Altering The Physical World
Altering The Physical World
Altering The Physical World
Beyond Psychics 1/8
07/07/2017 Altering Physical World : Scientific Experiments on Manifestation | | Mystic Banana - New Age Spirituality Magazine
Harmony tells us that all things are connected orderly because it follows an orderly
arrangement to make it pleasing for a certain audience. However, there are some things that
you may think not really related with each other but surprisingly, those things make a good
combination. Two of known pair-up matters in the universe are nature and science. Nature
and science intertwine in a positive outlook when in harmony. If science and nature are in
harmony, great discoveries in technology can be made. Although it will only happen when
we accept it like a free flowing energy.
To support that consciousness can alter the physical world, here are the some of the known
scientific studies that proves connection of nature to science and vice versa.
First is what we call the Quantum Double Slit experiment. This experience provides a
revelation that states that the observer creates the reality. Quantum double slit experiment is
also known as two-slit or Young’s experiment, this scientific experiment shows that the matter
and the energy can display the characteristics of both particles and waves. This experiment
interrogates the role of the observer towards the results of events. It also demonstrates the
fundamental limitation of the observer to foresee the experimental results. Because of this
case, Richard Feynman called it a phenomenon which is impossible. Impossible to explain
which makes shows that it has the heart of quantum mechanics in it. In reality, the only
mystery of quantum mechanics is being carried. 2/8
07/07/2017 Altering Physical World : Scientific Experiments on Manifestation | | Mystic Banana - New Age Spirituality Magazine
Fourth scientific claim is the Water Crystal Experiment. The experiment went something like
this. Cooked rice was place in two containers. For 30 days, the children are advised to say
what is written on the jar labels. The first jar wrote ‘thank you’ and the other one is ‘you
fool’. After the allotted days, the cooked rice in the jar with the ‘you fool’ label rot while the
other container had barely changed.
Fifth experiment is the Global Consciousness Project. This experiment is abbreviated to GCP
which is also referred as EGG Project. It is a parapsychology experiment that shows an
attempt to detect if there is any possible interactions of “global consciousness” with physical
The sixth experiment is the Placebo effect. This is an experiment where release of endorphins
is triggered to create a real effect. For example, this occurs when the variable has given a
fake medicine that functions differently. However, the variable feels that it is working
because it was known to he a headache reliever. After the variable thought that the effect took
place, it will be revealed the real function of the medicine.
The seventh scientific experiment is Teleportation. This experiment basically shows the
theoretical transfer of energy which can be in a form of matter that takes place from one point
to another without passing the physical space in between. 3/8
07/07/2017 Altering Physical World : Scientific Experiments on Manifestation | | Mystic Banana - New Age Spirituality Magazine
the electromagnetic field of the heart is 5,000 stronger than the brain’s electromagnetic field.
As a result, research shows that if we focus on to a positive effect or positive emotion, we
feel more uplifted and can affect other people around us…
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