Elfwitha 10 Pagebackstory
Elfwitha 10 Pagebackstory
Elfwitha 10 Pagebackstory
When you need to overcome the endless adversities of your tumultuous and perilous life, roll a six sided die.
↠If your action incorporates something about your traumatic backstory, add an extra die.
↠If you make a called shot, confidently proclaiming the heroic feat you are about to exhibit, add an extra die.
Once your dice pool is assembled, roll and take the highest result, consulting the table below.
You and your (2-4) friends are starting a new fantasy roleplay campaign or oneshot. Youʼve prepared a badass elf*
character with pages of deep, edgy, tragic lore. You didn't make a healer, nor did any of your friends. 1. You do something pathetic
2. You do something unremarkable
*You don't have to be an elf. Any fantastical type of person you want to be is fine as long as they are sick as fuck. 3. You do something middling but effective
4. You do something cool… I guess
One of you is the Dungeon Keeper. You have pages of lore about your hardcore original setting and havenʼt read 5. You do something pretty impressive
any of your playersʼ novellas. Or perhaps you suddenly had a sick idea for a character and donʼt want to run the 6. You do something totally badass
game now. This is fine, youʼll all figure it out together.
↠The rolled value equals the amount of damage dealt to the current Challenge. Damage is abstract and represents
Your Character's Dark Past progress towards overcoming Challenges. If you roll multiple sixes you crit, add one damage for each additional 6.
To generate an enigmatic history, pick your favorite options from the following tables or roll a six sided die. If ↠If the resulting value is equal to or less than the number of dice rolled, gain points of Aloofness equal to the
appropriate, select 2 options. Don't share anything yet, you'll slowly reveal your character's details through play. number of dice. Aloofness is a representation of physical or emotional harm, stress/frustration, or general enmity.
The Dungeon Keeper will describe the peril that befalls the hero or how they are humbled.
You are a mysterious loner from: You were thrust into a nomadic life of adventure because:
When you gain 6 points of Aloofness your character decides to go it alone like the true wolf they are. They wander
1.The deep woods 1. Your parents were murdered off and disappear. You must now make a new character who will show up suddenly, mysteriously, and conveniently.
2. The misty moors 2. Your lover was murdered Once you have lost at least 2 characters, you can start bringing back old characters and show evidence of the brutal
3. The dark forest 3. You were exiled from your clan trials they've faced since their departure from the group.
4. The shattered peaks 4. You escaped the law
5. The hidden grove 5. Your sibling was kidnapped
6. The shadow isles 6. Itʼs the only way to feel something To reduce your aloofness score, create a moment of vulnerability with your compatriots and share a new shocking
secret detail from your backstory. Each moment like this will reduce your Aloofness score by one. You can only do
You are unparalleled in your skills with: Above all else you desire: this once between each Challenge.
The world is constantly under threat but the current issue facing the crew of mysterious heroes can be The Dungeon Keeper is in charge of describing these Challenges and how they impact the characters..
generated by picking from or rolling on the following tables. If appropriate you can pick/roll 2 options.
The first Challenge starts with a value of 6, indicating the amount of damage the heroes will have to deal
The rising menace is To quell the threat, the heroes must travel to the "Dungeon": to overcome it. Each subsequent Challenge increases in value by 2. When it feels appropriate, introduce
1. An unhinged wizard or priest 1. A strange crumbling tower the villain as a Challenge. They may also have 1-2 Challenge value 6 minions, if it feels appropriate to the
2. A corrupt magistrate or noble 2. An ominous tomb story. The Dungeon Keeper can also cheat by adding to the villain's Challenge value or by letting them
escape once theyʼve been defeated (but only if it helps create an epic narrative.)
3. A sly devil or angel 3. An occupied fortress
4. An inscrutable fairy or alien being 4. A mysterious demi-plane
5. An ancient demigod or mythic figure 5. A cursed village The End Of The Tale (???)
6. A sadistic warlord or bandit lord 6. The moonʼs shadow
After the adventure is complete. Each character can establish a fact about themselves related to their feats during
And they are: But first they will gather at the tavern: the adventure. These facts do not need to be accurate and will subsequently become part of the character's
backstory moving forward. If it feels like something in a character's backstory has been resolved, add a new
1. Collecting the relics of power 1. The “adjective” “noun” dramatic fact that they havenʼt revealed yet.
2. Manifesting a terrible gate or spell 2. The “noun” & “noun”
3. Turning people into thralls 3. “Person”ʼs “noun”
4. Taking everything they desire
5. Destroying everything in their path
4. Something crude
5. Something mysterious
6. Seeding the world with misery 6. The sign has been destroyed or defaced More games at:
Unless you are playing without a Dungeon Keeper, keep all of this private until it comes up in the narrative.