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Specification Value
Inverter power capacity 100 kW
Inverter frequency 20 kHz
Power track current 200 A
Pick-up power efficiency 80 %
Pick-up air gap 20 cm
EMF exposure level < 10 mG
Battery size 100 kWh
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where E low and E high are the lower and upper limits of the
battery level, respectively. These values have the following
E high = h × E max
E low = l × E max (4)
0 < l < h < 1, Fig. 6. Battery cycle-to-failure versus the depth of discharge gap [34]
The fluctuation of the battery energy level in this case is The loss of life (LoL) of the battery caused by a specific δ
described as can be estimated by the equation 1/fn (δ). The battery moves
toward to the end of its life, the LoL approaches to 1. In
= −Pb (t) + Ps (t). (6) the dynamic charging EV system, a number of discharges
dt can be shown in a DOD trajectory of one service. Thus, the
Generally, the battery energy state is expressed as ratio, the total losses of battery life by one service, LoLs is linearly
state of charge (SOC), and it is represented as accumulated as
Z t X 1
1 LoLs = . (10)
SOC(t) = SOC(0)− max {−Pb (τ )+Ps (τ )} dτ. (7) fn (δj )
E 0 ∀j
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10.1109/TPEL.2015.2424712, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
where δj is the DOD gap of j th discharge cycle in the DOD install a power track ($/each), and cv is the installation cost
trajectory of vehicle’s service. Therefore, the battery life can per length of each power track ($/meter). The cost of the
be represented by the maximum number of services with a battery is linearly proportional to the unit size. This linear
new battery, and denoted by Ns . cost approximation is widely used in industry [35]. Therefore,
1 the first term represents the total battery cost in the system. If
Ns = (11) the total service life of the dynamic charging EV system is Tt ,
the battery will be replaced in accordance with its lifetime Tb .
If a vehicle serves Nd operations in a day, then the maximum The number of batteries required for each vehicle to cover
expected lifetime of its battery Tb is represented by the total service life is obtained by Tt divided by Tb . The
Ns second term and third term represent the total fixed cost and
Tb = . (12)
Nd the variable cost of the power tracks, respectively.
Let T be the time at which the vehicle reaches the base
station, and Lmax
pt be the maximum length of a power track.
We construct the optimization model in this section. Sup- Then, the economic model (EM) economically allocating
pose that a vehicle is about to leave the ith power track. With the power tracks and determining the battery size is then
our notation, this point is indicated as xei . The time at which described as follows:
the vehicle is at this point is indicated by tei . The level of
energy at tei is E(tei ). The vehicle now departs from the ith
power track, and continuously travels along a route with no N
Tt X
EM: Minimize k· cb ·E max · xei −xsi
power track until it reaches the next power track, at point +cf ·N +cv ·
xsi+1 . Again, the moment at which the vehicle arrives at the Tb i=1
next power track is tsi+1 . The following constraint must be subject to
satisfied. Z tsi+1 E(0) = E high (16)
E(tei ) − Pb (t)dt ≥ E low . (13) Z tsi+1
tei E(tei )− Pb (t)dt ≥ E low , for i = 0,. . . ,N (17)
The first term in (13) is the energy level when the vehicle Z tei+1
leaves the ith power track, and the second term indicates the
E(tei+1 ) e
Pb (t)dt+ps · tei+1 −tsi+1
= min E(ti )−
amount of energy consumed while the vehicle is traveling tei
the area with no power track. Therefore, (13) represents the
amount of energy in the battery when the vehicle arrives , E high , for i = 0, . . . , N −1 (18)
at the beginning of the (i + 1)th power track. The energy
level needs to be greater than the lower energy limit of the E(T ) ≥ E low (19)
battery. In other words, the power track needs to be installed te0= 0, tsN +1 =T (20)
in such a way that the energy level is greater than the lower Z t∗
limit. We now evaluate the amount of energy at the end of xi = v(t)dt, for ∗ = {s, e}, and i = 1, . . . , N (21)
the (i + 1)th power track, that is, the energy supply and
xsi < xei , for i = 1, . . . , N (22)
consumption between xei and xei+1 . The level of energy in
the battery at xei is E(tei ). Thus, the level of energy at xei+1 xei < xsi+1 , for i = 1, . . . , N −1 (23)
is described as follows: xei − xsi ≤ Lmax
pt , for i = 1, . . . , N (24)
0 ≤ xi ≤ L, for i = 1, . . . , N (25)
( Z )
min E(tei )− Pb (t)dt+ps · tei+1 −tsi+1 , E high . (14)
0 ≤ xei ≤ L, for i = 1, . . . , N (26)
tei E ≥0 (27)
Note that the battery energy level when the vehicle reaches
the end of the (i + 1)th power track should be less than the In the economic model, the constraints in (16) – (19)
upper limit of the battery, E high . If the energy amount is represent the battery energy state constraints. Specifically,
more than the upper limit, then the energy level would be the inequality in (17) represents the minimum energy re-
E high at xei+1 . quirement constraint, and (18) is the energy level when the
The objective function for the optimization model is de- vehicle leaves the end point of each power track. The physical
fined as follows: allocation constraints of the power tracks are defined in (20)
N – (24). The design variables and their boundary conditions
max Tt X
xei −xsi ,
k·cb ·E · + cf ·N + cv · (15) are defined in (25) – (27). Notations and definitions used in
Tb i=1 the economic model are summarized in Table II
where k is the number of vehicles, cb is the battery cost The EM can be solved using the meta-heuristics method,
per unit of energy capacity ($/kWh), cf is the fixed cost to and its solution algorithm is given in [23].
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10.1109/TPEL.2015.2424712, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
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0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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