Swash Scoun
Swash Scoun
Swash Scoun
You are pirates, preferring to spend your time with grog and the ocean waves rather than the rules A Threat…
of polite society. Perhaps you’re awaiting the hangman’s noose for something you didn’t (or did)
do, or maybe you don’t want to marry a nice man and settle down. You’ve got your hands on 1. The Black Pearl 4. The Flying Duchman
REDBEARD’S TREASURE MAP and if you can find it you will be rich beyond your wildest 2. The Royal Navy 5. The Island Governor
dreams! But things are never that easy
3. The Pirate Lords of Tortuga 6. The East India Company
Player goal: Get your character involved in success! The GM tells you some extra effect
dashing pirate adventures. Find the hidden you get. GM: Run the Game
treasure, avoid walking the plank, steal from If you roll your number exactly, you ARE Play to find out if the characters buckle their swash and save the
the rich and keep it for yourself, sail the ocean ALSO NOT LEFT-HANDED! You get special day. Introduce the threat and show evidence of its badness. Before
waves with no master but yourselves. insight into what’s going on. Ask the GM a a threat does something to the characters, show signs that it’s about
Character goal: Choose one or create your question and they’ll answer you honestly. to happen, then ask: What do you do?
own: Atone for Past Sins, Get Rich or Die Some good questions:
Call for a roll when the situation is uncertain. Don’t pre-plan
Trying, Hide my Noble Background, Avoid What should I be on the lookout for? Who is outcomes—let the chips fall where they may. Use failures to push
the Law, or Be Dashing ______ working for? Is ______ a red herring? the action forward. The situation always changes after a roll, for
HELPING: If you want to help when someone How can I best trick ______? good or ill.
else rolls, say how you try to help and make a You can change your action if you want to, Ask questions and build on the answers. “Have any of you seen the
roll. If you succeed, give them +1d then roll again. Dread Pirate Bob before? What happened? Did you fight him, or did
you woo him and leave before he woke?”
Power and Responsibility is a bare-bones swashbuckling piratical RPG based on Lasers & Feelings by John Harper.
Created by Stew “DigitalRaven” Wilson.