Cause and Effect Group Five

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8 Group 5

Ca use
Ainul Fikri, S.Pd, M.Si Cause and effect

Group five
M. Fahri Wijaya Melinda Ariyanti

M. Fadhhilla Akbar Visca Meisa Kurnia S

M. Dimas Ramadhhon Rianti Zahrah Ayubitama

Conjunctions and examples of
cause and effect
due to
Example: Due to heavy rain, we can’t go to concert.
because of
Example: He got good grade because of his study habits.
owing to
Example: I didn't attend the practice owing to the headache.
as a consequence of
Example: He can’t take the exam as a consequence of cheating.
as a result of
Example: As a result of illegal hunting, the number of wild animals began to decrease.
Example: The food delivery didn't come yesterday. Hence, I ordered another one.
created by
Example: The terrible accident was created by careless driver.
Conjunctions and examples of
cause and effect
thanks to
Example: Thanks to your help, we were successful.
Example: Because he was sick, he did not cook well .
Example: The concert was canceled since it’s raining.
Example: As it is raining again, we will have to stay at home.
Example: I decided to call it a day for I was feeling tired.
Example: he baby was crying, so mother picked him up.
in order to
Example: She studied hard in order to pass.
Example: Dina comes late to school, then she get punishment from teacher.
Types of sentences and examples of
cause and effect

Cause and Effect sentences are divided into two types, namely sentences
followed by nouns and sentences followed by verbs or clauses

There are two causes and effect formulas, namely:

Sebab dan Akibat + Noun (Kata Benda)
Cause and Effect + Verb (Kata Kerja)

1. Cause and Effect Followed by Noun 2. Cause and Effect Followed by Subject + Verb

Signal words + Cause + Effect Signal words + Cause + Effect

Effect + Signal words + Cause Effect + Signal words + Cause
group 5 cause and effect

1. Cause and Effect Followed by Noun 2. Cause and Effect Followed by Subject + Verb
Due to Alfy’s cheating, he got a D from the I didn’t go to Devi’s house because she was
lecturer. doing her office task.

He always get punished because of his waking My boyfriend and I canceled our date since he
up late habits. was playing games with his friends.

As a result of heavy rain, we canceled the As it is still raining, we have to go home

camping event. wearing our raincoats.
Dialog Cause & Effect

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Pettern cause & effect

Formula in the Use of Cause and Effect

Connectors + kata benda (noun)

as a result, as consequences of, due to + cause,+ effect Effect + as a result/as consequences
of/ due to + Cause

Connectors + Klausa (clause)
as a result, because, as, so, since, for + cause/ + effect Effect + as a result, because, as, so,
since, for cause

Connectors + kata kerja (verb)/ kalimat (sentence)
Cause + thus, thereby, therefore, hence, consequently + effect (sentence)
Cause + thus, thereby, therefore, hence, consequently + effect (clause
Exsp erie ns c ause & effec t

Situation Because Respons

1. Why do you often get sleepy You should have slept under 9
Because I often sleep late
during class o'clock; 00 (Teacher's Response)

2021 2023
Because I consume too much You Should Take Care of Your
2. Why You Have Severe obesity
food in large quantities Diet (Doctor's Response)

3, Why did you get suspended Because I have violated the You should obey the rules more
from school for 4 days existing rules and not break them. (Parent
Exsp erie ns c ause & effec t

Situation Because Respons

You shouldn't make them feel

4. Why are you shunned by your Because I've disappointed them
classmates disappointed in you (Master's

2021 2023

5. Why do you cheat so often Because I didn't learn and wasn't You should study before the
during exams confident in my answers exam and should be confident in
your abilities (Peer Response)
XI.8 Group 5

tha nk
Group 5 XI.8

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