central place, making it easier
to debug and maintain.
Redux Toolkit: Instead of manually writing a lot of boilerplate code, you'd use configureStore
to set up the store, createSlice to define actions and reducers in one place, and
createAsyncThunk for handling any asynchronous operations like fetching product data from
an API.
Redux provides the fundamental architecture and principles for state management.
Redux Toolkit builds on top of Redux, offering tools and best practices to simplify and
streamline the development process.
In essence, Redux gives you the foundational tools for state management, and Redux Toolkit
enhances those tools, making it easier and faster to build robust applications. Do you have any
specific aspects you'd like to dive deeper into?
give me list of all data structures with real life example
Sure! Here’s a list of common data structures along with real-life examples to help you understand
their practical applications:
1. Array
2. Linked List
Definition: A linear data structure where each element is a separate object, consisting of a data part
and a reference to the next element. Real-Life Example: A chain of people standing in a line where
each person knows the next person in line.
3. Stack
Definition: A linear data structure following the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle. Real-Life Example:
A stack of plates in a cafeteria; you can only take the top plate.
4. Queue
Definition: A linear data structure following the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle. Real-Life Example:
A line of people waiting at a ticket counter.
5. Hash Table
Definition: A data structure that maps keys to values using a hash function. Real-Life Example: A
dictionary where words (keys) map to definitions (values).
6. Binary Tree
Definition: A hierarchical structure with a root element and sub-elements (left and right children).
Real-Life Example: A family tree where each node represents a family member.
Definition: A binary tree where each node has at most two children and for each node, the left
subtree has smaller values, and the right subtree has larger values. Real-Life Example: A telephone
directory where names are organized for quick lookup.
8. Heap
Definition: A special tree-based data structure that satisfies the heap property (min-heap or max-
heap). Real-Life Example: A priority queue at an airport where passengers with higher priority (e.g.,
first-class) are processed first.
9. Graph
Definition: A collection of nodes (vertices) and edges connecting them. Real-Life Example: A social
network where each person is a node, and each connection (friendship) is an edge.
10. Trie
Definition: A tree-like data structure used to store dynamic sets of strings. Real-Life Example: An
autocomplete feature in search engines where each character of a word forms a path in the trie.
11. Set
Definition: A collection of distinct elements with no specific order. Real-Life Example: A collection of
unique stamps in a stamp album.
12. Matrix
Definition: An abstract data structure where each element has a priority and elements are served
based on their priority. Real-Life Example: Patients in an emergency room are treated based on the
severity of their condition rather than their arrival time.