Jaime Carlos
Rolly Santiago
Table of Contents
Employment Law
Type of Harassment
Uber’s Actions
EEOC and Affirmative Action
Diversity Matters
This is a case study review about Uber – a global, app based Taxi Company. Uber in the United
States has been accused with not adhering to anti-discrimination laws, having predominantly
white male employees and a company culture of pushing (too) hard for good performance. Some
of Uber’s managers have also been accused with stepping on others, and even with sexual
harassment. Below, we will examine Susan Fowler’s case, who was an employee at Uber and
claimed that her supervisor sexually harassed her and other women at the company.
Employment Law
The 1964 Civil Rights Act (CRA) stands for anti-discrimination based on gender, race,
nationality, and religion. Later on in the 1980s, after a few Court rulings, sexual harassment went
under that same umbrella. Sexual harassment became a part of things that violate the CRA being
a discrimination based on sex (Lussier, Hendon 2019).
Type of Harassment
Susan Fowler claims that on her first day at Uber she was contacted by her supervisor openly
looking for a sexual relationship with her and other women. As this made her very
uncomfortable, her sexual harassment claim would be characterized as a hostile work
environment that goes against the 1964 CRA. Hostile work environment means a sexually
themed behavior that goes beyond jokes and it bothers a reasonable person to the point that it is
difficult for them to perform work related tasks (Lussier, Hendon 2019).
Uber’s Actions
When Fowler first reported this to the Human Resource Department, they seemed to cover up for
the supervisor and accused her of being “abhorrent”. But as later things blew up, Uber quickly
apologised for some of the managers’ actions, had female executives give positive testimonials
on how good it is to work for this company, and examine workplace policies and procedures
(Lussier, Hendon 2019).
Uber is a global company with services in over 70 countries, so for them it is extremely
important to be diverse. Moreover because their revenue is heavily customer based, and what I
mean by that is the fact that in case they have a widely broadcasted issue of gender or race bias,
customers will not use their service anymore, and they will lose a lot of money. Uber executives
stated that they are working on bringing in more women and more people of color into tech
(Lussier and Hendon, 2019).