The Rabbit Hole - Schizophrenia, Enlightenment
The Rabbit Hole - Schizophrenia, Enlightenment
The Rabbit Hole - Schizophrenia, Enlightenment
Schizophrenia, Enlightenment
Some links:
G – Everything is connected, but some things lie closer together on
the infinite mesh of interconnectedness than others. This is the
Some Feynman Lectures
case with schizophrenia and what is called enlightenment. They are
Green Tips
two manifestations of the same phenomenon. In both cases the
Krishnamurti Foundation
mind has come to the end of conventional thought. There are two
The Teachings of Don Juan
possible reactions to this. The first is to let go of the mind and the
ego. The other is to try to maintain the mind and ego in the face of
the infinite, which is dangerous.
Blog Archive
S - Can you explain what you mean by “to the end of conventional
▼ 2009 (4)
▼ July (4)
Schizophrenia, Enlightenment
G – Thought is limited. What the mind can know is limited. What
Leaders, Self, Freedom
can be known is infinite. When something limited comes up against Love, Ego, Religion
something infinite, it reveals itself as being infinitely small. Some Real Life
people, for whatever reason, have an experience of this infinity, ► 2008 (14)
this nothingness out of which all manifestation springs. When that
happens, their consciousness undergoes a revolution. This is what
happened to Jesus, to the Buddha, and to a great many more
people who we have never heard of. This is also what happens to
what we call schizophrenics, although their consciousnesses are
prevented from undergoing the same revolution due mainly to fear.
They are afraid—and this is not a judgement of them—of letting go
of their egos, of their thoughts, and of falling back into that infinite
nothingness that they have become aware of. Of course, it is
impossible to try to figure out infinity, and to carry the ego into 1/8
1/19/2021 The Rabbit Hole: Schizophrenia, Enlightenment
S – I think I see. 2/8
1/19/2021 The Rabbit Hole: Schizophrenia, Enlightenment
G – No, you become what you are in essence, which is what Jesus
was in essence—pure love. You are that which has always been
aware of your thoughts, of your ego. You become the swimmer
instead of the bag of stones.
G – The thoughts will still come, and some of them will be very
strange indeed, and will seem absolutely correct. You may want to
cling onto them. If you simply let them arise and do not grasp
them, they will go back to where they came from. Now you will
begin to see what is, you will apprehend reality in all its glory. I
assure you, when you see reality, thoughts will become laughably
small in your awareness.
S – Ah….thanks.
Further Comments:
Letting to is the answer. Once the filter through which the world is
seen falls away (that filter is your conception of yourself), you are
free to see the world as it is. Holding onto ego in the face of the
infinite is, I am sure, the reason for schizophrenia. What awaits you
when you let go is complete and natural sanity. What we call sanity
today has nothing in common with it. I'm not saying the strange
thoughts will not still come, you will just see them for the dust and 3/8
1/19/2021 The Rabbit Hole: Schizophrenia, Enlightenment
Metaphors and analogy are just more thought. I hand you that.
Mine makes no more sense than yours as a thought. You cannot
plan your escape from fear, or thought, or anything unpleasant.
There is no process that can liberate you. Direct realization in the
present is all we have. 4/8
1/19/2021 The Rabbit Hole: Schizophrenia, Enlightenment
fear is only yourself, your true nature, which is nothing other than
an infinite expanse of love. You are not unkind, or evil, or devious,
or a killer, or anything which can be pointed to only by categorizing
the world and carving it up into individual thoughts. You are much
much more than that. As long as you are not buying into more
thought, you are moving towards what is, and there is nothing to
fear in that. 5/8
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1/19/2021 The Rabbit Hole: Schizophrenia, Enlightenment
you know this in your very core, it is the deepest realization you
can have. Then the mind no longer has an engine to drive it. I
myself still have thoughts like the ones you describe all the time,
and there are still moments when I get carried away by them. But
the time it takes me to realize that I have been carried away by
them is less than it has ever been. To be carried away by a thought
requires your active participation, and there is a feeling of "making
an effort" that you can actually sense. With enough time, this
feeling to trying to think your way into infinity, of making an effort,
may itself become an alarm that wakes you up and out of it. You
are indeed the master of your universe, but don't get wrapped up
in the concept of mastery, or you, or universe. Know only that you
are in control
By saying that only a few or perhaps one person can attain full
awakening (whatever that is), I think you are creating just the kind
of beliefs that pose barriers to awakening. The mind is always
doing this, and it does not matter what it turns its attention to. It is
a concept machine, even when it is looking deep into a void. Even
then it will find ways to structure that void, to create something
that means something to it. This is futile, of course. My view is that
all talk of chakras, auras, levels of awareness (while they may point
to something that can be experienced) are limitations to
awakening. Best to drop all concepts, all ideas of a path, of only
certain people being predisposed to awakening, all of that stuff. I
think the link between spirituality (or reality) and mental illness is
becoming more clear. A fully awakened teacher may stand the best
chance of helping to push a schizophrenic towards self-realization.
There are more and more of them around. This bodes well for the
"mentally ill."
Posted by NR
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